02x19 - DuelFellas

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x19 - DuelFellas

Post by bunniefuu »

Chazz: what do ya mean, you don't like the paint job?!

Look, chazz, this institution has rules!

You can't just create a new dorm with a few buckets of paint!

Besides, crowler's partial to the color blue.

What? And what crowler says goes?

Well, he is the school chancellor.

But if another dorm were to how should we say, well,

Were to suddenly disappear from academy island without a trace,

Crowler would have to recognize you!

Why's that?

If you get rid of the slifer red dorm,

Then I'll guarantee your white dorm will take its place!


And after that, no one will stand

In the way of the society of light,

Not even jaden!



The fool.

This means that jaden will play an important role in my plan.

But will he stand by my side, or just stand in my way?

He must be tested again.

[Cell phone rings]

Is everything in place?

Just about, sir.

When this kid's done with him,

Jaden's guaranteed to see the light.

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Captioning made possible by kids productions

[Italian-american accent] ay, bada-bing!


You aliens think you can take on lorenzo?


Stop wasting quarters.

There's business to take care of.

All right. So ya need me to work over

This jaden kid?

We just need you need to duel him and win, ok, lorenzo?

Then our dorm will be able to take over the school.

Remember, this isn't some video game!

I'll do what I gotta do, paisans.

I hope so.

Ha. And you're next, jaden!

Bada-bing! Dat's what I'm talkin' 'bout!


Uh. I think I'm allergic.

To what? Those four gallons of cologne?


Yeah, jay. When did you plan to tell us?

You know, about this secret date of yours...

With alexis!

"Oh, my dearest sweetest jadey-poo.

"Please meet me in the planetarium today!

"And bring your cards.

So we can duel under the stars."

She said all that?

More or less. Syrus may have embellished a bit.

Boy: what's your problem, jaden?

Second boy: yeah. You lose your watch?

Uh, I'm late?

Yeah. By over an hour.

Now, that's jaden!

He'll never learn.

Whoa. What in tarnation is that?

If you insist on coming, you have to be quiet, hassleberry.

Alexis: this museum holds legendary dueling artifacts,

Including the very first duel disk.

So, uh...

What's the deal with your new threads, alexis?

Well, I guess I've traded up.

Oh. And one more thing.

I haven't been on too many dates,

But aren't they usually limited to two people?

What makes you think this is a date, jaden?

Jaden: a duel dome?

Jay-man! How you doing?

What do ya say we dim the lights and get started?

[Snaps fingers]

Bastion: how very romantic.

Hassleberry: funny, private.

Who's the new guy?

Just da three-time video game champion: lorenzo!

Now let's do this!

Jaden: still not ringing a bell.

Syrus: who are you?

Lorenzo is a pro despite the bad accent.


That's right, slacker!

Jaden: chazz?

The one and only.

Jaden, ready to duel or not?

Since you're always looking for a challenge,

This duel's gonna work out for both of us.

You win and, well, then congratulations.

You lose and the slifer red dorm is finally torn down!

What do ya say?

That doesn't sound too fair.

It's not! Don't do it.

Them's unequal stakes!

Hey, boys, sounds like jaden's afraid to duel.

No way! Jaden's not scared of you!

Prove it! Let's throw down.

Sure. Why not?

I mean, how many times do ya get to duel a pro?

Lorenzo: ay, fuggedaboutit!

Bada-bing! Ya know what I'd saying?!

Jaden: not really, but let's duel!

Here we go! Ah, yeah!

Armored core! Get over here, will ya?

Not bad, right?

And this ain't just any intergalactic star cruiser, ya know.

This baby's got leather seats, tinted windows.


Oh, and I'll throw these down, too.

Not bad, bro. Not bad.

I'll play this!

My elemental hero burstinatrix!

Impressed yet? Well, just wait,

'Cause I activate skyscraper!

And thanks to the sudden change in real estate,

I get a bonus!

Since my elemental hero has

Less attack points than your monster,

She gets an extra grand!

All right, burstinatrix, attack!

Big mistake!

You see, wise-guy,

You just set off this here trap card called alert!

Now I can let loose one of my face-down spell cards!

You ready for this, pal?

Anytime, bro.

All right, then I play my boss rush spell card!

Since you smashed up my armored core pretty good,

My boss rush can pitch in and help me out.

It's a beautiful thing,

'Cause now I can summon another monster to take his place.

Plus, my spell sticks around.

A continuous spell card?

So every time he loses a monster,

He can just replace it with another one!

It's just like a video game!

One of my guys gets whacked and bada-bing, I get another one!

So I can't lose!

Jaden: well, I wouldn't go that far,

'Cause I'm just getting' warmed up!

Now I'll throw down a face-down

And then I'll activate this card.

My climax hour spell!

So after three turns when I draw a card,

If it happens to be a monster card, I'm in luck,

'Cause I'll be able to ditch the summoning requirements

And play it right away!

So what?!

I mean, turns from now, this match will be over!

Mama mia! What a waste!

Don't be so sure, lorenzo,

'Cause the duel is still young!

Trust me, jay-man, you're goin' down.


Now let me show ya how we do things back home!

I'm gonna whip out

My cyber summon blaster!

What's that do?

Whenever lorenzo summons a machine monster,

His new blaster takes points from jaden!

Talk about a trap!

Don't forget, thanks to my boss rush,

I still got a monster comin' to me.

Now, which paisano will it be?

I got so many to choose from, I can't decide!

Ha ha. How about this!

B.e.s. Tetran!

Now, remember my trap card?

Summon blaster? That's right!

Since I just played a machine, you get some of this!


It'll take more than that to win!

I've got paisanos, too!

Jaden, thinking: now I'm not much of a video gamer,

But I'm guessing his spaceship has a weak spot.

And I think I know where it is!

Hold on!

I know what you're planning ta do!

And it ain't gonna work!

You think you can take down my tetran,

But ya can't hit whatcha can't reach!

So I play shield recovery!

It puts a few obstacles between you and my tetran's power source!

Plus, my cruiser has a special ability!

If I remove one of its shields,

One of your spell or trap cards

Has no choice but to go arrivederci!

Time for a change of scenery.

I'm tearing your city down!

But that means...

So much for your bird, pal!

Tetran, attack!

Not so fast!

Flame storm!



Jaden! Jaden!

My word!

Jay-man, the next hit is comin' straight for you!


No more playin' around!

I activate my hero signal!

Yeah? So?

So you're not the only one

Who can replace his monsters,

'Cause thanks to this card,

After you destroy one of my heroes,

I can summon a new hero that's level or less

From my deck, like him.

My elemental hero bubbleman!

Like him? Well, just wait till you see his special ability!

As soon as he's summoned

As long as I don't have any other cards on my playing field,

I can draw two cards from my deck!

You could take ten!

Long as I got them shields, my monster's golden!

So throw down your cards and let's move on, huh?

In that case, here goes something!

I summon this-- my sparkman!

Then I'll add this-- drum roll, please--

My element sword spell!

Thanks to this sword, he gets a little boost--

An attack point boost to be exact!

Now, sparkman, get that shield!

Attack with element sword slash!

Hassleberry: all its defenses are down!

All right. Bubbleman, you know what to do!

Take down his tetran!

Are you kidding me or what, jay-man?

You're only hurtin' yourself!

You forgot about my spell card, didn't ya?

Hassleberry: boss rush!

Syrus: that's right! Now lorenzo can summon

A replacement monster to the field!

You know it! B.e.s. Crystal core,

You're on, pal!

Oh, yeah! Now my blaster activates!

Open wide!

Not bad.

But this time, your spaceship doesn't have any shields!

So it's wide open,

Which means it won't be around for long.

Guess again, wise-guy! Lorenzo's always got a plan!

Just watch and learn!

First up, let's light the fuse on that sparkplug of yours!

What's he yappin' about? Check the points.

Sparkman could easily take down his floating rust bucket!

Not if it's packin' a special effect!

Once a turn, I can bring one of your boys to his knees!

Are you catchin' my drift?

Now your sparkman's in defense mode!

Now crystal core attack!

Now unfortunately, my crystal core's only good for one turn.

So as my grandma says, ciao!

His ship went to the graveyard!

But that means...

He can call for back-up!

You got it!

I summon big core!

What's the matter with you?

You look like you're in shock, jay-man!

It's just like a video game. I blast everything in sight!

You got it all wrong.

Dueling's about way more than that.


Hey, ya don't go puttin' down video games

In the presence of the -time video game champ. Capisce?

I didn't mean to.

Oh, yeah? Says you!

Well, who else would say it?

Will you just get to the point? Come on!

Well, first, dueling's not about blasting

Whatever gets in your way.

It's about carefully studying your opponent's decisions.

Yeah, and planning the right strategy!

Planning and studying? What's with him?

Aw. Jaden's growing up.

Oh, well. It was bound to happen.

Don't worry, guys! Nothing's changed!

I duel for one reason--

To have fun!


And this move's gonna be a blast!


I never played this guy before.

Check this out.

I summon neo-spacian grand mole!

Bastion: another extraterrestrial hero!

Ok, get in there!

Ok, boss.

You gotta be kiddin' me! A rat with buck teeth?

It's not a rat! He's an alien mole-man!

Say what?!

Attack his big core!

Bastion: what?!

Syrus: jaden, no! Your mole's gonna be road-k*ll!

What gives?

Both: we told you!

But look!

Since big core doesn't have any shields,

Both of them are destroyed!

Heh heh heh. Attack me all ya want.

As long I got boss rush,

Anytime one of my monsters decides to split,

I can just summon another one!

Constant protection!

I'm golden!

Not anymore, lorenzo,

Thanks to my mole's special ability, that is!

Boss rush!

It's back in my hand!

Every time my grand mole's in a battle,

He goes back into his owner's hand

Along with the monster he fought!

But boss rush--

Is finished! And it's about time!

See ya!

This is exactly what jaden needed!

I'll play this and let you go!

Uh, fine, then. Watch this!

I'll play...


Without his spell card, lorenzo's

Unable to summon the monsters in his hand!

But I can! Hero call!

This trap card lets me pick a monster

And put him on the top of my deck!

And I choose this--

Elemental hero neos!

Not so fast!

Thanks to my stage select spell, he won't be there for long,

'Cause now I get to shuffle your deck!

So how do ya like this?!


I'll shuffle these boys real good!

Betcha never seen moves like that!

You should chill or cut down on those cappuccinos.

You don't get it, do ya?

I gotta prove myself to sartorius!

Then he'll start booking me some real duels!

I gotta win this!

That's what this is about?

Well, well. Looks like this kid doesn't care about the cause.

Well, then he hasn't seen the light.

Wait till sartorius hears.

Lorenzo: stage select comes with another little trick.

It lets me pick a card from my deck and slap it right on top!

So next turn, that baby's mine!

Lorenzo, thinking: this punk doesn't know what's he's in for!

As soon as I let loose my mystical space typhoon,

I'll be sittin' pretty!

Feel that? It's me breathin' down your neck!

Sorry, pal, but you're all out of lives!

Hey, l-man,

The duel isn't over until the last card's played,

And ya know what? I still got a few cards left!

See, you made the mistake of using up

All your best cards right away.

But saving the best for last,

Now that's what I call excitement!

Eh, I don't need your advice!

No offense, kid, but I've met cannolis that are tougher than you!

Cannolis? That's not cool!

Now you got me hungry!

Now how 'bout we end this and get some lunch?

In fact, I've got just the card to do it!

So good thing it's my turn now!

Now here goes something!

Yeah? Well?

Check it out! Neos!

But I shuffled your deck!

And he's too strong. Yeah, that's right!

You can't summon that guy without a special card or something!

Oh. Like this?

Ha ha!

I saved the best for last!

It's my climax hour spell!

And it's just the card I need,

'Cause as long as this bad boy is on the field,

I can summon a monster,

No matter how powerful it is!

Yo, now, that guy's cool!

Ha ha!

Elemental hero neos, show him how cool you really are!

That's game!

Bastion: good show, jaden! All right!

Oh, well. Ya see that, guys?

That's what happens when you're only loyal to yourself.

You can't fool the light!

It's my fault.

Guess I was lookin' for the fast track to the top.

I was wrong.

A little bit of patience never hurt anyone.

Nice game, paisano.

[Both chuckle]

So think you can give me a few pointers?

Jaden: sure!

Call me anytime, lorenzo!

Hold on!

Come to think of it, don't you owe me a couple of cannolis?

Sartorius, voice-over: foolish boy,

Your future is with me!


Hassleberry: what happened?

Lorenzo: it's master sartorius.

Ha! He's made me stronger!

Thanks to him, I can finally see the light!

Come on. You're kiddin' me,

Aren't you?

Chazz: lorenzo's been reborn!

And soon, it's gonna happen to all of you!


♪ Chilling out with your crew

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on
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