14x14 - Blast From The Past

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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14x14 - Blast From The Past

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss Stay in my memory? ♪



MUSIC: 'Love Of The Loved' by Cilla Black

♪ Each time I look into your eyes

♪ I see that there There heaven lies

♪ And as I look I see The love of the loved... ♪

It's me, Miss Edgar.

I've got your shopping.


ROSIE: I'll get you out. Don't you worry.

Honestly, I'm not hurt.

Yeah, well, I think you should let Dr Trent check you out, though.

Please, all I need is to get my car seen to.

Yeah, and tell the police. That van could've k*lled you.

All right, all right. Police, garage,

and then somewhere for me to stay.

And David, thanks.

You're a real Good Samaritan.


If you can, Doctor.

He said he was from the Council.

About my roof.

Oh, I've been such a fool!

ROSIE: That'd be great. Thanks a lot.

She'll be here in five minutes.

Come on, Miss Edgar. Drink your tea.

Dr Trent's on her way. - Thank you.

All she can remember is a man in glasses with a local accent.

And she thinks she saw a grey van outside.

- An Austin? - She doesn't know.

Well, I saw a grey Austin A heading off that way

when I was coming up the road.

Don't suppose you saw the driver?

No. Sorry.

Thanks, Miss Edgar.

How are you doing now, eh?

He took every penny, Rosie.

All my savings.

£ .

I tell you what I'd like to do.

Clonk the blighter over the head with my biggest spanner.

Yeah, a grey van, possibly an Austin A .

No, no registration - TRUCK HONKS

I'll have to go, Alf.

Just circulate the details and tell Sgt Nokes as soon as she gets back.

Over. ALF: 'Will do, Rob. Out.'

Mr Walker?

So have you got Miss Edgar's statement?

Er, not yet, no, er...

she was a bit shaken. - Do it now.

Bellamy, you ring the Council,

see if they've had any complaints about bogus officials.

And Younger, you'd better have a go at tracking down that vehicle.

Oh, I'm doing that, Sarge.

Let him take over. It's all good experience.

In my office. I'll take you through procedures.

He's a bit young for her, isn't he?

Who on earth is he? A new recruit?

A fully-fledged PC, apparently.

What's he doing here?

Well, he just turned up.

His first posting, so he told me.


So he's here permanently?

Well, perhaps they thought we were short-handed.

Now I'm in civvies.

Oh, come on, you do as much work now as you ever did.

What do you mean by that?


An extra pair of hands. Wonders never cease.

Just, er...

Er, you will make sure she gets a nice room, won't you, Gina?

Yes, David.

It's just that she's had a bit of a shock, you know,

with the accident and all that. - Yes, David.

Right, I'll just go and tell Mr Scripps where your car is,

so he can arrange to have it towed.

You're an angel.

Oh. Hey...

All right, David, off you go. Let Miss Parry settle in, will ya?

- Yeah... - Oh, hang on a sec.

I just forgot to ask him something. I'll be back.


- She's certainly got him organised. - Mm.

Wrapped round her little finger, I would say.

Is this for Mr Trent? That's right.

- So, that's the doctor's husband? - Yes.

I'll take it round to the surgery now.

No, no. Dr Trent mustn't know about it.


You must give it to Mr Trent, in person, at his house,

when she's not there. It's a secret, you see?

Oh! Right.

OK, well, I'll take the truck back, and go on my bike.

It's a secret between you, me, and Mr Trent.

OK? - OK.

It's... It's nothing bad, is it? - Of course not!

It's a good secret.

But, erm... not a word to a soul, though, OK?

I'm depending on you. - OK.

Here we are.

Sit you down.

Er... right.

Here, darling.

Take a look at this.

- What is it? - The site of our new house.

I've put in an offer.

Well, go on, take a look.

Here are the outline plans as well.

- Whitby? - On the cliffs. It's fantastic.

Matthew, we can't live in Whitby. You know we can't.

I'm on call hours a day.

Exactly. Which is why we never have a moment's peace.

I thought if we moved a little further away...


I'm sorry. We have to live in Aidensfield.



Right. I'll come over.

I have to go and see Miss Edgar.

The old lady I was telling you about?

Rosie thinks she might need a sedative.

David? What are you doing?


I just came to see you to, er, ask...

Ask whether you had any, er, gardening jobs?

You asked me that last week.

Oh, right, er... sorry.

Why are you hiding?

I'm not.

Oh, the bush just... - It's all right, David.

Don't worry. I'd better be going.

MRS EDGAR SIGHS I used to feel so safe here.

I know.

I mean, what if that awful man comes back?

He won't.

ROSIE: And I'm stopping, aren't I?

For as many nights as you like.

And nobody's gonna get past me.

Now, then, how about something to help you sleep?

Oh, no. No, thank you, Doctor.

I prefer to keep a clear head.

I keep thinking about him, Doctor, and...

do you know the strangest thing?

He seemed to know me.

- Well, how do you mean? - He knew my name.

And he knew I'd been the village schoolmistress.

Did you tell PC Walker about this?

No. It was all so confusing at the time.

He seemed familiar somehow.

I can't place him.

Er, it's from that woman who had the car crash and I rescued her.

- Where is she now? - Oh, she's at the pub.

- What, the Aidensfield Arms? - Yeah.

I got Gina to get a room for her.

Oh, and she can't drive her car until Mr Scripps...

All right, all right. Spare me the details.

She's staying in the village.

- And I haven't told anybody. - And you'd better not.

Look... er, David...

That's good.

Not telling anyone. That's very good.

Now, what I want you to do,

still without telling anyone,

is to go back and tell her she must return to London,


What, not stay?

Absolutely not. I'll sort her car out.

She must catch a train back tonight, without fail.

Yeah, well... well, she's come all this way.

She's only just settled in.

Listen, David. This woman is a troublemaker.

If Helen knew she was here, she'd be extremely upset.

So just deliver the message and make sure she leaves. All right?

So he knew Miss Edgar by name?

And that she used to teach at the village school.

If she said he looked familiar, must be someone local.

She couldn't put a name to him, though.

It was all pretty vague.

Glasses, a vague feeling of familiarity,

make of car. Not much to go on, is it?

Oh, David. Just the man I was looking for.


HELEN: That's a nasty bruise. - It's horrid, isn't it?

I had a bit of an accident in my car.

Yeah, and, er...

Mr Scripps would like me to show you what he's done.

- What? - Er, so we could pop out,

just quickly, if you'll...? - Oh. OK.

- Now... Yeah. LOUISE: Yeah.

What's he on about? I haven't even started yet.

Don't say he's got another of his crushes.

LOUISE: Go back to London?

Yeah, well, that's what Mr Trent said.

Right. You go straight back and tell him I'm not going anywhere

until he's seen me.

- What, now? - Yes.

Well, I can't go and see him again. It's...

Well, it's getting a bit late, innit?

HELEN: You again, David?

Yeah, I just had to... ask Mr Trent something.

Yeah, not about gardening this time.

Er... about his car, you know,

when to take it in for a service and...


MUSIC: 'Empty Bottles' by Marmalade

♪ Empty bottle fill the shelf

♪ His life's in ruin He once had wealth

♪ She left him cold, he cried... ♪



They can't be away, not Flo and George.




George? Flo?

Ohhh... - Oh, Lord.

Call an ambulance.


Down. There we go.

Same story as before, Sarge.

Council official called, tied him up and took their life savings.

- Description? - A man in glasses, wearing a suit,

same as before. - And when did it happen?

Around the same time as he called on Miss Edgar.

- What, yesterday? - Yeah.

Yesterday morning, around eleven. - Hold on a minute.

That old couple have been tied up since yesterday morning?

Yeah, I know, Sarge, it doesn't bear thinking about.


Two aggravated burglaries, one critically-ill old man...

I think it's about time we called in Detective Inspector Shiner.

You know, it makes me sick. That poor old couple,

working hard all their lives, scrimping and saving for retirement,

and now the whole lot's gone. - It's awful.

Fancy attacking an old man in a wheelchair.

Sorry. Excuse me.

Can I have a quick word?

Yeah. Come in.

Erm... outside?

Sorry. - Right.

- Where is she? - Who?

Your guest. Louise Parry.

She's still in bed, I think. Why?

You've gotta get rid of her for me, Gina.

She mustn't stay in Aidensfield. - What?

She's got this thing about me. It's like an obsession.

She won't leave me alone.

That's why we came here in the first place,

to get away from her.

Helen would go mad if she knew she'd found us.

You're kidding?

No. So...

not a word. Just kick her out, eh?

Wouldn't it be better to tell Helen what's going on?

No, it would not.

I just want to protect Helen from all this.


And you say he knew both your names?

Yes. Flo and George.

He kept calling us Flo and George.

No... He didn't call him George.

That's the funny thing.

He called him Sherbet.

- Sherbet? - Yes.

You remember when you were little, and we ran the sweet shop?

All you kids were the same. You all called him Sherbet.

GEOFF: Hang on a minute.

Sorry, I can't seem to find the...

Ah, yes. Yes, here we are.

Yeah. The driver was male.

And the car was a grey Austin A .

No registration, no.


Thanks very much.

Er, which station was that?

Sheffield Central.


Yeah, I thought I'd start in the south and work north.

Oh, no, no, no. You don't...

Well. Worked out what our bogus councilman did...

yesterday morning.

ROB: What was that?

He did the rounds of practically every old person in Aidensfield.

Not more robberies?

No, because nobody else let him in.

But he's definitely targeting old people.

Local knowledge, then.

Like we thought.

All except three addresses.

Three addresses... didn't fit the pattern.

Er, let's have a look.

Oh. I don't know if it's a coincidence, but...

these three definitely used to have old people living in them.

So if it is someone with local knowledge,

they're a bit out of date.

Which is why Miss Edgar thought he looked familiar

but couldn't place him.

Out-of-date, local knowledge.

Somebody that moved away,

but remembers where old people used to live.

What, my dad?

I hope you're not implying my dad had anything to do with this.

Oh, no, no, no, of course not.

I wasn't even thinking of your dad.

No, he's kept his nose clean for years. We all know that.

I was thinking of the Gilberts.

Look, I'm really sorry.

Oscar's booked in this fishing party, you see?

He didn't tell me till this morning.

- I expect I'll find somewhere else. - Well, I doubt it.

Everywhere's booked solid this time of year.

I'd go back to London if I was you.

Meaning what exactly?

Well, er... just that sometimes

it's best to cut your losses and head for home.

I suggest we use your office as the incident room,

all right, Sergeant? SGT NOKES: Of course.

We've heard from the hospital.

George Forster hasn't regained consciousness.

His condition remains critical.

This may turn into a m*rder enquiry.

This way.

There will be some disruption with CID using our facilities,

but I'm sure we can all muck in together.

All right?

Yes, Sarge.

Sarge! We've been thinking.

It looks like this man had local knowledge.

DI Shiner and I have discussed that.

But knowledge you'd only know if you'd lived here some time ago.

Like, er, old George's nickname, from when he ran a sweet shop...

Thank you, Walker. All that will be taken into account.

Your job now is to leave things to the CID

and get on with normal duties.

In particular, I want you out in Aidensfield,

showing the uniform, reassuring the locals.


Come on, Rob.

This could end up as a m*rder.

CID have to take over, you know that.

That sweet shop was like the heart of the village.

He was a good man. - Yeah.

Then to be told that I have to...

wander around Aidensfield, showing the uniform. I mean...

I mean, I knew everyone years ago.

There's information up here that could solve this thing.

- Well, tell her, then! - Oh, what's the point?


You're thinking of going it alone.

Well, don't.

This time Shiner won't be pleased.



Did I do something?


He was brought up in Aidensfield, so...

These people meant something to him, that's all.



LOUISE: Can I come in?


MUSIC: 'Spoonful' by Cream

- Yes? - Charlie?

Charlie Gilbert?

You remember me, don't you? - No.

Lenny Walker's son.

By golly! So you are, lad.

So you are. Robbie, isn't it?

- Yeah, that's right. - Robbie Walker.

Come in.

This is a nice surprise.

Right. I've, er ...got your stuff. Do you wanna...

Oh, just leave them there. I'll take them up when you've gone.

Er, first door on the right, did you say?

- Er, yeah, that's right. - And this Mr Vernon,

he's definitely away?

Only, I don't want some strange man climbing into my bed.

Oh, no. That'd be terrible.

So, go on.

Oh, now... Right, what do I do if...

if Dr Trent's there?

I've told you. Ask to see him on his own,

then give him the note.

- OK. - OK.

You know, I, er...

I can't really keep on doing this forever,

going back and forth with notes all the time.

Don't worry. You won't have to. Once Matthew gets this,

he'll be round here in a flash. - What, Mr Trent? Here?

Go on!

And David?

Thanks for putting me up.

Once again, you've saved the day.


Well, Robbie, I wouldn't have known you from Adam.

But then, you were only, er... How old?

- About . - Oh, so it's not surprising.

I can see your father in you now, mind.

Well, good to see you anyway.

And you, son.

So... how's tricks?

Oh, you know how it is at my age.

I take it nice and easy.

- And what about the club? - The club?

Oh, my word! Far too old for that now.

Brian's taken over.

Has he?

Aye, he's doing very well for himself, thank you.

Lovely wife. Two kiddies.

He's got a head start on me, then.

I'd like to see him again.

We were good pals at school. - Those were the days, eh?

Dear old Aidensfield.

So... Robbie...

what are you up to?

Bit of this, bit of that. You know?

Oh, a chip off the old block, eh? Just like your old dad.

And how's he getting on? - Yeah, pretty well.

- Where was it he went? - Manchester.

Manchester. That's right.

In fact, he's the reason I looked you up.

He knew I was visiting the area,

and wanted me to pass on his regards.

Well, that's very civil of him.

He wants to see you again, he said.

Now that really would be a red-letter day.


LOUISE: You promised me! MATTHEW: I did not!

You did! You gave me your word! You said you loved me.

You said you'd leave her and move in with me!

OK, I may have said things in the heat of the moment.

Ah! In the heat of the moment?!

Excuse me, you've been spending two nights a week in my flat...

All right! All right.

I can't keep commuting up to London, can I?

Look, I want to make a fresh start.

I wanna build a house here and make a go of my marriage.

I don't want to lose Helen.

Well, tough! I'm pregnant!


PHONE PICKS UP Brian? Guess who's in town?

MUSIC: 'A New Day Yesterday' by Jethro Tull


♪ ..before I fall in love with you

♪ Oh won't you stop, stop, stop

♪ Treating me the way you do... ♪

- Hey, is Brian around? - Who's asking?

♪ You better stop, stop, stop Before I... ♪

Robbie Walker. Who'd have thought it?

Is he here?

I thought this is where he was heading.

What's he want, Brian? - You tell me.

But as for Lenny sending his best regards,

gotta be joking. - You can say that again.

He's asking for you.

Not now. We need to think it through.

CHARLIE: Tell him to come back tomorrow.

Perhaps Lenny's in Whitby too.

I mean, if so, it might be the ideal opportunity

to settle a bit of unfinished business.

Yeah. Get t'money back for that Templeton job.

, quid, we got out that safe, son,

Lenny Walker and me.

And he took the lot.

I reckon it's about time he made amends.

Well, maybe he's gotta.

I mean, maybe he's got a guilty conscience.

Yeah. And pigs might fly (!)

You don't know Robbie's dad.

He'll see you tomorrow.

He's going.

Well, don't just stand there. Get Eddie onto it!

Oh, right.

MUSIC: 'A New Day Yesterday' by Jethro Tull

♪ Spent a long time looking

♪ For a game to play

♪ My luck should be so bad now

♪ To turn out this way

♪ Oh I had to leave today

♪ Just when I thought I'd found you

♪ It was a new day yesterday

♪ But it's an old day now. ♪

He's a ruddy copper!

You what?

A copper in Aidensfield.

What's going on, Brian? - Get off us!

Robbie didn't come here with a message from his dad, did he?

I knew that didn't make sense.

It's cops' business, isn't it? - I don't know.

Why have we got a copper from Aidensfield on our tail?

What have you done? - Nowt.

Don't lie to me!

Two little jobs, Dad. Just two little 'uns.


I were desperate. I needed t'cash.

We've got cash here, you fool. You've only gotta ask.

Not for what I wanted it for.

Not a woman again?

I've gotta pay her off, Dad. She were gonna tell Wendy.

I see. So because of your stupidity,

we've got the police sniffing round.

You've risked everything we've built up for some stupid woman?!

I'm sorry.

Old folk again? In Aidensfield?

Using the old addresses? God almighty, Brian!

And Robbie Walker's the village plod.

And I've had him sat in my front room,

feeding him my best whisky?

CHARLIE SIGHS I'm going home.

When Eddie gets back, send him straight round.

And from now on...

..leave the rest to me.

Because you, Brian...

are a walking disaster area.




Come on, I know someone's there.

MAN: 'Watch your back, Robbie.'

Who is this?

'We know you're a copper.'

- What's up? MATTHEW: Oh! Er...

Hm... nothing.

Er, I couldn't sleep, that's all.

MUSIC: 'Every Little Bit Hurts' by The Spencer Davis Group

♪ Every little bit hurts

♪ Every little bit hurts... ♪

I knew you'd see sense.

Just take it.


Should just about cover everything.

Go to the best doctor in Harley Street.

Oh, no.

No, Matthew. I think you've got the wrong end of the stick.

I certainly don't want an abortion.

- All right. What do you want? - I want you.

You and our baby.

♪ Every little bit hurts... ♪

You are making my life really difficult, you are!

♪ Every night I cry Every night I sigh

♪ Every night I wonder why

♪ You treat me cold

♪ Yet you won't let me go... ♪ - Morning.

♪ Whoa... ♪

Where's the bike?

Er, engine trouble. I left it in the garage.

Do you mind if I take this out for a bit?

Does Nokes know?

No. Look, I think I might be on to something.

PHIL SIGHS No, no. No, really.

I've been to see an old friend of my dad's in Whitby.

I was after some leads about our man in the grey van.

Only I got more than I bargained for.

How do you mean?

Let's just say I'm being warned off.

- From your dad's friend? - I don't know. I need to find out.

Well, all right, but not by yourself.

It has to be. It's the only way.

Look, it's personal, Phil. It's about my past.


LOUISE: Aw, just one more tiny message.


Not to Matthew this time. I've finished with him. To Dr Trent.


Please? Please, please, please, please?

Because you are my special friend and helper.

Hmm? ROSIE: Wakey-wakey, David!

Bernie wants you.

I knew you'd say yes.

- Erm... - What's going on?

Er... nothing! She, er... just stayed the night.

- David! - Well, she had nowhere else to go!

- My word! You ARE the dark horse! - Am I?

Morning, Sarge. Er... A message from Rob.

He's er... got a bit of trouble with his bike.

Keep me posted.

I've just seen him in the yard.

Borrowing the patrol car. - What's he up to?

Well, he's visiting some old friends.

Oh, dear.

I don't suppose he said who?

An old friend of his dad's in Whitby.


That'll be the Gilberts.

Oh, he'll be walking into trouble if he starts tangling with that lot.

There's more to it than that.

I've heard it said that they're the reason

that Rob's dad did a bunk.

I thought he'd left to start a new life for his family.

That's what he said, but I'm not so sure.

It's a long story.

MUSIC: 'My Sunday Feeling' by Jethro Tull



♪ My Sunday feeling Is coming on over me

♪ My Sunday feeling Is coming on over me

♪ Now that the night is over

♪ Gotta clear my head

♪ So I can see... ♪

BRIAN: Now, then. Robbie Walker.

Or should I say "Constable"?

The bike was a nice touch (!)

- Sorry? - And the phone call.

Very helpful (!)

Was it you following me last night? Or did you get one of your minions?

He nearly died! Old George Forster!

Tied up for hours!

He still ain't regained consciousness.

- Are you proud of yourself? - You've lost me, mate.

I don't think so.

Whose is the van outside, then, eh?

You can't prove a thing.

You wanna bet?

You're not as clever as you think you are,

even in that stupid uniform.

You wanna go a bit careful, a past like yours.

- My past has nothing to do with it! - Oh, I think it has.

Remember the Templeton job? Your dad and my dad?

Mind you, it's a silly question, innit?

Cos that's when you disappeared.

Taking my dad's share of the money with you.

Anyway, we've been looking for good old Lenny ever since.

Turns out he was in Manchester.

Thanks for telling us.

You cause any trouble at all for us,

and your old fella's gonna end up at t'bottom of t'ship canal.

Have a think about it.

Dad, I need to talk now!

I need to know why we left Aidensfield.

No, Dad, the real reason!

I need to know about the Templeton robbery.

Well, I'm telling you,

she were round at David's, large as life.

- And she stopped the night. - No!

He'd never have someone to stay, not without Vernon.

- Especially not a woman. - Well, he did this time.

- What's he playing at? - What's SHE playing at, more like!

All I know is she's something to do with Matthew Trent.


BERNIE: Where are you off to now?

Oh, er... I can't really tell you, I'm afraid.

Come on, David.

Grab that, Rosie.

Me and you need a little chat. Come on.

Well, if anybody can make him see sense...

- Oh! - Helen Trent.

- Please, can I have that back? - Who's it from? Come on.

It's that Louise woman, isn't it?

- No. - Listen, David.

People only send messages if they can't say it to your face.

And that usually means trouble.

Now, is this the first note you've had to take?

How many others?

Oh, I don't know. Three or four.

I'm fed up with it, Gina!

It's driving me round the bend!

All right, David.

Just don't do it again, OK?

She keeps giving things to me. I mean, how can I stop her?


PHIL: Ah, Rob. Nokes is on the warpath.

Wants to know why you borrowed the car...

Yeah, right.

Bernie rang. He said he's fixed your bike.

- OK. - He said it was in a right state.

- Whoever did it meant it. - OK!

- Rob. Rob! - What, Phil?

Why didn't you tell us it had been vandalised?

Was it the Gilberts?

Because if it was, you'd better watch out.

Just give us a lift back to Aidensfield.

I better pick up my bike before they close.

I'll see Nokes later. Come on!

What's going on?

You mind the phone.

Just one more night. Please.

I promise, I won't drink any more of Mr Vernon's whisky.

Oh, it's not that. It's just, well...

you know, people have been talking,

and saying how angry Mr Vernon's gonna be when he gets back.

But you're my friend.

My Good Samaritan.




You've gotta talk sense into him, Oscar.

Why me?

Well, you gave him a talking-to once before.

That's why he became a copper.

That was years ago, when I was a sergeant.

Right, in the snug.

MUSIC: 'Mary-Anne' by The Shadows

♪ Every day now

♪ Seems aimless

♪ How slow the moments go... ♪

All right, I've committed the cardinal sin of going solo.

But I knew I could crack it.

You should've kept CID informed.

They'd blow it before we got anywhere near, you know that.

That's the way it's done, lad.

Now, come on, Rob.

Even if you can't tell them, you can tell us.

What made you think

that these robberies were done by the Gilberts?

Well, I didn't.

I thought they might be able to tell me who HAD done them.

Then when they found out I was a policeman...

Well, it got their wind up, and I realised I was onto something.

Then when I saw Brian,

and he matched Miss Edgar's description,

well, it explained why the thieves had so much local knowledge.

Then you saw the grey van behind the club.

- And that clinched it. - Well, that's it, then.

Just go and see Shiner and Nokes. No need to delve any further.

The case is solved.

Not quite.

What do you mean?

They're threatening to k*ll my father.

You what?!

Because of the Templeton robbery.

- Ah. - Yes, Alf.

How gullible can you be?

It turns out that's why they left Aidensfield.

And all along, I thought it was because of me.

When you provided that false alibi for him.

I really thought that was the reason we went.

For Dad to make a fresh start in a new place.

And look after my mum.

And the real reason?

Lenny took all the loot from the job,

disappeared into the sunset, taking Rob with him.

What, you knew?

I had a hunch.

Now I've gone and told the Gilberts where Dad is, haven't I?

So they've got me.

I can't tell Nokes who robbed George and Flo,

cos they'll chuck him in the canal.

I can't tell her about the Templeton robbery,

cos he was part of it.

I'd be sending my own father to prison.

The only thing I can do is keep my mouth shut.

Oh, I'm sorry, Rob. Absolutely not.

I read you the riot act once before, didn't I?

years ago, when all this happened

and you gave that false alibi.

Do you remember what I said?

I said you had a choice.

You could be sucked in by this family of yours,

and their way of life, or you could break free.

Now, you made the break. We all admired you for that.

So don't spoil it now.

Get on the phone to Nokes.

And if it means shopping your father...

..then so be it.

HELEN: Oh! Goodness! You made me jump.

Erm... I'm just shutting up shop, but...

You're the women who had the car accident, aren't you?

Louise Parry.

Well, you'd better come in.

Obviously, he never told you my name.

I'd better explain. I'm Matthew's...

Well, I believe the word is mistress.

The one you made him move up here to get away from.

That one.

Well, as you can see, it hasn't worked.

I think you'd better leave.

We're still very much in love, you see?

And we're still seeing each other.

Every week, in fact. Well...

where else do you think he stays when he comes to London on business?

Out! Please, I don't want to hear any more.


there is one more thing you'd better know.

We're expecting a baby.

Right, PC Walker...

my office in minutes.

- Please! At least listen to me! - I've listened to you enough!

We gave ourselves one last chance, and you've blown it!

I only saw her a few times!

Oh, just every time you went down to London on so-called business!

Don't lie to me! - All right, I'm sorry!

But you don't know how persistent she could be.

I did not want to see her! - Oh, no.

I've wasted ten years of my life on you, Matthew Trent,

and I'm not gonna waste any more.

So just pick up your things and leave!

And you'd better take these.

I'm sure she'd like a nice house on the cliff for the new baby!

And why did you not come to me with all this immediately?

Sorry, Sarge.

You've acted alone, without my permission or knowledge.

You've laid yourself open to blackmail and intimidation,

you've delayed police inquiries by keeping information to yourself.

I could throw the book at you, PC Walker!

And if I did, I can assure you

the Chief Constable would take a very dim view indeed.

Yes, Sarge.

We all know about your background... naturally.

Don't revisit it.

Not even to solve a case.


You're one of us now.

You wear the uniform, you follow the rules.

To the letter.


DI Shiner's on his way to the Black Diamond club.

We'll meet in there.

MUSIC: 'Over You' by Freddie And The Dreamers

♪ Over you

♪ Over you

♪ Well I do love you

♪ But you only make me blue

♪ And you say goodbye Leaving me to cry

♪ Over you, over you... ♪


Oh. Have you been kicked out? You poor love.

Don't imagine you can plonk that stuff at my place,

because you can't. - What?

For heaven's sake, Louise, where else do you expect me to go?

I don't want it.

And I don't want you.

- Well... what about the... - The baby?

There never was one, old bean.

I just wanted to make you sweat a bit, that's all.

Revenge, Matthew, darling.

Revenge for everything you've put me through.

♪ Even if I have to wait a year... ♪

BRIAN: You'll regret this, Walker. ROB: I don't think so.

Yeah, well, your father will when we get to him.

Too late! He's under arrest for the Templeton robbery,

just like YOUR dad.

Well done, Sergeant. Excellent result.

Two detections for the price of one.

The Aidensfield crimes

and the Templeton case all those years ago.

I don't know quite how you did it, but good work.

I'll tell you something.

It's gonna be one heck of a comedown after that enormous house.

That was him, this is me.

Oh, Helen. I'm really sorry.

You must be really choked about it all.

Just... angry.

Come on, let's get this stuff inside.


Flippin' Nora!

Yeah, I know.

Look, er... your dad's turned queen's evidence.

You what?!

Yeah. Singing like a canary.

Telling Manchester Police all about Charlie's life in crime.

Not just the Templeton job, but much, much more.

Oh, no.

Well, at least your dad'll get off lightly now.

And there's nothing more you can do about it, all right?

It's over now.


Well, look...

..these should take your mind off it.

What? Dog licence holders?

I thought that was young Geoff's job.

Nokes's idea of punishment, I shouldn't wonder.

Ah, great (!)

Look. I'll give you a hand. You do half, I'll do half.

We should have it finished by lunchtime.

Cheers. You're a mate.

I know.

Stick the kettle on first, though, eh?

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