01x31 - Field of Screams, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x31 - Field of Screams, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »



[Evil laughter]


Jaden! Are you okay?

Oh, man! Weird dream.

I saw a girl.

A girl?

Fontaine: you must be feeling better

If you're dreaming about girls!

How is nightshr-- I mean, alexis' brother?

I'm afraid he hasn't woken up yet.

But still, he's in stable condition.

Go, my minions!

Find me my prey, so that we can succeed

Where nightshroud has failed.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Boy: hey, did you hear about the vampire?!

Second boy: vampire?

Dude! I saw her with my own two eyes!

Or at least my roommate did.

She's got these gigantic fangs!

Wait, are you saying it's a she?!

Girl: I am so not kidding!

It's a girl vampire!

Well, she better stay away from my boyfriend.


Sheppard: I'm afraid the rumors may not

Be rumors after all.

Oh, my!

Please! It's a practical joke!

A joke?

It wasn't a joke that put jaden in the hospital.

Do you think she's a shadow rider?


So listen: be on the lookout

For anything strange.

Let's see this vampire girl

Try to get the drop on the chazz!

A vampire?!

What's next, the boogeyman?!

Ha ha ha!

Who would believe something so ridiculous!

I know you're out there!

I have a huge horror movie collection--

I know all your weak spots!

I'm ready for you!

How's jaden?

He hasn't said anything since last night.


How's your brother, alexis?

Pretty much the same.

But he'll get better.

I know it.

He's a fighter, you know?

I know!

I just hope the rest are as well.

After all, it sounds like

The next shadow rider is here.

My precious.

What did you bring me?

Ah, so this is our opposition.

Hmm, who shall it be?

You! You will be my first.

Chazz: good news, chancellor!

I searched the whole campus,

And there's no--

Chumley: vampire!!!

I saw her! She's at the lake!

Bastion: I think she's expecting us.

Crowler: at least it's the red carpet treatment.

Crimson red.

How fitting.

What now?

Now we face her.

Yeah, but who?

Both: unh!


Oh, wow! You are so brave!

We'll be right behind you!

Yes, by a good feet.

Hey, I have an idea!

Let's draw straws to see who goes!

Now, where can we find some straws?

Oh, never you mind!

I'll find them, just don't follow me.

Chazz: sorry, crowler, you're up.


Dr. Crowler's gonna duel

Against the vampire lady!

Great, he'll beat her easy, right?

Wrong, sy!

Crowler may talk a big game,

But he plays a terrible one!




So, crowler, what's the hold up?

If you're in such a hurry,

Why don't you go first!


Gentlemen, why don't I just come to you?

And who might you be?

I'm your challenger.

Hmm, I don't think so.

I crave another.

You are not worthy!

I...i beg your pardon?!

I have a phd in dueling!

That takes years in duel school, you know!

Fine. If you're that anxious to lose

Your key, then you may duel me,

Camula, vampire mistress of the shadow riders.

So she is the vampire?

I need to get new horror movies.

Rubber bats and plastic teeth!

Your tricks don't scare me.

Well, then, perhaps this will.

If you lose, I get your soul.

Well, actually, this little doll does.

You want to take his soul and the key?!

Forget it!

Is that all?

Don't want anything for your mummy?

Or perhaps something for your pet werewolf to chew on?

Be careful what you wish for.

It may just come true.

Now then, key keeper, let's duel!

Both: duel!

So, key keeper, you don't believe in werewolves?

Well, perhaps this will convince you.

Rise, zombie werewolf!

And I will end my turn with a facedown card.


What do you take me for, some sort of pathetic amateur?

That facedown is obviously a trap,

And that mangy fleabag is clearly the bait!

But even so, I'll bite.

Because you've bitten off more than you can chew.

First, I play the spell card ancient gear castle!

It gives all my ancient gear creatures

Extra attack points!

And second, I'll play the ancient gear soldier

In attack mode!

And now, camula, I think it's time

We gave that filthy slobbering mongrel of yours his sh*ts!

Attack! Rapid fire flurry!


I guess that crowler is more of a cat person.

That was fun!

I should get out of the classroom more often!

On the contrary, you should study up!

Then you'd know,

My werewolf is coming back!

But how?!

Ah, the living.

I forget the ignorance of a beating heart!

When zombie werewolf's destroyed,

I get to summon another from my deck!

With more attack points!


And he teaches us?

Don't worry, everything is under control.

I place one card facedown.

I guess it's your turn.

Why, thank you.

And I summon vampire bat in attack mode!

And with my winged friend out on the field,

Every zombie monster I have out

Gains attack points!

Don't the of you look so cute!

You know, if you had bags,

You could go trick or treating!

The only treat will be your demise!

Zombie werewolf, go sic that gear soldier,

Midnight pounce!


Well, well.

It would appear that your mutt

Still has some bite in him

After all.

No matter, I still have more life points.

Perhaps. But not for much longer!

Vampire bat, attack with swarming scourge!



I can actually feel their little teeth!

This isn't some dueling hologram,

This is real!

And that can only mean one thing--

This is really a shadow game, too!

Syrus: crowler's taking a beating.

No, he can't!

If crowler doesn't win,

He'll lose his key and soul!

What will we do?!


Ha ha ha! For rubber bats,

They pack quite a wallop, don't they?

Listen, dear, you don't have to endure this.

Step down, and I'll duel that one in white.

You hear that, zane?

It sounds as though you're her type.

Yes, or her blood type!

So how about it?

Give me your student, and I'll let you go free.

Crowler: as tempting as your offer is,

I don't think so!

I won't let you lay a finger on my students!

Do you understand?

I am the leading professor

At the most famous duel academy in the world!

And if you want to get to my pupils,

You're going to have to get through yours truly.

But you can barely stand, crowler!

Don't worry about me.

I still have a deck in my hand,

And a few tricks up my sleeve!

Like this, for example!

I play my facedown card, damage condenser!

It summons a monster from my deck

Whose attack points are equal or less

Than the damage you've just inflicted on me.

In other words, the more pain you deal,

The more hurt you'll feel!

Rise, ancient gear soldier!

But he won't be around for long.

I'll now sacrifice the ancient gear soldier,

So I can summon my own -legged friend,

The ancient gear beast!

And as you're about to see,

He's well-trained!

Go, ancient gear beast!

Show that zombie werewolf

Who's top dog!

Don't do it! If you win,

She'll bring back

The werewolf all over again!


Appreciate the advice,

But you're forgetting his special ability:

Ancient gear beast cancels the effect

Of any destroyed monster!

Clever calculation.

Yes, good thinking!

Now, attack zombie werewolf!


Ha ha ha!

If you'd like some help

With your dueling strategy,

Feel free to stop by my class.

Maybe crowler's lesson plans really do work.


He'll only give us more homework!

Nice move.

Pity you won't have many more.

I cast the field spell, infernalvania!

But you'll destroy everything with that!


By discarding a zombie monster from my hand,

I can send every creature that is on the field

Straight to the graveyard!

That's true.

But don't you forget,

By using that infernalvania,

You're not going to be allowed to normal summon

Your monsters anymore.

So what?

Who says I need any more monsters,

Isn't that right?

Don't play games with me.

I know all about that bat of yours!

But do your students?!

Do they know my vampire bat can be made indestructible

By simply discarding another one from my deck?

Or did you skip that chapter?

Oh, dear!

But first,

I'll discard one of my zombie monsters,

For infernalvania!

And like I said,

Now I'll just discard another vampire bat

To keep this one on my field!

Now, attack the good professor!

No, not again!

I can't take much more of this.

He needs our help.

No! Stay back!

This is my duel, and my duel alone!

You must protect your keys.



We can't just stand here and do nothing!

Yes, I completely agree with you, darling.

Please step in.

Save your teacher, because obviously, he can't save himself.

Jaden: wrong!


Students: jaden?!

Dr. Crowler can win this duel!

I know that voice.

It's slacker.

I know because I've dueled him!

Believe me, he can throw down!

And he'll find a way to beat you!

So get up, dr. Crowler! And get your game on!

I am not giving up!

Oh, are you still here?

You had better believe it.

And here to stay, too, missy!

You see, though it makes me

Slightly ill to admit it,

Jaden is absolutely right!

I can beat you! I can throw down,

And I can get my game on!

Blech, I suddenly feel the need

To rinse my mouth out.

Come on, it's not that bad, teach.

Yes, perhaps.

But you know what is?

His life points.

It's true.

To win, crowler will need to mount quite a comeback.

Now, let's duel!

I summon ancient gear golem in attack mode!

Check it! Crowler's best monster!

But where's the sacrifice?

It's on the field. The ancient gear castle.

A very skillful move.

See, when summoning a monster with "ancient" in its name,

You can sacrifice ancient gear castle,

And it counts as the same number of sacrifices

As however many monsters you've summoned so far.

Now, gear golem,

Attack vampire bat with mechanized melee!


Did you forget that vampire bat can't be destroyed?

But as infernalvania will demonstrate,

Your golem can!

I'm afraid you're mistaken.


What's he gonna do?

Oh, just destroy every trap and spell card

On the entire field!

Suffer the wrath of heavy storm!


You must be quite a bore for your students,

So predictable!

Please, you don't know what you're talking about.


Oh, don't i?!

I activate the trap card zombie bed!

You can't!

I just destroyed all the trap and spell cards!

Which is exactly what I wanted you to do.

But why?!

Of course, it's obvious.

In order to be activated, zombie bed has to be destroyed!

Very good, my darling.

And now that it has been,

Its effect lets me summon back

Zombie werewolf in attack mode!

Thanks to your card,

You're completely defenseless!

Chazz: she knows crowler's every move

Even before he does!

It's easy when you have a flying bats

Spying on everyone!



Ha ha, ha ha ha!

It's over, crowler!

I activate book of life!

It resurrects my vampire lord!

However, you cannot give life

Without taking it away.

So I'll be taking your ancient gear beast from your grave,

So you can't use him again!

And now I'm removing vampire lord from play,

So that I can summon vampire genesis!

And since vampire bat is still on the field,

His attack points increase by !

[All gasping]

My students, no matter what happens to me,

Always remember this!

What the..?

It's true, I may have been hard on you at times,

But it's simply because I believe in you.

Therefore, if I fall here, there's still hope,

Because I know you all will rise.

Don't talk like that!

This isn't good.

Have you finished your final lesson yet, crowler?

Excuse me, but that's doctor to you!

Ha ha, ha ha ha!

If you wish!

I'll put it on your tombstone as soon as I'm finished!

Vampire genesis, destroy his golem!


[All gasp]

Is that all?

I thought that you shadow riders

Were supposed to be tough!

Hah! You want more?

Very well!



Tough enough?

Here, try this, as well!

Vampire bat, attack!

Dr. Crowler!

Jaden, avenge me, my boy.

His key is mine.

Uh-uh! No way!

We can't stop her.

She won the duel.

One down, to go.

And now, darling children, to take my second prize.

She put crowler's soul in a doll!

Dolls are pretty.

This is decidedly not.

It's garbage now.

That's it!


But, zane!

Now, I bid farewell.

All: ohh!

Ha ha ha ha!

We'll find you!

And duel!

Children, that's precisely what I'm hoping for!

[Evil laughter]

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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