02x18 - Obelisk White?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x18 - Obelisk White?

Post by bunniefuu »

Long time no see, gents.


What are you doin' here?

You're a slifer red now.

Yeah, so what's with the white threads?

You tryin' to start a new trend or something?

Heh heh. You might say that.

Here's the deal, losers.

Obelisk blue, slifer red, they're all just a big joke.

If you wanna be where it's at, then come with me.

And see the light!

What light? And who do you think you are

Callin' our dorm a joke?

Yeah, you're just jealous

'Cause crowler kicked you out of obelisk blue!

Ha ha ha!

Me jealous of you dorks?

I'm an elite member

Of the most powerful organization in the world--

The society of light!

Uh, yeah. Well, good luck with all that.

But we were just leaving.

Yeah, so why don't you do the same?

I think what you boys need is a demonstration of the society's power.

What? You gonna duel all of us?

[Boys chuckling]

Why not? I can spare a few minutes.

You really are nuts, aren't you?

I'm infused with the power of the light, and soon you'll feel it, too!

[Laughing sinisterly]

It's show time.

[Boys screaming]

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Captioning made possible by kids productions

Jasmine: it's an emergency!

Alexis let me guess. You lost your hairbrush?

Even worse!

Something happened to our dorm!

Well, there have been some weird things going on around here lately.

But this better be legit. Come on!

Jasmine: by the way, did anyone find a pink hairbrush?

Hassleberry: is that the blue barracks?

Syrus: not anymore!

Mindy: and white is so not my color.

Alexis: it's my brother!

Girls: atticus!

Lex. The whole dorm's gone nuts.

I tried to do something, but I was just too late.

They're with him now.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

See for yourself.

Alexis: you've got to be kidding me.

It's good to be the chazz. And this is just the start,

Because soon I'll see to it that the entire world sees the light!

Together: all hail the society of light!

Boys: all hail the chazz! All hail the chazz!

[Boys cheer]


Thank you, boys. But I think we should give some props

To the person who's really responsible for all this!

And that's sartorius!

Boys: all hail master sartorius!


Hold on a sec! Isn't that aster phoenix's manager?

Chazz: that's right, dork!

But he's so much more than just that loser's manager!

Sartorius holds the answers to the greatest questions of the universe.

Huh? Huh?

Hassleberry: that boy's a few trap cards shy of a full deck.

Hey, chazz, I get it now!

You and your friends here must have been exposed

To too many white paint fumes, that's all.

The only crazy ones are you people,

'Cause when it comes to the truth, you're all in the dark.

But face me in a duel and I'll show you the light!

You know me. I can't say no to a duel.

So get your game on!

Hold on!

I may not live here anymore, but I'm still an obelisk.

You mean you wanna duel him?

But he's insane!

Alexis: then he shouldn't be too hard to beat, right?

Wrong. Trust me, lex.

All of those guys dueled him and lost.

Then he turned them into mindless robots!

Syrus: I would have said "zombies," but, you know, either way.

Well, it's up to me to save 'em.

All right, princeton, ready to do this?

Are you ready to see the light?

'Cause guess what. I already know how it's gonna end,

Thanks to a very dear friend of mine.


This is most puzzling. My predictions never fail.

But according to the cards, jaden was to suffer a devastating loss.

Yet somehow he won. Hmm.

The right side up prince! Interesting.

It's time for a changing of the guard.

Aster is of no use to me. The cards have spoken.

Jaden yuki is the one I need.

I've been waiting for this moment ever since we met,

'Cause when I defeat you, you'll finally be where you belong,

Standing right by my side as we bask in the light!

It's your destiny, alexis.

Before you were just annoying.

Now you've crossed over into creepy.

You're just jealous because I can see into the future!

Yeah, that's right. I can predict things before they happen!

It's just one of the many perks

Of being a preferred member of the society of light!

Is that so? I bet I know another one of your "perks."

A white room complete with padded walls!

Did you happen to see that in your future, chazz?

I don't expect you to believe me.

That will come in time, when I win

And you join the society of light!


All right, chazz, time to knock some sense into you!

Both: now game on!

I'll start.

I activate the spell card--

Infernal white!

So for the rest of the duel starting now,

You get to see my entire hand!

You see, lex, the society doesn't believe in secrets.

And since I already know I'm gonna win,

Why should I have anything to hide?

Alexis, thinking: this must be a trick.

Even chazz isn't that dumb!

I play armed dragon level !

Then I'll throw this guy face-down,

And I'll call it a turn.

What's the point? Even though it's face-down,

We know what he just played!

Yeah, it kind of takes the thrill away.

Now that we can see his hand, there are no surprises!

Atticus: I'm gonna have to disagree, sy.

I was totally surprised by his move.

Surprised by how dumb it was?

Yeah, what was chazz thinking?

Actually, girls, it was pretty smart.

I'm confused.

Is he trying to lose the duel or something?

Ha ha ha ha! Think of his strategy as a song.

If he shares all the lyrics with us,

Then we can sing along, and it'll be a hit!

At first I was confused. Now I'm totally lost.

Here we go!

Oh, did I mention my spell card has another effect?

You're gonna love this!

Every time another turn passes, you take a whopping points of damage!

I summon good old cyber tutu...

And that's not all.

Next I'll play my angel wing spell card!

It's time to earn your wings, girlfriend.


Alexis, thinking: now if all goes according to plan,

Chazz is gonna destroy my angel wing

By activating his mystical space typhoon.

So what's he waiting for? Just play it!

He's pretty creepy.

Typical guy.

Syrus: she's pretty wound up.

Hassleberry: typical gal.

Well, uh, ah... Hmph.

Cyber tutu, direct attack. Pounding pirouette!

Is your ballet recital over?

I wouldn't laugh if I were you,

'Cause thanks to my ballerina's ability,

You lose another points!

Now I'll throw down two face-downs and then...

Then I'll step in!

Why do you look so surprised?

You already know what my face-down card is,

So didn't you think I'd use it?

Oh, wait. I know. You weren't sure when I'd use it

Or what card I'd use it on.


If only you were able to see into the future, like I can.

Alexis, thinking: there's no way chazz is psychic.

Psycho, maybe, but not psychic.

If he really could see the future,

He would have destroyed my other face-down card,

'Cause that's the one I plan to use to destroy his armed dragon!

As soon as chazz upgrades

His level dragon to a level dragon,

I'll just activate my pure pupil trap card

And send his monster straight to the graveyard!

My move! Check this out.

Syrus: alexis, be careful!

Chazz is probably gonna activate his dragon's special ability!

Hassleberry: and play a stronger one!

Well? We all know what you're gonna do, so just do it!

Do you really think I'm gonna walk into your trap?

Not on your life!

Maybe the old chazz would've.

But the new and improved chazz knows better!

You're targeting my dragon with your face-down card!

As soon it evolves to a level ,

You're gonna blast it off the field with pure pupil!

But how did you know that?

It'll all be clear when I win

And you stand by my side, where you belong!

What's happening to me?

You're beginning to see the light!

[Chazz laughing sinisterly]

Hassleberry: maybe revealing his entire hand

Wasn't such a bad tactic, after all.

Syrus: how do you figure?

Just look. Isn't it obvious?

Chazz totally threw alexis off her game.

Since she can see his hand, she's trying to predict his moves.

But instead of showing her usual confidence,

She keeps second-guessing herself!

She's distracted.

She's more worried about his cards than her own.

If she doesn't snap out of it, then she's gonna lose!

Come on, lex!

Hassleberry: forget about him!

Worry about your own maneuvers now!

Too late for that!

Hey, alexis, did you figure out what I'm gonna do next?

I'm activating my level down spell!

And thanks to this card, the level five dragon in my hand

Decreases by two levels!

So I can play it without a sacrifice!

Didn't see that coming, did ya?

Armed dragon level , you're on!

Now send her little ballerina twirling straight to the graveyard!

Inferno as*ault!

She was equipped with angel wing!

And whenever it gets destroyed, its ability activates!

So I can draw one card!

You're gonna need it, 'cause I'm not done!

My armed dragon level was feeling a little left out!


Poor sis. I've never seen her like this.

I wanna just run out there and protect her...

Like when we were kids.

Oh, atticus, you're so sweet!

I wish I had a brother like you.

Oh, yeah! I almost forgot!

My armed dragon level has a special ability!

Of course, you could've stopped me

With your pure pupil trap

If you had a monster on the field with less than , points.

But since I knew your plan all along,

I made sure to destroy all your monsters before activating it.

And so now that the coast is clear,

I sacrifice my level dragon

So I can summon this to the field...

Armed dragon level !

Chazz it up! Finish her off, boss!

You can do it! Come on! Chazz it up!

You the man, chazz!

Show her who's the chazz!

This is your last shot. So you'd better make it count

Unless you wanna quit.

Don't give up, sis!

Remember that new song I've been working on?

Well, it's finally done!

I dedicate this one to you, alexis!

♪ Lexi, how I wish you could see ♪

♪ That no one but you can control your destiny! ♪

♪ Your future's in your hands, so wipe away that tear! ♪

♪ And, lexi, remember

[Sour note] ♪ your brother's always here!

[Glass breaks]

Oh, man. Don't quit your day job.

Roger that.

Come on, guys. His song was kinda catchy, if ya ask me.

[Girls giggle]

That really meant a lot to me. Thanks, atticus.

You wanna see the future? Well, here it is!

My move!

I don't have a lame song for ya,

But I do have this!

Points of damage to your score,

Thanks to my infernal white spell!

Fine! I activate my pot of greed!

So I'll draw two cards!

Then I play cyber petit angel!

And thanks to its special effect,

I can add my machine angel ritual to my hand!

And you know what that means, don't you?

Now, I sacrifice my angel

And my cyber prima in order to summon cyber angel dakini!

And just like in my brother's song,

You can decide your own destiny by choosing

Which one of your monsters my dakini will destroy now!

I pick my level dragon.

You heard him! Attack!


Lastly, I place two cards face-down.

Alexis, thinking: all right. Based on chazz's hand,

It looks like I have two options.

He has , life points,

And my cyber angel dakini has , attack points.

So if chazz att*cks me with his level dragon,

I'll activate my double passe trap card.

Sure, I'll lose the rest of my life points.


But thanks to my trap, so will chazz!


In that case, the duel will end in a draw.

Of course, there's always the chance

He'll activate his dragon's special ability.

It lets him destroy one of my monsters

By sacrificing one from his hand.

The good news is,

Chazz doesn't have any monsters in his hand.

And even if he draws one in his next turn,

My cyber angel dakini will be protected,

Thanks to my other trap card-- angel blast.

'Cause if chazz tries to use

His dragon's special ability against my dakini,

Not only will my angel blast shield it from harm,

It'll also instantly fry the attacking monster to a crisp!

Then I'll win the duel!

How's that for taking control of my own destiny?

[Chazz chuckles]

You're thinking pretty hard about this move, aren't you?

Going through every possible scenario in your head?

Yeah, maybe I am. And ya know what?

Maybe I figured out how to beat your tacky white pants off!

Ya see, unlike you chazz,

I'm not gonna let someone else decide my fate!

So, alexis, ready to see the light?

What happened to you?

I mean, sure, you've always been an obnoxious brat,

But you used to think for yourself!

You'll understand once you step into the light.

I was in the dark, too, till master sartorius showed me the way.

Now everything is clear.

Ah, the light shines on all of us.

You just have to choose to see it, lex.

It holds all the answers!

All hail the light!

Boys: all hail the light!

Hear that?


You can be a part of it, too.

Just surrender to the light.

Boys: surrender to the light! Surrender to the light!

They're nuts.

It's only a matter of time, alexis!

I play my magical mallet spell!

This changes everything,

'Cause my entire hand goes right back into my deck now.

Then I shuffle, and voila!

I get to draw the same number of cards I put back in my deck.

Now, let's see what I've got!

Ah, not bad at all!

Alexis, thinking: his whole hand just changed!

And what's worse, he drew two really powerful cards.

I sacrifice my level dragon now...

So I can bring out my armed dragon level !


Hold on. It gets worse,

'Cause now I play white veil!

His monster, it's too powerful.

Alexis, thinking: but that doesn't mean I'm gonna lose!

I can still end this in a draw!

I play double passe!

Why isn't it activating?

That's because my armed dragon is protected

By the light of truth!

It's wearing a white veil,

So when it att*cks, every spell and trap card

Is destroyed!

Now, armed dragon level , attack!

Your target: her cyber angel dakini!

Show her the light with armed luminizer blast!

Jaden: it's over!

Is she ok?



Chazz: what are you gonna do, sing her another lame song?!

Just give it up, dorks. She's one of us now.

And soon you'll all be on my side.

Jaden: she must be in shock.

Girls: say something!

Atticus: you have nothing to be ashamed of, sis!

You tried your best out there!

Atticus is right! You stayed true to yourself, lex.

You stuck to your g*ns, and you never gave up!

Alexis: don't you guys see? I'm glad I lost.

It opened my eyes to the truth

And helped me to see the light!

You were right, chazz. Thank you.

I'm ready to enter the society of light now.

It's your destiny.

This is worse than I thought.

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on
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