Things to Come (1976)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Things to Come (1976)

Post by bunniefuu »

(lively music)













(door knocks)

What do you want?


I said what do you want?

(dramatic music)






(woman moans)


(woman moans)

Y'all come back real soon, hear?

[Announcer] That was this weeks episode

of "The Forceable Intruder".

Now stay tuned to USTV one

for the latest adventures
of "The Newly Weds".

Viewers are reminded that
the special rebroadcast

of the critically acclaimed BBCC program.

(slow eerie music)


(fast bouncy music)


[Man] The time is 07:35.

The temperature in the city is 19 Celsius

with a high in unprotected areas

to reach 21 today.

Mass trans systems are all
functioning on schedule.

Today is a class A work day.


[Man] Cindy, come in the bedroom now.

[Cindy] I always do something
that gets me in trouble.

Come on in, Cindy.

I thought you were getting better.

But it was only an accident...

I don't want excuses.

You promised you wouldn't be so clumsy.

You know what your problem is?

You've no self-discipline,

no self-control.

I promise to do better.

I'm sure you will

because I'm going to help you.

It's my duty as your husband

to teach you what self-control is

and we're starting right
now, get undressed.

(slow eerie music)


There we go, that should do that.


(upbeat jazz music)

I'm leaving for work.

Fine, I'll see you tonight.

I wanted to talk with you...

Shh, I'm watching this.

Don't you ever get
tired of just watching TV?

[Sam] Why should I?

Well you could be doing something else.


Look, I'm a good union member.

I work my three months out of the year

like the contract says.

I'm entitled to my time off.

You like the money coming in each week.

Just 'cause you're stupid enough

to ask for a nine month work year,

don't take it out on me.

(glass bangs)

See you tonight.

(heavy breaths)

(calm music)

(phone rings)



(phone rings)

Please deposit three credits
for the first five minutes.

Thank you, go ahead.

I wanna castrate men.

Cut them all up,

use a big, sharp knife.

I imagine I see all these
big, strong muscle guys

strapped to tables

and I can hear them
screaming and screaming,

and I walk up to them

and I take my knife

and I slash their neck

right through their belly

and they keep screaming and screaming.

(slow dramatic music)

Screams and it makes
me feel so good inside.

And then I go to the
next one and the next one

and it's always the same.

I always get them.

Then, then I grind up their
arms and legs into meat

and package it in little squares.


Your five minutes are up,

would you like to continue?

No, thank you.

You're perfectly normal

and I found what you had
to say very interesting.

I think you did the right
thing in telling me like this

and I know you feel better.

Oh yes, much better.

Of course, this will
be our little secret

and you can come back any time you like.

Thank you, I will.

(phone rings)

Please deposit three credits
for the first five minutes.

(upbeat techno music)

It's really starting to get to me.

What, the job?

That and everything.

Why don't you request
a year of recreation?

After all, you really deserve it.

You've been working for
almost seven months straight.

That's not the answer.

I'd just be sitting at
home with my husband

watching television day and night,

and that's one of the things
that's starting to get to me.

But Julie, everybody watches TV, I do.

Yeah but every minute
that you're not sleeping?

[Beverly] Well if you're not
on a work schedule, why not?

What else is there?

Well I wanna do something

or go somewhere.

I know what you mean.

Like going to a pleasure center.

Gee, who wouldn't wanna do that?

But you can't go just any
time you want, you know that.

You've gotta win a trip in the lottery.

I know, Beverly.

I get my ticket each
week like everybody else.

But that's not really
what I'm talking about.

Why can't I just go for a walk?

Go for a walk, to where?

Not anywhere, just walk
for the sake of walking.

Boy Julie, you are really weird.

I'm beginning to think so.

(dramatic music)

(gasps) Oh am I glad it's you.

[Woman] I came as quickly as I could.

[Julie] I'm sorry to
call you out like this,

but I need help.

[Woman] Well what kind of help?

I'm about to overload.

I feel like I'm the only person

that sees how empty our lives are.

How controlling and pointless.

[Woman] Now just calm down.

I've tried but it's no use.

How can people spend their entire lives

just eating, sleeping
and watching television?

Oh but that's a great
plan, don't you see?

The government found out
that sex and v*olence

was what the people truly wanted.

And then scientists found out

that sex and v*olence wasn't
really harmful to viewers,

but rather was a great pacifier,

eliminating tensions and anxieties.

The only trouble was it
turned people into voyeurs.

Passive, easy to manipulate

oh which was just fine
with the government.

But that's my problem,

I can't stand being passive anymore.

I just wanna rip things up.

I wanna pull plugs, short circuit wires,

bend, fold, staple and just mutilate.

I'm sorry.

Don't apologize.

As your cell leader, you did
the right thing in calling me.

But you must not do anything rash.

The reason our underground
movement has been able to survive

is that we wait patiently

until our actions can
accomplish big things,

not petty nuances.

You're right, but it's so hard.

I know.

Look, just go home and try to relax.

And someday, hopefully soon,

we will all be able to strike
a great blow for freedom.

Trust me.

Hi honey, glad you're home.

Come watch this with me.

You just in time for one of my favorites,

Trudy Sharp from Birkley Park.

It's set back in the 70's.

All those porn operas look same to me.

Well nostalgia's big this season.

This is one of the best.

[Announcer] When last
we saw Trudy Sharp,

she was on her way to her weekly meeting

of her woman's lib.

(laughs) Isn't that funny?

Remember woman's lib.

[Announcer] But the unexpected arrival

of a magazine salesman

changed her plans.

Why don't you just make yourself

a little more comfortable?

Actually my partner will
be coming by in a minute.

I'll just wait for him outside.

(slow music)

Wait a minute buddy,

you're not going anywhere.

What do you think you're doing?

You'll see soon enough.

Now, take off that coat and tie.

Come on.

Sam, I want a divorce.

Really, why's that?

Why, because I just don't feel--

Hold it just a second, this is good.

See these?

Play with them.

Look, I usually don't
this kind of thing.

Well you will today.

In fact, you'll do exactly as I say

if you know what's good for you.

Come on.

That's all right.

You got two good hands, use them.

Come on, that's better.

Please, why don't you let me go?

Not yet, now take off that shirt.

Isn't that something?

It's just not working.

It's not your fault and
there's nobody else.

I believe you.

- Then you agree?
- Of course.

[Julie] Let me have your card.

- Huh, oh yeah.
- Your card.

Here you go honey.

Honey, would you get out of the way?

[Trudy] Now stand
up, take off the pants.


(triumphant music)


[Computer Voice] Computer central.

Connect me with the Civil Affairs Bank.

[Computer Voice] One moment please.



This is Julie Clayburg, 951643350.

I wanna divorce.

[Computer Voice] Please
insert proper cards.



Divorce granted.

That's good, but you're
gonna have to do a lot better.

Unless you want me to start to work

on that pretty face of yours.

(slow music)

Pretty good, huh?

A lot of guys say I'm the best there is

and you're going to get a
chance to find out for yourself.

This way.

All right brown baby,

let's get down to the nitty gritty.

Off with the shorts.

Please don't make me do this.

Off with the shorts.

Well, let's get with it, hot shot.

I don't have all day.

I just, I just can't.

Oh yes you can.

I don't wanna have to get ugly.

I'll just help you a little.

Yeah that's better, that's better.

[Julie] It's all been taken care of.

You've been reassigned to a sheltering

in the Mercury complex.

You can leave tonight if you'd like.


Let me finish just a couple more shows

and I'll leave then.


[Trudy] Yeah, yeah.

Well I'll be seeing you around.

Of course, sure.


Well, well you're waiting to leave,

I'll go for a walk.

Goodbye Sam.

Good idea, see you around Julie.

A Walk?

(intense music)

(helicopter blades buzz)

Stay exactly where you are.

You are under surveillance.

We repeat, do not move.

Stay exactly where you are.

Who are you and what are you doing?

I'm Julie Clayburg, I'm just walking.

Just walking?

What is your social identification number?



Prepare for voice print.

Go ahead.

I'm Julie Clayburg, 951643350.


[Man] Voice print confirmation positive.

Julie Clayburg, 951643350.

Age 26, graduate B central
socialization center,

graduate new sound
defense service institute,

graduate North American University,

91 class A work assignment,

exceptional CPT ratings.

Salary 17852 credits per annum,

employed at secondary level confessor

at the Gemstone Therapy System.

Recently divorced from
Samuel Square, 900110371.

All government requirements current,

all social requirements current,

classification GID007, end report.

Hovercraft no longer required,
identification confirmed.

Everything seems to be in order.

We had to check you out.

After all, your behavior
is not exactly normal.

I know.

But as a confessor, I guess
you know what you're doing.

Thank you.

[Cop] If you hurry, you won't miss

the late news on television.

(eerie music)



Hi I'm Cherry

and I'm the first prize
in the Love Lottery.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

It's that time again,

the even all America anxiously awaits.

The weekly drawing to see

who will be the lucky individuals

goes in to spend the week in
that fantastic achievement

of technology, the Pleasure Dome.

But before the actual drawing,

let's take a trip via
the television camera

to the wonderful magic
kingdom of of delight,

just as the joyous winners will receive.

A trip I for one never tire of seeing.

Winners will travel to
St. Louis via transcot

in a monorail, then be quickly
whizzed outside the city

to the Pleasure Dome itself.

The most exciting recreation area

the world has ever known.

Completely staffed by
amazingly human like androids,

the Pleasure Dome offers
endless possibilities

for total excitement.

The entire complex is
under the watchful eye

of a scientific genius

who prefers to remain anonymous,

but sits in his master control room

and reaches out bring joy
to the countless guests

of his dominion.

The entire amazing area's controlled

by the fabulously
expensive RK1600 computer,

reputed to cost over seven billion credit.

Various amusements and attractions

will fill the seven day stay
for the fortunate winners

of this never to be forgotten vacation.

And now for the big moment,

our own computer here in Washington

will select the number sequences.


And there it is viewers.


(dramatic music)

You're only the third
member of our group

to win the lottery.

Well happened to the other two?

Well we gave them a dangerous assignment

and they didn't return.

That's why I hesitate approaching you now.

But it is a chance for you

to strike that great blow
for freedom we discussed.

Well, what do you want me to do?

Two others have failed.

What is it?

Once inside the Pleasure Dome,

we want you to destroy
the RK1600 computer.

Oh, is that all?

It's the most expensive
computer in the world.

It would take them months,

maybe even years to replace it.

They'd have to shut down
the entire Pleasure Dome.

Be impossible to keep it
a secret from the people.

That's for certain.

And once the world hears
that there are some individuals

that are resisting the
complete dehumanizing affects

of government regulation,

our cause will sweep the nation.

The Pleasure Dome is the best symbol

of the government doing
everything for the people.

Don't you see?

Oh but it is very dangerous.

What would I have to do?

This locket contains a solid charge

of jellified expl*sive.

Simply depress the stem

after removing the chain

and three minutes later,

you'll have a tremendous expl*si*n.

Well, it sounds simple enough.

That part is.

The hard part is getting
into the RK1600 room

and planting it.

The outer layer of the computer

is the most protected.

There's a service panel

that leads to the core of the computer.

If you can place this
charge inside the shell,

it will be powerful enough

to destroy the entire inner workings.

Oh then I just walk and
not run to the nearest exit.

You don't have to do this.

I've always wanted to be a trend setter.

You'll be a hero for
the entire movement.

Well just don't start the
celebration til I get back,

if I get back.

(dramatic music)

(lively music)

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

This is the Pleasure Dome.

Please come up to the reception desk

so that you may begin

the most fantastic week you've ever lived.


[Master Control]
Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Our reason for being here

is to please you, our guests.

Your wishes are quite
literally our commands.

You simply have to make a request,

no matter how simple or elaborate

and it will be done.

I urge you, let your
imaginations run wild.

Let your creativity reach new bounds.

The more we at the Pleasure
Dome can please you,

the more gratified we are.

Let us waist no more time

in getting you into the
fantastic sensations

which make up the Pleasure Dome.

In a moment, you will meet

some amazingly human looking androids.

They're called Pleasure Units

and function as electronic
slaves to our guests.

They will do your bidding

and act as guides and servants.

Pleasure Units throughout the dome

wear blue bands on their
wrists to identify them.

As guests, you will be given golden bands

to wear as a symbol of your power.

Have a fantastic time

and thank you again for coming.

We will be working
constantly to please you.


That was the voice of Master Control.

He is the idea,

the very spirit behind our organization.

There is nothing he can not provide,

nothing he can not accomplish for you.


Now let us give you your sl*ve units.



[Woman] Excited to be here.

I can't believe when they
told me I won the lottery.


Your personal belongings

have already been taken to your quarters.

The first event of your stay with us

will be a test of your personality drive

so that we may better serve you.

If you will follow your
guides down the concourse,

they will escort you to the test cubicles.




Group M05 has arrived

and is processing in test cubicles.


(eerie music)

[Computer Voice]
Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Please sit down.

This simple test is to help us determine

what events and past
time to arrange for you.

The answers give us a look

into your inner most drive and desires.

Relax and respond openly.

Please take the computer card
you will find next to you

and follow directions completely.


Playpen YB rigged and ready.

Guest prepared.


[Master Control] Request programing

of interface components.

Requesting preuse of
deck 39, sensory play.


(slow intense music)

Allow guest to enter playpen.

(door squeaks)


Well, I hope you're comfortable.

You have the best room
in the house, you know.

Still afraid to talk, huh?

We'll see about that.

I've come to give you your daily exercise.

Be ashamed of what a
perfect specimen like you

get out of shape.

Now let's see some tricks, sit.

Sit I said!

Sit boy, now sit!

That's very good, now lie down.

Lie down.

Okay now roll over.

Come on, roll over.

(slow charming music)

Now that's good, now up, up.

Come on, get up.

All right now stay, you understand?



I don't know why I even
waste my time with you.

Maybe someday you'll be worth something.

(bed creeks)

(breaths heavily)

You pig!

How dare you?

I didn't say you could get a hard on.

You bastard, how dare you disobey me?

I'll teach you what you
really are, nothing but filth.

Got me all out of sorts, I must rest.

Oh you really think you're
something, don't you?

Think you can make love to me?

You're not half a man.

I bet you don't even know

what a real man looks like, do you?

But I feel sorry for you.

I'm going to do you a favor.

First you gotta show me your worth.

You wanna make love to me?

Well, come over here and beg me.

Come on, beg me.

I said beg.

That's good, that's very good.

But it's not good enough.

(man grunts)

(whip snaps)





Welcome, my name is Shannon five

and I am your personal pleasure unit.

You will be staying here

while you enjoy the Pleasure Dome.

Through that door are toilet facilities,

including a sonic
massager and infer shower.

Also a complete line of hallucinogenics

and consciousness dr*gs.

But we have a communal playpen

devoted exclusively to
chemically altering facilities,

which most guests prefer
to getting high alone.

This control unit gives you
access to me at all times.

With the added facility to
activate the view screen

and to contact personal services centers.

Should you be hungry or thirsty,

simply make your selection
with this serving cube

and it will be delivered to you.

At the Pleasure Dome,

we also have our own two TV channels

that offer some highly
interesting programing,

which you may find entertaining.

Is this where it all happens?

Well, your wish is our command.

You may order any number of pleasure units

to satisfy your desires

and certain portable items

can be brought in also.

But at the Pleasure Dome,

we have countless playpens

each devoted to a specific
fantasy or background.

And of course if you find
nothing to your liking,

Master Control will arrange
especially to your tastes.

Oh I don't think I'd
be that much trouble.

No, guests are never ever any trouble.

We are here to serve you.

Perhaps you would like to freshen up

while the results of your test
profile are being processed.

If you need me, I will be outside.

Simply press the pink
button on the control panel.


(slow bouncy music)


(alarm beeps)

There is a slight drop in power

across grid section H.

Efficiency only 93%.

[Master Control] I will reroute my way

to the carrier coils, stand by.

(alarm beeps)



So you see Miss. Clayburg,

in your case the test

was unable to detect any concrete pattern.

A very rare occurrence indeed.

We are going to have to
rely on your conscious mind

for ideas to enhance your visit here.

Do you have a particular request?

Not really.

[Master Control] There must be something

we can do for you.

As a child, did you have
any favorite daydreams

you care to relive?

Or perhaps a past romance to be restaged?

I'm sorry I'm no help to you.

I'm just so tired

and I have a slight headache.

[Master Control] How thoughtless of us.

Of course the trip must
have been fatiguing.

A nice rest period will work wonders.

I will send a special
powder to your serving tube.

It is of exceptionally high quality

and two sniffs will
bring you blissful sleep.

When you awaken, your mind
will be fresh and eager

for the adventures
awaiting you, good night.


(slow eerie music)


(mechanical buzz)


(mechanical buzz)

(alarm beeps)

- One of the units,

Trace 29 is not responding
to his programing.

[Master Control] Exactly what happened?

As near as we can tell,

he smashed some equipment
and left the dome

and is now in the countryside.

All attempts for conditioned
response have been negative.

[Master Control] Feel all
information into security bank.

Yes sir.

[Master Control] I
will activate Monitors.


(eerie music)

(alarm beeps)


(alarm beeps)

(cricket chirps)

(slow dramatic music)

(alarm beeps)

(eerie music)

(heavy breaths)


(man screams)


(lively music)

Did you have a good rest?

Oh yes, I did.

Excellent, if you'd
like to get dressed now,

I'll show you some parts
of the Pleasure Dome.

This might help stimulate
your imagination.

Oh, that's a good idea.

I will prepare you some food.

(elevator beeps)

(elevator dings)

Level 14 B, please.

I'm taking you to one of
our most popular attractions

with both men and women.

It's really quite fantastic.

I didn't know you
were taking me outside.

Ah, but we're not out of doors.

This is inside the dome.

You're kidding.

No, this is a specially projected sky

to give the illusion.

It's necessary to remain enclosed

in order to ensure perfect
climatic control, come.

You're familiar with the old
sport of motocross racing.

Well this is very similar

with a couple of acceptions.

Our guests have come to
call it k*ller cross.

But the official title
is cross country dash.

Why do they call it k*ller crossing?

You will see in a few minutes.

Let's move over here where
we can get a closer look.

(motorbike engines buzz)

Come, we can see the action
better on the view screen.

(motorbike engines buzz)

(dramatic classical music)

(woman yells)

(g*n bangs)

(woman screams)

(motorbike engine revs)

Look, there's another one.

(woman screams)

Do you see those small
blue buildings over there?

If a pleasure unit can reach those,

he's safe from the guests.

It adds a little extra
challenge for the riders.

(motorbike engine revs)

(woman screams)

I think I've seen enough.

(woman screams)

Very well, there are lot more fun things

I have to show you.

Doesn't it bother you watching
what's happening out there?

But Why?

They're only machines.


You're right, they seem so lifelike.

I just, I keep forgetting.

(alarm beeps)

Playpen red D rigged and ready.

Guest in place.

[Master Control] Allow
guest to enter playpen.

God dame, would you believe this?


Hi, I'm Sandy.

I'm here to take care of your body.

No shit.

What can I do for you, cowboy?

I come to get a massage.

I figured that, what kind do you want?

You mean there's more than one kind?

Of course, there's the regular,

the special, the extra special,

and the most expensive,

the super deluxe French
executive blast off.

That's the one for me.

I always had a hanker to be a executive.

[Sandy] Really, do you
wanna get that one on?

Does a wild bear shit in the woods?

Whoa, let's do her.

[Sandy] You're the boss.

Well I get the things, why
don't you show your colors?

Begging your pardon ma'am?

[Sandy] Your shorts, I don't think

you'll be needing them.
- God dame.

That's fine, now let's lie down.

You won't be needing this either.

Now let's get down to business.

(bouncy country music)

How about a little whipping
cream for a starter?

(whipping cream sprays)

Doesn't that feel good?

Boy howdy, things are
starting to look up now.

A little chocolate syrup.

Man oh man, if the boys in Florida

could just see me now.

Shredded coconut.

[Cowboy] I just don't believe.

Little more.

I just don't believe it.

Chopped nuts.

Begging your pardon ma'am?

Bit of chopped wall nuts.

[Cowboy] Oh wee.

And now to top it all of,

a cherry on the top.

And away we go.

Begging your pardon ma'am.

Well, the dame thing looks so good,

I decided to eat it myself.

Excuse me.


Marge, you wanna come see this one?


[Announcer] Will guest Paige Beaker

please answer yellow page phone

on the green concourse.

I'm sorry you didn't find anything

that might interest you.

How are you feeling?

I'm fine, just a little headache.

I didn't mean to cut your tour short.

Never apologize to a pleasure unite.

It's not necessary.

Now wait here a moment if you'd like.

I can get you a drug over there.


(alarm beeps)

I apologize, that was my fault.

Only pleasure units are
allowed in that section.

I should never have left you alone.

What was that thing?

They are monitors.

Very few guests ever see them.

They provide security
for the Pleasure Dome.

What's back there?

Just mechanical and
electronic support facilities.

You mean like the RK1600?

That's right.

Here's something for your headache.

You best return to your
quarters now and rest.

Just rest inside a few minutes.

I'll be right outside.


(slow calm music)



(alarm beeps)

Guest Thompson is ready
for processing at maroon W.

[Master Control] Please
come in, Mr. Thompson.

Don't be afraid, Mr. Thompson.

You're going to enjoy this.

Our test has given us a
great deal of information.

So we set this playpen up just for you.

Look in front of you.

There is a view screen and control.

Why not turn it on?

Your favorite music is on the recorder.

Why not play some?

Now just sit for a minute
and watch the view screen.

(calm bouncy classical music)

Yes Mr. Thompson, you are
watching one of our pleasure units

made up just like the girls

in those Neo-Victorian novels
you love to read secretly.

There are several from which to choose.

Simply change the channels.


Take your time.

Observe them as long as you want

and let me know if you
find one to your liking.






You've made a choice, Mr. Thompson?

Very good.

Simply leave it on the channel you want

and press the button on
the table in front of you

and the girl is yours.


[Woman] Playpen blue I rigged and ready.

[Master Control] As you
must have come to understand

Miss. Clayburg in your job as a confessor,

there are tremendous anxieties in guilt

stored up by individuals in our society.

By giving our guests the opportunity

to purge themselves of
all their frustrations

and suppressed desires,

we make them happy, more
productive citizens.

I understand.

[Master Control] Your
training has given you

a certain detachment
from the darker aspects

of human personality, even in yourself.

Therefor I feel I must urge you

to participate in some of our attractions.

But I really don't...

[Master Control] Please, hear me out.

It is our job to make your stay with us

pleasant and rejuvenating.

Once you get started and let yourself go,

you'll find new dimensions to yourself.

Please, allow Shannon Five to escort you

to the passion pit playpen.

(eerie music)

The passion pit?

[Master Control] Exactly,
it will be an attraction

a young woman of your
interests and education

will find extremely stimulating.

I'll talk with you
further upon your return.

Have a nice play.


[Shannon] Will you change
into these and come with me?

(elevator beeps)

(elevator dings)

Sublevel black, please.

This is as far as I go with you.

A pleasure unit will be
waiting for you outside.

(cricket chirps)

(slow dramatic music)

(car engine revs)

Hiya kid, I'm Spike.

Hop in.

(upbeat jazz music)

You know, you're a pretty
groovy little chick.

Oh thank you.

Soon as the flick starts
and the lights go out,

we'll get down to a little (claps) action.

(triumphant music)

There's something I have to tell y'all.

Everybody listen.

There's an ulterior motive

behind being invited here tonight.

We're all under arrest?



The motive is that I know everybody here

slept everybody else, more or less.

Roughly speaking, come on,

admit it, I know it right?

And that everybody's gonna go home

and get balled one way or another.

But somehow you're another

and I think since we're
kind of intimate friends,

we outta get into it
right here and right now.


Okay, no objections?

Okay and no rules except that

there should be no jealousies

and nobody get uptight

and no negative feelings.

And so I think we should dig in.

And also I think so because it's my party.

And this is more or
less what I had in mind,

so everybody just dig in.

- Sure.
- Sure, I can't

get out of here.

My clothes won't come off.

I'm stuck in my earrings.

Now this is my kind of movie.

(woman moans)

(woman laughs)

Come on snake, let's crawl.

What does that mean?

I mean like,

we could teach those creeps on the screen

a thing or two, couldn't we mama?

Let's watch the movie, okay?

Well what a drag.

I brought you here to get (claps)

a little action.

You know, I've always
wanted to try popcorn.

What the?

Well you know what they say,

a movie is not a movie without popcorn.

Oh man.

Spike, phase?

Sure little mama.

Give us a kiss for luck.

(lively jazz music)


How's it going, Alpha nine?

Got a real board with me.

Now she wants popcorn.

I'll get some.

She's a real pain in
the old transistors.

Good luck.

(woman moans)

(lively music)

(car door bangs)

Here's your corn.

(woman moans)

Fascinating, you know
this is really very good.

Wanna try some?

I'll tell you what I want, mama.

(paper crinkles)

Come on, don't be such a goodie girl.

I know you want it as much as I do.

Let's get in the back seat,

what do you say?

Wait, wait a minute, listen.

Wait a minute.

You're right, I do want it.

But do you know where I'd like to do it?

Where is that?

Not in the back seat,

but in the trunk.

You flipped your wig, chick?

In the trunk?

Now that's impossible.

I bet you could do it anywhere.

Well I ain't saying I couldn't cut it.

But in the trunk?

Man that's pissville as
far as I'm concerned.

Oh come on, for me?

All right, all right.

Let's split for the trunk.

(car door bangs)

You sure you wanna do this?


All right, help me push
some of this junk around.

You know this might be a gas after all.


(lively music)

(cricket chirps)

(motorbike engine revs)

(dramatic music)


(expl*sive bang)

(Julie screams)



[Announcer] Keep arms and
hands inside the elevator.

You are being returned
to central core area.

Congratulations on your escape.

(eerie music)

(people talking at the same time)

Attention for a special announcement.

Turbo lips in the blue concourse

are temporarily out of service.

Please use purple lips in
green and yellow concourses.

(alarm beeps)

One of the guests, Julie Clayburg,

has reacted irrationally

by locking her pleasure
unit in the trunk of a car

after attacking him.

Her profile shows no
inclination to v*olence.

She is now missing

but believed to be in
central core section.

[Master Control] I will
activate the monitors

and immobilize the
pleasure units in the area

while they sweep security.




(slow eerie music)

(alarm beeps)

Monitor sweep reveals,

guest Clayburg not to
be in central core area.

[Master Control] Move sweep to red grid.

Reactivating pleasure units.

(rapid beeps)

(alarm beeps)

Monitor sweep reveals guest Clayburg

not to be in blue grid area.


[Announcer] All pleasure
units are ordered to report

to their primary processing
stations immediately.

All pleasure units are ordered to report

to their primary processing
stations immediately.

All pleasure units are ordered to report

to their primary processing
stations immediately.


(radar whoosh)

(slow intense music)

(alarm beeps)

Monitor sweep reveals guest Clayburg

not to be in upper support levels.


What are you doing here?

You're not to go in there.

You're not normally assigned
to this sector, are you?

You'll have to come to
the processing station

with me immediately.

I repeat, you'll have to come with me.

[Shannon] They're only
machine, they're only machines,

they're only machines,
they're only machines.


(computer rumbles)


(metal scrapes)

(slow intense music)

There's no computer.

[Master Control] That's
absolutely correct,

Miss. Clayburg.


(slow dramatic music)

There's no use struggling, Miss. Clayburg.

Just accept what is
about to happen to you.

What are you talking about?

[Master Control]
We've had our eye on you

since you arrived.

And I must admit, you're
an excellent candidate.

Candidate, for what?

[Master Control] Really Miss. Clayburg,

I'm a little disappointed.

I would have though you'd
have figured that out

after you saw the RK1600 computer.

There is no computer.

[Master Control] Exactly my point.

So if there is no computer then there?

There can't be hundreds of
androids controlled by it.

[Master Control] You are intelligent.

Indeed, the only androids we have

are the few monitors you've seen.

Each of them is frightfully expensive.

My goodness we could never afford

to construct hundreds of androids,

at least not with our present technology.

Then what are all those
pleasure units of yours?

[Master Control] It's a sad

but true fact of life Miss. Clayburg

that human beings are a much
more plentiful than machines

and far less expensive.

Oh no!

How could you?

[Master Control] Very simply.

Actually we've been able
to condition brainwaves

for some time now.

It simply took the invention
of a semi-permanent thermal

that could be implanted in the brain

to make it practical.

Once in place, we have complete control.

Even our pleasure units think
of themselves as machines.

Why did you lie to the world?

[Master Control] The truth would result

in a great deal of
self-righteous indignation

and it would defeat one of our main goals.

You see our guests would feel guilty

about taking out their
fantasies on other humans.

But androids can be abused
with no guilt after effects.

After all, they're only machines.

Oh why, why, why?

[Master Control] I'd
love to stay and talk,

but keeping things running smoothly

is a very demanding job.

It's going to be really nice

working with you, Miss. Clayburg.

Wait, what are you going to do with me?

Wait, wait!

No, please, no!


(lively music)

(alarm beeps)

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

This is the Pleasure Dome.

Please come up to the reception desk

so that you may begin

the most fantastic week you'll ever live.

(alarm beeps)

Welcome, I'm Julie 14.

I'm your personal pleasure unit.

(computer whooshes)
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