14x25 - Services Rendered

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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14x25 - Services Rendered

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss

♪ When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪

- Morning. - Morning, sir.



MUSIC: 'Cat's Squirrel' by Cream

Yeah, I'll be back there as soon as I can. Out.

How is he?

He has a head injury, possibly broken ribs.

We'll know for certain after X-ray.

- What happened? - It was a hit-and-run by a car.

I got a telephone call from an eyewitness.

Ambulance is on its way.

Did you get a name for the witness?

Albert Wilson.

He's a patient of mine. Lives down the road.

Where is he now?

He's an estate agent.

He was in a rush to meet a client at a property.

He said he'd contact you as soon he's free.

A neighbour just told me.

How is he?

And you are, ma'am?

Er, Margaret Cross. I'm Peter's mother-in-law. I live here.

I just got back from taking Natalie to school.

She's Peter's daughter.

He's not going to die, is he?

He's severely concussed, but his pulse is steady.

I think he'll be fine once he gets to hospital.

Oh, thank goodness.

You want how many?

Oh, yeah. All right. I'll tell her. It's Mr...

Mr Redman.

Er, no, I can't tell you when you'll have them

because I don't know what they are. Oh, she's just...

I'll just tell her you called.

Yeah, all right. Bye, Mr Redman.

That was Mr Redman.

And he says he wants three packets.

That's what I like to hear.

And before that, there was Mr Slater and he wants four packets.

Even better.

Why can't you talk to them, Aunt Peggy? Why do I have to do it?

We've agreed a price.

Any more chat would be an invitation to nibble our profits.

What are you selling? It's not eggs, is it?

Not eggs, David. No.

Did you talk to Mr Roberts?


He was still out cold when the ambulance took him.

Ashfordly Police Station.

What about Mr Wilson, the witness who called out Dr Trent?

- I haven't spoken to him either. - Why not?

He's an estate agent, Sarge. He was going to meet a client.

He told Dr Trent he'd contact us the minute he's free.

Not good enough.

Witnesses who leave the scene of an accident

need to be reminded of their public duty.

That was Dr Trent. She's just left Mr Roberts at the hospital.

- How is he? - He's regained consciousness

and he's out of danger.


Mr Roberts? PC Walker. Aidensfield Police.

I know who you are, Mr Walker. I've seen you around.

This is Susan Watts, my fiancee.

Miss Watts. How are you feeling?

Yeah, not too bad. Could have been much worse.

- Has my daughter been told? - Mrs Cross is dealing with it.

I could have been with Natalie. I sometimes take her to school.

Don't upset yourself. Think about getting well.

What do you remember, sir?

Erm...not much.

I heard the car coming up behind me

and...I tried to turn,

tried to put myself out of harm's way but...

..the next thing I remember is waking up in here.

You didn't get a good look at the car?

It happened too fast.


I hope you get who did ever this. That maniac could've k*lled Peter.

MUSIC: 'Catch Us If You Can' by The Dave Clark Five

♪ Here they come again, mm-mm

♪ Catch us if you can, mm-mm

♪ Time to get a move on, mm-mm

♪ We will yell with all of our might

♪ Catch us if you can

♪ Catch us if you can

♪ Catch us if you can

♪ Catch us if you can

♪ Now we gotta run, mm-mm

♪ No more time for fun...

Right. You keep watch, David.

And if anything in a uniform starts nosing around, toot the horn.

♪ Catch us if you can

♪ Catch us if you can

♪ Catch us if you can

♪ Catch us if you can. ♪

You took your time.

Sorry, but we have a problem.


Oh, could you just give me a moment?

It's someone to see you, Rob.

Mr Wilson.

He reckons he can identify the car that hit Mr Roberts.

- Including the registration? - Chapter and verse.


Mr Wilson, my eyewitness, Sarge.

Sorry I had to rush away, Sergeant.

You were an eyewitness to an accident, Mr Wilson.

You should have waited until you'd spoken to a police officer.

Sorry, but I had a client waiting to see a property.

Well, you're here now, Mr Wilson.

And no less busy than I was before.

What exactly did you see?

Enough to know it was no accident.

The man in that car knew exactly what he was doing.

You promised me, Dennis. You gave me your word as a thief

and a gentleman. - I tried, Peg.

But the regular consignment, well, the sea water got them.

A pipe burst down below.

And what about my customers?

They trust me like I trusted you.

I won't leave you empty-handed.

These are new to me, but, well, they're yours for the taking.

- Where did you get them? - I don't know who brought them in.

A mate saw them stashed in a locker and, well, there they are.

Empire Gold?

What sort of a cigarette's that?

All right, they're foreign

but they light up same as any other coffin nail.



- Where is he? - Over there.

He's not a copper!

He's naval!

You said anyone in a uniform.



Thank you.

We're obliged to you for your help, Mr Wilson,

even though it was a trifle late in the day.

- Thank you very much, sir. - Thank you, Mr Walker.

Anything more I can do, just let me know.

Er, the car is a Ford Anglia estate.

Its registered owner is a Derek Wallis

and well, there's the address, Sarge.

We're making progress. PHONE RINGS

But if Mr Wilson is right, it was not a hit-and-run.

VENTRESS: Ashfordly Police Station.

He claims it was deliberate.

If it's attempted m*rder, it follows somebody's out to get Mr Roberts.

Bellamy, look into his situation.

VENTRESS: Sarge, it's PC Younger reporting in.

The fire brigade are dealing with a car blaze off the Elsonby road.

- Tell Younger to deal with it. - It's a maroon Ford Anglia estate.

Could be the one you're looking for.

Same registration, Sarge.

The kids saw nothing.

Arrange to have it taken away.

Knock on doors. See if anybody saw our suspect playing with fire.

Right, Sergeant.

Let's see what the owner has to say for himself.

Mr Wallis?


Sergeant Miller, Ashfordly Police. This is PC Walker.

Are you the owner of a Ford Anglia estate,

registration number KPU C?

I am. I mean, I was. I just got back from work and found it gone.

Are you claiming it's been stolen?

It's not where I left it and I didn't lend it to anyone.

Have you reported it missing?

Not yet. Like I said, I just got back from work.

Do I know you, Mr Wallis?

I've never met you before in my life.

This is where I left it.

- When did you park it here? - Late last night.

And you didn't check to see if it was still here this morning?

- There was no need to. - And why's that, sir?

Look, could someone tell me what's going on?

A serious offence was committed this morning,

by somebody driving your car, Mr Wallis.

Nothing to do with me. I've got an alibi to prove it.

You need an alibi to explain your movements, Mr Wallis?

I'm telling you, I was nowhere near my car this morning.

I was collected and taken to work by my boss.

Your employer's name is...?

Elsa Jenner. She owns a chain of hair salons.

I'm a trainee hairdresser at one of them, Dreams, off the high street.

I'm not fully satisfied with your explanation, Mr Wallis.

- Would you come to the station? - What? You're nicking me?

No, I am not nicking you, as you describe it.

I am inviting you to assist us with our enquiries.

You decided to show your face, then.

Yeah, sorry, I had to go to Whitby with er...

Some family business to take care of, Bernie.

I've got a burial coming up.

Rosie's constantly interrupted having to attend to the pumps.

- I'll do that. - I'll see he does it right.

I'm not altogether sure I want you getting in the way of things, Peggy.

It's no trouble. And what are friends for

if not to show willing in times of need?

I don't know a Peter Roberts. I wasn't in Aidensfield this morning.

- I was at work. - I trust you can prove that.

- I will when my boss gets here. - She's taking her time.

She's a busy woman.



- Wallis has form. - I had a feeling he might.

Takes time for the smell of prison to wash off.

Convictions for as*ault, aggravated as*ault. He's done Borstal.

- Short stretch in prison. - Sarge, I've er...

checked out Peter Roberts.

He's got no form, no bad debts, dedicated family man.

In fact, he's as clean as a cotton bud.

Walker, talk to the Roberts family. Find out if they know Wallis.


Ventress, recall Mr Wilson.

Tell him we're setting up an identity parade.

Sorry to lumber you with all this, Nan.

Oh, don't fuss. When Natalie's at school,

I have more free hours than ways to fill them.

Well, erm, I'll soon be off your hands for good, eh?

If you're sure it's for the best, especially for Natalie.

Her interests come first.


How nice to see you again.

Mrs Cross. Mr Roberts. I've a few questions.

- It won't take long. - How can we help?

We've located the car involved in the incident.

It belongs to man called Derek Wallis. Does that name ring a bell?

I don't think so.

He's young, years of age,

works in a hairdressing salon called Dreams.

No, I've never heard of him.

- You, Mrs Cross? - Sorry. I wish I could help.

So, this Derek Wallis. Was he the driver?

He denies it. He says his car was stolen.

What makes you think we might know this young man?

We have an eyewitness. He claims it wasn't an accident.

A deliberate attempt, in fact, to k*ll or injure Mr Roberts.

Are you serious?

He signed a statement to that effect.

Is there anyone you've fallen out with recently?

Someone at work, a client, maybe.

Well, I mean... I have my ups and downs with people

but not to the point where they'd... want to k*ll me.

Nor does he gamble or owe money.

Peter's a fine man, Officer, a wonderful father to Natalie,

and I couldn't ask for a better son-in-law.


I need a darts partner tonight. Can I count on you?

If you think I'm good enough.

I hope so. Geoff Younger fancies his chances.

He's bringing some girl with him.

Says she's a regular Robin Hood with the arrows.

Well, that's his story.

Well, I'll give it a go.


I'll see to it.

At your service, Mr Pritchard. This'll just take a minute or two.

Time enough to tip you the wink about our new promotion.

- It's a real bargain. - A bargain, eh?

You won't mention this m*rder business to Natalie?

- That won't be necessary. - I don't want her upset again.

Not after the terrible time she had when she lost her mum.

Jane, my daughter.

What happened, Mrs Cross?

To Jane?

A car crash. She was a wonderful girl.

We were so very close.

Still, we've got Natalie. She's the very image of Jane, you know.

MUSIC: 'You're No Good' by The Swinging Blue Jeans

♪ You're no good, you're no good You're no good

♪ Baby, you're no good

♪ I'm going to say it again

♪ You're no good, you're no good You're no good

♪ Baby, you're no good

♪ Mm, no good... ♪

Could I have a word?

That car was belting along. It was only a split-second look

but that chap, second from the end, I think it's him.

- We have to be % certain. - I can't be that certain, Sergeant.

Sorry. Just a strong feeling that he's the driver.

Thanks, Mr Wilson.

MUSIC: 'Butterfly' by Tommy Steele


♪ You tell me you love me You say you'll be true

♪ Then you fly around...

- Bellamy, dismiss the parade. - Right, Sarge.

Did Mr Wilson identify Wallis?

Almost certain. Close, but not a positive ID.

I spoke to Mrs Cross and Mr Roberts and they've never heard of Wallis.

Can Mr Roberts think of anyone who might want to have a go at him?

No. No, the family are baffled by any notion of an attempted m*rder.

I've come about Derek Wallis. He was brought in here earlier.

Miss Jenner?

Yes. What's this about Derek? What's he doing in here?

All in good time, Miss Jenner.

We can talk inside.

♪ Your flying is through cos I'm crazy about you

♪ You butterfly

♪ You butterfly

♪ You butterfly. ♪

- Is this it? - Yes.

Her home address would have been more helpful.

Like I said, she never gives it out.

Never mind. We know her name.

She won't be difficult to find.

Don't worry. Peggy won't give you no trouble.

I'm reassured to hear it, Mr Flowers.

We prefer to settle these matters in a civilised fashion.

We will be looking for your friend.

But if you find her first...

..be sure to ring this number.

How long have you employed Derek Wallis?

About a year now.

I took him on as a trainee.

He has talent. Customers like him.

How well did you know him before you employed him?

I knew he'd been in trouble with the police,

if that's what you're implying.

Is that why you pulled him in here? Because he has a record?

We have an eyewitness, Miss Jenner.

He believes he saw Mr Wallis driving the car that hit Mr Roberts.

- And what time was this? - Ten to nine this morning.

Well, at ten to nine, Derek was with me.

- Are you sure? - Look, I own three salons.

Every Tuesday, I supply them with products.

Today's Tuesday.

Every Tuesday morning, Derek drives me in the car whilst I deliver.

And what time did you deliver today?

We started at eight, finished around . .

I dropped Derek off and got on with my day.

I don't know who your eyewitness saw, but it wasn't Derek Wallis.

Oh, Dr Trent.

Good news. I've just seen your X-ray results.

- You're in the clear. - Oh, that's... that's wonderful.

- So, when can we take him home? - Tomorrow.

The bruising will be a bit painful for a while.

He'll be so spoiled, he won't feel a thing.

Well, I won't disturb you.

Dr Trent.

PC Walker said that the car accident...

Well, that it was deliberate.

I wasn't aware of that.

So you wouldn't know if the police know anything more, would you?

No. I can find out for you, though.

Put it out of your mind, Peter. Think about us, all being at home.

Is that it?

All done. Sorry for any...inconvenience.

Not to worry. These things happen.

MUSIC: 'I Close My Eyes And Count To Ten' by Dusty Springfield

♪ It isn't the way that you look

♪ And it isn't the way that you talk

♪ It isn't the things that you say or do

♪ Make me want you so

♪ I close my eyes

♪ And count to ten

♪ And when I open them... ♪

Empire Gold?

- What kind of ciggies are they? - Where did you get that?

A customer handed them in.

Claims they were being flogged on the cheap by someone in the pub.

- I'll see what they're up to. - OK.

- 'Ey up, Rosie. - Hi.

We've been waiting for you to join us.

Didn't want to disturb you and your girlfriend. Did we, David?

Well, no, not until it's time to play darts.

Who says she's my girlfriend?

Well, you look so cosy together.

Karen's my cousin.

I brought her here especially to meet you.

What, not to play darts?

And to play darts.

I've told her ever so much about you.

Oof! Steady. Mr Pritchard, isn't it?


Had one too many, sir?

You mind how you go.



Dennis! What are you doing here?

We're in trouble, Peggy.

- Room for one more? - Rob!

I didn't see you come in.

- I know I shouldn't say this... - Don't, Rob.

- You don't know what I was saying. - I could guess, but I won't.

My granny told me never to tangle with a married woman.

I'll still be a married woman for a little while longer.

Right. Very easy to forget about it.

I'm trying hard not to. I hope you are too.

I repeat it three times every night. Just before bed.

They want them back, every last cigarette.

Don't be daft!

I've started to shift them.

You don't understand. They're not the type to take no for an answer.

Well, what's so special about these stinking old fags anyway?

I practically had to pay folk to take them off my hands.

They're not real.

Well, they look the real thing

with tobacco and machine-rolled and that but...there's something added.

We've stumbled into a drug thing.



- How is Mr Roberts? - Doing fine. He'll be out tomorrow.

Your eyewitness contacted us. We found the car and maybe the driver.

You'd think that family had suffered enough.

Peter's wife, Jane, died in a car crash.

- Mrs Cross told me. - Did she say Peter was the driver?


Wow... But they seem as close as you can get as a family.


What's up with you?


- What have you given her? - Just a port and lemon.

She doesn't look well, Geoff.


Best take her home.

Come on, Karen.

It's not enough to suspect that Wallis is our man.

We have to prove it.

As for Jenner, she could just be covering for him.

Or she may be involved in this deeper than we know.

I'll speak to the family again. No one's mentioned Jenner to them.

Do that.

Bellamy, take a closer look at Roberts' work colleagues.

Talk to them. Maybe we missed out on something there.

Right, Sarge.

Ventress, check out Elsa Jenner. Go back as far as you can.

We are looking for a motive that points to a connection

between Wallis, Jenner and Mr Roberts.

What do you want me to do, Sergeant?

Nothing, Younger. I want you to stay here and make the tea.

It could be a very busy day.

He said he smoked some of them but he's thrown the rest away.


Oh, what now?

I've just remembered another packet.

The one I sold to that young Ashfordly...copper.

A copper? Not only will you get us k*lled,

you'll get us nicked to boot.

Ah, out of fags. Huh! Just when the job's at its most stressful.

Here. Have one of these.

Oh, ta.

Didn't know you smoked.

I don't. Bought them last night for Karen.

Your girlfriend?

My cousin.

Where did you get these?

I bought 'em off Peggy Armstrong, in t'pub.


Well, if these Empire Gold are what I think they are,

you're in trouble, lad.

You've missed Nan. She's out shopping.

It's Peter I need to see.

Well, don't tire him out. He's got days to get himself fit and well.

Our wedding day.

Oh, it's that close?

It was planned long before this business happened.

Another good reason for him to get well.

It's going to be a fresh start all round, Mr Walker.

Peter's got a new job down south, so after the wedding, we're moving on.

The whole family?

Just me and Peter, and Natalie, of course.

Not Mrs Cross?

- We think she'd be happier here. - Won't she miss you all?

I'm sure she will, at first.

But this family's had its troubles.

Peter thinks that for Natalie, for our marriage,

it's time to put the past behind us.

It's Mr Walker, Peter.

- Just a few more questions. - Have you found that driver yet?

We believe it's the man I mentioned yesterday, Derek Wallis.

I've been racking my brains over the name. Sorry, it's still a blank.

We think someone else might have been involved.

A woman named Elsa Jenner.

You know her?

Mr Roberts and Miss Jenner were seriously involved

until he left her for his late wife.

That's when Jenner got obsessive. Started phoning him,

following him and then threatening him.

He claims Elsa Jenner made his life hell.

- When was this? - About ten years ago.

Show him, Mr Ventress.

Police report of ten years ago.

A complaint by Peter Roberts against Elsa Jenner

for persistent harassment.

Ten years. It's a long time to hold a grudge.

It's a motive, which is what this case lacked. And a strong one.

Yeah, but we still can't prove that Wallis was driving the car.

No, but we can connect him to Roberts through Jenner.

It's circumstantial but it's compelling.

I'll talk to HQ.

We've got another problem.

To do with the case?

No. PC Younger has been caught pushing dr*gs.

Pushing dr*gs?

Well, to who?


MUSIC: 'Get Away' by Georgie Fame & the Blue Flames

♪ Gotta go

♪ I hope you're ready cos take a look outside

♪ Don't mind the weather, girl let's take a ride...


♪ We'll leave the city folk

♪ They'll have to say BANGING CONTINUES

♪ Don't have to pack a thing...

Why don't I just tell them we're out?


♪ Get away

♪ Take a look at that deep blue sea

♪ Don't you think it looks great?

♪ Not a cloud you can see in the sky

♪ And the sun won't wait

♪ I believe that the time is right

♪ Don't ever slip away

♪ Instead of dreaming about tomorrow... ♪

Phew! They've gone.

Do we know what's in 'em, Alf?

Nothing I can name, but there's a strong whiff of cannabis.

I've got a mate who's got a connection with a lab.

I'll see what he can find out.

Question, how do we let Sergeant Miller know that one of his officers

has been buying dr*gs in Aidensfield?

And foisting them onto his colleagues.

I wasn't to know!

You had no right buying anything from Peggy Armstrong.

My career's over before it's even begun.


Oh, take it easy. I'll find Peggy and see what's what.


We've had the all-clear. We can go after Wallis and Jenner.


SHE SCOFFS What now?


Come for a short back and sides?

We'd like to talk to you about Peter Roberts, Miss Jenner.


You lied when you said you didn't know him. Do you still deny it?

You think you can come in here, interfere with my business...?

We have a search warrant, Miss Jenner.

Would you please answer the question?

I had nothing to do with what happened to Peter Roberts.

We have reason to believe otherwise.

I'm the one you want. She had no idea I was going after Roberts.

It's down to me and no one else. Now, leave her alone.

Bring them both in.

I've been thinking about damaging Roberts

ever since Elsa told me about him.

Attack a man for something he did ten years ago?

It was overdue. He still had it coming.

Getting revenge on Peter Roberts mattered that much, did it,

to Miss Jenner? - Elsa had nothing to do with it.

- I never even mentioned it to her. - She gave you a false alibi.

- She has to be involved. - I asked her to cover for me.

She didn't know why. She didn't even ask.

She's the only one who ever trusted me.

- We think you're protecting her. - Think what you like.

You want to do time, do you? For a woman who's using you!

You watch your mouth! It's not like that between Elsa and me.

Elsa had nothing to do with it. Nothing.


The Peter Roberts thing is ancient history.

It was a bad time for me.

A mistake. But it's long behind me now.

You deny knowing that Wallis planned to attack Mr Roberts?

Of course I deny it.

I'm not responsible for Derek.

We know that you two are in a relationship, Miss Jenner.

Is that a crime too, Mr Miller?

Your private life is your own business.

Inciting Mr Wallis to attack another man is ours.

Well, you'll have to prove that.

How did Wallis know about you and Mr Roberts?

I suppose I told him.

People share things in a relationship.

I regret it now.

Regret what, Miss Jenner?

Confiding in Derek.

How was I to know he'd have such... possessive feelings about me?

I can see it in court. Jenner playing the innocent benefactor

of a possessive, violent young man she tried to help.

It only works so long as Wallis sticks to his story.

We need evidence. You two, go back to the salon, search the premises.


Where's Mr Ventress?

Someone needed urgent advice on a drug problem.

He offered to take it on for us.

Very noble.

But I want him here where I need him.


It's only Mr Ventress.

Not official, is it, Alf? You arriving in a police car.

I borrowed it, without permission, to get here quick

to stop you being put on charges, Peggy.

- Charges? What for? - For this lot.

Here we go. I found this. Look.

Three weeks ago,

a cheque for a grand was paid into Jenner's account.

- That's a tidy sum. - It's a one-off payment as well.

Nothing like that amount ever goes through her accounts.

I'd like to know who gave her that.

Me too.

Why don't I take all this to the bank? See what I can find out.

Sarge... Yeah, I'm at the salon. There's something you should see.

- Is this the lot, then? - Everything we've got left.

These friends of Mr Flowers, what happens if they come back?

Leave it to me. Dennis, have you got that phone number they gave you?

- Yes, but... - No argument.

Just do exactly as I say.

All of you.

Mrs Cross' name is scattered throughout the appointment diaries.

She knows Jenner, which means she must know Wallis.

Something she's denied from day one.

Can she be involved in this? I thought she got on with Roberts.

Yeah, so did I.

Do you know about the family situation?

Mr Roberts's wife died in a car crash. She was Mrs Cross' daughter.

- Peter was the driver. - When was this?

A couple of years ago. There's something else, Sarge.

Peter's getting married and moving away.

He's taking Natalie and Susan with him, but not Mrs Cross.

What are you saying? That she's arranged to k*ll her own son-in-law?

That cheque for a grand, we know who gave it to Jenner.


Well, that's the weird thing. The bank says it's from Mrs Cross.

Er, yes. You can mention my source.

Thanks, Phil.

My mate on the Whitby squad

is passing it on to a detective inspector at headquarters.

They're going to be pleased with you, Peggy. Isn't that nice?

Mr Walker. Mr Miller. Come in. I'll tell Peter you're here.

It's you we came to see, Mrs Cross.

Oh, well, come in.

You admit you know Elsa Jenner and Derek Wallis?

Of course. I didn't want Peter to know I used Elsa's salon.

- It would have upset him. - I'm sure it would.

Jenner tried to destroy his relationship with your daughter.

That was so long ago, Mr Walker.

Why continue to use the salon?

Loyalty, to someone who gave me good service.

We were friends long before she fell out with Peter, you know.

If it's all so innocent, why conceal it from us?

I'm sorry about that, but as I say, it was to spare Peter.

Three weeks ago, you paid £ , to Miss Jenner. Why was that?

A personal matter, Sergeant. None of your business, really.

It is if the money was payment to attack Mr Roberts.

Why on earth would I want to harm Peter?

Perhaps you blamed him for the death of your daughter.

How dare you bring my daughter into this!

Peter was also moving away from here, taking Natalie with him.

You can say what you wish, that is your privilege.

It doesn't alter the fact that you're talking utter nonsense.

What was the money for?

A personal loan, Sergeant. Just helping a friend out. That's all.

If Wallis sticks to his story, he and Jenner could walk away.

Unless we can get Wallis talking.

He won't budge. He's completely under her thumb.

There may be a way. We know Jenner got paid serious money by Mrs Cross

but what if Wallis knows nothing about it?

Remember Mrs Cross, a regular customer at the salon?

Maybe. What about her?

Mrs Cross gave Elsa £ , to get rid of Peter Roberts.

That's a lie.

Mrs Cross wanted him dead. Elsa offered to arrange it, for payment.

You, being the mug, you did her dirty work.

Yeah... Sure!

You thought you were taking revenge for the woman you love.

HE SCOFFS You still believe it.

Elsa wouldn't lie to me.

Let's ask her. She's outside.

They say you were given money to get rid of Roberts.

They're lying.

We know that Mrs Cross paid you £ , , Miss Jenner.

Who told you that?

Mrs Cross.

She's an old woman, she's confused.

Is this your bank statement?

Yes, that's mine, but that money...

Show it to Mr Wallis.

We've underlined the transaction.

It's true?

That old bird gave you , quid?

It's not what it seems, Derek.

A grand for Miss Jenner and for you, who knows how many years in prison?

That's how much she cares for you, Derek.

Answer me, is it true?

It was a loan, Derek. It had nothing to do with Peter Roberts.

A loan? You don't need a loan.

What's going on, Elsa?

Look, you don't have to say anything.

- I want to know now. - Keep your idiot mouth shut!

It's true.

All that stuff about how much we meant to each other,

it was just a lie to set me up. For money?

It wasn't my idea. Blame Nan Cross, the vicious old cow.

She just kept going on at me to sort out Peter until...

Until I didn't know which way to turn.

Who is your friend, Mr Flowers?

Er, Mr Ventress. He helped get the merchandise back.

What about my outgoings? Nobody's said a word about them.

We're leaving you something far more precious than your outgoings,

Mrs Armstrong.



MUSIC: 'Some Day the Sun Won't Shine For You' by Jethro Tull

♪ In the morning

♪ Gonna get my things together

♪ Packing up and I'm leaving this place

♪ I don't believe you'll cry

♪ There'll be a smile upon your face.♪

Mr Roberts says he'll ask the courts to be lenient with you,

for Natalie's sake.

I don't need that man's pity. I never could stand him.

Maybe that's why he decided to take Natalie away.

He had no right to take Natalie anywhere.

She is mine in a way that she could never be his.

He'd already taken one child away from me.

Why should I allow him to take another?

Perhaps you should have talked to him.

The man who k*lled my daughter? And who now comes to me and says,

as cool as you please, that he intends to steal my grandchild?

I don't beg from...people like that.

No. You just try to have them k*lled.

All I wanted was justice.

Is that too much to ask?

Pay attention.

I've just returned from HQ.

They congratulate the Ashfordly team for the excellent result

in the attempted m*rder case.

So, well done on that score.


They also mentioned a successful dr*gs operation.

Yes, it seems a combined operation between Whitby and HQ dr*gs Squad

ended up with an arrest on our patch.

Which raises the unexplained question

of how dr*gs came to be in Aidensfield,

who distributed them, who used them

and how you, Mr Ventress, came to be in a position to alert Whitby.

I er... I had a tip-off and passed it on.

A very reliable tip-off, it would seem.

The source?

A local resident.


Peggy Armstrong.

Peggy Armstrong?

I'm surprised you rely on that woman as a snout.

Even Younger here would have more sense

than to believe a word that woman says.
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