10x07 - The Traveller

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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10x07 - The Traveller

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss

♪ When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪

David, leave that. Come on, we've got some work to do.

We're a blooming village.

There's only one thing in this village

I'd refer to as being "a blooming",

and it wouldn't be a verb, it'd be an adjective.

I don't really understand that.

No, neither do I. Come on.

Give us the money.

No chance, lad. That's my cash.

- I earned that. - But you're insured.

Clear off before I turn nasty.

WHISPERS Show him the g*n.




Come on!

Here you are, mate. quid.

How about a fiver back for luck?

- You can have two. - You big spender.

- Thirsk horse fair, Ventress. - What about it, Sarge?

I'm told there's a tradition

the day before it happens for certain itinerants

to close off public roads and hold pony-trap races.

- What do you know about this? - I've heard about it, Sarge.

It had better not be on our patch.

Thank you, sir. I'll tell Sergeant Craddock.

What's that, Bellamy?

There's been an attempted armed robbery in Malton, Sarge.

Hardly our patch.

Headquarters want us to set up road blocks

in case they try and get away across the moors.

Seems unlikely to me.

A highly sagacious analysis, Ventress.

However, be that as it may,

if Division says do it, we'd better do it.

What are the details, Bellamy?

They're issuing firearms, Sarge.

- Slow down! - Sorry.

- Who are you? The Lone Ranger? - I was scared.

I still am. I said, "show him the g*n", not "fire it".

Just got carried away. I've never held one before.

Anyway, I didn't fire it.

Not for want of trying!

What were you thinking, anyway? It's not even loaded.

g*nsh*t Argh! My foot! You shot my foot!

- PETER: Who told you to load it? - NAT: You did!

I gave you b*ll*ts. It's different. Pull over here.

It's a flesh wound.

It'll heal up.


Get in the other side. I'll drive.


NAT: What'll we do?

PETER: The horse fair is this weekend at Thirsk.

NAT: We haven't any money for horses.

PETER: We're not buying horses, are we?

We'll go there, we'll find some nice tinker to take us to Ireland.

- Until? - Until the coppers forget about us.

Hey! Mind where you're pointing that thing!


It's not me.

Now what?

Now help me push it in that river.

I'm injured.

Come on.



So... this must be the roadblock, then.

Yes. It is. Surprise is my main w*apon.

Craddock sent you these b*ll*ts in case surprise wasn't enough.

You've got to sign for them first.

Here you go.

I'm to remind you, Alf,

that you're to account for each and every one of them.

- Right. - Ta.

Aren't you gonna put them in your g*n?

What for? If I fire one, I'll have to go and find it.

You've got your first customer, Alf.

Hello, traveller.


Nathaniel Cooper. Nat, they call me.

Johnny Lee.

Where are you headed?

Thirsk. And you?

Thirsk too. For the horse fair.

Would you give me a lift?

Sure. What have you done to your foot?

I hit it with a spade.

Nasty. You should get that seen to.

Do you want some tea, Nat?

I'd rather get on.

Can I ride in the Varda?

Sure. If you'd like.

I can stretch my leg out.

- What's its name? - I've not decided yet.

Will you keep him?

I'll bring him on a bit and flog him at the horse fair.

How much can you bring him on

in a couple of days? - About quid.

What have you got the g*n on for, Alf?

Looking for armed robbers.

Well, if we bump into any, I'll let you know.

CLAUDE LAUGHS You do that.

He won't meet any armed robbers. Nor will we.

They wouldn't come this way.

Craddock's armed robbers will be tucked up

in Chapeltown or Wincobank by now.

- RAYMOND: Where were you born? - MAN: Liverpool.

I hope you're not intending to race that contraption around here.

Look at those nags. Are there any racers among them?

Is that a yes or a no?

We're on our way to the horse fair.

Once we're there we'll either buy a pony or sell a trap.

One is no good without the other.

You've been in trouble before?

Am I in trouble now, officer?

Why does she just breeze past and we get turned over?

Nobody's turning you over.

We're free to go?

Thank you for your help.


- Where are you heading? - The horse fair in a few days.

Can I see your licence, please?

- What's this about? - That's confidential.

Do you know a gypsy called Nathaniel Cooper?

We call ourselves travellers.

It's only rude and ignorant people call us Gypsies.

What have we got here?

You can come out now.

Thanks for not turning me in to the musgros.

I might have done, but he was obnoxious. What did you do?

Robbed a bookies.

- What did you get? - Nothing.

Have you a plan?

Go to Ireland. Hide for a bit.

No more robberies?

None. Robberies and me, we are distant cousins.

If I take you to Thirsk, Nat,

you and robberies ain't related at all.

You can count on it.

Thanks, Johnny.

You need to see a doctor.

I just want to go to Ireland.

Gina, that's lovely.

Oh, hey, Maggie.

It's for the Village In Bloom competition.

Oscar's driving me mad about it. MAGGIE CHUCKLES

- Nurse? - Yes?

Could you look at my friend's foot? He's cut it.

He's in the van.

Yes, okay. Pull onto there.

Thank you.

Is this all right?

Yeah. Well, it's empty.

Nothing to do with me.


- Hello. - NAT: Hi.

I see you've cut yourself.

It was an agricultural accident. I hit it with a hoe.

A hoe?

He means a spade.

Come on, then. Let's have a look at it.

How did you say you did this?

- Nice piece of horseflesh, sir. - CLAUDE: Thank you.

You obviously know a good horse

when you see one. - I do.

I was born aboard one, I hope to die aboard one.

Derek Egan. This is my daughter, Fiona.

Claude Greengrass.

You're a beautiful creature.

That's very kind of you. Mind you, I've looked after myself.

Fiona drives a trotting rig. She's a real winner.

CLAUDE: She would be if she trotted that one.

It's a beautiful pony.

Fiona's pony died.

- Would you sell him? - I might.

- I wouldn't take less than £. - We haven't got that.

How much have you got?


£? You might get one of his legs for that.

- What about a deal? - What sort of deal?

The area's full of travellers going to the horse fair.

- What do travellers like? - Travelling.



- No. - Excuse me asking,

what is this? Twenty questions?

Gambling. I have a trap and an expert driver.

You have a bright looking pony.

Now is that the making for a business arrangement or what?

Where would this contest take place?

Here. In Aidensfield.

Just block off the road, lay a few bets and Bob's your uncle.

- What about the coppers? - As long as we keep it quiet,

we can be in and out before they get wind of it.

Do you know a piece of common land where we can stop for a while?

Yeah. I do, as a matter of fact.

And it's not a million miles away from the pub.

Well, there's the car.

Where's Nat Cooper?

Under it, I hope. PHIL CHUCKLES

There's blood in here.

So, he's injured. Better tell Craddock.

- Will she tell the cops? - What do you think?

- I've got to leave. - We can't leave.

The horse fair.

The horse fair's in two days.

I can't drive you round in circles for two days, someone will notice.

You don't have to. I'll walk.

Oh, sure. We've got to find somewhere to hide you.

- You will still take me to Thirsk? - Yes.

- You won't leave me? - No.

Let's get out of this van.

If we don't get out of this van we'll both be in the nick.

- I want a bath. - You shall have one.

- Now. - When I say.

Also, I am injured. I am cut and bruised.

I want to see a doctor and I demand to make a telephone call.

Who do you know with a telephone?

That's my business. I have rights.

I want you to witness. He's not letting me have my rights.

- Where is Nathaniel Cooper? - Who?

Nat Cooper. You were in his car. Where is he?

- I don't know. - He was injured somehow.

- Was he? - Don't you muck about with me.

There's blood in your car.

I don't own a car, and I would like a glass of water.

Fetch him a drink, Bradley.

- Hello, Maggie. - Hello, Mike.

Long time no see. How can I help?

I've just treated somebody in Aidensfield

with a g*nsh*t wound.

Now he said he had an accident with a spade,

but he'd definitely been shot.

Really? Do you know where he is?

This'll do.

Now, go round about every four hours and resoak them.


The stuff smells much stronger to dogs than it does to us.

It'll k*ll your scent.

And I'll lead them somewhere else.

Get some kip. I'll fetch you some grub later.

What's up?

The stop lamp's gone on the back of me van.

What time does the garage open?

Not until tomorrow now. You can stop here for the night if you like.

- Thank you. - Just the one night.

Is it all right if I get some water?

Yeah. There's a tap round the back.

Is there some kind of job I can do for you in return?

No, it's okay. Just keep it tidy, eh?

I will. Thank you.


Oi! Get out of there!

My lads.

Just what do you think you're doing?

Making tea. Do you want some?

- You can't do that here. - Why not? It's common land.

Aye. Well...

my garden isn't. So keep your horses out of it.

And my advice to you is to pack up and get out of here.

We will. When we're ready.

Hello, mate. Is the outside tap through there?


For water.

- What do you want water for? - To drink.

- Is this your caravan? - Yes.

Do you mind telling me why it's in my car park.

I only want some water. It's free.

It might be free to you, but we pay rates.

Get this caravan out of this car park

and clear off out of here.

Actually, Oscar, I told him he could put it there.

I might have guessed.

Did you send the wagon train they could park

in the field behind? - Who?

We're drowning in scruffy oiks here, Gina.

And you've just invited one to park in our car park.

It's just for one night and he's harmless.

Harmless, eh?

All right?

He just left.

- When? - An hour ago.

Even though he was injured. You didn't think that was odd?

I'm not his keeper. I picked him up,

took him to the nurse, he limped away. End of story.

- Where did you pick him up? - Just after I left you.

The fact that I just stopped you didn't make you wary of hitchhikers?

When I asked you why you stopped me

you said I should mind my own business.

Just taking your advice, Sergeant. DOGS BARKING

PHIL: Sarge, the dogs have found a scent.

Is he always that charming?

Nat Cooper is an armed robber.

He frightened the life out of the people he robbed.

He's scared himself.

Is he? Where did he say he was going?

We never discussed it.


What's up? What's going on? What's happened?

We're in hot pursuit of an armed robber.

You can take your hot pursuit somewhere else,

'cause he's certainly not around here.

- Sarge. - Are these yours?

What? You're joking! I wouldn't get one leg in them.

- Search the house. - You can't do that!

- This man is armed and dangerous. - With no trousers on?

- I'm serious, Mr Greengrass. - So am I, Sergeant Craddock.

Do you want to come back with a search warrant?

Just make sure they don't touch what they shouldn't.

Otherwise, I'll have 'em and you.

- Is this your racing trap? - Yes.

We're not giving your lot a ride home in it.

I don't expect to see any racing around here.

- We've no one to race against. - Happy now?

This area's full of Gypsies. I know your game.

Sarge? Nothing.

Satisfied? If you've quiet finished, may I remind you

you're on private property, Sergeant Craddock. Kindly get off it.

- That's telling him, Claude. - As is my usual will.


He says Nat Cooper left about an hour ago.

- RAYMOND: Do you believe him? - He's not here. What do you think?

You can't move for Gypsies round here this week.

Any one of them could have given him a lift.

He's probably in Leeds. Or Sheffield.

Well, that's what Alf says.

Unfortunately, he's probably right.

Any luck?

- Right. Can I have a word? - Yeah, sure.

Is he involved?

Oh, come on, Oscar. You know I can't discuss that.

Well, I think I'm entitled to know.

Gina gave him permission to stop here. Now you tell me,

am I harbouring a criminal?

Let me put it this way,

if he was involved we would have arrested him. Will that do?

No, it won't.

We're surrounded by them.

There's another load in that field out the back.


You could move them on for me.

Oh, could I? Under what law exactly, Oscar?

Ways and means. PC's prerogative.

No. You know as well as I do...

What I know is this village is being swamped by Gypsies.

And you lot aren't interested in doing anything about it.

Then you know more than I do.

They're all over the place. they've got g*ns and dogs.

I thought World w*r III had broken out.

The man's an armed robber. A serious criminal.

They were probably in with me before they started looking for him.

I don't think that's funny, Greengrass.

You're quite right, Oscar.

Certainly not as funny as it was when you were in charge.


- MICHAEL: Off home, Claude? - I certainly am, Michael.

Early for you.

Yeah. And I'll probably still be too late for Crossroads.

I wasn't born yesterday, Claude.

I know not what you speak of, Michael.

- Evening. - Evening.

A pint, please.

- Mike. - Oscar.

- Your usual? - Yeah, please. Thanks.

Everything all right?

Fine, thanks. Can I buy you a drink?

Oh, ta. I'll have a lemonade.

Excuse me, mate.

- Mister. - Mister...


Mr Blaketon. John Lee. I think we got off on the wrong foot.

No, we didn't.

Let me buy you a drink and we can start again.

No, thanks.

Gina, just going outside.


- Pint? - Please.

You know what these beggars are up to,

don't you? - I do.

They're like a plague of locusts.

Come on, Oscar. Relax. They'll be gone in a couple of days.

Yeah. Well, I hope so.

Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention for a minute.

There are basically only two rules for the race.

The first rule is that I am the on-course bookmaker.

All bets must be placed with me.

And the second rule is

that the location and duration of the race

will be decided well in advance.

You'll all be given plenty of notification.

What happens if the bets are on and we can't run it?

Well, if that were to happen,

then, of course, the bets would be void and your money refunded.

Okay, Claude.

- That's three rules. - Yes, David.

And I have the final word. That's four.

I've got a feeling I've been teaching you too much.

Right, I'll see you all in the morning,

eight o'clock sharp. Don't be late.



Oh, no!

I don't believe it.

- We've had a break-in. - Oh, no...

I'm sorry. What's gone?

The petty cash. Just over quid.

- Bit of food and bottles of beer. - You'd better call the police.

Yeah, we will. You've no idea who might...

Lots of people might.

They'll think it's you, you know.

- Me? - Yeah. Your people.

I'm not the one to say "I told you so," Gina.

Well, I'm not the one who left the petty cash out.

No. Point taken.

Right. I'll call the police.


Hey! Get back. It's a copper. Get back!

Behind my truck. Quick!

Hello, Michael.


What are you up to?

That hut was like a prison cell.

You'd better get used to it. Why did you break into the pub?

Someone robbed the pub?

I was thirsty.

So that gave you the right to steal their money?

- Whose side are you on? - Not yours, obviously.

I need some money if I'm gonna travel to Ireland.

You'd better start walking.

We could leave today.

- Johnny! - We are going nowhere.

I'm desperate.

Nat, you're turning into a bad lot. You've got to stop it.

It's not the same as the bookies. I just needed a bit of cash.

Listen to me, it is the same! These people work hard for money.

You can't waltz in and nick it.

I didn't have a g*n with me. I'd never take one out with me again.

Just as well, mate.

Will you take me to Thirsk?


See you, then.

Not yet.

- The money. - I haven't got it.

You've got to look to the future sometime, Nat.

You may as well start now.

Come with me down to the village and give yourself up.

No chance.


All right, I'll get a fingerprint kit sent over.

- You won't need it. - Oh, why is that?

You know as well as I do who's responsible for this.

- It's those Gypsies. - Anyone in particular?


I made a few enquiries.

This is yours.

I lost a pane of glass as well.

Never mind the glass. Where did that come from?

- I can't say. - Nat Cooper?

Look, you're doing him no favours, hiding him.

I'm not hiding him.

But you know where he is.

That's it. What was yours?

Right, Archie. That's two to one, all right? £.


What have we got now? Did you want a bet?

- What? What? - Greengrass.

Hey, quick! It's the coppers! Scarper.

I'll give you this back in a minute.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you'd like to come forward,

we'll start the first race.

Try and keep off the course. As fast as you can.

Right, drivers. If you'd like to come into line,

we'll wait until I drop my hat before you cross the line.

Come up to the line.

To the line. Wait for it.

Don't cross the line.

Up to the line. And go!


JOHNNY: He hasn't got a g*n anymore.

I'm not taking any chances. Now, which way did he go?

- This way. - Right, lads.

Ventress, stay with the car. Try and keep in touch with us.

Hey, we made quid on that race.

Mr Greengrass...

are you gonna do that thing with Champagne for the winners?

Of course, I am. I told you. Give it a bit of flash.

It's just that... I've left it at home.

- You've done what? - Sorry.

What, the Champagne? You'd better go and fetch it, then.

Here. Here's the keys.

Be careful.

And bring it straight back. All right?

Well, go on! I ask you to do one thing...

He went down there.

You leave this to us. Bradley.

- I think I'd better come. - I don't think that's a good idea.

I don't think Nat's evil, but he is quite stupid.

The mood your sergeant's in, this could go quite wrong quite quickly.

Come on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Steady, boy. Steady, fella.

Don't cross the line until I drop my hat.

Are you ready? And go!

Go on, my girl! Go on!

ALL: Go on!


Are you waiting for Mr Greengrass?


That one doesn't work.

Yeah, that works.

You'll not be going sh**ting.

- No? - No. Look at your foot.

Will you take me to Thirsk?

I don't know the way. Do you?


I know. We'll wait till Mr Greengrass gets back.

He knows the way.

Do you want a cup of tea?

CLAUDE: Come on, Fiona!

Come on! Come on!

Come on, boy. Come on!

Come on, girl!


Yes! Yes!

What about that? Is that a horse?



Do you want sugar?

What's happening?

Tell them you're alone

and they've gotta go. - Why?

Because I'm desperate... and you are my prisoner.

That's the safety catch.

I'm alone here. You must go.

Why, David?

Because he's desperate and I'm his prisoner.

Get over here, lad, and stop prancing about.

NAT: I've a g*n and a hostage here!




So, Claude, how much for the pony?

I'll take £.

That's more than before.

Yeah. I didn't know how good he was then.

What about the money we've made you?

Buy him off me and look how much money you'll keep making.

You wouldn't think of shared ownership, maybe?

You've more chance of knitting fog.

There's a message from Division, Sarge.

There's a complaint that the road's been blocked off,

because of the pony trap racing.

Not now, Ventress.

You said you didn't want it happening on our patch.

There's a time and place for everything.

In case you hadn't noticed,

we're currently involved in an armed siege.

Just thought I'd let you know.

Thank you very much, Ventress.

If it's not too much trouble, perhaps you'd like to take cover.

- Are you mad? - You led the coppers here.

You're talking yourself

into a life sentence. - I've had enough.

You'll be before you get out of the nick. Minimum.

What am I supposed to do?

Start by putting the g*n down.

MICHAEL: He's right, Nat.

Put it down.



Phil! Call an ambulance.

- NAT: My foot! - It's his other foot.


What's going on, Alf? What's Mike doing with my shotgun?

- We need it for evidence, Claude. - Evidence? I've not done nowt.

That's a matter of opinion.

We've had a few complaints about the road being blocked.

Gambling and pony racing.

Pony racing? Nowt to do with me. I've not got a pony. I sold it.

Did we win, Mr Greengrass?

Go and do something useful, David.

Like what?

Stand in the middle of a field and frighten some birds.

Well, Claude?

I don't know what you're talking about, Alf. I tell you somethin',

if this lot has stopped my hens from laying,

you'll be hearing from my legal representatives.

Same time next year, Claude.

You dare, Claude.
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