01x13 - Go, Bid the Soldiers sh**t

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Outrageous Fortune". Aired: 12 July 2005 – 9 November 2010.*
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Series followed the lives of the career criminal West family after the matriarch, Cheryl, decided the family should go straight and abide by the law.
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01x13 - Go, Bid the Soldiers sh**t

Post by bunniefuu »

Me and Draska,
we're getting married.

Cool. He's got the dosh.
The ball is rolling.

Some job you pulled off.

It wasn't bad, eh?

I thought I was
meeting with my lawyer.

I can get your
conviction overturned.

Ask me what?

To be my bridesmaid, of course.

The grand nicked
from the moneylenders?

I heard about that.

You did the Tongan job, didn't you?

Get the hell out of my house!
Watch out.


Get off him! We're supposed to be
family, you bastards! Leave my
fiance alone!

You're the one bringing
shame on our family!

It's not his fault!

I'm never speaking to
any of you ever again!

And don't think you're
coming to our wedding!

♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ ...to you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

[ So she's, like,
blocking the footpath,

[ and she's all, 'Your brother has
brought shame on to our family.'
I'm, like, 'Talk to Van, not me'.

And then she goes off about
what scum the Wests are

and how the cops have been hassling
them, and they've kicked Van and
Draska out.

In the end I was all, like, 'Hey,
Mrs Doslic, get out of my way before
I deck you'. She stepped aside.

Wise move.
I reckon.

Here you go.

Will Slutty Pants be joining us?

Slutty pants. ]


Is that her name?

No, she won't be
joining us for dinner.

Any idea where Van and Draska are?


Don't tell anyone
that we're here, OK?
Yeah, sure.

The cops are after us.
You have to promise.

Yeah, sure. I promise.

Cool. Because we have a wedding to
plan, and nothing is going to stop
that wedding. (GIGGLES)


Nah, no idea, eh. Could be anywhere.

Did I make a mistake? Was I being
stupid when I got on my high bloody
old horse

and tried to change this family?

Oh, f*ck, was I wasting
everybody's time?

If it's any consolation, Van did try
really hard to go straight. I know
that for a fact.

Yeah, he was got at.

No. Draska is what she is.
She's a bottom feeder.

No, he...

He-He was got at by an expert.

SOFTLY: f*ck.

SOBS: f*ck.


Never the bridesmaid,
never the bride.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

They're not still going
through with it, are they?


How do you know?

Maybe I don't.

What the hell does
Van see in her anyway?

She loves him.

No, she loves the idea of
getting into a wedding frock.

And you have no heart.

At least my brain's still working.

It's romantic. Two fugitives with
only their love for each other —
like Bonnie and what's-his-name.

Yeah, that one.

He died in a hail of b*ll*ts.

See? You have no heart.

And you've gone soft.


Oh yay, it's Mr Family Success
Story, here to save the day (!)

Yeah, good one (!) Where's Mum?

[ Still in bed.



The other one.

You OK?
GROGGILY: Yeah, sure.

What's up?

That was in the letter box for you.

Oh, f*ck.

Dad's kind of wondering why
you're not returning his calls.

Because I kind of don't
feel like talking to him.

He wants to see you.

Yeah, well, when I'm ready.

OK. I'll leave you to it, then.



I suppose a shag's
out of the question?



You seen Van?
I was gonna ask you that.

No, but Constable Super Hickey is
on the case now. Fine time for the
little prick to turn into a cop (!)

Can you put him off?

Can I further pervert
the course of justice?

Christ, I love you, Cheryl, but
there are limits to what I can do.

Theoretically, I could point things
in a different direction. Hickey's
very... pointable.

That would be a direction
away from Van?

Is he still shacked up with Draska?

Yeah, I think so. Why? ]

She's the one who booked out the
Kumeu Wine Lodge for the reception.
She paid cash up front for the lot.

That's not bad for a girl who
was $ overdrawn in her cheque

The only thing linking Van to the
scene of the crime is the money,
and he's not the one spending it.

Girls can be criminals too.

As long as he's nowhere near
the money when we find it.

On her?

[ That would be the desired
outcome, theoretically.

Theoretically? What does that mean?

It means I can't do jack shit
if I'm kicked off the force.

Shit, Wolf's appeal.

When Jethro presents the evidence
of my creative police work,
I'm dead, he walks, I'm gone.

And I can't help Van.

Not to mention... (SIGHS)

where that leaves us.

Leave it with me.
I'll see what I can do.


I thought you'd abandoned
me in my hour of triumph.

Not quite.

Do you love me?
Of course I do.

Do you love your kids?

How far would you go for us?

Depends where you're
going with this.

I want you to drop your appeal.

Drop it.

Are you out of your f*cking tree?

Unless you drop it, we just
trade one West for another.

You get out, Van goes in.
I won't let that happen.

If you don't do this for me — if Van
goes to prison — when you get out,
I won't be home to welcome you.

I mean it, Wolf.
If Van goes away, I'll leave you.


That cocksucker Judd — he got to
her. I don't know how he got to her,
but he f*cking got to her.

Dad, it's cop bullshit.
It's Judd trying to save his arse.

Where's Van now?

No one knows.

Him and Draska have gone AWOL.

Is he trying to look guilty?

Who knows what he's thinking?

Well, f*ck him. Van is not stopping
me from getting out of here —
not now. You find him.

Find him and tell him to do whatever
he needs to do to fix this.

SINGSONGY: It's just me.



What are you doing?
Texting Munter.

Don't! The cops will
track your phone!

But he texted me. He's worried.

Well, no one can know where we are.

You told Pascalle.

Yeah, well, she's my bridesmaid.

Well,... how are we going to get
married anyway if we're in hiding?

Well, we just have to press on,
because it will happen.

Oh, what, so I'm not allowed
to talk to my best man?

You want Munter as your best man?

Who else would I have?
Your brother?

(CHUCKLES) Yeah, for
best w*nk*r, maybe.

G-Give it.

OK, but don't tell him where we are.
You know what he's like when he gets


Hey, Draska,...

where is the money,
anyway? Just in case.

Just in case of what?

Oh,... I dunno.

Baby, you know it's
better if you don't know.


I love you.

Yeah, me too.


So, where is he?
I dunno.

Come on, Munter.
If anyone knows, it's you.

I don't know what's happening with
Van any more. We used to have
something, you know, special.

Now all I get are text messages.

We need to get him away from her.

I've been saying that for ages.

No, no, we need to get him
away from her and the money.

I don't know about that.

It's me you're talking to, not the
cops. I don't care if you did that
job with Van.

Nah, I don't know anything cos
I never saw it. I didn't even touch
it before she took off with it.

She's lucky I have a rule
against smacking girls.

Munter, what I want you to do is get
Van away from her and the money,

because whoever the cops find
with the money goes to jail.

Shit happens to bad
people sometimes.

I'm on the case, Mrs West.

What if it wasn't Van?

Why would he go into hiding?

Cos of her. Cos he loves her.
You'd be surprised at what people
do for love.

And she did the job?

Well, she's no saint.

And she's the one spending the
money. Why not her? That's all
I'm saying.

An arrest is an arrest.

I've dreamed of this moment since
I was — walking out of the store
with my very own wedding dress.

And I'm not even pregnant!

Nah, it was him. I bloody know it.

Hey, let's go shoe shopping.
We'll get some matching shoes.



Bit of a shopping spree, Draska.

So? It's not against the law.

Depends where the money comes from.

I told you my relatives
gave it to me.

You think your family will back you
up now you've been kicked out?


Where's Van?


Like I'd tell you.

We'll find him. Maybe we should
take the wedding dress as evidence.

Don't you dare!

The thing is, Draska, all a judge
is going to see is your priors —

shoplifting, the non-molestation
order taken by one Boyd Mahaffie,...

Well, he stole my Shania CDs
and he was playing them to
that slut Corrina Balani.

So you torched his wheelie bin?
Then there's drunk and disorderly—

It was her th birthday
— she was meant to be.

...possession of marijuana,...

Same party!

...indecent exposure.

How long will you keep
punishing her for one night?!

Pascalle, maybe you
should stand over there.

FIRMLY: Don't say anything.

The thing is, a judge is gonna take
a look at a record like this and

'Accomplice to robbery — this girl
needs a serious warning. Jail time.'

I didn't do anything!

So who did?

No one did anything!

We don't want to get you in trouble.
All we want to do is catch the guy
who did this.

And, if he helped us,
we'd go easy on him too.

Give us a chip.
Jesus! f*ck!

Shit, Jethro!

You... d*ck!

How'd you know I'd be here?

Lucky Rainbow Monday special —
burger, onion rings, chips.

You're meant to vary your
habits if you're on the run.

Well, I bought a chicken burger.
Draska doesn't eat red meat.

Right on.



how are you?

Pretty good. Apart from a certain
cop putting the screws on Dad.

Good boy, keeping up with the play.

How is Dad?

Looking forward to getting out of
prison once his conviction is wiped.

Yeah. So apart from one slight
problem, he's on top of the world.

What slight problem?

You, you dickhead!
And your dipshit girlfriend!

The cops have got nothing
on us, man. Nothing!

So why are you in hiding?

I don't want to answer
that question right now.

You're gonna cock this up, Van.
Don't you want him out of prison?

Of course I do. Why do you think I
stole the money in the first place?

Then do what it takes to help him.

Like what?
Stop hiding. Stop acting
guilty. Act like a man.

What do you mean by that?

It means, Van, have the balls to
see this through without getting
Dad dragged into it.

If you can't do that, I'll find
you a lawyer to cut you a deal.

So... you want me to turn myself in?

I want you to think, Van.
Think real hard. About Dad.

Then I want you to decide
what the best thing to do is.

It's cold.

Yeah, I ran into Jethro and
I had some stuff to think about.

Oh, is this the dress?


Oh, I can't look at it, eh?
Cos it's bad luck.


So what did Jethro want?

There's a bit of a problem with Dad.

What's wrong?

I did the job to get the money
to get Dad out of jail, right?

Turns out that now Dad might not get
out because of me doing the job.

No way!

Yeah. Jed was talking about me
turning myself in to help Dad.
I mean, you can't f*cking win, eh.

Yeah, I know.

Your dad means a lot to you, eh?


Whatever you decide, you know
I'll be here for you, right?

So you think I should
turn myself in as well?

No, no,

it's just...

if you decide to,
it's not the end of the world.

The cops might go easy on you.
And I can look after the money
until you get, you know.

And your dad will be out of prison,
so he can set you up with something.

See what I mean?
It's not the end of the world.

Oh, hi.

Need a hand?
Uh, yeah, why not? Find those,
put them in that box.


Where's everyone else?
Dunno. Pascalle went out for a
drink, I think. Have you seen Van?

We've spoken.

How is he?

He's an idiot, like always.

Don't talk about your brother like
that. Do you know where he's holed

No. What's going
on with you and Dad?

Yeah, that's between me and him.

Right. So whatever happened to
'If you can't do the time, don't
do the crime'?

What is that meant to mean?

Well, Van did the job. If he
gets caught, it's his own fault.

Wolf send you here to say that,
did he? As his special legal

No, it's me saying it's not on, you
giving Dad an ultimatum like that.

I changed my life because of you.

I turned my life on its f*cking head
because of you, and here you are
defending him.

If your marriage is over, it's over.
Boo-hoo, but we'll all get over it.

Don't fall for this bullshit about
sacrificing Dad to protect Van.

It's not bullshit!
It's Judd trying anything that
comes into his f*cking head!

It's not!
How do you know?

I just know.

What have you been doing, Mum?

I'm trying to save your brother.

So you tell Wolf it still stands.
If you two bring out that evidence,
I'm gone. I'm leaving.

OK. Then you should know that
Van knows what's expected of him.

What did you say to him?

I just reminded him
where his loyalties lie.

I think the message got through, but
you can never be too sure with Van.

What happened to you?

What happened to me?
Yeah. ]


I'm still the same person I've
always been. It's you — you've

He's like this wound-up police
dog that goes, 'Get Van West.'

What is it about your family that
makes everyone they meet mental?

Are you finished?

Good. Now what?

Well, we're screwed now.

I mean, if I can't get Wolf to drop
his appeal and I can't get Draska
into the frame, we're screwed.

Hickey knows where they are, by
the way. They're raiding tomorrow

If they find Van there with the
money, there's nothing more I can

What if he's not there?

There's still a trail of evidence.

But you can deal with evidence.
Not when it's got Van's
fingerprints all over it.


What have you got for me?

This is Munter. I have
the target in sight.

Me and Van are at the Rusty Nail.

OK, can you get him
back to my place?

He keen on getting wasted,
eh. It's his stag night.

Bloody piss-poor stag
night if you ask me.

Munter, keep Van there and
keep him away from Draska.

Which one? Keep him here or keep him
away from Draska? I can't do both.

Why not?
Well, she's having
her hens' night here.

OK. Uh...

Munter, when you told me you and Van
never touched the money, you meant
actual touching, eh?

Actual touching of the actual money?
[ Yeah.

How could we touch it when that
bitch took off with it before we
even saw it?

For all I know,
it doesn't even exist.

All right, keep him there.
I'm coming down.

No fingerprints.

Draska will roll on him.

Yeah, and Van will deny everything
she says. I'll make sure of that.

Where does that leave me?

I'm trying to do everything
I can on my end of the bargain.

Is that all I am? Part of a bargain?

No. Look, if you want me to tell you
how much you mean to me, I will,
but, f*ck, now's not the time.


We should invite them over.

Piss off! This is a hens' night,
for hens, not for bloody roosters.

Here we go, girls.

Is he a rooster?

Eric doesn't count.

No matter what happens, man,
no matter what, I will never
give you up, bro. Never.

Yeah. You said.


Let's go get stoned.

I reckon we should stay here, eh.
Come on, Munt! ]

WHISPERS: Oh, f*ck.
You're getting married!

I so am!


Come here.


Beautiful, eh?

Yeah, I reckon.

Not as good as Ahipara.

We'll still go there,
man. One day we will.

There's a fish up there with
my name on it. Big snapper.


It's a fish called Munter.

That's a cool name, eh?

What's my fish called?

Van. Van Fish. And it's friends
with the other fish, the Munter.

Yeah, and... they,
like, swim around.

Just cruising, cos that's the kind
of fish they are. The Van Fish and
the Munter Fish.

And they're cool, man.

'Course they're cool,
cos they're in the water.

Yeah. Yeah, they are.

Let's go.

Get out of here.

One day we will.

I promise.


Loretta, I love you.
I love you so much.

What do you want?

Can you come and get us?

Draska's pissed and
we need to take her home.

I don't care how pissed
Draska is. You take her home.

Draska is so out of it,
Loretta. Look, stop it!


Can you come get us?

They used to own a dairy.

Slutty Pants. ]

Her family owned a dairy, and
they're not even curry-munchers.

The Doslics run
a courier company, Grandpa.

He went in for a packet of smokes,
she rooted him then and there on top
of the freezer.

Rita never bought
peas from them again.

Draska did this?

No, no. That girl — Cheryl.

Mum was Slutty Pants?

That's what Rita called her. ]

To Mum's face?

Oh, yes. When Rita took a dislike
to someone, she didn't exactly hold
back. Kind of like Slutty Pants.

Come on, we're going.

Cheryl, I can explain.

We need to have a little talk.

Come on.

I've just got one thing to say to
you, and I don't care if you don't
remember in the morning.

I know what you are, Draska.

And whatever happens because of what
you did to my son, I swear, I will
hound you for the rest of your life.

You can't stop him
loving me though, can you?

No, and that really pisses me off.
Which is why—

Why what?

Oh my God! Mum!

Pick her up. We're going.

Never get on the wrong side of Rita.
Like Bert Armstrong — she gave him

And she k*lled Bert Armstrong?

No, just the dog. She put it in
lamingtons, but he gave it to the
dog cos he didn't like coconut.

(LAUGHS) You were that
wild when you found out!

I'm not grandma, Grandpa.


Where did all that money end up?

What money?

The money everybody's
going on about.

Draska's got it.

The one who's really pissed?

One of the things I loved about Rita
was she never let a chance go by.

Oops (!)

Home sweet home.

Have a bloody nice day
tomorrow, Draska (!)




Sleep well, brother.


Open up! ]


Open up! We know you're in there! ]

Oh no!



We have a warrant to
search these premises.




I've been thinking about your, um...

What would you call that?


What have you decided?

What's in it for me?

You get to keep your
son out of prison.

He might go anyway.
Not if I can help it.

Can you help it?

Yeah, I can. ]


So what's in it for me?
I just told you.


in it for me and you?

I do this thing,...

what's to stop you buggering off
anyway, while I'm in here?


Despite everything,
I do still love you,

and I give you my word,

when you get out of here,
I'll be there.

Waiting for you.

Well, that's what I wanted to hear.


Is that evidence,
Constable Hickey (?)



I'm here to confess.


I'm serious, man.

No, you're not.

I am.

I did the Tongan job.

No, you didn't.
I did.

No... you... didn't.

Yes... I... did.

Jesus, Van, how did you
get so f*cking stupid?

My family think it was cos I was
locked in a freezer when I was .

Go home, son.

You don't want my confession?

Van, the case is closed.

And if another cop says otherwise,
tell him you don't know what he's
talking about.


And tell your mum...
it's her lucky day.

Jesus, Dad. It's a bit
late in the bloody piece.

Have you filed the appeal yet?

As soon as I leave here.

Then it's not too late, is it?

If we only appeal the sentence,
the Judd evidence doesn't come out.

We just argue that the judge was
a bastard and go for a reduced
sentence. Shit, Dad, you know this.


What the hell did she say to you?

Doesn't matter. We appeal the
sentence, not the conviction.

Jesus Christ.

And give your mother the evidence.

What does she want with it?

I didn't ask.


Hey, cheer up, will you?

You're the shit-hot lawyer. You can
turn this to our advantage, can't

Come on. Make me proud.



Somebody stole the bloody money!

Who cares about the money?

We got ripped off, Van!

The money doesn't
f*cking matter, Draska!

Screw it, OK?

We... We've still
got each other, huh?

And you've still got
your dress, you know?

So let's get married.

Jesus Christ, what is
wrong with that boy?

He loves her, Mum.

Nah, he's thinking with his
head instead of his heart.

He's confused, being Draska took him
in after you fellas all told him to
hook off.

Plus she's good in the sack.
Not that good.

Nah, apparently she does this
thing with her tongue where she—

I don't care.

The point is he cannot marry her!

Well, you can't stop people
from marrying who they want
to marry, can you, Grandpa?

But, my Lord, you can try, Rita.

I didn't keep him out of jail
so he could marry Draska bloody

But it might only last six months,
and that's less time than he would
have spent inside.

Marriages aren't what
they used to be.

The good ones are. The bad
ones you nip in the bud.

How do you know the difference?

You know what I think? Sure, he's
about to make the biggest mistake
of his life,

but it's his mistake to make
and I think we need to be there
for him when he makes it. (SIGHS)

You get stoned and watch
a lot of daytime TV, don't you?

Yeah, but he's right,
and that's the important thing.

What do you want?

Apparently, my own personal
Yellow Brick Road goes through you.

As does the road trodden by half the
guys in West Auckland. Apparently,
I do have a heart.

If you leave now, you can have this.
The tag says where the money is.

It was you.

Hey, I saved you from prison.

There's about grand left.

You keep it.

$ , , Draska.

Van did it once, he can do it again.
There'll be another score.

What family do you think
you're marrying into, Draska?
The Corleones?

There won't be another score.
That was Van's shot. It won't
happen again.

Yeah, well, I think you
underestimate your brother.

I don't think that's possible.

What are you doing in here? It's bad
luck for anyone to see her on her
wedding day.

God, maybe you guys were
f*cking made for each other.

Of course they were. Now bugger off.

(SIGHS) Oh, God, you look beautiful.



♪ We kissed.

♪ He smiled.

♪ Said I could hold
him for a little while.

When are the twins due?

Wrong Slutty Pants, Grandpa.

♪ Beneath his trembling
hands, I lose my mind.

♪ Do me a favour.

♪ Deny what happened that day.

♪ Making it easier
to live with now... ♪

Shit, Munter!

MUNTER: Sorry, man.


Oh I've found it! Found it!



Did I miss, 'Does anybody object
to this couple getting married?'


I asked you a question, boy.

Oh, yeah, um, yeah, we decided we
were going to leave that bit out of
the ceremony.

Did you just?

Because I know I bloody well object.

(CHUCKLES) Yeah, good one, Dad.

Me too. I object.

Hi, love.

This can't be good.

I object. I've waited my
whole life to say that.

Can I be objectionable too?

This is where I have
to go with the flow.


No, no, you guys, you've
got it all wrong, eh.

Imagine this, magnified, every
minute of every day, for the rest
of your married life.

I love Draska, right,
and she loves me. Tell 'em, babe.

Draska, tell them. ]

f*ck youse. f*ck the lot of you.
I don't need this shit!


Help me with these.

So did Grandma really
call you Slutty Pants?


Yeah, she did.
But, um, I forgave her...

after she died.

Oh, thanks, love.

Choice. You make these yourself?

Yeah, I opened the packet
and everything.

No, thanks.

Hey, it's great
to have you out, mate.

So you keep saying, Eric.

Home detention, eh?
How does that work?

How do you think it works, Eric?

You all right, love?

Yeah, I'm OK.

No, not you, Munter.


It will get better. It will.

COOS: Ohh...


Stop that.

Come on.

[ PASCALLE: Faster!


Loretta, it's not
what it looks like.

He's comforting me. f*ck off.


You shouldn't be here.

True, but I'm sure I'll be calling
round in a professional capacity.

He can't leave the house.

(CHUCKLES) That's not
going to stop him.

I didn't realise
you'd go back to him.

Well, you kept your job.

Yeah, but I didn't think
you'd go back to him.

I didn't have a choice,
so don't give me grief about it.

But what about what you want?

Don't come round here again unless
it's in a professional capacity.


What did he want?

Just checking up.

Did you tell him to piss off?


You OK?
Yeah, sure. I'm just, um,...

kind of over it, you know?

I know what's going on.

I'm home now.

We're together.

That's all that matters, eh.



♪ I'm a great explorer.
Been exploring your mind.

♪ I found giant rivers,
found ranges never climbed.


♪ I'm a great explorer,
but now I'm lost inside your head.

♪ I don't have directions,
just a heavy load instead.

♪ And you said you'd
save me if I ever got lost.

♪ I said, 'Well, baby,

♪ 'first you save yourself,
then you save the world.

♪ 'First you save yourself.

♪ 'First you save yourself.' ♪

♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.' ♪
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