02x21 - Source of Strength

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x21 - Source of Strength

Post by bunniefuu »

The cards have confirmed what I suspected

All along.

The fool, which represents jaden and the prince, which

Represents aster, will be integral to my plan.

But who could this be?

The strength.

This card symbolizes a great power that cannot be swayed.

I must discover the source of this power.

And I suspect I'll find my answer at duel academy.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on




Ow! Huh?

Identify yourself!


This is jaden's room, is it not?

That information's classified!

He's the one I was warned about.

He is the strength card.

I can feel it.

You're talkin' out loud, ya know.

Now look!

State your business!

Yes, my apologies.

I manage several professional duelists.

My name is sartorius.

Hold up--you're "master sartorius"?

The one chazz always yaps about!

What are you insinuating young man?

You brainwashed 'im!

Not that he had much of a brain.

And now alexis is in on your whole scheme, too.

But I haven't done a thing to your friends.

What they do is of their own free will.

Look! I know you're up to something

Mr. Tall, pale and gruesome....

And mark my words, I'm gonna stop ya!

He harbors an incredible force within.

I must have it.

Let's make a compromise, shall we?

I'll address your concerns...

If you agree to face me in a duel.

So if I duel you...

Then you'll disband your little

"Society of light" club?

Not quite.

But I will ask your friends to leave the group.

Should you manage to defeat me, of course.


Dorothy: you're not planning to eat all this candy

In one day are you?

Seriously jay...you don't have to do this.

It's on--bastion ate a hundred...so I'm gonna eat

A hundred and one!

Bastion got sick.

Well serves him right!

Jaden: I hafta beat his record no matter what!

Syrus: hey, isn't that aster?

Jaden: oh yeah.

What're you doin' out here, bro?

Whatta ya think?

I came here to check out this duel.

Syrus: it's hassleberry!

Yeah but that guy in the cape...who's he?

That's sartorius.

He's been my dueling manager for years.

But now I know he's been using me!


And if I had to guess...i'd say he's about to brainwash

Another one of your friends.

Are you kidding?

No way!

Dorothy, hold these!

Got em!

Oh jaden, wait! Wait!

Hassleberry! Stop!


Huh? Sy!?

Alright... Let's do this!

What's the hold up?

Forgive me.

How do I start this contraption?

Just push the "on" button!


The truth is...

While I'm an excellent duelist

I've never actually used a duel disk.

One might say...

I use more "primeval" methods.

Can we duel already!?

Nothing would please me more!

This w*r...is on!

Talk about a good start.

Giant rex!

Front and center!

Well done.

Quite a powerful monster for your first turn.

Man are you creepy.


You gotta call off this duel!

Do you have any idea who you're playing against!?

Of course.

That's why I accepted!

I'm plannin' on greasin' the treads of my t*nk with this

Brainwashin' lunatic!

Hassleberry: then we can get chazz and alexis

To come to their senses.

Let's move on! Shall we?

I'll begin with this.

Arcana force in attack mode!

What in sam hill's that!?

Do you believe in destiny?

Everything is predetermined.

But often life gives the illusion of free will.



This card gives you a choice.

For it possesses two distinct special abilities.

And you get to decide which one is used.

Notice how the card rotates?

It can stop upright or upside down.

When it stops is up to you.

Its position determines its ability.

I get the point!

It's a game of chance!

Now let's move on!

Make it stop!

Ha ha ha!

Arcana is right-side up.

So whenever a spell card is played...

It gets stronger.

By doubling its points!

Aw man!

Well whatta ya know.

Bad luck, I guess.

So you think.

But you have much to learn about the forces of destiny.

Aw hush up! Look, hoss!

If that card's not about luck...

Then why have it spin?


Because human beings need the illusion of choice.

It comforts us.

But the harsh reality is this--

Nothing happens by chance.

It's all meant to be!

Including the extinction of your beloved dinosaur friends!

Guess again pal!

Dinos aren't extinct!

They live on inside me!

Ha ha ha! That's rather sweet.

Sad but sweet.

However your sentiments change nothing.

Destiny awaits.

Allow me to show you the way.

Enough with all your fancy-talk!

I activate...my future vision spell!

Since you have a monster on the field, I get to flip

The cards on the top of your deck until another monster

Card appears.

You're kiddin' me.

Is a warrior in your future?

Or perhaps a spellcaster?

Then again--maybe an insect awaits you.

I already know what it's gonna be!

A dinosaur!

Now gaw-head and flip!

Very well.

You seem confident.

But are you right?

Well, well.

It's a dinosaur, indeed.

Good for you.

Since it's the same type as your monster on the field...

You automatically gain one thousand extra life points.

And the cards that I flipped return to your deck.

In the order they were.

Thanks for the boost.

You're most welcome.

I don't get it.

He knew it was a dino.

So why would help hassleberry out?

There must be a reason.

He got to see his deck.

So now he knows what cards are coming up next.

Aster: not only can he use that knowledge to his advantage,

But since a spell card was put into play...

Arcana's right side up ability activates

And it doubles in strength!

Oh, yeah....!

Now arcana force !

Attack his giant rex.

Spheroid stream!

I'll end my turn

By placing two cards facedown.

It's about time!

My move!

Alright archeonys...

Report to the field in attack mode!

Then I activate a spell card!

My new ultra evolution spell!

Remember every time a spell is played...

Arcana doubles in strength!

That won't be a problem!

Because my spell lets me change my frontline!

Archeonys...i'm afraid you're dismissed now!

It's time to get a dinosaur back in my platoon!


Ha ha ha!

Even with doubled attack points, arcana can't defeat

Black tyranno!

Battle time!


Forward march!


Well, mr. Destiny...looks like ya didn't see that comin'!

Maybe next time...you should spend less time talkin'...

And more time defendin' yourself from me!

'Cause I'm packin' the strength of a dinosaur!

And the brains of a dinosaur, too.

Hassleberry: I heard that!


Let's move on.

Shall we?


I play pentacle of ace!

Destiny moves forward.

And now it's up to you to stop it.

Alright stop!

The card points right side up.

So I'm able to draw a card from my deck.

And then I gain five hundred life points!

Oh well.

Lucky you.


You still don't get it do you?

Let's try this again.

I summon arcana force seven-- the chariot!

Go ahead.

You know what to do.

Stop now!

Its upside down effect activates so if the chariot is

Destroyed in battle, it reappears on your side!

Ha ha ha!

No complaints here!

We'll see about that.

Now arcana force seven... Attack his tyranno!

But why?

Hassleberry's dinosaur is stronger!

I know.

He messed up big time!

Not exactly.

Sartorius knows the future.

So every move is precisely calculated!

Your friend doesn't stand a chance!

Attack him at once!

Big mistake!

Very well.

Since the chariot was upside down...

It gets re-summoned on your side of the field.

The future of this duel is in my hands now.


Right there.

Was there even a point to that move?

Now if it gets destroyed

We're back where we started!

Maybe you should stick to managing

And leave the dueling

To those of us with skills!

This might change your mind.

It's called--

Not another one!

I'd listen if I were you.

If you expect to win...you should know what you're

Up against.

So let me explain this card.

If it stops right side up, all of your monsters are

Destroyed and if it's upside down, then mine are.


Which way means mine are destroyed?

Just stop!

Ha ha ha!

Why, thank you.

Well I'm guessin' I wanted it to land the other way.

Next I play this!

My ace of wand!

If this card lands right side up...

I gain life points equal

To the combined attack points of the two monsters that were

Destroyed this turn!

If it's upside down, however...

That means I take the damage instead!

So how many points are we talking here?

The chariot had seventeen-hundred.

And his tyranno...

That had twenty-six hundred points.

So how much is that?


It's forty-three hundred, jaden.

Your friend is totally falling for his mind games.

Aster: hassleberry is so flustered

He's lost all control!


What's wrong? Can't you see?

You're in control of where the card lands.

Now choose your fate.

Stop there!

It landed upside down.

So you take direct damage.

Do you understand what's happening?

You can't stop what's meant to be!

Don't be so hard on yourself, mr. Hassleberry.

Our stories have already been written.

There's nothing you can do to stop destiny.

Don't listen to him!

Keep fighting!

He's just trying to psyche you out!!

You can't let him get to you like this!

Jaden: if you buy into all his destiny-talk

Then you already lost!

The only way to get through this

Is to trust yourself!

You can still win!

It's not over until the last card is played!

What if we're too late and he's already

Been brainwashed!?

No way!

He's one of the strongest people I know!

It'll take more than some lame head-game to break

Hassleberry down.

Jaden: isn't that right, sarge!?

Couldn't 'a said it better myself!

Jaden's right.

I got plenty 'a fight left.


I got your destiny right here!


Dyna base!

Time to report for duty!

And now to call for back-up!

I summon...my ultimate tyranno card!

Then I'll sacrifice my troops to bring out my dyna t*nk!


And as for my t*nk's strength...

It gets all of the attack power of the dinosaur

That I just sacrificed!

N' since my tyranno had three thousand points...

So does my dyna t*nk!

Now to cause some damage.

Go, dyna t*nk!

Direct as*ault!

Hit 'im with everything ya got!



Oh yeah, up high!

Ha ha!

Thanks for the support fellas!

I wouldn't celebrate just yet.

You're not in the clear.

...thanks to my necro sacrifice spell card!

Now I can pick a monster from my grave...

And summon it on your side of the field!

And you can decide what mode it's in.

Of course there's no real choice.

Destiny's already decided.

But let's move on shall we?

Arcana force seven!

Return to the field!

I choose attack mode!

Now for its ability!

Alright...stop there.

Since it's upside down... It shall return to my side.

Just as soon as I destroy it that is.

Thanks for the debriefing, but I know that.

My apologies.

Now then--meet arcana force eight!

Known as the strength!

This probably looks familiar to you.

Should this card land upside down you gain control over all

Of my monsters!

But if it's right side up--i get to control one of yours!!

...destiny awaits, my friend.


It's right side up.

So I gain control of your t*nk.

At ease, sartorius!

My dyna t*nk has a special ability of its own

And it's about to activate!

It reverses your spell letting me control one

Of your monsters!

How's that for destiny!?

Your strength card works for me now!

Thanks a heap!

Destiny often works in strange ways, my young friend.

You make a small mistake... And suddenly it ripples

Outward, changing everything.

It's a domino effect.

And you just unknowingly knocked over the first domino.


Now I activate...my reversal of fate trap card!

So every monster on the field with arcana force in its name

Changes from right side up to upside down.

And vice versa.

The strength is now upside down.

So I control all of your other monsters.

How quickly things change.

Now, feel the sting of destiny!


No way!


This was all meant to be, my young friend.

Everything in your life has brought you here.

Every decision has carried you to this very moment.

The pathway of light will soon stretch out before you.

Hey, back off!

No joke!

Stay away from hassleberry!

What's the deal!?

I can't move!

That was some duel.

Amazing tactics, soldier.

Oh no.

Don't tell me he's one of them now.

Aw man.

Come on, hassleberry.

He got you, too?

Who me?

Not on your life, son!

But how!?

No one can resist the power of the light.

No one!

Ha ha!


Well I'm not just anyone!

Have a look at this here scar, boys.

Ya see, a few years back, on a routine dig

For dinosaur fossils...

A landslide broke out and nearly

Broke my leg in two!

They had to operate quickly, so they used the dinosaur bone

I found to save my leg!

Ever since--i've had what they call dino dna.

The doctor says it makes me stronger than your

Average joe.

He's gotta be making this up.

No, I saw it in a cartoon once.


This is real life here.

So even though I lost...

I won't be joining your club.


Syrus: hassleberry!

Jaden: sweet duel!


Hassleberry: that's right! Walk away, pops!

Show your face round here again, and I'll determine

Your future!

Syrus: yeah! You tell him!

Crowler: settle down students.

I have an important announcement to make!

So pay attention!

A new student has joined us.

Now make friends with him and play nicely!

Come on!

What's he think we're in first grade?

Actually...one of us is.

I'm gonna ignore that!

I give you duel academy's newest pupil!

Huh? Huh? Huh?

Sartorius will be entering as a first year student!

He's a bit older than our average freshman, but he's

An eager learner!

And our evaluation committee has determined that he has

Great potential.

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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