02x13 - No Pain, No Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x13 - No Pain, No Game

Post by bunniefuu »

[Thinking] the only thing worse

Than being lost...

Is being hungry and lost.




I can't eat magazines!

Huh? Whoa. It's zane.

These are pretty old.

Back from when he was still undefeated!

I wonder what he's up to.

He sorta vanished after...

After he lost to aster phoenix!

Syrus: what happened, zane?

You used to be the best.

And now you're just the butt of everyone's jokes.

I mean look.

You lost ten duels in a row

And got bumped down to the amateurs!

Poor solider. He needs some r&r!

Well if my brother hit rock bottom...

I'm sure I'd feel the same way.

And if zane were my brother,

I'd change my last name!

Hey guess what, syrus!

Now there's someone out there

Who's even lamer than you are!

Of course...there is still hope for him!

All that he needs ta do...

Is join the society of light!

And so d' you two!

Or you'll end up just like zane.

Huh? Hi, alexis!

You'll join, right?

Oh! Aah! Ohh!

Chazz is right.

That's mine!

'N it's trash! Sensationalist garbage.

Don't believe this stuff!

Zane's gonna win tonight!

I just know it!


Excellent point.

Have you seen his opponent?

He's a joke.

That's right.

If your brother loses to this guy...

Then what?

His career really is over.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on


My kid duels better than this!

Gimme a break! This is lame!

Magical scientist, attack zane directly!

Hee hee!

Flash wave!

Ha ha!

Yet another loss for zane truesdale!

I think it's safe to say... His career is officially over!

I wanna refund!

Go back to school, ya rookie!

Zane! You should change your name to "lame!"

Yeah! Lame truesdale! Ha ha ha!

Man: look, kid... My company only hires

The best players in the world.

When we signed you on... We expected a champion.

Instead we got you.

And I don't pay for failure, son.

[Thinking] what's wrong with me?

Why am I afraid to duel?!

Quite a duel, mr. Truesdale.

In fact... I heard it may've been your last one.

Says who?

Various members of the press.

But hey...who really reads the paper

Or watches tv these days?

Look pal...buzz off.

I'm sorry. Let's start over shall we?

The name's mr. Shroud.

And I think I can help you.

Really. How's that?

By getting you back on top, of course.

Why, isn't that what you want?

Cheering fans and sold out arenas?

Zane! If you stick with me,

I'll get you back everything you lost!

But don't be fooled.

It won't be easy.

We're gonna have to start way back at the very beginning.

I'm gonna reinvent you, zane!

It'll be your rebirth!

How's that?

Well we'll begin at the bottom.

Far from the camera's eye.

Where the press can't slander you.

Tell me, zane...

Ever hear of "underground dueling" before?

It's not as glamorous as the pro league.

However...let's just say it has its advantages.

Look, mr. Shroud.

I graduated at the top of my class.

Underground duels aren't my bag.

If you expect to salvage your career...

You don't have a choice.

Now then... Care to reconsider your decision?

Heh heh heh!


I hear zane truesdale is dueling tonight.

Announcer: attention, spectators!

Tonight's duel will be a steel cage match!

There are no holds barred and no means of escape!

[Crowd gasping]

And now entering the ring... From parts unknown...

It's the undefeated cage king...mad dog!


And his challenger... The first duel academy graduate ever to grace

Our squared circle...

Former pro league champ, zane truesdale!

Talk about hitting rock bottom.

[Thinking] this shouldn't be too tough.

I bet this poser hasn't had any training at all.


Don't worry 'bout those.

They just make the duel... A bit more electrifying.


Now remember, zane...

You're forbidden to leave the cage

Until the match is over.

Oh yes...and about your opponent...

He's known to be quite dangerous.

[Child-like voice] that's right, poopy head!

My mommy says I'm really strong!

You hear me!

I take guys like you...

And eat 'em for breakfast!

Announcer: alright! Let the game begin!


[Thinking] this is it.

Ha ha ha!

Me first!

No backsies!

I play...

Acid slime in defense mode!

Then I'll place this facedown and end my turn.

Is that all? Watch this.

I'll throw down a facedown...

And then activate...

My different dimension capsule!

So here's how it works.

First I pick a card.

Then I remove that card from the game.

But after three turns...

My capsule activates.

And the card I removed...

Comes back to my hand!

And now... I summon this!

My cyber dragon in attack mode!

Attack me! I double dare you!

[Thinking] if I destroy his acid slime...

I take points of damage!

So I might as well play it cool for now.

Did I scare you already?

Well get a load 'a this!

My trap card: last machine acid virus!

Now here's the deal!

I sacrifice a water monster...

Then the hurt starts!

Cause every one 'a your machines...

Like that cyber dragon... Is instantly crushed!

And that goes for the next three rounds, little man!


Oh well!

Acid virus... Activate!

Ha ha!

And for each beast that goes bye bye...

You lose points!

What the? Aah!

Hold on. What's the deal, shroud?

Didn't I warn you?

To keep the duel interesting...

Every time you lose life points

You receive an electric shock.

Be careful.

This game can take a lot out of you.

Trust me. This's a match

You don't want to lose, mr. Truesdale.

You lied to me!

You'll pay for this, shroud!

That's not fair. Just look.

A sold out arena... Fans cheering you to victory...

I gave you exactly what I promised.

You want fame? Then you have to pay the price.

You oughtta know... Nothing comes easy in this world.

Now go fight for your life!

Go on. Your public is waiting.

Don't disappoint them.

Duel already!

Look, he's afraid!

I want a refund!

Bring it on.

Oh it's bringed!

Just watch.

I'm playin' 'dis!

It's my contingency fee!

For starters you draw a bunch 'a cards

'Til ya got six.

Then I get an extra , life points

For every card you pick up!

But I'm afraid that's not all!

Thanks to my last machine acid virus...

I get ta check your cards for machine monsters!

Sorry. No machines here.

Oh yeah? Time ta change that!

With this spell card!

Card destruction!

Now we drop all the cards we're holdin'...

And pick up a whole new hand!

Three more cards for me.

Six for you.

Go ahead. Check 'em out.

It helps...if you turn 'em around.


I spy with my little eye...

Ohh! Ha ha ha!

Four machine monsters!

So thanks to acid virus,

I get two grand in life points!

Here we go!

You're about to get a big boo-boo!



We're not done yet!

I play pot of greed!

Which lets me draw two cards.

Then I summon...

Clone slime in defense mode!

I'll end my turn with these.

Give up yet?

Alright... My move!

[Thinking] this spell card might just be

The cure to his acid virus!


I activate future fusion!

So by moving fusion monsters

From my deck to my grave...

I can form a new monster!

And summon it now!

Afraid not!

You triggered my trap!

Jammer slime!

So I sacrifice this!

♪ Now you can't use your spell card ♪

Sorry. But you're in my world.

And in here... I call the sh*ts!


'N the card I sacrificed...

Was draw slime!

And whenever it's sent to the graveyard...

I'm allowed to draw another card!

Don't worry.

Deep down inside, I'm really just a big softy.

So I'm gonna help you out a bit.

No thanks.

Too late 'cause I play...

Despised reality!

Now you get to summon a level- monster!

But if I were you I wouldn't celebrate

Just yet, you sticky diaper face!


'Cause once you play your card...

I draw two cards.

So think before you summon.

'Cause if you choose not to play a monster right now...

Then I lose , life points!

So zane? What's it gonna be?

[Thinking] the only way to win this

Is to get my monsters out there.

I accept!

So I'll summon my proto-cyber dragon to the field!


Sorry to rain on your parade, mad dog...

But my new dragon dwarfs your little slime ball.

So what? I still get two cards.

Your last!

Now proto-cyber dragon, destroy his clone slime!


You're so close... Yet so far!

'Cause when my slime's att*cked...

I get to replace it with a monster from my graveyard!

You remember my acid slime don't you?


Now for his little trick.


Whenever acid slime's destroyed in battle...

You lose life points!

And a blast like that oughtta be

Quite a shock to your system!




I'm still... Standing.

Not for long! My turn!

I've been waitin' for this.

Time to knock you on your tushy!

So I play this!

Slime base!

Now I get to summon a slime monster!

So get a load 'a this guy!

It's multiple slime!

Alright, slimy!

Destroy his cyber dragon now!

Primordial ooze attack!

Err. Aah!

Looks like you've had enough.

For now, anyway.

Mr. Truesdale! I told ya you had to start at the bottom.

And it doesn't get any lower than this.

You've reached the bottom of the barrel.

Only one place to go from here.

Yeah out! 'Cause I quit!

I don't wanna be a part of this world, shroud!

Now open that door!!

Impossible. The match isn't over yet.

If you want out so badly,

All you have to do is win.

I can't!

If I draw a machine card...

He'll destroy me with his slime monster.

It's over.

What have you got to lose?

Not your reputation. Nor your pride.

They're gone.

And if you were to give up

This fight right now...

You would never get them back.


The reality is...

You've already lost everything.

What you need to do now is let go

Of your past and move on.

Now leave the old zane

Locked up in that steel cage.

What about my friends?

They're all gone. Except me.

Everyone's deserted me.

I gotta go potty. So hurry up.

So it's excitement you want?

Then let the fun begin!

'Cause now that three turns are up...

My capsule is activated!

And the card inside...

Gets returned to my hand.

Then I play... My power bond spell!

This allows me to send some fusion monsters

To my graveyard.

Then I can merge them together

And automatically summon

This new monster to the field!

Of course... There's a problem.

I'm short on cards.

Oh well. I guess I'll hafta play

My cybernetic fusion support!

Once I pay half my life points...

I can skip a step.

Now I can summon my new monster

Without any sacrifices!

Meet cyber end dragon!

And thanks to power bond...

Its strength is doubled!

As an interesting side note...

When I'm done...

Power bond's special effect kicks in.

Causing me to lose , life points.

However...i plan to defeat you first!

Ha ha ha! Nice try.

But I make the rules 'round here!

Go, slime ball!

This little beauty boosts my life points by the same amount

As your dragon's attack points!

But that's not all my card does!

Say bye-bye to your friend!


Thought ya had me didn't ya, truesdale!?

Now ya see why I'm king of the cage!

Not yet.

What that mean?

You think you'll win?!

Not think.

I know it with all my soul!

I should warn you.

The zane you think you knew is long gone!

All this time I've been focusing

On nonsense like respecting my opponents.

When I should have been thinking about winning!

I played by the rules.

And look where it got me. Nowhere!

Dueling's about making up your own rules!


And about tapping into your anger to win!

I reveal my facedown card!

Call of the haunted!


Now I can search through my graveyard

And choose one monster to summon.

And I pick my proto-cyber dragon!

Then I'll play this card!

Ready? It's overload fusion.

It lets me choose a fusion monster

From my deck and call it to the field!

Let me see.

Who will I use to tear you to shreds!?

Ahhhh, I know!

Chimeratech overdragon!

Are you sure about that!?

I haven't been this sure in months!

But first I need to remove six

Of my monsters from the game!

Actually I'm only required to remove two.

But I'm in a destructive mood today.

So let's do this.

I remove... Six of my dragons from play!

And now...meet the last monster you'll ever see!

Rise! Chimeratech overdragon!


That's a whole lotta attack points!

Now, overdragon... It's time for revenge!

Attack his multiple slime!

Dat all you got!?

Well did you know that when you destroy my multiple slime

It leaves a little present in its place?

Three slime monster tokens!

And then... I'll play this!

My trap trip!

Here's how it works!

One 'a my traps... Comes back ta me!

Hee hee hee!

Your last machine virus right?

Well, I'll admit that's a powerful card...

If you can use it!

I can!

I have three tokens remember?

And all I need is one.

'Cause then I can sacrifice it

To activate my trap!

That's just it! None of 'em will survive!

Face it. It's over!

Uh-uh. Liar!

Are you sure this is gonna work!?

Since I ditched six cards...

My overdragon is now able to attack you six times!

It can?! It can?!

It can.

Overdragon! End this!



[Crowd screaming]

It worked. Zane is reborn.

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Man: yet another win for zane truesdale!

I'm telling you, folks, this pro is dueling like

A man possessed!

Could the secret to his recent success be

In his edgy new look?

Perhaps. All I know is: zane truesdale is back on top!

[Thinking] I know my brother,

And he would never duel like that.

Whoever that guy is... It's not zane!

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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