Men in Black: International (2019)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Men in Black: International (2019)

Post by bunniefuu »

God, I really hate Paris.

Oh, nothing to worry about.
Maybe it won't be long.

- Louis, will you marry me...
- Hello!

We are from the tower security.

We are
very sorry, but you should not be here.

Oh... I'm so sorry.

So, does he say "yes"?

- He still hasn't asked.
- I still haven't asked.

That seems very unfortunate, right?

Because you see the flashing lights there
means there has been an infiltration.

Which means that in a few minutes it will
make the cage throughout the universe...

will consume us all in all places...
I I don't understand.

Everything will be explained
if you can keep your eyes...


The tower is closed for repair.

I asked you to come down.
Please pass here.


Look at the gap.

- Right. Let's begin.
- Let's do this.

Hi all. Who are you?

Ask him again when it's below.

- Oh, there you are.
- Yes.

I am fine.
Let's try this again, okay!

I often play here.
But never in a situation like this before.

do you mean you never faced Hans before?

I never faced Hans.

Remember, the universe has a way of directing
you to the ways and moments you should be.

but sometimes the universe does it wrong.

You're here.

A moment of history will be time.

I'm Acid Wing-lend, I know some perfection.

Take "my playboy".

- Come on, hurry up!
- Okay, okay.

Watch Out!

Hear. Hear. Dear. Uh...

Em... There are no
animals, okay. That..

It's like, I've never seen
it like that before, that...

It's like a creature ..

What? Okay, call the police!

- Whose phone?
- Police! Call the police!

That was very fast.

night all. We're here on your call.

Are we in danger?
Does this have radiation?

Whatever it was, it's not
like an animal. It's like..

Yes, the creature you see is
a creature from Andromeda 2.

- Very rare and very dangerous.
- I'm sorry, what?

That's Trainkin' madam.

Now I know, he looks
cute nowadays.

- Trainkin.
- But when they feel in danger...

they turned into real monsters.

Shh, don't be
afraid. It is okay.

Tell me,
is there someone else at home?

Only our daughter.
She is sleeping.

A squirrel!
Yes, that's your problem, everyone.

So please
make sure the trash can't live here and...

we never came here.

Maybe we should go check Molly.

I have to take you out of here!

Come on!

It is okay. I'm your
friend. I'm Molly!

- Go away.
- Molly.

Molly, you get great numbers in all areas.

Fitness, arrest, logic,
weapons, detention. Only..

One problem. You don't check the box.

What division do you want more?

Everyone must check the box.

Yes, I made one of my own boxes.
For the division that has the box.

You know divisions that have black uniforms
and are dealing with people from...

up there.

You mean the accountant.


Yes, the real accountant.

should fix the glitch, but remember.

We care.

And just remember, we care.

Look for
the rocket icon that faces the expansion.

Click there.

13 degrees to the left.
Whose left?

- Sendu.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

I have it. Okay, you got it.

Yes, I got it.

strange objects designated 2019-AMRJ.

- What happened?
- Oh no. No, nothing.

Let me run some merge checks
and I'll be back to you soon.

- No, no, will it last long?
- Not at all. Okay?

What is..

- This is amazing.
- Is that...

Is that...

A-L-I-E-N-S (Aliens)

I don't know always insisting
on whispering and spelling it.

Finally decided to appear, huh?

Oh, my God.

All you have to do is
project the flyway.

I'm back, okay, try this.
Unplug and reinstall it.

And remember, we care.

I have to go.

Jimmy returns to
take the other kids.


Let's see where you are now.

Welcome back, Professor Antos.

Oh, you're a scammer,
I don't think you're a meteor, right?

No, I think
you are a lander who is not permitted.

This is it. It all happened.

See you again, Jimmy!

Right here, right there.


Hey! Hey!
Hey, keep the arguments going.

- I'll pay you, sir.
- What..

Yes, yes.

- What are you doing here?
- What? Hey is this ..

- This is earth.
- Take it to Agent Q.

Look, I just want to meet my children.

Take this plane away from here.
I will do it.

Now let's take our friend back.

- Don't lose them!
- I'll do it, Mom.


have they brought the alien?

Just entered a few minutes.

We caught
him sneaking behind a meteor shower.

work of an amateur, am I not right?

It's like rain.

The rain continues to fall.

- He stopped at amateur work.
- Hey, are you going to report this or what?

Black Code.

Endless unlicensed.

The protocol launches down,

In 3, 2, 1.

- Alright, to whom does he work?
- He claimed to work alone.

Random citizens walking on licensed
roads, I don't think so.

Neuromize him.

No, no. Do not!

I know what that thing is.

Hold it first! Hold it first!

He has an experience.

It erased my parents' memories,
but it didn't erase my memory.

All my life,
everyone has called me crazy.

They say I need to go to a therapist.
Which is okay, I did it.

But not for this.

Did he really find Andromeda
2? We don't arrest him.

a long time ago, we changed the report.

It takes 20 years to find you.

How many people can say that.

I found you.

So, you found us.

You prove you're not crazy and with me
it's not crazy you're back, now what?

- I want to come into it.
- We don't employ, we recruit.

So I want to be recruited.

I will need more, but...

you mind giving me one good reason?

Because I'm smart.
I'm motivated.

- I can do less. I...
- You're boring me.

Because I really don't have anyone.

I don't
have a dog, a cat, it's definitely a child.

I don't have anything that can
make it difficult for me to leave.

Which one is perfect for this job.

Well, you really look like a tragedy.

- No Love.
- No Relationship!

I learned what was
most important.

Oh really? And what's important?

The truth of the universe.

I want to know everything.
I want to know how it works.

You think black uniforms
will solve all your problems.

But that looks really good to you.

It is true.

Be accepted.

It's just a symbol and you only work
as an identity that we need from you.

will only wear MIB special services once.

will be trained to use MIB technology.

Glasses and weaponry.

You have this place in any way.

You are not part of this system.

You are not there.

The check, please.

We are behind the system above,
anywhere, we are Man In Black.

Man in Black.

Do not. I can't start it.

I have this conversation.
And that seems to be negative.

That's... It's a process.
That's the point just to be on your mind.

This is your first assignment.

Okay. When do I get what I have?

It's called Neuromize and you
don't get it. You reach for it.

You have been accepted for a trial period.
So impress me and we'll see about...


You like the truth,
don't you, Agent M?

I like it.

I think we might have
a problem in London.

Now, it's very smooth.

Let's keep bringing it here, okay.
One more glass.

So, I have to say how
happy I am with this place.

This looks formal but not too much
stuff and classic but still fashionable.

Make it a comfortable place.


That kind of thing.

It's just that there is a deadly
snake. Thank you very much.

Oh, look at it, draw to As, all of it.
That's me again.

Well, we talk business, okay?

I move this thing.

To whom I speak
will be very useful because I come along.

You don't come.

You understand, I'm very strict,
there's no Man In Black provision.

Oh, God. I don't blame you.
Who wants the bastard to come in?

Man In Black. Moron In Black (stupid
in black) if you want my opinion.

A bunch of bastards, right?

that is needed is one that is evil...


I'm a MIB, you bastard.

why am I so your little club is lousy!

And you will tell me everything.

All providers, workers, sellers.

Your luck has run
out. You're dead.

Well, this one has an
antidote. Is not it?


I'll give you whatever you want.

Please... whatever you want.

Whatever I want?

Express trains to London have arrived.
Will be available on service 2.

Please stand behind the line.

I'm in
a locker and I know the kid is delirious.

Told him, do it then you are blind.

now don't be afraid, I cure his eyes ..

it's arrived, Express Train to New York.

Welcome, Agent M. Please report
the explanation of a new agent.

Access is given, Agent M.

It's a dilemma to think who did this.

Oh look. That one makes sense.

So you are the one who found us.

Yes. I'm the person.

I'm T. High T.

- Oh, yes. You...
- I run this place.


Welcome, M.

Nice to meet you, sir.

We were told to be able to expect
many great things from you.

Then the great thing you will get.

Right through there.

Hi, little yourself. Wait!
Wait! Don't touch it!

A journey of thousands of light
years starts from one step. High T.

The electricity is dead!
Come on, quickly go fix it there!

Screw you!

Hell of it! Hell of it!

Okay, now...

Okay, try this.

Oh, be careful!
You ruined it, you bought it.

Okay. Just save it, I'm free.

- We need silver coins.
- Yes.

You're a guest.

Tell your business with the Queen!

We need someone to die.

As clearly stated in section 60 of
the Andromeda 2 peace agreement.

We don't k*ll or participate.

This is not negotiable.

Everything can be negotiated.



The market has sold young
machines that are damaged.

You won't get out of my sight, H.

You understand, you're late.
Don't try to catch up.

Thank you, Charlie.

It was a poor kingdom,
who was the one who helped my immigration.

Wait, so he is an MIB agent.
One of the first.

He has a lot of gathering refugees
and protection on this earth.

If you look closely,
you can be my grandparents in the picture.


- Here it is, baby.
- Thank you.

What's with that guy?


Sorry. He is so yummy!

Who is he? H.

Mean, the best agent in this building.

Once saved the world without anything.

He saved his world.

Of what?

- Lively.
- Listen...

Big man, help me.

- Overcome my expulsion.
- Oh, I'm happy.

Where are you going.

To do homework.

And also the terrible events
that happened in America.

North Africa
offers investigations and others... H!

Apparently decided to give his greeting.

Sir. I'm working late at night ..

You mean sex with him, then thank you.

Oh, you should have seen what I
saw when I woke up this morning.

That is clearly not the case.

About that now I prefer to see it
from an angle not to be detailed.

The criminals did it, so...

Please, sit. So for the last time.

Member of the Jebatium noble family.

Have traveled
Centurals 8. Now that inherits it is...

Ethan Hans, his heir.

grandpa always lowered his crown.

Jebatium's social life does not allow this.

And really want to be so soon.

We can say no.

But Jebatium
warned us that they would destroy us.

So my guess is, they think we protect
the earth and those who come to earth.

That's actually to protect a bastard.

That's why we will go to great
lengths to go on the streets.

Well, I know he doesn't like
to drink tea, but prefers...

Vodka, Tequila and sometimes all are
mixed, once we were awakened in Bangkok.

- Agent H!
- Shut up.

Oh, shit. Yes, I'm sorry.

You will be his bodyguard.

Fact, he specifically asked for you.

Okay, of course.
So I don't need to pack for his house.

- Please. Smart kids.
- I'll be ready at midnight.

If you are willing.

- Smart kid, if you are willing.
- That's a good man I thought he said.

Keep making his father happy, huh?
Yes, but like this.

take care of the puppy very well.

not jealous - Puppies don't like rich kids.

Maybe you should have a puppy.


- Oops, sorry.
- Hi, yes.

Not. I woke up. It is okay.
Just pursue my meditation habits.

I have intended to try that. I read that
greatly increased the production of my focus.

Yes, yes It's very like that.

I'm kind of running out of energy...

Em, maybe we've met before.
Not. Agen M.

I heard you will be in action
tonight and I want to offer my help.

I'm a little good in the way of Jabatium,
culture, language, politics, fashion...

Eh, by the way I can give
this to you to read.

I will see when I know
it's good to read.

The problem is, for what you asked for.
I work alone, you can ask for another.

Do you know
that Jebatium can understand by touching.

Which means they can read your mind.

And Dekars too.

Well, developing his talent.
What is wrong?

Soft part of him. I mean,
on the other hand, bring their hands.

- Change color.
- Oh, happy to find out.

But, thank you for
your offer. I am fine.

Okay. I understand.
I will let you do your meditation.

Okay thank you.

Oh, you know? That question?
You don't snore when meditating.

Actually on the second thought,
maybe I could use reinforcements.

So, I'm thinking of the operation,
I will secure this environment.

- And you will go face it.
- Ah, yes. But..

The problem is, because we will be there.

Everything just has to do
things on its own. Do you know?

The aliens don't like
humans, humans aren't aliens.

So if you can be
more calm. Maybe..

Well, we remove the tie first, and...

Well, so you don't look tense and don't
look professional, you understand me.

Look at it! Man In Black!

Yes, good. Perfect. Now..

I'll just...

Do you mind if I...
What? Enter into?

We must find the boundary between
looking casual and sexual crime.

Thanks. Yes. Let us go.

I thought we had arrived.
We have arrived.

entrance requires a special dance.

you step on the pedestal, Friday?

You got it, H.

Yes, okay.
Next time tell me first.

Good morning friends!

My friend!

You lost your weight.

What are you doing with your hair
For God's sake, it looks amazing.

You look handsome like that.

Sorry, this, this is my friend, Harry.

Hello, ma'am.

Nice to meet you.

I heard many stories about you.

I taught him many things.

Very sweet.
He said you were interesting.

He thinks I'm what, sorry?

Course he said that while on the way.

You know, we can have fun here.

Of course, we only try to find clues
and then be fascinated with you.

Oh that's good.

He wants to know everything
about what you have.

Oh, I didn't say that,
I think you are.

It's like a fetish.

that means like something sensual.

It's like that... Like...
you can, you can, you can, you can.

Do you think so?

You see that if you can do that
you look after a dog, okay?

If I may ask for help,
can you keep him temporarily here?

Of course.

Come on, please. Come on, sit inside.

Inside can't be as bad as outside.

Give me a minute.

It consists of 4 families.

What if I give you a business card
so you can contact me for anything?

Hey, one question, no big deal.

Did you feed me to mushrooms?

Who? You will enjoy it.

I don't know, but I...

It's better if you forget it.

Hey, you want to use me in an alien
experiment, just tell me next time, okay?

I don't like surprises.

Oh really?
I don't think that's a problem at all.

Have done this kind of work. Really?

All this is for investigation,
we have to do this, okay?

So that our enemies do not
destroy every planet that exists.

And that is the mission.

And... Stop it.

Mission, okay. But I'm not your lover.

Start doing what I ask.

So how are you here, friend?

Fungus will arrive tomorrow.

we will produce good results, hah.

We are not
here to talk about it, we must be careful.

Talk, smoke, I want to see you dance.

- No, no, no!
- Come on!

Know you're good at dancing, come on.

I will enjoy my time while I can.

I have to talk to you about something.

Can explain this later, but shut up.

All of this will fall apart.

- Directions at 12 o'clock.
- Relax while still young.

Listen, you listen to me!

More of them are coming, you will die.

I feel weird.

What are you for you?

my friend, why are you so serious?


You're okay, man.
Why are you not so healthy?

There is no time to talk.
They have started to act.

Take him out of here.

Okay, damn it.

home to sleep, let's get you out of here.

Go up, Oh, be careful.

night, I'll talk to you in the morning.

Do we have to finish today.

But now it's time to
work on Paperwork.

but Fungus looked fine before.

Trust me, I've seen
worse. If this one...

Help me.

MIB, don't move. Hands behind.

Do not move!

Go down!

If you want us to continue working
together, we have to do something compact.


Go down!


What the hell?

That's not good.

Please! Please!

It is okay.

You're stuck now, give up.

What do you want me to do? How..

I've never seen
anything like this.

w*apon doesn't seem to have any impact.

Hold on!

Try this!

Watch out!

Help him, I will protect you!

H! Need help here!

Not! Don't H! He has a chance.
I can feel it.

I have to know if
I can trust you.

You make me angry!

Hold this.

- What's this...
- Something's wrong in MIB.

Fungus, what is this?

the only thing that can protect you.

Where are your friends?
I will finish you.

How is the condition?

He died.

Oi, you made this fuss.
Good, what happened?

We are clearly att*cked.
He can explain.

There are no suspects.

They do it empty-handed, they become
solid and fluid at the same time.

Why is he here?

He suddenly was at
the crime scene ..

He is a probation agent so he
shouldn't be here at all, okay?

I think
he's here because it's clear I can see it.


He is a probation child,
but okay he is suddenly here.

You have one simple job to bring
the slime ball lizard to drink.

not a slime ball lizard, he's my friend.

I know,
sorry about that you are his friend.

He is now dead, because of you.

Who is with him when he dies?

Okay, good, did he say anything
about the reason why he was k*lled?

Whatever it is, come on.

Not. Not at all.

So I'm short.

Go directly to the target.

Members of Planet Jarabian high
class die under your supervision, ..

k*lled by something you cannot identify,

reasons that you can't understand, right?

I'm tired
of talking, what if you continue tomorrow?

OK, thank you.

Go straight back to the office.

- Where is your place.
- Tell your boss.

I will not save you this time.

gonna be fine, okay, don't worry.

We will be fine.

Yes, yes, understand.

Yes, right.



I confirm to you I will finish this in the
strongest way.

The Jarabian group wants your
head, literally.

is shipped with a diplomatic bag.

Okay, um...

Morning sir, I have a forensic
report that you requested.


Hmm, this is strange, very strange.

This is our suspect.

from Diagnum from the constellation Drako.

Drako, they are very mysterious
and they are far from us.

foreign DNA and insert their DNA.

And slowly slowly infiltrating
the awareness of his host.

Take over the host from inside.

Well, that
means they are both part of a combat group.

but why are they so far here to k*ll him?

know him better than anyone, right?

Did he say why he was here?
Does he want something from us?

No, he looks quite relaxed ..

Sir, this is all chaos, this is a
failure, a failure in this system.

And need
action immediately on... article 13.

Don't be a jerk. Who said that?

Oh, what is article 13?

Immediate termination with Neuralization.

Wait a minute! Not!

That's why you
shine on everyone.

Get rid of that thing immediately!

Of course you can't do that!

Give me one reason why not?

Well, that's because...
what do you want to talk to me about?

- Because...?
- Because.

If you
delete us, you won't know the truth.

- The truth.
- Come on, sir.

They are clearly lying.
Give me the order I'll do it.

Get rid of that thing.

Now try to explain.

sir, think about it, think seriously.


How many people know he is here?

People in
this room and maybe some top-level agents.

That person knew where Fungus was...

we never tell anyone where we are going.

that mean there is someone in MIB?

in the inner circle of this office.

They obviously made it all up.

are you talking about about moss?

In the history of the company,
there were only elite elements.

- You look so angry.
- Don't be absurd.

- He talks a lot.
- He seems to have a moss disorder.


If we are broken into, we have endangered the
lives of humans and aliens on this planet.

- C!
- Sir!

Find the K*llers.

Look for the k*ller before
they find us. /Good, Sir.

Disband there.

M, it looks
like you are as sharp as your confession.

Do this case with C.

And told the weapons department to
start research for their m*rder w*apon.

Yes, Sir.

So I will help him
to solve this case.

I stopped covering you.

But you need me in this case, sir.

dealt with high performance, right?

- Don't you trust me?
- Not.

He who deals with
high performance.

And I don't know where he went!

Actually think you can lead this place.

I'm wrong about you.

We are done here.
And that's an order.

Think you're wrong about me, sir.

You see
something inside me, and it's still there.

I'm sorry for
the mess I made, give me one more chance.

How it doesn't exist, as if he was
carrying a w*apon or something.

sorry, friend, but I need this temporarily.

What? Wait, I don't trust you.

I just don't like it with you, but they
continue to rely on me for this kind of thing.

I don't even need to persuade him.

M, the key is for you to complete.

Help each other, want to
investigate, huh? Come on.

- This must be a mistake.
- Yes, I will go.

- Yes, go away.
- Come on.


Thankfully. Shut up.

So what is our first step?

Well, you
tell me, because the pressure is so big.

I do not mean it..

It's the nature of the company
when they want the best from you.

I feel interested and there must
be a genius who completes this.

And I found the possibility of
truth that could explain a lot.

So, what did you find so far?

I was just going to run a
contraction test on that substance.

Yes, good too.

- Do not do it.
- I know what this is.

Yes, it can k*ll 3 babies and
is now a recreational drug.

This can be pure grade poison,
the wrong amount can directly k*ll you.

But with the right amount can also make
you dance for 17 hours without stopping.

A very great substance.

Imagine this you use. There is only 1
place in the world where you can get this.

Come on.

Are you coming
We will go save the world.

you say we need to break the rules.

I am coming along.

- Oh, wow.
- You will see it a lot here.

Okay, this place is dangerous.

They need the substance here to work.

And I'm
still investigating what really happened.

Actually it's hormonal.

But I'm not sure people
in MIB understand that.

So true.

It's in the handbook.

Don't believe in that.

See who is Nazar.
You know the rules, don't show in public.

the object before I empty your store.


- Is that really you?
- Of course it's me, only me.

- Hey, Gustav.
- Hey H, they said you died.

- Wops.
- I know it.

You're dead, I'm mine!

Hey, let go!

Hey, what happened here?

I'm sure it's a misunderstanding,
I heard you and Reza talk.

Oh, who is that?

That is not important.

- You can ignore it.
- No problem.

I'm just curious about the
relationship between species...

They are just my friends.

He is the leader of the biggest
criminal syndicate in the galaxy...

is a very successful female businessman.

Tell me about this woman businessman.
Don't talk about it.

So sad, you match mate.

thank you very much, but that's common.

said the madman would cut his neck.

Excuse me for a while.

Permisimu, not me.

Don't you... I This person seems
to have a crossing interest.

Interest that crosses is
none of your business.

Yes sure, I will not interfere.

Hey, hey, enough, stop hitting him.

Just keep closing the thing.

Of course. Thank you.

See you again.

- Nice to meet you.
- Yes.


I got this from a
camera outside the club.

You just stand there like a statue.

Did you bring this to T?

he said everything just gave you.

Yes, if something passes
me. Good, I'll show him.

Go away.

Is this..

- Here is the problem.
- So true.

Do you think we need help?

Contact Riza.

Oh, okay, here it is.

Seems that for days no one has taken it.


One more step and I will melt your
body, beautiful man.

down, we don't want any problems.

Do not move.

Hey, look at you,
what are they calling you, Sport?

Sport is not my name.

What is that?

There he is!

- Sorry.
- Why do you need a call for me too?

Don't have a name, we're pawns.

Okay, Pawny then.

What's going on here?

Oh, we have the best party
ever since from Alpha.

They don't like this good job.
Look around you, we have to bear this kid.

My queen!

Oh, that's cool.

I will never serve another.

I swear I
stuck my sword into my body like this...

through all my suffering and then
let it go until darkness takes me.

you won't really do this, right?

a figure without a king is just a piece.

A void.

I have
to finish my life in a painful way.

Don't stop me!

Possible survivors, 0.

Do you think we should stop it.
I will do it.

I want to see him do it.

Oh, sorry, what did you say?

You know what's happening here.

- Do you know.
- Yes, he is a witness.

Excuse me, I don't think the
queen will want you to do this.

are you to know what the queen wants?

Are you a queen?

in a sense, yes, but no, I'm not a queen.

know, but she's queen in Egypt.


Is that evil?

That is a country, in dangerous conditions
and M here is an agent in danger.

I don't know, but I think the best
way to respect his death is to live.


I declare my eternal loyalty to
you, agent M.

No, I'm not interested
in that kind of thing.

Too late, it was done,
I expressed my loyalty.


And if you
die before me, I promise to end my life...

in the most painful way.

Yes, I don't like you.

Let's go.

Your Honour.

Come on, help me.


H, there is something I have
to tell you but I haven't done.

- About... where...
- You mean this?

You stole it from me!

Of what?
You stole it from my knowledge.

I have to
hide it because he doesn't trust anyone.

So you told me that you don't
believe me as your senior agent?

What's this, H?
There are many agents.

Come on.

Why are they all here?

I think this
is because we are involved in a problem.

Look, I want you to check every
alley, every way, every house, now!

increase the amount of information there.

someone explain to me what is happening?

Sir, there's a bit of an alien problem, I
want to let it stand before it gets bigger.

- C, I want to talk.
- Of course.

Nothing is off guard, okay?

This is bullshit.

Regardless of your personal feelings,
H is one of our best agents.

He used to be the best agent, he hasn't been
the same since he lived without a Hive.

Looking around.

Our source said it came from the
Jabarian Research Department.

He brought it here.

And you keep this from
me? For how long?

Explain! Explain.

Sir, I put them in,
M brought them to your office.

And with
all due respect, sir, you let them go.


Yes, Sir.

And C.

Take them directly to me.

Whatever it is, we must protect it.

Gave me that so I was safe from them.

Yes, Sir. H, listen to me.

This is my operation, go from there,
find a safe place, and report.

And be
careful, there might be traitors in MIB.

Bring this away, and meet me in
the main square in 20 minutes.


Hey comrades, I'm here.

I need to borrow your vehicle.

Long as you borrow it, not steal it.

Quick, open it fast!

Okay, a*tillery, brakes.

Water, very hot out there.

so kind. This just goes up, right?

Yes, it's very easy, yes.

Just like that.

Okay, thanks.


It's not like anything
I've ever been on.

Fast ride!

Hold it tight!

Oh damn it!

Hang in there, Pawny!

Wait for me!

I can't believe it works.

Hey, H. Yes.

Oh, use the glasses.

Hey everybody, if you
see the light here...

Just drive.


What if we press the red button?

- I think it's dangerous.
- I think it will speed up.

Well, I think we should try it.

Hold it tight!

Lost from them.
What did I say, the red button.

Trust me. Okay, okay.

- I hurt all my body.
- The red button is amazing!

- Let's do it again!
- Shut up!


What happened?

He moves.

What is that thing?

Did you see the center?

It seems that
this has nothing to do with kinetic energy.

alright, you see the photosphere.

shh, it is a thermonuclear expl*sive.

Wait, what does that
mean? b*mb or something?

I think what
we see is a super star compression w*apon.

I think this is very strong.

the button, we can see what this thing is.

Do you suggest using a star
w*apon for exclamation.

Well, try and have fun.

Oh, I don't know if this will work.

Okay, yes, I don't think there is
a better place to test this thing.

Yes. So we try it, let's go.

Oh, wait until the energy is filled.

Throw the stone, push the button.

Maybe you are not pressing...

It's a low setting.

I don't think that
was there before.

Sir. They escaped.

sure the right words are we lost them.

Well, if I may say, sir.

They get help.

May be. But I know H.

Whatever he does, he will do.

Why are you protecting him?

What's the matter?

- I protect the institution.
- Of what? From me?

Are you questioning my
loyalty, sir?

At least, you decide.

Is there something else, agent C?

No sir.

Good, please come out.

Among the new children...

why did
he send you who could destroy this world?

you are here to help or frustrate me.

I don't know, maybe he trusts me.

Doubt if you think he trusts you.

Good enough to believe in you.

I think he trusts me.

Okay, H, if you have to know.

He said you changed.

You know, I'm sick of hearing
that, already from a few years ago.

Did you tell me what you feel?


Too big, arrogant, careless.

- Did I miss something?
- Okay, hey, listen...

Arrogant and careless.
I'm pretty sure it's mine.

Maybe I acted a
little like that.

Do you know why? Because my job is to
save your world and I'm pretty good at it.

And while that happens,
the rule is there are no rules.

That's the rule.

Damn, well, don't move.

Try it, m*therf*cker!

- Do not move.
- How can you get there.

You know the way I came in.
I never hid in the water before.

Really don't want to remember it.

Damn, I drink from there.

now my stomach is a little nauseous.

Alright, um...

Sorry, before, but I don't think
you know what you're up against.

So... I No, I really know.
That is why he will be very happy.

- No, no, wait.
- Wait! Wait...

See you again, m*therf*cker!

Good, H.

Pawny, have him give me a screwdriver.

He has
a name and a title and you know that.

Miss, this ♪♪♪ wants a screwdriver.

Pawny, tell him the faster he fixes this
console the faster I can program it.

Nonaku said to your stupid brain please fix the
consol that can save the world from threats.

know, he doesn't say that, okay?

- You little bastard.
- He said that.

He said nothing.

You can know what I think even
all the words correctly.

You say it well. Thanks.

Tell your non,
the console has been fixed.

bastard said, your consol has been fixed.

- Can you thank him.
- Really?

But in a rude and rude
manner that you can think of.

Nonaku said thank you.

I know where
the w*apon went and how to get it back.


I'll personally respond.

I listen.

He only has one buyer.



Riza who once dated you.

who smuggle and sell weapons, Riza.

I will interfere for a while.

dating Riza Star-frost, the death merchant.

Mother of m*rder.

He is quite sexy.

I didn't
know he was an arms dealer when we met.

I am affected by her beauty.

And anyway I'm interested in her
heart and beauty, not like non-you.

Still not yet.

You tell me the right time.


You choose because of his heart.

What? That...

Is that funny to you?

That's so stupid.
Who thinks like that?

Choose because of his heart.

You never fall in love.

Yes, right?

You never fight logic.

What's this, Secret of Notebook?

I've never watched it but
I know this nonsense.

No, never before.

That is against my logic.

Really? Yes.

Physical attraction
is just a chemical reaction in your brain.

You can't trust them.

Not real.

Isn't the world we live in
based on chemical reactions?

I'm sure you believe that.

It feels real enough.

It's getting deeper.

Already completed.


Turn on.



- Not there.
- I can only jump that high.

Actually I can jump higher,
but it's more interesting there.

OK, enough.

This is it.

Look at that.


I know Riza is known as a death
merchant, but she has one weakness.

Ready for useful, small creatures.

I'm ready to do anything.

Nice. Because we will need you.

I will be quite happy to do it.

Don't sh**t, don't sh**t.

Sorry, we can do this another day.
There is another guest.

Relax. Go. Thank you.

- OK.
- See you later.

Luca, do you miss me?



I know why you are here.

Why are you wearing pink clothes?

How are you?

Long time no see.

One thing about separation,
you will lose friendship.

This happened several times.

and me, we have a lot to talk about.

Awesome, right?

I like his stupidity.

Is this your welcome for me?

So, MIB finally kicked you out.

I actually came out myself.

So I can be a little free.

And I don't care.
What are you doing here.

I want to see you.

And I bring something for you.

Because I know you like special
pets, so I bring you a peace offer.

I like this.

She's... sweet.

A little adorable.

He is the last of his people.

always know how to make me happy.

you can always make my heart beat faster.

There's no way you can forget that.

You know, I want to try to see my w*apon
destroy someone, then I see your face.

I have to know.

What do you know?

I want to know the truth.

Why are you here.

what's the real reason you're here?

This will be interesting.


I know that from the start
my work didn't suit you.

And drop you when there's a chance.

- That's the truth.
- That's why they asked me to accompany you.

Shut up.

What? /Not.
It's just something I say to my heart.

There is a voice inside me.

Oh... I know.

I can't bear to do it.


It is okay.

No, I thank you for giving this.

Well, I can't if I'm
not honest with you.

Get him out of here.

What wait Hey...

Where... I also need an answer.
How about my feelings?

Here are a few tips for you, baby.

Next time you bring an offer of peace, not on
the same day I receive the strongest w*apon.

This has nothing to do with that. How
can I know you got the strongest w*apon.

you think it's just a coincidence?

That's just a coincidence.

Take him to the dock.

You don't need to.

I guess that went pretty well.

Okay... How do you turn it off?

Sebastian, baby. Do you want to
destroy the entire solar system?

- Pawny.
- I see it.

Oh, look at this.

You can ride.

Okay Pawny, turn your attention.


Very simple, baby. Do you want it or not?

I only have one, Sebastian.
And I need a quick answer.

Get out perfectly.

I'll call you again.

Run. Look at your little feet.

Do not be naughty.

Oh, look at this.

And I thought H came alone.

How stupid I am.

Unfortunately you.

If you have a w*apon, huh.

Oh, this.

Do you
know what it does to the human body?

This boils you from the inside out.


Do you know what Pawny did to a weapons

No dear, explain what Pawny is?

I am Pawny, crazy guy.

Seems like the situation has changed.

Awesome catch.

It feels good.

Don't worry, this is part of my plan.

H, you're a little delusional.

Peace offer.

k*ll them.

Don't rush and make it painful.

No, you don't need to do this.

Get me down, m*therf*cker!

Wait, did you say Trencheon?

- Yes.
- Trencheon.

can be very narrow minded to k*ll.

Help me.

He is Trencheon who infiltrated.


I know Trencheon.

I once met him once.

I help him.




Do you know what he said?

How do you know that?

Because he told me.




Are you kidding? Really?

Who is delusional now?

You are apparently.

You're big.

Well, me too.

Give it to him.

No, why are you doing this?

Am I not
good to you I let you k*ll anyone you want.

Come on.


That box.


You saved me, by the way.

Hey, by the way.
What does that mean?

That means one day, I will k*ll them
in a way that is far more painful.

Or maybe for now let him live,
so he and I can discuss our next plan.

H, are you okay?


I am fine.

It was really chaotic.

- Yes, but it works.
- Right.

I'm pretty sure the
plan didn't work.

So, your name is Molly.

You don't need to know that.

Too late, now I know.

I guess
you don't mind if I tell you my name.

I want to know what your name is.

I'll tell you, are you ready?


Correct? No.

My name is Henry.

Yes, you look like Henry.

- That's all I have.
- I'm Steve.

I don't think Pawny has a name.

It isn't.
I just don't feel involved.

Hello, Steve.

That is not cool.

I don't know what caused this.

Intruder, sh**t!

Worth trying.

Where is the w*apon for The Hive.

Not. We are Men in Black.

Men and Women in Black.
Good rescue.

If you think we will let this happen,
you don't know what you will face.

We will protect the Earth, and that means
we protect everyone and everything in it.

You want to do
this. OK, come on!

Go or I'll blow up the whole
island and everything in it.

Right, that includes us.

You don't think you leave it to me,
the speech was rather effective.

Yes, I like his speech. It's just that
I think this can be more effective.

You hear me, don't make me use it.

Will do anything to protect our world.

Likewise with us.

I thought they could be k*lled.

With the right voltage.

Are you two alright?

Yes, it's never been better.

How can you find us?

With experience.

know that, H. When do you want to study?

I know I can count on you.

Thank you sir.

You too. Agent O has a good
feeling about you and he's right.

The universe has guided
you where you should be.

And indeed it should be there.

Let us go home.

Let's keep it in a safe
place, okay?

Xander, announce we have got the
g*n and now it's in a safe place.

Amazing achievement from your trial period.

now you graduate from your probation.

what you can achieve if you are one of us.

Good, Sir.

Enjoy this moment, M.
Will not be forever like this.

I don't know how you do it
but you keep on doing it.

Yes, and what is that?

Save the world from total
destruction twice.

And in all these
years, I mean...

What else?



- Excuse me.
- Yes.

- Hey.
- Hey.

How are you? You know.

- Cool party.
- Yes, right.

There is something strange.

Right. That's what I thought.

I feel
we have not saved the world at all.

say they also want to save our world.

Then they
said they needed the w*apon for the Hive.

What if we misunderstand that?

Maybe they need that w*apon to
fight the Hive and save their world.

Or maybe not Hive at all.

But the
DNA, how does the mutation explain it?

Okay, let's see.



Who has the power to delete files?

Come with me.

And what
about T, how did he know we were there?

He just does his job.

What is
the job of being able to read the future?

We have to close the gate.

Need to see the w*apon that was saved.


What is impossible? We are in charge of recapturing
the w*apon. Tell me where the storage is.

I think
he has been after him for a long time.

High T is the intruder.

- Certainly.
- How did you find it?


Most likely he was in Paris.

I knew there was something
strange from the past.

At first I was sure you were the person,
but after rethinking it turned out he was.

He hid his tracks.

There must be an explanation
for this. M, come on.

- I come with you.
- No, C.

Hey, hey, calm down.
This is not about you.

I know. I agree.

Listen, if what you say is true.

And this world has nothing.
And T managed to realize his plan.

This agency will never recover.

We stop him, nobody needs to know.

But what if you can't stop him?

Then, how?

If he beat me,
tell everyone I am a traitor.

Believe the agency will trust you.


When we want to
drive, it happens.

This is what I like.

I'm driving.

It should be here.

Not in this country.

There should be a red button here.

Right, press the red button.


H, you have to see this.

Portal from section C has been activated.


I will send help for you.

You remember
when I said we were in this business.

That's what T told me, he said...

the better
our work, the more peaceful our universe.

I just didn't really think
about that at the time.

But you can always believe
what you believe, H.

Sometimes they are right.

we save the world with our greatness.

Not with our hunch.

That's why we become partners.

You want to tell me one more time.

How do you know Hive?

That happened 3 years ago,
High T and I faced Hive empty-handed.


Right, but how do you do it?

Wait, what are you doing?

- I'm just curious about how you do it.
- I just told you.

I've told you several times.

High T
and I face Hive only with courage and...

Wait, how many times have I
repeated the words myself.

Again and again.

- Just wait.
- Yes, um...

Okay, why did I do that?

I don't think you beat the Hive that night.

I think you're neutralized.

Oh, you came
to say goodbye, and you brought your lover.

You can feel history here.

I can feel it.

That vanished because
of other civilizations.

The first alien I imagined.

we also make history here, right H?

Only with our courage and...


Hive is one of the strongest
weapons in this galaxy.

So you're waiting
to give it to them.

Oh kid, you are smart, but...

nothing can stop this.

this w*apon, all planets will disappear.

Starting with this one.

Retreat from there.

make me be a hero after all this.

The one who lives to lie for you.

I want this.

You are there.

You are like my own child.


You are like my own child.

He is not our T again.

You are like a child to him.

sh**t! sh**t!

My queen! I come!

What should we do?

Let me get him back.
I know he is still there.

Hey! Hey! I know you are there!

This is me, H!

in mind! You want me to replace you.


Save the world, that's our job.

universe leads you to a series of events...

He should be there.

My queen!

I won't lose the queen again.

Just like me who is like your son,

you are like my own father.


The right time...

the right place.


- Yes.
- You serve your queen well.

Thank you, nonaku.

An honor for me.

So, you see everything.

In one word, yes.

Hey, you don't mess up.

No, ma'am.

Well, to be honest, there were
moments when he screwed up.

Don't say too honestly.

OK, no. We don't screw up.

He said there might be a problem
in London. But you already know.

Sometimes I just don't believe the news.

T, devoted himself to this
organization. He is one of the best.

I miss him.

Welcome to the organization, Agen M.

You have passed the trial period.

Well, now my job is done.

But, you... Sorry, what.

On probation
for the head of the London branch.

trial for the branch head, that...

I heard I was promoted and my
position was lowered at the same time.

No, think carefully.

A few
years ago, before T mentioned it to me.

You have the same qualities as
him, and he expects you to...

this position.

No, I think
many agents are more experienced than me.


But you have the support of some
people and by the way, Agent C too.


So you accept it?

- Yes.
- Good.

have to clean your desk in London...

and report to MIB in New York on Monday.

New York.

Thank you, Agent O.

- Congratulations.
- You too.

Get ready.

Follow me.

So you want to know how we work.

Now you know.

And so now that you have graduated, Agen M.
It has a price.

Hey, what are you doing?

Just want to finish a few
things before you come back.

For example, want to wake me up.

No, for example driving.

This time you're on the right side.

I learn fast.

Can you take me back to London?


Ouch! Hey!

Oh God, I don't need that.

Hey, can you be polite to me?

What are you doing here?

Familiarize yourself, beautiful man.
I'm your new nanny.

- What did he say?
- Caregivers.

This is an order.
He said you can't do anything without me.

Okay, I didn't say that. Right.

He says turn to 0, I go back to 0.
Because it feels like 0.

Think of it as a farewell gift.

Come on, we save the world.

You don't
know because you suffocated on the floor.

- And do I have a choice?
- Not.

Nice. Where is the red button?

It is here.

Much better.

That's a very complicated
machine, be careful.

Yes, I understand.

Don't disturb my pleasure.
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