03x01 - Doug's Fat Cat/Doug and Patti P.I.

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Doug". Aired: August 11, 1991 – June 26, 1999.*
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Revolves around "Doug" Funnie, an 11-year-old boy who wants to be another face in the crowd, but by possessing a vivid imagination and a strong sense of right and wrong, he is more likely to stand out.
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03x01 - Doug's Fat Cat/Doug and Patti P.I.

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Yelps]

[ Barks]

[ Electric guitar playing]

[ Man singing scat]

[ Barks]

Cool! Whoa!

[ Thwack]

[ Barks]

you know, I never thought

A little cat could
give me so much grief.

It all started last week.

Judy and I were
playing barnyard chess.


[ Doorbell rings]

oh, I'll get it.

How can I play with
these distractions?

Hiya, funnie,
what's jiggling?


Why are you here?

I mean, come in.

No way, funnie,
I got to motor.

Me and my mom
are going

To the truck show
in bloatsburg.

Howdy, doug.

Oh, hi, mrs. Klotz.

Wow, sounds great.

So, why are you here?

Can't a guy stop and
say hello to his buddy?

Uh, sure,
roger... Buddy.

Did I say we're
staying in a hotel?

Well, have a good time.

They don't allow pets.

That's too bad.

What's a guy to do?

Leave his pet
in the rain?

I don't know.

A pet's got to be safe, right?


With somebody trustworthy.


Yeah, glad we
agree, funnie.

That's why I'm letting you
take care of stinky.


Hello, emergency?

I'm calling to report a cat.

No, I don't want a cat rescued,
I want him arrested.



How soon can
the police get here?

Never mind.

[ Footsteps]

[ Hinge creaks]

[ Barks]

That's me.


[ Barks]

[ Yelps]

Come on, funnie,
be a pal.

I don't know
if I should.

Come on, just
look at that face.

How could you
say no to a
face like that?

So what
do you say?

Gee, I don't
know, roger.

My parents
are away

And judy doesn't
like cats.

What a magnificent

Such raw feline power,
such animal grace...

And such a cute wittle tummy.

Exactly, so you'll do it?

Uh-uh, uh-uh.

Well, I'm not sure.

I mean...

Forget it,
it's no biggie.

I'll just
stay home

And miss the monster truck show

I've been looking
forward to all year.

[ Sobbing]

Doug, what's that
noise he's making?

Okay, roger, if it
means that much to you.

Funnie, you're
a real pal.

Little did I know
what I was getting into.

It'll be a cinch,
all you need is a few things.


Oh, and one
more thing.

I put stinky on a diet.

Skinny kitty cat food.

How come?

He's getting
fat and he's
been sick.

You should see

How much puke
that guy can blow.

Okay, okay.

Just keep him
on his diet.

Got it?

Yeah, I got it.

Well, have a good trip.

Hey, funnie?


I'm counting on you.

Wow, roger really cares
about that cat.

Well, stinky, I guess
we're going to be... Whoa!

Taking care of stinky was going
to be a real barrel of laughs.

"Each night, check stinky for
ticks, clean out crusty eye gunk

"Put ear drops in ears

And don't forget to floss."

Well, time to hit
the stinkarium.



[ Caterwauling
"old mill stream"]

Cut that out!

[ Cats screeching]


Stinky, dinner.

Why can't you just eat
pizza like a normal pet?

Oh, no, why
did I say that?

Stinky, you
can't have pizza.

You're on a diet.

No, uh-uh, forget it!

[ Neighbors yelling]

it's good, see?

Mmm, yes.

Mmm, oh, my yes, good, tasty.

See, it's not so...

Excuse me.

[ Toilet flushing]


One scoop
pickle ripple

One scoop anchovy madness

And a cherry.


I knew I shouldn't have
given in to stinky.

Maybe all that junk food
made him sick.


He's on the loose.


Oh, stinky!

It's time for your breakfast!


You can't hide forever, stinky.

I know you're up here.


You in here?

Oh, honestly,
I don't know why you worry

About that cat.

Don't you know

Cats are

That's why they're better

Than dogs.

You can't let him
out of your sight

For a second.

Did you know

The ancient egyptians
worshipped cats?

They believed
the soul of...

[ Screaming]

[ Moaning]

Will you
look at this?

There is fuchsia fur

All over my victorian
dinner gown!

My flapper hat is
full of hairballs!

I want that
filthy beast out!!

Stinky was sick
and it was all my fault.

How could I break it to roger?

Roger, yeah, stinky isn't
quite as healthy as usual.

I didn't follow his
diet to the letter.

Oh, good, I'm glad
you understand.

No, roger, no...

I trusted you, funnie.

I trusted you!


I had a beach
ball like that.

Made the
same noise.

Think he's
going to blow?

It's roger!

What'll I tell him?


Oh, hi, roger.

Oh, yeah, stinky's great.

Oh, no, you can't talk to him.

Why not?

He's wants
to talk to stinky.


[ Clears throat]


Meow, meow.

Forget it, valentine.

Put stinky on, pronto.

He's not buying it.

Listen, roger,
stinky's sick.

What do
you mean sick?

Start explaining.

We're taking him to the vet.


What are we going to do?

[ meowing]

Let's get moving, man.

I can't take it!

This is driving me crazy.

I'm going to start
asking some questions.

if he'd brought
the cat in tomorrow

It would have
been too late.

even sooner.

It could all be over
any minute now.

What'd they say?

They said it was
all over, skeeter.

Stinky's dying.

What, from ice cream?

I was supposed
to take care of him.

And instead,
I've k*lled him.

What'll I tell roger?

where is he?

Where's stinky?

Roger, I tried
to tell you.

What happened, funnie?

Where's my cat?

Roger, it's all my fault.

I fed stinky pizza
and ice cream.

You did what?

I thought it was okay.

You did what?!

I tried to talk him out of it.

You did what?!!

Now, it looks like
he's, he's going to...

Be a very proud mother.


is a girl?

Roger, why didn't
you tell me?

Well, how was
I supposed to know?

Son, we're way past due
for a very important talk.

pregnant animals always
get hungry for strange foods.

When you fed stinky pizza

You were doing
what nature ordered.

You didn't have
to tell roger


No, I'm glad
I told roger.

I'd want him
to tell me

If there was something
wrong with porkchop.

There is something
wrong with porkchop.

Bluffington, bumper sticker
capital of the world.

Families celebrate the bluffco
family bumper sticker picnik.

As the barbecue winds down

Everyone gears up
for the big wheelbarrow race.

Everyone except me.

I'm wrapping up another case.

"'He's getting away,'
ginny whiz exclaimed.

"'That's okay,' replied jimmy.

"'I figured out
who kidnapped father.'

Turn to page for solution."

you're supposed
to figure out

The solution
for yourself.

Don't worry, it's easy.

Poopsie malloy.


Mr. Van heuvel?


Bizzy bernard?

"Remember, amateur sleuths

"Don't be mislead
by the motives.

Always look at
the evidence first."

hey, doug,
hey, patti.

Have any of you guys
seen a wheelbarrow...

Say, is that
whiz kids # ?

That was an easy one.

I knew it was...


Doug hasn't
figured it out.

I'm working on it.



Professor whiz
kidnapped himself.


Roger, he
almost had it.

Rog, have you seen my
wheelbarrow anywhere?

Why would I take
your wheelbarrow?

I wouldn't enter that race.

Professor whiz kidnapped himself

In order to test
his extraordinarily

Brilliant children.

Mr. Dink:
douglas, patricia!

Something terrible...

Whiz kids # !

That was
an easy one.

That professor

Yeah, what's so
terrible, mr. Dink?


Oh, somebody sabotaged
the wheelbarrow race!

Sabotaged the wheelbarrow race?

the wheelbarrow race?

I don't know why
but something told me

The wheelbarrow race
had been sabotaged.

[ Footsteps]

[ Hinge creaks]

[ Barks]

That's me.


[ Barks]

[ Yelps]

without bumpers, this race
is just blindfolded people

Pushing each other
in wheelbarrows.

It was the best race
I ever invented.

Six months just to
come up with the name.

I had to get an angle on
this bumper burglar and fast.

There was only one thing to do.

Shadowy figure,
I suppose you can tell us

Where you were

Minutes and
seconds ago.

I was at the zoo.

No, I mean I was
at the movies.

No, I mean...

What are those under your coat?

Uh, pencils?


Pencils, indeed!

That's what you'll need
to sign a confession.

Doug whiz, you solved
the mystery without even looking

At the answer
on page .

Once you understand
the criminal mind...

Mr. Dink:
what are you
talking about?

I was just thinking
that, um, um...

That we could solve
the mystery together.

Doug, what
a great idea!

You can't do
detective work

Without a magnifying
glass and...

You dropped
your glove.

Thanks, douglas.

Geiger counter...

Not to mention
a clue.

This isn't mine.

Doug, you
found a clue.

A clue?

You know what
that means.


I get to buy all
that detective equipment.

Looks like it's
you and me.

The funnie-mayonnaise detective
agency was open for business.

You say chubbs mcputty lost
his candy bar collection?

Someone's uprooted mrs.
Kapruder's prized petunias?

I said a large!

And no anchovies!

Computer voice:
shadowy figure alert!

Shadowy figure alert!
Shadowy figure alert!

Quick, he's getting away.

Any one of these families
could be a cover

For a bumper-smuggling g*ng.

All we've
got to do

Is find out who
dropped this glove.

The way to do that
is to figure out

Which family
gains the most.

or who's
missing a glove.

Maybe the studebakers were
afraid they'd lose the race

And their athletic

So they stole them to
avoid embarrassment.

Or the bluffs.

Who could be
more suspicious

Than a family
that hates

Running races?

mr. Valentine...

Mr. Val...

Huh, skeeter's dad?

Nice try, patti,
but I don't think...

Joe valentine.

Mr. Valentine?

It doesn't make any sense.

Why would skeeter's
dad want old bumpers?

Doug, he's got them.

Like I say, you just have
to follow the evidence.

It was hard to argue
with my partner

But something bothered me.


What are you doing?

Are you
getting ready?

Mr. Funnie:
where do you
want these?


My own dad,
a common bumper thief?

But I tell you

We're that thing where
you didn't do it...

Innocent, joe.

We're innocent!

I tell you.

Don't cry,

He'll be out
in five, ten tops.

But, doug, who are we
going to get to run

The bumper sticker
race with us?

Kids, you want to help us
with tonight's bonfire?


I wondered where
ruby put my glove.

Mrs. Valentine had the gloves?

Then she's...

See you later,
mr. Valentine.

A break in the case!

We now had a new
suspect, mrs. Valentine.

We found her meeting secretly
with mrs. Klotz and mrs. Dink.

Near the scene of the crime.

So I told him

"You can run
the wheelbarrow race.

All we need
is a kid."

Do you think

Mrs. Valentine
is the culprit?

Hey, mom, I think
I'm going...

What are you
doing, funnie?

Honey, please,
not again.

I've been on my feet
at the hair salon all week.

I can't run
that race.

No, mom,
that's not what i...

I'm sorry,

Maybe your

Can race next year.

Roger's dad lives
in bloatsburg.

What are you looking at?

Roger, the race has
already started.

No, it hasn't.

It's not starting
for another minutes.

Then what was
squeaking over there

If not a wheelbarrow?

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?


The evidence!

Someone stole the
valentines' wheelbarrow

And their gloves.

Don't you see?

The squeaky sound
in the bushes was...

Somebody stealing the bumpers!

And look,
there's the track.

A shadowy figure!a shadowy figure!


You stole
the bumpers!

Huh, what

I've just been looking
for my wheelbarrow.

You got
to believe me.

I was framed,
I tell you.

Where were you one hour ago?

Don't I need a lawyer for this?

Wait a minute,

He was with us
one hour ago, remember?

He was looking for his
wheelbarrow like he says.

then who could have done it?

Why would I take
your wheelbarrow?

I wouldn't enter that race.

And I just can't run
that race with you.

I'm sorry your father
couldn't come in

From bloatsburg
this time, roger.

whiz kids # : "the secret
of the disappearing dad."

I got it!

I figured out who did it.

Hey, kids, I'm back.

Hey, the bumpers.

Well, what
do you know?

Doug figured out
who the thief was.

Aw, I didn't even get
to use all this great stuff.

It was very expensive.

It was... Roger.

Oh, man.

It's always

His father doesn't
live here anymore.

If roger
couldn't race

He didn't want
anyone else to.

doug, we did it!

Patti was right, we did it

And everyone was happy.

Everyone that is, except...

The mystery was solved.
But the case wasn't closed yet.

Something still wasn't right.

That's okay.

Let the others
have a good time.

We'll just watch.

Wait, where
are you going?

I can't run
the race without you.

I'll be right back.

I'm closing a case.

Mr. Dink!

[ Whispering]

Huh? Yeah!

Mr. Dink asked
roger to run the race

And the mystery of the missing
bumpers came to an end.

Solving a mystery is more than
looking at the hard evidence.

You have to listen to your gut.

Right now my gut's growling.

Porkchop, let's go investigate
the refrigerator.
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