01x09 - The Brotherhood

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x09 - The Brotherhood

Post by bunniefuu »

What's happening to me?

I don't like this.

Congratulations, Jennifer.

What's happening to me?

You're now an Alpha
xi delta little sister.

I want to go home.

I don't like this.

Your turn, little brother.

Uh... this isn't my style.

She's had enough.

I'll decide when
she's had enough.

Come on, man.
She's hurt.

Let's let her get some sleep.

I'll... I'll get a blanket.

We can... we can cover her up.

No you won't.

I make the decisions
in this room.

I'm the active.

You're the pledge.

You want to be active someday?

Then do her.

I don't know.

Uh... I mean, I'm not into this.

And she definitely
isn't into... into this.

Come on.

I've got a girlfriend.

Come on, man.
Let go of her.

Shut up.

Dude, she don't look so hot.

- What's wrong with you?
- Come on.

Get off her.

I think she stopped breathing.

- Oh god.
- Pump her chest.

Come on, pump her chest.
- I'm trying, man.

I'm trying.

She's gone.

When I was a little girl,

my grandmother used
to read the Bible,

and where it says
that god created man,

she used to point out that,
that was his first mistake.

Then to compound the error, god
created the beast of the field,

and fish of the sea, and
all those other low life

forms that currently populate
the average singles bar.

But was man happy?

No, not a chance.

So while he was asleep,
god created a woman,

proving beyond a doubt that
god has a sense of justice,

a sense of humor,
and lousy timing.

And women have been
paying for it ever since.

Lance and Lorenzo... homicide.

- There she is.
- All right.

She got any ID?

None, but we know who she is.

Are we feeling
psychic this morning?

The kid who found
her, he knew her.

He's a student
from palm college.

He and the victim went
to school together.

Victim's name is
Jennifer Stanley.

He said she's
about years old.

Here's his name and number.

He was on his morning jog and
saw a red corvette leaving

the scene in a big hurry.

As he, uh... ran past,
he spotted the body.

So he didn't actually
see them dump the body?

Nope... just the aftermath.

He got a partial tag number.

The, uh... all points has
already been called in.

Oh, another silver
platter homicide.


A what?

Well, what he means is it
just seems too good to be true

that the kid finds a body
just as the litterbug leaves

the scene.


Well, that's why we
make the medium bucks.

Yeah, big bucks.

Looks like she was
beaten pretty badly.


She swallowed her tongue.

Maybe she od-ed.

This is what you wear when
you're in a sorority house.

She was a gamma Alpha lambda.

What do you think,
Sam... silk stalking?

Could be, but with
an argyle design.

One X-ray one, this
is one Mary three.

We comprehended the
red corvette... over.

All right, both of
you, open your doors,

put your hands on your head,
and slide out of the car.

What seems to be
the problem, officer?

Are you Richard chapin?


There's a warrant out
for your arrest, sir.


Is this a joke, or is this
some kind of pledge walk?

All right.

Face down, on the ground, now.

What's the charge?

m*rder one.

Get down.


What's your problem, man?

Take it easy, pal.

You're going to
get yourself hurt.

I didn't k*ll anyone.


Speak clearly and
into the microphone.

And state your name.

Richard chapin.

And you're sure you don't want
your lawyer present for this?


I did not k*ll Jennifer Stanley.

She was my girlfriend.

I loved her.


Who was that you
were arrested with?

Look, I was just
getting back at her

for what she'd done to me.

Guess you won.

I meant, I wanted
to hurt her, not

physically, but emotionally.

We got in a fight.


Why don't you tell
us about that.

We were pinned.

When you date a girl seriously,
you give her your pin.

Your fraternity pin?


The crest is a
symbol of dedication,

commitment, fraternal love...
Things she had trouble with.

This was found in your
pocket when you were arrested.

Is this the pin
you're talking about?

I thought you said
you gave it to her?

I did.

I took it back last night.

Why'd you do that?

We were at a bar on
campus, the junction.

Jennifer was drunk, flirting
around, doing crazy things.

What do you consider crazy?

Try, teasing guys right
in front of me, just

asking for it.

She's been doing
that a lot lately.

Alcohol and Jennifer
weren't a good match.


She could drink it, but
she couldn't hold it.

We went outside and started
yelling at each other.

I asked for my pin back
and she started to hit me,

and I roughed her up a little.

But just mostly
blocking her punches.

I threw her on the
ground and left her

there crying and got in my car.

And as I drove away, I
saw her go back inside.

Then, you didn't
have sex with her?


What time did you leave the bar?

About :.

Where did you pick
up your passenger?

At the house.

She's an apd little sis.

Was Jennifer ever in
your car last night?

We met at the bar.

And I left alone.

Why was I arrested for this?

Well, Richard, your
car was seen around :

this morning leaving
ocean park, where

Jennifer's body was found.

That's a lie.

I was nowhere near
ocean park last night.

Richard, a jogger
identified your car

leaving the parking lot seconds
before he found the body.


Who saw my car?

What's on the plate?

The victim's boyfriend.

He was in his car all night,
but he claims he was nowhere

near the scene of the crime.


And I promise I won't stick it...


Sorry, Lance.

Look, chapin's got dirty nails.

It's your job to
scrape them out.

He put her body in his car.
Deliver me the goods.

I want to make this case.

I think chapin was
wrapped up and handed to us.

The one thing he didn't have
was a bow tied around his neck.

All right.

But only out of
professional courtesy

will I hear your
ridiculous notions.

Spit them out.

The suspect was in a fraternity.

I mean, the eye witness
was in the same fraternity.

I thought these guys, you know,
watched each other's backs.

And they do.

They watch each
other's backs big time,

unless there's bad blood.


So maybe it's a setup.

It's always a setup.

I mean, you guys sound
like a bad novel.

We have motive and opportunity.

Just bring me the
proof, that's all I ask.

Asap, huh?



Thank you.

Hey, Roger.

This is Mr. Stanley,
Jennifer's father.

I'm very sorry.

Where is she?

Mr. Stanley...

Oh, no, Jenny.


I'm sorry.

Jenny's mother died last year.

She was all I had left.

I'm sorry.

Who did this?

We have a suspect
in custody, but he

hasn't been arraigned yet.

Why not?

What's his name?

We can't give you
that information, sir.

It was Richard
chapin, wasn't it?

I told her to break
it off with him.

I'll k*ll the bastard
with my own hands.

Mr. Stanley, let's,
uh... let's go upstairs.


So what did you find?

You ever heard the
expression she pulled a train?

- Sex with multiple partners?
- Mm-hmm.

How many?

In the last hours,
type a and o secreters.

So, two?

So far.

By the way she looks, i'd
say maybe four or five.

This is a shame.

I mean, this kid had her
whole life ahead of her.

So what about her toxicology?

Blood alcohol was .
and enough LSD to power

the enterprise.


Go get this guy.

Here are a few of your
daughter's personal belongings.

Mr. Stanley?

The rest are cataloged
as police evidence

and they will remain that
way until the case is closed.

If there's anything I
can do for you, please

don't... don't hesitate to call.

Thank you.

Mr. Stanley?

You no good son of a bitch.

You k*lled my
Jenny, you no good...

Filth, you're going to die.

You're going to die...

You k*lled my Jenny.
You're going to die.

Let him go.

Why not?

You k*lled my Jenny.

He should die.

Let me get him.

Let me get him.

I didn't k*ll her.

I didn't k*ll her.

I loved her.

You k*lled her.

- I
- had a professor once

who compared the world
to a sculpture garden.

Men were like statues
striking a pose...

Rough edged, hard, and cool.

And women like Ivy...

Softer, more dependent,
were forever attempting

to embrace the stones.

I'm not sure I
really believe it.

I mean, most of the women I know
prefer standing to clinging.

But it does go a long way
toward explaining blind dates.


You know, college was never
like this for me, Rita.

It was a means of survival.

And this, well, I mean,
this ain't survival.


See, survival is
more violent than this.

It's uh... see, I studied
philosophy in school.

Were you ever in a fraternity?

Yeah, you know, I
pledged a house once,

but about a week into it, I
had this moment of clarity.

And I realized that I wasn't
crazy or stupid enough

to go through with it.

One of the actives, he
wanted me to dress up

in women's underwear,
little frilly things,

and feed him breakfast in bed.

Well, I lost my temper.

What did you do, hit
him with your purse?

I busted his nose and I jammed
a croissant right up his...

Oh, you should have been there.
It was good.

I bet.

What do you think?

About what?

About Richard chapin?

I mean, is he telling the
truth about not having sex

with Jenny that night?

He could be.

I mean, his semen
sample matches,

but he's a common blood type.


We know that she was
with at least two men

that night, probably
more, right?

We could be dealing
with g*ng r*pe.


Or a promiscuous victim.


Hi, I'm sergeant Lorenzo.

I'm here to see ev Carter.

Where's your picture, ev?

Oh, I'm not up there yet.

I'm still a pledge.
- Oh.

I was a pledge once.
- Oh yeah?

Which house?

Well, it was a big house...

Red brick, wood floors,
good old-fashioned home

cooking in the kitchen.

No, i... i mean the, uh...

Greek affiliation.


I wasn't there long
enough to remember.

Now, why don't you tell
me about pledge-ship.


You'll learn soon enough.

Clay Edwards, Alpha xi delta.

Chris Lorenzo,
palm beach homicide...

Kind of a fraternity with g*ns.

Welcome to the
Alpha xi delta house,

one of the few great indy frats.

Since we're not national, I'll
go ahead and share a couple

of the rules from our charter.

We don't build homecoming
floats and we do not

allow nonmembers
in our chapter room

unless they're
escorted by an active.

Ev's a pledge, so
consider me your escort.


You know, I was just talking
to ev about the, uh...

Jennifer Stanley case.

He did the right thing.

Most people would be too
scared to do anything at all.

He's a good pledge.

I'm proud to have him
as a little brother.

It was weird finding
that, uh... chick's body.

It freaked me out.

I was jogging along and, uh...
Heard these tires squeal.

I looked and saw
this car leaving.

And, uh... then I saw her
body under the bushes.

Did you know whose car you
identified leaving the scene?

No, it was dark.

Um... they told me later.

Yeah, I understand that Richard

chapin is a member of Alpha xi.

That's right.

You don't sound like a big fan.

The guy has a temper.

Last time I saw him,
he was beating her up.

Where was that?

Uh... last night, right
in front of the student union.

He was a mad man, slapping
her face, kicking her.

I ran outside to try and stop
him, but he'd already split.

When Richard pinned
Jennifer, he pinned her.

I'm not surprised he k*lled her.

- Why did she accept his pin?
- Well.

Most girls on campus want
to hang with the alphs.

We are the best house on campus.

You see, I'm trying to find
out what happened to Jennifer

Stanley after she left the bar.

Um... she said she was going
to Richard's to try and make up.

You know, it seems
like he should've made

the peace offering, not her.

She was beaten.

What can I say?

She was one of those chicks
who always came back for more.

We were roommates.

I was her big sister.

Did Jennifer get along
with Richard chapin?

Yes and no.

It was a love-hate relationship.

I understand that they fought
outside of the student union.

Yeah, mostly yelling and crying.

She slapped him a few times
and I think he hit her.

That's all I saw.
And then Richard left.

And who did Jennifer leave with?

Not with Richard.

Well, if it wasn't
Richard, who was it?

I don't know.

Did Jennifer sleep around?

Absolutely not.

She was my roommate.

She told me everything.

She and Richard were pinned.

Richard says differently.

Well, that's his problem.

Richard is insecure and jealous.

If she even said one word
to another guy, he blew up.

They were fighting about
his infidelities, not hers.

So you don't know what
happened to her after she left?


I wish I did.

All right.

Thanks for your help.

If you can think of anything
else, you give me a call.

Good day.


I knew I should have
been in a sorority, Sam.

Well, sororities are for women.

I know.

So what did you find out?

Well, Jennifer wasn't
very promiscuous.

Her big sister
sounded very sure.

Ooh, the alphs feel differently.

So what?

Now r*pe is a crime
of perception?

I get the feeling that Dana's
not telling me everything.

So you think she's
holding something back, huh?

Oh, absolutely.

I mean, every time I try
to turn the conversation

back to who she left the bar
with, she looked down sideways.

Oh, you see.

Would you look at this.

I have made three
pots of coffee today.

Who's drinking my coffee?

- Relax.
- Man.

I'll make it.

I'll make it.

No, no.
I will make it.

I'm a liberated man.

I know which end to
pour the water in.


That's very impressive,
Sam you know,

you're going to make someone
a very fine wife someday.


That was a very chauvinistic
thing to say, Sam.

You're absolutely right.

You know, making coffee should
not be a woman's job alone.

But it should be.

Excuse me?

No, excuse you.

It absolutely should
be a woman's job.


Now why... why do you think
that they make these...

These frilly little packets?

You know why?


So that even a man
won't screw it up.

But it should be a woman's job.

- Ooh.
- Ooh.


Don't ooh me.

It's too early in the
morning for that action.



We're out.

No we're not.
Look, here.

Oh, no, no, no.

I... i... I hate making
coffee this way.

No, go ahead, really.
You can make it.

The grounds always
get in the pot.

It's very simple.


You just put one scoop for each
cup, and then one for the pot.

Well, see, that's... that's
because you're a woman.

I mean, your mind works
that way, mine doesn't.

And exactly how does
your mind work, Sam?

Well, see, I'll put
some in, but no matter

how much I put in, it never
looks like it's enough,

so I just fill it to the top.

And then you get
grounds in the pot.


And then I eat it with a fork.


You're very strange.


So, how are we going to get
Dana cook to come forward

and tell us what she knows?

Well, I think it's pretty clear,

she doesn't want
to get involved.

But her friend was the one
that was r*ped and k*lled.

Well, it's not the coming
forward part that's hard,

it's everything that
comes afterwards.

What do you mean?

Sexual battery is the
most underreported crime

on the books.

Yeah, but she wasn't
the one that was r*ped.

No, but if it comes to
trial, she might as well be.

I mean, you've
been there, Chris.

You know what the
defense will try

to do to discredit her
in the eyes of the jury

once she gets on the stand.

That's not the issue.

Yes, it is.

No, the issue is finding out who

r*ped and m*rder*d
Jennifer Stanley

and bringing them to justice.

Well, she is not talking
about it, so let's just drop it.

You want to drop it?

I'm serious.

I don't want to talk about it.



Thank you.

You want to talk about it?


It was right after I
joined the department.

It was a girl named Jane wiggin.

We had gone through
the academy together.

She was att*cked one night
in her car after work.

The perp was an attorney
that she had gone out

with a couple of
times, but she wasn't

interested in a relationship.

Well, he felt different.

I hate guys like that.

When she knocked on my door,
she looked just terrible.

So I cleaned her up and I took
her to the emergency room.

And I mean, she wasn't
hurt as much physically

as she was emotionally.

She asked me what I
thought she should do,

and I told her she should
definitely press charges,

and that I would be
a character witness.

And she did, didn't she?

Well, I mean, it went to trial.

But it was like the
rules were suspended.

I mean, the presumption
of innocence

was extended to the guy who
did it, but not to Janie.

Everything she had ever said,
everything she had ever done

was dredged up to
make the jury believe

that she was promiscuous,
that she had asked for it.

It was quite convincing.

I mean, the jury found
the guy innocent.

Janie couldn't deal with it.

About a month later,
she moved away.

Sam, I know it doesn't
make it any easier,

but you did the right thing.

I'm not so sure about that.

Rita, it's Dana cook.

I need to talk to you.


Uh... where can I meet you?

The blind cafe in minutes.


I'll see you there.


Let me go.

Stop it.

Have you forgotten about
our affiliation, Dana?

Let me go.

You're making a big mistake.

What's done is done.

Talking to the cops ain't
going to change anything.

Stop it.

Let me go.

Hurt us and you hurt yourself.

Understand, Dana?

Unless you want to wind up
like your little sister.

Go to hell, you bastard.


- Yeah, Lorenzo?
- Hi, Chris.

It's me.

Hey, Sammy, how did
your meeting go with, uh...

Dana cook?
- It didn't.

So far, she's a no show.

Maybe she
ran into somebody she knew.

Yeah, maybe.

Listen, I'm going to give
her another minutes

and then I'm going
to try her sorority.

If she calls you, just
tell her to meet me there.

- Ok?
- You got it.

You know what?

I'm up to my pits
in paperwork here,

but I'll meet you at your
place when I finish up.

This sounds like a plan.

I'll see you.

See you.

Got to go.

Oh man, I hate paperwork.

Hutch, I hate paperwork.


I've been waiting
almost an hour.

- I'm sorry.
- Dana, what happened to you?

I fell.

You... you asked me to meet you.

I made a mistake.

I said, I'm sorry.

Dana, you didn't make a mistake.

Now you said we needed to talk.

Come on, what happened?

Nothing happened.

I thought it over, and
I realized I was wrong.

That's all.

I wanted to call you and
tell you I changed my mind,

but I didn't have
your number with me.

It was rude.

I apologize.

That's not good enough.

What do you want from me?

The truth.

A girl was r*ped and m*rder*d.

It's not just any girl, it's
someone that you were close to,

a girl that was your friend.

And if you cared about
her, if you have anything

that can help us stop
whoever did this,

then you've got to tell me.

I wish I could, but I can't.

You can't, or you won't?

What happened to you?

Did... did someone thr*aten you?

Just leave me alone.

They did, didn't they?

Look, you better go.

It's late, and I have
to study for a test.


I'll go.

I... I can get in my car
and I can drive home

and I can leave all
this behind, no problem.

But what about you, Dana?

Can you just turn
around and pretend

like this doesn't exist?

Cause I know if I
were you, I couldn't.

Goodbye, sergeant.

Dana, when you get
around to facing yourself,

why don't you give me a call?

Oh, it sounds like they
really got to her, Sam.

Yeah, big time.

She was scared blind.

I mean, somebody really
did a job on her.

Here you go.

It wasn't Richard
chapin, because he's

still in the slammer.

So, uh... what about Alpha xi?


But you know, if it's anything
like when I went to college,

these fraternity
guys run real tight.

It's like a secret society.

So assuming that it
is an Alpha, getting

somebody to come forward,
is not going to be easy.

So what about the
one who discovered

the body, the one that
you said seemed a little

shaky when you questioned him?

Ev Carter... yeah, could be.

He's just a pledge.

Well, I could
try talking to him.

No, no, let...
Let me talk to him.

I know the breed.

All I have to do is get him
somewhere away from Alpha xi...


Ev... ev, wait.

- Stop.
- Come on, baby.

I really need you.

Look, I don't have
protection and neither do you.

Oh, come on.

It'll be ok.

No, it won't.

I thought you cared.

I do, enough to make sure
it's right for both of us.

Jan, what do you
think, I'm HIV positive?


But if you're willing to do
it without protection with me,

then how do I know you haven't
done it that way with somebody


Because I say so.

I thought you trusted me.

Come on, baby, I love you.

- If you mean that, you'll wait.
- That's the point.

That's all I've been doing.

You know, it's not like I
don't have opportunities.


Like when?

Forget it.

Tell me.

I want to know.
- Drop it.


Don't get mad.

You brought it up.

Who was she?

Do I know her?

No, it's got nothing
to do with you.

Come on.

I'll run you back to your dorm.
- You're mad.

Can we drop it?

I'm sorry I brought it up.

Ev, can I join you?

Suit yourself.

All right.


Well, you know, it's
all in the wrist.

You want to sh**t, sh**t.

You want to talk, find
yourself another game.

Jennifer Stanley.

What about her?

I already told you
guys everything I saw.

Do you jog every day?

No, just every chance I get.

And what about your route?

Do you jog through
ocean park every time?

No, kind of
depends upon the day.

So, it was just
coincidence that you

happened to be jogging by
just as he dumped her body?

That's right.


What time might that have been?

I don't know.

I wasn't wearing a watch.

You know, roughly, uh...

Dawn, first light?

Yeah, it was pretty early.

Then when?


I saw the body and
I called the police.

Did you use a payphone?

That's right.

As soon as I saw the
body, I phoned it in.



Good for you.

Ooh, I'm late.

I gotta go.


Hey, ev, thanks for the time.

All in the wrist.

Sergeant Lance?



Where are you?

No, no, no.

I'll come to you.
Just stay there and don't move.




And then they were gone.

I was so afraid, I
guess I just freaked.

Who wouldn't?

I'm glad you called though.

It took a lot of courage.

After you left
last night, I just

kept thinking about
Jenny, and about how many

other Jenny's
there would be if I

was too afraid to say anything.

So you realized that
you may have to come

forward and testify in court?


So why don't you
tell me what you know.

It's not about Richard, is it?


She and Richard were all
wrong for each other.

I mean, one minute it
was magic and the next

it was just over between them.

The day that she died, they'd
fought outside the junction.

What goes on at the junction?

It's the on-campus hangout
at the student union.

A lot of guys go there.
And it's fun.

There's a dj and dancing.

And sometimes, you
know, you meet a guy.

You go off with him, back
to the house, or whatever.

This one fraternity, Alpha xi,
they've got this special room

where they take girls to.

Jenny knew about it,
but she'd never been.

But she wanted to go?

I told her not to go.

She didn't get it.
She didn't believe me.

Those guys, they
get you in there,

they put something
in your drink, and...

And then they r*pe you?

One minute, you're with one guy.

The next minute, you're
with someone else, and...

Jenny went with
them, didn't she?

I need his name, Dana.

Clay... Clay Edwards.

You're sure?


I'm positive, because
it happened to me.

And it's got to stop.

You've got to stop them.

We will.

So what?

So given the girl's
story, maybe we

have locked up the wrong guy.

Forget it.

Donovan, she'll
testify that Clay Edwards

drugged her and r*ped her.

Again I say, so what?

The fact that Clay Edwards
may have sexually att*cked

this Dana cook is totally
unrelated to the m*rder

of Jennifer Stanley.

Tell her to file
a formal complaint

and we'll look into it.

But it in no way
alters the fact that we

have hard evidence that ties
Richard chapin to the death

of Jennifer Stanley.

Hard evidence?

An eye witness sees a
red, late model corvette

leaving the spot where
the victim's body was

found... that is hard evidence?

And that chapin and
the victim were lovers,

that they had a violent
argument only hours

before the m*rder occurred.

He threatened her life
in front of witnesses.

A semen match... you
want me to go on?

All circumstantial.

You read the rehearsal
notes, Donovan.

She was g*ng r*ped.

Now, yes, she was sexually
involved with chapin.

Yes, they fought and
he threatened her,

but chapin letting his
friends take turns...

That doesn't play.

You want to know how it plays?

I'll tell you how.

They argue.

To spite him, the
girl shares and then

flaunts it in his face.

Chapin is angry and jealous,
just like he says he was.

She runs back to him
to try to make up,

only to learn he ain't gentle.

In fact, he strangles her
and then dumps her body.

Case closed.


I talked to Jennifer Stanley's
sorority sisters, the ones

that she was really close to.

She did not sleep around.

Listen, I was a frat boy.

We partied hard.

I remember one weekend breaking
all the windows in the house

and then cutting all my
classes the following week

to get ready for homecoming.

But g*ng r*pe... no way.

You bring me hard evidence of
somebody other than chapin,

and I'll take him down.

But until then, we
got the right guy.

And I got to be in court.


He's a real humanitarian.

Yeah, maybe he's right.

Maybe what happened to Dana cook
and what happened to Jennifer

Stanley are two separate things.

So, how do we find out?

We dial --.



Yeah, this is sergeant
Lorenzo in homicide.

Yeah, three days
ago, someone named

ev Carter dialed -- to
report finding the m*rder*d

body of a missing coed.

Yeah, ocean park.

Yeah, that's it.

Can you give me the address
the call was made from?

campus park.

That's the Alpha xi house.

Thank you.


Now, if you saw somebody dump a
body in ocean park, where would

you call from?

The nearest payphone.


The Alpha house is
a couple miles away.

Now, not to start any
conspiracy theories,

but what if Clay Edwards and
ev Carter are in this together?

So they pick up
Jennifer Stanley.

They take her back to the house.

Things get out of hand.

She dies.

They drop the body and
they pin it on chapin.

Only, they don't
call until they're

safely back at the house.

And fortunately, Donovan
wants something stronger

than a theory.


Donovan wants
incontrovertible evidence.


We'll get it for him.

All I need now is
a pair of pompoms.

I don't know, Sam.

The pompoms you got,
look pretty good to me.

Would you get out of here.

She's late.

She'll be here, Sam.

You sure?


You want to ask me one
more time if I still

think this is a good idea?

You still thinking about
your friend Janie, Sam?


If we catch this guy,
it's going to be deja vu.

I know.

But we all gotta work together
or there are going to be

a hell of a lot more Janie's.

Are you ok?


No, you're not.

I can tell.

Something is bothering you.

It's you, Sam.

I'm sick and tired of
sitting on the sidelines

while you go in and put
your life on the line.

It... it bugs me.

So what?

You want to go with me?


Get you a dress...

I don't know, like size ?

You wouldn't need shoulder pads.

Didn't you tell me that
you had an experience

once with frilly underwear,
back in your fraternity days?


You stay away from
my sordid past.


What do you think?

Where were you when
I was a freshman, Sam?

- Ha.
- Mm.

- Let's get this on.
- All right.

Hold still.

Don't get personal, Sam.


All right.
- I'll do that.

Feed that up through there.


Now, I don't want you
to do anything without me.

All right.

Somebody asks you to leave,
you get them to say the address

so that I can follow.


All right?

Now, if you run into
any kind of trouble,

what's... what's the password?

Uh... I've got to
study for exams.



- Hi.
- Hey.

- Come on in.
- You look good.


Uh... this is Chris Lorenzo.
This is Dana cook.

Dana, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Listen, uh... assuming that
Clay Edwards shows up tonight,

what's the drill?

Well, there's a good
chance he'll be stag,

and he'll watch for
a suitable victim.

Is there anything
special I should

do to attract his attention?

I'll introduce you, and
don't worry, he'll notice.

If he thinks you're right,
he'll invite you to a party

at his fraternity house.

When you're there, be careful.

If he gives you a drink,
it might be spiked.


Then what?

There's a room upstairs... no
windows, strange decorations.

They call it the chapel.

He'll tell you he
wants you to become

an Alpha xi little sister.

Listen, Sammy, this
one could get rough.

I want you to take your g*n.

Yeah, I've got it in my bag.


So you all set?

As I'll ever be.


Be careful.

We'll see you.


I'll be watching and listening.


Is he here?

Yeah, over there.

Doing what he does best.

Here he comes.

Hey, Clay.

Good to see you little sis.

This is Rita Lee.

Hi, Rita Lee.

Clay Edwards.

I don't recognize you
from around campus.

Well, I, actually,
I just transferred

from pine view college.

The girl's school?


All , of us.

Right down the road
from Washington and Lee.

Let me show you around.

Dana's already had
the grand tour.

Yeah, I have.

See you later, Rita Lee.


First stop, Alpha
xi delta, a place

where traditions are honored.
- Really?


You move fast Clay

oh, come on.

Oh, come on.

Don't go dead on...

Come on.

This way.

The real party's upstairs.

Uh... Clay, I have
to talk to you.


Uh... I don't think
this is such a good idea.

Is that right?

Would you excuse
us for a second?


Come here.

Listen, grunt for brains, maybe
I should've blackballed you

when I had the chance.

But just because you
don't have what it takes,

don't spread it around.

Well, that's what I
want to talk to you about.

You have nothing to say.

I have a lot to say.

Are you ok?

He's fine.

It's just something that
didn't agree with him.

Welcome to the chapel.

This is too much.

Uh... where's the party?

On its way.

Would you like some wine?


This is a strange room.

What else do you do in here?

Services, like initiation.


Aren't you can have any?

Maybe later.

Clay, look what
you who made me do.


Could you get a paper towel?

Don't worry about it.

You're not the first girl that's
gotten a little excited up here

and spilled the wine.

But I thought you said
we were going to a party?

You are.

You're early.

What's this, Halloween?

Smart mouth for
such a tight body.

But we can fix that.

She off yet, Clay?

Like I said, you're early.

Meet Rita Lee.

Look, i...

I'm a police officer.
Where's Clay Edwards?

None of your damn business.


- I said where is he?
- I... i don't know.

He's upstairs.

He's got a girl in the chapel.

You're a cop.

Sorry, boys, party's over.

What the hell?
Where did you get her?

She's a set-up.
She can't be alone.

Shut up.

See if she's wearing a wire.

Damn it, Clay.

She is.

Back off.

Back off.

Bad idea, Clay.
There's no way out.

Don't do anything stupid.

Let her go.

And you put that g*n
down nice and slow.

Do anything and she's dead.


Face the wall.

Turn around and face the wall.

You ok, Sam?

Yeah, I'm fine.


You're welcome.

Poor Jenny.

All she really wanted
was somebody to love her.

Well, somebody did...


The da's office
called me this morning.

They want me to testify too.

Well, you won't be the only one.

Since their arrest, three
other girls have come forward.

I guess, the only
thing I regret is not

speaking out a long time ago.

Well, some lessons are
harder to learn than others.

Thank you, for helping
me to do the right thing.

You're welcome.

I gotta go.


Wait, wait, wait.

I wanted to give this to you.

It was on Jennifer
when we found her.

I gave this to her the day
she became my little sister.

I want you to keep this.



Thank you.

I gotta go.



Very nice.


Yeah, I wanted to give it
back to her, but she insisted.

You know the problem
with these Greeks?

- Hmm?
- They can't spell.

I mean, look at this.

The l's upside down,
so is the v. I mean,

these kids are in college, Sam.

It's unbelievable.

No wonder you never
made it past pledge.

All's well that ends well.


It's too bad your friend
Janie couldn't have been here.

Well, at least we
did something to help

set the record straight.

Would you like to
celebrate, my lady?

Are you inviting
me to dinner, Sam?

Any place under $.

Don't worry, Sam,
we'll go Dutch.

- Dutch?
- Yeah.
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