02x34 - Kutlu Mücadele, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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02x34 - Kutlu Mücadele, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

So what did we do now, brother?

-Be silent, brother.
-I could not understand anything.

We have been waiting for infidel Mongols
but these scrubs came out.

Bamsi, can you still not understand?

What do you carry in your head
instead of a brain?

I am sorry Bey, forgive me.

It is just an empty head.

Sometimes, your words are
as empty as your head.

Come, Tugtekin.


Fiery Boy.

Now, go and tell the world
of Noyan's valor.

We have suffered many pains, fought
many battles from the fatherland to here

but we have never been down on our uppers
this much, daughter Halime.

If God permits, we will
overcome this, Wild Demir.

If God permits.

If Ertugrul Bey succeeds,
we will get rid of this pit.

Thank God, Bey.

What is it, Bey?
You are down in the mouth.

We could not triumph.

Why, Bey?

We were waiting for Mongols

Tugtekin stood against us.

But there was no sign of Mongols.

Bey, how did they know?


Satan is playing such a trick on us

that we forget in which land
we fool around.

-Bey, we shall set off then.
-Not now.

Mongols must be looking for us everywhere.

We are going to go to the cave, get ready.

Bey, the horses need to rest.

They must be exhausted
of fighting with us, too.


-Yes, Master.

What is the problem, son?
If someone sees you

they would think you never
cut a heathen's head.

That is true. I could not.

Is that why you are downcast?

No, Master.

Then why?

I upset Ertugrul Bey with this
billet-like empty head of mine

and this tuneless tongue of mine.
That is why I am mad.

Lions! Lions!

As long as you stand straight
behind our Bey like this

no one can bend us down,
no one can make us kneel.

With god's help.

God is greatest.

-God is greatest.
-God is greatest.

-God is greatest.
-God is greatest.

God is greatest.

Each one would die for you, Bey.

I am glad I have them.

Yet I cannot give them the heathen's head.

The enemy is stronger than we thought.

I want to fight...

...but my hand is not ready.
I barely hold the sword.

Those days will come, too, Ertugrul.

Those days that you will shed
enemy's blood is near.

If I could not stop these tyrants

there will be nothing left
of my bravery or gallantness.

We are ready to go, Bey.

Devil can take him for all I care.

He thought being a Bey's son
was such prowess.

May your carrion fall prey.


You will go to the nomad tent.

And say that Tugtekin died.

You will say, Ertugrul k*lled Tugtekin.

Let Kayi and Dodurga tribes
get up against each other.

Let them take each other's lives.

And I will come and take
the lives of the rest.

Take the road.


You do not seem like you got out
of a battle at all.

Go on, goodbye!


It is good like this.

Ulubilge, I feel a glow
of happiness today.

The sky is great.

The trees and birds are great, as well.

Ertugrul slipped through our fingers.
We could not k*ll them both.

Sometimes you are bulk headed, Tangut.

If you k*lled two people, then
you would have k*lled two people.

But now, Ertugrul is a living dead.

And the nomad tent is a fire ground.

They will get up against each other.
Each other.

Ertugrul was not the one who k*lled
Seljuk soldiers and abducted Ertokus.

What are you talking about, brother?

Unfortunately, that is the truth, Aytolun.

I have not a shadow of a doubt
that Ertugrul is guiltless.

But I am not sure whether
the truth or the lie...

...would serve our purpose.

I do not know how the matter
of Ertugrul will be solved

but Gundogdu and Goncagul must marry.

Then Gundogdu would always take your side.

We only need Hayme to allow this marriage.

We must seize Kayi, regardless
of the consequence.

First, I need to win Gundogdu's heart
then Hayme Hatun's heart for it.

Konya taught me the battles are won
in the hareem of the palace

not in the b*ttlefield.

It seems that the nomad's marquee
and the Sultan's palace...

...are the real b*ttlefield.

I pray every night, for you to die

so we could get rid of you, sister,
do you know?

Gokce, we both took the seeds of sin
inside us, from our father.

His greed, arrogance...


...and everlasting hatred.

My beautiful sister.

Thank God, I cleaned my soul
with the breath of his Ibn Arabi.

Now I am paying the price
for my sins, Gokce.

And you, sister...

...do not think that I do not know
what you are doing.

Your intention is not to marry
and build a happy family.

You have one care.

That is to vent your unrequited love
on Ertugrul and Halime.

Gokce, my beautiful sister.
Do not do that.

Remember your sister. You will burn
like a kindling in this sea of sin.

I am telling you for the last time.
Pull yourself together.

-Pull yourself together and...

Your heart has been defiled enough
to waste Tugtekin's love

for your sneaky vengeance.

You are cruel as my father
who wanted to k*ll Suleyman Shah.

Maybe every slap will remind you
who you are...

...who you are not and
who you can never be.

Maybe you will remember you grew up
with marquee's blessings.

And you need to be grateful.

Maybe you will remember
you reached the age of marriage

with the love of Suleyman Shah
and Mother Hayme

maybe you will repent and
get rid of this fiend inside you.

Get up!


Get out, daughter.

Selcan, what is this, daughter?

You are in a rage again.

I cannot stand, mother. I cannot stand.

No one sees what I see.

The devil called Aytolun
wants to ruin our marquee.

She wants to use Gundogdu and Gokce.

Selcan, that is enough. Enough.

You have troubles with Aytolun.

Gundogdu hates you.

You slapped Gokce.

Do you not come to heel, daughter?

That is enough.

Stop being apprehensive.

I want a tiny bit of peace.

Whatever a man sowed, he shall reap.

Selcan, know that I ran out of patience.

Aytolun, it is all over.

From now on, Aytolun

I will show what you are.

From now on

I have the right to be as sneaky as you

as vile as you as you.

Mother, I have no patience anymore.

She came to herself after she repented.

I was thrilled.

She slapped Gokce.
She completely lost herself.

It is not going to work, mother.
I will either be a k*ller or divorce her.

If you are tired that much...

...find another girl who can
give you a child, son.

But do not divorce Selcan.

A son of a Bey does not divorce
and turn his wife adrift.

It is not in accordance with our mores.

What if she does not consent me
having a second wife?

What if she brings bigger troubles to us?

We will think about it at that time.

If she does not behave herself, she can't
stay in my marquee and nomad tent.

Bey, apparently you wanted to see me.

I know you take a ride to collect grass
for your father every day.

But, I...

We shall sit down.

I witnessed what happened today.

I cannot look at my uncle's
and aunt's face.

Bey, Selcan is a troublesome a woman.

And it is obvious that you are merciful.

You have a heart so pure
to cast aside your wife

you have shared your bed with
for many years.

Your children had died one by one.

May God give you and her patience.

Apparently, all these pains
made her like this, Bey.

Not one, not two, five children

had joined the choir invisible
before they were born.

But you, Gundogdu Bey

you are the hope of Kayi.

I know that you have many burdens.

Being this sorrowful and alone
does not befit you, Bey.

Your words are as beautiful as your eyes.

Anyway, excuse me.
I shall go to headquarters.

Will you talk about Ertugrul?

I will.

Do you still believe that
Ertugrul is innocent?


I want to you know, I believe your
brother is innocent, too, Gundogdu Bey.

Thank you.

I know Ertugrul Bey is innocent,
as much as you do, Hayme Hatun.

But that is not the point.

We must prove that Ertugrul is guiltless.

I know that you love my son
at least as much as Suleyman Shah.

I saw you were not pleased at all

when we took the head of Alps duty
from Ertugrul.

You only said okay with you hand shaking
just so there would not be duality.

Thank you.

But I want you to take my son's side
in this headquarters.

When we take a stand against
the rumors for him

we wish to see you with us.

Even if two nomad tents would burn,
I could not take the frame's side.

It would not befit me, our mores
and our religion.

You can rest assured, Hayme Hatun.

But the pitcher is full.

If one more drop falls...

...may God help us.

Kocabash slipped through the net again.

-Bey, what if he is not the betrayer?
-What if someone else is?

No, he is betrayer.

Even though his tongue says he is not,
his eyes represent Satan.

I am sure, he is the betrayer.

What will we do, Bey?

We shall to go to nomad tent and
make life unbearable for them.

There is no other way.

The dishes are ready.

I was going to eat my brain from hunger.

Brother, have you a brain to eat?

-Brother Dogan.
-Yes, brother?

Alright, I do not have brain.
You do, but you have not a mind.

-Are the brain and mind different?
-Yes, brother, they are.

You have not had your share of it.

Brother, we sent you off to train Alps

you became a leech, wonderful.

That is tutelage, brother.

The tutelage is something different.

Brother, the tutelage is
something different.

Ertugrul can never be in such a betrayal.

I want two nomad groups' Beys
to be one heart.

No one shall think my nephew is a traitor.

That is why I will join the headquarters.

Ertugrul is more dangerous
than we thought.

He has many fellow, including
Sultan in the palace.

Like he has his uncle in marquee.

He is calamity alive,
he is more calamity, dead.

It will be hard.

What happened, son?

I have no one left, Artuk Bey.

First, my mother and my father.
Then my brothers.

And now, Ertugrul Bey, Wild Demir,
Dogan and Brother Turgut.

Son, they will come back honorably.
Do not worry.

What if they do not come back?
What if I become an orphan again?

Do not worry about it, son.

God turns the evil to benevolence.

You will see Ertugrul Bey will come
to be relative for orphans.

Not just you, all oppressed migrants.

Mother, is there permission to come in?

Come in, son.

What is the matter, son?

Mother, you do not lie to me, I know.

Yet you do not tell the truth.

What are you talking about, son?

Halime and Wild Demir are not here.

You know where they are
but you do not tell me.

That offends me, mother.

They went to Sultan Aleaddin.

They left to take Sultan
the confidential papers of his state.

And they will tell the trap
which was set up for Ertugrul.

Mother, where did this paper come from?

I do not know where it came from
but I know who it came from.

From whom?

From the one I never believed he died...

...one I always said
would come back to us...

...from Sungurtekin.


-My brother, Sungurtekin?

Mother, he is still alive?

He is alive and he will come back
here one day.

If God permits.

The drums are beating
for the headquarters.

We will talk later at length.
We need to go.

Wait a minute, mother.


Where does he get these news from, mother?

Erzurum is cold and deserted.

Which crane ends an urgent message
to him on these mountains?

Mother, what is my brother doing?

-Ertugrul Bey cannot be in a betrayal.
-How he could do this?

He cannot betray.

In God's name, the compassionate
and the merciful.

With 99 names of God Almighty.

Beys, dark clouds are upon us.

I wanted to talk the matter

with my headquarters' Beys
and find a solution.

Go ahead, have your say.

Our biggest matter is Ertugrul who
does not know custom and settle down.

He is still not found.

-Is that right, Beys?
-It is true.

I am scared that we will fall victim
to Sultan Aleaddin's wrath

who would save us from Mongols.

It seems that Ertugrul went to earth, Bey.

It is obvious that he is running away
from the mores and the justice of Sultan.

My brother fights by advancing on,
not by running away.

Gundogdu, he fights with whom?

First, he rioted against
Tugtekin Bey, then Seljuk's.

Is this his fight?


Are you talking about Ertugrul Bey
who took his life in his hands...

...and fought with Templars,
Mongols all this time?

These words are told with
courage of ignorance.

That is true. We acted foolishly
and did all we could

to unite two nomad groups.
We shared our daily bread.

Also, we shared our mattress.
We slept on land, cold and muddy.

So our brother, Kayis would not get hurt.
We shared everything

so their wounds would scab
and they can start over again.

-What did we get? Nothing.
-That is true.

Ertugrul is a traitor.
Do you not see that?

-What are you talking about?
-That is a lie.

We returned from w*r with Mongols...

...when Ertugrul was born.

Suleyman Shah was seriously wounded.

I commended him to Artuk.

He was unconscious.

I did not tell Hayme
so she would not be scattered.

I said he is healthy and
he is on the way, he is coming.

While Hayme was bringing
Ertugrul into the world

Suleyman Shah was facing death.

I took Ertugrul on my lap
after his mother.

I took him to Artuk Bey's tent of healing.

I laid him on his wounded father's bed.

I did so...

...he would know his father's scent
in case he died.

Ertugrul touched his father's face
with his tiny hands.

Suleyman Shah got refreshed.

He prayed and rendered thanks
to God Almighty, and said to his son

"May your tiny hands that enlivened your
father, be the cure for Oghuz's wound.

May your sharp eyes that looks like
Prophet Ali's sword, Zulfiqar

lead the way for Oghuz.

Even if all world comes down on you,
do not give up your path, son."

Ertugrul is a son, faithful
to his father's wish.

I have known it for ages.

Ertugrul is not a traitor!

And now, today, too, I know

even if all the world comes down on him

Ertugrul will do what is necessary.

He is right.

Thank you, Korkut Bey.

I wish to God Almighty,
that you are right.

And Ertugrul is innocent.

The soldier who got wounded in the battle
was wrong in his words.

If God permits.
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