08x21 - Friends Like You

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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08x21 - Friends Like You

Post by bunniefuu »

# Heartbeat

# Why do you miss

# When my baby kisses me?

# Heartbeat

# Why does a love kiss

# Stay in my memory? #

# Rescue me oh, take me in your arms

# Rescue me I want your tender charms

# Yes, I'm lonely and I'm blue

# I need you and your love true

# Come on and rescue me

# Come on, baby, and rescue me

# Come on, baby and rescue me

# Cos I need you by my side

# Can't you see that I'm lonely?

# Rescue me

# Come on and take my heart

# Take your love and conquer every part

# Cos I'm lonely and I'm blue

# I need you and your love true

# Come on and rescue me

# Come on, baby, and rescue me

# Come on, baby and rescue me

# Cos I need you by my side

# Can't you see that I'm lonely?

# Rescue me... #



MC: That was really something, wasn't it?

A superb singing talent and surely one to watch in the future.

I leave you in the more than...

Fantastic, Gina. Really fab. Mwah!

Thanks, Terry.

- BARTENDER: It's already paid for. - Oh?

GINA: Cheers.

-Who's he? - I don't know.



CLAUDE: Any danger of being served, Mary?

Mr Greengrass, I've got summat I want to show you.

I hope it's made of glass and it's got a large Scotch in it.

No, it's this letter I got this morning.

CLAUDE: I'll have a look at it in a minute. Come on, Mary!

I've only one pair of hands, Claude!

If you had two, I'd let you knit me a pullover.

If I get a drink soon, I'll take my valuable custom elsewhere.

Is that a threat or a promise?

When I want your opinion, Oscar, I'll ask for it.

Matter of fact, I've got a bone to pick with you.

- OSCAR: Oh aye? - Yeah.

Your postman coming around my house sticking a note through my door

saying there's a parcel for me, if I want it, I've got to fetch it.

It might have something to do with the fact your parcel

was too big to fit through your letterbox.

Thank you, Mary.

There's me thinking you'd left the country.

- Got nothing smaller, I suppose? - Put it on the slate if you like.

Now then, David, what's this letter you're talking about?

Well look, I think I've won some money, Mr Greengrass.

Have we?
















I didn't know you'd got any premium bonds, David.

It's what my mam gave us for my birthday.

To be honest, I'd forgotten I had it.

£ is a lot of money, you know. I mean, be a bit careful.

Somebody a bit unscrupulous would try and have it off you.

-Like who? - Like me, for a start.


Er, two pints of your best when you're ready, please.

Where's our lovely landlady tonight?

Out on a gig with her new manager, Terry.

I take it you like him, then(!)

He's not the sort of company I'd have picked out for her,

any more than any of the others she's mixing with over there.

Er, over where?

This new club they've opened in Whitby, The Blue Parrot.

Bit like that, is it?

From what I've heard,

it's not the sort of place you'd take your maiden aunt.

Yeah? Must be one we missed, eh, Mike?



MAN: Rory Shaw.

Pleased to meet you.

So, tomorrow the Palladium, eh, love?

LAUGHS Let's not go mad, eh?

You've a great voice there, love.

And everything that goes with it.

So, tell me, Rory, are you always this shy and retiring?

Or have I caught you on a bad night?


MUSIC: 'Apache' by The Shadows

If I'd just won a hundred quid, I'd book myself a cruise.

I don't want to get seasick.

Book yourself into the poshest hotel in London

and live the high life for a week.


I couldn't. I'd get t'knives and forks mixed up.

OSCAR: If you've got any sense, you'll put it in the post office.

On commission, eh?

I'm just trying to give the lad some sensible advice.

Which is more than he'll get from you.

I already know what I'm gonna do with it.

What would that be, then?

Oh, you'll see.

'Dedicated Follower Of Fashion' by The Kinks

# They seek him here they seek him there

# His clothes are loud

# But never square

# It will make or break him so he's got to buy the best

# Cos he's a dedicated follower of fashion #



- I've come for that package. - It will cost you thruppence.

- What for? - Well, that's why it wasn't left.

- There's postage due. - W-w-w-where is it?

If you give me the money, you'll find out, won't you?


- Here's your flaming thruppence. - And there's your flaming parcel!

Oh, hello!

It's David, isn't it? David Stockwell.

Uh... Aye.

Surely you remember me? Martin Featherstone.

I was a friend of your late father's.

Oh, yes. Mr Martin... Feather...

What can we do you for?


- I've had a bit of a windfall. -Oh, really?

MIKE: So they didn't actually get away with anything.

They were disturbed by a couple of our ladscoming off shift.

Did they manage to get a look at them?

A couple of teenage lads, they reckon.

MIKE: What exactly is kept in the shed?

Detonators. Stuff we put out on the track when it gets foggy.

- Sounds dangerous. - They can be, in the wrong hands.

MUSIC: 'Day Is Done' by Nick Drake

# When the party's through

# Seems so very sad for you

# Didn't do the things you meant to do

# Now there's no time to start anew

# Now the party's through

# When the day is done

# Down to earth then sinks the sun

# Along with everything that was lost and won

# When the day is done #


Good of you to join us(!)


It must have been in the early hours when I got to bed.

It was two o'clock when I did.

They've asked me again for tonight.

Oh, have they?

Look, it's only for a couple of weeks

till the regular singer has had her baby.

And like Terry says, it could lead to bigger things.

Terry said that, did he?


I don't know why you don't like him.

He's all right once you get to know him.

- He's just a bit flash, that's all. - He's certainly that.

So, how did it go?

I went down a b*mb, and I got chatted up by this dead dishy fella.

Lucky you.

I spent the night matching wits with Claude Jeremiah Greengrass.


What are you going to do with the rest of your money, David?

I thought I might put it in the post office.

Or I could go on one of those luxury cruises.

Or then, I might go and stay in one of them posh hotels in London.

The thing you must realise about money, David, is,

pound notes are a bit like rabbits.


Put them in the right place,

and they're inclined to increase and multiply.

- Investment, that's the key. - I don't know owt about that.

Well, I might be able to help you there.


Detonators 'ey?

Cheaper than buying fireworks, I suppose.

And just as capable of blowing one of your hands off

if you aren't careful.

I suppose so.

Those railway yards were part of Ventress's beat, weren't they?


- TERRY: Hello, again. - Oh, hello.

Is she up?

She's in the kitchen having coffee.


Guess who! GINA GASPS

Terry! You frightened the life out of me.

How's my favourite star keeping this morning?

Not doing a lot of twinkling to be honest.

It's all these late nights you're keeping.

Yeah, well, that's what my Aunty Mary reckons.

I don't think your Aunty Mary likes me.

Well, she probably thinks you're after my body.

No rule says you can't mix a bit of business with pleasure.



ANNOUNCER ON TV: 'Welcome, ladies and gentlemen,

to a new series of Says Les.'



'Special guests this week, John Cleese and Lulu.'

-JACKIE: Hi. - Hello, Jackie.

Come in.


Take a seat.

Just a couple more documents for you to sign and then that's it.

- Do you want me to sign them now? - No, not really.

As long as you let me have them back in the next couple of weeks.

How are you feeling now?

Oh... I'll survive.

People seem to.

Come on. Get your coat on.

- Why? - I'll buy you a drink.

No, I don't think so. Thanks, Jackie.

Maggie, do you think this is what Neil would have wanted?

For you to stay in on your own night after night?

Come on. Please.

It'll be easier than you think.


So, you're saying you never saw or heard anything

over at those yards last night?

-No, Sarge. - Can you explain that?

Maybe the kids made their move right after I left.

And maybe we wouldn't spoon-feed our young criminals

if we did our jobs properly!

I want the premises patrolled thoroughly tonight. Is that clear?

Right, Sarge.



MIKE: Hello, Maggie. It's erm...

- Good to see you. - MAGGIE: Thanks.

How are you?

Oh er...

- People do keep asking me that. - Because they're concerned.

Of course they are. We all are.

So, erm... What's it going to be?

- JACKIE: I'll get them. - No. They're on the house.

Erm, I'll have a fruit juice. Thanks, Mary.

Don't go mad just cos it's free(!)


Glad to see you back, love.

That goes for all of us.

MUSIC: 'Wonderful Life' by The Shadows


What do you think?

Go get 'em, kid.


The Parakeets, they're our resident band.

All right, love? Go on, knock 'em dead!

MC: OK, people, next up we've got a lass

who's only performed here once before.

Is this seat taken?

MC: She's going to be a big star in the future.

So let's have a warm welcome for Miss Gina Ward!


SONG: 'It Might As Well Rain Until September'

# The weather here has been as nice as it can be

# Although it doesn't really

# Matter much to me

# For all the fun I'll have while you're so far away

# It might as well rain until September


# It doesn't matter whether skies are grey or blue

# It's raining in my heart

# Cos I can't be with you

# I'm only living for the day you're home to stay

# So it might as well rain

# Until September

# September

# So it might as well rain... #

MAN: Excuse me.

OFFICER: Excuse me. Police.

Er, right, ladies and gentlemen.

Very sorry to interrupt your evening.

If you'll all stay exactly where you are, please.

This won't take very long.

Unless any of you have anything on you.

You shouldn't have, of course.


MUSIC: 'You'll Never Walk Alone' by Gerry And The Pacemakers

# When you walk

# Through a storm

# Hold your head

# Up high

# And don't

# Be afraid

# Of the dark

# At the end

# Of a storm

# There's a golden sky

# And the sweet silver song

# Of a lark #

You admit that this is your bag, Miss Ward?

Well, yeah, it is.

But I don't know how they got in it!

I've never seen that bottle before!

Course you haven't.

MUSIC: 'Worried Man Blues' by Lonnie Donegan

# Ride the train, whoo

# Well, the train that I ride is coaches long

# Yeah, the train that I ride is coaches long...


RADIO: # The train that I ride is coaches long


# She's on that train and gone #


Oh, Mike!





# The train that I ride is coaches long

# The train that I ride is coaches long

# My love is on

# She's on that train and gone #

Honest, Mike, I wouldn't take dr*gs.

OK. Come on, Gina. Sit down. It'll be all right.

- But they don't believe me! - I know.


Let's just run through it one more time, from the top.

Where were you when the CID arrived?

-I was onstage. - And where was your bag?

It was back on the table.

You left your bag unattended on a table in a crowded club?

Look, I was keeping an eye on it, OK?

Only when the police arrived, all hell broke loose!

- So anyone could've got at it? - Well, in the confusion, yeah.

Including you, presumably.

Well... yeah.

But why would I do that to Gina?

As far as I'm concerned, we're going places.

OK. Erm...

Was there anyone else at the table?

There was this bloke, Rory something with her.

-Shaw. - Well, was he a friend of yours?

Well no. I've just seen him in there a couple of times.

How was it left with the police in Whitby?

They're waiting for the pills to be analysed

before they can take the next step.

What do you think?

I think she needs a good lawyer.


Jackie Lambert.

Oh, hi, Mike.


Well, what happened?



I want a word with you.

- Another one? - Yeah.

All that package you charged me thruppence for

had in it were this... a gardening catalogue.

I didn't realise you were horticulturally inclined.

I'm not, and I didn't even order it!

You must've known what were in the package.

I'm not in the habit of steaming open people's mail, Greengrass.

And even if I had, it would still cost you thruppence.

So don't come in here asking for a refund!

I know better to ask, don't I?

On page , it tells you how to build a wishing well.

Why don't you follow the instructions

and chuck yourself down it?

And don't bother about making a wish.

I'll be taking care of that.




Ashfordly Police.

- Phil. - PHIL: 'Alf.'

Listen, if Craddock wonders where I am,

tell him I went straight home after I finished my shift.

- 'Will you?' - Right.

And if Mrs Ventress rings,

tell her I've been unavoidably detained at the station

on a very important case.

Where exactly are you?







What do you think?

It's... certainly eye-catching.




Oh! Who did you lose the bet to?

Don't you like it?

You look like a pair of curtains!

Pull yourself together!


MARY: I think it's lovely, David. I think you look really 'with it'.

If that's 'with it', I'd rather be without it.

Is that what you've been wasting your money on?

Well, some of it, yeah.

- What about the rest? - Oh. That's all invested.

By this time next month, I will have doubled that money.

And pigs might!

Well, you come outside and I'll show you what I've bought.

I think you'll be surprised.

I bet I'll be disappointed.


No sign of Ventress, Bellamy?

Er, he went straight home, Sarge.

Whoever had a go at the storage sheds

at the railway yards the other night,

had another bite last night.

This time, cleaned it out!

Oh dear.


RADIO: # Never thought I'd find a girl like you

# Now I have I know I'll never be blue

Tickets, please.

# It's gonna be all right all right, all right

# It's gonna be all right #

So, your story is that you'd never seen these pills before?

It's no story, Jackie. It's the truth!

So how did they come to be in your handbag?

Cos someone must've stuck them in there!

Like who for instance?

Like anyone I suppose who wanted to get shot

before the police found dr*gs on them.

Have you ever taken dr*gs, Gina?


So you're insisting on pleading not guilty.

Of course I am! Cos I'm not guilty!

I mean, whose side are you on?

Look, if I wasn't on yours, I wouldn't be here now, would I?

If you think this is tough,

it's nothing to the grilling you're going to get

when the prosecution get to work on you.

You meant to say, you spent all your money on these?!

Aye. It were Mr Featherstone what put me onto them, you see.

They're all from this mate of his who's had to get shot

because his business has gone bust.

Who's Mr Featherstone?

Well, you know, these are a real bargain, he said.

Did he?

Well, if they're such a bargain, why didn't he snap them up himself?

Ah, he's a bit short of cash at the moment.

Not any more, he's not. Not since he's seen you coming!

I mean, where are you going to get rid of them?

Well, that's where you come in, Mr Greengrass.

- Me? - To advise me.

You've left it a bit late, David. I mean...

I mean, have you seen this? Look!

I mean, look at that!

I mean, look. Look!

I mean, they're seconds! Look, they're seconds!

Look at that! Look at thi...

You've been done, David, well and truly.

How many times have I told you, if you let somebody rip you off,

why not let me do it?

Because I just wanted to do one thing for myself, that's why!

And I've gone and messed it up, haven't I?

David, watch my head.

So, what do you think?

Well, I certainly don't think she's guilty. Do you?

SCOFFS No. Not for a minute.

So, what next?

Well, I'll er...

I'll ride to Whitby and find out what the score is with the CID.

Thanks for the recommendation, by the way.

Well, having been on the receiving end

of your courtroom manner myself,

you were the first person I thought of.

Did you inspect the jackets before you bought them?

- Yeah. - And?

Well, they look all right to me.

Well, in that case, he's not broken any law.

He quoted you a price, you inspected the goods,

and were both willing parties to the deal.

T-they're seconds. Look!

They're falling apart! Any fool can see that!

Well, that's why he was letting them go cut-price.

I'm sorry, Claude. I just can't help you.

-But... - Save your breath, David.

They're not interested unless you're a motorist with a dodgy lamp.

Come on.


Ashfordly Police.

Mrs Ventress. I was just...

Right. Well...


Well, he's got tied up on this big case, you see.


Well, expect him when you see him, really.



It's in connection with Gina Ward. You er...

You nicked her for possession of dr*gs at The Blue Parrot.


Well, I was wondering if you'd be charging her.

We're waiting for the lab report on the pills.

But that's just a formality, of course.

One way and another, it just wasn't her night.

How do you mean?

She was the only one in the club with any stuff on her.

So, what's your interest in her?

Well, she happens to be the landlady of my local.

And I don't believe for a minute she'd be involved with dr*gs.

All we can go on are the facts as we find them, Constable Bradley.

There were two people at the table where she left her bag.

One was her manager Terry Connelly, and the other was another bloke...

What's his name? Er...

Rory Shaw.

That's right.

And so?


We checked Connelly out.

He's got a bit of form in Liverpool but very nothing serious of recent.

Certainly nothing involving dr*gs.

What about the other bloke, Rory Shaw?

Nobody we talked to down the club seems to know Rory Shaw.

Oh! Come on. That's suspicious in itself, isn't it?

Not necessarily. After all, she only met the bloke twice.

In a noisy nightclub she could have got the name wrong.

Even if she hadn't, there's no way of proving he planted the dr*gs.

Look, Bradley, I can understand you putting a good word in for her,

but at the end of the day, this is a CID case.

Right. Well er...

- Thanks very much for your help. -You're welcome.

Oh! Hello, Alf. Come in.

Er, I was wondering if you'd do me a favour.

Now, you're certain you weren't mistaken about the name?

I'm positive, Mike, and so is Terry.

What's going on?

Er... I don't know exactly.

Listen, erm, are you free tonight?

Huh! Tonight and every night after last night.

Well, well! The invisible man returns.

Ventress, what's all this?

SIGHS Well...

It happened during the night, Sarge,down at the railway station.

Well I, I'd only just got there.

Everything seemed to be in order and er...

All of a sudden, I heard this noise.

CRADDOCK: Oh, yes?

So I... I set off running.

Only with it being so dark, I er...

I fell off the edge of the platform.

Good grief!

Well, when I got to my feet, I realised...

Obviously I'd done my shoulder in.

You were lucky you didn't break your neck, really.

Well, right.

So I, er, made my way to the hospital.

Why didn't you let us know?

You mean to say that Mrs Ventress didn't ring?

Well, I certainly asked her to.

Well, if she was that upset, understandable, you know?

Oh, yes. There's a point.

So, is the shoulder broken?

It's just badly bruised, Sarge.

But I wanted you to know that I'm perfectly happy to come in here,

if only to answer the phone.

That's very noble of you, Ventress.

So, er... See you in the morning, eh, Sarge?


You know, Alf, just occasionally you still manage to amaze me.


- GINA: If I see him what do I do? - MIKE: Just point him out to me.

Surely there'll be no need for that?

There he is, Mike!

Where's he going?



Are you sure it was DC Thomason you saw?

No doubt about it.

- So, what's going on? - Well, I don't know.

I can hardly go back and ask, can I?

But then...

You could.

How much longer is this gonna go on?

I can't suddenly make a miraculous recovery.

Er, morning, Sarge.

Morning, Ventress.

How's the arm?

Well, I can't pretend I've had a good night's sleep.

But, er, into every life, 'ey, Sarge?

Er, you wouldn't mind, would you?

Of course not.

Anything else I can help you with? The odd grape peeling perhaps?

I wouldn't mind a nice cup of tea.


DI HAGGERTY: Do you think he recognised you?

DC THOMASON: Bound to have, guv.

Then again, there's no reason to believe

that he'd have recognised Rory.

But Gina Ward did.

Perhaps not your brightest idea you've had this week

telling Bradley nobody'd ever heard of Rory Shaw.

Come on, sir, how was I supposed to know he'd carry on sniffing around?

Besides, it could've been a coincidence,

them being outside the club.

I don't believe in coincidences...

On principle.

I don't know what you're gonna do with it all,

but you can't leave it here!

- Must be somebody who can help us. - I'm sure there is(!) Like who?

Well, like Mr Blaketon.

Blaketon? You'll go and see him over my inert torso!

I've lost all my money!

All right, you can go and have a word with him.

I can't do that!

Why not? You've got a tongue in your head, haven't ya?

Yes, I have, but if I see someone like Blaketon, it gets all tied up.

You're not fit to be let out on your own, you know that?

Yes, I do.

That's why I need your help, Mr Greengrass.

I was looking for Detective Constable Thomason.

Ah, he's had to nip out. Can I help you?

I'm DI Haggerty. He works for me.

Jackie Lambert. I'm acting for Gina Ward.

I am aware of who you are, Miss Lambert.

So, are you charging her?

Too early to say yet.

But the likelihood is that you will be.

Too early to say.

I'm absolutely convinced that she's been framed.


And do you have any evidence to support that theory, Miss Lambert?

Or is it simply 'female intuition'?

Does the name Rory Shaw mean anything to you, Inspector?

I gather he's certainly known to DC Thomason.

Are you suggesting there's any significance in that?

Oh, come on now, Inspector.

We're both well aware of its significance, aren't we?

Will that be all, Miss Lambert? I am rather busy.

I think that will do for the moment.Thanks.

But, if and when DC Thomason does surface,

you might tell him I'd like a word with him.

Otherwise I'll see you both in court and Rory Shaw, perhaps.

Who else knows about our connection with Rory Shaw,

apart from the whole of the North Riding?!

Get me Ashfordly.

OSCAR: Ah. Thank you, Mary.

SIGHS We want a word.

What sort of a word?

Well, we need your advice, Mr Blaketon.

Against my better judgement, David thinks he needs your advice.

All right, David.

I'm all ears.

Go on. You ask him!

I am familiar with the case, yes, sir.

Though I must say I wasn't aware one of my constables

was involving himself personally with it.

Come on, son. Come on. Come on!


What do you reckon, Mr Blaketon?

I think PC Bellamy's right. You don't have a leg to stand on.

So he can be done out of his money and there's nowt you can do!

I never said that, Greengrass! Right, David...

What was the name of this so-called 'friend' of your father's?

Mr Featherstone.

Hm. Does he have a first name?

Well, it's Martin. Martin Featherstone.

Is he in his er... late forties, early fifties?

What do you think?

No good asking me, is it? How old did he look?

About .

Well, say 'yes', then.

Yes, then.





Hello, Sarge.

I'd like a word, Bradley, if you've a minute.

Oh, yes. Certainly.

Rory Shaw is an informer.

Well, why didn't someone tell me about that?

CID don't make a habit of sharing that kind of information

with humble constables!

More importantly, it isn't as simple as that.

Well, how do you mean?

According to Inspector Haggerty, they have suspected for some time

that Shaw was playing both ends against the middle,

providing Thomason with the odd titbit,

but up to his neck in the drug racket himself.

That raid the other night was a set-up

to confirm their suspicions of him.

MIKE: How?

By tipping off Shaw in advance the raid was going to take place.

They knew dr*gs were changing hands there every night of the week.

If they raided and found the place clean,

that would be proof positive that Shaw was unreliable, wouldn't it?

Since he knew about the raid and warned everybody.

Everybody that is except for the unfortunate Gina Ward.

If that's true, then that suggests

the dr*gs found on Gina were hers after all.

I'm afraid so.

A classic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

No. I-I'm sorry, Sarge.

No, I just don't believe that about Gina.

- What if it was a cover-up? - A cover-up?

Like Thomason and Haggerty, because they're in the racket.

I'm going to pretend I never heard that remark, Bradley.

In words of one syllable, keep out!

And it goes without saying

that what you've heard here is entirely confidential.



Good grief! What happened to you?

Which version do you want?

The real version or the expurgated one?

Both corkers.

Take no notice. He's burbling again.

What can we do for you, Oscar?

I was just wondering whether the name Martin Featherstone

meant anything to you?

It does. Yes.

I had a feeling it might.



I still haven't heard anything, you know?

Er, so I gather.

Is that a good sign or bad sign?

Gina, I... I really don't know.

But I'm innocent, Mike!

Yeah, look, I believe you. We've done everything we can.

It's... Look, it's just a question of waiting now.

How long is it going to take, eh?



Ashfordly Police. Sergeant Craddock speaking.

Which railway station?

Yes, stationmaster, how may I help you?


We've just closed.

Oh, I'm sure this won't take long, Mr Featherstone.

Have we met?

- We have now. - How can I help you?

We've got a business proposition for you.

Oh, yes?

You see, we've got these jackets.

T-They're what they call seconds.

Well, to tell you the honest truth, they're a right load of rubbish.

But we thought you might like to buy them.

Is this some sort of joke?

I don't think so. We don't seem to be laughing.

But you were, weren't you?

When you sold them to David Stockwell yesterday.

Oh, I see. Friends of his, are you?

We're very friendly people.

Unless somebody tries to get on the wrong side of us.

You, er, manage this place, Mr Featherstone?


Are your employers, are they aware of your criminal past?

- My what? - OSCAR: You know.

The times you've been done for shoplifting and fraud.

I do know you, don't I? You used to be a copper.

I've felt more collars than you've had hot dinners.

And he's not even worked in a gentlemen's outfitters.

Bellamy, can I have a word?

Yes, Sarge.


Ventress. He's not in any kind of trouble, is he?

Apart from the injured shoulder.

Trouble? How do you mean, Sarge?

Oh, I don't know.

Not in any financial difficulties or anything?

No. I don't think so.

Everything all right at home, is it, with Mrs Ventress?


That's all, Bellamy. Thank you.


Shut the door, will you?



Don't worry, love. Something will turn up.

But what if it doesn't?


Look, it's no good, Aunty Mary.

If the police won't do anything, I'm gonna have to do it myself.

Do what exactly?

Find Rory Shaw, that's what, and when I find him,

tell him exactly what I think of him!

It's gotta be him who stuck them dr*gs in my bag. It's gotta be.




What's happened? Did you...


Well, what happened, then?

Right, David, there's your money.

And I want to see you first thing in the morning

in my post office with all of that.

Don't you worry, Mr Blaketon, I'll be there.

In the meantime you can buy me a large Scotch.

A very large Scotch.

MUSIC: 'Apache' by The Shadows

Jackie, what is it?

I've just had Mary on the phone about Gina.

I think she might be about to do something dangerous.




DC THOMASON: Hello, hello, hello.

The g*ng's all here, eh?

And right on cue.


DC THOMASON: I don't believe it.

He'd better not mess this up.

Come on.

MUSIC: 'FBI' by The Shadows



- Gina, what are you doing here? -Sticking up for myself!

Which is more than your lot were prepared to do.

Have you any idea of the sort of people you're dealing with?

And what am I supposed to do? Nothing?

Just sit around and let myself be crucified for something I didn't do?

Oh! Well, well. If it isn't the man who never was!

Gina, no!

- Let go of me, Mike! - No.

Like Jackie just told you,

you don't know what you're getting into.

If you don't let go of me, I'll scream the place down!


- What do you think? - Not bad.

ALARM The door!


Get the dr*gs!

He's locked us in!


Mind out.



Book him.


MIKE: Excuse me. Police.

Excuse me. Police. Excuse me. Excuse me. Police.





You're nicked!



Oh! Morning, Sarge.

- No sling this morning? - Oh, feeling a lot better, Sarge.

Give it another week, it'll be as good as new.

So long as I carry on taking it easy, that is.

That is good news.

Your friend over at Crewe Station will be pleased.

Crewe Station, Sarge?

The stationmaster there.

He rang yesterday to find out how your investigation was going.

My investigation, Sarge?

The one that took you over there one morning this week.

Only one thing puzzles your friend, see.

When he put you on the train back,

he was firmly under the impression you were sound of wind and limb.

How do you account for that then, Ventress?

I believe Gina has some news for me.

Oh yes! She's in her room if you want to go on up.



Hello, Mike. Where's Gina?

- In the clear, I'm happy to say. - Really?

- That's fantastic. - Yeah? I'm glad you think so.

Can I warn you anything you say may be taken down in writing

and used in evidence?


You planted those bombers on Gina, didn't you?

You must be joking! Me? Never.

Now you see, I've never believed it was Gina the dr*gs belonged to.

I mean, why would she take the trouble

to wipe her fingerprints off the bottle but leave it in her bag?

There were no dabs of mine on the bottle.

There were no dabs of anybody's.


But it's not the bottle we're talking about here, Terry.

We're talking about the pills themselves.

What do you mean, the pills?

The coating on black bombers, Terry,

perfect for fingerprints.

So we had a set of yours sent up from Liverpool this morning.

Taken after a youthful indiscretion of yours some years ago.

Look... kid, I....

When I saw the uniforms, I just panicked.

But still found time to wipe the bottle clean.

Who needs enemies, eh, Terry?

So tell me this, Constable, since you're so clever.

What's that?

How come Thomason and Haggerty

didn't find fingerprints on the bombers?


Which fingerprints would those be then?

I can see I'm going to have to watch you... very carefully.

You'd better believe it.


# Heartbeat

# Why do you miss

# When my baby kisses me?

# Heartbeat

# Why does a love kiss

# Stay in my memory? #
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