01x26 - The School Duel, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x26 - The School Duel, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Chumley: last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Don't let us down, chazz.

Don't let the princeton name down.

It's all on you!

Now go...and win!

Sheppard: welcome to the school duel!

And now...

Both: let this year's competition finally begin!

All right...go time.

Let's see what you got, jaden.

With pleasure!

No. The pleasure's going to be all mine,

Because you're going down!

Now, the ultimate and the all-powerful--

The level armed dragon!

[Crowd cheering]

Go! Serrated sonic discs!


Uhh! Uhh!

Jaden, no!

This duel's over!

It's time for you...

To go bye-bye!

Level armed dragon,

Attack jaden directly with dragon talon terror!



♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never working too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx, generation x

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow, yeah! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪

Chazz: go, dragon talon terror!

Not so fast there, chazz!

I played a trap! Hero spirit!


What the---how did--

Why didn't my attack go through?!

Didn't you know, chazz?

When hero spirit's out, if a hero's destroyed,

All damage goes to zero, zilch, zip, nada!

Congratulations, you can use a thesaurus,

But it'll take a lot more than words to beat my armed dragon!

And a lot more than any pathetic monster you have!

Heh heh! Face it, jaden--

You're toast!


Gotta get something started!

[Echoing] huh?

Oh, hey there, kuriboh...

Maybe you can help me get outta this jam.

I summon winged kuriboh in defense mode!


That'll do for now.

Why'd you bring him out, jaden?

You planning to dust around here or something?


Whut? Did I hurt his widdle feelings?

It's ok if ya did, boss.

I mean, those furballs give me the creeps.

Just look at him-- all that hair?

I mean...where do these monsters come from?!

So weird.

Get lost!

If I want your opinion... Aah!

I'll give it to you, you got that?!

I got it, boss. Sorry.


What are ya squeakin'?

Chazz has got a duel spirit?

Hey! I see 'im!

So, chazz, who's your little friend?

Uhh... It's nothing!

Just a figment of your imagination!

Nothing to see here! No duel spirits at all!

Leave me alone!


Now back to business.

It's my turn!

And your kuriboh's turn to get blasted!


Armed level dragon, attack with dragon talon terror!


Uhh! Uhh!

And I'll leave it at that.

Wait, but...

Why didn't chazz use his armed dragon's special ability?

Because kuriboh's would cancel it out.

The turn in which he's destroyed,

Jaden takes no damage.


My go now!


And I activate the spell card pot of greed!

Now I'm allowed to draw two additional cards

From my deck to my hand!

Here's one! And now...

Here's number two!

All right!

Just the card to turn this duel around!

And around and around!

Say what?!

Ha ha!

Here, see for yourself!

Go, special hurricane!

What the--

That's right!

By discarding one card from my hand,

I can use this spell card...

And destroy any monster on the field

That was special summoned!



[Crowd gasping]

No way! It can't be!

Oh, it be all right.

And now you be in some big-time trouble

Because your best monster is off the field,

And you're all alone on it!


So licious!

Totally what I'd have done.

Ya know, if I had those cards...

And if jaden were walking me through it step by step.

That's all?

Maybe he should hold your hand, as well.

Way to play!

Now follow through and take it

To chazz's life points, jay!

You got it, sy! I summon...

Elemental hero...wildheart!

And now, chazz...

You're in for some...heartbreak!

Uh, actually, that doesn't make any sense...

Oh, just attack.




Ha ha! The prize is so mine!

After all, looks like your boy is down for the count!



Oh, no, he's not!

Chazz, get up!

Crowd: chazz, get up!

Jagger?! What does chazz think he's doing?!

We've given him the best cards in the world,

But he's not using them!



I play...a spell card.

Graveyard in the fourth dimension!

This baby lets me take two monsters from my graveyard

And shuffle them right into my deck!

Sure, they have to be a special kind of monster...

But it's just the kind that I need--

My armed dragons!

Oh, and...

I happen to have another one in my hand, as well!

I summon the armed dragon level !

Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Yeah, and now jaden's about to be washed up.

[Thinking] I have to win this.

I can't let my brothers down.

[Thinking] world domination is ours for the taking.

[Thinking] you need to become duel monster's best.

I'm trying!


Uh, trying what? To weird me out?

Hello?! Earth to chazz.

His brothers...

Come on!

You've got to show them that chazz princeton is no slacker!

That you're worthy of the princeton name.

That you...can win!

Over and over...

That you're the best!

Jaden, thinking: so that must be why chazz was flippin' out--

Cuz a' all the pressure his brothers put on him.

Poor guy...

He's gotta realize that the only thing

Worth duelin' for is fun!

Syrus: jaden! Huh?

Come on, buddy!

You've gotta turn this duel around!

You've gotta show everyone what's up, jay!

Wait a sec...

That's it!

I've gotta win this duel now!

To show chazz what duelin's really about!

All right, jaden!

It's time that you get your game on!

Let's duel!

What do you think we've been doing?!

[Crowd laughing]

Chazz it up!


Beat him!


All right... Try cheering this!


Attack that armed dragon!

Wild slash!



Uhh! Thanks for that!

Now I can play my trap!

It's called the grave of enkindling!

And since a monster was destroyed in battle,

It lets us both take a monster from our graveyard

And summon it to the field in defense mode!

And I choose another armed dragon...

And he's level !



Grave of enkindling made that way too easy.

It's practically unfair!

Isn't there any drawback to using it?

If I recall correctly, by rule,

The resurrected monster must remain in defense mode.

Of course, that's really a moot point.

After all, with level 's special ability,

By discarding a monster from his hand to the graveyard,

Chazz can destroy one of jaden's monsters...

Whose attack points are less or equal

To the monster chazz discarded.

Well?! What are you waiting for?!

Resurrect. Take a monster out of your graveyard.

But let me tell you, it's going to be a round trip!

Uh, monster?

Sorry, but I think you mean monsters!

Please. What are you talking about?

That grave of enkindling only let's you bring one monster back.

What's he planning?

I bring back hero kid from the graveyard!

What the--huh?

A kid?!

He wasn't in your graveyard, jaden!

Hmm. Think again!

That's right!

By discarding one card from my hand,

I can use this spell card...

Hmm. Oh, yeah.

And like I said, it's not just him,

Cuz when hero kid is special summoned,

Just like he was by that grave of enkindling,

Well, then, chazz...

I get to call out every other hero kid that I have in my deck!

And now...i'll throw down a facedown

And call it a turn!

Heh. I see.

By playing monsters,

You think I'll have to discard cards to destroy them, right?

You wish!

I don't have to discard cards.

I just have to play one!

Ok. This is bad.

Sheppard: play one?!

I don't like the sound of this one bit.

All right! Here goes!

I activate the spell card level up!


What's level up do!?

Wow, guess it's true.

Those who can't duel, teach.

What it does is let me level up a monster!

And I choose...

Armed dragon... Now level !


Ha ha ha!



No! With that,

Chazz can destroy all of jaden's monsters again!


Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Chaaaazzz it up!


I've been waiting a long time to tell you this, jaden,

So listen up!

I got my game on,

And I'm about to turn yours off!


That's it, baby!

The whole world's watching you shine!

Then keep it rolling,

Because you ain't seen nothing yet.

Next I'll throw the equip spell card armed changer!

Now, simply by discarding another equip spell card

From my hand to the graveyard...

I can activate this baby!

And equip it to my dragon!


Now, armed dragon! Attack!

Dragon driller!


And now armed changer's effect activates.

See, when he takes down a monster in battle...

It lets me bring a monster back from my grave to my hand

Just so long as it doesn't have more attack points

Than the monster it destroyed.

And I think that I'll bring back masked dragon!

But he won't be around for long,

Because now I'm going to use...

Armed dragon level 's special ability!

Aw, man...

This should be good.

That ability will send masked dragon to the graveyard...

And then crush any beast with less attack points.


Now, armed dragon, trounce those triplets!

Serrated sonic discs!

Ha ha ha!

Looks like your hero kids just got grounded!

Heh heh heh!

Grounded up! Ha ha ha!

Tell you what, if you surrender now,

I promise not to embarrass you...

On global tv!

Oh, wait... I already did!

Ha ha ha!

Hey, it's not that funny!

Jaden! Keep fighting! Don't give up!

Jaden: who's givin' up?

Huh? Huh?

I mean, I'm havin' way too much fun to give up!

After all, that's what duelin's all about--

Win or lose.

Cuz if you're havin' fun, you win every time!

Gag me.

It's true.

And if I can have fun right now losing,

Shouldn't you be able to winning?

It's seriously not that hard,

Despite what your brothers may want you to believe.

What?! What do you know about my brothers?

Well... For starters, chazz,

I know they're the ones you're dueling for

And the ones puttin' all this pressure on ya, too.


Aw, come on, chazz...

Remember when ya dueled for the excitement of it?

I only duel to win!

Well, we'll see where that gets ya!

I play the warrior returning alive!

Now, I can bring a warrior back from the grave

And to my hand!

And I think I'll choose...

My favorite feathered friend--

Elemental hero avian!

And then with polymerization and burstinatrix...

I'll make...

The elemental hero flame wingman!


He doesn't stand a chance against my monster!

After all, the armed dragon level has , attack points!

You're way outmatched!

Wrong, chazz!

Cuz I'm invitin' my hero kids

To come back out and play!

Huh? Huh?


To play?

Yeah! With your points!

I play miracle kids!

Here's how it works:

For every hero kid I've got in the grave,

Your armed dragon loses attack points...

And since I have ,

Armed dragon's attack points decrease by ,!

Aah! Grr!

Now who's outmatched?

Actually... Don't answer that--

Flame wingman will for ya!

Aah! Chazz is gonna lose!

Cut the transmission! Cut it right now!


Um, hello. We, uh, interrupt this duel

For a special news, uh, bulletin

To report that everything's fine.





All right!

Jaden just took out the armed dragon with just one attack!

And the as*ault's not over yet, syrus!

The flame wingman still has his super power!

It comes next.

Yeah, and it's going to really burn chazz!

His life points will now take damage

Equal to his destroyed monster's attack points--,!




That's game!

You loser. You dog.

You've disgraced yourself.

You've disgraced the princeton name!

You are no brother of ours anymore!

Just give me another chance...

Another chance?!

Do you know much we spent on this duel?!

The cameras! The rare cards!

None of which you used, I might add!


I thought I could win this by myself.


When could you do anything by yourself, chazz?!

Jaden: let him go.

Hmm? Huh?

Yeah, sure, he lost, but how could he not

With you two jerks breathin' down his neck?

Two jerks?!

Do you have any idea who we are?!

We could have you crushed, kid.

All: hmm.

Oh, my!

They could have jaden crushed?!

Maybe these two aren't so bad after all...

Why defend chazz anyhow?

He's a nobody now.

Disowned by us... And by the whole world!

I mean...the cameras caught enough of it!

He got schooled! He got mopped up!


That's right...

And then worst of all, he got beat.

Wrong...there's one fight he did win!

The fight... Against you two!

Sure, chazz may not have won the duel,

But, hey, at least he fought it on his own terms!

It's like he said...

He used his cards,

Not what your money could buy.

Right on, jaden!

I mean...you no-good slifer slacker.



Tight duel, chazz.

And I know it's cheesy...

But I think the truth of it is,

We both won here.

You're just saying that... Huh?

I mean...come on...

Nobody else believes that.




Man in crowd: we do, chazz!

Same here!

Yeah! Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Chazz it up! Yeah!

I don't have time for this garbage.

[Thinking] guess now there's just one last matter to settle.

Jaden: well, chazz, I guess this is good bye!

Now don't forget to write!

Jaden, I'm not going back.


Look, guys... I don't belong with you.

Then where do you belong?

Right here! Duel academy was always my home.

But you're our best duelist, chazz!

You sure?

I am.

If chancellor sheppard

Will have me back, that is.

Well, chazz... You were one of the best students we had.

How could I say no?

Guess I'll be going...

Crowler: can I have your attention, please!

And now, to present the prize in this year's match

Between north academy and our esteemed university,

I give you the most beautiful woman on the island...

Miss duel academy!

Whoa...sounds hot!

Jay, be my wingman, kay?!

♪ Here she is!


Dorothy's miss duel academy?!

Will the winning chancellor please approach the stage?



[Students groaning]

A kiss? That's the big prize

You two were talking about?!

[Foster sobbing]

I can't bear to watch!

Wait for me! I'll be back next year, my lady!

That's a chick?

Bye, chazz!

See ya later, man!

Sheppard: don't worry, foster!

I'll take good care of her for you!


We'll miss you, chazz, das vedanya!


Just one last cheer...

Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Chazz it up! Chazz it up!

Aoshima: see you next year!

There is one thing, chazz...

What's that?


Since you dropped out of duel academy

And are now coming back,

You are technically a new student.

And therefore must start from the bottom--

At slifer red.


Yes! Welcome!

We'll get you fitted for a blazer

As soon as we get back to the dorm.

Then, we'll find you a roommate.


Look here, chazz princeton rooms alone!

You guys got that?!

Alone, huh? Do cockroaches count?


The dorm's gotta few.

And some rats.


I changed my mind!

Turn the sub around!

Guys! How 'bout we give him the slifer cheer!

I don't want it!


Can we just stick with chazz it up?!

Or slifer it up!


This stinks...

My new family is already dysfunctional.

Foster: dorothy, my dear!

I'll come back for you!

I'll come back!

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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