Apollo 13 (1995)

Thriller/Mystery/Fantasy - Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Apollo 13 (1995)

Post by bunniefuu »

The crew's Crossing
gantry for capsule ingress.

Roger that.

Inspired by
the late President Kennedy,

in only seven years, America has risen
to the challenge of what he called,

"The most hazardous and dangerous
and greatest adventure

"on which man
has ever embarked. ".

After trailing the Russians for
years with our manned space program

and after that sudden
and horrible fire

on the launch pad
during a routine test

that k*lled American
astronauts Gus Grissom,

Ed White and Roger Chaffee,

there were serious doubts that we
could beat the Russians to the moon.

But tonight, a mere 18 months
after the tragedy of Apollo 1,

the entire world watched in awe
as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin

landed on the moon.

The big news
came just a moment ago.

Mission Control Gave
the spacecraft permission

to go for
the extra vehicular activity,

that is,
for the walk on the moon

far earlier than anticipated, 9:00 P.M.
Eastern Daylight Time...

The important thing when you
penetrate the lunar module

is your attitude
and relative speed.

Let's say this is me here in the
command module and this is you...

All right... In the LEM.

This thing sticking out here
is called the probe.

Is that true?


Tracey, when you feel that thing
slide in, everything's clicking,

it's like no other
feeling in the world.

A little liquid propulsion.
What's the big occasion?

How's it going at
Mission Control?

It's a nervous time. They're
pacing around and smoking.

Gene Kranz is gonna have puppies.
Jim Lovell.

This is Tracey.

How do you do, Tracey?
This is the man.

Gemini 7. Gemini 12. Apollo 8.

They were the first
around the moon.

This guy did 10 laps.

With one hand on the wheel.
Make yourselves at home.

This is the last champagne
in the city of Houston.

Very good.

Everything else all right?

Everything's on course.

- Looks okay... Hey Cadet Lovell!
- Hey, Dad.

Put this on ice.
Make sure it gets cold.

You gonna get
a haircut this week?

I'm on vacation.

Oh, get a haircut.

I wouldn't mind
being up there tonight.

God, who wouldn't.

Don't worry. Our day's coming.

They're not gonna cut the
program before number 14.

You know, my cousin called.

Asked who we bribed to
get on Jim Lovell's crew.

I told him they wanted to
make sure he got the best.

Well, they got that right.

What network do we want?

Put on Walter!

Jules Bergman!

John, turn it up!

I really appreciate

you all coming to this dress rehearsal
party for my Apollo 12 landing.

Sit down, Conrad.

I think we should all take
a moment to recognize

the exemplary,

hell, damn near heroic effort

displayed by Neil Armstrong's
backup for this historic moon walk

and, of course, his crew.

Let's hear it for Jim Lovell,
Ken Mattingly and Fred Haise.

There he is!
Everybody quiet down!

Hey! Kids!

You got a good picture, huh?

We can verify the position of the
opening I ought to have on the camera.

You think it's too
late for him to abort?

He still has time to get out.

He just needs somebody
to wave him off.

Pull up, Neil!

Pull up!

Neil, we can see you
coming down the ladder now.

Look at those pictures.

I'm at the foot of the ladder.

The LEM footpads are only
depressed in the surface about

one or two inches.

It's almost like a powder.

Armstrong is on the moon.

Neil Armstrong,
38-year-old American

standing on
the surface of the moon

on this July 20, 1969.

That's one small step for man,

one giant leap for mankind.

His quote was,

"That's one small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind. "

You're drunk, Lovell.

I'm not used to the champagne.

Me, neither.

I can't deal with Cleaning up.
Let's sell the house.

All right, let's sell the house.

They're back inside
now looking up at us.

Isn't that something?

I bet Jannie Armstrong doesn't
get a wink of sleep tonight.

When you were on the far
side on 8, I didn't sleep at all.

I just vacuumed
over and over again.

Christopher Columbus, Charles
Lindbergh, and Neil Armstrong.

Neil Armstrong.

From now on, we live in a world
where man has walked on the moon.

It's not a miracle.

We just decided to go.

On Apollo 8, we were so close,

just 60 nautical miles
down and...

It was as if I could just

step out and walk
on the face of it.

I want to go back there.

Where's my mountain?

It's right up by the...

Do you see where
the shadow crosses

the white area there?
That's the Sea of Tranquillity,

and your mountain's
on the edge of that.

It's your mountain, Marilyn.
Mount Marilyn.

I don't see it.

Well, you gotta look harder.

You look harder,

while I...

The astronaut is the most
visible member of a very large team.

All of us, down to the
guy sweeping the floor

are honored to be a part of it.

What did the man say?
"Give me a lever long enough

"and I'll move the world"?

That's what we're doing here. This
is divine inspiration, folks.

It's the best part of each one of us,
the belief that anything is possible.

Things like a computer that
can fit into a single room

and hold millions
of pieces of information

or the Saturn 5 rocket.

This is the actual launch vehicle
that will be taking Alan Shepard

and his crew on the first leg
of the Apollo 13 mission.

When are you
going up again, Jim?

I'm slated to be the Commander of
Apollo 14 sometime late next year.

If there is an Apollo 14.

People in my state have been
asking why we're continuing

to fund this program now that we've
beaten the Russians to the moon.

Imagine if Christopher Columbus
had come back from the New World

and no one returned
in his footsteps.

Attention, all personnel.
Clear level 3.

Are there any other questions?

How do you go to
the bathroom in space?

It's a highly technical process

of cranking down the window and
looking for a gas station which...

There's Deke Slayton.

You might be able to answer
this lady's question.

Deke is one of the original Mercury
7 astronauts, ladies and gentlemen.

Now he's our boss.

He hands out the astronauts'
flight assignments,

so naturally we kick back
part of our salaries to Deke.

How much this month?

Can I have a minute?
Something's come up.



Anybody home?

I'm not being
a Cheerleader, Mom!

You don't understand!
I worked so hard!

Maybe I don't understand,

but you are not wearing that
out in this neighborhood.

She's not even wearing a bra!
You can see everything!

Shut up!

Hey, everybody.
Marilyn, trick or treat.

You know that Easter vacation
trip we had planned for Acapulco?

I was thinking there might be a
slight change in destination.


Maybe, say, the moon.

Al Shepard's ear
infection has flared up,

and we've all been bumped up to
the prime crew of Apollo 13.

Straight to the head of the line
and the Fra Mauro Highlands.

Six months? You're
moving up six months?

Dad, can I please wear this?


No! Absolutely not.

They're not rushing
things, are they?

You'll be ready in six months?

We'll be ready.

I wouldn't want to be
around Al Shepard tonight.

I gotta get over there and
get up to speed on this.


I'm gonna walk on
the moon, Marilyn.

I know. I can't believe it.

Naturally, it's 13. Why 13?

It comes after 12, hon.

Apollo 13, you are
go for pyro arm and docking.

All systems are nominal
and on the line.

S-4B is stable,
SLA panels are drifting free.

The drogue is clear.
The docking target is clear.

I'm coming up on that now.
Two, one, mark.

Seventy-five feet.
We're coming up on docking.

Let's shut down some thrusters on them.
Let's see what he does.

Whoa! Wait a minute.

I lost something here.
I can't translate up.

Houston, we are
drifting down and away.

Wanna back off
and take another run?

No, I got it.

Let me just try
and get it stable here.

I'm gonna reset the high gain.

I've got the target
back in the reticle.

Okay, we're stable.
Recycle the valves.

Forty feet.

They're all gray.


Ten feet.


That's it!

That's it.

Sweet move, Ken. Beautiful.

Gentlemen, that is
the way we do that.

Man, that woke me up.

Apollo 13 backup
crew, you're up in the simulator.

Nice job, gentlemen.

That's three hours of boredom

followed by seven seconds
of sheer terror.

Good job, guys. You just
won the Christmas turkey.

Nice try, Frank.

You really outfoxed them.

Yeah, but it wasn't perfect.
Used up too much fuel.

You're above the curve.

Not by much. Listen, guys,
I wanna work it again.

We gotta be up with the dawn patrol
headed for Bethpage at 0700.

Wheels up at 0700. Yeah, I know,

but my rate of turn is
still a little slow there.

I really think
we should work it again.

Let's get it right.

Set it up again, Frank.

Okay, 13 backup crew.
It'll have to wait.

Prime crew's up for another run.

Apollo 13,
we show S-4B shutdown

and all systems are nominal.

Fred, set the S-band Omni to B,

and when you get in the LEM,
to forward.

Good shape over here.

Hey, we got a problem.

Cabin depress.
Repeat, cabin depress.

Ken, get your helmet on!

I can't get it looked!

Houston, something ripped a big
hole in us! We got rapid depress!

Oh, God!

I thought the stars
would fall on you.

That's silly.
Stars can't fall on us.

You're a smarter kid than I was.

How long will it take you
to get to the moon?

Four days.

But that's pretty fast.

See, this is the
Saturn 4B booster

and it sh**t us
away from the Earth

as fast as a b*llet from a g*n

until the moon's gravity
actually grabs us and pulls us

into a circle around the moon,

which is called an orbit.
All right?

Fred and I float down the
tunnel into the lunar module,

this spidery-looking guy.

Only holds two people, and it's
just for landing on the moon.

And I take the Controls, steer
it around and I fly it down,

adjusting it here, the
attitude there, pitch, roll,

for a nice, soft
landing on the moon.

Better than Neil Armstrong.
Way better than Pete Conrad.

Did you know the
astronauts in the fire?

Yeah. I knew the astronauts in the fire.
All of them.

Could that happen again?

Well, I'll tell you
something about that fire.

A lot of things went wrong.

The door.

It's called the hatch.

They couldn't get it open
when they needed to get out.

That was one thing.

A lot of things
went wrong in that fire.

Did they fix it?

Oh, yes, absolutely.
We fixed it.

It's not a problem anymore.

I can't believe they still have
you doing public appearances.

Well, Henry Hurt
was all over me.

With a training schedule this
tight, they shouldn't be asking.

It's the program, Marilyn.
You know, it's NASA.

Hey, you're Jim Lovell,
aren't you?

Hey! Lucky 131.

Right on!

That's the second time
it's done that.

I was looking at the kids'
school schedule coming up.

It's a very busy week.

I'm thinking about
not going to the launch.


The kids need me at home.

Marilyn, we've had these kids
for a while now.

They've never kept you from
coming to the other launches.

But your mother
just had this stroke.

Mom's fine.

It's not like I've never
been to a launch.

The other wives
have not done three.

I just don't think I can
go through all that.

I'll just be glad
when this one's over.

You're gonna miss
a hell of a show.

Hey, guys.
See you in a few weeks.

Take care. Bring us
back a moon rock.

The number 13
doesn't bother you?

Only if it's a Friday, Phil.

Apollo 13, lifting off
at 1300 hours and 13 minutes

and entering the moon's
gravity on April 13?

Ken Mattingly here has been doing
some scientific experiments

regarding that very phenomenon.

Oh, yes, well, I had a black cat

walk over a broken mirror under
the lunar module ladder.

It didn't seem to be a problem.

We're considering
a letter we got

which said we ought to take a
pig with us for good luck.

Does it bother you that the public
regards this flight as routine?

There's nothing routine about flying
to the moon. I can vouch for that.

I think that an
astronaut's last mission,

his final flight is
always very special.

Why is this your last, Jim?

I'm in command of the best ship

with the best crew that
anybody could ask for,

and I'll be walking in a place where
there's 400 degrees difference

between sunlight and shadow.

I can't imagine
ever topping that.

We have that scheduled
for 0900 hours tomorrow.

That's not gonna work, Walter.


Freddo and I are going over the
lunar surface experiments tomorrow,

and Ken's gonna be
back in the simulator.

We're going over the
flight plan tonight.

Gonna pay a visit to this
machine after you're hard down.

Jim, we've got a problem.

We just got some blood
work back from the lab.

Charlie Duke has the measles.

So we need a new backup.

You've all been exposed to it.

I've had the measles.

Ken Mattingly hasn't.

You wanna break up my crew
two days before the launch

when we can predict
each other's moves,

read the tone
of each other's Voices?

Ken Mattingly
will get seriously ill

precisely when you and Haise will be
ascending from the lunar surface.

That's a lousy time for a fever.

Jack Swigert has been
out of the loop for weeks.

He's fully qualified
to fly this mission.

He's a fine pilot, but when was the
last time he was in a simulator?

I'm sorry, Jim.
I understand how you feel.

We can do one of two things.

We can either scrub Mattingly
and go with Swigert,

or we can bump all three
of you to a later mission.

I've trained for the
Fra Mauro Highlands,

and this is flight
surgeon horseshit, Deke!

Jim, if you hold out for Ken,
you will not be on Apollo 13.

It's your decision.

Let it ring.

Listen, I gotta take that.


Because I'm on the backup crew,

and the backup crew has to set up the
guest list and book the hotel rooms.


Yes, sir.

I understand.

Thank you, sir.


Medical guys.

I had a feeling when they started
doing all the blood tests that...

I mean, I know it's their ass if I get
sick up there, but, I mean... Jesus!

Swigert, he'll be fine.

He's strong.

It'll be a hell of a mission.
One for the books.

You sure about this?
Why don't I talk to Deke?

I'm sure we can work this out.

This was my call.

Must've been a tough one.

Look, Idon% have the measles.

I'm not gonna get the measles.

Ken, wait up.

Trajectory is holding steady.
We're right on the line.

We're into program 64 at .05 G,

so we're feeling
that gravity now.

Houston, we are at 400,000
feet passing entry interface.

About to lose signal.

Re-entry data is
nominal, and we have radio blackout.

What's the story here?

I got a corridor light. We're
coming in too shallow.

I'm going to manual.

Houston, switching to SCS.

Roger, 13.

Okay, we're at three Gs.

Five Gs.

We're coming in too steep.

I'm gonna stay in this roll
and see if I can pull us out.

We're at eight Gs.



We're at 12 Gs.

12 Gs. We're burning up.

Damn it!

I gave them a false indicator
light at entry interface.

Even Mattingly didn't
get it the first time.

How are you feeling, Freddo?


What happened?

Came in too steep. We're dead.

No shit.

We were into program 67 there.

We're gonna do
this again, obviously.

Give us a minute
to get our switches reset.

Jim, could we have a word?

Sure, Deke.

We're going to drop offline
and debrief this one on our own.

If I had a dollar every time
they k*lled me in this thing,

I wouldn't have to
work for you, Deke.

Well, we have two days.
We'll be ready.

Let's do it again.

Do it again.

Get down, Fred!
Stephen, come here!

We can't go across that road.

We don't want Daddy to get our
germs and get sick in outer space.

Hey, boys. Not giving your
mom a hard time, are you?

Princess, you look beautiful.

That looks like Marilyn Lovell.

But it can't be. She's not
coming to the launch.

I heard it was gonna
be a hell of a show.

Who told you that?

Some guy I know.

You can't live without me.

Okay, folks.
Let's say goodnight.

We got a big day
tomorrow for these guys.


You hear about Ken?


Stand back, please.

Guenter Wendt!

I wonder where Guenter went?

You walk on the moon, ja?

Ja, we walk and
we talk on the moon.

How do you feel?
Pretty good?

Might be a little
warmer in here.

- How are you today?
- Good.

Ready? Yeah.

God, no.

Okay, we have
the oxygen purge system.


We have
the helmet restraint ring.


Communication umbilical on.

Fred. What?

Gum. Sorry.


I'm gonna give these
guys a beautiful ride.

I'm sure you will, Jack.

You need more air?

You want some apple?

I hate this already.

You're not just about
to pop, are you?

No. I got 30 days
till this blasts off.

This is for Gene.

Mrs. Kranz has pulled out
the needle and thread again.

The last one looked like
he bought it off a gypsy.

Well, you can't
argue with tradition.

Copy that.

This is from your wife, Gene.

Thank you, Tom.

I was starting to get worried.

There we go.

I like that one, Gene.

Sharp, Gene.

Jim, you're all set.

Very sharp.

Gene, I guess we can go now.

Save it for splashdown, guys.

Apollo 13 flight controllers,
listen up.

Give me a "go, no go"
for launch.



FIDO. We're go, Flight.

Guidance. Go.

Surgeon. Go, Flight.

EECOM. We're go, Flight.


TELMU! . Go.

Control. Go.

Procedures. INCO.


FAO. We are go.

Network. Recovery.



We're go, Flight.

Launch control, this is Houston.
We are go for launch.

Roger that, Houston.

Padleaden what's your status?

We are go for launch.

T minus 60 seconds and counting.

Stand by.


Fuel pumps.

This is it. A few bumps
and we're hauling the mail.

Control, this is Guidance.
We're ready for takeoff.

We are go for launch.

We are go for launch.

T minus

fifteen, fourteen,

thirteen, twelve, eleven,

ten, nine,

eight, seven,


Ignition sequence starts.

Three, two, one.


The clock is running!

We have lift-off!

Houston, we
have cleared the tower at 13:13.

Okay, guys, we got it.

Come on, baby.

Altitude is on the line.

Velocity right on the line.

Roll complete. We are pitching.

13, stand by for Mode One Bravo.

FIDO, how we looking?

Looks good, Flight.
Right down the middle.

We see your BPC is clear, 13.

Roger. EDS to manual.


Get ready for
a little jolt, fellas.

That was some little jolt.

Tower jett.

Houston, we've got a center engine cut-off.
Go on the other four.

Roger that, 13.
We show the same.

Booster, can you
confirm that cut-off?

Roger. Looks like we lost it.

FIDO, what'll that do to us?

Stand by, Flight.

I need to know if the IU's are
correcting for the number five shutdown.

Houston, what's the story
on engine five?

We're still go.

We'll be all right as long as
we don't lose another one.

Roger that.

We're not sure
why the inboard was out,

but the other engines are go, so
we're gonna burn those engines

a little bit longer.

Roger that.
Our gimbals are good.

Our trim is good.

Looks like we just had our
glitch for this mission.

13, stand by for staging.

Roger that.

S-2 shutdown.
S-4B ignition.

Thrust looks good, Flight.

Flight, S-4B cut-off
in 10 seconds.

13, this is Houston. Predicted
cut-off is 12 plus 34, over.

Coming up on 12 minutes, 34.




And that, gentlemen,
is how we do that.

Oh, boy. Hope I can sleep.

Mom, that was loud.

Here, hold my hand.

I can't believe you
did this four times.

The worst part's over.

It is?

Listen, this doesn't stop for me until
he lands on that aircraft carrier.

Well, you just look
so calm about it.

If the flight surgeon had to okay me
for this mission, I'd be grounded.

Mrs. Lovell! Mrs. Haise!

Can we speak to you?

Can we just have a
word with you, please?

Remember, you're proud,
happy, and thrilled.

How're you feeling?

Very proud,

and very happy,
and we're thrilled.

Flight, Booster.
I show S-4B shutdown.

TLI is on the money.
Looks good, Flight.

Roger, FIDO.

Okay, 9UV5-

We're going to the moon!

Flight, we have
reacquisition of signal at Hawaii.

Flight, everything looks good.

Okay, Houston. CMP here.

I've exchanged couches with Jim.
I'm in the pilot's seat.

I'm gonna go ahead and get set
for transposition and docking.

Roger that, Jack.

Freddo, you okay?

Everybody, let's get turned
around and pick up the lunar module.

Odyssey, you're go
for pyro arm and docking,

and we recommend you secure
cabin pressurization.

Roger that.

Okay, we're ready
for CSM separation.

Okay, SM RCS ISOL valves
are all gray.

Okay, Swigert,
command module pilot.

She's all yours.

we've got a good separation.

The S-4B is stable.

Translation looks good.

Reconfirm then, 13.

We're gonna
start to pitch around

to line up With the LEM.

You know, Freddo, Frank Borman

was upchucking most of the
way to the moon on Apollo 8.

I'm all right. I just ate too much
breakfast. Let's go to work.

And pitching up.

Pitch rate,
2.5 degrees per second.

Roger, Jack.

We see you pitching around.

Keep an eye on that telemetry.

Roger that.

If Swigert can't dock this
thing, we don't have a mission.

How's the alignment?

GDC align.

Thrusting forward.

One hundred feet.

Watch the alignment now.

Don't worry, guys.
I'm on top of it.

FIDO, let me
know when you're ready.

Let's up/ink that.

How we looking?
We're not there yet.

Forty feet.


Come on, rookie,
park that thing.

Ten feet.


That's it.

Talk back is barber pole.

Go ahead and retract.

Houston, we have hard dock.

Roger, we understand.
That's a good deal, Jack.

Let's start
back up with procedure 17.

Houston, we have LEM extraction.

We copy that, 13.

Now you're off to
the Fra Mauro Highlands.

I gotta get out of this suit.

Houston, we are ready

for the beginning of the PTC,

and I think once we're in that
barbecue roll, Jack and I will eat.

Hey, I'm hungry.

Are you sure?

I could eat the ass
out of a dead rhinoceros.

We got a smooth one?

By the numbers so far.

We just ran a minimum load
test on the cooling system...

- See you tomorrow.
- Take care.

It's too bad we can't
demonstrate this on TV.

What a shame.

Overboard dump coming up.

Here it comes,

the constellation Urion.

Now, that's a beautiful sight.

Barbara, we are going
to your father's broadcast.

I'm never coming out!

I hate Paul! No one else can
ever play their records again!

She's still going on about the
stupid Beatles breaking up?

They're not stupid!
You're stupid!

I know you're in mourning.

I'm not going, Mom! Dad
won't know if we're there!

The whole world is going to be watching
this broadcast, and so are we.

Good evening, America,

and welcome aboard Apollo 13.

I'm Jim Love/I, and we're
broadcasting to you tonight

from an altitude
of almost 200,000 miles

away from the face of the Earth,

and we have a pretty good show
in store for you tonight.

We are going to
show you just what

life is like for
the three of us here

in the vast expanse
of outer space.

One of the first things
we'd like to do

is provide you with the
appropriate background music.

So, hit it there, Freddo.

That was supposed to
be the theme to 2001

in honor of our
command module, Odyssey.

There seems to have been a
last-minute change in the program.

When I go up on 19,
I'm gonna take

my entire collection
of Johnny Cash along.

Hey, Marilyn.
Where's their broadcast?

All the networks dumped us.

One said we made
going to the moon

as exciting as a
trip to Pittsburgh.

My son's supposed to be on.

He's in outer space.

This is all the channels
we get, Mrs. Lovell.

It's that damn TV Guide again.

Ruthless porters.

Savage baggage masters...

Do they know they're
not on the air?

We'll tell them
when they get back.

If anyone from
the IRS is watching,

I forgot to file my 1040 return.

I meant to do it today...

That's no joke.
They'll jump on him.

Well, folks, let's head on down
to the lunar excursion module.

Follow me.

When we get ready
to land on the moon,

Fred Haise and I will float
through this access tunnel

into the lunar module,

EECOM, that stir's gonna be

on both H2 and both 02
tanks, is that correct?

The spacecraft
will remain connected.

Well, folks,
as you can probably tell,

the Aquarius isn't much bigger
than a couple of telephone booths.

The skin of the LEM
in some places

is only as thick as
a couple of layers

of tinfoil, and that's all that
protects us from the Vacuum of space.

We get away with this
because the LEM

is designed only for
flight in outer space.

Fred Haise, Renaissance man.

We'll head back up the tunnel
now and back into the Odyssey.

All right,
we've returned to the...

Stand by one, Houston.


Houston, that bang you heard was Fred
Haise on the cabin repress valve.

He gets our hearts going
every time with that one.

We're about to close
out the Aquarius

and return to the Odyssey.

Our next broadcast will be from Fra
Mauro on the surface of the moon.

So, this is the crew
of the Apollo 13

wishing everyone back on Earth

a pleasant evening.

All right.

Daddy was funny.

They might air a few minutes
on the news tonight.

You'd think so.


Well, between Jack's back taxes
and the Fred Haise show,

I'd say that was a pretty
successful broadcast.

That was an excellent show.

Thank you very much, Houston.

We've got a couple of
housekeeping procedures.

We'd like you to roll right
to 0-6-0 and null your rates.

Roger that.
Rolling right, 0-6-0.

And then if you could give
your oxygen tanks a stir.

Roger that.

We've got a problem here.

What did you do?

Nothing. I stirred the tanks.

This is Houston.
Say again, please.

Houston, we have a problem.

We have a main bus B undervolt.

We've got a lot of
thruster activity.

What's with the computer?

It just went off line.
There's another master alarm.

I'm checking the quad.
That was no repress valve.

Maybe it's in quad C.
I'll reconfigure the RCS.

We've got a ping light.

We've got multiple
caution and warnings.

We've got to reset and restart.

I'm going to SCS.

Flight, their heart rates
are skyrocketing.

EECOM, what's your
data telling you?

02 t*nk two not reading at all.

t*nk one is at
725 psi and falling.

Fuel cells one and three are...

What's going on? Flight,
let me get back to you.

Flight, GNC.
They're all over the place.

They keep going
close to gimbal lock.

I keep losing radio signal.

Their antennae must
be flipped around.

They'll have to do it
manually, if at all.

One at a time, people.

Is this an instrumentation
problem or real power loss?

It's reading a quadruple failure.
That can't happen.

It's got to be instrumentation.

Get the hatch plugged. A
meteor may have hit the LEM.

The tunnel's really
torquing with all this movement.

Houston, we had a pretty large bang
associated with a master alarm.

Shit, it's main bus A.

Main bus A undervolt?

Main bus A undervolt down to...

It's reading 25-and-a-half.
Main bus B is reading zip now.

We got a wicked shimmy up here.

These guys are talking
about bangs and shimmies.

Doesn't sound like

You are breaking up.

Can't get this hatch to seal.

Just stow it. If we'd been hit by
a meteor, we'd be dead by now.

I'm gonna try to
get us out of this.

Houston, did you say
switch to Omni bravo?

Roger that, 13.

The signal
strength went way down.

It's fighting me.
What's the story?

We keep flirting
with gimbal lock.

We need a confirmation.
What systems are down?

SM RCS, Helium one...

A and C are barber pole.

Houston, I'm switching
over Quad C to main A.

Roger that, 13.

Okay, Houston, fuel cell
one, fuel cell three.

We got a main bus B undervolt,
cryo pressure, suit compressor.

What don't we have?
AC bus one, AC bus two.

Command module computer.
02 flow high.

It may be a caution
and warning failure.

Houston, we are venting
something out into space.

I can see it outside
window one right now.

It's definitely
a gas of some sort.

It's got to be the oxygen.

Roger, Odyssey.
We copy your venting.

Give me an alignment.

Let's think about
things we can connect.

Let's start back
at the beginning.

Listen up.
Quiet down, people.

Quiet down!

Let's stay cool, people.

Procedures, I need another computer up in
the RTCC.

I want everybody to
alert your support teams.

Wake up anybody you need
and get them in here.

Let's work the problem, people.

Let's not make things
worse by guessing.

13, this is Houston.

We're going around the room.
We'll get you answers.

We keep venting, we're gonna keep
hitting the edge of that dead band.

Take a look
at the 02 on number one.

200 pounds and falling.

02 t*nk two still zero.

t*nk one, 218 psi and falling.

Is that what
you're getting? Confirm.

We're seeing the same, 13.

Can we review our status here, Sy?

Let's look at this thing
from a standpoint of status.

What have we got on the
spacecraft that's good?

I'll get back to you, Gene.

We're not gonna have
power much longer.

The ship's bleeding to death.


Yeah. Go, EECOM.

Um, Flight, I recommend we shut down
the reactant valves of the fuel cells.

What the hell good
is that gonna do?

If the leak's there,
we can isolate it.

We can save what's left in the
tanks, and run on the good cell.

You close them, you
can't open them again.

You can't land on
the moon with one cell.

Gene, the Odyssey is dying.

From my chair here,
this is the last option.

Yeah. Okay, Sy.

Capcom, let's have them
close the reactant valves.

13, this is Houston.

We want you to close react
valves on cells one and three.

Do you COPY?

Are you saying you
want the whole smash?

Closing down the react valves
for fuel cells shutdown?

Shutting down the fuel cells?
Did I hear you right?

Yeah, they heard me right.

Tell them we think that's the
only way they can stop the leak.

Yeah, Jim,

we think that closing the react
valves may stop the leak.

Did he copy that?

Do you copy, Jim?

Yes, Houston, we copy.

We just lost the moon.

Okay, Freddo, shut those down.

Let's see what this does.

If this doesn't work,

we're not gonna have enough
power left to get home.


God damn it!

Houston, 02 on one
is still falling.

How long does it take
to power up the LEM?

Three hours by the checklist.

We don't have that much time.


Jack, before the batteries
completely die on us in here,

let's power down everything

so we can save as much
as we can for re-entry.

Fifteen minutes
of oxygen, that's it.

The command module will be dead.

Okay, guys, listen up.
Here's the drill.

We're moving the
astronauts to the LEM.

We've got to get
oxygen up there.

TELMU, Control, I want emergency power
procedure. Essential hardware only.

GNC, EECOM, we'll be shutting down
the command module at the same time.

We've to transfer the guidance
system to another computer.

I want those numbers up and
ready when they're in position.

Transfer all data
over the LEM computer

before the command module dies.

The lunar module
just became a lifeboat.

Odyssey, this is Houston. We need
you to power down immediately.

Power up the LEM at the same time,
so get somebody over there.

We already have
Freddo in the LEM.

We've got serious time pressure.

Get the guidance
program transferred

before you're out of power
in the command module,

or you're not gonna
be able to navigate.

How much time?
Can you give me a number?

We're looking at less than 15 minutes
of life support in the Odyssey.

We've got 15 minutes, Freddo.
It's worse than I thought.

Houston, I've moved from the
command module into the LEM.

If Jack can't get that data
transferred before they go dead...

They won't know which
way they're pointed.

That's a bad way to fly.

I'll be in 210 if you need me.

Houston, this is 13.
Are you back with me now?

Aquarius, this is Houston.

You now have about
12 minutes to power up.

I can't see any stars. Man, there's a lot
of debris floating around out there.

Houston, I have completed
the steps on Page 15.

I'm ready to
power down the computer.

I'm gonna need
your gimbal angles, Jack,

before you shut down
the computer!

Okay, Jim.

I need this back
before they power down.

All right, I got it. Hold on.

Houston, our computer is up.

Roger. Stand by.

Jack, we need to proceed with
steps 12 through 17 quickly.

You're down to about
eight minutes remaining.

Fuel cell pump's off.
02 fans, t*nk two off.

Okay, Houston, check me. I have
Completed the gimbal conversions

but I need a double check
of the arithmetic.

Yeah, you can go, Jim.

The roll CAL angle is minus two.

Lunar module roll is 355.57.

Pitch, 1678, correction.

Pitch, 167. 78.

Yaw is 351.87.

Stand by. We're checking it.

We've got negative
visibility in our star field,

and if this paperwork isn't right, who
knows where we'll end up out here.

Looks good, Flight.

It's all right.

Good here.

He's good, Andy.

We'll go on those numbers.

You're good.
Log them in, Freddo.

Turn off the IMU. Switch to SCS.

Stand by. Over.

It's a great day in New York.
It's girl watchers' weather.

I like the Ingenious girl watchers
who wear Con Edison helmets

and dig trenches in the
street to get a better view.

But speaking of girl watching,

did you know that our first bachelor
astronaut is on his way to the moon?

Is it Swigert?
Yeah, first bachelor.

They say he's the kind who has a girl
in every port. He has that reputation.

He's sort of
foolishly optimist/c,

taking nylons and Hershey
bars to the moon.

Did you read that
three million...

What do you say? Less
viewers or fewer viewers?

Three million fewer viewers

watched the space shot
than did the last one.

Here is ABC science
editor Jules Bergman.

The Apollo 13 spacecraft
has lost all electrical power,

astronauts Jim Love/I,
Fred Haise and Jack Swigert

are making their way
to the lunar module

using it as a lifeboat so
they'/I have electrical power

for their radios
on the command module.

Apollo 13 is apparently also
losing breathing oxygen...

Slow down. An "electrical failure."
What exactly does that mean?

The emergency has ruled
out any Chance of a lunar landing

and could endanger the
lives of the astronauts

if the LEM oxygen supply, plus whatever
is left of the command module's oxygen

can't last them until they
can get back to Earth.

What do you mean,
"no immediate danger"?

I heard they're losing oxygen.
Can they get back?

The LEM's descent rocket engine
will be used in aborting the mission

and getting them
safely back to Earth.

Recapping what has happened.

The Apollo 13 astronauts
may be in grave danger.

No, don't give me
that NASA bullshit!

I want to know what's
happening with my husband!

We want to switch
control to the Aquarius now.

Roger that. Houston, wait!

You're down
to about five minutes now.

Be aware our RCS
isn't up here yet.

We have no attitude control
on Aquarius.

They don't have control?
Did we miss a step here?

Control, what the hell happened?

I don't know. We need more time.

We're out of whack.

I'm trying to pitch down
but we're yawing to the left.

Why can't I null this out?

She wasn't designed
to fly attached like this.

It's like flying with a
dead elephant on our back.

Flight, Guidance. We're
getting close to center here.

Watch that middle gimbal. We don't
want you tumbling off into space.

Inform them I'm well aware
of the g*dd*mn gimbals!

Roger that.

I don't need
to hear the obvious.

I got the frappin'
eight-ball right in front of me

Andy, we're on VOX.

Aquarius, this is Houston.
We've got you both on VOX.

You want us to go to VOX?

You have a hot mike. We
are reading everything you say.

Sorry, Jim.

It's only by
a very narrow margin

that we're going to get Love/I,
Haise and Swigert back alive.

I'm sorry.
Jeffrey's Calling for you.

The terseness of Kraft
and the grim lines of Jim McDivit.

This has been a very close call.

We're not out of the woods yet.

Why are so many people here?

Your dad's flying his mission.

He said he was going
to get me a moon rock.


Something broke on
your daddy's spaceship,

and he's gonna have to turn around
before he even gets to the moon.

Was it the door?

Thirteen, Houston. We still
show that venting pushing you around.

How you doing?

Houston, Aquarius.

We've had to learn how to fly all over
again, but we are doing better now.

Roger that, Aquarius.

Have him close it out.

Jack, we can close
out your procedure now.

Do we know for sure that we
can power this thing back up?

It's gonna get
awfully cold in here.

Copy that, Jack. We'll
just have to deal with that later.

Computer off.

We're clear.

We're going to the LEM.

We confirm shutdown, Jack.

Lunar module now in control.

Roger that, Houston.
This is Odyssey signing off.

Freddo, we're gonna have
to execute some sort of burn.

It's just a matter of when.

Did they shut us
all down in there?


Didn't think we'd
be back in here so soon.

Houston, how far off course
do you project we are? Over.

Okay, people, listen up!

Gentlemen, I want you all
to forget the flight plan.

From this moment on, we are
improvising a new mission.

Sorry about that. We'll
get somebody to look at that.

How do we get our people home?

They are here.

Do we turn them around,
direct abort?


No, sir! We get them on
a free-return trajectory.

It's the option with the fewest
question marks for safety.

I agree. We use the moon's gravity
to slingshot them around.

No, the LEM will not support three
guys for that amount of time.

I think we've got to
do a direct abort.

We do an about-face,
bring the guys right home.

Get them back soon. Absolutely.

We don't even know if the
Odyssey's engine's working.

If there's been serious
damage to the craft...

They blow up and they die!

That is not the argument!
We're talking about time!

Not whether these guys...

I'm not gonna
sugarcoat this for you!

Okay, hold it.
Let's hold it down.

The only engine we've got with
enough power for a direct abort

is the SPS on
the service module.

It could have been damaged
in an expl*si*n,

so let's consider
that engine dead.

We light it up, could
blow the whole works.

Just too risky. We're not
gonna take that Chance.

The only thing the command
module's good for is re-entry.

That leaves us with the LEM, which
means free-return trajectory.

Once we get the guys
around the moon,

we'll fire up the LEM
engine, make along burn,

pick up some speed, and get
them home as quick as we can.

Gene, I'm wondering what the
Grumman guys think about this.

We can't make any guarantees.

We designed the LEM
to land on the moon,

not fire the engine
for course corrections.

Well, Unfortunately, we're not
landing on the moon, are we?

I don't care what anything
was designed to do.

I care about what it can do.

So let's get to work.
Let's lay it out, okay?

Capcom, Flight, he says
it will be ready in time.

After this burn, we've got to build time
in the flight plan for them to get sleep.

Run it by the FAO.

I've run it by the FAO.

Do we know how long
we're gonna fire that burn?

He wanted a quote
from a flight director.

Who wanted a quote?

The President.
The President?

Nixon. He wants our odds.

We are not losing the crew.

Gene, I gotta give him odds.

Five to one against?
Three to one?

I don't think they're that good.

We are not losing those men.

How long are they gonna
have to burn the engine PC + 2?

Look, tell him three to one.

Expect loss of signal
in less than one minute.

When we pick you back up we will
have your PC + 2 burn data.

Okay. Roger that, Houston.

We'll hear from you again
at acquisition of signal.

You wanna look?

Oh, look at that.

Aquarius, that's 30
seconds until loss of signal.

Mare Tranquillitatis.

Neil and Buzz's
old neighborhood.

Coming up on Mount Marilyn.

Jim, you gotta
take a look at this.

I've seen it.

Aquarius, this is Houston.

We expect loss of signal
in approximately ten seconds.

So long, Earth.
Catch you on the flip side.

When you go into
the shadow of the moon

and the moon is between
you and the sun,

you see stars that
are more brilliant

than anything you've ever seen

on the clearest nights
here on Earth.

And then you pass into the lunar
sunrise over the lunar surface.

It must be
an awe-inspiring sight.

I can't wait to see it myself.

The problem now is not so much a
question of adequate oxygen supply,

but it is the rate of
consumption of water

which is vitally needed
for the Cooling operations

to maintain the
electronic systems...

Look, it's Fra Mauro.

I can see our landing site.

Look at the Tsiolkovsky Crater.

I can't believe how bright
the ejecta blanket is.

It's like snow.
It's beautiful.

That's Mare Imbrium
to the north.

13, this is Houston.

We're reading your telemetry.
It's good to see you again.

Good to see you, too, Houston.

We are picking you up at a
velocity of 7, 062 feet per second,

at a distance from the moon
of 56 nautical miles.

Stand by for
your PC + 2 burn data.

Got to tell you, I had an
itch to take this baby down,

do some prospecting.

Damn, we were close.

Gentlemen, what
are your intentions?

I'd like to go home.

We got a burn coming up.

We're gonna need a contingency
if we lose comm with Houston.

Let's get an idea where we
stand on the consumables.

Jack, get into the Odyssey

and bag up all the water you can
before it freezes in there.

Let's go home.

Aquarius, we got some
PC + 2 burn data for you fellas.

Aquarius, we got some
PC + 2 burn data for you fellas.

So you're telling me you can
only give our guys 45 hours?

That brings them to about there.

that's not acceptable.

Gene, we've got
to talk about power.

Guys! Power is everything!

Power is everything.

What do you mean?

Without it, they don't talk to
us, correct their trajectory,

they don't turn
the heat shield around.

We gotta turn
everything off. Now.

They're not gonna
make it to re-entry.

What do you mean, "everything"?

If everything's on,
the LEM draws 60 amps.

At that rate, in 16 hours the
batteries are dead, not 45.

And so is the crew. We gotta
get them down to 12 amps.

Twelve amps? ENGINEER: How many?

You can't run a Vacuum
Cleaner on 12 amps, John.

We gotta turn off
the radars, cabin heater,

instrument displays, guidance
computer, everything.

Guidance computer? What if
they need to do another burn?

They won't know which
way they're pointed.

The more time we talk,
the more juice they waste.

I've looked at data
for the past hour.

That's the deal?

That's the deal.

Okay, John. The minute we finish the
burn, we'll power down the LEM.

All right.

Now, in the meantime,

we're gonna have a frozen
command module up there.

Soon, we'll have to power it up

using nothing but
the re-entry batteries.

That's never been tried before.

We've never even
simulated it before.

Well, we're gonna
have to figure it out.

I want people in our simulators
working re-entry scenarios.

I want you to find every engineer
who designed every switch, circuit,

transistor and light
bulb up there.

Then, talk to the guy in the assembly
line who actually built the thing.

Find out how to squeeze every amp out
of both of these g*dd*mn machines.

I want this mark all the way back
to Earth with time to spare.

We never lost an
American in space.

We're sure as hell not gonna
lose one on my watch.

Failure is not an option.


Good, you're not dead.

I've been trying to get in
touch with you for 45 minutes.

Jesus, what're you doing here?

I gotta get you in the simulator.
We got a ship to land.


There's been an expl*si*n.

Oxygen tanks are gone, two fuel cells
gone, command module's shut down.

What about the crew?

Crew's fine so far.

Trying to keep them
alive in the LEM.

We'll have to shut that
down pretty soon, too.

We got a lot of people working
the numbers on this one.

Nobody's too sure how much
power we'll have for re-entry.

The command module will be
frozen up pretty good by then.

If you see this ammeter rise over 20
at any point, power-up is no good.

If it spikes, that's sayonara
for the guidance computer.

Our guys can't re-enter, okay?

How much power do
we have to play with?

Barely enough to run this
coffee pot for nine hours. Go.

Ken Mattingly just got here.

Copy. He's here.

They've been losing
heat since the accident.

They'll start getting water
condensation on the control panels.

Glad you're here. You
know what's going on?

John's brought me up to speed.

What's left in the batteries?

We don't know.

We gotta get started on some
shortcuts for power-up.

You know how short?

It's all in the sequencing. If we can
skip whatever we don't absolutely need,

turn things on in
the right order, maybe...

I agree.

You started on a procedure?

Engineers have tried,
but it's your ship.

We gotta get you in there.


Okay. Frank. I need
the sim cold and dark.

Give me the exact conditions
they've got in there now.

I need status of
every instrument.

You got it. I need a flashlight.

That's not what
they have up there.

Don't give me anything
they don't have on board.

Let's get this show on the road.
Put him in space, fellas.

Okay, Houston, the quad-heater
circuit breakers are open.

Copy that.

We'll use the forward Omni when
the Earth's in the window,

and we're switching to aft
Omni when we see the moon.

We copy that, 13.

Aquarius, we don't want you
to make any more waste dumps.

The venting may
push you off course.

Oh, Christ.

What's up?

No more waste dumps. We're
just gonna have to store it.

Jack, we're gonna need
some more urine bags.

Okay, Houston, that leaves
us with just the computer,

which I'm shutting down now.

And that's it.

We just put Sir Isaac Newton
in the driver's seat.

We just put Sir Isaac Newton
in the driver's seat.

Is it a.m. or P.M.?

A.m. Very, very a.m.

Haise is running a temperature,
and no one has slept.

I can't order these guys to go to sleep.
Could you sleep up there?

It's gonna get awful cold
in there for those guys.

Gene, we have a situation brewing
with the carbon dioxide.

We got a CO2 filter problem
on the lunar module.

Five filters on the LEM.

Meant for two guys for a day and a half.
I told the doc...

We're up to eight on the gauges.

Anything over 15 and you get
impaired judgment, blackouts,

the beginnings
of brain asphyxia.

What about scrubbers
in the command module?

They take square cartridges.

The ones on the LEM are round.

Tell me this isn't
a government operation.

This just isn't a contingency
we've remotely looked at.

Those CO2 levels
will be getting toxic.

I suggest you
gentlemen invent a way

to put a square peg
in a round hole. Rapidly.

Okay, people, listen up!

The people upstairs have handed us
this one, and we gotta come through.

We gotta find a way to make this

fit into the hole for this

using nothing but that.

Let's get it organized.

Okay, let's build a filter.

Better get some
coffee going, too.

The Haise
family lives in El Lago, Texas.

His wife, Mary,
is from Biloxi, Mississippi.

When Fred Haise was
growing up in Biloxi,

he may have looked
ahead to a fine family,

but he never dreamt of flying.

I'd never flown before I
went into the service,

and I only went into the flying business
as a means to getting a Commission...

Good morning.

Henry. Don't you ever sleep?

I have a request
from the news people.


They're out front here and they want
to put a transmitter up on the lawn.


It's kind of a tower
for a live broadcast.

I thought they didn't
care about the mission.

They didn't even run Jim's show.

Well, it's more dramatic now.
Suddenly people are...

If landing on the moon
wasn't dramatic enough,

why should not landing on it be?

Look. I... I realize how
hard this is, Marilyn

but the whole world
is caught up in it.

It's the biggest story since...

No, Henry.

Those people don't put one
piece of equipment on my lawn.

If they have a problem with that,
they can take it up with my husband.

He'll be home on Friday.

Hey, Fred.

It's too cold in there.

That's a nice one of Mary.

You don't look too good, Freddo.

I'll survive.

There's aspirin
in the medical kit.

I took some. Jim, I'm all right.

It was an accident,
Mary getting pregnant.

You should have seen the look
on my face when she told me.

Well, that has
a tendency to happen.

I wonder if
it's a boy or a girl.

You're gonna find out
soon enough.


I never dreamed I'd ever get
to do something like this.

Come up here on a real mission.

Most of the guys I
graduated high school with

never even left home,
and here I am.

Oh, yeah.

Here you are.

It hurts when I urinate.

Well, you're not
getting enough water.

I'm drinking my ration
the same as you.

I think old Swigert
gave me the clap.

He's been pissing
in my relief tube.

Well, that will be a hot one at the
debriefing for the flight surgeon.

That's another first for
America's space program.

Listen, I've been
going over some stuff,

and I'm a little worried about this
cold affecting our battery efficiency.

We quit heating the glycol to save water
and power, so that's not helping.

It could cost us amp
hours on the back end?

That's a possibility.

I've been going
over the numbers again.

Have they called up with a re-entry plan
yet? We're coming in too shallow...

We're working on it.

I can't remember the
ratio to temperature.

We got no references on board.

Let's see if Houston can
pull up the mil specs...

Listen, they gave us too much Delta V.
They had us burn too long.

At this rate we'll skip right out of
the atmosphere, and never get back.

What are you talking about?
How'd you figure that?

I can add.

Many PhDs are working on this.

Houston says we're on the money.

What if they made a mistake and
there was no way to reverse it?

You think they'd tell us?

There's no reason to tell us!

What do you mean?
That's bullshit!

There's 1,000 things that
have to happen in order.

We are on number eight.

You're talking about number 692.

In the meantime, I'm trying to
tell you we're coming in too fast.

I think they know it, and that's
why we don't have a re-entry plan.

That's duly noted.
Thank you, Jack.

God damn this piece of shit!

This piece of shit's
gonna get you home.

That's because that's the only
thing we've got left, Jack!

What are you saying, Fred?

I think you know
what I'm saying.

Now wait a minute. All I
did was stir those tanks.

What was the gauge reading
before you hit the switch?

Don't tell me how to fly the CM!

They brought me in to do a job!

They asked me to stir the damn
tanks, and I stirred the tanks!

Stop kicking
yourself in the ass.

This is not my fault!

No one is saying it is.

If I'm in the left-hand seat when the
call comes up, I stir the tanks.

Well, tell him that.

I just asked you what the gauge
was reading, and you don't know!

Look, we're not
doing this, gentlemen.

We're not bouncing off
the walls for 10 minutes

because we'll just end up
with the same problems!

Try to figure out
how to stay alive!

Aquarius, this is Houston.

Are we on VOX?

No, we're not on VOX.

Yeah, Houston, this is Aquarius.
Go ahead.

Yeah, Jim, could you
check your CO2 gauge for us?

We were just looking at that.

Our CO2 measurement has jumped
four notches in the last hour.

That can't be right. I went
over those numbers three times.

Jim, that sounds about right.
We were expecting that.

That's very comforting to know, Houston.
What do we do about it?

Jim, we're working on
a procedure down here for you.

Do you copy?
Oh, Christ.

All right, we're standing
by for those procedures.

Christ, I know why
my numbers are wrong.

I only figured it
for two people.

Maybe I should
just hold my breath.

The deadly CO2 gas
is literally poisoning

the astronauts
with every breath in and out.

Heads up.


Heads up, people.
Look out now.

What's this?

That's what they gotta make.

I hope you got
the procedures for me.

Right here.

That's it?

All right,
Aquarius, this is Houston.

Do you have
a flight plan up there?

Affirmative, Andy.
Jack's got one right here.

Okay, we have an unusual
procedure for you here.

We need you to
rip the cover off.

He wants you to rip the
cover off the flight plan.

With pleasure.

The other materials you'll need

are a lithium
hydroxide canister...

Two lithium hydroxide
canisters, I'm sorry,

a roll of gray tape.

Duct tape.

Duct tape. You need an LCG
bag... Two LCG bags,

the red suit hoses, and you've
got the flight plan cover.

What about their level
of carbon dioxide?

It's climbing.

You're saying that they're
almost out of breathable air?

Wait a second. That's not what he said.
He said we're working on it.

You want to cut the
duct tape three feet long.

Tell him to use his arm.

Just use your arm.

It's an arm's length.

Okay, I see what
you're getting at.

Jack, tear that piece of tape
down the middle lengthwise.

All right?
Hold on, Houston.

While the astronauts appear to have
enough oxygen to keep them alive,

one thing they have too
much of is carbon dioxide.

With each breath that
three men exhale

more of the poisonous gas
into the lunar module cockpit,

and the scrubbers intended to
keep the atmosphere breathable

are quickly becoming saturated.

Oh, shit, I tore it.

Houston, what do we do if we
ripped the bag? Can we tape it?

They just tore the bag.

Oh, no.

Stand by. What should
I tell them to do?

They should have
one more bag left.

But they've still got
a long way to come,

and are now working on backup
facilities, their emergency facilities.

The problem is, if
anything more goes wrong,

they're in real trouble.

As most of you are aware, there is
no rescue possible in space flight.

Any rescue system the space agency
has long since calculated...

Any rescue system the space
agency calculated...

One sock.

Once you have the sock
in place, we're gonna want you...

Work it in.

To bungee the entire filter
assembly to the bulkhead,

right above the LM canister.

We're getting close to 15.

So how does this flight compare to other
emergency situations you've faced?

I'll have to say that this is
the most serious situation

we've ever encountered
in manned space flight.

Houston, filter's in place.

Cabin gas return to egress.

Suit circuit relief to close.

CO2 canister
select to secondary.

All right.

Here goes.

I can hear air moving.

Just breathe normal, fellas.

Aquarius, please
advise on CO2 status.

Houston, we're taking a look
at those numbers now.

We're still holding
close to 15, Houston.

Roger that.
Standing by.

Houston, the CO2 level
has dropped to nine

and it is still falling.

That is good to hear, Aquarius.

And you, sir, are a
steely-eyed m*ssile man.

Okay, spacecraft
control to computer.


We overloaded.

We used way too much power.

There must be a sneak circuit
someplace between step seven and 10.

All right,
which one has the leak?

I don't know that yet, John.

The sequence was wrong.
We just have to go back

and try them one at a time.

You need a break, Ken?

If they don't get one,
I don't get one.

Well, if it won't
work, get me another one.

My son's supposed to be on.

I know, Mrs. Lovell.

Hi, Blanch.

They can't fix a damn
thing in this place.

Blanch, it's Marilyn.

Hi, Grandma.

I was gonna see Jimmy.

I know.

We came to tell you something.

There's been an accident.
Jimmy's okay, he's all right.

But he's not gonna get
to walk on the moon.

Well, they said he was.

I know.

That was before.

Now there's been an expl*si*n,
and they're all okay,

they're all right. But now
they're just going to

try to figure out
a way to get them home.

And it's a little bit dangerous.

Oh, sweetie.

Are you scared?

Well, don't you worry, honey.

If they could get
a washing machine to fly,

my Jimmy could land it.

Jack, you'll be happy to
hear we contacted President Nixon,

and he's gonna grant you an
extension on your income taxes

since you are most decidedly
out of the country.

Roger that, Houston.

That's wonderful news.

Tell them they have to sleep.

Haise is running a fever of 104.

13, we've got another request
from the flight surgeon

that you fellas
get some more sleep.

He doesn't like
his readings down here.

Let's see how
he feels about this.

I am sick and tired of
the entire western world

knowing how my kidneys
are functioning!

Flight, I just lost Lovell.

13, this is Houston.

Jim, we just had a dropout
on your bio-med sensors.

I'm not wearing my bio-med
sensors, Houston.

Okay, Jim. Copy that.

Now I'm losing
all three of them!

It's just a little
medical mutiny, Doc.

I'm sure the guys
are still with us.

Let's cut them some slack, okay?

Gene, it's not the velocity,
it's the angle.

Maybe they're still
venting something

and that's Th rowing
off the trajectory,

but we are definitely
shallowing again.

We are up to a 5.9.

Damn it.

At this rate, they nick the
atmosphere and bounce off into space.

We need another burn
to get them back.

Another burn.

Fire the engines,
get them on course.

Copy that.

Aquarius, this is Houston.

Houston, Aquarius.

Jim, we've got another
course correction for you.

What's up?

Something about
another course correction.

We copy, Houston.

Be advised, it's gonna
take Freddo and I

a while to power up the computer

for the alignment platform
if we have to fire the engine.

Negative on that, Jim. We
can't spare power for the computer.

We gotta do this blind?

Houston, without the computer,
what do we use for orientation?

Come on, we gotta be able
to give these guys something.

Without the power, we can't
give them a reading.

Not power. I'm talking
about reference.

No, there's no references. We
have a bunch of debris up there...

No, there's no references. We
have a bunch of debris up there...

Houston, what's the story
with this burn?

We're trying to hash
something out down here, Aquarius.

Stand by.

Look, Houston, all we need to hold
attitude is one fixed point in space.

Is that not correct?

Yeah. Roger that, Jim.

Well, Houston, we've got one.

If we can keep the Earth in
the window, flying manually,

the crosshairs
right on its terminator,

all I have to know is, how long
do we need to burn the engine?

The shorter, the better.

Roger that, Jim.

Can they fly it manually and
still shut it down on time

without the computer?

I guess that's
the best we can do.

We're out of time.

In order to enter
the atmosphere safely,

the crew must aim for a Corridor

just two-and-a-half
degrees wide.

If they're too steep,
they'/I incinerate

in the steadily thickening air.

If they're too shallow, they'/I
ricochet off the atmosphere

like a rock skipping off a pond.

The re-entry Corridor
is, in fact, so narrow

that if this basketball
were the Earth

and this Softball were the moon,

and the two were
placed 14 feet apart,

the crew would
have to hit a target

no thicker than
this piece of paper.

On your toes. We're
doing this one blind.

Gene, understand that we've
never tried this before,

burn, cold soak, burn, cold
soak, burn, manual control.

Look, it Will ignite,
Will it not?

I just want you to know the engine's
never been tried like this.

That's all I'm
trying to tell you.

I know what you're trying to do.
I guarantee

I won't hold you
personally responsible.

If it lights, it lights.
Let Lovell do the rest.


They'll burn the
engine and steer manually,

attempting to keep
the Earth in the window.

Okay, this is gonna
take all three of us.

Freddo, you handle the pitch.

But on the translation
controllers all backwards,

so if the Earth
starts drifting down,

you need to thrust aft,
not forward.

I'll do the same on mine
with everything else.

We're going to
burn at 10% thrust

for 39 seconds.
Jack, you time us.

Got it.

Give us a count of the
last 10 seconds up to 39.

Let's not miss this.

You up to this, Freddo?

I'm with you.

Standing by for
corridor control burn.

Okay, Jim,
you can fire when ready.

You are go for the manual burn.

Okay, X-plus button
at 10 seconds. Mark.

Come on, baby.
One more burn.

Nine, eight,

seven, six, five,

four, three...

Ullage is go.

Two, one, ignition!

She's burning!

Master arm off.

Okay, here we go.

Helium regulator on.

RCS is go, 10% thrust.

Bring her around, Freddo.

I'm trying but it's dragging.

Ten seconds.

Drop it down, Freddo.

- We're drifting!
- No, hold what you got.

I'll roll it. Back off.

Can't get it stable.

She's dancing
all over the place!

Come to the right a little bit.

Fifteen seconds.

She's drifting.
I'm losing attitude.

Hold it right there. That's it.
No, Freddo, back!

Shit! I'm losing it!

Bring the Earth up.

Thrust forward, Fred. Come on.

Shit, I lost it! Where is it?

Helium regulator's closed.

Bring it down, Freddo.
Just nose it down.

Okay, I got it! Thirty seconds.

Little farther.
Ease your touch!

Damn it, that's mine.
That's me. Around.

A little more. Come on, baby.

That's it. Hold it.

Back! That's it!
Hold it! Steady.

Eight, nine!


Houston, we have shutdown.

That's close enough, Jim.
Good work.

I knew it! How about that LEM!
How about it?

Guess you can keep your job.

You betcha.

13, stand by. We're evaluating
our power usage on that burn.

Let's hope we don't
have to do that again.

Gentlemen, you've given our guys
enough to survive till re-entry.

Well done.

Now we gotta get them in, so tell
me about the power-up procedures.

Here's the order
of what I want to do.

I want to power up guidance,
ECS, communications,

warm up the pyros
for the parachutes

and the command
module thrusters.

The thrusters will put
you over budget on amps.

They've been sitting at
200 below for four days.

They gotta be heated.

Fine. Then trade off
the parachutes.

If the chutes don't open,
what's the point?

You're telling me what you need.

I'm telling you what we have to work with.
I'm not making this stuff up.

They're going to need
all these systems.

We do not have the power, Ken.
We just don't have it.

I'll reorganize the sequencing
again and find more power.

Let's start from scratch.
Clear the board.

I don't know where
the hell we'll find it.

Apollo 13 Commander Jim Lovell
has more time in space,

almost 24 days already,
than any other man,

and I asked him recently
if he ever was scared.

I've had an engine flame
out a few times in an aircraft,

and was curious as to whether
it was going to light up again,

things of that nature,

but they seem to work out.

Ls there an instance
in an airplane emergency

when you can recall fear?

Well, /remember this one time

in a Banshee at night in combat
conditions, so the carrier has no lights.

It was the Shangri-la.
We were in the Sea of Japan.

My radar had jammed,
and my homing signal was gone

because somebody in Japan was
using the same frequency,

and so it was leading me away
from where I was supposed to be.

I'm looking down at a big, black
ocean, so I flip on my map light.

Then, suddenly, zap! Everything
shorts out right there in my cockpit.

All my instruments
and lights are gone,

I can't even tell
what my altitude is.

I know I'm running out of fuel,

so I'm thinking about
ditching in the ocean.

I look down there,
and then in the darkness

there's this green trail.

It's like a long carpet that's
just laid out beneath me.

It was the algae!

It was that phosphorescent stuff

that gets churned up
in the wake of a big ship.

It was just leading me home.

And if my cockpit lights
hadn't shorted out,

there's no way I'd have
ever been able to see that.

So, you never know

what events are going to
transpire to get you home.

Spacecraft Commander Jim Love/I,

no stranger to emergency is he.

How's it going, Fred?

I'm okay.

What the hell was that?

Let's hope it was
just the burst disk.

Can you confirm
a burst helium disk?

We confirm that.

Houston, is that going to
affect our entry angle at all?

Negative. Your entry
angle is holding at 6.24, Aquarius.


we sure could use the
re-entry procedure up here.

When can we expect that?

That's coming
real soon, Aquarius.

Houston, we...

We just can't throw this
together at the last minute.

So, here's what you're gonna do.

You're gonna get the procedure
up to us, whatever it is,

and we're gonna go over it step
by step, so there's no foul-ups.

I don't have to tell you we're
all a little tired up here.

The world's getting awfully
big in the window.

Jim, this is Deke.

It's Deke.

They don't know how to do it.

Maybe Jack's right.

Hello, Deke. What's the story?

We're gonna get that procedure to
you as soon as we possibly can.

Ken Mattingly's in
the simulator right now.

Ken's working on it?

Look, I know this
sequence works, John.

It looks good. We're just
over budget on the amperage.

By how much?

Three or four amps.

God damn it, John!
Is it three or four?


Four more amps.

They have some power left
in the LEM batteries, right?

ARTHUR.” Yeah.

We have an umbilical
that provides power

from the command module
to the LEM.

It's backup for the
LEM power supply.

I'm listening.

So reverse it. Reverse the flow

and see if we can
draw these four amps

from the LEM before we cut it loose.
Why can't we do that?

We don't have
a procedure for that?

You'll lose a lot
in the transfer.

Yeah. But all we're talking
about here is four amps.

I want whatever you guys got
on these power procedures.

Gene, they're already...

Not all, just part.

We've got to
give them something.

They're working on it.

I'll get an estimate.

God damn it!

I don't want another estimate!
I want the procedures now!

IMU is up.

How am I reading?

Fine, so far.

Say again.

You're under the limit.
Keep going.

Okay. Floodlights to fixed.

Okay, I'm bringing
up the guidance.

Here we go.

CMC Attitude IMU.

CMC source.

CMC mode, auto,
and we're on the computer.

Go ahead.

Is your computer on now?

Up and running.

How do we look?

I think we got it, buddy.

Arthur, my notes are clear
on that last Sequence, right?

Excuse me, gentlemen.

I was getting
a little blurry there.

Here's Ken. Here's John.

It's good to see you, Ken.

This is the sequence.

Was it tried
on the hardware yet?

We didn't have time.

Aquarius, Houston. Do you read?

Yeah, we read you, Ken.

Are the flowers
blooming in Houston?

That's a negative, Jim.
I don't have the measles.

Jim, is Jack in there with you?

Yeah, stand by one.
We gotta get him on comm.

Put those on the table.

Damn it. Thanks, Jackie.

I think it would really
help if you could

just distract her when the
heavy predictions come in.

We'll give it a shot.


Blanch, these nice, young men are
gonna watch television with you.

This is Neil Armstrong,
and this is Buzz.

Nice to meet you.


Are you boys in
the space program, too?

Okay, Jack, give me a read-back
on that last procedure.

Stand by, Ken.

Ken, I'm having trouble
reading my own writing.

I guess I was a little
more tired than I thought.

Don't worry, Jack.
I'll talk you through it.

Find the main bus
breakers on panel 11.

Yeah, main bus breakers. Got it.

Close main bus B.

Ken, there's an awful lot of
condensation on these panels.

What's the word on these
things shorting out?

We'll just take that
one at a time, Jack.

It's like trying to drive a
toaster through a car wash.

Main bus B is closed.

13, we're coming up
on entry interface.

Flight, we're still shallowing
up a bit in the re-entry corridor.

It's almost like
they're underweight.

Now how could
they be underweight?

We didn't land on the moon.

Rocks? That's affirm.

One more thing, Jim. While
Jack's working on the power-up,

we want you and Freddo

to transfer some ballast
over to the command module.

Say again, Houston. Ballast?

That's affirm. We got to
get the weight right.

We were expecting
you to be toting

a couple hundred
pounds of moon rocks.

Right, Houston.

Now, Jack.

Yeah, go ahead, Ken.

Okay, now, panel five.

Circuit breaker caution
and warning main B closed.

Main B closed.

Master alarm off.

Okay, Jack, on panel seven, b-mag
number two, power to warm-up.

B-mag number two,
power to warm-up. Done.

Sequential logic one and two on.

Sequential logic, two on.

CMRCS pressure, on.

CMRCS pressurization.

As her husband prepares to
jettison his lunar module lifeboat,

Marilyn Lovell waits with her
children, her neighbors,

and, we are told,
Apollo 11 astronauts

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

Only the Lovells' eldest
son, Jay, is absent

as he holds vigil
with his classmates

at the St. John's Military
Academy in Wisconsin.

ABC News science
editor Jules Bergman.

With a crippled command module,

and surviving by using
the LEM's systems,

there can be no easy maneuver.

Their LEM lifeboat is doing
things and working longer

than it was ever intended to.

It's a race against time
until splashdown...

We're ready to see
if the computer will accept

up/ink of the re-entry data now.

Okay, the IMU is up.

We got our eight-balls back.

Copy that.

Okay, Ken, uplink telemetry,
command module to accept, right?

That's affirm.
Go ahead and try it.

Uplink Completed.

That's more like it.

Okay, let's go.

Take a look at your amps.
How we doing?

We got her back up, Ken.

Boy, I wish you were
here to see it.

I'll bet you do.

Way to go, Jack.

Flight, this is RETRO.


Flight, we have
a typhoon warning

on the edge of
the prime recovery zone.

Say again, RETRO.

We're looking at
a typhoon warning

on the edge of
the prime recovery area.

This is just a warning.
It could miss them.

Only if their luck changes.

Only if their luck changes.

Jim, we're ready
for SM jettison!

All right, Jack, on three!

One, two...

Upward thrust.

We're loose!

Reverse thrust!

We have service module jettison.

Okay, Houston,
service module is free.

We'// take a look
at what we have here.

Copy that.

There it is. I see it!

Houston, we're getting our first
look at the service module now.

One whole side of
the spacecraft is missing.

Right by the high gain antenna
a whole panel is blown out,

right up to our heat shield.

Copy that, Aquarius.

It looked like it got the engine bell, too.
Can you see that?

Oh, man, that's incredible.

The heat shield.

The heat
will build up to as much

as 3,000 or 4,000
degrees Fahrenheit.

On a lunar re-entry flight,
the heat...

So, Blanch?

Did Jim make Eagle Scout or not?

Yes, he did. He did.

If the heat shield
is even slightly Cracked

the extreme cold
could've Sp/it it wide open.

Worst of all, if the pyrotechnics
that control the parachutes

have been damaged, the
chutes may not open at all,

causing the spacecraft
to hit the water

not at a gentle
20 miles per hour,

but at a suicidal 300.

Perhaps never in human history

has the entire world been
united by such a global drama.

In New York City, thousands
of people have gathered

to watch updates of the
mission in Times Square.

Many countries offered help
and the State Department said

it would ask for it
if it were needed.

The House and Senate passed
resolutions calling on the people

to pray tonight
for the astronauts.

In Rome, Pope Paul led

50,000 people in prayers for the
safe return of the astronauts.

In Jerusalem, prayers
at the Wailing Wall...

In Jerusalem, prayers
at the Wailing Wall...

It's about time to
bail out of this ship.

You okay?

I'm freezing.

Can you hold out
just a little longer?

Long as I have to.

Come on.

It won't be long.
Just a little while longer.

Just a little while longer. We're gonna
hit that water in the South Pacific.

Open up that hatch.

It's 80 degrees out there.

80 degrees.

You are a mess.


Odyssey, Houston.
How we doing, guys?

We're closing in on
lunar module jettison.

As you know,
that is time critical.

You should be moving
into the command module.

Let's get that
hatch buttoned up,

and when you get a Chance,
let us know how you're doing.

Roger that.

Let me give you
a hand there, Freddo.

We're coming up on LM jettison.

Is everyone strapped in, Ken?
We're getting real close.

Copy that, Flight. 13, Houston.

We're coming up on LEM jettison.

Stand by.

Have you got
everybody in the Odyssey?

Yeah, Ken, I'm gonna check those
pyro batteries one more time here.

The pyro batts look good. I don't think
we have to tie the other batteries.

Sorry, Jack,
this is an old habit.

I'm kind of used to the pilot's seat.
She's yours to fly.

Odyssey, / want to double
check some re-entry procedures

right after we jettison the LEM,

which is coming up
in 30 seconds.

What is that?

I was getting a little punchy

and I didn't want to cut the LEM
loose with you guys still in it.

That's good thinking.

Stand by, Houston.

We have lunar module jettison.

She sure was a good ship.

Farewell, Aquarius,
and we thank you.

It's almost time, honey.

Flight 966406.

Let me put it this way.

The trajectory may be off.
Their thrusters may be frozen.

Their guidance system
might be malfunctioning.

Their heat shield
could be Cracked.

And their parachutes might
be three blocks of ice.

Clearly, we have some
obstacles to overcome.

But now I'm asking you,
when will we know?

Blackout lasts
for three minutes.

If they're not back
in four, we'll know.

Velocity now reading
34,802 feet per second.

Range to go
2,625 nautical miles.

Copy that.

Okay, Ken, we are
aligned for re-entry.

Jim, we need that
computer re-entry program.

Fred, how are
the batteries looking?


Batt A looks good.

interface in one minute

and 30 seconds.

Batt B, no volts,
the amps are okay.

Batt C...

No volts, only two amps.

It may die before
the main chutes open.

Roger. Let's tie all the batteries
onto main A and main B.

They're still shallowing a bit up there.
Do you want to tell them?

Is there anything
we can do about it?

Not now, Flight.

Then they don't
need to know, do they?

Copy that.

RETRO says the typhoon is still
a presence in the splashdown area?

We got the parachute situation,

heat shield, angle of
trajectory, and a typhoon.

There are so many
variables, I'm at a loss...

I know what the problems are.

This could be the worst
disaster NASA has experienced.

With all due respect, sir, I believe
this is going to be our finest hour.

Expect entry
interface in 45 seconds.

And on my mark, your velocity

will be 35,245 feet per second.

Mark 35 seconds
to entry interface.


it's been a privilege
flying with you.

Flight, we have
loss of radio contact.

Roger that.

Expect to regain signal
in three minutes.

It all depends
on the heat shield.

Back to the Iwo Jima
and our live cameras there.

The Navy recovery and rescue
helicopters already airborne,

circling, waiting for
first radar contact.

Three minutes until
time of drogue deployment.

Standing by for any
reports of acquisition.

One minute and 30 seconds
to end of blackout.

No re-entering
ship has ever taken longer

than three minutes to
emerge from blackout.

This is the critical moment.
Will the heat shield hold?

Will the command module survive
the intense heat of re-entry?

If it doesn't,
there'll only be silence.

Mommy, you're squishing me.

Sorry, sweetie.

It's okay.

Okay, Flight,
that's three minutes.

We are standing by
for acquisition.

Copy that.

Odyssey, Houston.
Do you read me?

Expected time of reacquisition,

the time when the astronauts were
expected to come out of blackout,

has come and gone.

About all any of us can do
now is just listen and hope.

We're about to learn whether
or not that heat shield,

which was damaged by the
expl*si*n three days ago,

has withstood
the inferno of re-entry.

Odyssey, this is Houston.
Do you read me?

Three minutes,
30 seconds. Standing by.

Odyssey, Houston.
Do you read?

Odyssey, this is Houston.
Do you read me?

That's four minutes.
Standing by.

Odyssey, Houston.
Do you read?

Hello, Houston, this is Odyssey.

It's good to see you again.

Odyssey, Houston. Welcome home.

We're glad to see you.

Good job, Ken.

Thank you.

They made it!

Houston, we're at stable one.
The ship is secure.

This is Apollo 13 signing off.

Good job.

Our mission was called
a successful failure

in that we returned safely, but
never made it to the moon.

In the following months
it was determined

that a damaged coil
built inside the oxygen t*nk

sparked during
our cryo stir and caused

the expl*si*n that
crippled the Odyssey.

It was a minor defect
that occurred two years

before I was even named
the flight's Commander.

Fred Haise was going back
to the moon on Apollo 18,

but his mission was canceled
due to budget cuts.

He never flew in space again.

Nor did Jack Swigert,
who left the Astronaut Corps

and was elected to Congress
from the state of Colorado.

But he died of cancer before
he was able to take office.

Ken Mattingly orbited the moon

as command module pilot
of Apollo 16,

and flew the Space Shuttle,
having never gotten the measles.

Gene Kranz retired as
Director of Flight Operations

just not long ago.

Many members of Mission Control
have gone on to other things,

but some are still there.

And as for me,

the seven extraordinary days of
Apollo 13 were my last in space.

I watched other men walk on
the moon and return safely,

all from the confines of Mission
Control and our house in Houston.

I sometimes catch myself
looking up at the moon,

remembering the changes of
fortune in our long voyage,

thinking of
the thousands of people

who worked to bring
the three of us home.

I look up at the moon and wonder

when will we be going back

and who will that be?
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