02x25 - J-Dawg and T-Bone

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x25 - J-Dawg and T-Bone

Post by bunniefuu »

Chazz: so what's your plan exactly?

Quiet. You're about to find out.

I brought some gifts,

Compliments of frost.

Yo, blaze! T-bone!

Take 'em to kaiba land.

And what's wrong with you?

Your arms don't work?

Fine. I get no respect. Let's go, t-bone.

Someone clue me in.

Why are we lugging two unconscious dorks to a fun park?

To trap jaden. Heh heh.

Of course when he comes looking,

He'll find yours truly!

Sarina: silence.

You honestly think you have a chance against jaden?

You were barely able to defeat his pathetic friends!

Your job here is done. Good-bye.

And that goes for your partner, too!


Please, sarina, give us another chance!

[Sarina laughing]

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Jaden: where are they? Spill it!

Sorry, jaden. But if you're not one of us,

Then you're against us!

But they're in trouble!

Our best friends vanished into thin air!

Doesn't that bother you?!

Well, I'm not leaving until I know where they are!

Oh, now what?

Chazz: if you're looking for your friends, you're in the wrong place.

But luckily for you, I know where to find 'em.

You ever hear of kaiba land?

Of course I have!

Then be there tomorrow! Now get lost.

Wait a sec! Are they ok?

Alexis: and don't even think of coming back!

Chazz: this place is reserved for society members only!

Later, dork.

Man, what a day!

Atticus: you're tellin' me. A little help here.


It's frost! And thunder!

The price of failure. And you'll be next...

Unless you prove yourselves more worthy than your cohorts.

If not, your souls belong to me!

Now, then I suggest the two of you get to work.


Peace out, yo!

Such a waste of power.

Jaden: judging by that shiner,

I'm not the only one who had a run-in with the white dorm.

I thought I'd surprise her.

I mean, I haven't seen my sister in forever,

Not since she joined their side.

Hey, alexis! Wanna sing a duet with your big bro? Well?

Hey, fellas.

They took syrus and hassleberry, too.

Some field trip this turned out to be.

This is all my fault!

Grandpa: hey, kids. Why all the long faces?

Huh? Huh?

Perhaps these will cheer you up!

Dig in! There's plenty for everyone!

All: three cheers for grandpa!

Hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray...

Chin up. So your friends got captured by an evil psychopath

Who's plotting world domination.

Not to worry.

That happened to me several times!

The poor guys.

Well, you can't rescue your friends on an empty stomach!

I guess you're right.


Hello? Jaden?!

Hey! Just pull up a stump, bastion!

You're staying out here?

Sure, it's cozy, but it's a far cry from a four star hotel.

He's depressed enough as it is.

At least let him enjoy his meal. Hee hee!

Yeah. It might be his last!

I'm tellin' ya, t-bone, if we're not careful,

We're gonna end up just like frost and thunder!

Yo, dat's just whack!

We gots to prove ourselves to the boss, dawg.

Then she'll be givin' us some mad respect,

Know what I'm saying?

You're right!

I am? I mean, yeah, boy, let's do this, yo!

We need to find this jaden.

Aw, man! We don't even know what the kid looks like!

True that, 'cous.

Hey, are you two guys ok?

What do you think, kid?

Thanks for the burgers. We were starving!

Ya'll from that academy, right?


As a matter of fact, we are, but how would ya know?

Duh. You're wearing slifer jackets.

We tried to get in, but we failed the test.

Ha ha!

It's quite competitive, you know.

Yugi thought so, too!

You know what he used to say?

I forget, but the point is he liked it.

Well, if you're so great, then let's duel!

Right here, right now!

A duel?

You're way out of your league.

Blaze: oh, yeah?!

Bastion: see here. We've got more important things to do.

Ah, I see. What would the folks at the academy say

If you lost a duel to a couple of street thugs?

Well let me tell ya something! This ain't some classroom.

You fancy boys wouldn't last a minute out here!

Now that's a challenge!

I'm ready to duel! Let's go!

Yo, I'm down. But we be illing, homeboy!

Jaden: I have no idea what you just said.

But if you want to throw down,

Then let's get our game on!

I'm all up in there.

Is that a yes?

Sho 'nuff, g.

Then what're we waiting for? T-bone!


T-bone, no mercy!

True that, blaze. Chump is toast!

Gimme a break! You don't think you're a rapper, do you

Whose name is t-bone?

Oh, yeah?! Well, what's your name, academy boy?!

Me? I'm jaden yuki!


Hold up! For real?


Wait a second. You sure about that?

Um, kind of. It is my name.

Oh, man. This is off the hook, yo!

You believe this? We found him!


Sarina: well, congratulations, t-bone.

But, blaze, I don't want you to feel left out.

[Chuckles softly]

Why don't you lend a hand?


My homey!

Sarina: your partner should prove to be much more useful now.


Now, don't let me down or you'll end up like the others!

Who was that? Did she kidnap syrus?!

Did you help?!

Maybe I did!

Kick it, dawg!

T-bone is in the house, y'all! Look out!

I be calling mine golem in attack mode!

Feel that?

I'll also be layin' down a spell card!

Guidance to ore!

What's that?!

A dangerous combo!

Last I'm layin' flat some face-downs!

Is that all ya got? You're all talk.

Sit back and watch how it's done!

I'm not tryin' to hear that, see?

Let's see if you hear this! Ok, t-bone?

This should do.

Now I summon my sparkman!

Take out his mine golem!

My boy ain't gonna split yet,

Not without a fight,

'Cause before golem hits the graveyard,

You get smoked for !

You think that's fly?

Then check out my guidance to ore!

Now when one of my rock homeboys gets crushed,

I get the same player from my deck, yo!

Now eyes on my trap card-- minefield eruption!

This bad boy takes you for a thousand points

For every mine golem that I got.

After that, I lose my golem, but it's worth it, dawg!


Rewind and replay,

'Cause guidance to ore brings back my golem!

Dig it, chump? You never goin' home!

All right, homes. Let's do this!

I be playin' pot of greed! Check it out.

I get two cards. Then I'll kick golem to the curb!

Yes, yes, ya'll.

Give it up for granmarg the rock monarch

Takin' center stage to bust some moves!

But first, check out dawg's special ability, yo!

I get to blow one of your facedown cards right off the field!

Yeah, but I don't have any facedown cards, t-bone,

So that means you lose one of your own cards.

That was my plan!

It's dormant volcano!

When it blows, you take the hit and lose life points!

That's right dawg! This card is the b*mb!

By the way, my volcano has another phat ability!

During the next standby phase, we both gets to add a fire monster to our hands!

But first the rock is keeping it real!

So look out!

I'm out!

So it's your turn, jelly roll! Now step up!

Ya know, this would've been a really fun duel, bro.

But you kidnapped my friends and I wanna know why!

This duel ain't about your friends.

If I don't get mad props right now, then I'm done.

This duel's about survival.

What do ya mean?

Think, dawg! I'm talkin' about all my power!

If I don't win, sarina's gonna take it away, yo!

Well, just trust yourself.

That's something no one can take away.

Now on with the duel! Ready?

I play my bubbleman!

And now I'll activate his special ability!

Whenever he's the only card on my field,

I get to pick up two more cards!

My first one is o-oversoul,

Which lets me do this-- bring back my sparkman!

And then it's polymerization time!

So I'll take my bubbleman, add a little sparkman,

And throw in an avian to create

Elemental hero tempest!

Want more?

How about element sword?

Now when tempest fights a monster with a different attribute,

He gets attack points!

What did jaden say?!

I forgot my hearing aid again!

Go, tempest!

Cut his granmarg down to size!

Yo, you forgot my spell card!

Get up in here, granmarg!

Guess what, 'cous. My move! Check it out.

Remember my volcano? Now we search our decks,

Ya know, for a fire monster!

Then we can kick it to the field!

Well, I got mine!

And I pick this guy.

What's he gonna do against lightning crash,

Besides crash and burn?

Know why? 'Cause any thunder monster I want goes to my hand!

Then I'll lay this down and sacrifice my granmarg!

But don't worry. He's comin' back!

Aster, thinking: he just activated granmarg's ability!

I can destroy a trap card, like my drowsing point!

And now its special effect kicks in!

So I can take a monster from my deck

And add it to my hand!

Pretty impressive.

Yeah, well, you don't know the half of it, homes!

Ya see, all my peeps be ready and waitin' now!

And they're bringin' on the hurt!

All right. Then bring it!

Fo' sho'! It starts with this-- my shadow moon spell!

First I check my field, and then I check my hand.

And if I happen to have monsters with different attributes,

Then we in business, boy-ee,

'Cause I can dis 'em all to play a mad powerful field spell!

That's right! I'm gonna plaster my crib with blue moon!

So I sacrifice zaborg the thunder monarch,

Mobius the frost monarch,

Thestalos the firestorm monarch.

And the posse's legit with granmarg!

Thanks to blue moon, they combine together!

Now give it up

As the original gangster monster takes the stage!

Put your hands together for m.c. Demiurge ema!

Not bad.

True that, homes.

Next my blue moon takes one card from each side of the field

And transforms 'em! That's right. They get all tricked out

And turn into homunculus tokens.

My element sword!


Now check it out, 'cause this next part is off da hook!

See, for every homunculus token that's chillin' on the field,

My boy demiurge gets an extra attack points!

More than enough to take you out!

Kick it, big d!

I activate my tempest's special effect!

Now all I have to do is send one card to the graveyard,

And tempest can't be destroyed in battle!

And with one less token,

Your monster loses


Big deal!

He'll still bring the pain!

You got nothing!

Wrong, bro!

I still have a hundred life points left!

Then you better use 'em,

'Cause next round it's peace out forever!

Don't you get it, j-dawg?! I ain't just some chump!

I've been given the power to duel anyone, yo!

Don't you want to duel with your own power,

'Cause otherwise, what's the point?

You'll never know how good you really are.

Dueling's about thinking on your feet and trusting yourself!

But when you start relying on someone else to help you win,

Well, guess what. Forget the scoreboard,

Because you've already lost!

Whenever I duel, it's for real, t-bone!

Grandpa: that's exactly what yugi would say!

Enough talk. Watch this!

Now I activate... De-fusion,

Which brings back avian, bubbleman, and sparkman.

And now for a sacrifice!

I'll toss bubbleman and avian so I can play him--

Elemental hero neos!

Then I'll activate a little spell card

I like to call common soul!

First off, if I happen to have

Another neo-spacian in my hand,

I get to summon it!

So I'm gonna play my flame scarab!

And that's not all!

For each of your spell or trap cards,

His attack points go up by a whopping points per card!

And since t-bone has two,

He gets all of points!

You have pains in all your joints? Me, too.

Newsflash. It's over.

Jaden's monster's still not strong enough.

When did the duel start?

There's more! My common soul's not done yet!

The attack points of neos are about to get another boost,

'Cause my scarab is donating his points!

Speechless? Wait till you see this next trick!

It's called gift of the martyr!

Now all I have to do is sacrifice sparkman!

And guess who his attack points go to?

Yup! My elemental hero neos!

That ain't right! Fifty-four grand?

You got it, bro!

Cosmic crush!

And now that your demiurge bit the dust,

You lose your token also!

That means your life points are wide open!

Let's wrap this up! Flaming arrow attack!


Grandpa: where am i?

Hey, don't worry about it.

You may not believe it,

But sometimes losing a duel is the best way to win.


I mean it! T-bone, now you can start over.

You can find the dueling power inside yourself.

Yeah, well, it'd be a lot easier to just run away.

That's not the rapper wannabe I know.

My favorite homeboy would never give up!

Word! I still got game!

Call me for a rematch, dawg!


Grandpa, thinking: does he possess the same spirit as yugi?

That's game! Now, if ya don't mind, I'm off to find my friends!

Oh, no! Sarina! Don't be hating!




It's her!

Jaden, we finally meet.

That was a very impressive victory.

You're quite powerful.

Now I can see why my brother is so interested in you.

What do you want with me?


Hassleberry! Syrus!

You'd like to see them again?

They're waiting for you and for you, too, aster.

Say what? Why me?!

For the test, of course. You see, sartorius may have been wrong...

For I found someone who defies destiny.

All of the pieces seem to revolve around him.

Jaden's not the one?

That's what we're going to find out.

Bastion: what was that about?

I don't know, but the answer's in kaiba land.

♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get ♪ your game on
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