02x09 - I've Seen the Light

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x09 - I've Seen the Light

Post by bunniefuu »

Teacher: syrus.









Poor guy.


Poor guy.


I miss him.



I miss him!

Pipe down, sarge!

I'm way more depressed than you!

I've known jaden since day one!

He's my best friend! He's my hero!

He's the hot fudge on the sundae that is my life!

Is that right?

If you care so much,

What're you doin' sittin' here in this class?

A true friend would be with him right now.

Pardon me.

Outta my way.

I've got a best friend to check up on.


[Thinking] syrus is in worse shape than jaden.


Jaden! I'm nothing without you!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

[Thinking] days since I lost to aster,

And I still can't see my cards.


That you?




Quit mopin' already.

Chazz? What're you doin' here?

I came out here to think, all right?

Besides, I was sick of hearing everyone

Go on and on and on about how much

They're worried about you.

Everywhere I go, it's always jaden, jaden, jaden!

Ah, anyway...

Is it true you can't talk to your monsters anymore?

I guess.


Snap out of it, man!

And stop bumming everyone out!

Listen, chazz.

Dueling is all I've ever really cared about.

And now,

I can't do the thing I love the most.

I know what you need.

Let's duel now.

That's the only way you're gonna get over this!

Come on! I'll even go easy on ya!

Don't walk away!

Let's get our game on!

Maybe later, chazz.

What a loser.

[Thinking] the wheel of fate.

It seems jaden is more powerful than I imagined.

I foretold aster's victory.

However, jaden's response was quite unexpected.

For when I infused aster's monsters with my own energy,

Jaden's soul should have been wiped clean.

Upon his defeat, jaden was to become my eternal servant.

And although his spirit was weakened,

He is still in control of his soul...

Albeit a lost soul.

But I'll tend to the matter of jaden later.

So while he searches his heart for answers,

I'll set my sights on a new servant.

Perhaps one a bit more ... Predictable.

The fool.

The pilgrim. The wanderer.

It seems there's another duelist

Who shares a similar gift to jaden's.

Only his soul is much weaker.

Pilot: master sartorius!

We're approaching duel academy!

Bonaparte: de plane, boss! De plane!

That must be aster's manager!

He said he'd be dropping by,

But I didn't know he meant today!

I would have had my coat dry-cleaned,

For goodness sake!

And if I had known this job required so much exercise,

I would've hopped on the treadmill days ago!

Breathing heavily]

Monsieur! Bienvenu!


You must be starved from your trip!

And I make a divine chicken frances.

Thank you.

But I travel with a chef.

Mr. Sartorius,

We were so pleased to hear you were coming.

But if I may ask...

What brings you to our academy?

Well, I manage several top-ranking professional duelists,

And I'm always looking for fresh talent.


You take unknown duelists and turn them into stars.

We're big fans of yours.

Yes, big fans. Huge.

Thank you.

As you know, aster's been making appearances worldwide.

He's booked solid for the next years.

So I've decided to take on a new client.


Tre bien.

I'll help you!

We'll start with a guided tour.

Sound good?

He doesn't need a tour.

He needs a list!

Of our top students.

I'll make it myself.

I'm tellin' ya, sartorius,

Some 'a these kids duel like buttah.

So whatta ya say!?

That's nice.

But I won't be needing any assistance.

But why not?!

Honestly. We're at your disposal.

So by all means, dispose away.

Thank you.

But I've always made it a point to work on my own.

Now, if you'll excuse me, there's work to do.

It's been a pleasure, gentlemen.

Don't be a stranger!

Call me!

Syrus: call the coast guard!

Call the marines!

Syrus? What's going on?

Jaden's gone missing!

He grabbed all of his stuff and just took off!

He retreated!?


Syrus: jaden!

Are you out there!?

Can you hear me?

Come out from the trenches, soldier!

Take it from someone who knows, loser!

You can run, but you can't escape your problems.

Whoa! That is so deep!


Who invited you people?

We're not exactly people, boss.

No, you're kiddin' me.

And all this time, I thought you were students!

You wanna help?

Then stay outta my way!

We understand.

Yeah, you're just sad

'Cause you miss jaden.

It's natural.

Who asked you freaks!

Sartorius: trust me, they mean well.

Monster spirits don't often communicate with the human world,

But when they find someone they trust, they can be quite loyal.

You have a gift, mr. Princeton.

How do you know my name?


Because I have a gift as well.

I am known as sartorius,

And I have traveled quite a ways to meet you.

Yeah? And why'd ya wanna meet me?

Simple. I could use someone like you,

Someone with the power to speak to monster spirits.

It's one of my talents.

Impressive. Talent and confidence.

You better believe it.

Tell you what. I have an idea.

Why don't you show me what you've got?

Perhaps I'll sign you on as my client.

I manage professional duelists.

Ever hear of aster phoenix?

You manage him?


Now let's see if you're ready for the pros.


You're gonna trust a guy who looks like that!?

Soitanly! Look at us!

Good point.

Hey! Will you stooges clam up?

All: sorry, boss!

I'm in. But believe me,

You'll forget all about aster phoenix,

Once you duel against the chazz!

Ha ha ha! I can't wait.

As a matter of fact,

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

What's the deal?

Peace out, boss!

Don't call us, we'll call you!

Where's your duel disk, anyway?

Who needs a duel disk when you have this!

Ah, you realize that's a table, don't you?

Both: let's do this!

Huh? Ya know, it helps when you actually look

At your cards.

Not necessarily.



Chazz: once you see what I can do,

You're gonna hire me on the spot!

Now just sit back and enjoy the show!

'Cause the chazz is in da house!

And I'll start with v-tiger jet!

But that's not all.

Then I'll play the spell card frontline base!

Not bad, huh?

Well, you ain't seen nothin' yet!

'Cause now I can automatically call a fusion monster

To the field.

So feast your eyes on this bad boy!

I summon w-wing catapult!

Hold on. If ya think that was good,

Wait'll ya see what I'm about to do now!

Tiger jet and catapult, combine!

Merge to form vw-tiger catapult!

I've done enough,

So I'll throw this down and call it quits.

Most impressive.

Now, then...

I have a strong feeling my top card

Is my vision spell.


No way! You didn't even hafta look!

Didn't I tell you?

Much like yourself, I possess a gift.

Why don't I give you a demonstration?

The next card in my deck represents you.

It's the hangman!

Hey! You're cheating!

No, chazz. I'm predicting.

I have the ability to see events before they occur.

And in this card, I see your destiny.

You hold a great deal of anger inside.

Am I right, chazz?

Gimme a break! Real tough.

Like it takes magic powers to see that!?

You're a hack! Not to mention a cheat!

Ha ha ha!

Very well. Let's continue, shall we?

You'll come to understand my abilities when the time is right.

But I can assure you,

I never resort to trickery.

And if you need proof,

Then come here and shuffle my cards.

Lemme ask you something.

Do you always act this calm?

'Cause you're starting to creep me out.

You should try getting mad one day.

You amuse me, chazz.

See? You did it again!

Bit it'll take more than card tricks and a creepy voice

To beat me!

I know exactly what it will take.

That's the point I've been trying to make.

All your actions are predetermined.

In other words,

Your moves have already been decided

And I know them all!

Not a bad talent, is it?


Still skeptical, are we?


Don't worry.

I'll make a believer out of you soon enough.

Then you'll see the light.

Sooner or later, everyone does.

Yeah!? Well, I'm not everyone!

But I can assure you,

Let's move on.

All right, where was i?

Ah, yes, I was activating my suit of sword .

This card will spin until you say "stop."

If it stops right side up,

Then I can destroy every monster

On your side of the field!

But if it's upside down,

You get to destroy all my monsters.

So say the word.

Ok, fine!


Aw, come on!

It looks like you take the hit.

Nice try.


If you liked that.,

You'll really enjoy this one.

Knight of pentacles.

This again!?

Now you have a chance to redeem yourself.

If it stops right side up,

Then I'm afraid this monster can't be destroyed in battle.

However, if it stops while upside down,

You're in luck,

For it will be destroyed instantly when att*cked!

Ok, stop!

Whatta ya know? Go, me.

I'm gonna enjoy this turn.

It's about time.

I'll start my turn with this!

Hey, not bad.

I activate my graceful charity spell card!

Now I can draw cards from my deck,

As long as I discard two of 'em!

My prediction: I'm gonna kick your butt.

It's fate.

Next I'll activate this beauty!

It's my level modulation spell card!

First things first.

Draw two cards from your deck.


And as for me,

Now I get to draw any card I want from my graveyard,

Regardless of how powerful it is!

So now I'm gonna summon this!

Armed dragon level !

But why keep it when I can send it to back to my graveyard

In order to summon something even stronger?

Like, say, my armed dragon level !

And there's more.

I play...ojama trio!

Who's ya daddy!?

Remember us!?


Now here's how it works:

Ojama tokens appear

And go to your side of the field!

Him!? No!

Hold me!

[Thinking] these are the monster spirits connected to his soul.


He's got that crazy look in his eyes, boss!

Don't leave us!

Whatever you're gonna do, do it quick!

Relax, you dorks!

I activate my armed dragon special effect!

All I hafta do is send one card to my graveyard,

And armed dragon destroys all of your monsters!

All: no!


And those little runts

Don't leave empty-handed, ya know!

When they're destroyed,

Each ojama token takes life points!


Hang on,

'Cause I'm not finished with you yet.

Armed dragon!

Attack him directly with static orb thrust!


So, blown away by my talent!?


Let's see what destiny has in store for you,

With selection of fate!

Now you get to choose a card from my hand,

And if it's a monster, I can summon it.

Chazz: you're gonna make me walk

All the way over there again!?

What's wrong? I thought we were friends?

Could you get any creepier!?

If you love me, you won't go!

Trust me! You don't wanna do this!

Buzz off!

I can handle this freak show!


Go ahead, and choose wisely.

That one!

No! You're kidding me!

Didn't I tell you?

This hangman card symbolizes you, chazz.

You see?

It wasn't a "card trick" after all.

It was destiny.

Fate intended you to choose it!

And fate intended you to pay the price!


Now it's time to tempt the hands of fate once again.

If the card stops right side up,

I lose a monster.

Then the equivalent of that monster's attack points

Gets subtracted from my life points.

However, should the card stop upside down,

You lose a monster,

Causing you damage equal to that monster's attack points.

Go ahead.

The future is in your hands now...

Or so you think.

All right, stop!

The suspense!

It's killin' me, boss!


No! My dragon!


It's all in the cards.

Thanks to them,

I now know what you fear the most.


You see, the cards tell me

There's a rival you've been trying to defeat.

However, you can't do it.

The hangman indicates turmoil.

On the outside, you're quite confident;

However, on the inside, you lack faith in yourself.

You think perhaps your rival's too strong.

Gimme a break!

I mean, who's stronger than me!?

Ha ha!

You're messin' with my head!

It's difficult to hear the truth, isn't it?

But trust me, my friend,

When you open up your eyes to the light,

Your fear shall become a thing of the past.

Accept your destiny, chazz.

The society of light awaits you!

You must embrace the hangman in order to conquer it!

Ha ha!




Join me and stand by my side.

Together you and I will walk into the light.

You've come so close. You can't turn back now.

Finish what you've begun!

Don't you want to be strong?

To conquer your greatest fears?

To conquer jaden?

It's all within your grasp.

I...i don't know.

You do know.

But the two sides of your soul

Are struggling for control!

Each one of us has two faces,

One that's dark

And one that can see the light.

Embrace the light within!

Come on! You're close!

All right!

Help me! Show me the light!



Wise choice.

We'll save yoooou!

Come on, boys!



[Thinking] I'll miss ya, duel academy,

But I can't be here,

Not until I find some answers.

The soul of the hangman is mine.

Isn't that right, chazz?


The one I really want eludes me.


[Thinking] the wheel of fate is in reverse!

Perhaps the tide is turning.

Syrus: chazz!

We were beginning to think you disappeared, too!

Are you all right!?

Chazz: yup, never better.

You look different.

Did you get a haircut or a nose job or something?

No, he got a new wardrobe!


It's more than that.

I finally woke up, and I've seen the light--

The society of light!

It holds all the answers!


♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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