14x08 - Precious Stones

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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14x08 - Precious Stones

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪

Oh, no! Not again!

Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Gina said you'd need telling what's what.

She didn't say you'd break more pots than you'd wash!

Oh, I'm sorry. It just slipped out of my hand.

Maybe I can glue it back together again.

Put it in the bin with the other one.

Gina said you were a smashing lad.

I see what she means now.

Thank goodness it's not Madam's best Spode.

When do you expect your son back? DOOR CLOSES

Well, he's flying out of Nairobi this evening.

Should be home tomorrow.

Back to civvy street. Will be a bit of a shock to him.

Oh, Charles is a capable young man. He'll deal with it.

Indeed. If he can deal with Mau Mau uprisings and Kenyan cuisine,

merry old England shouldn't pose too many problems, eh?

Quite. Well, it's been a lovely evening, Colonel,

but we must be toddling along too.

Nonsense! Have another brandy. I've asked for some more coffee.

Ah, Mrs Woolley. Good show. Everything all right in the galley?

I thought I heard a bit of a commotion.

Oh, sorry about that, sir. I've got a temporary chap in.

He's all fingers and thumbs. A willing sort, though.

- More coffee, James? - Thank you.


Right, that's it! Get away from the sink!

You! Get in the chair!

In the chair!

Get up! Tie 'em up!

The Kenyan Army begged Charles to stay

but the blighters in Whitehall wouldn't extend his commission.

- MAN: Don't move! - What the blazes?

Shut up or you get both barrels! Tie 'em!

Gag 'em!

Let's have that. GASPS

Get it off!

Do as he says, Joan.

Where's the rest of your jewellery?

Yeah, that's the lot.

MAN: All out this way!

Never mind. Got you out of doing the washing-up.

Don't bother with me. Get the car number!


MUSIC: 'Man of Mystery' by The Shadows

He should've called last orders five minutes ago.


VENTRESS: 'Control to Delta Alpha - .'

'Armed robbery at Redwood House. Suspects escaped in a saloon car.'

'Registration number starting with Juliet Kilo Hotel.'

All right, Alf. Got that.

Can you let Walker know, tell him to meet us up there.

Over and out.


Delta Alpha - to control.

VENTRESS: 'Delta Alpha - .'

'Just heard from Rob, Sarge.'

'Suspect vehicle is a Triumph ,

heading at speed for the Whitby Road. Over.'

Understood. Tell Rob we're on our way. Over and out.

Foot down, Bellamy.


Is that the car?

Yes, Sarge. No sign of the driver or occupants, though.


You're looking at what I can best describe as a write-off.

We've told the insurance people you'll be holding it for us,

but don't scrap it until we say so.

I'm not sure I want a crashed car littering up my forecourt.

Doesn't look good for funeral customers.

ROSIE: Maybe we could find a space inside.

There'll be parts worth salvaging. Could make a few bob!

This g*ng with shotguns won't come looking for it, will they?

The car was stolen.

They'll be as far away from here as they can be.

Terrifying! Quite terrifying!

We had g*ns pointed in our faces!

I thought poor old James would have a seizure.


James Appleby, our solicitor. He and his wife were still here.

We'll talk to them later.

Did you recognise anything about the intruders?

Anything familiar about their voices?

- No. - Have you checked what's missing?

Erm, some money.

A few small objects.

But they were mainly after my jewellery. Took everything.

They were in and out very quickly?

Professionals, I'd say.

The jewellery is rather valuable, De Beer diamonds. My grandmother's.

Aye, that's what I mean. They knew exactly what they were after.

Has anyone suspicious called at the house lately?

And who else would know that you had

such a valuable jewellery collection?

We don't make a vulgar display of it.

My wife wears pieces on special occasions.

I certainly don't wear it when I go out shopping, Sergeant!

I didn't imagine you did.

What are the chances you'll get it back?

Hard to say. Your staff did well, raising the alarm so quickly.

Yeah, she's a good stick, Mrs Woolley.

Been with us for years.

So, you've no idea who they were.

The one who spoke had a Yorkshire accent. That's all I can tell you.

We didn't get a good look at them because they had, erm...

Er, whatsits.

Er, thingies.

Stockings over their heads. Masking their faces.

That's right.

I wouldn't wanna put my head in someone's stockings,

not if they'd been wearing them.

Might pong a bit. You know?

Feet and that.

Right. Thank you, David.

Anyway, you both did well, raising the alarm.

David saved the day. But for him, Lord knows when we'd have got free.

Well, word's got out and the press are outside,

and they'd like to talk to both of you.

MUSIC: 'Mirror Mirror' by Pinkerton's Assorted Colours

♪ On the wall

♪ Mirror mirror, on the wall

♪ Who is the fairest of them all?

♪ And in the mirror, I can see your pretty face ♪

Yes, the car they used was nicked locally in Ashfordly, sir.

But no sign of them anywhere? No sightings at all?

They were clean away before I arrived. We come the woods,

but they must've had another vehicle waiting.

May have had local knowledge, then.

Well, sounds a bit of a heavy-handed robbery

for those ne'er-do-wells round here.

The only team in the region that regularly uses shotguns,

to my knowledge, is the Davis g*ng.


It has to be a possibility, sir.

I'll have the local lads check them out,

see if they can account for their movements last night.

David Stockwell's becoming quite a celebrity!


Yeah. "Local man's bravery as armed robbers flee."

That's the third paper he's been in this week.

Aye. Pity he didn't catch them for us as well.

Did Shiner get anywhere with the Davis g*ng?

Well, not surprisingly, they all have alibis.

And no sign of the stolen jewels turning up either.

They may have been sold on as separate stones by now.

So, Mrs Maltravers won't be seeing any more

of her precious heirlooms again.


though I gather their insurance company aren't contesting the claim.

The insurance have written it off

and we're finished with it, so it's all yours.

Oh, that's brilliant! Cheers, Rob.


MUSIC: 'Take It Or Leave It' by The Searchers

Well, it's made someone happy anyway.

It gets her out of driving the taxi this afternoon.

Isn't that David's job anyway?

Do you mean, local hero David Stockwell,

who didn't flinch as armed robbers threatened him at gunpoint?

He's too busy talking to the press these days to drive taxis!

- See you later. - Ta-ra.

Well, you don't expect it, do you?

You're just standing at the sink, washing the plates.

All of a sudden, somebody bursts in and points a g*n at you!


That's the human angle my magazine interested in.

What must it be like for an ordinary lad,

doing the washing-up,

to have to tackle three ruthless gunmen?


Well, I didn't tackle them as such.

Most of us would've been too terrified to move

but you forced them to flee and crash their car.

No, really, I...

No wonder the whole village is proud of you.

We'd like a few photographs.

Oh, er... Yeah, all right.

I'll just go and change my jacket.

I'll just be...

Gina, all this publicity could go to David's head.

There's no harm in it. He was very brave.

Oh, Ben, you're a bit early. I haven't got your table ready yet.

I have to get to Harrogate. Gina, could you do me a favour?

Would you apologise to Liz?

She's out on her rounds. - Can I tell her what it's about?

I'll explain when I see her. Thanks.

- OK. - Mm.

Cancelling lunch with the lovely doctor.

Must be something important.

Not another photo session?

It's all right. She said it won't be long.

Oi, David, give us a hand!

I'm just going to go and have my photo taken.

Come on! You're not a bloomin' film star!

Grab hold of this.



Oh, that's done my jacket no good!

I wanted to look my best!

Hang on. What's that?

Must have been left in the car since the robbery.

I'm sure I searched it thoroughly though.

Merton's not going to like this at all.

Tell him he'd have to take the seat out to spot 'em.

The impact of the crash must have trapped them under it.

I can't believe they were there, under our noses for over a week!

At least you found them. Thanks a lot, you pair.

Can I go now?

It's just, there's a magazine outside,

waiting to take my photograph.

WALKER: Don't say anything about finding the jewels.

They've not been formally identified yet.

Tell David Bailey there to make it sharpish.

We've a business to run.

♪ Rumours, gossip, words untrue

♪ Can't take me away from you

♪ I trust in you, baby

♪ And I'm never going to let you down ♪

You've been with that policeman for a long time. Everything all right?


Me and Rosie haven't just found the jewels,

if that's what you're thinking.

Here we go.

Not exactly the slap-up lunch Ben promised you, I'm afraid.

A sandwich is fine, thanks, Gina.

- He said he'll explain later. - I should hope so too!

I'm not that put out. Something obviously came up.

Just don't let him take you for granted, Liz.

Jenny, I would have done the same thing. It's a working day.

The estate is his priority.

Sorry to interrupt. You haven't seen Ben at all, have you?

Isn't he in Harrogate on business?

No, I was told by one of the staff that he'd taken the day off.

I just need to have a chat. I thought you might know where he was.

Harrogate was all that Gina said.

MRS MALTRAVERS: Yes. Yes, that's them.

Must be relieved to have them back.

Indeed, we are.

But, I must say, Sergeant, when I arrived in England,

I was appalled to find out what my parents had just been through.

Yes, that must have been an alarming ordeal.

Luckily, we responded and were after the thieves within minutes.

But you lost them. Didn't find my mother's jewellery for days

when it was in your lap.

- Charles, really! - That's enough.

At least we have them back.

Actually, sir, do I understand that your insurance company

have already accepted your claim for their loss?

Yes. Rather than muck about, I asked for a settlement.

We agreed a reduced figure.

Why on earth do that?

I've one or two expenses. You know how it is.

We didn't expect to see them again.

It seemed the sensible thing.

I got the cheque yesterday.

- Then just send it back. - I've already banked it.

Which may mean

that technically these jewels now belong to the insurance company.

That's absurd! They're Mother's! Been in the family for years!

DENNIS: Discuss the new situation with your insurance people.

Meanwhile, I'll hold these at the station

until the matter is resolved.

He set off ages ago. Are you sure he's not turned up?

'Course I'm sure! What do you take me for?'

'This is urgent and I'm very annoyed!'

- He had a drop-off first. - 'Goodbye!'

He must have got held up in... DIALLING TONE


Where the blazes has he got to?


Our fearless local hero.

He's very late for a pick-up.

- Do you want me to go? - No. Customer's cancelled.

In that case, could you pass me the one-and-three-eighths?

DAVID: Mr Scripps!



You were supposed to pick up in Ardwick village.

Yeah, well, I have to fill up first.

You've lost us a job. You're an hour late.

Sorry. Just, my last customer kept me chatting a bit.

About your heroics with g*ns, I suppose?

Yeah. He's a DJ on a local pop station,

and he wants me on his programme tomorrow morning!

I don't believe this.

No, it's true!

He's going to send a taxi for me!

Well, if he uses ours, it'll never turn up!

It won't be ours because I drive that.

So, I'd have to drive myself, wouldn't I?

Do you understand what I mean?

I couldn't be the taxi driver and the person in the back, could I?

David, leave my sight now.

Before I shove Rosie's one-and-three-eighths

where the sun never shines.

I still think there's something odd.

Jewels worth thousands of pounds are stolen

and the thieves just abandon them in the getaway car.

With the impact of the crash, the jewels got jammed under the seat.

They panicked and left.

That car was unguarded for over a week.

They made no attempt to get them back.

They probably just assumed we'd found them in the wreck.

It had all the hallmarks of a professional job,

and the entire night's work was wasted when they left these behind.

So, what happens now, Sarge?

Colonel Maltravers has talked to his insurance company,

and they're sending a valuer over to sort out the situation.

So, we can officially say that the stolen property's been found?


Not yet. Walker, I want you to keep an eye on Bernie's garage.

Until the thieves know that we've found these,

they might yet come looking.

Hello, Liz. Erm, I'll be with you in a minute.

That's a bit offhand, considering he owes you a pretty large apology.

He's talking with someone.

I haven't seen him before. Who is he?

I've no idea. What are you drinking?

Is there no end to this man's talent?

First he fights off the robbers single-handed,

and now he finds the missing jewels!


Well done, David! Get this man a pint, please, Gina.

Oh, it was Rosie that spotted them,

but I was giving her a hand with the seat and we uncovered them.

You take a lovely photo, David.

You must be very proud of him, Bernie.

Proud? I'm fed up with the whole blasted thing, me.

GINA: Oh, don't be so miserable.

About time, Oscar. I don't like missing the start of the picture.

I'm not sure about this one, Alf.

Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid?

It'll do you good, a night out at the pictures.

It's supposed to be a Western but John Wayne's not in it.

How can you have a Western without John Wayne?

He can't be in them all!

It says here, "Staring Robert Redford". Never heard of him!

He's dead dishy.

I want to see proper cowboys, Gina, not dishy ones!

Come on, Oscar. It's your turn to buy the ice cream.

There's a film on called The Odd Couple next week.

Wonder what they'll make of that one, eh?

Let me get that, Liz. And another pint for me, please.

Jenny, Liz, meet an old friend of mine. Charles Maltravers.

- Hello there. - Lovely to meet you.

I've been hearing a lot about you, Liz.

And you still wanted to meet me?

Certainly do.

Sadly Charles has to dash off. He's got a prior engagement.

Afraid so. Hope to see you both around.

- Say hello to your baby sister. - Of course. See you later.

So, where were you at lunch time?

- Standing Liz up like that? - Jenny!

Yes, sorry about that.

I'll talk to you about it later, OK?

You went to Harrogate to discuss a job?

Came right out of the blue. It's a challenge.

I thought you were happy with Lord Ashfordly.

I am, but as Charles says, this is something special.

This is something to do with Charles Maltravers, then?

Very much so. He knows these people

who are looking for an estate manager.

He thought I'd fit the bill.

I expressed an interest and he put in a word, and...

Well, things moved pretty quickly.


They offered me the job this afternoon.

Well, I suppose congratulations are in order.

It's all very sudden, though. Are you going to move to Harrogate?

Er, No. No, the offer is to manage their estate in Kenya.


MUSIC: 'Ice In The Sun' by Status Quo

♪ I'm not a little boy

♪ I've lived alone and loved so many more

♪ But when she touches me I'm on the way

♪ I'm underneath the floor

♪ Like ice in the sun, I melt away

♪ Whenever she comes, I melt away

♪ Like ice in the sun...

Well, the girl was a looker, I'll give you that.

Hey, Alf. Does it take you back?

What about that bit where they jumped into the Rio Grande?

The kid wouldn't jump because he couldn't swim!

That bit was funny.

Oh, I don't know.

Making heroes out of criminals? I'm not sure about that.

Alf, there's somebody in there!

There's no one on lates, as far as I know.

Well, we'd best take a look.

I've got the keys.

♪ She opens up her eyes as if to speak

♪ She looks at me and I am weak

♪ Her eyes, they seem much bigger than before

♪ I cannot think anymore

♪ Like ice in the sun

♪ I melt away...

OSCAR: Who's there?

♪ I melt away

♪ Like ice in the sun, I melt away ♪


There he goes. He's away.

Well, if they came looking for these, luckily they didn't succeed.

Made quite a bit of mess, though, eh?

Looks like an amateur job, if you ask me, Sarge.

Maybe. I'll get Scenes Of Crime over, see what they make of it.

But I want whoever did this caught, and fast.

The estate owners only flew in from Kenya the other day.

So, he accepted the job without even consulting you?

We're not married or anything. It's a wonderful opportunity for him.

And that's it, is it? An opportunity comes along.

He grabs it, and it's goodbye, Liz Merrick?

Actually, he's asked me to go along with him.


Up sticks and move to Africa?

There's plenty of work for doctors there.

It could be really interesting.

What about the practice?

Your patients here? Don't they matter?

Of course they do! This is a really tough decision.

You're actually considering it, then?

You're going to throw away everything you've worked for

to follow a man you're not even married to?

OK, you can carry on now.

It was a one-man job.

What makes you say that?

Well, I got a glimpse of him. He was a bit nippy.

Scene Of Crime blokes have found no prints, Sarge.

But it does seem like there's something a bit puzzling.

MERTON: What is it?

Well, it looks like they cut through the glass

and removed it very carefully to gain entry.

Must have been a real pro, knew exactly what he was doing.

But then why smash the window and leave a lot of mess on the way out?

To disguise it as an amateur job perhaps?

It's got to be someone who knew that the jewels were being kept here.

And I'm beginning to think, I'll be glad to see the back of them.

You sure you didn't tell anyone

the jewels were kept at the police station?

I didn't know that's where they were.

I assumed you'd given them back to the owners.

I've mentioned nowt to nobody. I'm sick of the whole business.


Well, I haven't said anything! I know how to keep my mouth shut!


Oh, that'll be my taxi,

for my radio interview.

♪ Hooray, hooray, hooray, misery's on the way

♪ There are bad times just around the corner

♪ There are dark clouds hurtling through the sky

♪ And it's no good whining about a silver lining

♪ For we know from experience that they won't roll by

♪ With a scowl and a frown, we'll keep our peckers down

♪ And prepare for depression and doom and dread

♪ And while the press and the politicians nag, nag, nag

♪ We'll wait until we drop down dead ♪

We haven't mentioned it to a soul.

Not even to Mrs Woolley, our housekeeper.

We thought it was best to see what the insurance said.

What about your son, Charles?

Might he have told somebody that the jewels were at the police station?

I don't think so. It's private family business.

Ah, Mrs Woolley.

Will you stay for a cup of tea, Constable?

No, thank you. I'd best get on.

Mrs Woolley will show you out.

Thank you.

You're turning out to be quite a celebrity with all this, Eunice.

A lot of nonsense. But I hope you'll keep an eye on the place now.

Why now?

Did they not say?

I told them, I spotted someone loitering here of a night.

Have you?


Right. We'd better keep an eye on the place for you, then, Eunice.


Bye-bye now.

LIZ: This isn't the way to the Aidensfield Arms.

We're not going to the Aidensfield Arms.

I hope you're not trying to wriggle out of taking me to lunch again.

No, I'm trying to make up for that.

I'm taking you somewhere special.

MUSIC: 'Shadoogie' by The Shadows

I love this place! What a wonderful surprise!

I hope you don't mind, I asked Charles to join us.

He can fill us in on the delights of Kenya.

Ben, moving there would be a very big decision for me.

I'd like to make up my own mind.

Yeah, sure. Of course.

- Hello, Charles. - Good to see you both.

- Charles. - Follow me.

David's radio thingy. He's on now!

MAN: 'Yeah, fab track!'

'OK, g*ng, this is BY

on the BY show,

talking to Aidensfield's hero of the hour, David Stockwell!'

Come on, David!

'When we talked to you earlier,

you said your employer, Bernie the boss,

was a bit miffed at all the attention you've been getting.'

DAVID: 'Well, yeah, he was a bit.'

MAN: 'He sounds like a right misery.'

'If you're out there, Bernie the boss,

we've a special BY prog message for you!'


'Ooh, down the pan you go, Bernie!'

'Because we think David here's the tops!'

'And here's more chart-toppers.'

♪ Sun arise, she bring in the mornin' ♪

- Thank you. - Thanks.

If I had my way, I'd still be out there.

Sunbathing on the beaches round Mombasa,

or on safari in the Masai Mara.

You certainly make it sound like a wonderful country.

It is. Believe me.

Anyway, thanks for lunch, Ben. I've got to dash.

I gather we're all invited to Lord Ashfordly's this evening.

- See you there. - Sure. Bye, Charles.

- Bye-bye. - Bye.

So, have you spoken to Lord Ashfordly yet about leaving?

No. Not yet.

But your mind's made up?

I don't think this is an opportunity I can let pass by.

I can see that.

And have you thought?


And please don't rush me.

I need to get back to surgery.

Yes, of course.

Eunice will be imagining things after the robbery.

She'll be seeing criminals round every corner now.

She seemed pretty certain she saw someone watching the house.

Well, pass it on to Rob Walker. It's on his patch.

I need to tell Sarge first. He needs to be informed.

Well, he's in the interview room. They brought Shane Davis in

for questioning about the jewel theft and the break-in here.

You're wasting your time and mine with this.

Your record shows this wouldn't be the first time you were involved

in an armed robbery with shotguns, and using stocking masks.

Give over!

You're claiming I carefully plan a jewel robbery in every detail,

and then forget to take the jewels with me when I abandon the car?

You panicked and fled the scene.

Then I don't bother going back when they were an easy target?

No. I wait until you've got them

securely under lock and key at the police station.

And then I try and nick 'em back from there.

I might have a record, but not for being a complete pillock!

This is a fishing expedition, Shiner,

and you're going to catch sweet FA.

As I told you before, with those masks on,

I couldn't identify any of them.

But when they burst into the room, you said

they seemed to know what they were looking for.

Yes, they saw Joan's necklace and immediately demanded it.

Would you say they were familiar with the house?

One of them was. The one who gave the orders.

Do you think he knew the Maltravers?

He knew they were the owners.

These people do their homework, though, don't they?

How well do you know Colonel and Mrs Maltravers?

Very well. Been their solicitor for years.

Have they seemed concerned at all lately?

Any financial problems? Anything like that?

Not that I'm aware of.

Last time we met, professionally, a few weeks ago,

the Colonel deposited some papers with me.

He seemed absolutely fine.

Treated me to lunch, actually.


Ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen.

Before we go through to dinner, I'd just like to say a few words

about our guest of honour tonight, Charlie Maltravers.


Now, he won't thank me for saying this,

but during brave service for our country abroad,

Charles was mentioned in dispatches

no less than five times.

- Bravo! - Well done!

Now he's decided to sign up for civvy street

and I know we all welcome him back to the bosom of Yorkshire.

The army's loss will be our gain.

What's going on?

Shh. This way.

What do you think of this room?

Beautiful. It's my favourite room in the house.

I know.

That's why I wanted to speak to you in here.

Whatever happens regarding Kenya, I realise now

I can't imagine life without you.

Will you marry me, Liz?

Will you be my wife?

Good to have you back here, Charlie. We need young blood like you here.

Not sure what my long-term plans are. Hard job to follow, the Army.

Lovely evening. Thank you.

- Good to see you. Good night. - Thank you so much.

- Bye, Charles. Round of golf soon? - Very soon.

I shouldn't have sprung it on you like that.

It was a bit unexpected, that's all.

I'm really flattered but I need some time to think about it.

Especially if an acceptance means moving to Kenya.

That really wasn't why I proposed.

I just want to be with you, Liz, wherever we live.

You know I love you, Ben. Just be a little patient.

Of course.

Drive carefully.

Delta alpha two-four, making a final check before going off duty.

VENTRESS: 'Understood, Rob. Good night. Over and out.'

I can't believe you've got into such a financial mess.

You try maintaining a property this size on my pension!

We have a social position, Charles.

Things are expected of us.

We have to entertain.

Appearances matter.

Good Lord, it's him!

Leave this to me.

I thought I told you to stay away!

Don't mess about!

MAN: You keep out of it!

Come on!

It's all right, officer. This chap's a bit drunk.

Stepped in front of the car, that's all.

It's all perfectly all right, officer.

Shane Davis, isn't it?

I think we'd better sort this out down the station, don't you?

Keeping me in the cells all night without charging me is not on!

You've been arrested for causing actual bodily harm.


How did you happen to be in the road when the Maltravers car came along?

I was out for a walk.

All the way from Northallerton?

I drove. Parked nearby.

Fancied some fresh air.

Anyway, apart from your copper here,

who else is making allegations against me?

We can't hold him unless the Maltravers make a formal complaint.

Well, they say that, he wandered in front of the car.

He was drunk, but they've no wish to take the matter further.

PC Walker says he saw punches fly.

He got the impression they knew Davis.

They're denying that. They say they've never seen him before.

Then we have to let him go.

So, he actually got down on one knee, did he? The full bit?

Took me completely by surprise. In the library, by moonlight.

It was very romantic.

Sounds more like a bribe to me.

"Come to Africa and I'll marry you."

It wasn't like that at all.

He wants to get married whether we go or not.

So, what's your answer going to be?

I think Ben should be the first to know the answer to that question,

don't you?

What's this?

It belongs to the loss assessor for Caesar Insurance.

He's arrived to see the jewellery.

PC Walker is showing him into your office now, Sarge.

Oh, right.

Bad news, I'm afraid, Sergeant. These jewels are all fake.

They're fake?

Paste, every last piece.

I assessed the originals at quotation

and these most definitely aren't them.

But Mrs Maltravers swore that these were her jewels.

She identified them.

Well, it's possible she made an honest mistake, I suppose.

Where have these copies come from?

From the Maltravers themselves, I expect.

Many people copy family jewels and then deposit the originals

for safe-keeping. - And then wear the fake ones?

Oh, indeed.

You'd be surprised how many wealthy ladies

attend functions wearing glittering paste jewellery.

So, the g*ng who broke in made off with a load of worthless fakes.

It would appear so.

But the Maltravers claimed for the lost of the actual jewels.


So, presumably, you'll be contesting that claim.

Of course, we will. But we've already paid out.

And the gems remain missing, officially stolen.

In that sense, these copies are irrelevant to us.

Matters only change if we can prove a bogus insurance claim,

or you find the real jewellery. In the meantime,

my company will have to grin and bear it. Good day, Sergeant.

Now, I wonder if Shane Davis knew that these were fake.

It would explain why they were left in the car.

I think it's time we had another word with him.

Where's DI Shiner?

He and Phil have gone to re-interview David Stockwell.

David? Why?

Shiner's got it into his head that he knows more than he's letting on.

Of all the people the g*ng ties up,

you're the one who manages to escape quite easily.

It wasn't easy.

Which makes you a hero, and throws suspicion away from you.


Who is it who eventually finds the missing jewels,

hoping, no doubt, to claim some sort of reward? You!

No! No!

ROSIE: Hang on. That's not right.

I found the jewels, actually.

Sir, urgent message from Sergeant Merton.


I've still got my eye on you, lad.

I wish I'd never got involved in this!

I'm never going to talk to the newspapers ever again!

Good idea. High time you stopped being such a prima donna.

Sir, don't you think you were a little hard on David?

There's no harm in him.

Well, perhaps not.

Let's see where Sergeant Merton gets with his line of enquiry.

The Colonel's private possessions? I couldn't possibly allow it.

Colonel Maltravers has made a claim for stolen property.

I have reason to believe that property is sitting in your safe.

His property was stolen. I was there!

They took Joan's jewellery.

This is what you saw stolen, sir.

I don't understand.

WALKER: It's a paste copy.

On my last visit,

you told me the Colonel had deposited papers with you recently.

Are you sure it was paperwork he left in the safe?

That's what he said.

It might clarify things if I had a look.

No, sorry. It's a fundamental breach of client confidentiality.

As a guest at dinner that night, you might be involved in this yourself.

I could get a warrant.

Oh, very well.

It's highly irregular.

MUSIC: 'Ramblin' Rose' by Acker Bilk

You leave this to me.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.

My parents were just about to call you.

Ah, were they?

Seems there's been some sort of misunderstanding.

How do you mean, sir?

In the shock of the armed robbery,

my mother completely forgot the necklace she was wearing

and the stuff in her bedroom

wasn't her actual jewellery.


They're copies they had made.

The actual gems are in a safe at our solicitor's.

Naturally, realising the mistake,

they've now contacted the insurance people,

making arrangements to pay the cheque back.

So, that's that.

No, it isn't, I'm afraid.

We've had another chat with Shane Davis.

May we come in?

Shane Davis is a wise enough old lag

to realise that we can make life

pretty unpleasant for the likes of him.

Which we made clear we intended to do until all this was cleared up.

He didn't relish the thought of well-to-do people such as yourselves

getting off scot-free while he took all the flak.

So, he came clean.

He alleges that the Colonel hired him to stage the robbery

with a view to getting a share of the insurance claim.

- This is preposterous! - He knew the jewels were phoney,

which is why he wasn't too bothered about leaving them in the car.

The raid had nothing to do with the jewels.

It was all about insurance money.

WALKER: But he bungled things by leaving the fake gems behind.

You then realised your deception was likely to be found out.

And the break-in at the police station

had all the hallmarks of a military operation

disguised to look like an amateur job.

A reliable witness saw a fit man fleeing the scene.

I believe that man was you.


If it was him, he did it to save the honour of the family.

My son is a decent man.

A brave and good man.

Ordinary people get into debt and no one bats an eyelid!

But the village relies on us to provide work.

Housekeepers, gardeners, cleaners.

If we fall short of money, we still have to pay them.

We have to keep up appearances or we face social exclusion.


I'd like all three of you to accompany me to the station.

Ah, come on, David. Cheer up!

David, it's down to you and Eunice Woolley that this case was solved.

Oh, not the wretched robbery again!

It's only because you alerted everyone so quickly

that Rob Walker went after them,

the car crashed and they left the paste jewels behind.

That's right. Well done, David.

- Well done. - Thank you.

I think Mr Scripps is right.

There's been too much fuss made.

I'm really sorry. I promise I'll never be a prima...


Prima doughnut ever again!

VENTRESS: Doughnut!


Poor old David!

He's a grand lad at heart.

Mm. But a lousy washer-upper by the sounds of things.

Yes, I'll really miss him.

And all the others.

If, when I'm Mrs Norton, we're out in Kenya that is.

Does that mean...?

The answer's yes, Ben.

Yes, I'd love to marry you!
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