14x13 - In The Bleak Midwinter

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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14x13 - In The Bleak Midwinter

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss Stay in my memory? ♪



GERARD: They're bound to tell the Old Bill, Frankie.

Just think of Whitby, Gerard.

After the gig, all of this will seem like a bad dream.

- Where do we stay until then? - Bearing in mind we are skint.

ALL: ♪ I owe my soul To the company store ♪

FRANKIE: The fans of the Frankie Rio Trio, Danny.

Some are for one night, others are forever.




MAN: 'Ey! Get back 'ere!



DAVID: Get down.




You can't talk to him, he's all tucked up in...

Who is it?

Someone called Frankie, for you.

Well, tell him to clear off.

Fancy calling people at this time of night.

Erm, he says to clear off.

I don't think he's going to take "no" for an answer. You talk to him.

Oh, the liberty people take!

Hello, who is it?


Why didn't you tell me it was Frankie?

Yeah. How are you?


RACHEL: Can you help me? Please?

This Frankie, he's staying here, is he?

Yes, David.

Frankie Rio and his mates are on their way here.

Christmas visit.

So, er, what sort of music do they play?

The best!

The very famous Frankie Rio Trio.

I've never heard of him.

Yes, well, you're too young to appreciate real music.

We are honoured that they're staying with us.

- Tell us your name. - Rachel.

I'm Frankie Rio, and these are my colleagues, Danny and Gerard.

- We're musicians. - What happened?

I was hitching from London. The lorry had to turn off.

Where are you headed?

The village further north. Aidensfield?

Huh! We were fated to meet.

One for you here, Rob.

ROBERT: What is it?

Local welfare department.

Our London colleagues are looking for a Rachel Godwin, .

She's from Aidensfield. Do you know the family?

Godwin... No, can't says I do.

She's absconded from a London maternity hospital,

taken the baby with her.

I don't see a problem.

She signed the baby over for adoption. That's the problem.

Now she's done a runner, taken the baby with her.

They think that she might be coming over to Aidensfield.

It says here, her family don't even know she's had a baby.

Very tricky.


So that's it then, we're all agreed.

The running order will be as follows...

I've agreed nothing yet.

If you'll just allow me to finish.

MAN: Carry on, Mr Blaketon.

Some just like the sound of their own voice.

Mr Blaketon, what happens if one of the children recognises me

through my Father Christmas outfit?

You pay no attention, David.

Just, "Ho-ho-ho," and dole out the presents.

MR BLAKETON: All right, Bernie. Through the chair, please.

Right, as I was saying, the running order...

Gina will open with a couple of numbers, followed by Alf's act,

either Ilkley Moor, or Drake's Drum.

Or both, if they demand an encore.

And, Vicar, you'll be next with your tenor solo of Come Back To Sorrento.

Yes, a touch of Mediterranean light and colour

to warm up these chilly climes, I thought.

Bearing in mind the purpose of the concert.

The relief of winter poverty at Christmas time...

MR BLAKETON: Yes, well, thank you, Vicar.

I'll MC, of course, and conclude the evening with a recitation.

Hogging it a bit, aren't you, Oscar?

You missed the last meeting, Father, it was agreed then.

When I need your opinion, Adam, I'll ask for it.

If my part in the concert is not to your liking,

you're welcome to take my place. You, or anyone else!

Right, any other business?

Of course I'll help. But what exactly do you want to know?

The Welfare people claim that Rachel can't cope with a baby.

Was there anything in Liz's notes to suggest this?

Pretty confidential stuff.

I am aware of that.

I'd hate anything I said to the police

to be used to separate a mother from her child.

That is the last thing I have in mind.

Liz was impressed by Rachel.

They got to know each other quite well.

She found her responsible, intelligent and...

...trying hard to cope with a difficult home situation.

Did she know about the baby?

Not exactly.

Rachel pretended she had a friend who was pregnant,

and needed advice on termination.

Liz challenged her, but Rachel wouldn't allow a pregnancy test.


From the notes, it seems...

Rachel was terrified of her parents finding out.


- Mrs Godwin? - Yes.

I'm PC Walker, this is Dr Trent.

We'd like to have a word with you about Rachel.

Rachel? But she's in London.

What's this about? She's all right, isn't she?

So far as we know.

Oh, sorry. Come on in.

BANDMATES: ♪ Muscle and blood And skin and bones

♪ A mind that's weak And a back that's strong

♪ You load sixteen tons And what'd I get?

♪ Another day older And deeper in debt

♪ St Peter don't you call me Cos I can't go

♪ I owe my soul to the company store ♪

FRANKIE: Where do we drop you, love?

RACHEL: My parents' house, if possible.

But, could I ring them first, just to check I'm welcome?

Rachel has a baby?

HELEN: You and your husband had no idea?


But that explains why she left so abruptly.

You'd have thought she could have told me.

Perhaps she had problems you didn't know about.


Rachel didn't get on with her father.

He didn't approve of the boy she was seeing.

You haven't spoken to my husband about this?

- Not yet. - Please don't.

Let me deal with it.

If Trevor suspects that this boy made...

Our main concern is for the welfare of Rachel and her child.

You must let us know if she contacts you.

Why is this a police matter?

There's a legal question about Rachel's fitness to be a mother.


Is there anyone else she might contact?

Rosie Cartwright, maybe. I mean, they were best friends at school.

You won't say anything to my husband, will you?

Not till I've had a chance to talk to him?

Of course not.

CHOIR: ♪ Remember Christ our saviour Was born on Christmas Day

♪ To save us all from Satan's pow'r When we were gone astray

FRANKIE: We're here, Rachel.

♪ Tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy

♪ O tidings of comfort and joy

♪ From God our heavenly father A blessed angel came

♪ And unto certain shepherds Brought tidings of the same...

Mum. It's me.

Oh, thank God you've phoned. Where are you?

RACHEL: 'Aidensfield.'

Rachel, I know about the baby.

Just come home, and we'll sort it out.

Merry Christmas.

FRANKIE: Time to get out of here, gentlemen.

- What about Rachel? - She lives here. Come on!

♪ And went to Bethlehem The Son of God to find

♪ O tidings of comfort and joy Comfort and joy ♪

Hey, Rob. All sorted for Christmas, I hope.

I should be so lucky.

Rosie, have you heard from Rachel Godwin?

Rachel? Why do you ask?

She's just had a baby, and vanished with it from a hospital in London.

ROSIE: I haven't heard from her.

Are you sure about that?

We know she had a boyfriend up here. Maybe she tried to contact him.

I'm sorry. I've told you all I know.

Rachel's in serious trouble.

Dr Trent and I are just trying to help,

but we can't unless we find her.

So if you do hear anything, you will let us know, yeah?


It's not me!

GEARD: Nor me. It's coming from back there.



- Mum! - Oh, Rachel! Oh...

Where's the baby?

I don't know. I left him in a van when I telephoned.

What van, where?

In the village. It drove off. I've lost my baby, Mum.

Oh, come on in. Come on in.



♪ I just can't stand the pain

♪ The way you always try To put me down

- Vernon! - Frankie!


♪ I put a spell on you ♪

You're playing my song.

You've made my Christmas. Oh, this is David, Frankie.

He'll be looking after you while you're staying here.

Great to see you again, lads.

It's a long story, Vernon.

But the trio, temporarily, is a quartet.

Why didn't you tell them about the baby?

I was desperate for a lift.

Some drivers don't want to know if you're travelling with a baby.

Are you sure they're staying in Aidensfield?

That's what Frankie said.

We'll have to let the police know.

I can't do that. Not yet, Mum.

Why ever not?

I can't risk involving the police.

I signed my baby over for adoption.

- I'll never see him again. - Oh.

RACHEL: Rosie?

Aw, there you are. I've been expecting you.

I need your help, Rosie.

I thought you might. I had the police in here looking for you.

They know about the baby.

- Did they ask about Adam? - Yeah.

Well, they don't know his name.

They don't need to know. If my dad finds out...

Oh, Rosie, I've made such a mess of everything.

Hey, don't go all weepy on me. We haven't begun to catch up yet.

FRANKIE: I think he's smiling at me.

No, that's wind.

You can't hang on to that baby, you know, Frankie.

FRANKIE: Rachel will find us. She knows we're in Aidensfield.

We can't go to the police. They'll be looking for us.

VERNON: Why didn't you let me know?

One phone call, I could have sorted that bill.

We had to leave, pronto.

You don't mess around with Mr Royston Grenville.

Royston Grenville?

He's the owner of the Buckley House Hotel. He'd have had us nicked.

So, what will you do?

We can't risk police involvement.

Not until we've played the gig in Whitby.

Just give us hours.

What's so important about the Whitby gig?

A record company's sending their top man to hear us play.

It's a chance. It may be our last chance to record our music again.


What are you doing?

Just leave it to me. You artists!

You haven't got a clue about business, have you?

Maybe we could ask around. Find these musicians.

We've got to. If the Welfare get their hands on my baby...

There's more to this than finding your baby.

There's the adoption thing. You need help.

- Well, that's why I came here. - Oh, I don't mean me.

Look, Rob Walker, the village bobby, he says he wants to help.

And Dr Trent, well, she's new but she's OK.

I can't risk it.

Do you trust me?

Of course.

Well, I trust Rob Walker to do right by you.

Don't mention our name, Vernon. A bit of hush till we're in the clear.

My lips are sealed.

Brandy for me and my two friends, please, Gina.

Oh, can I have one as well, please?

VERNON: Not brandy, David.

Shandy for David. You're driving.

Better make it half a shandy.

Who are your friends, then?

That's Mr Frankie Rio and his drummer.

Oh, well done, David.

Oh, sorry. Shh, I wasn't meant to tell you.

Not THE Frankie Rio?

Do you know his music, then?

His records are never back in their sleeves in my house, Vernon.

Yeah, well, not a word, Oscar. He wants to mingle incognito.

I thought you said he didn't want people to know who he was.


Hey, Gina, don't say anything but, er...

- Guess who we've got in our pub? - Who?

Rosie's told us what happened.

No-one blames you for losing your child.

I just want him back, that's all.

The musicians, what do you know about them?

They seemed like good people. I'm sure it was just an accident.

Did you get a name, or an address they might be staying?

Just a name. Frankie Rio.

HELEN: Does your father know about the baby, Rachel?

Not yet.

Mum'll tell him when he gets in from work.

What about the baby's father?

I don't want him involved.

HELEN: You've signed adoption papers. If you've changed your mind...

Yes, she has changed her mind.

You can't force her to go through with it.

OK, Rosie. Take it easy.

I was ill, and upset, I didn't know what I was doing.

- But I'm all right now. - You've got a good case, Rachel.

But the support of your family, and the father of the child

would make a huge difference.

The father...

...he doesn't even know about the baby.

Maybe it's time he did.

Compliments of the gentleman over there.

Oh, good.

Thank you. Very generous.

Well, we place a high value on real talent here, Mr Rio.

Who told him I was here?

Ask David.

- Hello, Mr Rio. I'm Gina. - Hello.

- Are you doing a gig round here? - In Whitby, Gina. Tomorrow night.

Tell all your friends.

I'd love to go, but it's the village concert tomorrow night.

You wouldn't mind doing us a favour, would you, on behalf of your fans?

I think I know what you want, Gina.

The piano's through there.


♪ Now there is a house In New Orleans

♪ That they call the Rising Sun

♪ And it's been the ruin Of many a poor boy

♪ And God I know cos I'm one...

You have to let Adam know.

I was trying to keep him out of it.

Never mind him, think about you for once.

It's not just Adam. It's my dad. If he finds out...

They'll find out anyway, won't they?

Have you seen Adam?

We don't exactly move in the same circles, but, er,

he shows up now and then.

How is he, Rosie?

Still running scared of his father.

Does he ever say anything... ...about me?

Enough to know that he misses you.

Come on.

♪ That they call the Rising Sun

♪ And it's been The ruin of many a poor boy... ♪

Walker, you are listening to history.

Frankie Rio, playing in our bar.

- Frankie Rio? - Yeah.

A musician, already famous before you were born.


Mr Rio. Frankie Rio?

The same. What can I do for you?

Well, you can start by handing over a baby that doesn't belong to you.

Francis... Reardon.

OK. Got that. And the others?

All right. How about a description of the van?

Fine. Right, we'll keep our eyes open for them.

Thanks a lot now. Bye-bye.

ALF: ♪ On Ilkley Moor baht 'at

♪ On Ilkley Moor baht 'at

♪ On Ilkley Moor baht 'at ♪

That's my, er, concert piece. Either that or Drake's Drum.

Or maybe both, if it's by public demand.

They're gonna let you sing?

Why not? Mrs Ventress reckoned I had a talent for it.

Yeah, well, whatever it was, Alf, I doubt it was singing.

Contact the local hotels, would you? Give them these details.

ALF: What is it?

A character called Francis Reardon, and a couple of others,

they conned a hotel. Skipped off without paying.

- Ah, musicians! - Seems so.

The owner thinks they might be heading for this neck of the woods.

Reardon. Francis Reardon.

- Does the name ring a bell? - Somewhere.

Don't worry. It'll come.

♪ On Ilkley Moor baht 'at

♪ On Ilkley Moor baht 'at... ♪

♪ Silent night

♪ Holy night

♪ All is calm...

One baby, in perfect working order.

Thank you.

You've done a fine job of looking after him, Mr Rio.

A pleasure. All's well that ends well, eh, Mr Walker?

You've still to explain why you didn't report finding the baby.

I assumed Rachel would find us. And so she did.

♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪

MRS GODWIN: Oh, you've found him.

- Oh... - Is Dad here?

Yeah. He wants to see you.


Look after him, Mum.


Hello, darling.

Rachel, I've, erm, explained the situation to him.

It'll be all right.

Hello, Dad.



Well, at least you're all in one piece. That's something.

Mum says she told you...

I wouldn't be honest if I said I'm not upset.

I had high hopes for my daughter.

A child outside marriage was not one of them.

I love my baby, Dad.

We'll go into all that...

...and who the father might be. But not now.

The point is you're here. It's Christmas.

And we're a family again.

That's all that matters to me.

Carol singers are here.

Just a minute, love.


'Ey. Little lad.


♪ In a manger for his bed

♪ Mary was that mother mild

♪ Jesus Christ her little child ♪

Adam. It's me. I'm at home.

Adam, I've got to see you.


I'll see you there.

Right. Goodbye.

Who was that?

A client chasing up progress.

Check and double check these specs. They need to go off today.

I have to go out.

Out? Where?

Erm, dentist appointment.

You said nothing about a dental appointment for today.

- I forgot. - Well, don't forget, Adam.


I don't have to account for every detail in my life.


Can you mind the baby?

You're going to see Adam Turner again, aren't you?

I heard you mention his name.

I have to see him, Mum.

Your father is trying to accept this situation.

Seeing that young man again is the worst thing you could do.

I don't want to hurt Dad, but I have to see Adam.

Your father loves you, Rachel.

He's got a funny way of showing it sometimes.

He believed that Adam Turner was taking advantage of you.

It wasn't like that.

He's the father of your child, isn't he?

I only hope you know what you're doing.


Phil, that was the George Hotel.

A bunch of musicians have just booked in.

How many?

A string quartet. None of them match our suspects.

What was that?

Oh, er, three musicians skipped a hotel without paying the bill.

Those fellas who drove off with Rachel Godwin's baby were musicians.

I don't believe in coincidence.

The guy I dealt with was called Frankie Rio.

Frankie Rio? He was famous once.

Everyone keeps saying that.

Of course, Frankie Rio wasn't Frankie Rio.

That was just his stage name.

His real name was, er, Francis Reardon.

I told you it'd come back to me.


Bill, Rob, Alf told me you were on your way.

Alf told you we were coming here?

VERNON: I phoned the station to let them know

that the little misunderstanding between Mr Rio and Mr Grenville,

the owner of the hotel in question, had been settled.

What are you on about, Vernon?

Well, I spoke to the owner myself. We've agreed terms.

Mr Grenville does not intend to press charges.

Well, he hasn't contacted us.

He will.

ROB: I hope you're right, Vernon.

Otherwise the Frankie Rio Trio are spending Christmas in the nick.

Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?

Would it have made any difference?

OK, I let you down.

I should've stood up to my father when he found out about it.

Yeah, but you didn't.

He told you to get rid of me and that's exactly what you did.

I didn't want to finish it.

Just... Cool it off for a bit.

I was pregnant. What was I supposed to do,

hang about until you grew up and told your father to get lost?

I was thinking about us...

...our future. If I'd have gone against him,

I'd have been out on my ear.

I didn't care about your precious family business.

I just wanted you.

I haven't changed.

I still love you.

I don't expect anything from you, Adam.

Then why did you come back?

This is my home.

At least here I've got a chance to stop them taking my baby.

He's my child too.

No-one will take him away from you.

From us.

You'll see.

Are you willing to prove that, Adam?


RACHEL: Dad? There's someone here to see you.

TREVOR: What's he doing here?

We must talk.

I'm speaking to my daughter. Rachel?

Dad, my baby...

You tell him.

I'm the father, Mr Godwin.

I didn't know when Rachel left. If I had, things would've been different.

Anyway, I want you to know I love...

What? That you'd like to discuss it?

Do the right thing? It's a bit late for that, isn't it?


I love Rachel.

You Turners, you make me sick. Get him out of here.

Dad, please, listen.

TREVOR: Get him out of here, now!

You're just like my father!

You're two of a kind. I'll see you later, Rachel.

Adam Turner's child. A right fool you've made of me.

You don't know what you've done.

Oh, I see. It's all my fault, is it?

Adam wasn't here just for me.

If you see him again, have anything to do with him, you're out of here.

Dad, I need his support to keep my baby!

I'm warning you, Rachel, you'll be on your own.

As for his child, first thing tomorrow, I'm down to Welfare.

They'll be doing us all a favour if he's...

...taken away for adoption!

GERARD: Thanks again, David.

Yes, you're a real star.

I don't like the look of that sky, Frankie.

Oh, we'll give ourselves plenty of time, Vernon.

Well, if you must, you must.

You might just have saved the Frankie Rio Trio, Vernon.

My pleasure, Frankie.

You just knock that record company big shot for six in Whitby.


Drive carefully, lads. And a happy Christmas.

ALL: Happy Christmas! Happy Christmas!


Yes, I understand there's no point in proceeding,

but if we could just have that in writing...

Merry Christmas to you, too!

PHIL: Mr Royston Grenville at the Buckley House Hotel.

He's gonna drop all the charges against the Frankie Rio Trio.

It must have cost Vernon a packet to swing that one.

Well, it'll save on paperwork.


Mrs Godwin.

Rachel's gone. She's taken the baby with her.

What happened?

Ask my husband.

ROBERT: Mr Godwin?

I didn't chuck her out, if that's what you're thinking.

MRS GODWIN: You didn't have to!

If only you'd kept your big mouth shut.

Please find her for us, Mr Walker.

We just want her to come home.

FRANKIE: Where's the road?

GERARD: We lost it some time ago. I know exactly where we are.

- Rosie, have you heard from Rachel? - No.

She's left home with the baby. Ran off sometime in the night.

In weather like this?

Who else would she contact?

There's Adam Turner.

Well, he lives with his father. There's no way Rachel'd go there.

Call him. He's more likely to talk to you than us.

But what if Rachel's out on the road again, hitchhiking?

I don't even want to think about that.


Brian Turner Engineering.


Gone where?

No, not a word.

Oh. OK. We'll keep trying then.

No good.


Now what?

We did take a wrong turning.

How do you know?

We're completely lost!


I'm sorry, Mr Rio.

A mother and child, yes.

Well, very young. An infant.

Are you sure it was Rachel Godwin?

What time was this, Mr Harrison?

OK. Thank you very much.

Arthur Harrison says he gave Rachel a lift earlier.

Where did he drop her?

Very close to Vernon's place.

Right. Rosie, let Vernon know we're coming,

and stay in case Rachel calls.

Come on, I've got the taxi warming up outside.

♪ Ding dong merrily on high In heav'n the bells are ringing

♪ Ding dong verily the sky Is riv'n with angel singing

♪ Gloria...

I told Rosie, Rachel isn't here.

Mr Harrison said he dropped her at the top of your drive this morning.

We haven't seen her.

DAVID: Only people we've seen is that Frankie Rio Trio,

and they were leaving.

Frankie Rio left this morning?

Well of course. He's got a gig in Whitby.

Oh, you don't think Rachel's done a bunk with them?

♪ Gloria

♪ Hosanna in excelsis

♪ Gloria

♪ Hosanna in excelsis ♪

Er, Vernon Scripps.

Yes. He's here. Hang on.

Rob. It's for you. Phil Bellamy.



When was this?

Does he know if they were in the van?


Yeah, Century Barn.

OK. Thanks, Phil.

An elderly couple spotted the van.

It's broken down in a valley across from their cottage.

Are they all right?

I don't know. They can't get to them in the storm.

Who are they, Rob?

ROB: Mr and Mrs Barnaby, of Cotters Farm. The van's near Century Barn.

There's a track up to that barn that'll take a Land Rover.

Right. Shall we?

VERNON: Right, you better be on the road too, David.

What for?

Because if Rob is going to dig Frankie Rio and his merry men

out of a snow drift, they're not going to get to Whitby

for the concert, are they?

What's that got to do with me?

It means you've got to go to Whitby and pick up the big shot,

Mr Connell, who's there to see them perform.

Bring him back here, and they can play at the Christmas concert

at the Village Hall.

He can't go to Whitby. He's doing Father Christmas at the concert.

Luckily they have a stand-in, don't they, Bernard?

Oh, no.

I think I remember another joke.

Maybe we should try that building over there.

Round up the staff, it's time for their Christmas pep talk.

ADAM: You do it. I'm off.

What did you say?

Rachel Godwin's in trouble. She needs my help.

Rachel Godwin? You're still in contact with that little tart?

I'm going to marry her.

If this is some sort of sick joke, Adam, I'm not amused.

I'm the joke.

I should've stood up to you before about Rachel.

But you had your way. You always do.

I think we'll forget this conversation.

I love Rachel.

She's had a child. And I'm the father. It's time you knew.

So that's it. She's trying to trap you into marrying her.

Well, I got rid of her once, I'll do it again.

You've messed us up for the last time.


If you have anything more to do with that girl, you're no son of mine.

You don't want a son.

You want someone to punish.

You have done ever since Mother died.

♪ Away in a manger

♪ No crib for a bed

♪ The little Lord Jesus

♪ Lay down his sweet head ♪

We can't delay much longer, Oscar.

Where's David? He should be here by now.

The kids'll mutiny if we don't have a Father Christmas.

Speak of the devil.

- That's not David. - Who is it?

It's me, Oscar. Blame Vernon.

Gina, pad him out,

otherwise they'll all think Father Christmas has been on a strict diet.



Thank you very much. You know why we're here tonight,

to raise money for the needy in our village,

but above all to enjoy ourselves.

So let's start the concert with the one and only,

the beautiful, the talented... Miss Gina Ward.



♪ Sleigh bells ring Are you listening?

♪ In the lane Snow is glistening

♪ A beautiful sight

♪ We're happy tonight

♪ Walking in a winter wonderland

♪ Gone away is the bluebird

♪ Here to stay is the new bird

♪ He sings a love song As we go along

♪ Walking in a winter wonderland ♪

You took a big risk.

I had no choice, Dr Trent.

You will have a choice. if you give us time.

ROBERT: Running away isn't the answer.

HELEN: The Welfare people want to give you every chance.

They understand your situation.

My parents don't care. I'm homeless.

Some situation!

ROBERT: Hey, you're wrong about your parents.

I think you'll find they care very much.



♪ On Ilkley Moor baht 'at ♪


Someone to see you, Rachel.


Well, did you find him?

Yeah, it wasn't easy. All that snow and all that.

David! Where is he?

Mr Connell. Glad you could make it.

Vernon Scripps, at your service.

Hello, Santa.

I want a word with you.

There's a one-eyed yellow idol to the north of Kathmandu...


VERNON: Thank goodness you're all right.

You frightened the life out of me.

Well, we lost Whitby but we live to fight another day.

You may have lost the gig in Whitby, but you haven't lost your big shot.

VERNON: I had him fetched here.

I may just have saved your career!


The place was wet and slippy where she trod,

an ugly knife lay buried in the heart of Mad Carew.

'Twas the vengeance of the little, yellow god.


Thank you very much.


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a final special event

to end the evening.

Aidensfield proudly presents the one and only, the fabulous,

Frankie Rio Trio!


♪ Everyone is going through changes

♪ And no-one knows what's going on

♪ And everybody changes places

♪ But the world still carries on

♪ Love must always change to sorrow

♪ And everyone must play the game

♪ It's here today and gone tomorrow

♪ But the world goes on the same

Rachel. Oh, thank God, you're safe. Oh...

ROSIE: Here they are.

So, where's my grandson, then?

Let's face it...

...we've all made mistakes.


FRANKIE: ♪ All our sins and grief To bear

♪ What a privilege to carry

♪ Everything to God in prayer

♪ And oh what peace we often forfeit

♪ Oh, what needless pain we bear

♪ And it's all because We do not carry

♪ Everything to God in prayer ♪
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