01x24 - The New Chazz

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x24 - The New Chazz

Post by bunniefuu »

Lousy scrubs.

It's all their fault.

Dr. Crowler, bastion, jaden.

Hey, chazz!

Come on, let's go get your game on!


I'm gonna wipe that ugly grin right off your face!

Hey, take your best shot!

If only I could.

Just one more duel. That's all I want!

Really?! That's all you want?

I'd want not to be stranded!


Stranded? I'm not stranded!

I'm perfectly fine!

A little thirsty maybe.

Ya know what I'm thirsty for?

Another duel where I beat you!

I'm downright parched for it!

Duel this!

Oh, no!


I'll get you for this, slacker!

I'll get you!

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Hey! Hey, boss!

Rise and shine!

Up and at 'em!



Come on! Wake up!

All right, guess I'll have to do my wake up dance!

Oh, no!

Good morning, young duelist.

What's goin' on?

Or better yet what are you?


I'm the person that saved your life.

And for now, that's all you need to know.

Hey, wait a second!

Those are my cards!

Hand 'em over!

Oh, certainly, how very rude of me.

Here you are. Whoopsie.

You jerk!

Relax. That card more than makes up for it.

Yeah, well it better!

What, some no-name?

This stinks!

Stop! That is the card that will change your life.

Aw, give me a break!

I'll give you something far better,

Another chance to beat jaden.

How do you know about him? Tell me!

You talk in your sleep.

And from what you said,

It sounds like this jaden beat you badly in a duel.

He was just lucky, that's all.

Lucky? Do you often run away from just luck?

He's got ya there, chazz!

You may be wearin' blue, but ya turned yellow fast!

That's it! No one calls chazz princeton a coward!

Talk is cheap, young duelist.

That may be, but I'm rich!

And I'll spend whatever it takes to be the best out there!


That's just your problem.

No amount of money can buy you that.

You must earn it if you can.

And that is precisely what we're going to find out.

Good luck, young duelist!

Remember to hold your nose!



Crazy kook.

My attorney will be in touch with you.

Oh, well, at least I'm back in civilization.

Well, kind of. This place is low-rent.

No problem, one call, and I'm out of here.

The only question is,

Should I have them send the plane or the chopper?

Not a bad spread. Of course, my pad is bigger.

Open up! Let's go!

Is there anybody home? Hello?!

Oh, they're home,

But you'll need forty cards for them to let you in.

I'm afraid that's just the way it works here at north academy.

North academy.

So, this is the school

That's duel academy's archrival, then.

That's right. Here. Take a seat with me, friend.

I could use some company.

After all,

I've been here for a long while.

How it works is there's cards hidden all around--

In glacial crevasses, on ice cliffs.

It's kind of a test. Find forty

And they'll let you in!

So how many do you have?

Well, I've actually managed to find cards,

But it took every last bit of energy I had to do so.

I'm too worn out to look for the th.

Great. Then you don't need the other .

Here. I'll buy them off you.

Go on. Take it.


Besides this fire and tattered coat, these are all I have!

They're priceless!

Fine. I'll find my own!

Good luck, then, young duelist!

In this barren wasteland, you'll need it.

I can't believe I have to fetch cards

Just to get north academy to open

Their stinking doors for me.

Talk about a school that's hard to get into.

I see you've been busy doing nothing.

You're back!

Did you find them?! Did you find cards?!

Of course!

Well, congrats, then.

I guess you'll be moving on to better things.

But don't worry about me. I'll be quite all right,

Well, until the winter gets here anyway.

The winter?

Oh yes, these are summer months right now.

Quite pleasant, actually.

And the fall's nice, too, only about below.

After that, it tends to get a little bit nippy.


But listen to me!

I'm sure you want to get on your way.

Oh, quit your whining already, would you, baldy?

I lied to you. I didn't find just cards.

I found , an extra one so you could come in, too.

You mean I get to enter? Really?

Yeah, yeah, get over it. Now take your stinking card.

Don't make a big deal about it, ok?

You gonna give it to me or not?

My hand. I can't let go.

You can't give me away!

We're pals, chums, best friends forever.

Ya know, b.f.f.!

Huh? We are not!

What's going on?

Don't you see it?

See what?

Aw, boss, you're the only one that can see me.

Go away!

Look, if we're gonna be partners,

You need to stop being so uptight!

You're not real! Get lost!

Get lost? Funny you should say that.

You know, I have two brothers who are lost!

We really ought to find them for our deck!


You know, never mind. That was the wrong card.

Take this.

Sure. Whatever you say! I really appreciate this, mister.

The name's chazz princeton.

And don't you forget it.

Actually, on second thought, do forget it.

I'd rather not have people associate me with you.

Now go ahead and get inside.

The chazz likes to make his own entrance.

Oh, yes, certainly! Well, thanks again!

Thanks for nothing.

I really only found cards. Now I'm one short.

Ha ha!

I always knew you were a nice guy.

Shut it!

And when you do something nice, nice things happen!

All right, open the door!

I got your cards right here!

This is it? North academy?

What a dump.

Hey, baldy, you ok?

What happened?

[Man chuckles]

You got the north academy welcome is what happened.

And now it's your turn.

Think that you're up to the challenge, new guy?

Do ya?

Who are you?

I'm the guy who runs things around here.

They call me the czar.

Your friend just went through our little hazing ritual:

The -man duel gauntlet.

Fifty man what's-it?

Duel gauntlet.

It's how we rank students around here.

Why don't you go ahead and tell him how it works, kyle?

See, you gotta duel students.

Yeah, you start with the lowest-ranked,

And you work your way up.

When you lose, that's your rank.

Unless you don't lose.

Then you duel me-- number !

But everybody loses, like your friend here!

He lost the very first match he had.

Guess who's on latrine duty now?

So I have to win times and that's it?

Easier said than done, rookie!

The name is chazz, chazz princeton.

And soon, your czar will fall!

And then the princeton will rise!

Go limiter removal!

Now, des scissors,

Attack with toxic haze!


You go bye-bye.

All right, my turn now!




Aah! Aah!

So what?

Beating those amateurs doesn't prove a thing.

You still have to get through the four of us.

Only then can you duel the czar.

Duel each one of you?

That'll take too long.

How about I take you all on at once!

All: you're on!


My turn!

Come on out, marauding captain!

And I'm not done yet!

When this monster card is summoned to the field,

I'm allowed to summon another warrior-type monster!

And I'll play

Another marauding captain!


And so will i!

Me, too!

Same with me!

[Boy cheers]

Oh, and in case you've forgotten, rookie,

When there are two or more captains on the field,

You can't attack any of them!

Nah, he didn't forget that,

Because he probably never

Even knew it in the first place!

Ha! Good point!

And now, he'll suffer for it!

Please. The only way you scrubs could make me suffer

Is to keep blabbing like you are.

My turn!

I'll play two face-downs and one giant rat in defense mode.

All you're throwing is an overgrown rodent?!

What a joke!

Perhaps, after all, he is a weaker card.

One that the old chazz

Would never have had in his deck.

But I learned something since I arrived here.

I learned that life deals you all kinds of cards.

And sometimes, you have to make the best

Out of what you got.

Ah, that's so nice of you, boss.

You're talking about me, huh?

Actually, I wasn't.

You're still just as annoying and revolting and non-existent as ever!

Got it?

You're a disgusting, little yellow gremlin!

And I don't like you, so quit bugging me!

Disgusting maybe, but little and yellow?

Get your eyes checked.

Now back to the duel. I play the allied forces!

It allows all warrior-type monsters

To gain attack points

For each warrior-type monster out on the field,

Which means marauding captain

Now has , attack points.

Now go!

Smash that rat!

He's defenseless! Charge in, men!

Sorry, but I play my rat's ability!

It lets me summon an earth-attribute monster

With , or fewer attack points!

So come on out, gyaku-gire panda!


Look at the big teddy bear. How cuddly!

You may not think so after this!

I play panda's ability.

For every monster on your field,

He gains attack points!

Not so cuddly now, is he?

And next I'm going to activate a trap-- ring of destruction.

This trap destroys one monster,

And then all players take damage equal

To that monster's attack points!

But why?

We'll all just end up with zero life points?

I won't, because I have ring of defense!

This spell card protects me from all damage!

You go bye-bye.

All right, granny, out of the rocker!

You're up!

Yeah, and you're going down,

Because now it's the czar

Against the princeton

And there ain't no way I'm gonna get shoved off my throne

By you! Get ready for a battle royal!

Together: duel!

Me first.

And I'm going to activate two copies of fiend's sanctuary.

Now I get two metal fiend tokens.

But, like you, they won't be staying long.

I sacrifice them and summon zoa!

Next, I'll place two facedowns

And end my turn.

Ha! Already my side of the field's stacked!

See how it's different with the czar!

But it'll end the same! My turn!

Aw, you again?

Nice to see you, too!

Need me to fight a monster for ya? Let's do it!

Whoa. Never mind.

You know, I think I finally found a way to get rid of you.

I play ojama yellow!

No! Please! Anyone but me!

Then I'll toss two facedowns and end my turn.

Ha ha ha! Time out!

Some garbage has blown onto the field.

Oh, wait. I'm sorry. That's just your monster.

Oh, well, he's going to be trashed anyway.

I play the trap card metalmorph!

And I'll equip it to zoa!

And now I'm going to sacrifice zoa,

So I can summon something even better!

The ferocious metalzoa!


And next I'm going to activate another trap card--

Call of the haunted!

Now I can bring back one monster from my graveyard.

And I'll bring back regular zoa!


Boy, oh, boy.

Two monsters with , and , attack points?

What on earth are you gonna do, chazz?

Easy. I'm gonna win.

Ya know, talking to yourself is pretty crazy as it is,

But thinking you're going to win? Even crazier.

Know why?!

'Cause I just watched you duel times.

I know your deck!

And I know you don't have one monster as strong as these!

Thinking: maybe, but I know how to make

The best out of what I got.

All right, zoa, attack!

Glimmer strike!



And now that he's been taken care of,

Metalzoa's going to take care of you!

Hardened glimmer strike!

A prince's place is at the heel of the czar,

And that is just where I'm going to put you.

Yeah, don't bet on it.

See, I was waiting for you to attack me

So I could play inferno tempest!

With this card, when I take , or more points of damage,

All monsters in both our graveyards and decks

Are taken out of play.

Why would you do that? What are you planning?!

If you know my deck as well as you say you do,

Then I'm sure you know.

And you know that your reign as czar is coming to an end.

What are you talking about?

I have two monsters out!

You have none!

And now you don't even have any in your deck. You've lost!

My reign's not over. It's never been stronger!

You're about to lose!

Oh, am i? We'll see here!

All right. Now, czar, you, my friend,

Are about to get royally crowned

And not in a good way!

I play the spell chaos end!

Wh-what's going on?

Well, that's the magic of chaos end--

When or more cards are removed from the game,

Chaos end destroys every monsters on your field!

No way.

And now I'll play a trap that's a blast from the past--

Return from the different dimension.

By paying half my life points,

The monsters I removed from play

Are allowed to be brought back and summoned to the field--

Every last one of them!

Now, come on back, everyone!

Hey, thanks, boss!

I meant everyone, except you.


No, wait! Stop!

Stop? I don't think so.

Now, give the czar a king-sized clobbering!


You go bye-bye!


You've earned the right to be called the best.

It's you--the guy who rescued me!

But how'd you get in to the school?

Why, you let me in, of course.

Huh? Wait. Now you're the bald guy?

I'm this school's chancellor. The name's foster.

And the camp outside, that sub out at sea,

It was all just to get to you, young duelist.

To me? What for?

Because you have a gift, chazz.

And I sensed it as soon as you handled that ojama yellow card.

I hate that stinking card!

You might now, but you'll learn.

Hopefully in time for the school duel.

You see, chazz, you're now the best duelist

At north academy.

That means you will be our representative in the school duel.

So I'm going up against someone from duel academy?

That's right.

We had chosen czar at first,

But clearly he's not nearly as good as you are.

Besides, to tell you the truth, I never really like him.

Chazz: I don't blame you.

I mean, what kind of duelist sits in a rocking chair?

It doesn't matter. You're the top duelist now.

It's to you the school bows.

So who's the unlucky punk I'm dueling?

Who? The one I promised you.

The one called jaden yuki.

Jaden? You've got to be kidding.

No. This is your chance for revenge.

Revenge! Heh heh.

I can't wait!

I'm going to beat him so bad, he's never gonna want to duel again!


♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on
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