11x23 - Caught In The Headlights

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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11x23 - Caught In The Headlights

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat, Why does

♪ a love kiss

♪ stay in my memory? ♪

SONG: 'I'm A Believer'

- MAN : You said cash up front. - MAN : Rest when we're done.

GIRL: We'll leave our coats with you, Dad.

How else would I get you up? 'Ey up, lads.

- o'clock sharp! - The band'll give us a lift.

Good evening, ladies. Girls.

What the...?!


Aidensfield Arms?

Mr Robinson!

- Mm-hm? - There's a phone call for you.


Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that. Have you had a better offer?

Yes...well... what if I upped the ante?

You've already shaken on it.

Well, there's nothing more to say, then.

SONG: 'The Girl Can't Help It'

♪ She can't help it The girl can't help it

♪ She can't help it The girl can't help it

♪ When she walks by, the men folks get engrossed

♪ She can't help it The girl can't help it

♪ If she winks an eye The bread slice turns to toast

♪ She can't help it The girl can't help it

♪ She got a lot of what they call the most

♪ She can't help it The girl can't help it

♪ The girl can't help it She was born to please

♪ She can't help it The girl can't help it

♪ And if I go to her on my bended knees

♪ She can't help it The girl can't help it

♪ Well, the girl's going out but she's in love with me ♪

Will I do, then?

You look...

wonderful. Come on.

Ta-ra, Oscar.

I'm so nervous. - Have a nice time.

You'll be fine. Trust me.

Oh, damn! - What?

Erm...I've got a flat tyre.

You'd better go back inside and I'll fit the spare.

No. You'll get all messed up.

If you don't mind travelling second class, we'll go in mine. Come on.

MUSIC: 'I Only Have Eyes For You' by The Flamingoes

GINA: You won't leave me alone.

You won't be on your own for one moment.

Miss Ward. How nice to see you and looking so lovely.

You too, Robinson. Not as lovely, of course,

but just as welcome. - Thank you.

Let's get you both a drink.

♪ I only have eyes

♪ For you... ♪

Oh, ta.

- Mr Fairborn. - Mr Robinson. How are you?

I'm well. And impatient to know what you made of my latest offer.

Straight to the point but not quite quick enough, I'm afraid.

Someone got there before you.

- What do you mean? - It's sold.

Shook hands on the deal this afternoon.

Well, may I ask who you shook hands with?

You may, but...I'm not saying.

You really should look at another smallholding I own

further up the valley.

GINA: Is that one of your ancestors?

Yes. The time's come to have my own portrait done.

Oh...on a horse?

Plus fours, I think. Shotgun. Dogs. That sort of thing.

I must get you a refill. - No need.

Good man.

I think I've had enough.

Nonsense! It's a party. You look after her.

Make sure she doesn't bump into any strange men.

So, have you finished your business then?

Yes. Now I can concentrate just on you.

SONG: 'Why Do Fools Fall In Love?'

♪ Ooh wah, ooh wah

♪ Why do fools fall in love?

♪ Why do birds sing so gay?

♪ And lovers await the break of day?

♪ Why do they fall in love?

♪ Why does the moon fall from above?

♪ Why do fools fall in love?

♪ Why do they fall in love? ♪

- No Gina? - No.

She's hob-nobbing at Ashfordly Hall tonight

but she didn't forget your packed lunch.

What a star.

- Vernon...give it up. - Oh, no!

I don't usually finish the crossword

but this one, I am finishing.

I can give you a clue to three across.

Not a word. Three more to go and I'm going to frame it.

All my own work.

- Two weeks on one crossword. - Thanks.

You couldn't give me the name of a doctor, could you?

Dr Summerbee. Would you like a number?


- Aidensfield . - Oh, thanks.

Oh, sorry. No pen.

That's all right. Vernon's not using his.

ROBINSON: I'm not sure how much longer I'll be in Aidensfield

but I'll be back, whatever.

Gina, are you all right?

No. I feel a bit funny.

Come on. Let's get you out of here. Come on.


You just hang on here. I'll get your coat.

- Is everything all right? - No.

Gina's not feeling too well, I'm afraid.

One drink too many, I think.

We'd better get her home. - Shame.

- Yes, well...thanks anyway. - My pleasure.

SONG: 'Gimme Some Lovin''

♪ Well, my temperature's risin' and my feet are on the floor

♪ Twenty people knockin' cos they want some more

♪ Let me in, baby I don't know what you've got

♪ You'd better take it easy This place is hot

♪ So glad we made it

♪ So glad we made it

♪ You gotta gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme some lovin' ♪ Gimme gimme me some lovin'

♪ Gimme some lovin' every day

♪ Well, I feel so good everything is outta sight

♪ You'd better take it easy This place is on fire

♪ Been a hard day I don't know what to do

♪ Wait a minute, baby and...


♪ So glad we made it

♪ You gotta gimme some lovin' Gimme gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme some lovin' ♪ Gimme gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme some lovin' every day ♪

- LORD ASHFORDLY: Still here? - I'm afraid so.

Where's Miss Ward?

She's driven off in a huff.

Oh, dear. Ditched you, has she?


Never mind. I'll call you a taxi

and you can come and have another drink.

- MAN: Aye-aye. - 'Ey up, you lot. Dad's here.

- Where are they? - They were here a minute ago.

If they're in that van, there'll be trouble.

Why would they be in the van?

There's just a couple of lilos in there.


- Hi, Dad. - Hi, Dad.

- See you tomorrow. - 'Night girls.

'Night, Mr Perkins.

♪ It seems I've got to have a change of scene

♪ Cos every night I have the strangest dreams

♪ Imprisoned by the way...

- It looks bad. - DRIVER: Yeah.

♪ Left here on my own or so it seems

♪ I've got to leave before I start to scream

♪ But someone's locked the door and took the key

♪ Are you feeling all right?

♪ I'm not feeling too good myself

♪ Well, you're feeling all right

♪ I'm not feeling too good myself ♪

Where have you been? You look terrible.

I'm going to bed.

What time did the incident happen?

Between quarter to eleven and eleven.

- Witnesses? - Not that we know of.

Mike and Phil are measuring up and searching.

- Who reported it? - Bernie Scripps.

He recognises the victim as someone called Sinclair.

And he's in a bad way.

- Morning. - Oh, morning.

So, what happened to you last night?

Why do you ask?

Gina got back at six this morning. Where were you?

I got back in a cab around midnight.

Gina had left well before then.

- And why was that? - Well, Mr Blaketon...

better ask her.

MIKE: What do you know about Sinclair, Bernie?

He's a surveyor, I think. Not from round here.

- Any idea where he's staying? - No.

Oscar Blaketon might know.

When you found him, you said you were coming back from a call-out.

Heading towards the village? - Yeah.

I almost missed him. He was hidden in the verge.

Were you passed by any other vehicles

prior to coming across Sinclair? - No.

- See any other vehicles? - Not till the one I flagged down.

Morning sir, can I help you? - I hope so.

I've got a car with a flat tyre. Could you see to it?

How quickly do you want it?

I've got a meeting this morning.

I can't do it now. I'll stick the spare on, if you'll risk it.

Fine. Thanks.

That was a nasty accident last night.


Is the victim going to...be OK?

Well, we don't know yet.

It's a bad do.

Car's across the road, Mr Scripps, when you're ready.

Right you are.

I should have put my foot down to start with.

Now they're part-time backing singers

for a group of pimply youths

calling themselves Zak And The Zeroes.

The Zeroes? I know them.


No. No. I've just heard of them.

They're good. - I wouldn't know.

What I do know is that two of them

are getting their sweaty paws on my girls.

And I'm not having it. - Ah, no.

I've been chauffeur and chaperone to them for so long

but I can't run a pub and keep running after them.

S,D and rock'n'roll.

If you get my meaning.

Say no more.

MIKE: Do you know Sinclair, Oscar?

He used to come in regularly just before last orders.

One drink and then off.

Any idea where he's staying?

Yeah. That cottage up at Moorend.

Bernie... What's wrong?

Have you any idea how this happened?

I haven't got a clue.

It's the first time I've seen it myself.

You're saying it could have happened while the car was here?

I'm not saying anything, Mike. I don't know.

The car's going to have to go in for a forensic examination.

- What? - Don't touch anything.

What's going on, Phil?

Mr Sinclair was badly injured in a hit and run accident last night.

MIKE: Delta Alpha - to Control.

Are you sure you know nothing about this, Gina?

- Yes, I am, Oscar. - You need to come up with answers.

- MERTON: 'Go ahead, Bradley.' - And fast.

MIKE: We've found the car, sarge.

It's Gina Ward's. - I'll arrange for collection.

Do you know where Sinclair's been staying?

MIKE: 'The cottage at Moorend.'

I'll send someone over to find the name and address of a relative.

They're appearing at the Zambezi Club in Whitby all this week.

Rest assured, Mr Perkins,

your loved ones will remain unsullied on my watch.

Hmm. Till tonight, then.

Now, that's what I call easy money, David.

S and D? What are they?


He just said "S, D and rock'n'roll."

Oh, yes, it's erm...

"Sweets and doughnuts and rock'n'roll."

Right. This one?

First things first, eh?


Needs a dust.

Any joy?

His mother.

I just remember feeling all funny.

How do you mean?

My eyes were all blurred and I felt really heavy.

- Had you had a drink, Gina? - Yeah.

I had a couple of glasses of wine. I knew I had to drive.

Just a couple? You sure?

I can't be certain.

The waiter, he kept topping my glass up.

So, tell me. What happened after you went funny?

Well, we left.

You and Mr Robinson left the party together?


Then what?

I don't know. I just remember going outside.

Then after that, I don't recall a thing.

You're telling us you have no recollection of events

between leaving Ashfordly Hall and waking in your car?

That's what I said.

Why did Mr Robinson come back by taxi?

Well, how should I know?

Perhaps he wasn't happy being driven by you

in the state you were in?

Well, why don't you ask him? Then again, why bother?

You've already decided what happened!

Hello, Trish. Thanks for seeing her at short notice.

- What are you hoping for? - Good question.

Just see if you can find anything to account for memory loss.

Perhaps she was drunk.

Yeah, I know. Will it show in the blood test?

hours after her last drink? I doubt it.

- I could get used to this. - Thank you, Mr Scripps.

He's not as bad as when he was pretending in front of Dad.

Don't bank on it. I meant what I said.

Safe here. Safe home.

And no hanky-panky in-between! - Weren't you young once?

In my day, everyone was young once.

Twice if you were lucky. - Oh, here we go.

- We were fighting a w*r. - Yeah, The Big Bore w*r.

What time are you coming back?

I'm not. I'm staying.


Yes, now get inside before you catch your death

in those clothes you're nearly wearing.

♪ Well, my pad is very messy and there's whiskers on my chin

♪ I'm hung up on music and I always play to win

♪ Ain't got no time for lovin' Cos my time is all used up

♪ Just to sit around creatin' all that groovy kind of stuff

♪ I'm a man, yes I am

♪ And I can't help but love you so

♪ I'm a man, yes I am

♪ And I can't help but love you so

♪ Well, if I had my choice of matter

♪ I would rather be with cats

♪ All engrossed in mental chatter

♪ Movin' where our minds are at

♪ And relating to each other Just how strong our wills can be

♪ I'm resisting all involvement with each groovy chick I see

♪ I'm a man, yes I am

♪ And I can't help but love you so

♪ I'm a man, yes I am

♪ And I can't help but love you so

♪ I got to keep my image while suspended from a throne

♪ That looks upon a kingdom full of people all unknown

♪ Who imagine I'm not human and my heart is made of stone

♪ I never had no problems and my toilet's trimmed with chrome

♪ I'm a man, yes I am

♪ And I can't help but love you so

♪ I'm a man, yes I am

♪ And I can't help but love you so ♪


Where's Gina?

I'd leave her alone if I were you.

Can I...erm...have a word?

I...erm...saw the police take your car away.

Do they think it was involved in the accident?

Well, what do you think?

I'm sorry, Gina. I should have stopped you driving.

Then why didn't you?

- Well, you know why. - No, I don't.

I don't remember a thing. - You don't remember...

we had a row? - What about?

Does it matter?

Yes, it does! A man's critically injured and they think I did it.

When we got outside, you became affectionate.

And...kissing and so on.

I told you to cool it and you took it as a rebuff.

Erm...you don't remember... any of this?


Well, that's when you stormed off.

I pleaded with you not to drive.

You wouldn't listen.

I'm sorry, Gina.

♪ How could she tell?

♪ He deceived her so well

♪ Pity she'll be the last one to know

♪ Silence is golden

♪ But my eyes still see

♪ Silence is golden, golden

♪ But my eyes still see ♪

♪ Ooh-ee-ooh-ee Ooh-ooh-ooh-ee-ah!

Mrs Sinclair?

Mrs Sinclair?

- Yes? - PC Mike Bradley.

Ashfordly Police. I'm investigating the accident involving your son.

How is he? - He's very poorly.

He hasn't regained consciousness yet.

- I'm sorry to hear that. - Do you know how it happened?

No, not yet. But we may have found the car.

Just so that you know...

his clothes have been taken to forensic to make a match

with the fibres found on it. - I understand.

I won't bother you now but I will need some details about your son.

Oh, yes. Of course.

I'll be staying for a few days at the cottage he's been renting.

If that's the case, then...


..you'll need these. - Oh...

thank you.

- Right. How many do you want? - Two.

No, three. - Three?!

Anything to get shot of this thumping headache.

Oh, well... happen you'll get used to it.

Used to it?! You think I'm going to be permanently brain damaged?

No. I mean you'll get used to the music. Like me.

Just leave the bottle, will you, David?

♪ Why does the moon fall from above?

♪ Why do fools fall in love? Why do they fall in love? ♪

OSCAR: I saw the light on outside. Hope you don't mind me calling.

- Please, come in. - Oh, thank you.

Your son used to call into the Aidensfield Arms most nights.

I didn't know he was such a drinker.

No, he isn't. Just one drink before closing time.

Have you been able to speak to him yet?


That's...that's tough. I'm sorry.

I was just making a cup of tea. Would you like one?

Well, that's very kind. Thank you very much.

He never said what he was doing up here, your son.

Well, I'm not too sure myself.

He used to work for the Ministry of Transport.

It was a steady job. Then, all of a sudden, he left and came up here.

I see.



SONG: "F.B.I."


Did Ian say anything to you about needing to see a doctor?

No. Why?

Well, he asked me for the name of the local GP.


And he put the name and telephone number in his diary.

Well, he does suffer from asthma...


..so maybe it was that.

MRS SINCLAIR: Constable Bradley, come in.

- Oscar...? - Mike.

Mr Blaketon popped in to ask about Ian.

Oh, yes?

The constable says they've found the car.

- And the driver, we think. - Oh...

She's the licensee of the Aidensfield Arms.

You're pleased with yourself? Dropping me in it?

Come on, Oscar! What did you hope to gain from it?

Sinclair asked about a doctor.

I thought he might be on medication that reacts with alcohol.

And cause him to jump in front of cars?

All right. I'm clutching at straws, Mike.

Look, don't you think she's got enough on her plate

without you sniffing around?

I'm doing this for Gina. Or don't you care about her?

ALF ON RADIO: 'Control to Delta Alpha - .'

Don't cross your friends. You never know when you might need one.

Delta Alpha - . Yes?

Yes. Yes, I will.

Ian Sinclair died minutes ago.

LORD ASHFORDLY: I've told the police everything.

They think it's an open and shut case.

It's just a question of why Gina can't recall any of this.

A little too much of the falling down water, I'd say.

Did she seem drunk to you?

She wasn't steady on her pins when Robinson said they had to go.

- What time was this? - About half ten, eleven o'clock.

- Could you be precise? - I'm afraid not.

- But you saw Robinson come back? - Yes.

- Was that after eleven? - Possibly. I don't know.

What's the point? I was hosting a party, not clock watching.

Yes, of course, My Lord.

All I know is that Robinson said they'd had a row

and that she drove off in a huff.

- And you called him a taxi? - Yes.

- Immediately? - More or less.

Thank you, My Lord. Oh, just one more thing.

Were you aware of any dr*gs...

circulating among your guests?

I beg your pardon?

I do have to ask, My Lord.

The only dr*gs circulating here, Blaketon, are remedies for gout.

If you don't mind, there's the door.

- Did you get anything? - Well, I'm not sure.

Let's do a time trial. - What's that?

Wait and see.

♪ Don't get too lost in all I say

♪ Though at the time I really felt that way

♪ But that was then now it's today

♪ I can't get off

♪ And so, I'm here to stay

♪ Till someone comes along and takes my place

♪ With a different name Yes, a different face

♪ You're feeling all right...

It's now half past. Meet me back at the hall.

♪ I'm not feeling too good myself

♪ Well, you're feeling all right

♪ I'm not feeling too good myself ♪

Mr Robinson. Fairborn here.

Hello, Mr Fairborn. What can I do for you?

I think there may be something I can do for you, actually.

That piece of land you were interested in has become available.

Has your buyer backed out?

Backed out or not, are you still interested?

When can we meet?

He could have done it, Mike. He could have been the driver.

MIKE: Go on.

Supposing he spiked Gina's drink.

Why would Robinson want to spike Gina's drink?

Come on. Use your imagination.

Oscar, you're using enough for the both of us.

To put her out and as*ault her.

Did Tricia find evidence of an as*ault?

No, but I think the accident happened before he had a chance.

Now, look. Sinclair left the pub at : pm.

It's a ten-minute walk to the scene of the accident. : pm.

Ashfordly said he called Robinson a taxi after he got back

just after eleven. I've timed it.

He could have done it. - You want me to talk to Merton?

- Of course. - I'd love to believe you,

but I'm sorry, he won't.

So take my advice, get Gina a good solicitor and take a back seat.

Take a back seat!

DAVID: Mr Vernon.

Mr Vernon! - No, David.

It's past eleven. Is something the matter?

There was noise going, racket coming back and bedlam in-between.

My ears are k*lling me.

At least you got your crossword finished.


There's nothing more I can do here.

I've taken what few personal things Ian left here.

I was wondering about the clothes sent for forensic examination.


Would it be possible...

to have them returned in due course?

Well, yes. Yes, of course.

And anything else there might be?

Mr Blaketon spoke about a diary.

I'll make sure you get everything there is.

Thank you, constable.

What makes you think it's Sinclair's bag?

He brought it into the pub once or twice.

It had the same label on it.

- Coincidence? - Yeah, a big one.


MUSIC: 'Mess Around' by The Marmalade



♪ Just a mess around

♪ Just can't seem to find myself

♪ Just a mess around

♪ And you'll hear from no-one else

♪ Just a mess around

♪ Take the bones to someone else...

Mr Robinson?

Phone call for you.

♪ And I know it belongs to me ♪

Er...yes. He's coming now.

Hello? Hello?

That's funny. Just cut off.

TRICIA: Look up. And down.

Left and right.

Loud music, eh?

Loud music. Flashing lights. No rest. No sleep.

Just these blinding headaches.

What is it, Doctor? - Age.

Oh, thanks. Nothing more scientific?

It sounds like you're having migraines.

And my ear drums?

If you're getting continuous ringing it's probably tinnitus.

I'll sue 'em.

- Who? - Zak And The Zeros.

I've never had a migraine

until they started hollering down my earhole.

Nor this tinny thing. - Tinnitus.

Is there a cure?

Yeah. Send someone else to listen to them.

Is Merton coming?

Yeah, he's...he's here now.

- I'll tell Robinson to see you. - Thanks, Oscar.

This had better be good, Bradley.

You wanted to see me, constable?

This is Sergeant Merton from Ashfordly Station.

We'd like to open the boot of your car.

What for?

It's in connection with the death of Mr Sinclair.

I don't understand.

Just open the car, please, Mr Robinson.

Thank you, sir. That's fine. - Is that all?

Thank you. Yes, sir.

MIKE: Sorry, sarge.

Tell that has-been to stay out of our way.

Just a second, sarge!

We'd better have a word at the station, Mr Robinson.

Where did you come by this?

It was in the cottage.

Mr Sinclair's cottage?

What were you doing? - Looking for confidential papers.

- You stole them. - Well, if I was,

I was stealing from myself. Ian Sinclair and I are...

rather were, business partners.

You can substantiate that?

Of course.

You were at the cottage the night of the accident. At what time?

Around midnight.

Late to go visiting.

I didn't want the documents seen.

How did you know about the accident?

I saw him stretchered into the ambulance from my taxi.

- You had the cottage keys? - No.

I found some under a mat. - Lucky.


MERTON: Why keep your relationship with Mr Sinclair secret?

- Business strategy. - And Ian Sinclair's role?

He was the land surveyor marking my card

as to best purchase options.

Is this going to take much longer?

If it is, I have a meeting to reschedule.

- There's a phone in the duty room. - Thank you so much.

- Plausible. - Very. Let's dig deeper.

Right. These are your blood test results.

We got them back this afternoon.

What does all this mean?

You were unlikely to have been drunk.

But the sample was taken a day later.

Would the result be admissible in court?

Yes. We use the same lab as forensics.

The interesting result is the level of nitrazepam

in the blood. - GINA: What's that?

- A drug used in sleeping tablets. - I don't take any.

What's the effect with alcohol?

It depends on drug strength and the amount of alcohol.

But it's an accelerant. - Could it have knocked me out?

Very possibly. Yes.

Yep. I've got that.

Now, Mr Sinclair worked in that job for six years.

Can you tell me what that involved, please?

Why classified?

Right. Taxi here.

See you, Dad.

Oh, hello, handsome.

- Hey! What are you doing here? - Oh, it's Mr Vernon.

He's in bed poorly.

You can get him out of bed. I'm not trusting you.

No, it really is quite bad, Mr Perkins.

Look, he sent a sick note.

Sick note. Bless him.

- Dad, we've got to go. - Come on, Dad. We're late already.

Just this once. Do you hear?

There's someone here to see you.

- OSCAR: Where is he? - Who?

Robinson. Gina was drugged.

I had a blood test.

Her drink was spiked. He was behind the wheel.

If he was, it means he's k*lled his business partner.

- OSCAR: What? - MIKE: Sinclair was his partner.

This is beginning to make sense.

Those car tracks came on to the verge.

The car was aimed at Sinclair.

It was premeditated. Where is he?

He's gone.

- He's what? - MIKE: He wasn't under arrest.

Get after him! Charge him!

With what? Everything you've said is circumstantial.

There's nothing that puts him at the scene.

What about this?

Robinson took it from the cottage that night.

OSCAR: How? Did he break in?

No, he said he found a key hidden by the front door.

- And you believed him? - Not entirely.

He could have taken it from Sinclair's pocket at the scene.

- OSCAR: Exactly. - Possible, not provable.

Mrs Sinclair said you'd mentioned a diary.

- Yeah. What about it? - How did you know he had one?

He made a note of Tricia's number.

- On the night of the accident? - Yes.

- Did anyone else witness it? - Vernon Scripps.

Sinclair asked to borrow his pen.

Robinson had to have taken this from Sinclair's pocket

on the night of the accident.

It proves he was there.

Sarge, information about Sinclair from The Ministry of Transport.

Were you here when Robinson rearranged his meeting?

Do you know who he called? - Er...Fair...somebody.

- Fairborn? - Yeah. That's it.

- He was at Ashfordly's party. - You know where he lives.

Muster some relief then go to the Aidensfield Arms.

We don't want him legging it if we miss him.

OSCAR: Gina, come on.

♪ So glad we made it

♪ So glad we made it

♪ You gotta gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme some lovin'

♪ Gimme gimme some lovin'

♪ Please gimme some lovin' every day ♪

- MERTON: Mr Fairborn? - Yes?

MERTON: Sergeant Merton. Constable Bradley.

May we have a word? - Come in.

How can I help?

Has a Mr Robinson been to see you?

Yes. In fact, you've just missed him.

May I ask why he was here?

I was agreeing the sale of some land to him.

MIKE: Is this the area concerned?

Yes. What's this about, sergeant?

Do you know Ian Sinclair?

Yes. He wanted to buy the same piece of land.

I agreed to sell to him first, before the poor chap was er...

knocked down.

Would it surprise you that he and Mr Robinson were partners?

Nonsense! They were competing.

Why bid the price up against themselves?

The bigger mystery to me, sergeant,

is why they were interested in that patch of scrub.

We may have the answer to that, sir.

Courtesy of the Ministry Of Transport.

♪ I thought love was only true in fairy tales

- Come on. Shake a leg! - No, thanks.

We don't take no for an answer.

♪ Love was out to get me

♪ That's the way it seemed

♪ Disappointment haunted all my dreams

♪ Then I saw her face

♪ Now I'm a believer

♪ Not a trace of doubt in my mind

♪ I'm in love

♪ I'm a believer I couldn't leave her if I tried...

GINA: Going, are you?

- Gina, I didn't see you. - Making a run for it?

No. No. I've settled my bill with Mr Blaketon.

GINA: But not with me.

Yes, I'm sorry. I er...

I should have said goodbye. - You k*lled him.


You knew he'd be on that stretch of the road.

- Let's leave it, shall we? - You drugged me.

You left me with the blame for a horrible crime.

- Sorry, I've got to go. - You're not going anywhere.

- You're wrong. - Not with a flat tyre, you're not.

Oh, two can play that game.

You stupid cow!

You gonna keep him busy for a while?

- All right. minutes. - Thanks.


I'm not kidding!

Yes! Sweets, doughnuts and rock'n'roll!

Hiya? Yeah.

All right. Hang on. I'll ask 'em.

Do we want to sign a recording contract?


The answer seems to be "Yeah!"

Cheers, mate. I'll talk to you later.

Says we can sack the drummer.


Don't tell me. You've broken down.

No, we're fine. We're just going to be later than planned.

Put your driver on.

Hello, Mr Perkins.

As long as they're with you, they can stay out longer.

But keep those pimply yobs off them, all right?

OSCAR: So, you've tucked Robinson up, have you?

- MIKE: Yeah. - Well done.

Well done to you.

- What's this? - Celebration.

It's not every day uniform solve a m*rder.

- PHIL: You could be noticed! - So were they partners or rivals?

Partners to begin with. Sinclair leaked to Robinson

that a new road was being built.

Landowners on the route would get compensation above current price.

Sinclair thought that he wasn't getting a fair return

so he decided to do the deals.

Robinson found out. - And he did something about it.

And enter yours truly here, dressed to the nines.

- You looked great in the outfit. - GINA: You can have it.

I don't think I'll be wearing it again.

Cheers, everyone!

ALL: Cheers.

Where is he? More to the point, what's he done with my girls?

- Aren't they back? It's after... - I know what time it is!

When I get hold of him...


Answer it!


Oh, David. Are you all right?

They're all safe. So, what's happened?

So, where are you now?

- Well? - The good news is

the group have been offered a record contract with a big company.

They're going to be very rich.

However, the not-so-good news is that they're...

on their way to Gretna Green!

Sylvia! Linda!
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