01x25 - The School Duel (Part 1 of 2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x25 - The School Duel (Part 1 of 2)

Post by bunniefuu »


Foster: students of north academy!

I present to you our school's new top duelist.

And I present to him...

North academy's top dueling cards.


With them, you...will triumph!

You... Will chazz it up!

Chazz it up! Chazz it up! Chazz it up! Chazz it up...

[Chanting continues]

Duel academy is toast!


Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never working too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx, generation x

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow, yeah! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪

Come on out, elemental hero avian!

And now...burstinatrix!

And while we're at it...clayman!

Sparkman, you guys come out, too!


I've got the sweetest monsters ever.

With you guys fightin' on my side,

We'll whup whoever north academy throws our way!

Syrus: heeey, jay! Huh?

There you are! What are you doing?!

Everyone's waiting for you!

For me? What for?

For the meet and greet!

North academy just showed!

Your opponent is here!

Then what are you waitin' around here for?!

Let's go!

Well, yeah, I mean, that's why--

Aw, wait up!


It's been far too long. How have you been?

I've been well...

Ever since I got over the defeat you handed us

In last year's school duel.

Oh, it was a close match.

Not really. Huh?

But this year, I have a feeling it will be.

Yes! I'm sure it will!

To a spirited duel between our two schools!

Yeah, yeah, spirited!

But enough with all the howyadoin's!

I wanna meet who I'm gonna be duelin'!

Yes, jaden... We were getting to that.

Great. Then I'll just wait right here 'til we get there.


So you're duel academy's phenom.


That's the coolest thing I've ever been called.

What's it mean?

It means be quiet.

So come on, come on!

When do I meet my opponent?

Chazz: right now, slacker.

Huh? Who just said that?!

It's me.

Whoa, hold on!

Am I seein' things, or is that chazz?!

You got that right.

Well, why are you here?

For the duel.

I think it's sold out.

I'm in it!

Like as a ref?

I'm dueling you!

You mean...it's you?

You're north academy's duel rep?!

Since when did you transfer?

Since I stopped getting the respect I deserved here.

That's right! That's right!

Yeah. Now it's payback.

You won't give him respect, so he'll take it.

He'll chazz you up!

Big time.



Aw, great... Now what?!

Hi, chazz!

What's going on, little brother?

Mind if we drop in?

Chazz: slade? Jagger?!

Why are you here?

Jagger: why else?

To celebrate your big dueling victory!

You are going to win, right, chazz?

That's it! Beautiful!

Just act natural!

Man: all right, a little more to the right.

Ok, we're all set here with camera two.

Uh, what's going on here?

What's going on?

I think ya mean when are you going on,

And the answer is primetime, baby!

This school duel's gonna be broadcast worldwide!

No way! Me on tv?!

My face beamed across the world?!

In full color? In full stereo?!

You set it up, didn't you?

This broadcast.

Well, of course we did.

We need the whole world

To see you're on your way

To becoming duel monster's best.

It's all part of the plan.

Yeah, yeah...


World domination is ours for the taking,

If we all do our part, chazz.

And we have.

Now it's your turn, bro--

To conquer the world of duel monsters.

To be the best.

And to not give up!

Did you really think you could get away from your duties,

Get away from us by dropping out of duel academy?!


Don't deny it!

You have always been the slacker of this family!

It doesn't matter. The point is, chazz,

You can still turn it around.

You can still show that we're supreme.

That's right,

And the dueling cards in this briefcase

Are going to help you do just that.

They're the most expensive out there,

So you have no excuse to lose.

Don't let us down, chazz.

Don't let the princeton name down.

It's all on you.

Now go...and win!

Man, if I'd known I was gonna be on tv,

I woulda combed my hair.

I might've even washed it.

I probably would've even showered!

Chazz: man up, chazz.


Man up!

Come on!

Show them that chazz princeton is no slacker--

That you're worthy of the princeton name.

That you...you can win!

And that you can keep winning!

Over and over... That you're the best!

You've got to do your part, chazz.

You've got to show them that you're supreme.

It's your duty! It's the plan!

Now go and win.

Go and win. Go and win!


That's it, everyone. Lots of energy.

Remember the whole world's watching this thing live!

Now let's cheer these duelists on!

Go! Chazz it up!

Chazz it up!

Same bet as usual... Right, sheppard?

You do remember.


After all, old friend,

It's what makes this all worthwhile!

Ha ha ha!


All right, jaden! Here we go!

The match against your dueling rival!

Your arch nemesis! How do you feel?!

I'm ok.


Don't you mean "sweet" or something?

No, I feel good. It's just that...

Well...i overheard chazz a bit earlier and...

It's just too bad one of us has to lose, ya know?

I'm startin' to kinda understand where he's comin' from,

And it's not exactly an easy place.


Sheppard: attention, students!

Welcome to the school duel!

And now...

Both: let this year's competition finally begin!

Dr. Crowler! Introduce the duelists!

Crowler: with pleasure, chancellor sheppard...

After all, these are two duelists that I know personally!

And personally, I just adore them!

Now first, from duel academy--


All right, keep it down, keep it down...


Jaden yucky!

What's that? Oh, yes. Yooki. Yooki.

Go, jay! You can do it!

And his opponent...

Chazz: get off the stage.


I'll introduce myself, you scrub.

I beg your pardon!

Scrubs don't have ph.d.'S in dueling!

Ah! Aah!

Although knot-tying might have been a better major.

Or rather un-tying.




Whoa, maybe you oughta go cordless next time.

Maybe you just ought to be quiet.

It's chazz princeton's turn now.

But then, I don't really need an introduction.

After all, everybody here knows who I am.

Or...do you?!

See, chazz princeton has changed!

Sure, I used to be a classmate of yours.

But when I left here, I left my old self, as well!

Now you're looking at the new and improved chazz!

The north academy chazz!

And I'm here to...

Chazz it up!

That's right! Say it again!

Chazz it up! Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Wow. It's almost like they really... Like chazz.

No mercy, chazz!

Got that right.


All right...go time.

Let's see what you got, jaden.

With pleasure!

No. The pleasure's going to be all mine,

Because you're going down!

Duel! Duel!

Chazz it up!

Take him down, chazz!

Ask and you shall receive!

For my first move,

I'm going to summon a monster with some bite!

Rise, masked dragon!



That'll do for now.

Jaden: not once ya see what I've got for ya!


Just what I wanted. I play...

Elemental hero burstinatrix

...in attack mode!

Actually, on second thought,

I should say slayer mode!

Cuz that's just what she's gonna do to that dragon!

Awesome! Jaden's just taken lead!

Nuh-uh. He's taken the bait.


I activate my masked dragon's special ability!

You see, when this card is sent to the graveyard due to a battle,

I can summon a dragon-type monster

With , or fewer attack points from my deck.

And I have just the one!

Go ahead and see for yourself!

Come out, armed dragon level !



Yeah, and 's the lowest.

If chazz plays this right, that dragon will get a lot bigger.


I just wonder where chazz ever got such a powerful card.

Why, isn't that one of your school's top cards?

Oh, foster, you didn't...

I did what I had to do.

I told you, sheppard. I want that prize,

And I am going to get it.

Oh, yeah?!

Well, not if I have anything

To say about it you won't, my old friend!

Let's go, jaden! Come on!

Jaden it up! Jaden it up!

Yeah, uh, sure.

Anyway, sweet card, chazz.

I can't wait to see what that armed dragon card can do!

Don't worry, you'll have a first-row seat!

'Til then! But now, I'm throwin' down

A facedown and endin' my turn!

Great! Now I can start ending you!



You see, jaden, during my standby phase,

Armed dragon's effect activates,

So by sending one card to the graveyard

And sacrificing his level form,

I can summon armed dragon level directly to the field!

Say what?!

This isn't good.

Now then...

Let's go ahead and get to it, shall we?

Armed dragon level , rise!



Be careful, jaden!

By leveling up, armed dragon's power

Has substantially increased,

And he was plenty powerful before!

Aw, man...


Wow, chazz, that thing's pretty sweet!

But then...so's my trap!

Hero ring!

And I'll equip it... To burstinatrix!

Now monsters with , or more attack points can't attack!

Them's the breaks!

Chazz: ha ha ha! Huh?

You want breaks?

I'll give you breaks, jaden,

Because even with that hero ring shield out,

My armed dragon level is going to crush your creature!


Armed dragon's special ability, that's how!

You see, by discarding a monster to the grave,

I can destroy a monster of yours whose attack points

Are equal or less than the one I tossed!

Wait, so...

So if flying kamakiri goes to the graveyard...

Then jaden's burstinatrix will be in big-time trouble!

She has less attack points!

I'm sorry, burst... My bad.

Go, armed dragon level !

Shrapnel blast!


And that was just his special ability! Aah!

Now time for his direct attack!


Inferno roar!


Uhh! Unh!


Heh heh! So that's duel academy's best, huh?


Come on! Get up, please!

I'm ok! Thank you for your concern, though!

Nice shot! Huh?

Although I gotta say,

I think for the next tv broadcast,

I'd like to arrange to have a stunt man.

Ha ha ha!

Whatever. I'm placing one card facedown and ending my turn.

He's finally acting like a princeton.

That's true. I just hope he doesn't win too fast.


Hey, the longer he thrashes this kid,

The more we make in commercial revenues.


My go! Ha!

You're in trouble now!

I play elemental hero bubbleman in attack mode!

And when bubbleman is summoned,

If there are no other cards out on my field-- like right now--

I'm allowed to draw two more cards!

And now I'll use one of them-- polymerization--

To fuse elemental heroes avian

And sparkman with bubbleman

To create... Wait for it...

Elemental hero tempest!

All right! You got him now, jay!

With fly boy there?

You better believe it!

And he gives a new definition to the term air power!

Glider strike!

Thanks for that...

It let's me play my trap--

Call of the haunted!


Not that one!

Do you believe in ghosts?

Well, you're about to because this card lets me summon back

Any monster I want from my graveyard,

And I bet you can guess which one I'm going to pick...

Armed dragon level , rise!


Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Show no mercy!


Jaden: well, guess I'll just throw down a facedown

And hope for the best.

[Thinking] go ahead,

Because with what I have for you,

Even your best won't be enough!

Chazz: get ready for me to mop

This low-rent duel academy floor with you, jaden!

Cuz now...

I'm using armed dragon's special ability.

I'm discarding despair from the dark from my hand

To the graveyard!

And since it has , attack points,

Your bird man's headed to the pet cemetery!

Now, armed dragon,

Destroy hero tempest with shrapnel blast!

I activate the spell defusion!

Quick! Defuse, tempest!

Talk about close.

I know. He barely saved his monsters!

Whatever, my armed dragon still has his attack to use!

And now I'm going to use it!

Go, inferno roar!


Aah! Unh!

Ha ha ha!

And now to take this duel to the next level, jaden.

To the highest level!


It's time to upgrade my armed dragon level

To level !

Now, won't you join me, jaden,

In welcoming the ultimate and the all-powerful...

The level armed dragon!


Chazz it up! Chazz it up! Chazz it up!!!

Ok, so he's big... But who knows?

I mean...he could be friendly.

That's strange...

That monster wasn't in the suitcase I gave chazz!




Jaden! We're with you!

Come on, everybody!

Jaden it up! Jaden it up!

Chazz: tell him how it really goes!

Crowd: chazz it up!

Show him no mercy!


Aw, what wong? You're not so talkative anymore?

You don't have anything to say, jaden?

Yeah, I do! I gotta get me one of those!

He's so cool!

Trade for him?!

No, I won't trade for him!

What's wrong with you?!

You should be scared of him, not admiring him!

But how could I not?

He's an incredible monster,

And this has been an incredible duel.

How could anyone not be excited?!

I mean, this is as good as it gets!

I'm stoked!

This is what dueling's all about!

Thanks, chazz!

Thanks?! You're pitiful, jaden.

Jumping up and down like some fool,

Never taking anything serious--

That's why you'll never be a champion.

You see, it takes discipline to win.

You need to have a sense of duty.

You need to have some kind of plan!

And I have a plan and I have a sense of duty,

And that's why I'm going to beat you, jaden.

That's why I'll beat anyone in my way!

I can conquer anyone!

You got that?!

I'm going to conquer the whole world!

Ok, well, if you don't mind,

Can I take my turn first?

Make it quick!

Chill! All right,

I'll call up wroughtweiler in defense mode!

And I'll throw down a facedown!

How's that for quick?

Not bad!

But downright sluggish compared to how quick

My dragon's going to take out all your monsters!

Watch this!

I'm using my armed dragon's special ability!

Now, by discarding a monster from my hand,

I can destroy all monsters you have out

With equal or fewer attack points!

That's not good.

Oh, no! That'll leave jaden wide open!

Dear me!

That is one impressive special power.

I discard armed dragon level to the graveyard, soooo...

All your monsters with , or less attack points...

Will be completely wiped out!

Go! Serrated sonic discs!


Uhh! Uhh!

Jaden, no!


It's ok! You can still come back!

Jaden it up!

Chazz it up! Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Well, before wroughtweiler goes belly up,

His special ability gets to activate!

One...that lets me bring polymerization

And an elemental hero to my hand.

As if it'll matter, you duel academy stooge!

This duel's over!

It's time for you...

To go bye-bye!

Level armed dragon,

Attack jaden directly with dragon talon terror!


[All gasping]


Ha ha ha!


♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never working too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on

♪ And get your game on
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