01x13 - Bedrin Aslanlari

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x13 - Bedrin Aslanlari

Post by bunniefuu »


You wait around here.
I will be back shortly.

Peace be upon you.

And peace be upon you.

I am looking for a book.
“Mawaqi al-Nujum.”

Science and Positions of the Stars.
Do you have it?

Of course.

What do you expect to learn
from that book?

I am after what everyone else
is seeking to learn.

I want to predict the future
by observing the stars

Maybe the author did not write
the book with that intention.

I want to buy this. How much is it?

Accept it as a gift.

In the name of God, the Compassionate,
the Merciful.

Nay, I swear by the places of the stars

A mighty oath, if you but new it

That this is indeed a noble Qur’an

Which none may touch except the purified;

God the Most Mighty has told the truth.

They say that...

...he who is in search and finds the right path...

the starts will no longer be needed
since the sun will be enough.

Do not dwell on the stars.

I do have the Sun in my hands...

...if you want to see it.

Which none may touch except the purified;

That is the Quran.

But It does not state
what will happen tomorrow.

For the eyes that can see...

...the secrets are Here,
as well as the secret of the secrets.

The book you took just now is only
a drop from the Ocean called Quran.

I never saw you before in Aleppo,
stranger. Are you from around here?

I am a poor traveler.

I set off from the countries where
the sun sets to look for the country...

...where the sun will rise from.

I’m the author of the book you were just given.

What happened, sir?

The man was Ibn Arabi.

We should not be late.
People are waiting for us at the lodge.

We will go by the stream,
you take the hills.

Oh God, send your Mercy on Muhammad,
the master of Arabs and Ajams...

And the greatest imam of precious Mecca,
shining Medina, and al-Haram

It is for the sake of the
greatest Prophet Muhammad

"God has taught man that which he knew not”

His origin descends from Adam

His honorable name is written in the place...

where the secrets of fate
are kept by the ruby (ink) of the pen

He who is to intercede for the entire universe, said:

“Oh God, have mercy on my people.
Oh my people!”

Then He; (God) called out:

“Oh most venerable Prophet,
I have accepted your intercession.”

“Oh most venerable Prophet,
I have accepted your intercession.”

“Enter our Heaven

no fear shall come upon you

nor shall you grieve or feel any pain.”

May prayers and peace be upon our
Prophet Muhammad, his relatives and his companions.

Oh intercessor (mediator) of the sinners…

Great God.

Turgut, you carry on.

Carry on.

My Shahzada, carry on.

You tactless people!
What is the meaning of this?

How can you sh**t
an arrow at Ertugrul Bey?

We do not know, Dogan.
Kurdoglu Bey gave a direct order.

Surrender without a fight.
And the arrow was just a warning...

...otherwise I could have hit him
right in the neck.

You talk too much! I will cut it
for you to take it back to Kurdoglu.

Go back to our tribe.
Don’t force my hand.

We don’t want to shed
the blood of our brothers as well.

Nothing will happen to our brotherhood
if you listen to us and go back to our tribe.

I neither obey you nor Kurdoglu.
I only obey my forefather’s customs.

I won’t give up on those who seek my help
and shed the blood of my brothers...

even if Kurdoglu sends a thousand men!

Ertugrul Bey, I hope you did not face
another trouble because of us.

I decided I’d rather be without sleep
than having a nightmare.

We put you in a bad situation but
we set off early as a precaution.

You are right as well.

A lion will be blamed for shedding blood
if it goes hunting...

...and for being lazy if it sits down.

Ertugrul Bey, when we left the tent,
Gundogdu Bey was in the tent alone.

I worry that something
might have happened to him.

Do not worry.
My brother can overcome all difficulties.

Those four have died.
There is only one way for you to survive.

I will set you free if you tell me
where Ertugrul is headed.

Aleppo. They are headed to Aleppo.

This much freedom is enough.

Go to the castle, take the knights.

We shall set a trap for them
on the Aleppo road.

So he is taking the Shahzadas to Aleppo.

Sister, what are you saying?

Sister, it is over now.

Ertugrul will never come back.

How can he not come back.
His tribe, his father is here, Gokce.

-Do not worry about it.
-But, sister...

May you have a good morning, Master Demir.

May you have a good morning, my girl.
Is Gundogdu inside?

He did not sleep all night.
He must be asleep.

May you have a good morning, Gundogdu Bey.

May you have a good morning, Master Demir.

-What is the matter?
-Not good news.

Come on.

Wash your face, then we have to talk.

Let us talk.

Your young brother Dundar...

...came to me early in the morning.

He wanted to say something
to Ertugrul but he did not listen.

You did not listen to him either.

When I saw him, he had turned pale
out of fear.

What happened? Why was he frightened?

Not good news.

They found Baybora’s dead body with Yigit
at the Black River.

-Baybora’s body?

Who would k*ll him and why?

I don’t know. But my mad mind
races on and thinks that...

...they have lost control,
thinking the tribe’s Bey is gone.

The only thing they did not have was
blood on their hands.

Do not think like that,
would this tribe ever be without a Bey?

Don’t worry. At the headquarters, they'll
learn that the Bey of the tribe is alive.

Don’t you worry.

My Bey, in order to get ahead of Ertugrul
we went up the trail at Kiziltepe.

When our team did not arrive,
we got suspicious and went back.

When we came here, they were all dead.

Alpargu, bury them all
before anyone sees them.

Whatever happens, don’t forget that
you have swore obedience to Kurdoglu Bey.

He is Suleyman Shah’s acting Bey.

Then why are we coming here, Alpargu?

What business do we have
at the headquarters called by Gundogdu?

We came to give a lesson
to our Bey’s incompetent son.

Be on the side of our Bey, no matter what.

Kurdoglu Bey...

...Baybora’s place has been empty
for such a long time.

We cannot see him in the headquarters.

What happened?

Where is he?

I will say it before you.

Last night he was found...

...at the banks of Black River,
stabbed to death.

The very night Ertugrul came here
and asked you about him.

What do you implying, Gundogdu?
Be frank!

Be quiet, Alpargu. Keep your mouth shut.

Your master will keep quiet as well...

...I shall be talking now.

You pit the tribe against each other.

You caused discord.

You made people stone our guests’ tent.

Tell me Kurdoglu...

-...is it in our rules to attack our guests?
-Come to the point, Gundogdu.

Are you trying to accuse the person
you called uncle until yesterday?

Are you not the one who asked for the obedience of our Beys...

...by burying Suleyman Shah before he even died.

In our customs, questioning belongs to
the headquarters and answering to the Bey.

God help us.

We are not going to learn
our customs from the children.

We know what headquarter members
may ask and how to answer them.

You want to be Bey
and call us to account...

...but you could not even steer
the caravan that was entrusted in you.

You question me after Baybora’s death.

But do you know what Ertugrul did?

Listen to me well, Beys of Kayi.


...k*lled five warriors of our tribe.
-Watch it!

This is slander.

Mother Hayme, Ertugrul would
never do such a thing.

This shameless person
has lost control, my girl.

The slanders are only
a reflection of his own dark heart.

And thus...

...Gundogdu who left our Alps
to die in the caravan ambush...

...and Ertugrul who slayed our Alps
cannot challenge me at all!

Decency, Kurdoglu, decency!


Aren’t you ashamed of
slandering our Bey’s sons?

Don’t you have no shame?

Silence, Deli Demir. Silence!

There is no lie in my words.

God is my witness.

Ertugrul abducted Suleyman Shah’s
guests last night.

Their fate is unknown. In order to learn
what happened to our Bey’s guests...

...I sent some of my Alps after them.

In the morning,
news of their death reached me.

You are so keen to stir the tribe
with your lies and tricks, Kurdoglu.

Aren’t you ashamed to take advantage
of my father’s illness?

Gundogdu do not talk like you don’t know.

You set this up with your brother.

You disobeyed the order and gave the
agreement given to you, to Ertugrul.

One of us has to stay in the tribe
and fight against Kurdoglu’s doings.


He learned that Numan and his son are
Shahzadas. Now he is trying to convince...

...the Beys in the headquarters to migrate
somewhere in the Seljuk territory, not Aleppo.

You are the one who is trying to take
advantage of your father’s illness.

You are the one who sits in his place,
while he is laying in his bed.

Thank God, the eyes of my blood brother are closed
so he doesn’t witness all this.

Let us go, Beys of Kayi.

A headquarters not called by
Suleyman Shah...

...is not a place we want to be in.

What will happen now, Gundogdu Bey?

The order given by Suleyman Shah
is still valid.

Preparations for migration
to Aleppo shall continue.

We will not give up on our Bey’s words
or his guests. With the help of God.

We are almost out of the Seljuk territory,
we can rest our horses here for a while.

-How is he, mother?
-The same, my son.

Did you hear what was said?

I think we need to set your father off
as soon as possible.

You are right, mother.

We need to take him to the range
before he perishes on the road.

You are right, Gundogdu Bey.
I can check and fix the old cart...

...for a more comfortable journey
for Suleyman Shah.

Thank you, Master.

And this way we can help him heal
if we make it to Aleppo as soon as possible.

But I cannot come with you. You know that
the tribe is like a witch’s cauldron.

Don’t worry, Gundogdu Bey. I can take
Mother Hayme and Suleyman Shah...

...to Aleppo safe and sound.
We will leave early in the morning.

If God permits.

Look at Ertugrul.

I would have never thought that
he would k*ll the tribe’s Alps.

You have been my assistant for nothing
all these years, Alpargu.

My Bey...

...this is a Crusader arrow.

Bravo, Alpargu.
You start to understand slowly.

-Brother Turgut?
-Yes, brave boy?

How are you related to
brother Bamsi and Dogan?

They are my blood brothers.

I have a blood brother as well now.

Who is your blood brother?


But you blood brothers
are always together...

...Dundar and I are separated.

The world is not that big, Yigit.

Mountains may not meet...

...but people can meet again.

The hillside is quiet. There is no one
in sight. How was your side?

The downside is clear as well.
This is a secure place.

Everywhere is clear, why are you frowning.
Because you couldn’t find an enemy?

No, this man called Afsin
is making me anxious.

Do you know who he is?

I don’t know either
but it is not very important.

Don’t tire your pea sized brain out
with things like this.

Your mind is not used to thinking.

Look now, we are in the field
beside the water, right?

Shall we wrestle so that
I can crush you to the ground?

Alright. Alright but...

...do not cry when you lose!

Let me go! I said let me go!

Let me go!

What about you and sister Aykiz?

She is my sweetheart.

Are brother Ertugrul and
my sister Halime sweethearts too?

Yigit Alp?

What are you saying?

-Get the dried meat from the saddlebag.
-But, sister.

Go on.

-But sister...
-Go on.

I will send Ertugrul to you, my brother.

Your soul will not be tormented anymore.

Are you fine, my Shahzada?

Yes, thank you.

I am listening to my inner voice.

What does your inner voice tell to you?

I think about my forefather Oguz.
He saw a dream, our Oguz Khan...

...and he pulled his golden bow
from sunrise to sunset...

...and said
this world is too small for two rulers...

...enough for one ruler.

And our Great Bilge Khan said...

...as long as the blue sky
does not fall down...

...or as long as the great earth
does not split apart...

...no one can overrule your customs.

Then my grandfather Tugrul Bey...

...after the Battle of Dandanaqan...

...called for the Great Council...

...and opened up
new horizons for our people.

And sent this nation to the Land of the Romans.

In the Lands of the Romans in Manzikert...

...Sultan Alparslan...

wore his shroud for a new world order
and turned these lands...

...into a state.

Do you know what my inner voice says,

We need another hero who will unite...

...lead and set a new vision
for these people.
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