01x46 - Amnael's Endgame, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x46 - Amnael's Endgame, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Chumley: last time on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

This is... Professor banner!

No way! Professor banner

Couldn't have mummified this fast.

Man: that is the body of the one you know as professor banner.

What the--?! Who is that?

The seventh shadow rider.


Let's throwdown!

Go, my alchemy beasts!

Attack jaden directly!

Salamandra the steel!

Let loose flameshot of ore!

Now go, burst impact!

Now all monsters out,

Other than burstinatrix...

Are destroyed!

And then you take points of damage for each of them!

No, pharaoh! That guy's dangerous!

Syrus: w-what's going on?

But pharaoh's never that friendly with strangers!


Is no stranger to pharaoh or to you.


Chumley: professor banner?!

Wait, if you're banner,

Then...who's... That mummy?

Ha ha ha! That mummy is also me...

There is more going on here

Than you could possibly imagine!

But the truth will be revealed soon enough!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Jaden: professor banner?!

You're behind all of this?!

Of course, jaden. But before I defeat you,

I may as well tell you the whole story...

Hey, I'm all ears.

Like yourself, I was once a young duelist

With unlimited potential...

I scoured the world in search

Of the rarest and most powerful cards.

Finally, my travels led me to the ultimate prize:

A lost tomb, hidden and buried in an ancient desert.

Within, was a duelists' dream.

For it held the very first duel cards.

Like pegasus years before, I sought out their powers.

But the tomb was cursed, and science had no answer

To the magic which ravaged my body...

I tried everything, but soon, I realized

There was only one thing to be done.

I had no choice but to create a new body.

Therefore, I used alchemy to create a homunculus,

An artificial life form.

And placed my soul inside of it.

Chumley: uh...say what?!

Don't ask me, chum.

Banner: but this new body is only temporary.

It won't be long before I'm nothing...

But a pile of dust in the wind.

You see...i don't... Have much time left...

Hold on. Just wait a sec!

You're saying... You're a clone?!

And to live, I need the power of these cards:

The three divine sacred beasts!

Even if you end up destroying the world in the process?!

Sorry, banner, I can't let you do that!

Too late! Once you lose, the cards are mine!

Then I won't duel.

Oh, yes you will.


You forget!

Your friends remain my prisoners!

If you walk away, their souls

Will become mine for eternity!

You have no choice!

You have to duel me!

Pretend it's your final exam!

Well then... Bring it on!

I believe... It was my turn...

With chaos greed!

It works like this: if there are no cards in my graveyard

And if four of mine are out of play...

I'm allowed to draw two times!

And both draws I'll place facedown!

Your turn, jaden...

[Thinking] banner doesn't have any cards in his hand,

But with his elemental absorber chillin' on the field,

He could nix any of my att*cks!

If I ever needed a lucky draw, this is it!

So here goes... Somethin'!

I play my spell card pot of greed!

Next, I'll summon elemental hero clayman!

Then I'll activate, my clay wrap!

And, with my polymerization...

I'll fuse clayman with burstinatrix

To create hero rampart blaster!

But wait... Now clay wrap gets destroyed!

So why'd he play it?

I mean! What a waste!

Know what I mean?

Yeah, I do know!

See, sy... The clay wrap card?

When it goes to the grave...

I get to take out one of professor clone-dome's

Spell or trap cards!

And now...i think I'm gonna do just that!

Destroy elemental absorber!


Lishus! Take 'im jaden!

You got him on the ropes!

Quite impressive...

Ah, but I'm afraid it takes a whole lot more

If you want all your friends back!

Ya want more?

Rampart, take it to him!!

You fool!

It is I who will be taking you!

Off to the great beyond!

I activate: macro cosmos!

This allows me to remove chaos distill from play,

And now, I'll be removing you

From this world!




Whoa. Oh.

The power of alchemy flows through me.

It has broken our earthly bonds and taken us here.

Well it's not gonna shake me! Err!

Then perhaps this will, jaden!

Due to macro cosmos, I can summon this card!

Helios-- the primordial sun!

Ohh! Wow!





They can't hear you. They're my prisoners now,

Like you will be,

For all of eternity...

Face it, jaden...

This tome is your destiny now.

Soon, you will be locked in it pages.

A prisoner.

A pathetic footnote to my saga,

To my ascension to greatness!

Don't you see, jaden?

You cannot beat me!

You don't have what it takes!

You and your friends are finished!

I paid for this book with my flesh and blood.

I won't lose it to a slifer red slacker!

Hey, are you forgettin'

All the matches I've won?

You were just a pawn in my little game!

All your matches were...fixed

So you'd be given a key and have to face me!

You see, you were nothing but a loser, jaden!

Huh? All of it?!

Crowler? And the shadow games?

It was all just a big set up?

To make me seem like... A great duelist...

So that I would get a spirit key to protect?

Correct! Now on with the duel!

I play planet alignment!

This card's so powerful, it actually warps space!

And destroys all your monsters...

While dealing you three hundred points of damage!



Well...guess I'll just, throwdown a facedown.

Very well, my turn now.

And I play a spell!

One that is a mouthful!

Yellow... Process kitolenics!

But it's also a handful, jaden!

For with it, I can sacrifice helios the primordial sun...

For helios dui megistus!

And for each and every monster card

That has been removed from play...

Megistus gains attack points!

That's twelve cards, so that's extra attack points!

Now attack!

Solar singe-er!



I shoulda brought some sunscreen!


Jaden: I play my trap!

His trap?!

A hero emerges!

Now you get to pick a card from my hand...

And if... It's a monster card,

Then I get to summon it!

One card? It won't save you!

The center one!

Nice pick... Least for me!

You chose one of my favorites!

Elemental hero bladedge!


This is, like, totally bladedge-lishus!

'N he's got more points than you!

Perhaps...but even so, I continue my attack.

No way!


And now I activate... Her ability!

You see, jaden... If she is destroyed...

She is immediately resurrected

With an extra three hundred attack points!

Now, helios duo megistus, attack again

With solar singe-er!


You planned that!

You wanted me to destroy her!

Yes, because now, she can destroy you!


I summon... My bubbleman!

And cuz he's alone?

I get to draw two extra cards

And put 'em in my hand!

Next I play: fusion recovery!

This lets me return clayman and polymerization

To my hand... And now...

I'll fuse bubbleman and avian together

To create...

Oh, yeah... Elemental hero mariner!


Next I'll throwdown a coupla facedowns...

And I'll play mariner's special ability!

See, if I got any spells or traps on my field...

The hero mariner?

He gets to attack you directly!

So go get him!

Anchor away!



Perhaps you are not the loser I thought you were.

I'm a loser?!

At least I know how to use moisturizer!

All you ever do is make jokes.

That's why you won't be a great duelist.

You lack the discipline, the strength!

Look at me. At my power.

It's cosmic! You cannot defeat me!

You'd be better off joining me.

Yes, as my servant, perhaps.

What do you think?

Thanks. But I got enough friends already!

And jaden, very soon, you'll be joining

These friends of yours... In oblivion!

Just watch!

Megistus, attack that mariner!

No way-- not this time!

I'm playing... My facedown card!

Mirror gate!

Did you see that?!

Their monsters traded sides!

Got that right!

So now mrs. Tall bright and fiery

Is battlin' on my team!

I play, a spell!

Grand convergence!

Its powerful gravity waves destroy all monsters

On the field...

And deal three hundred points of damage to you!


Aah! Aah!

And then megistus... Returns

With even more attack points!

Ha ha ha!

Megistus, attack!

I don't think so!

Go spell card!

The flute of summoning kuriboh!


See thanks to my friend...

All of your damage this turn

Goes...to zero!

Not bad.

Gets better!

Next...i summon clayman in defense mode!

Then I'll throw down... A facedown!

Yep, that's just what I would've done.

[Thinking] that's all I could do...

After all, I just can't seem to beat that megistus.

Every time I destroy it, it comes back stronger!

My turn now!

And if you thought helios duo megistus was formidable...

Just you wait!

I play red process-rubedo!

And with it... I sacrifice duo megistus...

And summon helios trice megistus!

Now, jaden, for every monster removed from play,

Trice megistus gains attack points!

And since, thirteen monsters have been removed

From play so far...

Thirty-nine hundred?!

It's a shame you don't duel as well as you add!

Now, megistus!

Attack with phoenix flare!



I play a trap! Hero signal!

Now thanks to this...

If a hero gets taken out...

Then I'm allowed to go search through my deck...

And then summon another one!

And I got just the one!

Elemental hero sparkman!

And now that he's on the field,

I get to attack again!

That's right, jaden.

Due to trice megistus' very special ability!


Phoenix flare!


[Thinking] so I got no monsters, no spells, and no traps.

And if I am actually able to summon somethin' to the field,

Then that thing can attack me!

For once in my life...

I don't see how I can win!

[Thinking] what can I do?

I have no cards in my hand

And no strategy up my sleeve.

But if I don't win this,

Me and all my friends'll be finished!

Good-bye, jaden.

This has been quite a year.

I'm not done!

[Thinking] or maybe I am.

What if everything banner said was right?


What if I've been set up from my first day here?

Maybe I never was a good duelist.

Maybe the professor fixed everything

So I'd win all my matches.

Chazz... The paradox brothers...

Alexis... Even bastion...

And the academy would think I was great.

The wise-crackin' jaden who hardly ever lost.

Crowler and sheppard would have no choice but to give me a key.

A key that held the fate of the world.

No! I have friends here!

Friends who have risked their lives for me!

Even if I am some pawn,

I believe in my friends,

And I believe in my deck!

[Thinking] all of your training...

All of your matches have led up to this,

This moment of truth.

Now make your move... And make me proud.

Get your game on!

Ha! Check this out!

It's miracle fusion!

Miracle fusion?

Pretty tight, huh?

See, miracle fusion fuses

All elemental heroes

That are in my graveyard...

And creates the one and only... Elemental hero electrum!


And electrum's got... One sweet ability!


All my monsters!

They're returning to my deck!

Just the ones removed from play...

Which means your megistus attack points

Go back to zero!

And now I attack!

Elemental radiant burst!





That's game, banner.

Jaden...listen carefully to me, my boy.

I lied.

You won all those other duels.

I said you didn't... To test you.

And to...prepare you for the real evil to come.

That is why I became a shadow rider.

Not to take over the world... But to stop...

The one who's truly trying to.

To stop him by forcing you

To become a better duelist, jaden.

So that you could face him.

And hopefully... Defeat him.

You see... The threat's so grave...

I had to deceive you.

I hope...that you can forgive me.

And now, my boy... Take this...

But it's your book!

It's mine...no longer.

And no longer... Am I of this earth.

Professor banner!

It's over... He's gone.


So...what now?

Well, from what banner said I guess we should be

On the lookout for some terrible evil that wants

To take over the world and probably destroy us all

While he's at it.

Okay. But when aren't we, really?

Yeah, well, you gotta point there, syrus.

No. This is different.

You guys...banner gave his life to prepare us

For this evil that's coming.

[Thinking] I just hope we're ready...

Because whatever we're about to face...

Is going to be unlike anything

We've ever faced before.

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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