01x42 - Duel Monsters Spirit Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x42 - Duel Monsters Spirit Day

Post by bunniefuu »

[Dark musician girl giggles]

[Thinking] ah! My most favorite day of the year!

Duel monsters spirit day.

The one chance I have all year to come out and play!

And I'm not going to let it go to waste!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Your happy lover latte,

Your chithonian chai tea.

Enjoy, ladies.


What a cutie!

Don't fall in love just yet, mindy.

It's duel monsters spirit day!

We have a whole day of flirting ahead of us!

Man: get your kuriboh dumplings here!

Kuriboh dumplings!

What did he say?!

Kuriboh dumplings, was it?

That's just gross.

No, just a little hairy.

All right, feet long...

Feet across...



And two cans of paint to ruin it all!

Chumley, you're in the way of my duel arena!

Art has its price!

Art? Whadaya mean?

I mean I'm drawing up posters

To promote your big costume duel today!

Lishus, huh?!

Yeah, not bad.

Of course, if you really want to draw in a big crowd,

There's one more picture you should draw!

A big glam shot of the dark magician girl!

Hmm. Guess I could put her in the corner.

No! She deserves the whole poster!

But what about des kangaroo?!

And des koala?

Hello! They're not even real!

Neither is dark magician girl.

Don't you ever say that!

You hear me?! Ever!

Ok! Sorry! Man!

Now get to it!

I've gotta finish this field!


Yeah, I would, if I could see!

Dark magician girl: a costume duel?

That's perfect!

So professor banner's gone missing?

That sure is strange.

No kidding.

Especially after what you told us about him, atticus.

I wish that it weren't true.

But it is.

He's the one who led you to the abandoned dorm,

The one who lured you to the shadows.

That may be.

But the question we need to answer is why.

I got a question: what is chazz doing?!



Ah, come on, where are ya?!

Uh, where is what, chazz?

His mind, jay.

Clearly he's lost it.

No, I'm looking for banner's cat, 'cause if we find him,

We'll find banner. B-duh.

B-duh?! Has chazz lost his mind again?

Hey, what's up, sy? Huh?

Jaden: sweet poster!

Yeah, besides that dark magician guy being in it,

Chum did a pretty good job.

Yeah, agreed!

I rule.

Atticus: so, a costume duel?

Tight idea!

Zane: so who's dressing up as dark magician girl?

Atticus: sy, you do have someone, right?

Syrus: uh...not really.

But no one'll mind.

I'm just using her to help sell the duel--

You know, advertising.

Uh, false advertising maybe.

Wow. I really didn't think of that.

Guess I'll need to find someone to play the part then...

Like alexis!

Yes, a fine idea!

Yeah, good call.

Uh, I could be the dark magician guy--

So, lex? Will ya do it?

Come on, please?! Please, please?

Whadaya say?!

Alexis: I actually already have a costume,

But I have a better idea who could be her, anyway!

[Syrus screams]

On what demented planet is this a better idea?!

Planet chumley.

Come on, you don't think dorothy pulls that off?

Pull it off?!

Don't put that image in my brain, please, chum!

Excuse me!

But I make a great dark magician girl and have for years!

That's how long I've owned this costume!


Oh! I thought the arms were feeling a little tight.

Oh! And in the seat, too.

Oh, well. One of you mind sewing it up?

Uh-uh. Uh-uh.

[Syrus crying]

My costume duel is gonna be a bust!

Chumley: help! Help!

Duel monster!

Aah! Please don't claw me! Please!

Chill, chumley. It's a costume!

See, look, I'm going as harpie lady.

So what do you think?

What do I think?

I think I'm majorly relieved.


So...what are jaz and mindy going as?

Same thing.

That way, when we're all together, we'll be...

All: the harpie lady sisters!

[Chumley yelling]

I think all these shadow games

Have taken their toll on chumley.

Anyway, what are you going to be, jaden?


I think...this!


Ok...and what exactly is that?

Well, I wanted to be a few monsters.

So I just took a couple pieces from each of them!

I guess at least no one will have the same costume as you.

Yeah, thank goodness.

Ya got that right.

All: huh?

Hey, lookin' good, chazz!

Really good!

Thanks, I know!

What a costume!



Jaden: chazz dressed up as xyz dragon cannon!

Chumley: you're sure that's chazz, right?


Now, this is a costume!

It's the best one that I've seen!

Is that...alexis?!

[Thinking] purple hair and pointy ears... My big weakness.

Jaden: uh...i don't remember xyz dragon cannon ever blushing, chazz.

Shut up!


Now let's get down to business

And start this costume duel!

Who's it going to be?!

[Breathing heavily]

All right...jaden!

Since no one's volunteering, I'm gonna volunteer for you!

You're dueling!

Really, I am? Well, ok!

Get your game on, chazz!

Yeah, right!

I can't duel in this costume.

I can hardly walk!

All right.

Chumley, duel?

I really shouldn't. Just ate.

You, syrus?

Sorry! But I'm the master of ceremonies for this duel!

I'm doing the play by play!


What are you doing?

Ya know... Just big brother stuff.

Like taking embarrassing photos of you

That I can show mom and dad later!

Uh, no! You will not!

And uncle doug and aunt gail and cousin alanna.


You're not showing anyone those!

Gimme that camera!

That's just great.

Now I've got no one to duel.

Dark magician girl: nuh-uh!


I'll duel you!

[All gasping]

All: dark magician girl?


Now, that costume fits!

Oh, man! What student is that?!

Looks just like her!

Man, I think I'm in love!

So can i?

Can you what? Wait, duel?

Definitely! Absolutely! For sure!

As organizer of this event, I say yes!

But sy organized this.

Who cares? The answer's still yes!!

If that's ok with you, I mean!

Aw, you're cute. Of course it's ok!

Let's do this!

Crowler: my, not a bad turnout.

Just who is dueling in this match?

Looks like jaden and what appears to be the dark magician girl.

Dark magician girl?

Don't be ridiculous! There's no such...


Why look, it's dark magician girl!

I saw her first! I saw her first!

Chazz: syrus? Where are you?

Ok, sy, just play it cool.

Don't be too obvious!

Gotta let her know you're interested but not desperate.


Chazz: syrus, quit going gaga over dark magician girl

And come to the commentator booth!

What, are you just gonna stare at her all day?!


Ok, then!

Introducing today's main event...

Hello, it's our only event!

Ooh, yeah, that's way better.

Today's one and only event,

The duel monsters costume duel!


Hosting will be mr. "Chazz it up" princeton...


And myself--syrus, syrus truesdale. How ya doing?!

Just get on with it, ya bozos!


Heh! Fair enough!

Oh, look, the duelists have just entered the arena!

Whadaya mean?

They've been there for minutes now!

At my far right,

Dressed more as a duel montage than a monster...jaden yuki!

Boy: what a doofus.

Yeah, no joke.

No, he is a joke.


That's it!

Ya try and show some creativity...

And this is the thanks ya get.

Creativity? Is that what that was?

Well, I guess that's good to know for next time.

Yeah, so we can stop him.

My dog back home's got more style than that,

And he's color blind.

Back on topic, though!

At my left, I'm thrilled to present...

The dark magician girl!

Isn't she just the absolute cutest?!

Nice job. Real professional.

Aw, come on. You were thinking it.

Hi, you guys! Hope you'll all cheer me on!



Ya know, sy, we're supposed to be neutral!

Sorry. But I've shifted into high gear!

You've lost it.

Gentleman...and woman, start your duel disks!

I don't know who you are!

But good luck!

Hey, thanks! You, too!


Jaden: now get your game on!

All right, here I come!


I think I'll place one monster facedown!

All: dark magician girl! We're rooting for you!

Why, thank you!

So much for home field advantage.

I don't deserve such praise!

Yes, you do! You deserve even more!

But...it'll have to wait till after jaden goes.

Yeah, uh, thanks, sy.

I think.

I summon elemental hero bubbleman

In attack mode!

Wow, and you know what that means, right, chazz?

Actually, I really hope that you do, because I don't.

It means, syrus,

That jaden gets to draw two more cards from his deck.

That's right, thanks to bubbleman's special ability!

And then from my hand,

I'll activate polymerization!

And fuse together bubbleman and burstinatrix

To create...

Elemental hero steam healer in attack mode!

He looks tough!

Guess we'll see!

Now! Go, steam healer!

Attack that facedown!

Syrus: whoa!

Check out dark magician girl's monster!

It's fire sorcerer!

This should be interesting.

All right! Here goes!

I play...


My sorcerer's special effect!

Do your thing, sweetie!

Hooray! She's doing her thing!

Her thing!

So, uh, what's her thing?

Her thing

Removes two of dark magician girl's cards from the game...

And then, sy,

Deals points of damage to jaden.

Sounds like a plan!

You go, dark magician girl!

All: you go, dark magician girl!

Now get him!

All: yeah! Get him! Hooray!


All right. Ha ha ha!

Fire sorcerer! Blast him!

Fire sorcerer, get him!

Well...i'm not the only one gettin' burnt!

I play steam healer's special effect!

Oh, wow! That's one scolding special ability!

Yeah, it lets jaden there regain life points

Equal to the attack points of the monster he destroyed.

[Crowd jeering]


Syrus: whoa!

Seems the crowd is mad at jaden for...

Fighting back?

What would they have him do, give up?

Sounds good to me.

She's playing this crowd better

Than jaden's playing his deck.

It's my turn. Wish me luck, guys!

Here goes!

Crowd: you go!

I summon magician's valkyria in attack mode!

Ooh, good move!

As long as that's on the field,

Jaden won't be allowed to attack

Any other spellcaster-type monsters that are out!

Can I get a word in?

Uh, next time?

Now I activate dimension fusion!

By paying , life points,

We both can summon monsters that were removed from the game

Back to our fields!

No need to thank me. It's really my pleasure.

Not just yours, though!

I'm sure those two cards you got rid of earlier are thrilled as well!

Heh heh heh!

That's right!

'Cause now they get to come back!

She's played the card she's pretending to be!

Yes, how curious.

It was my understanding that only the king of games, yugi muto,

Possessed the dark magician girl.

Mine, too.

Just who is this girl?

Here it comes! On , ok?

, , !


Go, dark magician girl!

Trounce that steam healer with...

Dark burning attack!


No more healin' for him.

And there's more!

Next I'll attack you directly!

With both my magician's valkyrias!

With both of them?!

I don't like to play favorites...

And neither do they!


Well, when the dueling gets tough,

The tough get dueling!

First I play... The spell fusion recovery!

Now I can take one polymerization

And one fusion-material monster from my graveyard

And add them to my hand!

And that lets me fuse burstinatrix with avian to create...

The elemental hero flame wingman!


[Crowd jeering]

All: you're nothing but a bully!

Pickin' on girls!

What is he doing?!

It's like jaden doesn't want her to win or something!

Take a chill pill, syrus.

It's dark magician girl that still has the edge in this duel.

She does?



[Jaden groans]

Chazz is right! Flame wingman!

I can't have him attack!

Valkyria. That special ability of hers is still in effect.

As long as she's out, jaden can't attack other spellcaster-type monsters.

That's right. And because there's two,

The first valkyria protects the second,

And then the second valkyria is able to protect the first.

[All shouting]

Jaden: guess I'll just throw down two facedowns and call it a turn.

Hmm. Facedowns can be awfully scary!

I'm a bit nervous.

Crowd: don't be! You can do it! We're behind you!


She is good.

Yeah, and it's time to see just how good!

That's right!

'Cause guess whose turn it is to draw!

Oh yeah-- dark magician girl!


Here goes! Hmm.

I play this!


Magic formula!

It gives my dark magician girl more attack points!

Then that means... It's over!

She'll beat flame wingman! Yeah!

He's lost!

She's won?!

All: finish him!

Go, dark magician girl!

Attack flame wingman and end this!

I play a trap!

Staunch defender!

Strange choice.

That'll force all her monsters to attack.

Hmm? Hey, what gives?

Why would you want me to attack with everyone that I have out?

Hmm. Because... Of what I have out!

Another trap!

Hero barrier!

Oh! Hmm!

You got me good there!

Got who...what...where?!

Chazz, care to explain how she'll get out of this?

She's not going to get out of this one, sy.

Hero barrier blocked her magician girl's attack,

And now staunch defender forces those valykrias

To go after the flame wingman.

But he's way stronger than them!

All: don't do it! We beg you!

Sorry! But I play to win!

Flame wingman! Get ready!

Now blast 'em!


Aw, man!

It doesn't look good for her, does it?

Let me put it this way: no.

[Crowd whimpering]

Oh, come on! Don't you get all gloomy!

Can't win them all, right?

Besides, in a way, I have won,

'Cause I got to meet so many of my fans!

Now, then!

If I'm gonna go down, I'll go down fighting!

Magician's valykria! Attack!

Syrus, thinking: got to meet so many of her fans?


And that'll do it!

When flame wingman destroys a monster in battle,

The opponent takes damage equal to that destroyed monster's attack points!


Thanks! What a fun match!

See you around, jaden! And you guys, too!

All: you're the best! You made this duel!

You go, dark magician girl!

And now...

It's time for us to go, but don't fret!

We'll be back soon! Right, chazz?

To broadcast more duels?

Yeah, right.

Boy, it's not easy being the bad guy!

Aw, sometimes the girls like the bad guys.

I mean, so I've heard.

Oh right. Yeah, of course.

Now the only question is, who was that girl?

Yeah, really. You'd think we would have seen her around.

Yeah, you would think.

Oh well, it's still duel monsters spirit day,

So let's party!

Syrus, thinking: I've gotta find her.

I've gotta know if it was really her!

[Crowd gasping]

Yeah! Check us out!

Harpie lady sisters in the house!

But no pictures. Lexie won't allow it!

Alexis: you wouldn't, either, if you had a big bro like mine!

Syrus: oh, well. I guess you're gone.


[Thinking] I just want to say...

You made me remember how much fun dueling can be.

You made us all remember--

Whoever you are.

I won't forget you, dark magician girl.


I won't forget you, either, sy!

And I'm sure one day we'll meet up again!




Ok, time for bed. I'm starting to hallucinate!

Well, then that makes two of us,

Because I saw her, too, syrus!

Saw who?

There's nobody here. Don't be ridiculous, jaden!

Yeah, ok, you're right.

There was no one here.

But I think that that no one?

Has a crush on you, syrus.


Hmm. So you really did see it,

And it really was her.

Then you know what that means?

I really got my first kiss!

[Jaden laughing]

Stop laughing! It counts!

What?! It does!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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