01x15 - Courting Alexis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x15 - Courting Alexis

Post by bunniefuu »

Fontaine: all right, class, get your game on--

Tennis game, that is!

Come on, would someone tell me

What in the world tennis has to do with dueling?


Taking turns, thinking on your feet,

And the harder you play,

The better you do.

Well, in that case.

Alexis, head's up!

That's dr. Crowler--

Thank you.

Alexis, that ball almost creamed you.

Are you ok?

Yeah, would you like me to carry you to the nurse?

That's ok, thanks.

Boy, voice-over: that's alexis rhodes.

Do you need me to carry you to the nurse?

No, I'm good, it's just I know you from obelisk blue.

I've seen you around--

Not that I've ever had the pleasure of talking to you.


Let alone touch you.

Anyway, back to my match.

What was the score?

Second boy: love something, I think.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never lookin' too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Somethings you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx!

♪ Generation next!

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow ♪

♪ Yeah!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx!

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪

I'm really, really, really, really, really, sorry.

How was that?


That's still not a good enough an apology.

A little harder next time.

Some of my vertebrae are still intact.

Ya know, dr. Crowler,

I saw the incident and technically jaden wasn't even the one

That hit you with that ball,

If ya don't mind me saying.

Well, I do mind, because jaden was the one that started it.

I saw the whole thing with my own two eyes.

Well, one eye.


Care repeating that, you slifer sludge?

Look, if you're gonna punish me,

How 'bout I just promise to quit tennis?

I don't even like it.

Don't like tennis, eh?

Well, then I can think of no better punishment for your crime, then.

I'll make you play under the strict tutelage of our captain.

He'll whip you into shape in no time.

Come on, I said sorry.

Oh, yes, and you will be.

Jasmine: alexis.

We found out who that hot tennis guy is for you.

What are you talking about, mindy?

I didn't ask you to find out who he was.

Yeah, yeah.

Anyway, he's a total catch.

Now try to stay calm.

His name is harrington rosewood,

As in rosewood sporting goods,

And they've got stores everywhere

And he's the heir.

Plus he's a third year obelisk blue.

That's great.


An older guy who's rich and a hottie?

That's not great, alexis,

That's boyfriend material,

So go on and get him.

Girls, I'm just not looking for a boyfriend right now.

Aw, man. Aw, man.

Aw, man. Aw, man.

Where's the lousy tennis team?

What's with super spazz over there?

Don't know, don't care.

Alexis, do you know where the tennis team meets?

Out on the courts, syrus.

What on earth is wrong?

What's wrong?

Everything's wrong.

Care to be more specific, sy?

No questions.

He'll only come back.

It's the most unfair thing ever.

Dr. Crowler's letting the tennis captain

Boss jaden around as punishment

For hitting him with that ball.

How's that the most unfair thing ever?

'Cuz the captain's the guy who really hit crowler.

Who's the captain?


I thought that we were gonna be playing tennis,

Not runnin' speed drills.

Man, this guy doesn't let up.

Come on, jaden, no pain no gain.

You've gotta hustle to build that muscle.

You need to sweat to become a threat.

If you don't pick up the pace,

You won't win the race.

Ok, harrington.

You can lay off with the sports cliches.

I get it, I get it.

Hey, there's no letter "i" in the word "team," jaden.

Why, that's the very first rule in tennis.


Even when you're playin' singles?

Moving on,

It's time we got to work on your forehand and backhand.

I think a thousand strokes

Will help you make tennis more your racket.

Get it? Get it?

I get it.

This guy's a nut.

These cliches, this crazy practicing--

Ya know, he is a bit obsessive.

Let him obsess-- over me!

Harrington: and done...

With the first .

Hi, alexis.


Hey, there.

Sorry I'm sweating so much.

I've just been kicking this guy's--

Jaden, you won't believe what I just heard.

I was on my way here and I ran into professor banner.

He told me someone's spotted chazz.

No kiddin'?

Well, where is he?

A bench-warming loafer like jaden

Talking to girl like alexis?

No way!

Time to run some interference.

Hey, time out!


You can't talk to a first round pick like alexis.

I mean, you can't even return a buggywhip

With some top spin,

So stay away from my little obelisk pixie.

Obelisk pixie?

Wonder what that would look like.

On second thought, no I don't.

Listen, jaden, I'm warning you,

Just step away from the beautiful girl.

You're way out of your league.

Do not make me go athletic on you.

Whoa, bro, cool off.

Alexis and I are just talking here.

Now, you were sayin', lex?


What is that, some kind of pet name?

Where'd it come from? What's it mean?

What's it short for?


Sure, you'd like me to believe that, wouldn't you?

Well, I don't.

I don't believe anything you say.

Which is why this little huddle is over.

Great, so then beat it.

No way, bro.

Know your sports.

When a huddle is over, you make your play.

You don't run away.

I get it, you wanna tennis match, right?

No way.

I want a duel--

Winner becomes alexis' fiance.

Whoa! Fiance?

Slow down.

Oh, I just love weddings.

Yeah, but I'm not so sure about arranged ones.

Well, I don't know about the stakes,

But I never back down from a challenge.

You got it.

Harrington, let's throw down.

Here we go.

Yeah, and if this guy duels like he plays tennis,

It'll be rough going for jaden.

All right, you ready?

Yep, and willing.

Both: let's do this!

Get your game on.

Two cutie pie boys dueling it out for your hand in marriage?

How do you feel?

Please, mindy, I'm not getting married.

Oh, fine, "engaged."

What, are we going to split hairs here?

I'm not getting engaged either, jazz.

The only reason I haven't walked out of here yet

Is to see if the rumors are true--

To see if harrington's really as good as zane.

Sy, voice-over: those are the rumors?

Aw, man, if harrington's as good as my big brother,

Then he must not duel like he's plays tennis.

He must duel even better.


First, I'm gonna volley a spell card at you--

Service ace.

A spell card already?

You got that right,

And just like a power serve, it's gonna make you sweat.

Here's how it works.

I pick a card.

Then you have to choose if it's a spell, trap, or monster.

If you guess right, you're fine.

But if you guess wrong...

Well then you get served with a stinging points of damage.

So I just guess?

Jaden, voice-over: easy.

Wow, this really is making jaden sweat.

Yeah, and hum, too.

Jaden, voice-over: hmm.

Look at you.

I bet this is probably the best workout you've had all week long.

All right, I'll guess.

It's a spell card!

You sure?

You can still change your mind, ya know.

Then wait.

I'll switch my guess and say it's a trap.


Looks like we've found another thing you're bad at, huh?

Anyway, now we'll put this card away

And let loose the big stroke.

Service ace!

Good luck returning this shot, pal!

-Love, and I'll place this card facedown to finish the set.

Your serve.

Yeah, and I'd better make it count.

Here goes!

Jaden, voice-over: decisions, decisions.

Well, since he doesn't have any monsters out,

I should prolly just go for the direct attack

With my old friend elemental hero avian.

Now, avian, show harrington why you're the real king court.

Quill cascade!

Don't think so, birdbrain.

I activate receive ace.

This trap card negates your attack

Then deals damage points directly to you.

Good luck feathering this storm.

That's -love,

Though I do have to pay cards because of the trap I played.

Well, I'm just gonna throw down a facedown,

And that's it for me.

Boy, you are lazy, aren't you?

Hey, bro, that's fine!

Makes it that much easier for me.

I play smash ace.

It let's me flip the top card on my deck,

And if it's a monster--

Lemme guess-- I get nailed, right?

Hey, you're starting to get the swing of this, huh?

And you will be getting swung at.

Oh, yeah! A monster.

Lady luck-- she hates me.

Well, she loves me.

Of course, most girls do.

And now get ready for smash ace!

Sorry, but I'm activatin' my facedown card.

It's a trap--

Feather wind.

Ever hear of it?

Or maybe I should say,

Have ya ever caught wind of it?

What the--

No way!

Sorry, pal,

But your ace just got blown right out of bounds.

Well, you know what they say--

You win some, you lose some.

Sometimes you've gotta take hits to give 'em.

Great, he's back on his cliche kick.

Well, here's mine--

He who laughs last, laughs loudest.

This is pathetic.

Now they're seeing who can laugh the longest?

Come on, harrington!

Just imagine me tickling you

I'm still laughing, jaden.

Just 'cuz I'm talking, it doesn't mean I'm not.

You hear me?

Hey, I'm still laughing!

I'm still laughing!

You're gonna lose this contest just like you're losing this duel.

You know what, harrington?

You can win this lousy laugh fest,

But this duel's a different story.

Sure, you may have home court advantage,

But it doesn't matter,

And do you wanna know why?

'Cuz in a duel I'm always at home.


I'm playin' this.

Oh, yeah!


Fuse clayman and burstinatrix

Into the elemental hero rampart blaster!

All right!

That's how you duel, jaden.

Nice work.

Like that?

Then you're gonna love this.

Elemental hero avian, attack!

Electric orb!

And I'll follow it up with rampart blaster.

Rampart barrage!

All tied up.

Way to go, jaden!

Well, at least they stopped laughing.

So, got any cliches to say now?

I suppose,

But in this case I'll let my card do my talking for me.

See, this one says it all.


Another spell card?

That's right,

But I guarantee you've never seen one like this before.

I can only activate it when we both have , life points.

And here's how it works.

From now on, each of us can only attack with one monster

During our battle phase,

And life points don't matter.

You win by being first to damage the other twice in a row.

Wait, so it's just a straight up head to head match now?


I told you that card would say it all.

I summon the big server!

The reason his serve is so big

Is because it strikes directly at your life points.

Now, big server, attack with spiked serve.

Advantage, harrington.

That was easy.

Now just one more strike and you're finished.

The duel will be over, and alexis will be mine.

Oh, and by the way,

The big server has a special ability

That lets me take service ace from my deck

And place it in my hand.

You get a new card, too, but it won't matter.

I mean, let's be real here.

There's no way it'll be as good as this one.

How could it be?

Now draw your card.

All right, and now I'm serving up the spell card service ace.

You remember how it works, right?

You choose the card's type.

If you're right, you're good.

Yeah, and if I'm wrong, I'm a goner.

Jaden, voice-over: 'specially since that'll be two hits in a row.

Sy, voice-over: he only has a -in- chance.

Alexis, voice-over: it all comes down to this--

The game, the set, the match.

Jaden, voice-over: hope I guess right.

All right, I guess you drew a monster card.

You got it.


Yeah, we're still in it.

Oh, yeah?

Tell me if you still think you're in it after this.

I play giant racket and equip it to big server.

So, ya still in it?

To win it.

I can take that server guy down.

Maybe, but you won't be able to do it on your first try.

See, when a monster is equipped with giant racket,

It has a one time power that allows it to turn any battle damage to zero.

Wait, and since your deuce only allows me

To attack with one monster per turn,

I won't be able to destroy him.

Big server can't be beat by one attack.

Exactly right.

So, as you can see, you're not in it,

You're not all over it,

You're just about to lose it.

Jaden, voice-over: not as long as there are still cards in my deck.

Here we go!



The ball's in my court now.

First, I activate the spell card defusion.

With it, I'll defuse rampart blaster.

Now I have monsters on the field,

Which means even if you block my first attack,

I can still hit you with two more.

Then you'll lose the duel.

I'm starting to see why you're ranked as a slifer,

Because you don't listen.

As long as my spell card's out,

You can only attack with one monster per turn.

It doesn't matter if you have .

I'm starting to see why you're a snobby obelisk.


'Cuz you really underestimate your opponents.

I play the spell card feather shot.

It lets avian attack once for every monster I have on the field.

I drew this card when you activated

The big server's special effect.

Remember what you said?

You get a new card, too, but it won't matter.

Yeah, well, guess what?

It mattered!

Go, avian!

Attack with quill cascade times !

That's one.

That's two.

And this third time will be the charm.

Well, that settles that.

All right!

He's getting married!

I mean, someday he will, maybe.


This can't be.

Yeah! That's game!

But she was my soul mate!

My first draft pick!

My marquee girlfriend!

Wow, you had to work for that one, jaden.

Hey, no pain, no gain.

Speaking of gain, has jaden gained a wife?

So romantic.

Well, alexis, guess I'm your fiance.

He's going through with it?

Oh, my.

So what's "fiance" mean, anyhow?

It means "friend"--

At least, for now, big guy.

Alexis, I'll win your heart yet!

Although mindy did slip me her number.

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never lookin' too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Somethings you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx!

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪
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