Heavy Metal (1981)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Heavy Metal (1981)

Post by bunniefuu »

A shadow shall fall over the Universe.
And evil will grow in its path.

And death will come from the skies.

- What did you bring me?
- You will see.

Wait for me!

What is it?

Do not try to escape.
You are in my control.

Look at me.
I am the sum of all evils.

Look carefully.

My power infests all times,
all galaxies, all dimensions.

But many still seek me out.
A green jewel they must possess.

But see how I destroy their lives.

Right. 12 degrees.

New York. Big deal.
Scum centre of the world.

They are even talking about letting in
low-lifes from other planets too.

My name is Harry Canyon.
I drive a cab.

- Are you free?
- Yea. Get in.

- Where to, pal?
- The UN Building.

The UN Building? What a joke.
It is now low-rent housing, a dump.

Okay, sucker,
hand over your cash! Now!

Stupid assh*le.

Nobody touches Harry Canyon,
as I wanna to.



He is dead. Get the girl!

Help me, please!

Normally I do not get involved,
but somehow this dame got to me.

The Loc-Nor...

They wanna it but my father
wouldn't tell them.

- And now I am the only one!
- Relax. There is a cop station up here.

You can tell them...
Shit. Just what I needed.

- What do you want?
- To report a m*rder.

What else is new?

- Are you going to let me in?
- Yea. Hang on.

How are you, Harry?

Hello, Harry.
She could not take it?

- Kiss my ass, will you?
- I'll do it for 20 bucks!

I told you, I am an American citizen.
I just lost my papers or something.

g*dd*mn, illegal aliens.

Before you go in pal, I gonna tell you
it is cash up front.

A thousand a day for full investigation,
another thou if we catch the guy.

Do you understand?

Here is a dollar.

Thanks for nothing.

You think you do it better?

So here I was,
stuck with a beautiful girl.

I knew she would be trouble.

- Where am I?
- My place.

They would have k*lled me
had it not been for you.

What do they want to
snuff you for?

The Loc-Nar. An ancient relic
that my father found in the desert.

It is worth a fortune,
especially to the Venutians.

They think it has spiritual powers.

Does it?

All I know since we found it,
people have been dying around us.

Oh my God, my father hid it here
in New York. Now he is dead.

They will k*ll me next.

I'm the only one
who knows where it is.

Listen, nobody's find you here.

You can sleep on the couch.
And there is beer in the fridge.

Help yourself, all right?

I didn't know to believe her or not.

Something inside me told me,
it was a sucker play.


Can I sleep with you?

Yes, sure.

Sucker play or not,
I must turn around some fears.

'Cos this dame was going for broke.

Maybe I was her first New Yorker.
I don't know.

Anyway, nothing can beat
good old American know-how.

And I gave her
the 'Stars and stripes forever'.

- Where is the girl?
- What girl?

Don't play dumb, caby

You came to the station last night
with a broad on your shoulder.

Where is she?

I don't know,
what are you talking about.

Listen caby,you hear from her, call us.
You don't, you are dead.

- Understand?
- Don't hold your breath, pal.

- Where is the girl?
- Come on, not again.

I would not do that if I were you.

I will get right to the point,
mr. Canyon.

My name is Rudnick.

I represent a group of investors
from a nearby planet

who wish to purchase something
from the young lady.

The price is fair,
but they are getting very restless.

When you see her,
tell her that time is running out.

Thank you, mr. Canyon.
Good day.

The burning smell reminded me
I should not to get involved.

But for the same reason
I couldn't get her off my mind.

There was something about her.

An element of danger.
It really turned me on.

Trans-Com Message Service.
Message for Harry Canyon.

Will you accept the charges?

Meet female acquaintance
at Statue of Liberty, 4 o'clock.

Stop. End message.

The girl... It had to be her?

But first, I had to ditch
a couple of assholes.

- Is that what excite all about?
- I want to get rid of it, Harry.

I want this to be over.
I talked to Rudnick.

He would give me
300.000 kronodollars for it.

But I am frightened.

- I don't trust him.
- 300 grand is a lot of dough.

Will you help me?

When she looked at me
I knew I couldn't say no.

I'll come along for 50% of the take.

You can have anything you want.
Just stay with me.

There they are!

Okay. I will keep you covered.

Baby, we're rich. Let us take a trip,
just the two of us.

I'd like to, Harry,
but I've made other plans.

I'm taking it all. Pull over.

- Are you sure this is want you want?
- Positive.

Pretty, but dumb.

Even though she would have k*lled me,
I felt sorry for her. She was okay.

Just a little greedy.

As for me, I put it down
as a two-day rid

with one hell of a tip.

You've had your first lesson,
young one.

My evil corrupts the most innocent.

I've chosen you because
you possess powers

you do not yet understand.

Look again. Look deep into me.

In some worlds
I'm worshipped as God.

It all started when I found
the green meteorite.

I had read that smaller ones like this

are supposed burn up in the atmosphere.
But for some reason this one didn't.

So I've bore to my room

I stuck it in my rock collection
and forgot about it.

I experimented with natural electricity
and with a storm warnings up

I figured maybe tonight
I would hit jackpot.

All I needed was a little juice.

It works!

No hair... Big...

There was no way, I was going
to walk around this place

with my dork hanging out.

This looked like something
out of the 'Ten Commandments'.

By the powers of the glowing
Loc-Nar placed in your idol's hand

I demand you come forth. Ullatec!

Grant me your strength in return
for a living mortal sacrifice.

It is been all dated.

Come forth, Ullatec! I demand it!

Why did they do that for?

Normally I'd be dead by now.
I kept thinking I was gonna run out of air

but my new body worked great.

I just hoped her body
was worked as good as mine.

Thank you.

She had the most beautiful eyes.

I wanted to make conversation,
but I asked an old stupid question.

Are you from around here?

You may not believe this,
but I am from another world.

From place called Earth.

Earth? I too am from Earth.

My name is Katherine Wells.
I'm from British Colony of Gibraltar.

You saved my life.
I have no reward for you, but...

if any part of me pleases your senses,
I would give it to you willingly.

This was great. There was no way
I get a chick like this back on Earth.

There was only one problem.


Whoever these assholes were,
they picked a bad time to show up.

They split us up and took me
to a weird castle place.

I wanted to find out about Katherine

but none of this guys
seems to speak English.

They tell me, you're Den of Earth

the one who dared to steal
the female sacrifice from the queen.

This guy was a shrimp,
so I played it tough.

Where is the girl?

I am Ard, supreme leader
of the revolution

and the next ruler of the world.

- The girl!
- Are we fierce.

Guards, castrate him.

I was pretty good at this.

You are worthy to serve me.

- Give me the girl or die.
- If I have a choice, I take death.

So be it.

You have to do better than that.

Now I can see why this guy
was the leader.

But if you really want the girl...

I've had her encased in glass.

She's dead.

Actually no, she's sleeping,
but only I can wake her.

- What do you want of me?
- I want you to steal the sacred Loc-Nar.

- What is this Loc-Nar?
- The queen's glowing sphere, you fool.

The sacrifice to Ullatec
can only be performed

by the possessor of sacred Loc-Nar.


This is Norl, my bravest warrior.

You and he go to the queen's castle
and will steal the Loc-Nar.

- Then I will give you the girl.
- And if I refuse?

If you refuse you die, she dies,
everybody dies.

It sounded reasonable.

Guard post ahead.
We must go underground.

This time Norl knew
what he was doing.

And for a gorilla
his English was not bad.

We are beneath the castle moat.

What are they saying?

They talk of a savage beast
who prowls these catacombs

that is furious and hunger

with teeth six inches long.

Sorry. Sixteen inches long.

Now we separate. You and Korg take
this door into the queen's quarters.

The rest of us will move to the walls and
enter to the chamber from the other side.

Whoever gets the Loc-Nar will
return it to Ard. Good luck, Den.


It was just like the ball
I dug up in the yard.

As I saw the Loc-Nar glow,
I had this real funny feeling.

Then the lights came on.
Talk about embarrassing.

k*ll them.

Can I slit his throat, your majesty?

- Yes, slit his throat.
- Thank you, your Majesty.

Stop! I have... I have
something better in mind.

Come with me.

- She's not again...
- This always happens.

Look, she's the queen,
she can do whatever she wants.

Yes, sure.

If you please me, I may let you live.

- What must I do?
- Satisfy my appetites.

18 years of nothing and now
twice in one day! What a place!

The rising moon climaxes our love, Den.
It is a sign.

Yes, a sign. I had no idea
what she was talking about.

Neverwhere is a troubled land.

Your strenght has brought
great peace to my restless body.

You could bring peace to all
the troubled people in this land.

I knew I was good,
but I didn't know I was that good.

Your majesty, the Loc-Nar is missing!

Fiend! You make love to me while
your accomplice steals my sceptre!

Now Ard will perform the sacrifice.
Guards! Take him!

Hold him still!
I will k*ll him myself.

Boy, was she pissed off.

Prepare the flyers!
I want his head!

By the power of the magic
Loc-Nar placed in your hands

I command you, come forth, Ullatec!

Here is your sacrifice.
Ullatec, now give me your power!

Throw her in.

- Katherine!
- Den!

No! You will ruin everything.

k*ll them! k*ll them both!

- The Loc-Nar is mine!
- Stupid bitch! Get away from me!

- Give it to me!
- The Loc-Nar is mine!

- It's mine!
- It's mine!

- Where did they go?
- They're gone. That's all that matters.

They probably went back to Earth.
Boy, will mum be surprised.

The Loc-Nar. You could have
the power of Ullatec.

- You could rule of all these people.
- Forget it.

But Den, with the Loc-Nar
you could return to Earth.

I like it better here.

On Earth, I am nobody.
But here, I am Den.

Even when someone has
the strength to discard me

my power is not diminished.

Someone always finds me.

- Are you captain Lincoln Sterno?
- I am.

Lincoln Sterno, you stand here
accused of 12 counts of m*rder.

14 counts of armed theft
of Federation property.

22 counts of piracy in a high space.

18 counts of fraud.
37 counts of r*pe.

And one moving violation.

How do you plead?

Not guilty.

- Not guilty? Are you nuts?
- It's okay, Charlie. I got an angle.

Call the first witness!

But the prosecutor has you got cold!

You are as guilty
as a cat in a goldfish bowl.

The prosecution calls Hanover Fiste!

Calling Hanover Fiste!
Hanover Fiste!

Listen Sterno,
change the plea to guilty.

Throw yourself
on the mercy of the court.

I told you Charlie, I got an angle.

But the most we can hope
is to bury you in secrecy

so your grave is not violated.

- Plead guilty!
- Shut up Charlie. I got an angle.

- What angle?!
- Him.

- State your name for the record.
- I am Hanover Fiste.

Do you know the defendant,
captain Sterno?

Yes, I know captain Sterno.
And never deliver kind and generous man.

I promised him 35.000 zulaks
to testify on my behalf.

He is a overflowing cup filled
with the very cream of human goodness.

Amd all the time I known him,
his never done anything immoral.


Unless maybe
the Preschooler's prost*tute Ring.

And he has never done
anything illegal.

Unless you count all the times
he sold dope disguised as a nun.

He has always been a good,
law-abiding citizen...

Give me a break!

...of the Federation...

Shut up! Shut up!

A community-conscious individual.

Sterno?! He is nothing but
a low-down, double-dealing

backstabbing, larcenous,
perverted worm!

Hanging is too good for him!

Burning is too good for him!


He should be torn into little pieces
and buried alive!


I'll k*ll him! k*ll!!


Hanover, take it easy.
I'm sure we can talk this over.

Good. I lost him.


Okay, Hanover,
you've had this coming.

33... 34... 35 thousand zulaks.

- Thank you, Hanover.
- It's nothing, boss.

- And Hanover...
- Yes?


Very few escape my grasp.

Even in death, my powers continue.

Come on...

- I think we are hit pretty bad.
- Go back and see how bad it is.

- Can you keep her in the air?
- Sure.



Something is following us.

- What is it?
- It's a some kind of green meteorite.

What? Where?

Holden, are you okay?

Yea... I am coming back.

What the hell is happening
back there?



From one w*r to another,
my influence is always present.

The paltry armies of the Universe
are but playthings to me.

Dr. Anrak, six more mutants
were sighted at Arizona this morning.

Do you still say it has nothing to do
with the green radiation from space?

Doctor is it truth that the president
himself pull you off the Jupiter 6 Project

so you can investigate the mutations?

Doctor answer me that, please!

I wanna know what's the Army
doing about this?

Hell! My constituents are turning green.
They are growing arms on their backs.

There is something or someone
up there in space

and the voters have
a right to know about it.

Senator, we have no proof
that these mutations

are result of interference
from outer space.

In fact dr. Anrak has just come in.
So let us hear what's his to say. Doctor...

First of all, there is
no cause for alarm.

As for the theories
of interference by alien beings

it is my firm opinion that we on Earth

are the only intelligent,
technically advanced civilisation

present in the Universe.

And whatever is causing these
mutations is not from outer space.

It is probably just an isolated,
biological phenome... pheno...

Pretty. Pretty.

Nice job...

How I'm gonna fix this guy?
He's f*cked.

- I guess we turned it little up too high.
- Sorry, man.

You're sorry? What about me?
I've got to put this ass back together.

- Where am I?
- Hey, who is the chick?

Look at my clothes.
Who's gonna pay the dry cleaning?

I demand you return me
to my office immediately!

Too late. Molecular instabilities
all around the spacecraft.

- You cannot leave.
- What? Is he kidding?

Instability zone...
You're stuck here.

But I have to be with my
parents for dinner tonight.

And a gynaecologist appointment.

Not anymore. Would you like a drink?
Come with me.

You will feel better after
a glass of blo-aak.

Do you have diet soda?

Typical robot. The first Earth-chick
we see in 10 years

and he's gonna make play for.

Do we have any Plutonian Nyborg left?

Just one bag.
It's in the transmitter compartment.

Thanks man.


Is this enough?

- No. Go for broke.
- Good thinking, man.

Nose dive!

Good Nyborg!

That was incredible.
I have never felt anything like it.


I am programmed to be proficient
in sexual activities.

You wanna go steady?

Gee, I do not know.
I already have a boyfriend.

What he does not know
will not hurt him.

But I'd feel so guilty.

Of course you would.

Eart-women who experience sexual
ecstasy with mechanical assistance

- ...always tend to feel guilty.
- Really?

But I don't understand.
We laugh together.

We care for each other.
We have great sex.

Why can't we get married?

Look, we're different, okay?
Let's leavin' that.

What do you mean "different"?

But mixed marriages just don't work.

I'm afraid that I've come home one day
I'll find you screwing the toaster.

You'll just have to trust me.

All right, all right, I'll marry you.

But at one condition:
I want a Jewish wedding.

A Jewish wedding? Okay!

I forgot...
Are you circumcised?

- You're okay to land this thing?
- No problem, man.

I think you're goin'
a little high, man.

It is okay, man.

If there's one thing I know,
is how to drive when I'm stoned.

It's like you know
perspective is f*cked

so just let your hands would control
as if you are straight.

Good landing, man.

My stories are almost over.

I have chosen you, because you are
the future who could destroy me.

With your death
I break the chain for all time.

Look into me one final time.

See my evil destroy your race.

Then prepare to die.


Death to all who oppose us!

To the Council Chambers!

- They're k*lling everyone.
- The city is burning.

Elder, we must arm ourselves,
we must fight!

Silence! We are not
the race of warriors.

We are statesmen and scientists.

From a very beginning it was ordained

that the warrior race
of Taarak the Defender

would aid us in times of need.

This was the Pact!

Taarak the Defender? His race is dead.
They cannot defend anyone.

Some say the race is not dead,
that one still lives.

- One? What good is one?
- One of Taarak's blood can do much.

Elder! They're in the hall!

Well, who is this last defender?
How can he be summoned?

It is Taarna of the blood
of Taarak the Defender.

The last of the race.

And must be summoned as my forefather
summoned Taarak itself. From within.

But will the Defender answer?

The Taarakian has no choice,
they must answer. It is in their blood.

They're at the door! They're here!

In the halls, quickly!
We must do something!

Bar the door!

We will summon the Defender together.


To defend, this is the Pact.

But when life loses its value
and is taken for naught

the Pact is to avenge.

- Hey, look. A new one.
- Where are you from, baby?

Doesn't talk much, does she?.

She doesn't have to talk
for what I want to do with her.

Go on, baby.
Let us see what is under there.

Hey, she is tough.

- Maybe she wants to fight.
- Or maybe she wants take us all on.

You'll find them moving there
beyond the oasis.

Towards the green glow.

A Taarakian!
We have captured a Taarakian!

A Taarakian? Are you sure?

Yes, your Holiness.

But the Taarakian race is dead.

She has the marks, Holiness.
I saw them.

Have her bound and washed.

bring her to me.

And what of the bird?

k*ll it.

So this is the Taarakian.

Somehow I thought it would be more
difficult to capture a Taarakian.

My whips.

Pull him down!
I'll put an arrow through his head!

Mount the bats! I want her dead!

This time you die, Taarakian bitch!


Do not sacrifice yourself.

You cannot destroy me.

And the spirit of Taarna

is transferred across the Universe
to a new Defender.

And the power of evil is contained
for another generation.

And a new Taarakian is born
to protect the next.
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