01x16 - Davamiz

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x16 - Davamiz

Post by bunniefuu »

We tried to stop the migration,
we did not succeed.

We tried to k*ll Shah Suleyman,
we did not succeed.

Don't mumble,
talk clearly so you can have inner peace.

In the morning you sent that rabid boy
to Shah Suleyman but now we are going...

...to bid him farewell.

I cannot make heads or tails
of you, my Bey.

If my mind could only see one step beyond,
my name would be Alpargu as well, my lion.

I can predict the consequences
before even taking actions...

...and that’s why I’m called Kurdoglu.

What happened, sister?

It is good news, my sister, good news.

It’s good that you are setting off
with mother Hayme...

...as long as you know how to achieve
what you hope for.

You've been looking after Suleyman Shah
since he got sick.

You will show the same care on the road and...

...you will help mother Hayme no matter what.

Of course, sister,
you can be rest assured.

My naive sister.
You will impress Mother Hayme so deeply...

...that she will not even think about
a bride other than you. You will remind her...

...that you will be marrying Ertugrul
so that she cannot change her mind.

What about Ertugrul?

Does Mother Hayme not know
that his heart is with that girl?

Word once spoken is past recalling, Gokce.
It does not suit someone like...

...Mother Hayme to play with the pride
and k*ll the dreams of an innocent...

...well-intentioned girl like you. If she
forgets it, you shall remind her.

Sister, do you know why I am always
beside the sick bed of our Bey?

You once told me that Ertugrul
would never go against his father's words.

This will be over after our Bey says
that the two of us should get married.

That is why.

I always pray so that Suleyman Shah
can get better soon.

-He should get better and...
-God forbid!

Instead of worthless prayers like that
you should pray that Mother Hayme...

...stand strong in front of Ertugrul.

Do all that is in your power so that
she insists on you to be her bride.

May you find a remedy in the lands
you go to, if God permits.

May you find a remedy so that you can
greet your tribe standing strong...

...in our new lands.

Get really close.

I ask for your blessing, mother.

I bless you, my son.

My father is entrusted to God first,
then to you.

We neither know our enemy nor our ally.

The road is full of traitors.
Be careful.

And may you succeed in protecting
your tribe, your wife and your child.

When there is no peace and unity within
the tribe, migration is even harder.

Your job is very difficult, son.
May God help you.

Thank you, mother. Do not worry, from
the babies to goats, all life here...

...is entrusted to me. We shall reach
Aleppo safe and sound, if God permits.

If God permits.

Come on, Alps. In the name of God.

May you flow like water, mother.
May troubles be left behind as you go.

May you be blessed with new weddings
and grandchildren in our new lands.

If God permits, my girl. If God permits.

If God permits, we shall hear that
my blood brother has recovered.

May God clear your road for this journey,
Mother Hayme.

-Godspeed, Mother Hayme.
-Alps will with be with you, Thank God.

But you should still be cautious.

As you know, the enemy is everywhere.

You do not need to worry about us,

Remember, Rahman.

You witnessed last night that traitors
never take their actions overtly.

Hold tight.


How is she, my Shahzada?

It would be wise to check her wound,

Press this over the wound.

We should not stay here for long.
It might be dangerous.

We should leave as soon as possible.
We shall find help in Aleppo.



Will you be able to bear the pain, Halime?

I can, Ertugrul Bey.


Please forgive my daughter
as she is innocent, Dear God.

Your Mercifulness has no limits.

You are The Retaliator...

...you are The All-Prevailing One.

You are the Almighty and Capable of revenge.

May You crush the tyrants.

I am not the tyrant here. You know that.

It was you who k*lled Elanora.

You won’t have what you want from me...

...even if you k*ll me and bring me back
thousand times.

You were like this as a child as well.

Stubbornness makes you unbearable.

But I know how to break that stubbornness.

I am getting old, Marcus.

What was the name of the Bedouin
we met in Aleppo yesterday?

The famous Muhiddin Ibn Arabi
from Andalucía.

Would you get over your stubbornness...

if I k*lled him once instead of k*lling you
thousand times?

We both know that you cannot k*ll him.

You are right.

You were stubborn and clever
like this as a child as well.

In order to get my hands on that chest,
I need both of you alive.

But this does not mean that I cannot throw
him in the dungeon right there.

Will you be able to bear seeing him
getting weak day by day?

I seek refuge in God from Satan, the Accursed one.

In the name of God, the Compassionate,
the Merciful.

And you (O Muhammad) will see the angels...

circling the Throne, glorifying their Lord
with His praises;

and the people will be judged with full equity

and it will be said: “Praise is for God,
the Lord of the Worlds!”

God the Most Mighty has spoken the truth.

God send prayers upon Muhammad
and upon the family of Muhammad.

Take this as well.

-May it be easy on you, Aykiz.
-Thank you.

How is our Bey?

-He will be better, if God permits.
-If God permits.

Is this your dowry?

The first wedding of
the new camp will be yours.

If God permits,
the second will be mine with Ertugrul.

Gokce, I know that
your heart is with Ertugrul...

...but you know very well
that he sees you as his little sister.

You start dreaming on your own
and start to believe your own dreams...

...you will be heartbroken at the end.

You are wrong, Aykiz.
This is not an illusion.

Suleyman Shah also told Ertugrul.

He told Ertugrul that
we shall get married after the migration.

Come on, get ready! Our journey begins!

Do you think Ertugrul would accept this?

His heart is with Halime.

You need to be blind not to see that.

Please do not be so confident about this.

That’s up to fate, sister.

That's true.
You never know.

Look at yourself, you are in love
with Turgut since your childhood...

...but you haven’t got married yet.
Remember that, Aykiz.

On the way to the groom's house, the bride
still says "whatever fate may hold."

You will either talk here and now...

...or I shall feed you to the dogs.

I know that someone helped you
within the palace...

...give me a name...

...save your life.

What is happening to this man?

This is poison!
Where did he find the poison?

-Has anyone else entered this room other than you?
-I don't think so.

No one knew he was here.

Even the guards don't know
who they are guarding.

I could not get a single word out of him.

I have to find the spies
who infiltrated the palace.


...no one should see this body.

Whoever helped him die will come again
to see whether he died or not.

My Effendi...

...with your permission...

...I can take care of the body.

I know a way to get him out of here
during the change of guards.


...I don't know how to repay my debt.

You saved my life once and
now you are risking your life for me.

It is an honor for me to work for
the vizier who sacrifices everything...

...for the righteous path of God.
You can be rest assured.

With God's permission, the traitor
who did this shall be punished.

Petruccio, my dear friend.


I am deeply sorry for your loss.

I hope your niece's death was not in vain.

Elanora sacrificed herself for our cause.

Was your niece's sacrifice beneficial?

I don't think so. You are not even
a step closer to the lost chest.

Giovanni is still resisting...

...but he shall give in soon.

I know his soft spot very well.

How can you be so sure
that Giovanni will start talking?

I can tell our common friends in Aleppo.

-With your brother?
-No. Giovanni is not my brother anymore.

He chose to betray our cause.

And he is paying the price of this choice.

Petruccio, Petruccio,
not only the traitors...

...those who cannot succeed
in their duties also pay a price.

If you want me to persuade
our Holy Father for the Crusades...

...you have to take back the holy relics
Muslims stole from us.

I shall remind you of this everyday
until I return to Europe...

...my dear friend Petruccio.

-What is it, Marcus?
-Titus has returned to the castle, sir.

Get your hands off me!

Let go!

Well done!

You went with 30 knights and
returned with two Turkmen, dear Titus.

What a great task! Huge success!

This child is not
an ordinary Turkmen, Cardinal.

He is a Seljuk Shahzada.

Isn't he one of the Shahzadas
you let escape last time?

Well, who is this?

Your death!

Well done, Titus. You are
quite brave against a wounded lion...

...but when you encounter lions in the
forest, who'll look for a hole to hide?

I am going to Antioch.
I have some business to attend to.

I shall take back my guest when I get
back. Look after him well while I am gone.

May you have a good journey, dear Thomas.

Take our guest to his palace.

Take him to the palace as well.

This presumptuous Turkmen
shall beg for me to k*ll him.

First we shall visit a friend.
He will look after Halime and...

...we will receive his blessing.

Be strong, my girl. We are almost there.

You cowards! Why don't you untie me?
Are you afraid?

Do we treat your prisoners like this?

-Are you alright?
-Save your breath, young man.

They won't hear you here.
They won't understand your troubles.

Here, only God will hear you.

Who are you?

I warned you countless times!

I told you that your personal revenge
should not overshadow your tasks!

But you went after that Turk anyway.

I lost 30 knights
because of your incompetence.

Forgive me, sir.

Didn't you see how
the Cardinal was teasing us?

You disgraced me and
all the Knights Templar.


...ever ask me to forgive you once again.

I understand, sir.

-But what, Titus?

Ertugrul was going to Aleppo.
I thought you might want to know this.

He must be going to Aziz's palace
as an envoy of the Kayis.

I shall give you one last chance, Titus.

What is it you want me to do, sir?

Go to Aleppo immediately.

Talk with Nasir and finish this job.

Then clean your own mess.

I understand, sir.

First complete your tasks
for Lord's Son, Titus.

Then, Ertugrul is yours.

You can do whatever you wish.

-Thank God you are here.
-Thank God we meet again.

Where have you been, my Bey?

We were worried when you did not show up.

Where is Turgut Alp?

-Father, where is Yigit Alp? He is not here.
-Keep calm, keep calm, my girl.

I will call the doctor and
meet you in the lodge.

May Lord’s Son take our deceased brother
to his kingdom of heaven.

Will his death make our job easier?

Aziz is really confused
about Sahabeddin at the moment.

When the assassin is found dead
after accusing Sahabeddin...

...this will confuse him even more.

The rest is up to you.

You must feed fears
and suspicions within Aziz.

I will be a guest of
the Emir tonight as well.

In the sweetest moment of our night
I shall whisper Ustad's words in his ear.

He will be my sl*ve from now on.


Don't get carried away
while doing your job.

I am Esma to El Aziz and
Aftalia to you and your Knights Templar.

I only do as I’m told.

Shall I take the tray
if you won't eat, my Effendi?


Yigit still has not arrived, father.

Father, Yigit has not arrived.

May God help and be with us.

Dear God,
please don't leave us in despair.

Amen. She shall recover.
May God bestow a speedy recovery upon her.

Hanim, how is our guest?

The doctor said that she should regain
consciousness by the morning, God willing.

We should go to the lodge.
Our Sheikh would like to see you.

Is Ibn Arabi here?

You can go, Ertugrul. I will wait here.

What is this outrage?
How can you come in without permission?

Kurdoglu, people are entering Shah's tent
not by the door but from the back...

...and you still request permission.

Get to the point, Gundogdu.
Say what you have to say.

I will not say anything to you until
my father opens his eyes, Kurdoglu.

But when he opens his eyes,
not even the candles...

...even if all the stars in heaven go out,
no one can take you away from me.

By the way...

...a bow and arrow are good.

You don't need to get face to face
like you do with a sword or a dagger.

Welcome, son.

You are always welcome here.

I’m very much pleased to see you.

May she recover soon. Our Pir's
grandson told us what happened.

My Effendi, when I first came to Aleppo,
the Knights Templar wanted to k*ll me...

...but we were saved with your help.
I saw you in my dream.

Help is from God, don't ever forget
that He is the source of all favors...

...and don't ever tell
your brothers your dreams.

His highness Joseph also had a dream.

He told it to his father
for him to interpret it.

What was Prophet Jacob's
first reply to him?

Don’t ever talk about your dreams
to your brothers.

Do not forget...

...if you don't keep one secret, the Owner
of Secrets will not give you another one.

I understand.

Look, our guest is here.

He has secrets,
he respects the Owner of Secrets.

May God keep his blessing over us.

It was Sultan Gilani's statement:
"Birds fly with their own kind.

Eagles with eagles, crows with crows."

Our job was to bring the eagles together.

Thank God.

You are entrusted first in God,
then with each other.

You can discuss everything together.

What do the Templars want from you?

Brother Dogan?

Yes, my brother?

Do you think Turgut Alp and
Yigit will be here in the morning?

I do not know, brother Bamsi.

We fended off so many troubles
while we were together.

The Mongols and Crusaders...

...wolves and bears...

...snow and winter did not stop us.

Now those knights...

I do not know, brother Bamsi.

I don’t want to say what is in my heart...

...and my heart won’t let me say
what is on my mind.

Where is this Afsin Bey? He said he would
be back by nightfall but he is not.

I do not know that either, brother Bamsi.

We do not know anything about him.
May God bless us with a good ending.

Is it true that there is plague in the Kayi tribe?


I was surprised when I heard it as well.

But our commander Nasir said that
he got such an intelligence.

There was no plague when I left the tribe.

But we caught someone who was trying
to contaminate the tribe's food...

...with plagued meat.

She said that the Templars had ordered it.

Why are they behind everything?

If the news of a plague
in our tribe reached Aleppo before me...

...it means that
the Templars are behind it.

How much do you trust
this commander called Nasir?

I do not trust anyone
in the palace anymore, Ertugrul.

When I was just about to catch
the man who tried to k*ll me...

Stop, don't!

Nasir k*lled him for no reason at all.

He was still alive.

I questioned him when he recovered.

But yesterday,
he k*lled himself in front of me.

So what are you planning to do?

First thing tomorrow
I will tell El Aziz about Nasir.

My nephew will not turn
a deaf ear to my warnings this time.

Do not touch her.
Do not touch and move away.

Midwife, what is happening?
For God's sake please help her.
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