02x08 - The Steep and Thorny Way to Heaven

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Outrageous Fortune". Aired: 12 July 2005 – 9 November 2010.*
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Series followed the lives of the career criminal West family after the matriarch, Cheryl, decided the family should go straight and abide by the law.
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02x08 - The Steep and Thorny Way to Heaven

Post by bunniefuu »

VAN: Next week there's this
meeting; all these gangs from all
over the place,

they're all getting together.
They're all bringing a shitload
of money to buy all these dr*gs.

Jesus. You're not
stealing the dr*gs?

Nah, we're stealing the money.

Are we up and running?

Just about.

If they see a connection between
you and this girl, then they'll come
after us.

I'm not doing it. Aurora's worth
more than some job and a truckload
of cash.

I want him stopped. I don't
care how you do it, just do it.

I just had a drink with your
lovely wife. Yeah, Cheryl's
excellent company.

Mind you, between me, you and
the bedpost, she's a lot more fun
in the sack.

Wolf knows about us.
And he kinda got away.

AURORA: Once upon a time, far to
the west of everywhere, there lived
a princess...

A really hot princess.

...and a handsome
knight, of course.

And, um, the knight, he's
really good at rooting, eh?

Van, it's a fairy tale.

Fairy tales don't
have rooting in them.

Oh, stink.

But the really hot princess is
also a very very foolish princess

and is now a prisoner
in her castle —

imprisoned by a Black Horseman.

He was a good man once,
now a sl*ve to jealousy.



Red Fox, Red Fox. The pot is on
the boil, the pot is on the boil.

So what happens to the princess?

Who knows?

So, you know, the reason why we
chose Aurora as our in-house model

is that she's totally identifiable
within our target-market range.

You know, what I mean is, is that
she's beautiful and everyone loves

I know.

Oh, look, here she is.

Thanks for the tea, eh.

Pleasure. See you next time.

Oh, that won't be for a while.

Aurora's got other shit
she needs to look after.

You know that g*ns N' Roses'
song, Every Rose Has Its Thorn?

It's a Poison song.

Well, that doesn't matter.

It probably does to Poison.

Munt, I know what that song's about.

It's about how beautiful
things, like roses and Aurora,

come with pricks that
can hurt you, like Tyson.

I'm going to save
the princess, Munt.

All I need is a plan.


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ ...to you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

I texted Hayden five times last
night and he didn't text me back

Maybe he's busy,
like he said he would be.

OK, but would you text back,
if someone texted you that?

I am your sister!

I'm not suggesting
that you do it.

Be nice if he did, though.

He shouldn't be too busy for me.

Maybe he's dumped you.

No way.

Hey, Dad's in the paper.

Yeah, in that police 'Will
You Do Our Job For Us' bit.

God, it's not a flattering photo.

One for the family scrapbook.

When did he as*ault
a police officer?

When he was violating
his parole, I guess. ]

I hope it was that Hickey creep.

The Horsemen have had an outstanding
feud with The Filthy Bastards since

The Brotherhood are not friendly
with Hitler's Henchmen, as they're
white supremacists

and The Brotherhood are brown.

The Devil's Dozen? Well,
everybody hates them. ]

So why are we getting reports

from down the line that these
bastards are heading up north
for a piss-up?

Judd? Are you paying attention
or are you thinking about your lady

The way I hear it, you have intimate
inside knowledge of the Wests. ]

Tell me, has your probing turned
up any connection between them
and The Horsemen?

No. I have no more
information on that, sir.

Keep poking away. ]

We'll maintain the usual
surveillance. In the meantime,
talk to the usual suspects;

somebody must know something
around this momentous gathering.

What have you been saying, Hickey?

Youarebanging Cheryl West, right?

That's how you got Wolf to come to
the pub. That's why he decked you,

CHERYL: Christ! That's all I need.
Some f*cking bunch of cops girly
gossiping about me.

I just thought you needed to know
before, you know, your family find
out from someone they shouldn't.

You found Wolf yet?

You'd be the first
I'd tell if we had.

It'd help a lot if you
told me what he's up to.

You do know, right?
I can't.

Jesus, Cheryl, it's a bit late
for that code-of-West bullshit.

I tell you, you tell your cop
girlfriends, then some people I love
very much end up dead or in jail.

Why would they be dead?

I can't.

I don't necessarily have to tell
my girly cop mates, if that helps.

Thank you.

I still can't tell you.

If you want to help, you can find me
Wolf. That'd be a bloody great help.

So how are ya?

Pretty bloody busy.

So what's so important?

Got something for you.

One of my clients gave me
this in lieu of payment.

I immediately thought of you.

What's this?

Can't one sibling give a gift
to another without strings?

Nah, I mean what is it?

It's a foot spa.
A what?

It's a spa — for your feet.

OK. Cutting the shit,
what do you want?

Dad needs you.

What? For the job?
Of course for the job.

Oh, yeah, is that
still happening, is it?

Yes. ]

He can't do it without you, Van.

Well, if he needs me so bad,
why can't he ask me himself?

Cos he's in hiding, moron.

He's prepared to give you
a bigger piece of the pie.


What do you mean 'why'? Cos it's
more money. And we need you.

No, you don't. I'm just muscles.

Anyone can do the lifting. Shit,
even you could do the lifting.

Ah-ha, you are doing it,
aren't you?

[ Dad's got you getting your
hands dirty for a change.

That's what this is about, isn't it?
And you are sh1tting yourself.

I'm not scared. I'm better suited
to being behind the scenes.

You may have the brains of
the family, but guess who's got
the balls?

Look, Van, you have to do this job.

Why? He's got his number-one
son helping him out.

Wear yellow pants when you do the
job so no one can tell when you've
pissed them!

OK, give it back!

It's mine.

It was a gift from one
simpling to another.

It's sibling, moron!

It's mine!

Hello, Jethro.

[ Hello, Van.

Already fighting over
the family heirlooms?

It's a foot spa.
And it's mine.


I need to talk to you.


Hey, Jed, maybe you should wear
brown pants when you're doing
the job.

What's funny about brown pants?

Nothing is funny.

So, is this routine harassment
or are you here as my new daddy?

Yeah, I thought me and you could
go down to the park and play a game
of catch.

Where's Wolf?
How the hell should I know?

You're his number-one son.

You know what, Wayne,
I'm a really busy man.

Can you do me a big favour
and get the f*ck out of my office?

Well, clearly you're
under a lot of stress.

I'll give you a call about
that game of catch, eh?

Sonny Weepu paid bucks, bro. He
says anything that stops his missus'
feet from smelling is worth it.

Hey, I've figured it out.
Figured out what?

How to get Aurora out.

Does it involve waiting
until Tyson dies of old age?


You know, when I was arguing with
Jed, right, I realised I've got
the balls, right?

And what does someone with balls do?

Try not to get them chopped
off and fed to pitties?
I assume pitties for pit bull terrie

What they do is, they don't sneak
around, right. They go in the front
door, man.

Now, you remember that thing
we studied in school?


The only time we got a B.

We made that, like, model thing.

The Trojan Horse?
Yeah, that's the one.

And that is how we're
going to get her out.

I've gotta go. See you later. Bye.

Hayden Peters?

Detective Sergeant Wayne Judd.

I presume this is about Mr West.

He hasn't turned up to pick
up his pay packet, has he?

Hardly worth his while,
I imagine. Stupid bastard.

You give someone a break, eh?
And they chuck it back at you.

Well, he won't be getting
a second chance from me.

If he does turn up, you
will give me a call, right?

Just try and stop me.

Thanks for your help.
No worries.

OK, but what if it's more
than just a routine enquiry?

Why would it be?

Ow! You f*ckin' bastard!

It's just that Judd has kind
of a special interest in my family.

Doesn't every second
cop in West Auckland?

Not in this way.

Right, you don't believe
me? I'll show ya.

Believe you about what?

With one phone call I can blow
the power at the Horsemen's place.

It better bloody work,
cos I don't feel like dying.

Same thing.
No, very different thing!

Stop cacking yourself. This is as
good as it gets — staring death in
his black pupils

and going, 'You and me, mate,
right here, right now.'

And I'm still going
to bloody show ya.

Don't blow the power now.

Not there, dickhead. Here!

I don't want you to.

Don't worry, I'll fix it.


One Mississippi, two Mississippi,
three Mississippi.

(LAUGHS) See? Piece of piss.

Yeah, good work, Sparky. Now,
turn the f*cking power back on.

You afraid of the dark?

Put the f*cking power
back on, would ya?


Hey, don't worry about
Judd; he knows nothing.

I'm going to do the raincoat thing.

What raincoat thing?

To surprise Hayden.

He's been working really hard
and he needs some stress relief.

Unless he's dumped you
and hasn't told you.

He has not dumped me.

OK, so, back to the previous
question; what raincoat thing?

The one from the foreign film.

Um, there's more than one
foreign film, Pascalle.

The one with the woman
in the raincoat.

VAN: So what do you think?

I think you're insane.

You don't think it'll work?

You don't have to do
this, Van, OK? Not for me.

Yeah, I do.

So, do you reckon you can
swing things from your end?

I guess.
Then we're all go, then.

Van, everyone here
is totally paranoid.

They are searching everything
that comes in the gate.

I'll sort it, OK.

If they find you,
they will k*ll you.

Tell the n*zi pricks they can stay
here one night, then they can find
a f*cking motel.

Who were you talking to?

There's a problem with the food.

I got more important things to
worry about than f*cking food!

You sort it!

I will.

Good girl.

Right, the Bastards should all be
here by o'clock. After that the
gates are shut. No one comes in. ]

Sweetie, baby's here to
take all your worries away.

Jesus Christ!

So how are you, Dad?

I'm doing fine, eh.

Got a few things
on my plate, you know.

Yeah, I know.

It's really good to see you, though.
I mean, not to see you, you know...

I was really worried when you
disappeared, though. We all were.

Thank you.

So are you gonna come home now?

I wouldn't hold my
breath, sweetheart.

And you can't tell anyone that
you've seen me, do you understand?
Not anyone.

Except Mum.

No, not your mother.

Especially not your mother.


It's just the way it is, eh.


Can I still come and see you, eh?

Of course you can. Yeah,
I've missed my little girl.

OK, the dive gear's been sorted.

When Manny asked me what it was
for, I said it was for raiding some
cray pots.

Choice, man, it's all coming
together. Like mince and cheese.

Mince and cheese, eh?

Like in a pie.
Mince and cheese. Jeez.

Oh, I prefer bacon and egg.

Munter, I need to
talk to my brother.

Like I was saying,
bro, I got a few...


It's cool, man.


What do you want?

If you come back on board, you'll
get your share, plus half of mine.



But I want you to remember this,
Jethro — only by facing his fears
can a man truly become a man.

Van, just do the f*cking job!


I know what this is about, Van.
You're taking Mum's side over Dad.

You're letting him down — the one
time when he really needs you.

But he doesn't need me.

He's got you.

I don't mean for the job.

I mean cos he just found out that
Mum's been screwing Wayne Judd.

Yeah, right (!) Nice try, Jed.

It's true.

Ask him if you don't believe me.
Or ask Mum. See if she denies it.

Or, I dare you, ask Judd.

Did you root her?


You don't muck around, do you?
Straight to the point.

Is it true?

This is a conversation you
should be having with your mother.

Is it true?

Yeah, it's true.

No, it isn't.

Yes, it is. ]
No, it isn't!

Yes, Van, it bloody is!

So you've been banging my mum?

Van, you're just going to have
to believe it — I love your mum.

You can't love my f*cking Mum.

Believe me, most of the time I
wish I didn't love your mother.

Yeah, me too.

But the fact is, I do.

It's insane, I know, but isn't that
the thing about love that is a total
pain in the arse?

You just can't control
who you fall in love with. ]

I would do anything for Cheryl.

And I have done in the past.

So is that why I didn't
do time for the Tongan job?

(SIGHS) Yeah, it is, Van.

But don't blame her for this.

Blame me, if you need
someone to blame.

You Wests already hate me so it
shouldn't be too much of a stretch.


For what?

Being straight-up with me.

Van, you're not still involved in
your father's job any more, are you?

I'm not asking as a cop.


Keep an eye out for your mum, eh?

She's gonna need someone
on her side pretty soon.

And here's Pascalle West modelling
this summer's luggage collection.

You can't have a collection in
luggage. Only swimsuits and clothes
come in collections.

OK, so where are you taking
your non-collection of luggage?

I'm moving out.

Really? Great.

Possibly forever.

It just gets better and better.

There are people out
there who need me.

So you're giving
your body to charity?

No, only to Hayden.

The raincoat thing worked, then?

Enough to know where
I can be of help.

By giving handjobs.

See, that's another reason why I'm
leaving — so I can go where people
respect me.


Go away.

I'm a bit busy, Mum.

Yeah, well, this won't take long.
Have you heard from your father?

I'll take that as a yes. Can
you get a message to him for me?

He doesn't want to hear from you.

That's the least of my worries.

Can you tell him, from me, I don't
care what he does any more, but can
he please not involve my son?

For God's sakes, Van's
out of it, all right?

I'm not talking about Van. ]

As for you, well, you can be
whatever f*cking crooked lawyer
you want to be.

You're old enough to make your
own choices, but please, Jethro,
not this job.

Do you know something
about this job we don't?

Such as?

Such as the cops know all about it?

I haven't told them a thing — not
while one of my sons is involved.

If I see him, I'll pass it on.

That's all I ask.

It would seem we have a bona
fide g*ng summit on our hands.

A United Nations of low lifes.

This is likely to be
a meet-and-greet for the gangs
to coordinate their activities.

Judging by the amount
of alcohol going in,

there will be some serious
coordination in mind.

So we'll let them
have their fun tonight,

and in the morning, we'll give them
a nice little surprise. We're going
to raid them.

Yes, DS Judd?

What if it's more than
a wine-and-cheese evening?
Like what?

Well, you said yourself they
hate each other, so why gather?

It will be just a strategy meeting.

It's just a hunch.

Yeah, well, talk to me again
when you've got more than a hunch.

What are you doing here?

Hi, baby.
What are you doing? ]

Just cleaning up your mess, honey.

No, no, this stuff.
You can't be here right now.

Don't worry, I know
your little secret.


I know that you're hiding Dad, and
I think it's really sweet of you.

You have to leave.

Because you can't f*cking be here
right now, Pascalle, that's why!

It'll be OK with Dad.
Well, he's not going to be
here much longer, anyway.

And just because I let one West
crash for a few days, doesn't mean
you can all move in. Jesus.

You don't want me?
No, Pascalle, I don't.
Not here. Not now.

I meant ever.

Look, Pascalle, you know,
um, you're a lovely person,

and we have a great time together,
but it was never as if we were going
to get married or anything.

Oh, shit.

Oh, Pascalle, come on.

Open the door, please.
Don't leave angry, OK?

Open the f*cking door!


Anyone else here?


Mum, um,...

I know about you and Judd.

I'm cool with it.

No, well, I'm not totally.


But every rose has its thorns.

Yeah, I guess.

Yeah, so, come here.

What's this, Van?

It's a hug.

What for?

I just figured you could
use one about now, maybe.


Mum, I just wanted
to tell you I love you,

even though I don't
love your behaviour.

Where are you going, Van?


Don't worry. It's
nothing to do with Dad.



Oh, honey.

Where's the beer?

Hey, where are we at
with this f*ckin' food thing?

It's getting sorted.
What was the f*ckin' problem
with the Thai? I like Thai.

Hitler's Henchmen won't
eat anything Asian.

Oh yeah? Well, those little
fags are in my house now,

so they can eat what's put in
f*cking front of them. Little
Hitler-loving pricks.

If one of them steps out of line,
one Sieg heil too many, I'll s*ab


I've got it under control.

Come here, you.

Thanks, A.

You're the best.

Listen, one of these bastards
touches you tonight, you tell me,

I'll cut his f*cking hand off
and stick it up his arse.

Everyone's assembling.

Back soon.


You know, if you want to pull
out any time, you know you can.

Who'll drive you
and Aurora to freedom?

Yeah, true.

So, um, thanks.

Mince and cheese, baby.

Bacon and eggs, man.


You OK?



Hey, hey. The g*ng's all here.

I can't believe The Filthy Bastards
brought their share in a paper bag.

I can't believe they found
the money to buy their way in.

Apparently they sold a fishing boat.

Didn't actually own it,
but they sold it anyway.

I know that Brotherhood clown.

Crazy. Some bloody Maori name.
Everyone just calls him Crazy.

He got stabbed once, and he walked
to the hospital with the knife still
in his back.

Poor bastard. Looks like
he's going to shit himself.

Serves him right for mixing
with the wrong people.

Hey, that's my accountant
you're talking about.

Hope he's insured.


Good on you, boys.

Lock it away, nice
and safe, until tomorrow.

All those dr*gs you're gonna buy.

Oh, there's that guy's name!

The Devil's Dozen
bastard — Slasher Harris.

Now, I bet you don't know
how he got that nickname.

Not interested, Sparky.

Bladder the size of a pea.

HAYDEN: Say goodbye
to your money, boys.

Here we are, lads. Go get pissed.

It's the level of trust I love.
Nobody comes in, nobody goes out —
not until morning.

Being ft away from a room full
of %, guaranteed, Kentucky Fried
psychopaths... (LAUGHS)

Doesn't that get
your juices flowing?

Get out of my face.

You better have the balls when
we're stealing their f*cking money.

Just get out of my f*cking way.

Hey! Leave him alone.

You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Then everything is as it should be.

About f*cking time.

Yeah, sorry, bro.
Park it over there.

Yeah, yeah, sure thing, boss.


Search him.


Hey, what you've got here?

Hey, grease monkey?

Over here.

You got hot dogs on sticks?

Yeah, sure.
Sweet. I love them.

Hey, dude, can you speed it up?
I don't want the paua fritters to
thaw out.

When I'm ready.

Neil. Neil, get the f*ck
out of there, will you?

We've got hungry people here.
Would you let the man start cooking?

Sorry, Aurora.

And pineapple fritters?

Yeah, of course.

Phase one complete.

Excuse me if I don't celebrate until
after phase three, and we get the
hell out of here. Shop's open, bro.

Deal's done.

Let's have a f*ckin' party.

He was a nice boy.

Hi, hon.

What's wrong?

Well, we're drinking
away our man problems.


Hayden dumped me.

Am I allowed to join?

Why? You don't have a man.

When you don't have them, that's
when men are the biggest problem.

Hm. If you say so.


That's right, you little n*zi rat,
have a good old look around.

'Oh my goodness, what is this I've
found in the bottom of the drawer?'

Oh, that's right, Little n*zi rat,
it's a bottle of very lethal
and very expensive tequila.

'I know, let's have a party!'

What do you think?

Let's do it.

Come on, son.

Go get the truck.

Ready when you are.

Cheers, brothers.

How's it going?
Oh, all right.

Except Hitler's Henchmen
keep calling me Kunta Kinte.

Is that Aurora?
Yeah. If it wasn't, we'd
be f*cked, wouldn't we?

You need a hand?


Tell her I love her.

Tell her yourself, OK.

I just want to jump up and kiss you.

That wouldn't be
your brightest idea.

Wouldn't be far from it, though.

Shut up!

When everyone's off their nuts,
then we'll shut up shop,

then we'll hide you in the back,
and then we'll drive out of here,
and no one will notice a thing.

In theory.
We're sweet. As long as we're out
of here when Sparky does his thing.

Hey, will you two concentrate?

It'll be sweet, Munt.

Sweet as a sweet, sweet thing, bro.

Hey, shut up.

What do you think
you are you doing!?

Like f*ck is a missus of mine
working some deadshit job at my
party. Get out. Now!

Come here.
What's the matter with you? f*ck!

He's not a happy man, eh?
Nah, Tyson's got trust
issues, if you ask me.

He'll be locking her up in their
room once again. Pity. I like
looking at her arse.

Hot dog?

Sweet, bro.

VAN: Anyone there?

Hey, what are you doing?

I'm going to get her.

We could end up stuck in here with
these bastards thinking we stole
their dosh.

Be ready to roll when I get back.

We should cut and run.
Find another way.

OK, I think we're good to go.

Hey, back it up a bit, will ya?

We've got half a ton
of f*cking safe to move.


What the hell's that noise?

Did they hear that?

No, we're OK.

Here's good, I reckon.

Sweet as a nut.

Sparky's time to shine.

There are three kinds
of men in the world.

The ones that you don't f*ck ever;
the ones that you f*ck because you
can and they're hot;

and the ones that you
f*ck and then marry.

If I'd have known Hayden was
a 'don't f*ck ever', I wouldn't
have f*cked him.

That's the problem — trying to
work out which man goes where.

You know, sometimes it's the ones
that you least expect that are
the best ones for you.






Stand back.


Do you want to get
the f*ck out of here?

Yes, please.

OK, watch it.


Um, come in here.

Pretend that you're like a
really drunk n*zi chick, OK?


That's it.

I'll tell Sparky to hurry up.

This is the last of it. We're gone.

You did good.



Why is smoke coming from
under the safe-room door?

You were supposed to set
it on a f*ckin' timer.

But then I couldn't watch it.

Oh f*ck, they've seen it.
Come on, we're out of here.

Move it!


MAN: Pour some of your piss on it.

Hi again, Munter.
Hi again, Aurora.

They'll all be coming,
you bloody lunatic!

Drive the bloody truck!

TYSON: f*ck!

They've got the money!
Get to the gates!

This doesn't look good.

So not good.

Do the thing with your cellphone.

All right. Calm down, everyone.

Open the f*cking gates!

SPARKY: One Mississippi, two
Mississippi, three Mississippi...




Have you got a backup plan?

Um, not really.

Let's light the tyres and kick
the fires. Stay down and hold on.

Brace yourselves.

Ramming speed!

Cheers, mate.

Whoo-hoo! No worries,
brother. Sweet as.

(SIGHS) Arseholes.

OK, you guys can come out now.

Hey, you guys can come...

Never mind, just keep
doing what you're doing.

So, girls up! Dicks down!

BOTH: Girls up! Dicks down!

OK, the time's come...
For you to puke?

No. I have to tell you something
before you hear it from someone

Pascalle's adopted?
No, no. This last time that
your father was in prison,

I had an affair.



happens, I guess. Gotta get it from

What...? Was it anyone we know?

Please don't say Eric!

Oh God, no, no. It was, um...
It was Wayne Judd.


How could you?

There are some lines
that you just don't cross.

Like, ever. ]

Spend it wisely and discreetly.

No need to tell me.

I've seen this flame-thrower
on Trade Me I really want,

and this bloke down in the Hutt
Valley reckons he can get his hands
on a second-hand fire engine.

A pleasure to work
with such a professional.

Wish I could say the same.

Ha, good one!

Wolfie. Ha!

How are you coping
with the tragedy?


I just lost my business in a
terrible fire that consumed several
other businesses in my block.

Luckily, I'm heavily insured, huh?

Respect, mate.

Well done.

You cool with this?
Yeah, this is the part of the
job I'm completely cool with.

By end of business tomorrow, our
shares of the take will be locked
away in trust accounts,

safe from prying eyes.




And with that the battery
acid dissolves any final,

lingering evidence, should
the cops become involved.

That job was a joy to watch,
Wolf, from beginning to end.

Stealing from the gangs. You've
got cajones, brother, I'll give you

No other cops. It's
just little old me.

Wolfie, Wolfie,
you're better than that.

So who grassed?


Nah, I don't need an informer.

Wolfgang West working
with Hayden Peters,

just along from the dodgiest
accountant in town; known to be
in the pocket of The Horsemen.

That's not a coincidence,
that's a plan, brother.

So are you gonna arrest me?

Nah, what for? ]

I suppose I should arrest Sparky for
burning down half of West Auckland,
but, you know, nobody got hurt.

Mind you, that could change once
the gangs find out who did them like
a dog's dinner.

What do you want?

I want you out of my life...





What are you doing here?

Can we come in?

Ah, yeah.

What is this?

Earlier this morning, two trampers
found the freshly burnt-out remains
of a car.

It was Jethro's car.
Oh my God.

[ He's OK. It's OK.
We spoke to him earlier.

He said his car was
stolen a while ago.

There's no evidence of a body,
but there's a number of personal
items scattered around the car.


♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'
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