02x27 - Mirror, Mirror Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x27 - Mirror, Mirror Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

Syrus: hey, hassleberry, I'm completely lost!

Any chance you can tell me what's going on here?!


I'll give ya the play-by-play

In seconds or less!

Ya see, sartorius has some kooky idea

That there's a "chosen duelist" out there.

So he recruited his creepy sister sarina

To get the on the situation.

She captured private phoenix and our boy jaden,

Digitized their brainwaves,

Forced them onto a virtual b*ttlefield,

And replicated herself so she could face them

In a tag team conflict.

Oh, wait, but before that,

She turned you and I

Into a t-rex and a compact sedan.

[Beep beep]

Ah, yeah.

I'm aware of that part.

Anywho, now sarina's fixing to find out

Which of these guys is the "one..."

So she's about to activate

Some kind of crazy mirror doohickey

That she calls...

The ultimate test!

Hey, hassleberry!

You were supposed to make this duel

Less confusing for me!

Well, excuse me for trying to help a guy out.

I'll just keep my trap shut!

Somehow I doubt that.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

All right, boys...

My move!

I sacrifice nayuta and asogi...

In order to summon the dark creator!


She's not kidding around.

Neither am i, jaden.


The time has finally arrived!

So, pay attention!

Thanks to your help,

I can sacrifice my full moon mirror!

To play this--

My infinite fiend mirror!



Huh?! Huh?!

Now for the fun part.

When the dark creator is on the field,

My infinite fiend mirror allows him to multiply--

By the power of !

And each new fiend has the exact same strength

As the original!

My test is almost complete!

Only the "chosen duelist" can defeat my dark army!

If they lose,

I'm gonna run on gasoline

For the rest of my life!

And my hips are gonna be huge!


We won't lose!

I'm sure aster has it all figured out!


Sarina: you realize I have enough monsters

To render you defenseless, right?

And that's exactly what they're going to do!

Now, creators of darkness, attack!

Hate to interrupt...

But I've got a trap!

It's elemental recharge!

And when it's activated,

It gives me , points

For every elemental hero we've got.


Sarina: if you're finished now,

I'd like to proceed with the onslaught!


Jaden, no! Jaden, no!

If you think that's bad...

Just wait till you lose points

For each monster I destroyed!

In fact, why should you wait?

Oh, dude,

This is gonna hurt.

[Both screaming]


Looks like this is the end.

That's right!

It's still her turn!

And she can attack us directly!

I'll lay this facedown.

And that's it.


What's the deal?!

She could have won the duel just now!

Big mistake.

My move!

All right...

Careful, man.

Think before you act.

There must be a reason why

She didn't attack just now.

We're out of monsters

And our life points are wide open!

That's it!

They couldn't attack!

I bet they can only target other monsters!

You're catching on.

Thanks, aster.

Ya know, now that I think of it,

This is exactly what you and I need more of.

What? More of me telling you what to do?

I meant teamwork, ya showoff.

I guess you figured out my little secret.

I can only strike monsters.

And you don't have any.

Luckily, I have the power to change that!

With what?!

With this trap card-- return talisman!

You see, boys...

If by the end of your turn

You don't have any monsters on the field...

My talisman gives you one!

Consider it a gift.

Gee, thanks.

It's just what I've always wanted.


It's showtime!

Dark creator,

Attack with absolute darkness!

Now, that's teamwork.

And you lose more points!


We don't have much time left.

So, listen up.

The only way out of this mess

Is to wipe out her army of mutants!

[Thinking] and luckily it's my move.

So, this is my chance prove to sartorius

That I'm the chosen duelist,

Not jaden.

Jaden: hey, I know they're about to destroy us,

But you gotta admit...

Those dark creator guys are pretty cool,

Aren't they?! Hmm?!

Ah, hey, jaden,

Not the best time

To be admiring your enemies!

Well, I hate to say it,

But I better get used to this pea-sized brain.


You always has a dino brain!

[Thinking] all right.

Time to save the day

And show these people that aster phoenix

Is a cut about the rest!

Hey, sarina, my move!

Whenever my double dude goes to the graveyard,

These guys can take his place!

So, come on out,

Double dude token number one

And double dude token number two!

Not too shabby!

You got us two monsters for the price of one!

Although now that I think of it...

Other than stalling,

What's the point of playing monsters

That are weaker that hers?

This is why you're a beginner and I'm a pro!

I'm thinking about the future, bro!


Your confidence is quite impressive.


But are you the one?

That remains to be seen.

[Thinking] it has to be me!

There's no one in world

That can stand up to my deck.

Hands of fate, do your thing!


I knew destiny had my back!

Now I sacrifice one of my double dudes!

You know why?!

So I can play this!

My destiny hero--dasher!

And he's got a special ability, too!

So, now I'm gonna sacrifice my other double dude...

Which increases dasher's strength by ,!

You did it!

Thanks to that attack point boost...

Your monster is stronger than her dark creator!


Now give it to him with all you've got!


[Both gasp]

Jaden: no way!

It's still there!

How observant.

Nice try.

But it's indestructible.

Hold on!

You're saying it can't be destroyed?


That's usually what people mean

When they say indestructible.

What, did you skip that class?

So, let me get this straight...

If dark creator can't be beat...

How are we supposed to beat it?

Jaden, you might want to stop talking now.

Sarina: not to worry,

I'm sure this next move will shut both of you up!

Here we go!

Dark creator...

Attack his so-called hero!

And don't forget his effect!

You lose points!


We've got life points left...

And no monsters.

And the sarina sisters have monsters--

Make that invincible monsters.

I hate to say it,

But we're as good as gone!

No way!

A duel's not over until the last card is played!


[Thinking] I'm all about looking on the bright side,

But come on, jaden.

There comes a time

When you have to admit you've been beat!

Otherwise you're just fooling yourself.

I don't know whether to applaud you

For not giving up in the face of defeat...

Or laugh at you

For being the most naive amateur on earth!

Hey, jaden,

I'll go the distance with ya,

But I'm gonna need a major pep talk!

What do ya say?

What do I say?

I'd say if you're looking for a pep-talk,

You've come to the right place!

It's my specialty!

Now, remember how you were making fun of me

For talking about teamwork?

Well, that's exactly what we need--

Ah, not you to make fun of me.

We need teamwork!

[Thinking] I hate to admit it, but...

Ok, I won't admit it.

But I will try it out.

Jaden: all right, here's what we gotta do!

Forget the chosen one...

Forget sartorius.

And just play the game!


Winged kuriboh!


We should use his dasher?!

Uh, jaden, I'm gonna leave this one up to you.


All I need now's some kind of plan.


[Thinking] the way I see it,

This is our last turn no matter what.

And if teamwork is the answer,

Then go ahead, jaden.

Take my destiny heroes and win!

Come on!

Go, jaden!

Not to worry!

It's all good, guys!


[Thinking] it's so not all good.

But my friends are counting on me,

And I can't let them down!

I've gotta play my cards right.

Ok, ladies, my turn!


What's happening?

Hey, wait, are you a neo-spa---

Dig this, kid.

I just tell it like it is.


You gotta lay that dasher on 'em.

Why not?

He's gonna be fine, isn't he?

All I know is...

I can sure go for a brontosaurus-burger!

[Thinking] is he gonna duel

Or stand there and ponder his purpose in life?



All right, check it out, girls!

Since dasher is in the graveyard,

I can summon the card that's in my hand!


Now I summon...

My neo-spacian dark panther!


Now, here's the deal.

He's no ordinary cat!

As a matter of fact,

You might say he's a bit of a copy cat!

'Cause I can pick any monster on the field

And my panther will copy all of its abilities!

And I think I'll chose

None other than your dark creator!

Excuse me?!



No! No!

It's all true!

So, now I can activate the field spell

Infinite fiend mirror!

This ought even things up!

Next, I'll get rid of two dark creator tokens

To summon my elemental hero neos!

Time for some fusion action!

So, I'll merge neos with my dark panther!

Meet my newest elemental hero--

Dark neos!


But wait!

He has , attack points!

It's too weak to defeat the dark creator!

That's true,

But dark neos has a special ability!

It can negate the abilities of any other monster--

Including dark creator.


So, that means...

Your dark creator's not indestructible anymore.

Sorry, girls!

It's time to say good-bye!

Dark creator token...

Show 'em what you got!

Attack, dark creator!

No! You can't!

If he's gone,

So are all of our tokens!

They're as good as extinct!

Honks for jay!

[Horn honking]

We're defenseless!

But how did he manage to do that?

Didn't you see?!

First, he destroyed dark creator.

That undid the effect of infinite fiend mirror.

No spell card, no creator tokens!

And with no tokens left,

You girls are out of luck!

Yeah?! And why is that?!

Look at your field!

Your life points are wide open!

Neos, end this duel!

Attack them directly!




[Both gasping]

Oh, it's me!

Thank you, sarge!

Let me tell you,

It's great to be back!

If I were a car or a t-rex,

You would have done the same thing for me!

[Thinking] I've gotten out of some tight spots before,

But what jaden pulled off today

Was like nothing I've ever seen!

What a battle!

Nicely done, soldier!

Talk about an awesome duel!

[Thinking] I spent this entire duel

Trying to prove that I'm the chosen duelist,

But if anyone can defy destiny, it's jaden!

Good job out there.


Thanks, aster.

But I gotta tell ya the truth,

I couldn't have done it

Without your destiny hero!

So, I don't think there is a chosen one.

If anything, there's two!


Sarina: you're correct, jaden.

I am?!

You both passed the test.

Well done.

Now I desperately need your help.

Huh?! Huh?!

But not for me, for my brother.

You see the outcome of this duel

Is indisputable, gentlemen.

He needs you both.

Promise me when I set you free,

You'll save sartorius.

Save him from what?

From his own mind.

It's not his fault.

My brother is under the control

Of an evil force!

Sure, he was never perfect...

But when he told me about the society of light...

I knew something had to be wrong.

What happened?

One day, a visitor came.

Sartorius was a fortuneteller,

So visitors came all the time.

But this one was different.

And he changed everything.

After my brother predicted his future,

The stranger offered him a card

As payment for his services.

I sensed a change in sartorius immediately.

This was no ordinary card.

I begged him to dispose of it,

But he wouldn't listen.

I was too late.



Sarina, narrating: my brother's soul was split in two.

And the sartorius I knew was gone!


The card was a hero monster--

Much like your own.

It was extremely rare--

Perhaps even one-of-a-kind.

Now it feeds his dark side

While imprisoning his gentle side.

Now it feeds his dark side

While imprisoning his gentle side.

That's not good.

But how can we help?

We have to get that card!

You said it was a hero monster,

But what else can you tell us about it?

What's the name of it!?

And where can we find this card?


I wish I had the answers,

But I told you all that I know.

Shortly after it arrived,

It disappeared.

It what!?



Sarina: we're out of time!

This world's programmed to self-destruct!

You must leave here at once!

How do we get out?!

Over there!

Syrus: well? What are we waiting for?!

Come on! Get up!


Syrus, hassleberry, hurry!

Hassleberry: sir, yes sir!

Follow me, truesdale!

Let's go, guys!

Forward march, soldiers!

Hang on! We're coming!

You two go ahead.

I'm staying.


It's meant to be.

This is where I belong, jaden.

No one belongs here!

This has been my plan all along.

This program will release me

Into cyberspace.

From there, I shall be able to watch over my brother.


That's nuts!

Leave while you can!

But please, promise me this:

When you return home, you will save sartorius!

The fate of the universe

Rests with you!

I know you won't let us down.

Yeah, but what're we supposed to do?!

I wish I had the answer,

But I'm afraid you two are on your own.


You are the chosen duelists...

So trust your instincts.

Destiny is in your hands now.

Jaden: no! Sarina, wait!

Sarina: aster, jaden, you must leave at once!

What should we do?

Let's go!

Sarina, we're gonna do

Everything we can to save him.

I promise.

Syrus: jaden!

Hop to it, private!



Is everyone all right?!

Hassleberry: looks like we're all intact.

Syrus: can we go now?

Grandpa: hey, have you seen kids

About your size?

Actually, that's them.

Syrus: what's up?

You guys are still here?

Well, of course!

We've been worried sick about you!

I won't lie.

We were worried about us, too.

Time to save the universe...

I hope.

Any idea how to help a guy

Who's possessed by an evil card?

I haven't the slightest clue.

But I'm not too worried.

I always come through in the end.

All right...

Are we gonna go in that virtual world or not?!

Tell me you're kidding.

I don't want pudding.

That stuff wreaks havoc on my gall bladder.


I'm sorry we dragged you

Into this whole mess.

I wouldn't have had it any other way.

It's true.

Before you came into my life...

The most exciting thing I did

Was brush my false teeth.

Oh! I'm gonna miss you kids.

[Thinking] how strange.

I would have expected sarina to contact me by now.

I must know the identity of the chosen duelist.

[Tires squeal]



Aster and jaden survived?

That means...

They both have the power I need!


Gentlemen, ladies...

The time has come!

The future is at our fingertips!

Only two obstacles stand in our way!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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