15x18 - Runners And Riders

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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15x18 - Runners And Riders

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss when my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss stay in my memory? ♪


MUSIC: 'Wild Thing' by The Troggs


♪ Wild thing

♪ You make my heart sing

♪ You make everything groovy

♪ Wild thing

♪ Wild thing, I think I love you

♪ But I wanna know for sure...

That blew the cobwebs away.

You fancy really putting them through their paces?

Yeah. OK.

♪ I love you

ASHFORDLY: You must come over and ride whenever you like.

Because Caroline's got her hands full training three horses.

Plus our star performer needs to be handled with kid gloves.

Yes. Lucifer's Revenge is running in the Gold Cup next week.

So I've gotta keep him on his toes until then.

If my husband turns up reading the riot act, he isn't allowed near him.

He's the trainer.

In name only. I did all the hard work

and now all of a sudden, Simon wants to take the credit.

Lucifer's Revenge is mine.

Hey, we're being invaded.

♪ Wild thing I think you move me... ♪

Rosie! Come back!

Oh! What a machine!

Yeah. Cost a fortune, but worth every penny.

Oh, what a beauty!

Oh, know your bikes, do you?

Always wanted one of my own.

Seem to spend my life doing up other people's.

- I'm Rosie, by the way. - I'm Jamie.

Good to meet you, Rosie.

I, erm... I best get back.

I'm halfway through a top-end rebuild.

We're stopping for a drink, if you fancy joining us.

Er, like this?

Yeah. Why not?

Yeah, great.

All right.

Five pints of bitter, three light ales and a lemonade.

I don't think so, Gina.

I'm sorry. We don't serve large parties in here.

Yeah, we do. We had a coach full in last week.

I didn't anticipate aggravation

from the Women's Institute's annual outing to Whitby.

Look, we're bikers, not Hell's Angels and not mods.

I don't care what you call yourselves.

I don't want to take the risk, if it's all the same to you.

What if it isn't, Grandad?

That's all right, big man.

Well, it was nice to meet you, Rosie.

That was so unfair.

And we don't encourage working attire in the bar either, Rosie.

GINA: They seemed harmless enough.

Just take it from me, Gina. Leather jackets plus motorbikes

equals trouble.

No exceptions.

Clean the bar.

Rosie, you know what Mr Blaketon said.

So, where are you heading to, then?

Oh, we'll camp up on the moors.

Been on the road for days. Need a bit of a pit stop.

Look, erm...

We've got an extra helmet. Do you fancy a ride?

Not half!


MUSIC: 'All Right Now' by Free

♪ All right now

♪ Baby, it's all right now

♪ All right now

♪ Baby, it's all right now

♪ Let me tell you now


♪ I took her home to my place

♪ Watching every move on her face... ♪


How about organising a sweep on the Gold Cup?

Yeah, all right. Mind you, whichever I pick, I'm bound to lose.

YOUNGER: My dad's always told me never to gamble.

"A fool and his money are soon parted," he says.

Ah, ladies. How can I help you?

- Is my dad here? - We call him Phil the Plod.

- Carrot top, gormless-looking. - Oh, that Phil. Right.

He's out at the moment, I'm afraid, Jane. He's on a case.

Mum said to come here cos she's gone to Auntie Maggie's

and we don't have a key, so we're stuck.

Then you best come through and take a seat, then, hadn't you, girls?

Uncle! Wake up!


What are you doing here?

Oh. Nice to see you too, Stepdaddy.

If I could have a word, Constable? PHONE RINGS

Ashfordly Police Station.

Why aren't you at home? Where's your mum?

She's with Auntie Maggie who is indisposed, apparently.

Auntie Maggie? Who's Auntie Maggie?

Don't you know anything?

And where's your brother?

She's taken him with her. Says she'll ring you later.

Ashfordly Hall. Lord Ashfordly's been att*cked,

a horse has gone missing

and the doctor's on her way.

Right. You two stay here. Alf will look after you.

MILLER: Mr Ventress is not a baby-sitter.

Take them home, Bellamy. We'll discuss this in the morning.

Walker. Younger.

We're starving.

What's for tea?

It was a nasty blow to the head.

You're lucky you don't need stitches.

What do you recall of the incident?

Did you see your assailant?

I saw nothing at all.

I found some hoof prints on the grass, Sarge.

They stop when they get to the road.

Is there anything special about this horse?

He's currently - favourite in next week's Gold Cup. Or was.

Do you have a photograph of him?

I can get you one.

He's black, hands, four white socks,

a white star on his forehead

and a distinctive white spot on his withers.

Between the shoulders, just in front of the saddle, Sarge.

Any idea who might have taken him?

I don't know.

Did anyone know you were bringing the horse here?

My husband.

Our divorce is currently with the solicitors.

There was a dispute about who owns Lucifer's Revenge,

but I didn't think Simon would stoop so low.

The blighter should be strung up.

I think that's enough questions for the moment.

Make sure he goes straight to bed.

He needs plenty of rest.

- He's not yet a complete invalid. - Uncle.

I'll make sure of it.

We'll be in touch.

So when's their mum back?

When their aunt gets out of hospital.

I didn't even know they had an auntie, to be honest,

and they're on holiday after the weekend for a week.

I mean, I can hardly leave them to their own devices now, can I?

I probably shouldn't tell you this, but she tried to cadge a f*g off me

when she was waiting at the station.

Thanks, Alf. That's all I need.

It was bad enough having to tell Miller

that I want a week's leave at short notice.

I might as well hand in my resignation while I'm at it.

Bring them in here.

I'll keep an eye on them for you while you're at work.

If you think a public house is the best place

for impressionable teenagers.

He's been left in the lurch, Oscar.

It's only for a few days. It'll be fun.

PHIL: Thanks, Gina.

What kind of mum dumps her kids on her new husband and then takes off?

Well, you know what they say about marrying in haste.

Me and Mrs Ventress had a whirlwind romance.

- Look at us now. - GINA: Hello, Mr McKay.

I was gonna send a search party out.

You go and put your stuff away and I'll put your dinner on to warm.

Gina, you're not just beautiful, you are an absolute angel.

Ah, it's nice to be appreciated.

Even if it is only once in a blue moon.

Simon Farr?

Sergeant Miller.

We're investigating an incident that occurred earlier today.

A valuable horse has been stolen from Ashfordly Hall.

I suppose this is to do with my estranged wife.

Perhaps we could discuss this indoors.

ROSIE: Bye, Jamie. See you tomorrow.

Act natural, OK?

Working late, boys?

Been worried sick about you pushing off with them bikers.

They're not just bikers, Bernie. They're people.

Really nice people.

Yeah. So nice that they viciously att*cked Lord Ashfordly

and nicked an expensive horse.

What would bikers want with a horse?

You can vouch for all of them, can you?

ROSIE: No, I've only been out with Jamie.

But somebody like him wouldn't have anything to do with criminals.

Everyone thinks they did it.

Just cos they look different?

I thought better of you, Bernie.

I didn't think you'd be so small-minded.

Oh, and I won't be in tomorrow.

I'm taking some of that holiday you owe me.

An animal like that, a few successes,

it attracts other owners, better horses.

People think you have the golden touch.

So you'd feel the loss, financially?

What do you think?

Do you mind if we have a look round?

You think I'd take the law into my own hands

with my wife's uncle on the Bench?

Look, she practically stole that horse from me.

She's the one you ought to be investigating.

Have you got a warrant to search my premises?

No. If we need one, we'll be back first thing in the morning.

Right, well, until then, I wish you all good night.

GINA: Well, it should be a good day out today.

The weather forecast's sunny and dry.

I thought I'd take a trip to Whitby Abbey.

I need a dramatic cover shot for my book.

Are you on holiday then?

Bryan's a professional photographer.

I'm sh**ting the definitive guide to Yorkshire's areas of natural beauty.

Coffee table books are big bucks nowadays.

We prefer cups of tea in these parts.

Hi, girls.

PHIL: Thanks for this, Gina. That's it, you two, sit down.

'Ey, and behave.

Thanks again.

Ta-ra. What do you fancy doing today, then?


How about a nice trip to Whitby?

We'll show Bryan round.

Well, if it's not too much trouble.

OSCAR: Make sure you're back by lunchtime.

GINA: We'll go in my car. We'll be back on time.

I'd rather stay here and listen to the radio.

SUSAN: Can we have ice cream?

Whitby's really boring.

Rather you than me, Gina.


Right. We've got our warrant. Let's get going.

Sorry, Sarge. The girls ran me ragged this morning.

I'd strongly advise you to put some order

into your domestic arrangements, Bellamy.

Yes, Sarge. I'm sorry, Sarge.

Right. I want no hay bale left unturned in that stable yard.

Not you, Bellamy. It seems our biker friends have parked themselves

in Arkwright's field down by the river.

That lot will nick anything that isn't tied down or tied up.

You think they took the horse?

With respect, Sarge, I reckon that lot are more into motorbikes.

With respect, that animal's worth a small fortune.

Do I have to walk you through every step of this investigation?

What happened to using your own initiative, eh?


GEOFF: They all look the same to me. Four legs, tail, massive teeth.

Ah, I'm glad you're here, Officers.

My horsebox was stolen last night.

Mind if I take a look around?

Help yourself, Officer.

One of the lads might have hidden a horse in his tent (!)

This is the only horsepower these lads are interested in, Phil.

Look, you do know that you're trespassing, don't you?

The farmer's not bothered. We'll clear up after ourselves

and when we've gone tomorrow, you won't know we've been here.

- You're leaving tomorrow? - Yeah.

We're going to the rock festival on the coast.

You could tag along if you wanted.

GEOFF: Have you had any disagreements with anyone recently?

Anyone who might bear a grudge?

Apart from the small matter

of an aggrieved wife who's suing me for divorce?

I, erm, I had to dismiss an employee recently.

He was involved in giving inside information

to the local book-keepers. I had to let him go.

He threatened me with retribution.

I didn't take him seriously.

Mind you, my mind was elsewhere at the time.

So you were distracted by your domestic circumstances?

My wife had discovered that, er...

our marriage was, shall we say, no longer exclusive.

I made a mistake. I'm not proud of it. Now she's making me pay.

This employee, do you have a name?

Yep. Adam Sillitoe. Moved on to Eddie Colson's.

Right. Well, we'll be in touch.

I want my property back, Officers.

So, you saw a biker exit the church.

You entered to discover the silver missing from the altar.

Yes, what they used to call, in my day, an open and shut case.

And it's no coincidence either that this crime wave started

when these bikers rode into town.

Think you can fit this in with your baby-sitting duties, Bellamy?

On my way, Sarge.

Smile, please.


Come on, girls. We'd better go. It's gonna pour down.

About time.

I think we'll leave you to it, Bryan.

If I was you, I'd nip up to Litton Bank. It's lovely up there.

Not a soul for miles.

Thanks for the tour.

OK. Ta-ra, then. Come on, girls.

You ever thought of doing a bit of modelling?


The camera loves you.

I could do some test sh*ts, if you like.

Send them to my contacts in London.

- Yeah. - How about tomorrow?

Keep it to yourself, though.

We don't want the others getting the hump, do we?

Come on, Jane!

We're investigating the theft of a valuable racehorse

from Ashfordly Hall and a horsebox from Bindbeck Yard.

I heard the horse had gone missing.

Where were you yesterday midafternoon onwards?

Minding my own business.

Been talking to Farr, have you?

You know Mr and Mrs Farr are separated?

Horse racing's a small world, Officer.

You'd be better off asking who didn't know.

Did you ask him why he had to let me go?

He implied you were involved in race fixing.

If that were the case, you think I'd be working here for peanuts?

OK. So why did he sack you?

Well, he was, er, seeing a girl from the yard.

Didn't appreciate it much when I let it slip to his missus.

So you feel you have a grievance and you were unfairly dismissed?

There was nothing wrong with my work.

Only thing he objected to were a few home truths.

Can anyone account for your whereabouts yesterday afternoon

and later last night?

A girl from the village.

I was with her all of yesterday and all last night,

if you see what I mean.

You won't mind if I confirm that.

I don't think her husband would appreciate

being disturbed on his honeymoon.

I'll still be wanting her details.

Five foot three, small blonde, curves in all the right places.

Her name and address, please, sir.

JAMIE: The last few years, I've been a bit cooped up.

I had plenty of time to think.

What I really want is a chance to see the world.

You've not been in prison, have you?


You're not married, are you?

Cos if you are, you can take me straight back home.

No, I'm not married yet. How about you?

Who'd want a wife like me?

Up to my elbows in engines all day,

oil in my fingernails, grease in my hair...

LAUGHS Same here.

You know, most girls would hit the roof if you told them

you wanted to spend the night stripping down an carburettor.

Not me. I'd be fighting you for it.

You're a one-off, you know that?

You think so?

Oh, why did I have to meet you now, Rosie?

I, er, I best get back.

What now?

ROB: I've made some enquiries, Sarge.

It's as he said. Sillitoe's alibi's abroad.

Won't be back for a few weeks.

Very convenient.

Have we made progress in that missing church silverware?

Well, nothing turned up at the biker camp, Sarge.

Vicar can't say what's missing. His housekeeper deals with that.

She's on a holiday in Scotland.

He can't remember which bit. PHONE RINGS

Well, at least make a start on the antiques dealers in town.

Whoever nicked the silver will want to liquidate their assets.

ALF: Could you wait a moment, Lord Ashfordly. I'll put him on.

He's not too happy.

Good afternoon, sir.

Yes, sir. I see.

And when did this arrive?

Yes, of course. Straightaway.

They've had a ransom note. We'd better get over there.

Sarge, my shift ends in ten minutes.

It's just that Gina wants me to pick up the girls.

Younger, take note.

If you have any ambition to become sergeant,

you put the job first and family, if and when you acquire one,


Hold off on that missing silverware for now, Bellamy.

I want every stable in the county searched for that missing horse.

Walker, Younger, with me.

ASHFORDLY: Arrived this afternoon, hand delivered.

Do you have the envelope?

I'm afraid I threw it in the fire before I realised what was inside.

Pity. It would have helped with the forensic examination.

So, if you don't hand over £,,

you'll not see Lucifer's Revenge again.

I don't have the money, so what am I going to do?

MILLER: There's no further instructions

so they'll be in touch again.

We'll take this. In the meantime,

if they contact you, call the station at once.

Any thoughts?

Adam Sillitoe has a grudge against Simon and Caroline.

I didn't like his attitude, Sarge.

I've not been able to check out his alibi

but I think he's hiding something.

If Sillitoe has got the horse,

he's going to have to feed it sometime, in't he?

It's a fit animal. It will need regular exercise.

Best keep him under surveillance then.

Looks like you two will be in for a long night.


Is it morning yet?


Look, over there.

Come on. Out the car, please.

Do you know, I appear to have had a slight accident, Officer.

Silly me.


What possessed you?

Where had you been?

I'd been out with a friend.

The evening hadn't gone too well.

I'm sorry.

This is so humiliating.

Doctor, Walker, if I could have a word.


She's been under a lot of pressure.

I can understand why this incident with the horse

would tip her over the edge.

She's bound by the same laws as the rest of us.

Charge her, Walker, then give her a lift home.


Lord Ashfordly is here to see you, Sergeant.

As I explained on the phone, your niece was over the limit.

Well, she should be damned well ashamed of herself.

There we are. Arrived this morning.

Delivered by hand again, this time typewritten.

You're to drop off the money this afternoon

and they will telephone with the location and time.

They'll return the horse if you make the payment in full.

If you involve the police, you'll not see the horse again.

I will not bow to intimidation, Sergeant.

Ever driven a horse box, Walker?

Absolutely not. Faintest whiff of you boys, we might lose the animal.

- I'll go alone. - With respect, my Lord,

this is best left to the professionals.

Blackmail is a serious crime.

There's a great deal of money involved.

The letter was addressed to me, Sergeant,

and if I am not driving the horse box,

they'll become suspicious immediately.

Very well. But when you do receive the call, stall them.

Tell them you have to go to the bank for the cash.

Then let us know the location immediately.

We'll make sure that we're in place before you arrive.

Walker will provide a plain clothes back-up

just in case they decide to pull any surprises.

Very good. But please, not a word to my niece.

She's very fragile at the moment.

I suspect that anxiety was behind last night's episode.

I don't want her put at risk.

MILLER: I understand, my Lord.

I'd better get her home, then.

Well, at least we've got something to go on now.

Strange that this one's been typewritten, though.

Look, there's an indentation.

This paper's come from a pad.

Someone's scribbled on the sheet above it.

Could that be a signature?

- Is that an S or an N? - S, F and there's an R.

Simon Farr.

Well done, Walker.

Pay him another visit. See if he has a typewriter on the premises.

Yes, Sarge.

ROSIE: I'm entitled to time off, Bernie.

BERNIE: If a girl starts keeping bad company, people will talk.

If it's my reputation you're worried about, don't be.

- I can look after myself. - Hey, look at that.

BERNIE: Here we go.

BERNIE: That was your friend's bike, wasn't it?

And Oscar says there's silver going missing from churches.

David, let me out. I'll go have a word.

Stay where you are.

- David, let me out. - David! Turn round!

If he is up to no good,

these bikers won't think twice about roughing us up.

We need reinforcements.

- See you later. - Oh, thanks. Have a good day.

So did you two sleep OK?

I'd rather have been at home in my own bed.

It's not Phil's fault that he had to work all night, is it?

So, what do you fancy doing today, then?

Oh, did he not tell you? We're going to youth club today.

Going on a day trip.

He never mentioned anything to me.

We go every month. We're going to get on a bus

and the youth club leaders are gonna meet us at the other end.

BERNIE: Oscar?

Mr Blaketon, can you help us? There's some bikers in the church!

So they've come back for more, have they?

Right, Gina, call the police for back-up!

This is persecution!

Do you want me to put you onto the bus?

Oh, no, we'll be fine. See ya.

Right. See you later.

You see? The A and the D, they're slightly wonky.

Well, get onto Forensics, just for confirmation.

But I'm sure we've got our man.

Shall we arrest him now, Sarge?

No. Let's get him redhanded!


Just hold it right there!

We know what your game is.

Anything wrong, Officer?

Can I ask you what you're doing here, sir?

What does a man usually do in church?

Would you like to check my Bible, officer?

It's got my name in it and everything.

"The Reverend James Finn."

Is this you?

You're a vicar?

Yes. For my sins.

TELEPHONE RINGS ALF: Ashfordly Police Station.

Right. Right, my Lord.

Ashfordly. They've made contact.

He's managed to delay them.

They're meeting at Alwardly Farm in three hours' time.

- Right, I'm on my way. - What about Simon Farr?

If he's got the horse, he'll want the money.

And if he wants the money, he's gonna have to come and collect it.

Let's get ourselves in place.

And get on to Bellamy. We'll need everyone we can on this.

ROSIE: Why didn't you tell me?

Because you might never have got past the clergyman

to the person underneath.

Before I take on a parish, I'm taking some time out,

seeing if I can reach people

who would, well, never usually touch religion with a barge pole.

I've never met a vicar like you before.

And I've never met a girl like you.

That's what makes this so difficult.

See, I've been offered a placement.

And it's in India.

I need to make a decision soon.

It's been nice to meet you, Reverend.

Good luck.

Well, what was I supposed to think?

There's still the question of the missing silver.

Have a look at these.

These are... Where did you get them?

Areas of outstanding beauty, he said!

He's not spending another night under this roof, the creep.

JANE: You and me are going to play a game, OK?

You wait here. I won't be long.

Where are you going?

Shh! Quiet as a mouse, OK?

How are you feeling?

Mortified. And hung over.

Thought you'd go for a gallop and clear your head?

Thought it would do me good.

Besides, they do need their exercise.

That friend you were telling me about last night...

Don't worry, I'm not gonna make the same mistake again.

Look, he's full of beans, so I'd best get him to let off steam.

You were right, Rosemary.

I was small-minded and prejudiced about your new biker friends

and I'm sorry. - That's OK, Bernie.

They do look a bit ferocious till you get used to them.

And who'd have thought one would turn out to be a flippin' vicar, eh?

Shouldn't you be on your way by now?

How about one for the road? This time, you ride.

Go on with you.

Women. I'll never understand them.

How can he be a vicar? When he rides a motorbike?

God moves in mysterious ways, sunshine.

They'll be covering you every step of the way. So park the box

and stay in the cab till the kidnappers tell you what to do, OK?


We want to make sure that the horse is out of the box

and the money's been handed over before we move in.


I distinctly remember telling my patient to take it easy.

Sorry, Doctor. Duty calls.

- Hey, what's that on your face? - What?

It's on my sleeve as well.

It smells like boot polish. Boot polish?

I was just out with Caroline. She's going riding.

I must have touched the horse's bridle when I scratched his nose.

Hang on, what colour was the bridle?

Brown, I think. But why would you...

Use black boot polish on brown leather?

Where's your sister?

She said we were going to youth club,

but she went off in a car with that man.

What man?

The creepy one, with a camera.

I found these in his room.

I was going to ask him to leave tonight.

She could be anywhere by now.

Anywhere in a car with that... that pervert.

What's a pervert?

You stay here with Mr Blaketon.

Me and Phil are going to go look for your sister.

OSCAR: You'll never search the entire moor by yourself.

We would if we had help. Gina, come with me. And stay here!

Uncle Oscar will look after you.

You are , aren't you?

It's just the agencies are very particular.

Why? Don't I look it?

You look adorable.


Smile for me, love.


Fantastic. Move in a bit closer.

Like this?


Now we're rolling!


He's meant to be following Lord Ashfordly.

MILLER: What's gone wrong? And where's Bellamy?

She disguised it. An old dealer's trick.

Covered up the markings with boot polish.

MILLER: Under our noses all the time?

All this talk of divorce. She and her husband are in it together!

GEOFF: Well, what do we do now?

We do what we came to do. We sit tight

and we wait for her and her husband to land themselves right in it.


- What is it this time, Phil? - My stepdaughter's gone missing.

She's up on the moors with a weird photographer bloke.

Look, she's only . Anything could have happened to her.

I need help finding his car. It's a blue Sprite.

Right. Come on, lads!

MUSIC: 'I Put A Spell On You' by Manfred Mann

♪ I put a spell on you

Great. Super.

All right, darling. Look away then turn back at me.

♪ Because you're mine

Just twist your shoulder a bit. Nice, baby. Very nice.

♪ I don't like the things you do

♪ Oh, no

♪ I ain't lyin'

♪ No, I ain't lyin'

♪ I can't stand you


♪ Can't stand your runnin' round

Delicious. Smile!

♪ I can't stand it, babe

♪ Lord, because you put me down...

Nice. Very nice.

Good. Now, lean forward into me.

Lean forward. Good. Both hands, very nice.

OK. Just undo that top button for me.

- Well, I... - Go on.

It's all right. Relax.


Come on, baby.

Very nice.


Registration matches.

That's the horse box they said was stolen.

Right, stop. Just drop the money there.

Wait till the horse is out, OK?




They spotted the car down at Litton Rocks.

Well, don't worry about the speed limit. All right?

MUSIC: 'Anyway You Wanna' by Jr Walker And The All Stars

Halt! Police!

Hold it there, fella!



You can't even get this right, can you?

I told you we'd gone too far.

I didn't want to go through with this but he made me.

You're involved with this man?

You should have heard her pleading with me not to finish with her.

You said you loved me.

Stable girls are ten a penny round here,

and a damn sight easier on the eye.

I think you better come with us, madam.

MUSIC: 'All Right Now' by Free

Caroline, come back!

Walker, stop her!

♪ All right now, yeah

♪ All right now

♪ Baby, it's all right now

♪ (All right now) All right now

♪ Baby, it's all right

♪ All right now

♪ Baby, baby, baby, it's all right

♪ All right now, yeah

♪ It's all right, it's all right it's all right

♪ All right now... ♪




How about taking this dress off for me?

No. I don't think so.

Come on. You've done this for nothing, remember?

No! Get off me!

Get off me!

Hey! Come here!

What do you think you're doing? Eh?

Taking some artistic sh*ts.

GINA: I've seen what you call artistic back at the pub!

Have you any idea how much this camera's worth?

- You're under arrest, mate. - What for?

- Did he touch you? - No.

But... what about the photographs?

He said I was going to be a famous model.

You've assaulted me. I've got witnesses.

- I'll press charges. - Yeah? Yeah? Come here!

Yeah? Are you going to explain to them

what you thought you'd be doing

with a -year-old girl in the middle of nowhere?

She told me she was .

Abducting a minor. You, you're in big trouble, mate.

Gina, will you... look after her...

and make sure she's all right?


Come on.

If you want to press charges for the as*ault, it's up to you,

but blackmail is a serious business.

- She'll go to prison? - It's highly probable.

How is she?

Fractured clavicle, femur, tibia

and concussion.

She'll be in hospital for some time.

- I'm so sorry. - Caroline.

Had you been with Adam Sillitoe

the night we picked you up for drink-driving?

Mm... We'd argued.

I was desperate to call a halt to the whole thing

while we still had time.

Once Uncle was hurt, nothing else mattered.

He told me that we'd gone so far, we'd have to see it through.

Or he'd end the relationship?

And tell the police.

His word against mine.

I was scared.

So I... I took the keys to Simon's office.

We knew that if the police were involved,

they'd be able to trace the typewriter.

Even though it put Simon under suspicion?

Well, he betrayed me too, remember!

I thought there was a chance for me and Adam.

But he was just interested in money.

How could I be so stupid?

He took advantage of you.

He knew you were vulnerable.

CRIES I'm so sorry!

You're the only family I've got left and I do this to you.

Why are you even here?

I'll organise the best defence team I can.

And even if the worst comes to the worst,

you are my sister's child and I will not let you down.

Oh, we have some news about the missing silver.

Oh, aye, turned up in some pawnbroker's, I bet.

In my day, we'd have had that silver out of those bikers' hands

and back in the church within hours.

Oh, it's back in the church.

The housekeeper took it home for cleaning

before she caught the coach to Scotland.

She left a note for the vicar, but he's only just found it.

He's full of apologies for any inconvenience he caused.

It's an open-and-shut case, I'd say.


Any news, Phil?

Well, he won't be going anywhere for a while,

but he's not going to make it easy for me.

He's threatening charges of as*ault.

Are you going to get into trouble?


I don't know what her mother's going to say when she gets back.

Oh, please, I promise I'll be nice to you.

I'll stop calling you Phil the Plod but please don't tell her.

I'm really sorry.

Well, I'll see what I can do.

Right now I've got to get back to the station.

Miller's probably going to string me up for this.

You two stay here and don't move a muscle.


ROSIE: So, you're off, then?

It's something I feel I have to do, Rosie.

I've made my decision. They're expecting me next week.

I don't suppose you'd come with me?

It's a bit short notice for me.

You'll have to settle for sending me a postcard.

MUSIC: 'On The Road To Find Out' by Cat Stevens

♪ To see what I could find out

Who's that kissing Rosie?

A peripatetic vicar, believe it or not.

Here. You were born to ride her.

- I can't take her with me. - What?

- Oh, don't be silly. - No, no. Think of it as a loan.

I'll pick her up when I get back.

♪ Many stories told me

♪ On the way to get there

♪ So on and on I go... ♪

GEOFF: Bikers! What does she see in flippin' bikers?

DAVID: Why is she crying? He's just given her his bike!

I did tell you, David, we'll never understand them.

I just saw red, Sarge.

If I hadn't got there in time, anything could have happened to her.

I'm fully prepared to take the consequences.

I don't think it'll come to that.

McKay's running scared.

When I was stationed at York I had this case.

A young lass, about her age, went off with this fella.

He promised her everything.

Fame, fortune, the world.

Everything she wanted to hear. Only, she didn't come back.

McKay's got no witnesses on his side. No charge is going to stick.

Just don't make a habit of it.

The mother comes back tomorrow, Sarge.

Not a day too soon.


Er, sorry to interrupt, Sarge.

The lads are having a flutter on next week's Gold Cup.

I think there's a horse called, er, Lucifer's Revenge in the running.
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