01x01 - Pilot

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x01 - Pilot

Post by bunniefuu »


- Great God!
- Only one God!

- Great God!
- Only one God!

- Great God!
- Only one God!

- Great God!
- Only one God!

Even the iron could not stand
reciting of God and gave in.

Wait a bit!

Take a look at this one.

This is magnificent. I pity the enemy whom
this will be the Azrael of.

In the hands of a valiant like you...

...let it be the sound of the oppressed,
wrath to the tyrants, if God permits.

There’s no sword other than Zulfiqar and
no valiant other than His Holiness Ali.

I’m ready to sacrifice myself for God,
who gave you to us.

For the love of God, in the name of my
forefather Oguz, I’ll gird it with honor.

Bring your hands.

What is the matter?
Your tumblers are restless again.

We are going hunting.

They are getting ready.

Are there any animals left to hunt
in this famine?

You are right but...

...hunting keeps the Alps fit.

It is better if we find a way to keep
the tribe alive as well.

That can only be decided
on the headquarters tomorrow.

If we don’t migrate from this highland
before winter, we would be doomed.

But if you say that you know a solution,
tell us as well.

My brother Gundogdu knows
these matters better than me.

If you wish, talk to him.

With Gundogdu?

No, he never breaths a single word about.

Is this what you bought for 40 coins?

This is called a map.

What is it used for?

Look, we are here.

Right at where these mountains are.

This is Aleppo. This is Baghdad.

And this is Damascus.

And this is Konya,
where the Sultan’s palace is.

Let go of the palaces
of the sultans and khans and...

...tell us where the tribe should
migrate to, Gundogdu.

The elders are having a dumb moment.
Your father is quiet.

He just sits in his tent like
a worrier not a warrior.

Where is this place?

Everyone will learn tomorrow
at headquarters.

You found a place, right?

Please tell me, where is it?



Where are you going?

I am going hunting, brother.

This is not the time to go hunting.
We have headquarters tomorrow.

The headquarter is yours
and hunt is mine, brother.

Alright. But don’t go too far.
Go quickly, come back quickly.

What are you doing with that meat?
We are going hunting, did you forget?

We won’t let you starve during a hunt,
don’t you worry.

How can you call a valiant as valiant if
he starves while he is hunting, Turgut?

- This is just for the road.
- It is impossible to relieve your hunger.

Come on, Alps.

Your man is going.


Guard duty is your pride!

Guard duty is your honor!

If you betray your pride and honor...

...your death will not come
from the enemy, but from me!

You have honored us, Ustad-i Azam.

That honor belongs to us.

- Elanora.
- Commander Titus.

I hope your journey was fine.

Is everything alright, Titus?

We are safer than ever, sir.

Your chambers are ready, sir.
Would you like to rest before lunch?

Elanora may rest. We have work to do.

- As you wish.
- With your permission.

What is the latest development
about the prisoners?

I gave that duty to my brother Bisol.

They will submit Numan and his family
to Karatoygar.

For the others, I waited for you.


Where are they taking us, father?

To our palace, son.

We will be free there, right?

Until eternity, son.

Until eternity.

So out fate was to return to Konya
like this.

To the palace we were born in and
grew up, to be k*lled by our uncle.

I will not let anything to happen
to you or your brother, my daughter.

This way Karatoygar will be
dependent on us more than ever.

It is very important for him to win
the favor of Sultan Aladdin.

Karatoygar becoming a high officer
in the Seljuk court will relieve us.


- We did everything as you ordered, sir.
- Okay!

Head of guard!

Are the Turkmen tribes paying
their taxes?

We can’t control them, sir.
They are always on the move.

- Which one is the biggest tribe?
- Kayi tribe, sir.

They ran away from the Mongol invasion.

- Who is their leader?
- Suleyman Shah.

- How many tents?
- 2000 tents. But they are well respected.

- Do they pay their taxes?
- They do, sir.


Then, they shall pay their taxes
earlier this year.

- But, sir...
- You heard what I said.

How will this state remain standing?

Inform all the tribes
in the region immediately.

Yes, sir.

Where are those templars?


Let us rest a bit here.

Check the surroundings.

We need to weaken the Seljuks
before the crusade.

You should put more men
in the Seljuk court, Titus.

Please be rest assured that
we will possess the whole court.

There is a group in the Papacy,
who are reluctant about the crusade.

I am not surprised.

We need to make a plan that will mobilize
the whole Europe.

We need to do this.

The Christian world should unite
and act for Jerusalem.

For this, we need to provoke
the Muslims and make them attack us.

I have some very valuable prisoners.

We can start with them.

Calm down, son.



...you can go to hell.

- Take us to our destination quickly.
- So you are very keen to die.

I pity for your beautiful daughter
and your small Shahzade.

Don’t shed a tear for us.

If you had accepted to be allies with us,
you were to become the Seljuk sultan...

...and everything was going to be fine.
- You offered sl*very for the Pope.

We offered you peace...

...and a new world order.

We wanted to live side by side.


...the Muslim blood will always be shed.

There is no escape from this.

And we will shed your blood with
the Muslim allies we have.

You will not succeed.

We will see.

In the mean time...

...to all your men I had sent to hell...

...give them my regards.

- The area is safe, sir.
- Good.

Water the horses.

These too.

- Come on!
- Yeah!

Come on!

You two, go and sit somewhere else.

I brought you water. Take it.

Take it.

Come on.

They are not aware.

Key! Take the key.

Come on, my girl.

We are in luck.

The prisoners are running away!

- Quick, run!
- Get them!

- Father!
- Father!

- Are you alright?
- Father!

Quick, take your brother
and get out of here.


- Father!
- Father!

- Quick! Run away!
- No, we cannot leave you in this state.

Take your brother and
get the hell out of here!

Come on, father! Get up! Come on!

So you tried to run away!
You will pay for this.



Have some decency! Dear God!
Have some decency!

Great God!

- Father!
- Father!

Father, stay with us, please!

Your first victim was a crusader.

- Stay with us.
- Be strong, father.

- Quick, bring some oak leaves.
- Okay.

If we are successful, all the borders
in the region will change.

We should not refrain from using
our order’s wealth to save Jerusalem.

We are ready to spend the whole treasury.

For young men, a new Jerusalem campaign
would be the shortest road to riches.

They will be enlisting by the thousands
to be a member of the crusade army.

The Catalans, the Venetians,
the Marseilleans...

...they will be pining for this carnival.


...what about the spoilt princes of
Europe, how will we trust them?

When the Muslims start to fight
with each other...

...our job will not be difficult, Titus.

What about the Seljuks, sir?


They are on the peak of their power
with Sultan Aladdin.

When we make the Turks and the grandsons
of Saladin Ayyubi fall out on...

...each other we will reach our goal.

Jerusalem will be ours.

Father, please be strong.

We have to go immediately.

You can go.

We can look after ourselves.

It will get dark soon.

The jackals would have
already smelled the blood.

- We should go.
- Dogan, bring the horses.

It is easy to fend off a crusader brigade.
What about this?

Ertugrul is lost now.

- God always helps those who get lost.
- He is lost real bad now.

Come on.

- What can you do alone as a woman?
- I said we won’t go.

We owe you a life.
We will pay our debt one day.

Tell us your name.

Ertugrul from Kayi tribe.

As you wish.

May God be with you. I wish you good luck.

We should go with them.

Is your tribe far?

Even our money for bad days is finished,
Brother Afsin.

We can set shop here. If we see that
they are not interested, we can go on.

- Peace be upon you.
- And peace be upon you. Welcome.

Welcome, Gazanfar Aga.

You bring joy to Kayi tribe.

Kurdoglu, my brother. You always
look very healthy, thanks to God.

Would these moorlands keep a man healthy,
for us to be healthy, Gazanfer?

No, don’t say that. You look very well.

Where is your caravan?

The caravan is near the black rock.

I came to get permission from Suleyman
Shah to set up a stall in the market.

How is business?

We thank God on what he gives.

I wanted to come to Kayi to supply
whatever they need before the journey.

Thank you, Gazanfer. I hope you meet
your expectations, if God permits.

Thank you.

If Suleyman Shah is available,
I would like to meet him.

Tell our Bey that Gazanfer Aga is here.

- How much is this?
- He is a mute, sir. Let me help you.

80 coins.

You look familiar to me.

This is my first time in your tribe, sir.

You probably took me for someone else.

Peace be upon you, Suleyman Shah.

And peace be upon you, trader. Welcome.

You bring joy to us. Come and sit.

Suleyman Bey, my eyes are so happy that
they had the chance to see you again.

Please accept my presents. I brought them
from Constantinople for you.

You did not have to bother.

- Kurdoglu, give these to those in need.
- As you wish, Bey.


Tell us now. What did those eyes see in
other parts of the world?

I wish I was deaf and not hear it.

I wish I was blind and not see it, Bey.

What happened?

Sultan Aladdin controlled Konya but...

...he worries that the fugitive Shahzades
may give him trouble.

The Latins ransacked Constantinople.

All Orthodox people left the city.

There is no order, no peace...

...and with the famine now,
everyone is desperate.

We heard that the leftovers from
the crusaders were getting restless.

It is obvious that they are up to
something once again.


...how are the common people?

They will be on the road again
to find something to eat.

The rumor is that the Pope is calling for
a new crusade to the European princes.

And we Muslims fight against each other.

Sowing discord between us,
fueling the disorder as much as possible.

From Anatolia to Basra,
everywhere is on fire.

This fire will hit us as well, Bey.

Please don’t say fire, it upsets me, Bey.

I came to seek for permission to sell
my goods in your tribe.

- You have our permission.
- Thank you.

Karatoygar has come to the region
to control the Turkmen tribes.

So difficult times await us.

And this girl is from Venetia.
Rosalina, she has noble blood.

A white skin, green eyes.
A rare find, commander.

And she is very cheap as well.
I am in urgent need of money.

This is a very good opportunity
for you and me.

What do you say to this, commander?

They kidnapped her from
the Greek Islands.

She screams beauty and freshness.

She is a wild one.

I personally trained her.
For a master with good taste.

What about that blond one?

I must say that you have good taste.

I bought her from the crusader discards.
They brought her in with a ship.

She is Serbian,
she knows how to treat a man.


Come here.

You don’t need to be afraid of me.

I am your master now.

You chose the most expensive one,
commander. But she is worth it.

- Sir?
- What happened?

The crusaders. They were ambushed.

Didn’t you save them?

We were too late.

So you were late.

- Welcome.
- Welcome.

- Come on, help them.
- Help them.

Akcakoca, we have a wounded man.

- Come on.
- Bamsi, take him in.

- What happened?
- Nothing to worry about.

- You are alright, yes?
- We all are, thank God.


...what happened, my brother?

They were att*cked, brother.
I will tell you later.

- Look after them, Ramazan.
- As you wish, Bey.

Who are they, Gundogdu?

I don’t know. He will tell us later.
We will find out soon.

Sister, what is happening? Who are they?

We will find out soon. We will see.

The sword hit him right below the rib.
Fortunately the oak leaves stopped...

...the bleeding,
otherwise we would have lost him.

- Midwife, bring hot water.
- At once, Akcakoca.

The leg is bad as well.
But we should fix this wound first.

Akcakoca can take it from here.
Let us wait at the side.

- We cannot leave our father alone, sister.
- Don’t worry.

Your father is in good hands.

Thank you very much. You are God sent.

- We brought trouble to you.
- Don’t say that.

You had more breaths to take,
more bites to eat.

Where were the crusaders taking you?

I don’t know. They didn’t say.

I guess they were going to sell us in
the sl*ve market. My father is a trader.

We were captured in the Mediterranean.

Your father must be a good trader.
Having so many crusaders taking you.


We were rich.

But we don’t have anything left now.


...which tribe is this?

You are in Kayi tribe.

I am the son of
the tribe Bey, Suleyman Shah.

We owe you three lives.

- Do you want to be freed from sl*very?
- Yes.

- Then, k*ll this man.
- No!

I will buy and then free you.

Commander, you are furious.
First calm down...

Shut your mouth.

Don’t let me k*ll you as well.

Sir, please spare me for my children.

You are good for nothing.

Do it!

- I can’t.
- I said do it!

I’m freeing you!

A sl*ve that can k*ll someone
to be free...

...can k*ll her master one day as well.

Get ready, we are going!
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