Stargate (1994)

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Stargate (1994)

Post by bunniefuu »




We found something beautiful!

I don't believe it!

Big, big, big surprise!

Over here!


Dr Langford, hello.

What have we here?

Cover stones.

It's fantastic.



What in God's name is that?

I wish I knew.

There are symbols

painted everywhere.

Names, titles of owners,

lists of offerings.

All major structures at the time...

...were covered with hieroglyphics.

When will

the academic community accept...

...the pharaohs of the 4th dynasty...

...did not build the Great Pyramid?

Look, look...

Inside the most incredible

structure ever erected...

...there are no writings whatsoever.

Doctor Jackson!

You left out the fact

that Colonel Vyse...


quarrymen's inscriptions...

...of Khufu's name

within the pyramid.

Uh, his discovery was a fraud.

Well, I hope you can prove it.

Who do you think

built the pyramids?

I don't have any idea. I mean...

Men from Atlantis?

Or Martians, perhaps?

The point is not who built them,

but when they were built.

I mean, we all know... geological evidence

dates the Sphinx...

...back to a much earlier period.

I think we have

to begin to re-evaluate...


we've come to accept about...

I mean, I've been able to show...

...a fully developed

writing system...


in the first two dynasties.

You know, which...

Almost as if it was based...

...on an even earlier prototype.

Is there a lunch or something

that everybody...

- Doctor Jackson?

- What? Yes?

Someone wants to speak with you.

The Air Force?

What's this? What is this?

Step over to the car, please.


- We goin' somewhere?

- You'll be fine.

We'll take care of these.


...those your parents?

Foster parents.

What is this all about?

A job.

What kind of a job?


Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.


I'm gonna go now.

Go where? You've just been evicted

from your apartment.

Your grants have run out.

Everything you own

are in those two bags.

You want to prove

that your theories are right?

This is your chance.

What's this?

Travel plans.


Mrs O'Neil?

Come on in.

Mrs O'Neil, is your husband home?


Might we be able to speak with him?

You can try.

Excuse me, Colonel O'Neil.

We're from General West's office.


We're here to inform you

that you've been reactivated.

That guy's a mess.

How'd he get like that?

His kid died.

Accidentally shot himself.





Always happens when I travel.

There you go.


Doctor Jackson?

Doctor Gary Meyers. How are you?

What is this place?

Nuclear m*ssile silo.

But it's been converted.

- Barbara Shore.

- Hello.

Okay, Jackson.

- Welcome.

- Hello!


Where'd you find this?

Giza Plateau, 1928.

I've never seen anything like this.

Of course you haven't.

No-one has.

There's two lines of hieroglyphs.

The inner track

has the classic figures.

But the outer track is like

the cartouche in the centre.

It's got writing

unlike we've ever found before.

Those aren't hieroglyphics.

It might be some form

of hieratic or maybe cuneiform.

The translation

of the inner track is wrong.

Must've used Budge. I don't know

why they keep reprinting him.

Excuse me?

What... what are you doing?

We... we've used

every known technique.

That's a curious word to use

- "Gebbeh".


Then an adverbial "sedjem-en-ef".

Then "sealed"...

...and "buried".

Excuse me.

What are you... what are you doing?

It's not "coffin".

It's "for all time".

Who the hell translated this?

I... I did.

It should read

"A million years into the sky... Ra, sun god,

sealed and buried for all time".

It's not "door to heaven".

It is...


So why is the military

so interested... 5,000-year-old

Egyptian tablets?

My report says 10,000.

Afternoon, Colonel.

Um... do I know you?

Col. Jack O'Neil

from General West's office.

I'll be taking over from now on.

This figure of 10,000 is ludicrous.

Egyptian culture

didn't exist until...

We know. But the sonic and

radiocarbon tests are conclusive.

These are cover stones.

Was there a tomb underneath?

No, no, no, no. But we found

something a lot more interesting.

Excuse me.

This information

has become classified.

From now on,

no information is to be passed on... non-military personnel

without my express permission.

Catherine, what's going on here?

I'm not sure.

Colonel O'Neil?

I think you owe me an explanation.

I was told I had complete autonomy.

Plans change.

Why are you here? Why did they

bring you on this project?

I'm here in case you succeed.

"Searched for cuneiform and

other pre-dynastic hieroglyphics."

"No matches whatsoever.

I've exhausted all sources... comparing

the cartouche symbols...

...against all writing samples

from the period, pre- and post-."

"Still no similarities."

"I'm never gonna get paid."

Uh-uh, uh-uh.

Can I borrow this?



Right here.

Jackson, I'd like you

to meet General West.


Oh, right - General!

So you think you've solved

in 14 days...

...what they couldn't solve

in two years?

Two years?

Any time.


I have some stuff to look at.

Uh... if you'll just pass 'em down.

You'll have to share them cos I...

Sorry, I don't have enough of those.

But, anyway... Okay, all right.

We're looking at a picture

of the cover stones.

Now, on the outer track...

...these figures

that you had believed... be words to be translated

were, in fact...

Sorry about that.

Were, in fact, star constellations.

These constellations

were placed in a unique order...

...forming a map

or an address of sorts.

Seven points to outline

a course to a position.

And, uh... find the destination within

any three-dimensional space...

...we need six points... determine an exact location.

You said you needed seven points.

Well, no. Six for the destination.

But to chart a course you need...

...a point of origin.

Except there's only six symbols

in the cartouche.

The seventh actually

isn't inside the cartouche.

It's below it here...


by a little pyramid with...



...neat little guys...

...and a funny little line

coming out of the top.

Anyway, uh...

He did it.

No! That symbol

isn't anywhere on the device.

What device?

Show him.

What is that?

It's your "Stargate".

Come, Jackson.

"Technical personnel

report to command centre."

Monitors up!

Monitors are up.

Mitch, bring up the details

on the centre monitor, please.

I've got details... on.

Hold it!


Do you have a?

Oh, here. Sorry.

Hey, hey, hey, don't!

Two figures...

...on either side...

...praying beside a pyramid

with the sun directly above it.

He's right.

It was in front of us

the whole time.

General West...

...Jackson has identified

the seventh symbol.

Go ahead.

Programming seventh symbol

into computer.

Chevron one is holding.

Chevron one is locked in place.

Power output at 23 per cent.

Chevron two is holding.


Chevron two is locked in place.

We're at 35 per cent.

We got a condition red in the gate.

Evacuate all personnel.

Area secure. Heading back.

Seal off the door.

It was under the cover stones?

Yes. My father found it in 1928.

Made out of a mineral

unlike any found on Earth.

Chevron five locked in place.

Chevron six is holding.

Chevron six is locked in place.

This is as far as we have

ever been able to get.

Chevron seven...


Chevron seven is locked in place.

Send in the probe.

Let's go! Let's go!

Yes, sir.

Record all information

from the Stargate.

Clear inner silo for approach.

"Clear inner silo."

Everybody outta here!

Let's go, let's go.

It's guiding itself.

Can you believe that?

The beam has locked itself

onto a point somewhere... the Kaliam galaxy.

It has mass. It could be a moon

or a large asteroid.

Where are we on that map?

The blue dot.

That's right, Jackson.

It's on the other side

of the known universe.

We're losing the signal.

This is the information

the probe sent back to us.

Freeze and enhance.

You can clearly see the gate

on the other side.

Both gates must have functioned

as a doorway between our worlds.

These readings tell us

it's an atmospheric match.

Barometric pressure, temperature...

...and, most importantly, oxygen.

These markings are different.

They don't match the symbols

on our gate.

That's why we may have to abort.

This project is for naught

without a reconnaissance mission.

Once on the other side...

...we'd have to decipher

the markings on their gate...

...and, in essence, dial home... order to bring the team back.

Based on this new information,

I don't see how we can do that.

Well, I could do that.

Are you sure?


Your call.

You're on the team.

You're understand, this complicated thinks.

That's why I want you, Jack.

We've open the doorway to world, we've know nothing about.


Hello. Hi.

I have something for you.

No, I...


I found it with Stargate

when I was a child.

It has brought me luck.

You can bring it back to me.

Back-up storage.

Reserve power on.

All right, we're secure.

Let's clear this area.

Surveillance and monitoring

equipment, reserve power...

...and on.

If anybody has anything to say,

now's the time to say it.

"Vector tracking set."

Molecular deconstruction

in progress.

Jackson, it's all right.

It's over. Stay with him.

Jackson, listen to me. Keep moving.

It wears off in a minute.

What a rush!

Prepare to move out.

Three teams. Let's go.

"White team, go."

Brown, Freeman, bring up the rear!

"Team two, move up."

Clear. No contact.

Freeze. Hold for sounds.

"One-two ratio stable."

Conditions are similar to inside.

I wanna take a look around.

Kawalsky. Feretti.

"Move up there."

I knew it.

"Point three, three, two."


Our quarter-mile perimeter survey

is just about complete, sir.

Wrap this up and

get everybody back inside.

I want you all back through

the Stargate within the hour.

You're coming with us,

aren't you, Colonel?

- Sir?

- Jackson!

Start working on the Stargate.

- What's that all about?

- I don't know, Feretti.

I'm gonna need more time.

There's bound to be

more structures here.

Or some other traces

of civilisation.

Not this trip. Just get back

in there and re-establish contact.

It's not so easy. This is a replica

of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

We won't find any hieroglyphic

inscriptions or carved relief.

I mean,

we really need to look around more.

Your job is to realign the Stargate.

Can you do that or not?

I can't.

You can't or you won't?

I can decipher the symbols

on the Stargate...

...but I need an order of alignment.

Those co-ordinates were

on tablets back on Earth.

There must be something

like that here and I just...

I just need to find it.

Find it?

What do you mean, find it?

You didn't say anything

about finding anything.

Well, I assumed the tablets

would be here.

You assumed?

You're a lyin' son of a bitch!

You didn't say a word

about finding anything!


Set up a camp down here.

Organise our supplies.


You've got your orders.

This is hot.

You know, I can't believe

we're stuck here.

Don't be such a doomsayer, Feretti.

- Yeah, give it a rest.

- Yes, please.

If we're not back soon...

...they'll turn on the gate

from the other side.

Oh, no. It doesn't work that way.

If you don't turn it on from here,

we're screwed. Okay?

So I'm tellin' you guys,

we're not goin' anywhere.

Shut up.

This is a nice tent.

Oh, we each get a tent.

That's nice.

What the hell is that?

I got everything here but sun block.


- Hi.

- Hey.

Isn't there something

you should be doing?

Like gettin' us outta here?!

Foot powder. Great (!)

Base camp is up, sir.

Where's Jackson?

It's okay. It's okay.

Shh, shh, shh...

That's a good boy.

Good boy.

It's okay.

Good boy.


What do you want?

You want some of this?

Here you go. You like that?

I wouldn't feed that thing!

It's got a harness!

It's domesticated!

- Damn it!

- Let go of it!

Do something!

Help me!

You okay, Jackson?


You dropped these.


Get away from me.


All right, Jackson.

You're on.


You're the linguist.

Try to talk to 'em.


What the hell did you say to him?




It's okay.

It's okay. See?

"Quartz primary element."

I can't make it out. It sounds

familiar. A bit like Berber.

Or maybe it's Chadic or Omotic.

Thank you.






Bonniwae. Bonniwae.

What's that mean?

I have no idea.

He's inviting us to go with him.

How can you be so sure?

Because he's inviting us

to go with him.

We were looking

for signs of civilisation.

Obviously, we've found it.

You want me to get us back home,

this is our best shot.

Colonel, he's right.

I took some readings

on what they're mining.

This is the same material

as the Stargate.

Radio base camp.

Tell them to keep that area secured

until we get back.

Yes, sir.

The eye of Ra.

It's the Egyptian sun god.

They think he sent us here.

Yeah. Wonder what could've

given 'em that idea.



Where are they all going?

Come in. Come in.

Feretti, I can't hear you.

Sir, I can't make this out.

Feretti, say again.

We have to abandon base camp!


we have to abandon base camp!

It's useless!

It won't work in this!

Freeman, let's go! Let's go!

Everybody back inside!

Come on!

Take batteries!

We're gonna back, right now.


Stay here!

What is it colonel?

Sand storm, coming this way!

And what about,

excellent reason to sh**t everyone.

We'll stay it's over.


The pyramid! Back to the pyramid!

Where the hell did that come from?

Kawalsky, Brown, do you read?

Hey, Jackson. I don't think

we should eat any food here.

I don't know.

They might consider that an insult.

Well, we don't want to offend them

now, do we, Daniel?

Tastes like chicken.

Tastes like chicken.

It's good.

It tastes...

Tastes like chicken.

Tastes like chicken. Good!


You said

that was an Egyptian symbol.

Yeah. The eye of Ra.

Would you say, then, that if they

know one Egyptian symbol?



No, no.

What's going on?

It seems like writing

is forbidden to them.

What? What?

They want me to go with them!

Should I stay?

I'll go with them.

I'll go. I'll be fine.

Okay, that's good. All right.

What is that smell?

Oh, it's...

Okay, that's good.

That's good.

My hands are pretty clean.

Thank you very, very much.

Thank you very...

Thank you. That was great.

I smell much better now...


Oh, Christ.

I smell like a yak.

No, no, please. No more.


Please, no more.

I'm fine. I'm clean, I'm...


I thought... you were

one of the other... cleaning...

No. No, no, no, no. You don't...

You don't have to do that. Please.

Maybe you should go.

Okay? It's okay.

Maybe you should go.

No, it's okay. It's all right.

Here, let me take care of it.

No, no, no.

It's me.

I wanted to thank you. I wanted...

I'm very... I'm very happy.

Thank you.




No. Uh... I'm, uh...


I'm Daniel.



Uh... you, uh...

We came...



See, we...

...we came from the pyramid.

It's... it's okay.

Never mind.

It's okay.


You... you know the symbol?

You know the symbol?

You've seen... the symbol?

Show me.

You show me.

Kawalsky, this is base.

Do you copy?

You're wasting the battery.

You won't get anything in this

storm. Wait till it passes.

Yeah, right.

If it passes.

What the hell is goin' on?

All right, spread out.

Behind the columns - move!

It's okay. It's just a lighter.



Yeah, it's pretty fabulous.

Yeah, you're right.

It's pretty stupid.

No, you... keep it.

It's yours.


It's dangerous!

What is this place?



Bah-ka-naf Sema.


I'll be damned!











Neh-dah. Neh-dah.


Tiu. Tiu.




Bah? Netjer-u?



Natay. Naturu.


No signal at all?


More interference?


They're simply not there.

I haven't been able

to locate Jackson, sir.

I'm looking for Jackson.


The guy who wears this jacket.

He's, uh, he's got, like,

long hair that comes down...


No, no, no. It...

He wears glasses... he can see.

I guess the word "dweeb"

doesn't mean anything to you guys.

I'm on planet X looking for a dweeb

who wears green fatigues.

He wears this jacket.

He's got long hair.

It comes over his eyes,

he wears glasses, and...




Chicken. Chicken man. You got it.

You want this?

I thought

you couldn't speak their language.

Hi... Scared me.

It's an ancient Egyptian dialect.

Unlike the rest of their culture,

it's evolved independently.

But once you know the vowels...

Just answer the question.

Well, I mean, I just

had to learn how to pronounce it.

It hasn't been a living,

spoken language... more than 1,000 years.

Look at this. It says

a traveller from distant stars...

...escaped from a dying world...

...looking for a way

to extend his own life.

His body decaying and weak,

he couldn't prevent his own demise.

Apparently, his whole species

was becoming extinct.

So he travelled...

...or searched the galaxies...

...looking for a way to cheat death.

And, uh...

...look here.

He came to a world rich with life...

...where he encountered

a primitive race.


A species which, with all

his powers and knowledge...

...he could maintain indefinitely.

He realised within a human body

he had a chance for a new life.

Now, he apparently found

a young boy.

It says as the frightened villagers

ran, night became day.

Curious and without fear,

he walked towards the light.

Ra took him

and possessed his body... some kind of a parasite

looking for a host.

And, inhabiting this human form,

he appointed himself ruler.

He used the Stargate to bring

people to this planet... workers for the mines.

Just like the one we saw.

This mineral is the building

block of all his technology.

With this

he can sustain eternal life.


...something happened on Earth.

A rebellion or uprising,

and the Stargate was buried there.

Fearful of a rebellion here,

Ra outlawed reading and writing.

He didn't want people

to remember the truth.

Jackson, I think

you'd better look at this.

That's it.

That's what we're looking for.

They must've hidden it here... hopes that one day

the gate on Earth could be reopened.

I knew they'd have it

written down someplace.

Wait a minute.

Where's the seventh symbol?

It must have broken.

It's got to be here somewhere.

I got it here.

It's worn off.

I can't make it work

without the seventh symbol.

All right, that's it.

Kawalsky. Brown.

Come on, Jackson!

What the hell is that?


You might need this.

Look out!

Where are we going?

Why are we going to the Stargate?

I can't make it work.

Stay here and sh**t anything

that comes down that ramp.

What are you doing?

Just cover me.

What is that?

- What are you looking for?

- It's gone.

Put it down, Jackson.

You have come here to destroy me.

What is that?

It's a b*mb, isn't it?

That's what you were looking for.

What the hell were you thinking?

What did you come here for?

Wait! Don't!


No! No!

Colonel! It's me!

You all right?

Where's Jackson?

Sha'uri, what happened here?

Ra punished us.


What happened to Daniel?

What happened to Daniel?

Son, we should not have helped

the strangers.

I was dead?

Your bodies, so easy to repair.

You have advanced much...

...harnessed the power of the atom.

What are you going to do?

You should not

have reopened the gate.

Soon, I will send your w*apon

back to your world...

...with a shipment of our mineral...

...which will increase

your w*apon's destructive power...

...a hundredfold!

Why would you do that?

I created your civilisation.

Now I will destroy it!

But before my workers

question my authority... will prove

that I am their one god... k*lling your companions.

If I refuse?

Then I will destroy you...

...and all who have seen you.

There can only be one Ra!


...Ra has called an assembly... execution.

Skaara, Nabeh,

I want you all to listen.

We can't let this happen.

I want you to know

what Daniel told me...

...about where our people

came from...

...and why we can no longer

live as slaves.

Come on!



Over there! Come on!



To our victory!

We recovered your weapons.

Here, Colonel.

So what do you think?

They're not exactly

Special Forces...

...but they sure were

eager to join up!

Take these g*ns away

before they hurt themselves.


You heard me. Send 'em all home.

There's no place

for these kids to go.

Anyway, we could sure

use their help.

For what?!


To do what?!

Why don't you

just tell 'em everything?

Why don't you tell 'em

about the b*mb?

What's he talkin' about?

My orders were simple.

Track down signs

of any possible danger.

If I found any,

blow up the Stargate.

Well, I found some.

Well, your b*mb is his now.

And tomorrow

he's gonna send it back to Earth.

With a shipment of that mineral

they mine here.

And when it goes off...'ll be 100 times

more destructive...

...than that b*mb alone

is capable of.

I'll intercept that b*mb

before he can send it through.

Why wasn't I told of this?

There was no reason to tell you.

You weren't supposed to be here.

You were all gonna

go back with Daniel.

I was gonna stay behind

and blow up the Stargate...

...and that's what I'm gonna do.

It's the gate on Earth

that poses the threat.

That's the one

we have to shut down.

You're absolutely right.

But since you don't know

how to get us back...

...we don't have that option, do we?

Where are they?


We looked everywhere.

Some kids are helping them.

You would have accepted that

no matter what happened... would not be going home?

Don't you have people

who care about you?

Do you have a family?

I had a family.

No-one should have to outlive

their own child.

I don't wanna die.

Your men don't wanna die.

And these people here

don't wanna die.

It's a shame

you're in such a hurry to.

How could you let them escape?

I will not accept failure!

Why are you laughing?

Husbands don't do this work.



Don't be angry.

I didn't tell them.

Tell them what?

That you did not want me.

What are you drawing?

The day of our victory.

Connect the moons.

That's it.

The point of origin.

What're you doing?

I've found it!

What're you talkin' about?

The seventh symbol.

We're goin' home.

Let's go.

You'll bring disaster

on all of us, son.

Father, we will not live as slaves.


Take a look at your gods.

Take a good look.

The caravan is approaching.

Send the b*mb down to the Stargate.

What's happening up there?

How you doin'?


Come on, Feretti!

Come on!

Get that door!

Hey, you okay? You all right?

Spread out!

Let's go!

We're dead!

- Quit talkin' like that!

- Well, what are we gonna do!

Cover me.

Cover you?!



help me push this thing over!

Send the b*mb to Earth now!

I will send it myself!

- What are you doing?

- Completing this mission.

We agreed to dismantle

the gate on the other side.

And you will.

That's your job now.

I'm gonna stay here,

make sure this goes off.

You've got seven minutes.

What are you doing?


Wait for me.

- You got any rounds, Feretti?

- We're all out of a*mo!


Kawalsky, we gotta do something.





I am no longer amused.

You will die together.

Give my regards to King Tut,


- How much time do we have left?

- 45 seconds.

He's leaving. Turn it off.

I'm trying to. I can't disarm it.


I can't stop it.

They've got it rigged.

I've got an idea.

- I always knew you'd get us back.

- Yeah, right.


Thanks, Daniel.

You sure you wanna do this?

Yes. I'm sure.

You gonna be all right?

I'm gonna be all right.

How about you?


Yeah, I think so.

Tell Catherine this brought me luck.

I will.

I'll be seein' you around.

Doctor Jackson.
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