13x25 - Little Angel

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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13x25 - Little Angel

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss

♪ When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪

So that leaves you .

Home and dry, boys. Home and dry!

OSCAR: Come on, Steve. You can do it.

Take your time, OK?

A double , and the match is ours.

- Go on, Mr Crane! - Shh!


MR WHARTON: He cheated!

Come on, Mr Wharton. It was a close fight, but we won fair and square.

Come on, Gina, get the sandwiches, I'll get the beer.

♪ Doo, doo, doo-dee-doo

♪ Do-doo, doo, dee-doo ♪



MUSIC: 'True Love Ways by Peter & Gordon

♪ Just you know why

♪ Why you and I

Hey. You all right?

♪ Will by and by

How about a little kiss for Daddy, eh?

♪ Know true love ways

♪ Sometimes we'll sigh

♪ Sometimes we'll cry


Just keep it down.

♪ Just you and I

♪ Know true love ways

What's going on?

- Jen, there's a rat in the kitchen. - A rat?

Yeah, it's massive.

BLAKETON: Look out! There it goes!

Oscar, the last thing you want is publicity.

I'll have to tell the pest control officer.

Look, if you tell the council,

they'll close you down as soon as look at you.

Just don't say a word to anyone. Just leave it all to me.


Daddy's just going to buy us a nice pie for our dinner.

I won't be a minute. You stay here and look after Dolly, eh?

I won't be long.

Hi, Gina!

- How's it going back there? - Oh, nightmare!

I tell you what, I'm not going in the kitchen till Vernon's caught it.

I don't blame you.

- Ta-ra. - See you!





Have you seen a little girl?

Excuse me! Have you seen a little girl with a doll?

Where was she?

In my car. I only left her for two minutes. Angel!



Phil! Phil, there's a child gone missing.

This gentleman here.

It's my daughter. She was in the car.

I said I'd only be a minute and when I got back she'd just...

How old is she, sir?

Six. Blonde hair. Red coat. Carrying a doll.

How long ago did you leave her?

Five minutes. I were only in the pie shop.

Well, she can't have got far in five minutes.

Why don't you look up that side of the street

and I'll look down here? Jenny, can you wait by the car?

- Sir, what's she called? - Angel.


Yeah, they go in there and the door slams shut and Bob's your uncle.

And you catch them alive?

Yeah. And I don't want to see them, Vernon, alive or dead.

You won't. David will dispose of them elsewhere. Won't you, David?


OK, where have you looked?

Phil went as far as the bus station

and Mr Jarvis went right up to the railway bridge.

The shops, round back, everywhere.

What's happened? What have you done with her?

- All right, Mrs Jarvis. - Where is she?

Mr Jarvis only left her for a few minutes.

Left her?! Left her where?

In the car. Only while I..

You fool! You idiot!

Marie Jarvis, Sarge. The child's mother.

Mrs Jarvis, I know this is very upsetting,

but try not to panic. I'm sure your daughter is quite safe.

She probably just tried to follow her dad and got a bit lost.

She's only six!

I understand. Bellamy.

You collected her from home, did you?

Yes, Sarge. , Bridge Street.

Searched everywhere? Cellars, loft, cupboards?

Yes, Sarge.

Missing kids often find their own way home and then hide,

thinking they'll be in trouble.

I know that, Sarge, but no sign.

I gather Mr and Mrs Jarvis are separated, are they?

Yes, Sarge.

- Anyone else on the scene? - She has got a new boyfriend.

He works up at the sawmills. Do you want me to collect him?

Not yet. The most likely thing is

she got out of the car and wandered away.

Unless someone's taken her.

Let's not go down that route just yet.

What we need now is a systematic search.

I'll radio Whitby and get some more men.

OK, Mr Jarvis. If you would like to come with me?

Sergeant Merton would like a...

Where's Mrs Jarvis?

MUSIC: 'Look Through Any Window' by The Hollies

♪ Look through any window

OK. You carry on, I'll go down the next shop.

♪ What do you see?

♪ Smiling faces all around

♪ Rushing through the busy town where do they go?

♪ Moving on their way

♪ Walking down the highways and the byways

♪ Where do they go?

♪ Moving on their way

♪ People with their shy ways and their sly ways

♪ Oh

♪ You can see the little children all around

♪ Oh

♪ You can see the little ladies in their gowns when you

♪ Look through any window... ♪

So, the arrow points to the spot on Market Street

where the child went missing.

And the circle represents the boundary

of how far we think she would have got if she was on foot.


This is the child here, lads. Take a good look. Thank you, Ventress.

The Gazette are running it

in this evening's edition. And I've radioed to all stations

her description. - Excellent. All right, men,

section off the map into search areas, two men to each area.

Let's get cracking!

There you go.

Any news?

MERTON: Not yet, I'm afraid.

We've checked with your mother and she's not there.

She's not with this list of school chums, either.

And you say you've no friends or relations in Ashfordly at all?

Not since my marriage broke up.

- We've checked his digs, Sarge. - KEITH: She couldn't be there.

Thanks to her, it's the first time I've been able to take her out.

Look what happened now you got your way!

You lost her!


Jenny for you, Sarge. In the duty room.

Excuse me.

- Well? - Is she in there?

MERTON: Just wait a minute, sir!

It's Sam Turner. Marie's boyfriend.

She asked me to fetch him.


KEITH: This is about my daughter. It's nothing to do with you.

It's everything to do with him. He loves her!

Get out!



Put him in the interview room.

Take a seat, please, will you? PHONE RINGS

Ashfordly police station.

- What did you do that for? - She was desperate.

So you took it upon yourself to fetch him

- without asking me? - Yes.

Did it never cross your mind

that bringing him here with Jarvis might not be such a good idea?

I knew about him.

I was going to bring him in at a moment of my own choosing.

I'm sorry. I wanted to help.

ALF: Sarge.

Well, in future, please don't.

That was the underwater search unit.

They're doing the lakes and ponds this afternoon,

if we don't find her.

Right. Quite frankly, I don't think we're going to find her. Not there.

You don't think...?

I don't know. But I'm pretty sure if she'd just wandered off,

we'd have found her by now.

I've got a nasty feeling about this one, Ventress.

MUSIC: 'Theme For Young Lovers' by The Shadows

Sorry to bother you.

We're looking for a little girl who's got lost.

Mr Ventress will take you home, OK?

But I should be out looking.

You need to be at home for your daughter, Mrs Jarvis.

The first thing she'll want to see when we find her is her mum.

Exactly. She's bound to be a bit upset.

I can't believe this is happening.

How long is it since you and your husband separated, by the way?

A year.

And this is the first time he's taken her out?

It seems like a long time.

It's not long enough. I didn't want him to see her at all.

He's a very bitter man, Sergeant Merton.

You know he took me to court? Solicitors, the lot.

And now he's got his precious access, look what's happened,

the very first time he has her! I'll never forgive him. Never!

Please sergeant, I've got to find her.

We're all trying to do that.

Which is why I need as much information as you can give.

I'm sorry. I need to be out looking.

Mr Jarvis!


We've established that you've no relations in Ashfordly.

What about elsewhere?

- She doesn't know my relatives. - Not even a grandparent?

Look, she hadn't seen me for a whole year. Let alone my family.

So there's no friend or relation

who might have seen her in the car and taken her off?

You don't think someone's taken her, do you?

It's a possibility, that's all.

MAN: Get your paper here!

Get your Gazette here!

Get your paper here!

You work at the Ashfordly sawmill

and for the past year you've lived at , Bridge Street

with Mrs Jarvis? And of course young Angel.

You get on, do you, you and Angel?


Only, sometimes these things can be difficult.

The only difficult thing's been him.



He's pretty resentful, I imagine.

You taking his place in the family home.

Must be hard for him to accept.

I try not to get involved.

Mr Turner, have you any idea where Angel is?




Wait till the morning. Trust me.

You'll see. I'm an expert on vermin control.

Well, I hope you are, Vernon. Oh, any news on Jen?

No. She's spending the night with the mother.

She's really got herself involved, hasn't she?

Everyone has. They cancelled police leave

and they've had to draft in men from Whitby and Pickering.

What those poor parents must be going through.

It's terrible.


Any chance of a pint and an orange juice please, Gina?

And steak and chips twice, please.

Sorry, you'll have to ask Oscar.

PHONE RINGS GINA: Aidensfield Arms.

- Oscar? - Aye. She's boycotting the kitchen.

- Because of the rats. - Shut up, David.

Liz, it's Jenny, for you. She's at Marie Jarvis's house.

Sounds like she's in a bit of a flap.

Come and sit down, Marie.


everyone's out there.

The police. Sam and his friends.

Keith. They'll find her.


But I just keep thinking about the railway line

and the river and everything... - Don't t*rture yourself.

Look, why don't I put the kettle on. Yeah?


- Hello. - Any news?

I'm afraid not.

- Why is she here? - I just came by to see

if there was anything... - I said not to call her!

Listen, Marie. Sometimes a mild sedative can help.

I don't want pills!

I'm sorry, Dr Merrick. If you've got no news about Angel,

can you just go, please?



No, sir.

Look, it's nearly midnight.

Why don't you go home and try and get some rest?

Cup of tea?

SAM: Aye.

Then I'll go out again.


There we are, you see.

One, two, three.

All right, David. Take them away.


So that's it, is it?

Yes, there won't be any more. They're pack animals.

Once one goes in the cage, the rest all follow.

And we won't need it back tonight?

No. Job done.

Right. Well, do I owe you anything?

Oh, good Lord, no. The very idea.

Hang on.

OSCAR: I know how you like your whisky.

Oscar, this was done as a friend.

There you are. With my thanks.

Well, if you insist.

Gina, you can resume your kitchen duties now.

GINA: Oh, really? Oh, thanks, Vernon. That's very kind of you.

Morning, Sarge. Quite a few calls overnight.

One I thought might be interesting.

Ah, Sarge, here's one from a Mrs Wilson who thinks she saw a child

being led away from Market Street at ten o'clock yesterday morning.

Red coat, too! Woodside Avenue. I'll go and see her now.

Here we go.

A child's shoe found by the road.

Caller didn't give his name but he told us where to look.

Why don't you follow that one up and I'll go and speak to Mrs Wilson?

Sarge, Mr Jarvis wants to know if there's anything he can do to help.

I, erm, I can't do nothing.

All right. Crane, why don't you take him and Bellamy, too?

At least Mr Jarvis might be able to identify that shoe, if it exists.

What shoe?

David! What did you leave them in there for?

I thought you were going to dispose of them.

I am going to, I've just got to do this first.

Sunshine, I do not want rats in the funeral parlour.

Get rid of them, now!

MUSIC: 'Don't Let It Die' by Hurricane Smith

♪ Don't let it die

♪ Don't play it die ♪

I didn't even know about the missing child,

not till I saw the photo in the Gazette.

But you think this is definitely her?


So you were returning home from shopping?

Yes. I cut through behind Market Street and that's when I saw her.

Long blonde hair, just like in the paper, red coat.

Holding hands with a young woman.

And this woman, can you describe her?



I was looking at the child, being such a pretty little thing,

and thinking she looked a bit like our Irene.

And did you see which way they went?

I can't remember. I only glanced at them.

How did the child seem to you? Was she happy or upset or...?

Happy as anything. Chatting away.

I just assumed they were mother and daughter.

KEITH: Oh, no.

STEVE: Don't touch, sir.

Just say if it could be hers.

What's it doing here?

Bag it.


Oh, no!

STEVE: Mr Jarvis! I wouldn't, sir.

It can be treacherous.

That way's a peat bog!


Do you see what I see?


You don't think it's the boyfriend, do you?


MERTON: Sawdust.

Forensics think they might be able to tell

whether it came from Ashfordly sawmills.

All right. Let's bring in Sam Turner.


And also the mother.

The mother, Sarge?

Our only witness saw the child being led away

by a youngish, fair-haired woman who the child obviously knew.

Who does that suggest to you?

Yeah, but it doesn't make any sense.

I mean... Why would she abduct her own child?

And the shoes and doll...

I don't think anything at the moment.

Just let's talk to them and we'll see what we get.

- I don't like this. - Me neither.

It's a pretty big leap, isn't it? And you saw the state she was in.

Come on. Let's get it over with.

I tell you what, if she's anything to do with this,

she's an absolutely brilliant actress.

I've just persuaded her to lie down for a bit. Any news?


Sarge wants us to bring Marie and Sam in for questioning.


MUSIC: 'Ride On' by The Tremeloes

♪ Get you, man, just standing there

♪ You don't look scared well, I don't care

♪ I wouldn't be in your shoes, son

Excuse me. Can I help you at all?

Mr Blaketon?

Who wants to know?

I've come about your rats.

♪ Get your cycle and ride on

♪ Ride away

♪ Don't you know you'd better not stay

♪ Get your cycle and ride on

♪ Ride on you'd better be gone

♪ You don't look like you're gonna move

♪ Stubborn like a stupid mule

♪ If you think you'd rather die

♪ Don't expect nobody to cry ♪

I can't believe he could be that heartless. My own husband!

Jenny, calm down. There must be a reason.

Nobody can tell me they've got anything to do with this,

nobody, not even Dennis!

We don't have the facts, do we?

Now, presumably Dennis found out something serious.

Not about Marie or Sam!

OK. Statistically, nine times out of ten,

when a child disappears, someone in the family...

I don't care about statistics, Liz!

I'm sorry. You've got to manage without me today.

- I need to be with Marie. - Jenny...

You are becoming too involved!

What's going on?

Someone reported our rats to the Council.


I reckon it was that bloke that lost at darts.

The one who accused us of cheating?

Apparently Vernon and I are planning to feed rat droppings

to the general public.

Oh! The sneaky so-and-so.

Excuse me, Mister, you won't find anything down there.

We've caught them all.

You are?

I'm Gina Ward. Licensee.

Well, madam, I'm sorry to say these premises are a public health risk.

I'm afraid I've no alternative but to close this kitchen down.


Look here, I gave my details to the police in confidence.

I do hope you're not from the newspapers.

No. I'm Sergeant Merton's wife.


I've been helping to look after the missing girl's mother.

I see.

And she's just in a terrible state.

If you saw her, you'd want to help, I know you would

and I just thought...

I've told the police everything I know.

You are the last person to have seen her since she disappeared.

Absolutely the last person.

Please... Just let me take you through it once more.

The day Angel vanished, you started work at the sawmills at .am?

- Aye. - At .am you took a break

and went off-site.

- Aye. - Why?

To get some breakfast.

Look, why are we wasting time on stupid questions?

Because, Mr Turner, we've found her shoes and her doll.

And guess what? They're covered in sawdust.

Sawdust from the Ashfordly sawmill.




Jenny's here again.


She says she's got some information for you.

Ventress, I'm at a critical stage here.

Whatever it is, she can tell you.


Ah, Jenny.

He's in the middle of an interview,

and he said if you could tell me what the information is,

then I can pass it on later.

In other words, he won't see me?

- Well... - Thanks.


Oh, dear...

- Mr Scripps. - Yes, David?

- Will you do it? - What?

Get rid of the rats.

- No! - Oh!

- I don't know how to do it. - Well, neither do I.

JENNY: Bernie!

Oh, for goodness' sake, just do what the old rat-catchers used to do.

Stick the cage in the water butt.

I need your help and it's very urgent.

I'm looking for the owner of a green van.

- Sorry? - It's about the missing girl.

I've been to see a witness. She now thinks she remembers her

getting into a green van.

Jenny, this is something for your husband, not for me.

Yes, I know, but he's so busy, Bernie.

You see vans and cars all the time. I just thought...

There are green vans all over the shop. I'd need to know the make.

I don't know the make. Oh, just think, Bernie.

Look, I've asked at every garage. You are my last chance!

There was a dog in the back, if that helps. A white dog.

Oh, that nasty dog that bit me by the pumps last week

that was white, in a van. - Was it green?

No, it was white.

- It was a terrier. - The van.

The van was Harry Dickson, wasn't it?

That's right. Yeah, Mr Dickson. It wasn't a van, it was a Traveller.

But it was green. It was a green Morris Traveller.

Look! There's more droppings at the back here.

They're fresh ones.

Well, don't look at me! I got rid of three of them for you.

You said the job was done. So much for being a vermin expert!

If you're going to be unpleasant...

Oscar! I'm sorry, Vernon. I need a private word,

do you mind? - Not at all. Glad to be out of it.

It's about the little girl.

I found an address where she might be.

I thought as you and Alf do private eye you could help me check it.

- Your husband's dealing with it. - He's getting it all wrong!

He's arrested the mother and we are wasting vital time!

Is that why you went to the station to see Sergeant Merton earlier?

Yes! I've found out a whole lot more since then.

She's been kidnapped, Alf.

A witness saw her being put into the back of

a Morris Minor Traveller and David and Bernie know whose it is.

- Tell your other half. - I have!

I've spoken to him over the phone and he's asked me to check it out.

- Check it out? - The address that David gave me.

But it's way out on the moors. It'd be foolish of me to go on my own.

So, please...

Do this one thing for me?


let me see where it is.

MUSIC: 'Sea Of Love' by Marty Wilde

♪ Oh, my love

♪ Come with me

♪ To the sea of love

♪ Come with me

♪ My love

♪ To the sea, the sea of love

♪ I wanna tell you how much I love you... ♪

I still don't know why you said yes to her.

Because she wouldn't take no for an answer, that's why.

Well, I'm doing nothing. I'm just looking. The rest is up to Merton.

- Quite. - Lord knows what he's up to,

telling his wife to take a statement from a witness? The mind boggles!

I don't believe he did. I think she was lying.

Yeah, well, I do worry about her sometimes.

Very highly strung, I'd say.

There it is now.

There's no sign of a green Traveller.

Move forward a bit.

LIZ: You pretended that Dennis told you to?

Yes, all right. But it was a white lie.

What are you looking at me like that for?

You can't take the law into your own hands, Jenny.

Especially something as serious as this.

I had to! Dennis wouldn't even see me!

- Ring him. - What?

Ring him and tell him what you've done, otherwise I will.

Tea up!


No, thanks.

Suit yourself. Did you get rid of those rats?


What's all this then?

Sorry about that. I was famished.

I put a whole packet in here this morning.


♪ Do you remember when we met

♪ That's the day I knew you were my pet

♪ I wanna tell you how much I love you... ♪

There it is. Parked on the right.

And a white dog.

Right. Let's go and tell Merton.

Hold on.


upstairs, that large window on the right.

OSCAR: Well, well, well.

MUSIC: 'Look Through Any Window' by The Hollies

Sweet little dog.

I'd like one like that.

♪ Look through any window, yeah

♪ What do you see?

♪ Smiling faces all around

♪ Rushing through the busy town

♪ Where do they go? Moving on their way

♪ Walking down the highways and the byways

♪ Where do they go...

- Yes? - I'm afraid my car's broken down.

Do you think I could use your telephone?

Sorry. There's a phone box up the road.

♪ You can see the little children all around

♪ Oh, you can see...

Just a little walk with Dad.

♪ ...little ladies in their gowns

Mr Jarvis?

Hey! Stop!

♪ Any time of day

♪ See the drivers on the roads

♪ Pulling down their heavy loads

Are you all right, Oscar? CAR STARTS UP

♪ Driving down the highways and the byways

♪ Where do they go? Moving on their way

♪ Drivers with their shy ways and their sly ways

♪ Oh

♪ You can see the little children all around

♪ Oh, you can see...

- Did you see them? - What?

A green Traveller! Mr Jarvis and his daughter.

Catch us up!

Jarvis and the child? What's he talking about?

♪ Look through any window, yeah

♪ What do you see?

♪ Smiling faces all around

♪ Rushing through the busy town

♪ Where do they go? Moving on their way

♪ Moving on their way

♪ Moving on their way ♪

Mr Jarvis!

Keith! Mr Jarvis! I don't like this, Oscar.






What is it?

Is it your chest?

He just collapsed.

- It could be his heart. - I'll get an ambulance.

No, I'll do that. You get after Jarvis. I'll be as quick as I can!

Let's just get you covered.

Right. There you are. You're going to be all right.

You'll be as right as rain. Phil's gone to get an ambulance.

I think it might be a heart attack. He's in a bad way, anyway.

So, step on it!

Come on! Keep going, don't give up!

Aidensfield can't do without you!


ALF: Sergeant Blaketon!

STEVE: Mr Jarvis!

Mr Jarvis!

You can't get any further.

Now, come on, off the bridge.

Mr Jarvis!


There's no need for your daughter to be involved.

Why don't you hand her to me?

Then we can talk.

Would you like me to fetch someone?

What about a friend?

What about the woman that took Angel?

Who is she, by the way? Girlfriend?

No? OK...


you had her all along, eh? At the farm.

You certainly had us fooled!

What I can't understand is why, Keith?

You wanted Angel for yourself,

and the only way to keep her was to hide her

and make it look as if she'd died.

That way, we'd stop looking for her.

I mean, you must have planted her shoes and the doll.

And by putting sawdust on her things you knew Sam would get the blame.

Am I on the right lines, Keith?

No, I can't be.

No one would let a mother think her child was dead.

Not unless you'd planned to tell her later,

when you'd got somewhere safe? - She's my sister.

She's done nothing wrong.

I want everyone to know that.

The woman who took Angel?

I told her a pack of lies.

- She's not to blame. - OK.

That's something we can talk about later.

I'm taking Angel to Spain, aren't I?

OK. That's something else we can talk about later.

No, now!

- I'm taking her now. - Fine.

I've got the tickets and everything.

Where are the other two?

The two other men coming up the hill?

They've gone.

- Are you sure? - Yeah.

One was taken ill and the others had to take him off.

So there's no one else down there?


Now come on, Keith. Hand me Angel.

Stand back, then!

If you want to save her, stand back and let us go!

Go on!


You didn't find me.

You spent a couple of hours searching,

but you didn't even see me.





Over here! Come on!

This way!

Come on, Oscar.

OK, Oscar. It's Dr Merrick here.

Ambulance men are on their way.

- Where's Jarvis? - He went that way.

Let's get him onto the stretcher.


- Where's Crane? - STEVE: Sarge!

- Crane? - Sarge!

Oh, dear God!

- I'm going to need some help! - Get a rope, quick!

- Sarge. - Angel!


Steve, the child, where's the child?


Angel! Angel!


ANGEL: Mummy...

Angel! Angel!

STEVE: Sarge!

Hold on, Steve. We're going to get you out of there.

Have you got a rope?

Right, come on, follow me! Come on, hurry up, bring the rope!

Just a few minutes.

I'm slipping!

- I need some help! - Won't be long now, Steve.

- Where is it? - It's on its way, Sarge.

Steve, we're getting the rope for you, mate. You're all right!

Take him back to the cells. I'll deal with him later.

Hold on, lad. You're doing fine.

I'll take Marie and Angel home now.

You'll do no such thing.


Don't you ever interfere in my work again!

I found Angel, didn't I?

Policing is about doing things safely, Jenny. Minimising danger.

Instead of which, thanks to you, we almost lost the child over the edge

and Steve Crane's life is in danger.


ALF: Sarge!

MERTON: Let's get down there.

All right, Steve, I'm coming over.

Give me your hand, Steve! You're going to have to give me your hand.

Come on! You can do it. You can do it, Steve. Come on!


PHIL: Come on.

PHIL: Come on, Steve.

Look, Steve! Look at me!

- Yeah. - You can do this!

You can do it, come on! Put your hand across!

- I can't hold on much longer. - You can do it! This time...

This time, right? Look at me!

This time.

Come on! Come on!

This time! Ready?

Come on! Come on, Steve!

Come on, come on!

I've got you!

Come on! I've got you!


Where is she?

Oh, come on, Ben. She's a doctor.

She's probably been called out or something.

There we are, Gina. If Oscar's not satisfied, I don't want it.

Where is everybody?

That's just what we were wondering, Mr Vernon.

What did you say you'd done with those rats?

I couldn't do it, Mr Scripps.

I'm sorry.

So, what did you do with them?

I let them go.


I gave them something to eat before they went. They'll be OK.

Oh, they are, sunshine, they are.

They're in the office, playing hide-and-seek in my slippers!

BERNIE: It's not funny!

GINA: Hey, Phil.

GINA: Phil?

What's happened?

Where's Oscar? Has something happened to him?

He's in hospital. He's had a heart attack.


GINA: Is he going to be OK?

I don't know, Gina. He's very poorly.

Where's Steve? Has he gone with him?


I'm sorry.

What's happened, Phil?

There's been an accident.

SONG: 'You'll Never Walk Alone'

I tried.

I really tried.

I just...just couldn't hold on to him.


He's not...?

♪ In your heart

♪ And you'll never

♪ Walk

♪ Alone

♪ You'll never

♪ Walk

♪ Alone. ♪
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