02x09 - To Be, Or Not to Be

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Outrageous Fortune". Aired: 12 July 2005 – 9 November 2010.*
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Series followed the lives of the career criminal West family after the matriarch, Cheryl, decided the family should go straight and abide by the law.
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02x09 - To Be, Or Not to Be

Post by bunniefuu »

This last time when your father
was in prison, I had an affair.

Was it anyone we know?

It was Wayne Judd.

Shhhhiit. How could you?

JUDD: That job was
a joy to watch, Wolf.

Stealing from the gangs — you got
cojones, brother, that's for sure.

What do you want?

Earlier this morning, two trampers
found the freshly burnt-out remains
of a car. It was Jethro's car.

Oh my God.
[ He's OK. He's OK. We
spoke to him earlier.

He said his car was
stolen a while ago.






Oh, I know that dreamy look
in your eyes. (GIGGLES)

Yeah, that's my 'I just
had wicked sex' look, eh.

Then how come you used to have it in
maths back at school? First period
after lunch.

Oh, no, that was my 'I just
had a wicked spliff with Munt
at lunchtime' look.

You never invited me.

Nah, boys only, man.
Oh! You guys are stink.


I don't wanna play
with you any more.


Man, it's choice having you around.

Mm, I like being around.

Your smile and the way you sing
in the shower, even your whiffy
aromatherapy shit.


The way you touch me, and the way
you watch me when you think I'm
sleeping. (GIGGLES)

And the way you warn me when
you're gonna fart in bed.




We have to get our shit together.


Yeah, I know.

Time for me to go hide out
at Munter's mum's place.


But I don't have to leave
this very second, do I?


Just quite like to see that look
on your face one more time.

I don't think I've got any dack, eh.

Not that look, stupid.

Oh, you mean the other look.

Ohh. OK.

But then we get you
away to safety, right?

Oh, for sure.




♪ Lying in the gutter,

♪ I cut the cord from my mother.

♪ She pat me on the head and said,

♪ 'Go to sea, boy.
Get to sea, man.'

♪ My luck in the gutter black.

♪ I guess I'm running back...

♪ ...to you.

♪ You in my brain.
You in my heart. ♪

. Count them.

. The days Dad's been missing.

Big Foods are out of your
favourite brand of sani pads.

Dad could be injured or worse, and
you're worried about my feminine

Someone's got to.

Dad could be dead.
He's not.

You don't know that.

Any minute now he's gonna turn up
as if nothing's happened,

complain that we've drunk his beer,
and you're gonna be in the shit for
putting ribbons all over his tree.

Oh no.


Take it you're still
not talking to me, Ted.

Suit yourself.

f*cking useless —
that's what you are.

It's out of my hands.

What's going on?
Ask Useless here.

The enquiry into your husband's
disappearance has been downgraded.

They're leaving Dad to die,
that is if he hasn't already.

There are no leads, no sightings.

There would be if you sent out
tracker dogs or a helicopter.

Hon, this is Wolfgang West
we're talking about.

Well, you would side with the cops.
Dad was probably so distraught he
staggered off a cliff.

Your father doesn't do distraught
or stagger off cliffs. He's fine.

How do you know?
Thanks for that, officers.

You are a heartless bitch, and
you're happy Dad's most likely dead
so you can go on rooting that cop!

Oh my God.

And here I was thinking I could have
a quiet drink with my understanding

who wouldn't get all judgemental.

Cheryl, did you stop to
think about the kids?

Was it the police coercion thing?

He said either you do the dirty or
they'll trump up the charges against

No, nothing like that. Sorry.

You were so distraught...
with grief... about Wolf.

He's not dead.

I love you to death, Cheryl, but you
have Wolf and you're out looking for
something else, with a cop?

God, what's wrong with you?

Look, if I wanted
abuse, I'd go home.

I don't know how it happened.
It just happened.

I would really love to talk about
something other than Wayne Judd.

Well, that's not gonna happen.

Mrs West, can I have a word?

Kase, can we have minute?


I'm taking these.

In case someone wants a taste of
something that doesn't belong to

We need to talk.

Yeah, well, it's not
gonna happen here.

No, I figured as much.

So when you're ready.

Not here. Not now.

Hey. It's just, um...

I know it's not your fault.

WOLF: What do you want?

I want you... out of my life.



I'm not f*ckin' joking!

Like I said, when you're ready.

So, today, definitely, me and Aurora
are heading off to the Coromandel.

What day is it?

Christ, sorry, bro.

The super goes in on Thursday, and
then Mum'll hit the Riesling till...
well, till Monday.

After the second cask, she throws
things, so it's best not to turn up

Munt, you said you
phoned her to tell her.

Her phone must be cut off again.

Oh man.

That Tyson, eh? Saw him down
the Rusty Nail the other night.

Was he all right?


f*cking bastard!

(YELLS) f*ck!


He seemed a bit tense.

I'm going to find him.

Dad, of course. I'm
starting a search party.

With who?

Me. I'm the only
one who gives a shit.

W— You're going into the bush
on your own? I—Is that safe?

If one person cares, his
memory will stay alive.

Well, someone has to go with her.

Cos she'll die otherwise.

I've gotta take care of Aurora,
since some prick's too useless
to organise it.

Oh, you're not putting the
guilts on me. No bloody way.


It's one thing to be told
that Jethro's car got burnt,

but to actually see the spot it
happened just makes it so real.

QUIETLY: She really has got
the most spectacular arse.

Well, we're a search party,
so let's get searching.

Ah. Well, you lead the way.


What's all this?

Stuff clients paid me instead of
actually paying. Amazing what
some people think passes as cash.

That's meant for you.

Every little bit helps, eh,
especially since your mind's
on other things.

Don't start.
No, someone's just
gotta look after things.

So apart from being a slut and a
heartless bitch, I can't provide
for my own family?

That's not what I said.
You wanna dump on me,
Jethro, join the queue.

You heard from him?

He'll turn up when he wants to.

No, he was supposed to call. That
was part of the plan. And the money
hasn't been touched.

Well, you know, maybe he had
a separate stash somewhere.

Or something actually
has happened to him.

Dad has disappeared off the face
of the earth, and that definitely
wasn't part of the plan, Mum.


Ironically, some of my non-paying
clients are g*ng guys who got

after beating each other up when
they realised the money was gone.

[ They have no idea. Not a clue.

They each think the other took
it, just like Dad planned.


how well do you know him?


[ I mean, I know you bonked him—

What are you asking me?

Well, he's bent the rules
in the past, right? For you.

And if... If he is actually
in love with you, I mean...

I dunno. I don't wanna know, but...

But if he is,...

how far would he go, Mum?

For you.


[ Wolf!


This might be something.

Dad smoked.
No, he didn't. ]

Sometimes when he was tense. And
being alone in this cold, dark bush,
betrayed by the woman you love,...

staring death in the face,... that's
enough to make anyone tense, don't
you think?

Eh? Oh, sorry, you
lost me at 'dark bush'.

So are you saying he topped himself?

Because of the shame, finding
out that everything was a lie.




I thought maybe, you know,
he might be hiding out here, not
that we'd be looking for a body.

So why did he torch the car?

Well, he if just come up here
to top himself, why burn the car?

He was sending a goodbye message.

Bit rough on Jethro's car.

Grab this, please.
It might be important.

(SIGHS) Right. Cos he would've been
up for a nice wank before he k*lled
himself (!)


Hey. Bloody hell. It's good
to see you. Come in. Come in.

After we split up, I said
she could have the house.

I could've insisted everything
get split up, but there's enough
shit to deal with anyway.

And I'm happy enough renting.

Wayne, I need to ask you something.

I won't be a tick.

You know, it's funny — I feel like
I know every inch of your house.

Yeah, you've searched it enough.

[ But you never set foot in here.

(SIGHS) Bloody hell,
it's good to see you.

So, um, do a lot of hunting?

Oh yeah. Every chance I get.

I shot that fulla from m away
off the hip. But you know the best

It's if you leave the g*n behind and
it's just you, the dogs, a big knife
and the pigs.

It's harder and messier, but,
Christ, it's a lot more fun.

You've gotta know what you're doing.
I mean, you've really gotta know
what you're doing.

Cheryl, I know how you're feeling.
I know you're nervous. But you don't
need to be, because it's all OK.

You wanted Wolf gone — you said so
yourself. And now he's gone and he's
not coming back.

Uh, sorry, what did you wanna ask?

Uh,... what's the time?

I'm sorry, I forgot. We've got this
really big order on and I need to
meet the girls.

Fair enough. Long as you're not
running cos my coffee's stink.

No, no. I'm sorry. I'm running late.

I mean, the rooting around is-is
bad enough, but of all the people
she could do it with — a cop?

I feel sick every time
I think about it.

Jethro, you do realise you're not
actually married to your mother?

I'm sorry?

She's... your mother.

What, you think I have some kind of
Oedipal complex or something?

No, not 'or something'.

Well, that's ridiculous.

Is it?

Tracy, if I was obsessed with my
mum, why would I be going out with
you? Huh?

I mean, you're slim, you're
brunette, you're Asian. You're
nothing like Cheryl.

I have two nipples which
you like to suckle.

Jesus, Tracy.

And on the subject of going out,
is that what we're doing?

Well,... yep.

QUIETLY: I guess.
Really? Can you remember
the last time we screwed?

I'll tell you — before you found out
about your mother's infidelity. You
haven't raised wood in anger sinc.

Yeah, well, I've had
a lot on my mind, so...

Yeah. Like your mother.

I do not have a mother fixation.


So there's no food in your backpack?

I'm a former model.
We don't need any.

Well, that's OK for you, but we're
not all former models. I mean, are
you cold? I'm f*ckin' freezing.

Oh my God.

I s'pose you're gonna tell us
that those are Wolf's undies.

They're the same kind that he wears.

They're Y-fronts.
Everybody wears Y-fronts.

I don't. I'm a boxer man.
Let a brother breathe.

They're his. I know it.
Put them in the evidence bag.

He goes to k*ll himself,
but takes his undies off (?)

Probably got spoof in them from
the wank he had down the track.

Look, the answer is out here, I know
it. Somewhere. All we have to do is
keep searching till we find it.

Yeah, except for the bit where it's
getting dark, and if we don't head
back to the car, we'll be dead too!

Well, then we'll come back tomorrow.

H-H-H-Hang on. 'We'?

Are you the kind of friends only
there in the good times, or there
when it counts?

Would it be bad if we
were the first kind?

If you don't come, I'll tell Mum
you stared at my arse all day.

I don't think she'll be
surprised to hear that.

Well, I'll tell her that you dragged
me out here, you got me drunk,

Munter touched my tits, and, Eric,
you put your hand down my pants.


Good. Early start, then, eh?

We've got roast, and Yorkshire pud
'specially for Grandpa. You don't
mind me calling you Grandpa?

As long as you don't mind
me calling you Grandma.

I lived with a g*ng for years — I've
learnt how to break a man's thumb.

(CHUCKLES) Good girl.
Does she have to leave?

I know. She doesn't moan like Mum
when she finds dr*gs when she's
tidying up.

Hey, I don't want
her to leave either.

It's just for a while, OK? Until
things settle down with that psycho
f*ckin' bikie.

Where is she?

Where is she?!
Uh, she who?

Cheryl f*ckin' West!

Mum's not in right now.

Who are you?
The son of the woman who's out.

Um, what is this regarding?

It's regarding how my girlfriend
does work for your mum and then
f*ckin' disappears!

Mum k*lled her — she's dissolving
in a vat of acid in the basement (!)

We haven't seen her — your
girlfriend, that is. Whoever
she is. I dunno.

You look really f*ckin' familiar.


If you're just gonna stand there
staring, fetch us the cod liver oil.
Everything's gone a bit stodgy.



Tell your mother.



Oh, f*ck.

What the f*ck was that?

What a d*ck!
Yeah, a d*ck that can k*ll you.

(PANTS) Aurora, you can
come out now. He's gone.


God, I'm so sorry.

What for? Your shit
taste in boyfriends?

I should go.

No, no, no, no. We found you;
we're keeping you.

No, I should be out of all of your
lives. You don't know him like I do.
Tyson doesn't give up.

[ Would somebody
please close the door?

I think he was aiming for my head.

No. If he was aiming for your
head, he would've hit your head.

So where's Aurora now?

She's, uh, in my room.
She's pretty upset.

Excuse us!

Yes, the bad man came. Yes, it's
a problem. But here is a more
important one.

Can we talk about these, please?

I'll deal with this, all right?

OK, now, does anyone recognise
any of this stuff as Dad's?

Well, what about these?

No. And get this stuff off
the table where we eat.

Well, how can we be so sure?
Dad wore undies just like these.

No, he doesn't.
Yes, he did.

Listen, he preferred... Put it this
way — your father just doesn't do

I bet you'd recognise Detective
Judd's undies if you saw them,
which you have.

Get this shit off the table.

Uh-uh. Bags not me.

Me and Eric'll do it.

Yes, we will.

Psst, Mum.

I'm a bit worried.

Oh, don't worry. If that
bikie bastard turns up again—

No, no, no. Not that.

I mean, not just that.
It's just that with...

with Pascalle going around talking
about Dad being dead, what if
I messed up, Mum?


What if I got him k*lled?


I swear, I had nothing
to do with it.

Then how come your idiot son was at
our place the exact time the money
was stolen?

Let's go for a walk.


You listen to me. You rescued
Aurora. If anyone found out
about your dad's stupid job,

it had nothing — nothing
— to do with you.


Maybe not, actually.

What do you mean?

Well, there was one person
I talked to about the job.

But he already knew about it.
At least, I'm pretty sure he did,
'cause he knew about the accountant.

Who? Who?


But... he-he was really cool about
it. He didn't get all police-y or


Go and look after Aurora.


I figure if we walk twice as
fast, we'll get twice as far.

Yeah, and have twice the chance of
getting completely lost and dyin'
of hypothermia.

OK, if we're gonna do this shit,
we might as well do it properly.

Map, compass,

scroggin, water, emergency
blankets, first aid kit.

Where did you get that?

Me and my uncles used to go
pig-hunting back down home.

You can sh**t pigs in Glen Eden?

No, my real home. Down the marae.

Oh yes? And your iwi
would be Ngati Boy Scout?

Oh, shut up, Eric.

You were a Boy Scout?

Ruru Patrol. It was hard as.

Show us your woggle.

Oh, stick my woggle
up your arse, Eric.

What have we here?
Give it back!

Ooh, what a very impressive
collection of badges.

Swimming — m, basic bushcraft.

Oh, shut up!
Just give it back, Eric.

Advanced needlework?

Comes in handy if you have
to sew someone's mouth shut.






Oh, Jesus Christ.



Then we have Lady Harriet,...

...El Monte, Centre
Leah from out the back,

but Magnifier shot clear inside
the last m. Oh, look at

Hello, Ted. Can I speak
to Cheryl, please?

f*ck off.


...but way too good, Magnifier
big winner. Second El Monte...

Why is no one answering that?

It's your Mr Fancy Pants, slap
and tickle, do the pokey-pokey.

...long way back, Lady Harriet.

Hi. That thing you had to
do urgently — is it done?


Then maybe we could have that talk.

Wayne, I don't think
that's a good idea—

Cheryl,... please.


When you left my place, all I could
think was that Cheryl feels like
it's out of control

and that it's happening too fast.
Is...? Is that how you're feeling?

VOICE ECHOES: 'You wanted Wolf gone.
You said so yourself. And now he's
gone and he's not comin' back.'

Yeah. Yeah.

It's... It's just tricky
to explain right now.

You want space? I can give you space
— heaps of space, all the space that
you want. Did you read my note?


The only people who had moustaches
used to be Puerto Ricans and h*m*.

Do you mind?

Do you feel the same?
Jeez, this is not exactly
giving me the space.

Look, can you just give
me a straight answer?


And I know you're not Puerto Rican.

Man, will you just piss off?!

Come on, Grandpa.

He has Alzheimer's.
He can't help it.

Like f*ck. He knows exactly
what he's saying, evil—

Actually, you know what? That space
you're offering — I want it now.

What? What's that meant to mean?

What it means is you're asking
me a question, and I'm not ready
to answer it.


TV: The next is Tabitha,
who's fourth on the outside.

Go away.

What are you doing?

I dunno.

Being here with you.

Don't you hate me,
like everybody else?

No, I don't.

Why not?

Because... life— I figure that
if people have feelings —

big feelings — for other people,

they just can't really help what
they do, and so shit just...
I dunno — shit just happens.

Oh God, I'm talking in bumper
stickers. I'm crap with feelings.

No, you're not. You're not.

You're absolutely right.

Nothing makes sense any more.

(CHUCKLES) Like everyone thinking
Wolf's dead, when I know he isn't.


Me too.

Really? You think that too?


No way is he dead.



He's just hunkered down somewhere.

Somewhere quiet.

Mm. Waiting for things to blow over.

Yeah. Like, if he was dead,...

we'd know, wouldn't we?


Well, we'd just feel it. Something
would feel different, wouldn't it?

Well, it just would, wouldn't it?

Is that not what you're feeling?

No, I just think he's in hiding.

Why would he be dead?

Oh, forget it. I'm just
being weird. (CHUCKLES)


You are.


Then again, he has f*cked off a lot
of people over the years. A few of
them wouldn't mind seeing him dead.

Thanks, Loretta (!)

ERIC: We're gonna die out here!

Shut up and have some more scroggin.

Where are we?

Well, we've been travelling nor'west
for the last K's, so I think if we
take a nor'easterly bearing,

we should reach these
escarpments in minutes.

You must've been a great Boy Scout.

You should see his needlework.

I'm warning you.

Hey, you couldn't whip us up a nice
little crocheted cushion cover,
could ya?

Get off, you mongrel!

On and on about the needlework.
It's just a badge, OK?

Shh. Listen!


Voice. I heard a voice.

Ha ha! Ha!

You little brat!


What are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

ERIC: Just you bloody wait!

I promise you, Munter, I'm gonna
rip out all your dope plants and
have the biggest f*ckin' bonfire—!

(CHUCKLES) Afternoon, officers.

You said you'd
called off the search.

We did.
Then what are you doing here?

I not at liberty to say.

(SCOFFS) I think I'm bloody well
entitled to know, don't you?

We're looking at other angles.

What other angles?

What other angles?

Projected earnings for the next
three months on this side. And on
the other side, estimated costs.

Something wrong?

No, no. Fine.

You've been behaving
like I've got leprosy.

Uh, just felt like
standing, that's all.

You OK, sweetie?

I'm OK. Um, I thought
I might make dinner.

Yeah, sure, if you want to.
No one's gonna stop ya.


Van. What the f*ck is
that girl doing here?

We're looking after her.

Are you nuts? She's a
connection to the robbery.

She's my girlfriend.

I don't give a shit who
she is, Van. She's gotta go.

You think you're my father (?)

And what is that supposed to mean?

He's right. I'm gonna
leave. Don't worry.




We found out something.

If it's more undies,
don't put them on my table.

Not found something,
found out something.

The cops are there too.

They're finally taking Dad's
disappearance seriously.

Really? In what way?

The thing is, they're
thinkin' foul play.

And that's not all. They think
they know who's involved.




Hickey said something about a new
angle on the investigation — a love
triangle gone wrong.

This is someone's
idea of a bad joke.

No, it isn't. Crime of passion.
Oldest story in the book.

I'm close to giving you the bash.

Oh Christ, I'm not saying that's
what I think. That's how they'll
see it.

One plus one plus one
equals someone's gotta go.


MUNTER: Hey, Pascalle.

You heading out again?

I can't just sit at home looking at
Mum, wondering if what they say is

We'll, uh, you know, tag along.


That is so mint of you guys.

No worries.
It's the least we can do.


You guys.

Um, Pascalle,...

now Wolf's gone, I want you to look
on me as a sort of a father figure.

All right.
Someone to lean on.

I'd really appreciate that.

Well,... it's what Wolf would want.

Can you take your hand
off my arse now, please?


What are you doing?

I have to go.

You keep saying that, but
you really don't have to.

Yes, we do.


Me being here puts
all of you in danger.

You're only going to Munter's mum's
for two weeks, right? Then you will
come back and cook again.

We're not going to Coromandel.
And we can't risk you guys knowing

We thought we'd head to Nelson,
maybe pick cucumbers.

Aurora, you just told her the plan,
man. Now we have to make a new one.

Oh, sorry.

We're not comin' back, either.

So you're gonna run away
for the rest of your lives?

Yep, well, we have to, if we
wanna be together, which we do.

Here. Make yourself useful.

Thank you for coming forward of your
own volition. Let me say upfront,
we know of your husband's history,

and we'll take that into account in
regards of anything you wanna say.

What history?

Of v*olence.


In the past.
Towards me?

Mum, leave it.

If Wolf ever laid a finger on me,
I'd deck him. I probably will when
I see him.


Can you just leave
this to me? Please?

My mother's not here to confess.

Because there is no crime! Wolf will
be back when he's good and ready!

On the night my father disappeared,
my mother was at home with

Besides, she's ft nothing, smokes,
and the only exercise she gets is
opening a bottle of wine.

How is she gonna take on someone
like Wolf and dump his body in
a bloody forest? ]

How do you know what
night he disappeared?
Come again?

You said your mother was at home.
But Wolf could've disappeared any
time over a period of several days.

The point is, my mother didn't have
the means, ability or desire to do
any harm to my father.

And please stop putting idiotic
ideas into my daughter's head.

My mother categorically denies any
involvement in the disappearance of
Wolfgang West.

You might be better served looking
into those with genuine demonstrable
grievances against my father.

Such as?

A certain detective at this station.
Hold on a minute.

We are looking into the movements
of all possible suspects.

Are you calling Wayne a suspect?

We're pursuing all relevant leads.

Listen, Detective Wayne Judd is
times the cop you will ever be,

and you're trying to
s*ab him in the back—!

Mum, this isn't helping.

If you two are so clever, why don't
you sit here and interview each

We went in there to get
the cops off your back.

Well, you dumped Wayne Judd in it.

How do you know it wasn't him?

There is no crime. So get over it.

You know this how? Cos he told
you? You trust him that much?

Well, obviously you do.
You let him screw you.

You know nothing.

Oh, no, you're absolutely right (!)
Clearly, the man's a f*ckin'
saint (!)

I don't get it. You act like you
actually give a shit about this

You know what? I do.

Tell Mum I'll write her a letter.

Oh, OK, I will — right after I tell
her how another member of her family
has run away.

What am I meant to do?

Harden up for once, instead of
taking off with the one silver
lining we've had in ages.

And me. I'm leaving too, you know.

Oh, yeah, you were always gonna
leave. No big loss there. You can't
cook or clean like Aurora, so— Shit.

Shit. Get inside, hide Aurora.


Where is she?
She who, bro?

Cheryl West. Who the f*ck else
would I be talking about?!

She's gone out, mate.

Van, you forgot your toothbru—


Get inside!


The back door! Go!

There's no point.

There's no point!

Grandpa, get off your chair.

You can't have it.

To build a f*ckin' barricade!

What for?

Van, there's no point.
Yes, there's a point!


Come on!
She's not yours any more!

Tyson, stop. Don't hurt him.
I'll deal with you in a minute.

Tyson, don't. I love him.


This isn't Van's fault. I didn't
wanna hurt you, but he's why I left.

Cos I love him.

This guy?

I've been in love with
Van for ages and ages.

You love this piece of shit?

I'm sorry, Ty.

Let him go, Tyson.


That's not fair. (BREATHES
RAGGEDLY) It's not f*ckin' fair!




Hey. Up here. I think
I've found something.


Is that...?
It's been dug recently.

Oh, Christ.

Now, someone has been under
there for a couple of weeks.

It's really not gonna be pretty.

Not at all.
We should call the cops.

The cops aren't digging up my dad.

Come on, love, be sensible about
this. I mean, it's not as if we've
even got anything to dig with.

Please tell me that means, 'No, we
haven't got anything to dig with.'

Do you have a shovel, Munter?

Well, isn't that fortunate
that you brought that along (?)

OK, we've come this far, we have to
finish it. I'm just gonna be over

I hope you suffered terrible
abuse as a Scout, I really do.

It was a lot of fun, actually.

Shut up and dig.

What is it?

What you've got that I haven't got.

Shit, I dunno. Um...

It's like with fish and chips.

Um, I always just
pick off the batter,

cos I hate fish, and Aurora,

she always just eats the fish,
cos the batter gives her thrush.

We-We, uh, we kind of, we go
together. That's what I'm saying.

Well, on top of the Brotherhood
stealing all our cash, this
tops off a f*ckin' great week (!)

The Brotherhood did what?

Well, they reckon it was
the Devil's Dozen, not them.

But the Devil's Dozen couldn't steal
shit out of a toilet. It was those
brown bastards, for sure.


Not that that means
anything compared to you.

I've gotta move on, Tys.

It's way past time.

And if you take me back, then I'll
just find another way to be with

And if you think that k*lling him
will stop me, it won't. Cos then
you'll have lost me forever.


You'll be OK, Tys.


You treat her good.

Yeah, I will.

You don't, I'll k*ll ya.




I needed to do that.

Closure. I understand.


Is he still alive?


yeah, I think so.

See you, Rores.

See you, Ty.

Open up.

Open up.

Here. Your jaw's not broken.

Here. All your teeth are there.

And we can be together.


Could be worse, eh?

Yea— Ow.


There. Under there.

[ Bloody hell.

What, have you found something?

Kind of.
There's bones.

Oh my God.

Tell me... Is it him?

I don't remember your dad's
head being this shape.

Yeah. And, uh, did Wolf have a tag?

Tiny. The best pig dog
in the whole world.

Oh man, that's beautiful.

The grief-stricken hunter carries
the body of his best friend out

to bury him in the bush they
spent their best times in.

QUIETLY: Munter, shut your face.

Oh, shit, sorry, Pascalle.
I didn't mean to upset you.

No. (SNIFFS) I'm not sad. (SNIFFS)

I'm happy.

Why? Because you really hate dogs?

No. (SNIFFS) I've been trying so
hard to find his body I haven't been
thinking straight.

I don't wanna find him
dead — I want him back.

We've been searching for so long
and haven't found him, so he must
be alive.

Yeah, or we just haven't found him.
Aah! ]

So does this mean

we don't have to come back tomorrow?

No. He's alive.

I know it.
That really hurt my foot, man.

Be prepared, Munt. Isn't
that the Girl Scout motto?

Hey, you got any of them bickies?

I was a Boy Scout, not
a Girl Guide, you d*ck.

That coffee — still on offer?

No. But I can make you a new one.

Bloody Hickey, eh?

Yeah. So the list of prime
suspects consists of me,

of you, you and me.

It's bullshit,... right?

You think I k*lled Wolf.

That's why you've
been all weird on it.

I wouldn't be here if I did.

Then what are you asking?

[ (SIGHS) Don't know.

I just wanna know
what happened to him.

I need to know.


There's an ounce of truth in this.
As far as you, me and anyone else
in this bloody story knows,

I am the last person who saw Wolf.

What do you want?

I want you out of my life.



I'm not f*ckin' joking!


I'm f*ckin' scared (!)


Understand this. I will tell
the gangs who took their money,
and they will find you

and they will bury you
where no one will find you.

You love her, don't you?

Goodbye, Wolf.


And that was the last
time I saw him. I swear.

I watched you try and turn things
around for your family, but you

You were stuck. You had an anchor
around your neck, and his name was

He was dragging you down. Dragging
your family back to where you didn't
want to be.

And I couldn't stand by
and let that happen.

You deserve better than that, Cheryl
— a whole lot better. So I did what
I could.

And if that means you want me
to f*ck off too, then that's fine,
cos I can live with that. That's OK.

I freed you, and
that's enough for me.

No, no, leave one, for
when he does come home.

Anyone want a chip?


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