02x01 - Back to Duel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x01 - Back to Duel

Post by bunniefuu »

Jaden, voice-over: here we are: year two at duel academy!

Somehow, I passed all my finals,

And I'm chillin' in the slifer red dorm again.

Syrus: jaden?

Ah, who ya talking to?

Well, my fans, I guess.

But maybe they should just watch for themselves.

[Breathing heavily]

Keep up, you swedish meatball!

They're almost here!

I'm french, you imbecile!

Pardonne-moi for not having longer legs!

Besides, what's the rush about?

I told you. The freshmen.

Their boat is arriving as we speak!

So big whoop.

Just 'cause you've been promoted to school chancellor,

All of a sudden you care?

Jaden: yup. You heard right.

Crowler's head of the school now.

And that short, stocky, balding guy is his new sidekick,

Vice-chancellor bonaparte.

Now, these two--

Syrus: ah, jaden. You're narrating again.

Ah, right. Sorry.

Surely you didn't drag me out here

Just to greet the new students!

So fess up, monsieur!

Feast your eyes on this!

Ha ha ha!

Did I miss the joke!?

Are you calling aster phoenix a joke!?


Not only is this superstar

The top-ranked duelist in the entire world,

He's joined the freshman class of our very school!

There must be a mistake!

I mean...

A world-class professional going back to school?

But why?

I don't know.

But with a celebrity under my tutelage,

I'll be famous!

After all, everyone on earth knows aster phoenix!

Hey, kid!

I don't know who you are... But let's duel!

Wrong catchphrase!

What I meant to say was... Get your game on!

Day one, and jaden's already dueling.

But with who?

Beats me.

But he definitely looks familiar!

So what's your name, freshman?

You can call me "a.p."

All right, ap, let's throw down!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Ok. You ready, freshman?

Bring it.

Wow. Jaden doesn't waste any time, does he?

It figures he challenged a freshman.

Actually...that guy challenged him.

He just showed up in our dorm room and was all,

"I'm here to throw down with the best duelist in the academy.

And from what I hear, that's jaden yuki."

And that brings us here.

Now take a close look.

I could swear I've seen that guy before.

Well...let's see whatcha got, freshman.

You're right!

Yeah, he does look familiar.

Hey, chazz, maybe he graduated

From that snooty prep school of yours.

Good call!

He definitely looks rich enough and stuck-up enough.

Look, shrimp. He's nothing like me!

Aster: ojama yellow in defense mode!


Ojama? Are you sure?

Told ya we're not alike!

That's gotta be one of the dumbest moves I've ever seen!

I would never start out with a lame card like that!

You'd save the best for last!

Right, boss!? Right!?

Wrong. Now beat it, pit stain!

I love it when you use my pet name!

Excuse me!?

Oh, ah...nothing.


Anyway, I wonder what else he has in his deck.

Not much, I bet.

Wait. How do you know that?

It's simple.

He just assembled that deck this morning

From random cards in the campus card shop.

Sorry. Store doesn't open till next week.

I just need a few cards.


I haven't even stocked the shelves yet.

Then I'll just take whatever's lying around.

I can win a duel with pretty much anything.



No offense,

But you won't last too long at this school

If you build your deck like that.

I'll be fine.

Besides, this is just a temporary deck.

For a little test.

It's true.

Gimme a break.

Who duels with leftover cards?!

That guy.

All righty! Here goes.

It looks like class is in session!

So meet your teacher.

Elemental hero sparkman!

Ok, freshman.

I think it's time for your first duel academy lesson!

Some things you gotta learn the hard way.


But trust me,

I can teach you way more than some lame school lecture.

Wow! So I guess it's true.

You are as good as they say.

Thanks for the props!

But when you play cards like ojama,

You don't exactly make it too tough.

He's right.

Wha'ja do, take lessons from chazz or something?


Let's try this again, shall we?

[Thinking] soon I'll learn all of jaden's strategies.

All I hafta do is continue to play weak cards.

I'll place this facedown and--huh?

What's the deal?

It's cool. Just my cell phone!


It's me. What up?


Nah, I'm not busy at all.

Who whips out a cell phone in the middle of a duel?

That's obnoxious.

Yeah, no joke.

He really is like you, chazz.

Calm down. He's a freshman.

You were a crazy kid like him last year, jaden.

[Deep breath]

Ya know...

I didn't even think we got reception out here.

That's right.

Yeah, I'm dueling him as we speak.


So, any last-minute words of advice?

The reaper of souls is in reverse.

You know what must be done.

Absolutely! Thanks for the call.

Jaden: all right!

Get your phone off and your game on!

Jaden: so you're gonna actually

Play a good card this time, right?

Oh, you mean something like this one?

It's a spell card called reload!

And here's how it works.

First, I toss all my cards.

Then I put 'em right back in my deck and redraw!

Wait. So you're getting a do-over!?

You said yourself I needed better cards.

So I thought I'd start over.

I knew that.

Way to follow my advice, freshman!


Being a mentor is hard work.

So tell me.

What else have you learned

From dueling an upperclassman like me?


I activate the sanctuary in the sky!

Huh? Ohh.

So you, ah, played a big building on some clouds, huh?

Exactly what I would've done.

Glad I could help!

So then I guess you knew I'd play this!

Warrior of zera!

But here's a little twist for you!

I'm sacrificing it to summon archlord zerato!

And here's a little something else

You might not've expected.

I decided to send my mystical shine ball to the graveyard!

And it takes all your monsters with it!

And now... Archlord zerato,

Strike his life points directly!

Sacred surge!


That's gonna leave a mark.

It's like this one time at duel camp

When an arch-lord att*cked me--

Chazz: zip it, twerp.


That's all for now.

Hey...you ok?

Ok? You kidding?!

Ah, no.

I've been waitin' all summer

For a match like this!

And the best part is it's my move!

So I summon elemental hero clayman in defense mode!

And next...

I activate my metamorphosis spell card!

Then I sacrifice clayman

To summon elemental hero clay guardian!

Patrol penalty!

What's that!?

Tell me!

I'd be glad to. Ya see...

You just lost points!

For each of your cards!

Now I'll throw down a facedown.

And then...i think I'll call it quits.

Now lemme lay it down for ya.

Your first problem is,

You managed to use up every card in your hand!

Exhibit b: your archlord...

Has the same number of points

That my clay guardian has.

So your chance of winning is like %!

'Scuse me, oh wise one.

But aren't those good odds!?

Ha ha ha!

I was just testin' ya!

Real smooth.

How did that kid make it past the review board?

Wait, so you mean his math was wrong?

All I need now is a monster that's stronger than yours.

So let's see what fate has in store for me.

It's not about fate. It's about listening.

Take me.

I'm always listening to what my cards have to say.

You really are nuts!

You expect me to have a conversation with my cards!?

Yeah. Try usin' your cell.

Maybe send a text message!

Hey! They just might answer.

[Thinking] this jaden kid isn't who I expected at all.

I mean, he gives useless advice,

He can't compute a simple math problem,

And to top it all off,

He hears voices in his head.

I guess it's time to end this duel

And move on with my life.

Ah, the inverted chariot.

A forewarning that the end is near.

Jaden: remember, freshman, listen to your deck!


Bad card, huh?

You might wanna work on that poker face a bit.


Or maybe I just want you to think it's a bad card.

Or could it be I don't want to win?

And you called me nuts!?

When you accepted my challenge...

Did'ja ever stop and ask yourself...

What do I want? Why did I come here?

And most importantly,

Out of everyone here, why did I challenge you?

Well, the truth is, I heard you were the best,

And I came here to test you.

Come on, you can't be serious.

Hello! This is duel academy, bro!

They give us tests in this place every day!

But they're never as sweet as this!

Of course they're not.

'Cause this one's not about grades.

It's about destiny.


Maybe my beckoning light will clear things up!

Here's the deal.

Once I toss out my hand,

A light attribute monster returns from my graveyard!

Then I'll use zerato's effect again!

And you know what that means, don't you!?

You're guardian's a goner!

See ya!

Whoa. Not bad!

You think that's impressive?

Watch this.

Archlord, attack him directly!

Sacred surge!

Your archlord's gonna hafta chill for a sec!

'Cause I play flute of summoning kuriboh!

Which, if you couldn't tell, summons a kuriboh!

Thanks for takin' the hit, pal.

Now, then...

What was all that business back there about "destiny!?"

It's simple.

Everything that happens to us

Is planned out the day we're born.

Losers are born to be losers....

And legends are born to be legends.

"Legend?" Who, me?

Aw, come on.

"Hero," perhaps.

Or maybe "teen idol."


Someone stop him.

Well, at least he's having fun.

Glad someone is.

Ha ha ha! I'm a superstar.

Who knew?

Well, I guess I did.

Once you locate this jaden yuki,

He is to defeat you, is that understood?

It's the only way I can be certain

That he is indeed the one.

Trust me, it's for the best.

There's gotta be another way.

I've never thrown a duel.

Aster, have I ever once steered you wrong?

You must trust in me.

[Thinking] how can a manager tell his star player to lose!?

All right!

It's "the legend's" turn!

So stand back!


I play elemental hero bubbleman!

If my field's empty,

Which it just so happens to be,

Then I get to draw two new cards from my deck!

I'll throw down a facedown...

And then play this!

The warrior returning alive!

Which means that one of my warriors...

Well, returns... You know, alive.

And now... I play polymarization!

How 'bout that?

Oh, so "the legend" rendered you speechless, eh?

Well, this oughta get a reaction!

I fuse bubbleman, avian, and sparkman!

In order to create...

Elemental hero tempest!

Ready? Attack!

Put him away with glider strike!

He'll lose!

Ah, no, he won't.

What's wrong?

Ya didn't learn that in summer school?


I'm sure you know...

All I hafta do is send one of my field cards to the graveyard.

That way, my tempest can't be destroyed!


Now for the encore!

Check this out! De-fusion!

It transforms my tempest back into sparkman, avian, and bubbleman!

Bubbleman, you're up first!

Avian! Quill cascade!

Now, sparkman!

Finish him off with static shockwave!


And that's game!

Hey, I hope my triple threat

Didn't rock ya too hard.

Nah, I'm fine. Nice game.

Right on.

You had some pretty sweet moves.

Not bad-- for a freshman, that is.

Gee, thanks.

You just keep on practicing, kid.

Maybe you'll even be a legend some day.

Ya know, like me.

Ha ha ha!

But that's a long way off.

First, you hafta stop being so cocky.

I mean, I'm great,

But you don't see me bragging.

What a duel, huh, guys!?

And that new mystery student is quite the looker,

Don't ya think?

Did anyone catch his name?


Jaden: so I guess I'll see ya 'round, ap!


[Thinking] I don't get it.

Sure, this jaden kid is a decent duelist.

But I don't see why my manager's so obsessed with him.

And I still don't understand

How joining this school is gonna help my career.

But I guess sartorius knows best.


Don't be a stranger... Stranger.

Jaden: so, what'd you guys think

About my first duel of the year?

It was pretty sweet, huh?

Well? Spill it!

Syrus: you rocked! Way ta play, j!

Anyone who thinks you're a legend

Isn't the sharpest tack in the box.

Maybe. But he was kinda cute.

Uh, didn't notice.

Anyway...i'm sure we haven't seen the last of ap.

Syrus: hey! Wait!

He said his name was a.p.!



I knew it!

He's... Aster phoenix!

Ok. So he's got a weird name.

Jaden, think!

Aster phoenix is the number one duelist

In the world league!

As in: he's a pro!

Yer kiddin' me!

I mean, of course. You didn't know that!?


It looks like the pro took a schoolin'

From the student!


Dorothy: uh, jaden?

I should probably tell you that wasn't aster's real deck.

He put it together this morning!

He what?!

You mean... I just dueled a guy...

Who was using leftover cards?

Cheer up.

At least you won.

That's right, you legend, you.

Oh, yeah! You're right.

And now I have a rematch to look forward to.

Hey, aster! This game is still on!

[Students chattering]

This doesn't make any sense.

He's a no-show.


Bonaparte: au contraire, monfrere.

He's right there! :!


Can you ladies tell me who's in charge 'round here?

Both: ladies!?

You heard me!!

Who's top in command in these parts?!

That would be me.

Now, then--aah!

I got a bone ta pick! You got that!?

Well, sunshine!?


I'm the best duelist west of the rio grande!

So why am I stationed in the yellow barracks?

That's' because... Well, you see...

Feel free to jump in, bonaparte.

Listen! I want blue!

Ah, bonaparte!?


What my colleague here is trying to say...

Is that someone like you

Would never wanna be stuck in the blue dorm.

Yeah!? Why's that!?

You're too...daring.

Yes, yes. That's what it is.

A thrill-seeker like you doesn't belong with the blues.

Yes, you have way too much charm.

Not to mention joie de vive.

And tons of je ne sais quoi.

Well, thanks! I think?

Heh heh heh!

You gals are all right!

Forward march!


Who was that!?

Beats me.

Hmm. Well. That settles it.

This school's a joke.

We need a star like aster phoenix,

Not more slackers.

You're right!

Yes, but he stood us up!

Who needs him?

You and I can have a whole school full of stars!

I'm not so sure I'm following you.

I mean we eliminate the red dorm.

Then it's au revoir, slackers;

And hello, stars!

Get it!?


It's not that funny.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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