02x15 - Homecoming Duel: Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x15 - Homecoming Duel: Part I

Post by bunniefuu »

Voice: jaden...we need you...

That doesn't look good.

Huh? I knew duel academy was a "hot school"...

But this is ridiculous!

Only you can restore balance.

Phase two of your mission begins now!

It does?

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Look, it's chazz.

I hear he totally lost it.

Yeah, who wears white after labor day?

[All laughing]

I bet his next new outfit's

Gonna be a straight jacket.

Ya know 'm not afraid to get this outfit dirty.

I've got three more.

Exit stage right!

They'll all be dressed in white soon enough.

But they won't look as good as me.

I just had a brilliant idea!

You're finally going to shave off

That ridiculous mustache?

No, I'm thinking of getting big pink ruffles

And a ponytail!

Wait, you already have that look covered.

Now listen, monsieur!

With jaden still missing and chazz a few livers shy

Of a pate, this is the perfect time

To dismantle their dorm!

And how do you expect to do that?

You can't just go around tearing down dorms.

And that's precisely why I think we should--

I've done it!

I just signed my last document!

Guess again!

Now will you pay attention to my plan!?

We'll deal with this

The way we deal with everything around here!

With a duel!

A fight for the fate of their dorm!

Glad I thought of it.

Just imagine the publicity we'll get!

All we need now is a duelist.

One that will put on a good show.

I know. That's why I picked

Alexis rhodes to represent the red dorm.

And I've made arrangements for her challenger

To be flown in tonight.

You'll never guess who it is.

Thanks for coming on such short notice.

I booked you a last minute match.

Your flight to duel academy

Leaves tonight at p.m. Sharp.

Wait you're making me go back to that place!?

It's in your best interest, aster.

Haven't we been through this before?

But what about my tour schedule?

Leave that to me.

But sartorius...

I just don't see how this is any good

For my career!

It's a step backwards!

You've got to have more faith in the cards.

Remember, they see everything.

And right now they're warning us of a threat.

What kind of a threat do you mean!?

A threat to me!?

That part is unclear. Which is why you must go.

All the answers lie at duel academy.

Then you can count me in.

I'll find this threat.

And when I do, I'll eliminate it.

How can they do this?

Easily. When the enemy's in charge

The battle's in their favor.

But we've got to press on.

The future of our platoon is

In your hands, private lexi.

Touching speech, sarge.

But this fight is meaningless.

Soon the whole school...

No the whole world will be united

In the society of light.

But go ahead. Save your little dorm.

It's your dorm, too!

At ease, m'am. Forget him.

You've gotta prepare for combat.

Good point. I have a job to do.

I may be an obelisk blue,

But right now my heart belongs

To the red dorm.

I haven't been that moved...

Since I dueled jay.

Hey, pal! Wherever you are out there,

I'm thinkin' aboutcha!

[Coyote howling]

Alexis: a sh**ting star!

Make a wish!

Please keep our barracks standing

And jaden safe from harm.

Alexis: who schedules a duel at midnight?

Hassleberry: someone who's up to no good.

Syrus: alexis! Is it true?!

Bastion: yes, are they really going to tear down our dorm

If you lose!?

But that's against regulations!

Bonaparte: not when you're the head of the school!

Last I checked, we make the regulations!

Hassleberry: well, if it isn't the gruesome twosome!

You'll never get away with this!

Our dorm isn't going anywhere, bonaparte!

Heh heh heh!

You haven't met your opponent.

Aster: hey, dudes! Long time no duel!

All: aster phoenix?!

That's me. Expecting someone else?

It's really him!

You're brilliant!

Aw stop.

Actually on second thought keep on going!

He was booked solid for the next two years!

How did you get him to show up!?

Heh heh heh!

Look, let's just say I know some people who know some

People and leave it at that, ok?

Like who?

Well if you must know, one of the fellas on my bowling team

Knows a waiter who once served a guy whose nephew cuts

Sartorius's hair.

I've always wanted to be on a bowling team.

You have to be over fifty to join ours.

You're fif--

Keep it down, crowler.

Ya know you're only as old as you feel.

Allow me to demonstrate.

Alright, dudes!

Let's get funky with our bad selves!

Syrus: what's he talking about?

So, aster, have you heard?

I'm in the club.

What my fan club?

Uh, no.

I mean the society of light!

Doesn't ring a bell.

Sorry, man.

Oh, come on.

You're kidding, right?

I know sartorius sent you.

He needs you to kick jaden's butt one last time.

You've got it wrong.

Jaden's not even here, dude.

Besides why would I need to play him?

I'm here to duel that alexis girl.

Okay now I see what's going on here.

You're the celebrity-type who likes to keep his life

Private, right?

Look if that's what you want, it's cool with me.

I'll make sure to keep things on the "down-low."

You can trust me. I'm one of you now.

I've seen the light!

As stimulating as this conversation is...

I gotta go, pal.

I can read between the lines.

So don't worry about a thing.

This "discussion" never happened.

It's cool. Your secret identity

Is safe with me.

Now get out there and make those slackers

See the light! Ha ha ha!

Sure. Whatever you say.

Ha ha ha!

[Thinking] my fans just keep getting weirder and weirder.

Crowler: this oughtta be quick and painless.

Bonaparte: well... For aster anyway!

[Thinking] beating a pro like aster won't be easy,

But it's the only way to save our dorm.


Should alexis lose this duel...

It's au revoir red dorm!

Not gonna happen, folks!

Get your game on!

Jaden: hey! That's my line!

D'you hear that!?

I heard it...but I don't believe it!

It's jaden!

You're alright!

Where'd you come from?

Hey, guys! Did everyone miss me?!

What's up?

Welcome back.

It's about time!

Where ya been, jay?

Actually, sy, it's funny

You should ask about that.

I've gone where no man has gone before!

Couldn't you have just stayed there!?

Of course not.

There wasn't any oxygen there,

And besides they didn't get cable!

See, I went to outer space!

And I chilled with this dolphin-man!

Then he gave me these totally rad cards for my deck!


Poor guy's gone mad.

Wow, I've always wanted to hang with an alien!

And I thought dueling a spanish chef

With a bag on his head was weird!

Trust me it gets weirder!

Since I've been back on earth...

I've chilled out with two more extraterrestrials!

Phase two of your mission begins now!

I'm sorry... But am I supposed to know you?

I am what is known as a neo-spacian flare scarab

But call me "flick."

Hi, flick. Hold on.

Did you just say that you're a neo-spacian.

What a coincidence. So's he.

Any chance you know a dolphin named "aquos"?

Of course. He is a water spacian.

I'm a being of fire.

Are their others?

Yes and our forces have converged within your deck.

Now follow me and I'll show you more.

Cool but wait up!


Jaden... I've been waiting for you...



Lemme guess.

You're a neo-spacian.

And you need my help, right?

We've been waiting for you for centuries.

The earthling... From the prophesy.

The only one who can bring balance to the universe.

That's weird. I can see all of my cards now, except for one.

Winged kuriboh.

[Kuriboh chirping]



Hey. It's you, pal!


It's good to have ya back!

[Thinking] I knew I'd see you again!

So my deck's even sweeter now!

Pretty wacky story, huh, guys?

All the cool stuff happens to him.

Finally. I'm back in the game.

Aster! How'd ya like the honor of being

The first duelist to lose to my new deck?!

'Cause I got a rockin' new set of heroes now!

N' they're ready to throw down!

Will you listen to yourself!?

You're insane!

There's not a hero monster on earth that can hold

A candle to mine!

Weren't you listening?

My heroes come from outer space not earth!

Bastion: jaden? Perhaps you need some rest.

I mean do you really believe there's

A race of fish-people out there?

Of course not.

They're dolphin-people!

Oh...right. My bad.

Let me take your place.

I need to do this.



You won't regret it, alexis!

But that's not fair!

Sure it is!

Jaden lives in the slifer red dorm as well!

So he has just as much of a right

To fight for it!

Very well!

I suppose we can make an exception this time.

It's a rematch.

The press will love this.

You're letting these slackers walk all over you again.

Thanks a mil, chancellor crowler!

You don't know how much I've missed dueling!

Do you miss losing?

Go get im!

Hey thanks. I owe ya.

Alright! That's enough!

On with the duel, people!

Works for me!

Game on! Game on!

I'll kick things off!

And who better to start the hurt

Than my diamond dude!

Wow! That's some start.

It's powerful... But it's nothing jaden can't handle.

And now for a little special effect action!

First I draw the top card on my deck!

And if it happens to be a spell card...

It automatically activates on my next turn!

Now the moment of truth!

It's the spell card... Graceful charity!

I love it when a plan comes together!

So do i! And here's mine.

You're not the only one

Who can start with a hero!

And believe me this bad boy is guaranteed

To make a splash!

So meet neo-spacian aqua dolphin!


Told you my new heroes were out of this world!

It's true. They are aliens!

And next I activate my fake hero spell card!

Here's how it works.

Now I'm able to summon one monster from my hand.

But it returns to my hand when the turn's over.

Now come out elemental hero bladedge!

And since aqua dolphin's special ability

Is in the house...

I can ditch one card from my hand

In order to grab a monster form yours!

And the unlucky winner is...

No, not him!

Next I pick a monster on my side.

And if mine happens to be stronger,

Then yours goes ba-bye!

Oh yeah, and one more thing.

You lose life points!


Not bad huh?

Next I'll throw these down,

Take back bladedge...

And chill out.

Lucky shot. But now...

It's my move!

Time for graceful charity!

I draw three cards. And then I get rid of two!

Now pay attention, class.


I activate... A field spell card!

Mausoleum of the emperor!

And just to make this place even creepier,

The basement's filled with a bunch of old statues,

Which we both can use.

All we hafta do... Is give up some points.

Then we can sacrifice these statues to summon monsters!

So now I'll call to the field...

My destiny hero dreadmaster!


And now that the master of dread is here...

I can bring two heroes back from the grave!

So without further ado...

I summon captain tenacious and doom lord!

And their combined power gets added

To my dreadmaster's attack points!

You ready, dolphin-boy!?!

Let's see what kinda tricks you can do!

Dreadmaster! Turn flipper into fish-sticks!

Hold it, muscle head!

Negate attack!

Thanks to this... Your attack is over before it began!

That's all she wrote, pal.

Listen! I'm not your pal!!

Someone's touchy.

Excuse me.

Just tryin' ta be nice.

Hey, aster! Thanks in advance

For sharing your field spell card!

I'll sacrifice these guys...

And then I'm gonna summon him!

My elemental hero neos!

There's no such thing, dude!

Trust me! I know every hero there is!

Well fine. But I bet he's totally lame.

Let's see whacha got, space man!

Zap me with your ray g*n.

He doesn't have one.

But he does have a pretty cool trick.

Ya see neo-spacians...

Well they like to work together.

And when these two are both

On the field I can fuse them

To form a new hero!

Aquos and neos, merge together

In order to form...

The elemental hero aqua neos!

No way. Did jaden really go to outer space?

Sure seems like it.

Wait'll you see what he can do!

If I get rid of one of my cards...

Two random cards in your deck are destroyed!

So I'll toss out my bladedge!


Next I activate... Heated heart!

Thanks to this...my aqua neos gets stronger!

By points!

Aqua neos, attack!

Destroy his dreadmaster with sonic zoom!


Not bad!

You just dismissed his highest ranking officer!

Awesome! Way ta play!

My dreadmaster. Blown to pieces.

Your martian mutant is nothing next to my destiny heroes!!

Really? 'Cause I coulda sworn--ohh!

Neos! Hello?!

Where'd he go?

I think he retreated!

'Scuse me! Mr. Neos!?

We're kinda in the middle of something here!

If you fellows ask me...

I'd say he has a lot to learn

About his new deck.

Aw, man. And jaden's wide open now!

Since you're fresh out of monsters,

I'll assume you're done.

So now I'll show you what real heroes can do.

And the best way to do that is with this--

A triple attack!

So, diamond dude... Captain tenacious...

And doom lord... Let's do this!

Direct attack!




Ha ha ha!

Soon you'll lose your life points...

Then you'll lose your dorm!

What's your rush, phoenix?

Come on, bro.

I was just getting warmed up.

Now the real duel can start!

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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