01x11 - Intensive Care

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x11 - Intensive Care

Post by bunniefuu »

nurse, please report to .

Oh, damn.

Damn, that's me.


I gotta go.


Dr. Thatcher?

Paging Dr. Thatcher.

What do you want?

That's all I get?

After two months of meeting
like this, what do you want?

Come on, Kelly, don't start, ok?

I'm sorry.

I realize you're
working a double shift,

but so am I. Steven, I love you.

I know it's not what we
agreed on, and I'm sorry,

but this has gone
way beyond casual.

You better go.


Yeah, I better go.

What are you angry about?


Hey, I thought
we had a deal here.

No demands.

No permanent ties.

How can you be so cold?

Doesn't anything
ever get to you?

What am I to you?

Am I just another notch,
just another conquest?

Oh, come on.

You bast...


What the hell?

There are those

who will tell you that doctors
with a good bedside manner

are very hard to find.

It's the one thing they
can't teach in med school,

and depending on what's
ailing you, they may be right.

But here in palm beach,
bedside manners are a must,

whether you're a doctor or not.

Now, if Roger's backed up, you
tell him to give it to Lincoln,

let him run with it.

- Hey, Sam.
- Hey, Sam.

Call said somebody cut a cutter.

Yeah, a surgeon named Thatcher.

He's an older guy, maybe .

Saw him on the news
a couple months ago.

No, that's his father Marcus.

This is Steven.

You know, it's a bummer, Sam.

This guy's young,
tops, just got

bumped up to teach orthopedics
here at the hospital.


Is this where he bought it?
- Uh-huh.

Sometime around midnight.

This floor is ob/gyn.

Orthopedics is up on six.

Yeah, well, whoever cut him,
either knew how to get a hold

of him or call them down here.

Hutch called.

Steven Thatcher
was well connected.

He was the wealthy son of
a wealthy son, all doctors,

so the hospital
wants this cleared up

with minimum fallout.

So no special appearance.

No press gets in.
No Geraldo.

You got it.

Any witnesses?

No, but considering
the fact that whoever did

him used a scalpel,
I suggest we check

out some of the local talent.

I'll go check out orthopedics.


Hey, get out of there.

The man's dead for god's sakes.

Excuse me?

What are you another reporter?

This area is off limits
to women, you know?

Sergeant Lance,
palm beach homicide.

I don't think you've got
anything that I haven't seen

before, so why don't you just
go on about your business

and pretend like I'm not here.


I heard about Thatcher.

Hell of a way to go.

Did you know him?

Same specialty, orthopedics.

What was he like?

He was a good doctor.

I mean, what kind of man was he?

Did you hang out with him?
Did you know him well?

You're going to hear this
around the hospital anyway,

so I may as well be
the first to tell you.

Steve and I used to be friends.

We had a falling out a
couple of months ago.

We were both up for the same
job after our residencies

and Steven got it.

And you thought
the best man lost.

Yeah, something like that.

Let it suffice to say
it ended our friendship.

Greenwald, Dr. Greenwald,

please report to orb.

That's my number.

I gotta go.

Good luck.

Yeah, you too.

Dr. Greenwald,

please report to orb.

Hey, Sammy, what
do you got in there?

Well, among other
things, Mr. Ready.

Oh, goodness, a value pack.

Cheaper by the dozen.


So how'd it go with the nurse?

Well, according
to her, Dr. Thatcher

was seeing an rn, Kelly Nash.

She's off today, but I
got her home address.


Yeah, I tried to
talk to the head

of orthopedics, a guy named ck
Randall, but he was in surgery.

You know that guy that
just left, Dr. Greenwald?

There's bad blood between he
and Dr. Thatcher, something

about a staff appointment.

You know, Dr. Thatcher, Dr.
Greenwald, Dr. Randall, too

many doctors to keep straight.

Yeah, well, hospitals
are usually full of them.

Take a look at this.

It's his staff parking card.

I'll have forensics
check out his car.

Anything else in there, Sam?

Nope, nothing unusual.

No dr*gs, no g*ns,
no dirty postcards.

Well, you know, given
this guy's sex life,

he probably didn't have time.

Tell you what, you go
talk to Dr. Randall,

and I will go and
check out the nurse.

No, I am invoking
club rule, Sam.


No, no, I'm an
expert with nurses.

I almost minored
in them in college.

Yeah, well, but considering
that this girl's boyfriend was

k*lled last night,
I mean, who do

you think she's going to
open up to, a man or a woman?

You know what I hate way
more than you being logical...

Me being right, right?

Don't you even think about it.

Dr. Randall?

Dr. Randall?

In here.

Are you Dr. Randall?

Please excuse me, but I believe

you have to seize the moment.

I'm sergeant
Lorenzo, palm beach pd.

I see that you
work out quite a bit.


Every chance I get.

Orthopedics requires a certain
amount of physical strength.

What can you tell me
about Steven Thatcher?

Well, that depends on
what you want to know.

He was his father's son.

An excellent physician,
but like most handsome men,

he allowed his looks
to cloud his judgment.

You understand how that can
happen, don't you, sergeant?

Now I understand that
Dr. Thatcher worked

a double shift last night.

Is that normal procedure?

I had to attend a party, a
fundraiser for the new wing.

He agreed to take my
shift since he was already

scheduled to work his own.

So you two were friends?

Well, I tried to get along
with all my people, sergeant.

But we didn't socialize,
if that's what you mean.

What about enemies?

Did he have any
that you knew of?

Well, talented, ambitious
people always have enemies.

He had his share.

Was Dr. Greenwald one of them?


I see you've had your ear
to the hospital grapevine.

Well, I like to think that
the rivalry between them

was purely professional.

You see, Dr. Greenwald
and Dr. Thatcher

had done their orthopedics
residencies here.

We're a teaching hospital.

A position opened
up, both applied...

Thatcher got the job.


It was my decision to
make, and in my estimation

Dr. Thatcher was best
suited to the job.

Do you think that Dr.
Greenwald was a sore loser?

Well, no one likes
the taste of defeat.

Dr. Greenwald said
some ugly things

in the heat of the
moment, but he apologized.

He's a good man
and a good doctor.

He wouldn't be at this hospital
if I didn't believe that.

Was Dr. Greenwald
working last night?

No, he wasn't.

Sure about the?


I make out the schedules.

His shift started at : am.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Oh, absolutely.




Sorry, thing kind
of got away from me.

You ok?



Chris, how you been, man?

What is this?

You out of uniform or you
get smart and quit the force?

No, I got promoted to
detective a couple of years



What about you, Howie?

You still playing tunes?

Always and forever,
you know that.

How about you?

No, man, I can't find
the time to blow anymore.

You know how that is.

What the hell
happened to your leg?


I was gigging late the other
night, coming home this tree

jumped down in front of me.

A tree just jumped
out in front of you?

Come on, sign this thing.

It's good luck.


You never change.

Tell you one thing, I
look a heck of a lot better

than my ride.

Totaled the sucker.

Oh, man.

That's a bummer.

What about you and Tina,
you guys still together?

We're going on years now.

Hey, why don't you
come back to my room.

She'll be by in or minutes.

She'd love to see you.

You guys could catch
up on old times.

You know, i'm pressed for time,

but I'll drop by later on.

All right, well, later then.

It's good to see you.

You too, man.

Tell Tina I said hi.

You got it.

Watch out for those trees.

Kelly Nash?


Hi, sergeant Lance,
palm beach homicide.

I have a couple of
questions I need to ask you.

Do you have a minute?


I know this is
difficult to talk about,

but you were in a relationship
with Steven, weren't you?


You've been seeing
him for some time?

A little over two months, yeah.

And this wasn't the first
time that you had met him

down in the lounge after hours?

Every time he'd work a
double shift, I would too,

and after midnight
things would quiet down,

he'd come visit me on my floor.

Last night in the
lounge, did you argue?


Did he hit you?


Did you hit him?

Look, I was with him.

We made love, we
argued, and I left.

The last time I saw
Steven, he was alive.

That's all I know.

Now, please, please,
just leave me alone.

Remember that parking card
we found in Thatcher's locker?

- Yeah.
- It's all computerized.

Every time you enter
and exit, it's recorded.

Take a look at this, Sam.

Kelly Nash, exit : am.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute, Martin greenwald.

He entered :
pm and exit : am.

No, greenwald wasn't
even on shift that night.

He wasn't due in until
o'clock the next morning.

So he enters right
before midnight,

and he exits right after the
approximate time of the m*rder.

Two doctors fighting
for one job position.

One wins and one loses.

The winner winds up dead,
and the loser's got motive,

access, and opportunity.

What the hell?

This warrant allows us to
search the premises, doctor.

Read it carefully.

You might want to
contact your attorney.

And I'd tell him to
meet us downtown, doc.

I'm going to ask
you again, doctor.

And I will advise my client
again not to answer any...

You're wasting my time here.

You agreed to cooperate,
but you got your lawyer

running smoke screen for you.

You got something to hide, doc?

You are out of line.


Wait a minute.

I just want to get
this over with, ok,

as quickly and as
quietly as possible.

It was common knowledge
around the hospital

that you and Thatcher
were on the outs,

that there had been a couple
of ugly scenes between you.

Now we have statements from
witnesses about an altercation

in the cafeteria.

Things got a little out
of hand, I swung on him.

Look, I'm not proud of it.

Were you angry?

Martin, Martin, I
caution you again.


Yeah, I was angry.

The job should have been mine.

So why wasn't it?

How the hell should I know?

Maybe Steven just knew
how to play the game

a little better than I did.

Look, I didn't k*ll
him, all right?

I'm a doctor.

I save lives.

I don't take them.

You can ask me questions
until the sun goes down,

it's not going to
change anything.

Doctor, how do you
explain the bloody Greens

and the scalpel found in the
back of your desk drawer?

I can't.

It doesn't mean that
I put them there.

People under stress
do strange things.

Yeah, well, maybe
people do, I don't.

And according to
the security computer,

you entered the hospital
parking garage just a little

after midnight.

I already told you I
lost my parking card.

Security issued me a new one,
why don't you check it out?

We did.

You lost your card
the day of the m*rder,

you got your new
one the day after.

That seem a little convenient,
or is it just me, Sam?

I didn't k*ll him.

Maybe I would've liked to,
all right, but I didn't.

Donovan, how'd it go?

Greenwald's lawyer has been
chewing holes in my shorts

for over an hour.

The woman's a pitbull.

She's got more arrogance
than my first wife.

So you going to
arraign Dr. Greenwald?

I'm going to have
to take it upstairs.

This could turn into
a real hot potato.

Look, I'm not sure I'm ready
to fall on the sword here.

I mean, this case
is a little weak.

His lawyer is about
as heavy as they get.

The hospital's paying her fees.

Dr. Randall certainly
steps in to the batter's

box for her boys.
I'll give her that.

But if we file on
greenwald, that lawyer is

going to know she's in a fight.

You know something?

I've won with even
less than I got here.

Oh, really?

Ladies and
gentlemen of the jury,

consider if you will the curious
case of a bright young doctor

so overwhelmed with
jealousy and rage

that he kills his
rival in cold blood.

Now, he knows that
he's the prime suspect,

the entire hospital's
been gossiping

about the feud between them,
so he has to think fast.

And what is he going to do
with incriminating evidence,

the blood soaked Greens
and the m*rder w*apon?

But then the idea comes to him.

I know, I will hide
them in my very own desk.

The police will
never look there.

It could happen.

Oh, please, Donovan.

Look, maybe, maybe
that's his angle.

Play it so stupid
nobody believes it.

If you can sell that
to the jury, Donovan,

I want you as my lawyer.

Ok, ok, so this case
has got more holes in it

than Clyde barrow's body.

Well, then make it easier on me.

Give me a better
ball to run with.

Take her out and give
her a little exercise.

She's been in there too long.

She's looking good, Clay.

Looking good.

- Dr. Thatcher?
- Yes.

Hi, I'm sergeant Lance.
You called me.

Oh, yes, yes, yes.

Thanks for coming out.


Right over here.

The problem with being a doctor
is that your patients never

understand that you feel pain.

I canceled all my appointments
and still they call.

I had to come out
here to get away.

I'm sorry for your loss.

It's a terrible thing.

Do you have any
children, sergeant?


My job takes up most of my time.

You sound like me at your age.

Well, after Steven was born...


My wife and I wanted
more than one child,

but sometimes things get
away from you before you

realize they're gone.

I should tell you that Dr.
Greenwald will probably be

charged with your son's m*rder.

That's why I called.

Regardless of what
you may think,

Martin greenwald
didn't k*ll my son.

Well, there are those that
will testify that your son

and Dr. Greenwald were enemies.


They were doctors.

And whatever their differences,
m*rder was no solution.

The district attorney thinks so.

You don't.

I just want to make sure
that we arrest the right man.

Or woman.

My son was a good doctor,
but when it came to women

he liked to...

How can I put this delicately,
wring more than one bell.

Am I making myself clear?

Did he ever bring any of
these women home to meet you?

No, but I didn't expect him to.

When I was younger, I did my
own share of bell ringing.

I knew that when he
found a suitable woman,

he'd bring her home.

So you think that one of the
women he may have been seeing

could have k*lled him.

I know it.

Did he talk to you about
anyone in particular?

Not by name.

But he'd become involved with
someone from the hospital,

extremely obsessive.

She was suffocating him.

He tried to break it off,
but she wouldn't let go.

I advised him to
take legal action,

but he wouldn't hear of it.

He was afraid of scandal
damaging his career.

My son was driven to succeed.

Not by his own ambition.

He probably wouldn't have
even gone into medicine

if I hadn't insisted.

Was your son
afraid of this woman?

Did he think that she would
actually try to hurt him?

He told me I had no idea
what she could do to him,

what she was capable of.

Within three years,
I plan to retire.

By then Steven would have
established his credentials,

and my practice would
have passed to him,

but now I see no
purpose to my life.

There's nothing left
for me except justice.

I want you to find
whoever k*lled him,

and I want that person to pay.



How are you?

You look... let me see.

I just came up to see Howie.
How is he?

He's asleep.

They gave him
something for the pain.

Maybe you could come
back a little later?

Oh, absolutely.

Are you going to be here?

I gotta get back to the shop.

I got a couple other repairs
to do, and I'm starving.

Well, why don't I join you?

I can follow you over there.
- Oh, that's great.

I'll just ride with you
and save the cab fare.

Howie smashed up our car.

Yeah, I heard.

Tell me about yourself.

- You first.
- Thank you.


Well, a guy from
dead dog records

is supposed to come
down to the club to hear

some of Howie's new stuff.

Oh, that's great.

He deserves a break.

Maybe this is it.

Yeah, well, how many
guys from how many

record companies in all the
different clubs, and they all

love his songs, they just
don't want to buy them.

Well, you know, some dreams
take a long time in the coming.

Yeah, and sometimes
your life slips

away while you're chasing them.

By the time you look
back, it's too late.

You had those dreams when we
were all in the band together,

Chris, but you grew up.

Do you regret any of
the choices you made?


Absolutely... you know,
I enjoy what I do.

I don't know if it's what
I want to do forever,

but I'm not going to
worry about forever.

Today things are good.

Yeah, today things are good.

Chris, you still
play it sad and sweet.


I've lost a couple of licks.

I haven't played in years.

It's a nice horn.

Yeah, it's not as
good as yours though.

Bring it in.
Let me work on it.

Yeah, maybe I will.

Look, Tina, I got to split.

It was nice to see you.

Yeah, you too.

Don't be such a stranger, ok?

Now you know where to find me.


Say hi to uh...





- I gotta go.
- All right.

I'll see you.

You're real good.


Yeah, Lorenzo?

Hey, Sam, spoke with
Thatcher's father,

claims his son was involved
with an obsessive woman.

Ah, maybe professional
jealousy isn't the motive.

Puts nurse Kelly back in the
pole position in the race

to arraignment.


I stopped back by the
hospital to see if I

could turn up any contenders.

So far, I've struck out.

Listen, why don't you meet
me at the Thatcher's house,

and we'll take a look around.

Yeah, why don't you
give me the address.

It's seaspray Lane.

seaspray Lane.

I'll wait for you out front.

All right, I'll see you there.



You scared the
hell out of me, Sam.

What are you doing walking
around here in the dark, Sam.

I thought something
happened to you.

I saw a flashlight
beam in the window.

Obviously, whoever it
was got out ahead of me.

I wonder if they got
what they were looking for.

What are we looking for?

Old love letters,
pictures, date book entries,

phone records,
anything that's going

to help us identify Steven
Thatcher's obsessive lover.

It was a joke, Sam.

Very small joke.

Look at this, pages
are ripped out.

Obviously, somebody's
covering their tracks.

Yeah, we got no
sign of forced entry.

She must have had a key.

Well, if she did, he was really

stupid not changing the locks
after he broke up with her.

Or maybe he had
broken up with her yet.

He was still active with nurse
of the month Kelly, right?


Maybe she whacked him?

No, I mean, we already
know about Kelly.

Whoever tossed this place
is still a mystery lady,

and she wants to
keep it that way.

I don't think there's
anything here.

Let's go hit the bedroom.

What, just like
that, Sam, no foreplay?

You make me feel
so cheap sometimes.

I thought we could
go out to dinner,

have a nice bottle of wine.

I kind of have to be in the
mood for something like this.

In your dreams, Sam.


Did you ever go visit
your friend Howie?

Yeah, the guy
hasn't changed a bit.

Is that good or bad?

I don't know, Sam.

It's like walking
through a time warp.

We used to be so close,
and now the only thing

we have in common is our past.

Howie is still doing
today what we were

doing together years ago.

Oh, I guess that's
cool for him if it works.

Maybe he's happy.

He may be happy, but his
wife, that's a different story.

So you went to school
with her too, didn't you?


She was Howie's girl.

You know, I always
had the hots for her,

but she was off limits
so I didn't touch.

You know what?

One time, I kissed her in
the stairwell at school.

Oh, man.

I mean, she and Howie were
breaking up or fighting,

I can't remember the
details, but we kissed.

It was the most intense
sexual experience of my life.

- Really?
- Yeah.

But then we graduated,
she moved in with Howie,

they got married a year later.

I guess it hasn't been
that easy for him.

Well, he's a musician.

It comes with the territory.

What, was she crying
on your shoulder?

I don't know, I felt like it.

When I left, she gave
me this little kiss

that rocked me to my toes.

I mean, it was even better
than the one I stole

at the stairwell in school.

She may want more
than your shoulder.

You better watch out, partner.

She's a married lady.


No, no, it was just
a friendly kiss.

It was kind of sexy, that's all.


Look at this, Sam.

Maybe we got a break.

Listen to this.

Steven, don't do this to me.

Don't humiliate me.

I can't bear it.

You're breaking my heart.

Can't you see that.

I've never loved
anyone like I love you.

Now you turn away from me, I
can't live with that, Steven.

I can't let you destroy me.

Keep reading.
Keep reading.

It's getting good.

That's all she wrote.

No, there's gotta be
a second page to it.

This is definitely
a woman's handwriting.

Someone who had been
dumped and dumped hard.

Yeah, he broke her heart, so
she put a scalpel through his.

Hi, Kelly.

You got a minute?

Yeah, but i'm
on shift at :.

Well, this will
just take a second.

I just want you to look at this.

Where did you get this?

We found it at Steven's house.

Did you write it?



Maybe I'm not the only one
who's pregnant by Steven.


Back here, Chris.



Want some coffee?

No, no, I'm all coffeed out.

All right, so let's
have a look at your horn.

Oh, this brings back
a lot of memories.

Yeah, it sure does.

Big time.

So what do you think, doc?

No, biggie, just a couple
stuck keys, some old pads.

Clean her up, she'll
blow as blue as midnight.

All right.

Remember that time we
kissed in the stairwell?

How could I forget the time
we kissed in the stairwell?

I saw stars.

Yeah, I always wondered
what it'd be like to kiss you.

So that kiss was
good for you too, huh?


Why are you here, Chris?

Why am i... well, to get
my sax fixed, like I told...

Wait a minute,
Tina, why did you...

Did you think I wanted...


Yeah, it's what I thought.

I thought you got the same hit
when I kissed you that I did.

I mean, it was
fierce, am I wrong?

Well, it was just
a friendly kiss.

I didn't think it was
anything more than that.

Didn't feel that way.

And I liked the way
it felt. So did you.

Look, Tina, let's...

Let's not let things
get out of control, ok?

Tell me you don't
want me, Chris.

Just say no.

We can't do this.

We can't do this.

You don't like it?

You don't like this?

Or this?


Please, what?

Please more, yeah?

Make love to me.

Oh, Chris, make
love to me, please.

We can't do this, all right.

We both know that it's wrong.
We can't do this.


I think you better go.

Look, Tina, i...

I know that this is weird, but...

Just go.

So if Steven
Thatcher was involved

with an obsessive
lover at the hospital,

they went to a lot of trouble
to cover up their affair.

That place is a
hotbed of gossip.

I can tell you who is
doing who on every floor.

It's like you need a program
to keep track of the players.


I mean, he has this torrid
affair with this woman,

he dump her, she's angry
enough to k*ll him,

but nobody knows diddly.

This is pretty good, Sam,
where'd you get this at?

That new place?

No, fat woo's.

Fat woo's?

They closed fat woo's
down a month ago

because of rodent infestation.

You know, rodents as in rats?


But they just reopened.

I mean, they put new grease
in the fryers and everything.

You know, Sam, you want
some kung pao chicken?

What makes you so sure
that's chicken, Sam?

It's chicken.

You gonna tell me about Tina?


I mean, I just...

I took my sax in to be repaired.

That's what she does, Sam.

She fixes instruments.

I want her to fix my horn.

There's nothing like a
little horn between friends.

You know what,
you got sick mind.

Tina is married to one
of my best friends.

How could you think that there
would be anything between us?

And what makes you think
that my horn is small?

My horn is not small.

My horn is standard size,
maybe a little oversized.

You're getting into
very dangerous territory.

She's a married woman.

Sam, what am I going to do?

I mean, she wants me so
badly, and I want her.

Man, life can be so damn
difficult sometimes.

If she wasn't married, I would...

You know what you
have to do, even if it's

not what you want to do.

I know.

But, boy, just
kissing her was wow.

Thanks, dear Abby.

You're welcome.

So why don't you tell me what
you think about Thatcher.

Steven Thatcher
and Martin greenwald,

they were tight buddies
for a long time.

I mean, they even
roomed together.

It seems strange
that they would have

such a big blow up over a job.

Greenwald, he seems
bitter like it's

more than losing his
job, more like he

feels like he's been shafted.

Maybe he was shafted.

Dr. Christine Randall, she
picked the winner, right?

Maybe she had a thing
for Steven Thatcher.

Yeah, and maybe he
had something for her.

She can destroy me.

Don't you understand that?

She can end my career with
a couple of phone calls.

I mean, not just
in this hospital,

not just in palm beach,
she can blackball

me across the entire country.

When I first took my
residency at oceanside,

I took it for one reason, to
get the teaching position.

Teaching hospitals
are competitive.

Guys in private practice
complain about competition,

it's just as hot in here.

Steve and I both
knew that going in,

and we both had an
equal shot at it,

but Steve, he decided
that he'd better his odds.


I was still living
at Steve's then.

We split the rent.

I was scheduled to work
late shift that night,

but I wasn't feeling
too well, so I

ask one the other
residents to sub for me.

Steve was off that night.

Well, I came home and
I heard something.

Bad timing, Martin.

I'll be quick and straight.

If you say one word about
this, one, you're finished.

A week later, Dr. Randall gave
Steve the staff appointment.

You ask me to
repeat any of this,

and you're out of luck because
I just got too much to lose.

If you help us make
a case against her,

she's out of your life.

You've got a stronger
case against me.

All my testimony would prove
is that she slept with Steve.

I'm sorry, I can't help you.

Come on, work with us here.

She is trying to set you up to
take the fall for his m*rder.

Well, I think
I'll take my chances

with the judicial system.

I think my odds are better.

Look, Dr. Greenwald, you
change your mind, why don't you

give us a call.

Dr. Randall, what are you...

I saw you talking to
those police officers

outside the hospital
today, Martin.

Should I be concerned?


No, not at all.

They just had a
few more questions.

Why didn't they
question you inside?

Why sneak around outside?

Listen, I just want
this all to go away, ok?

The less people see me
with the police the better.

They showed you the
letter, didn't they?


The one that Kelly wrote.

Oh, don't lie, Martin.

You're so bad at it.

You know I wrote that letter.

You recognized my handwriting.

Did you tell them?


No, I swear it.

They think it's Kelly's.

Oh, do they?

Well, I wish I could
be sure of that.

Do you think I k*lled
Steven, Martin?


Come on, Dr. Randall, you
were in love with him.

I know that.


And I don't think I ever loved
anyone before I met Steven,

but I wasn't enough for him.

I did everything he
asked me to, but i...

I wasn't enough.

I'm not sure I understand.

He was sleeping
with that slut Kelly.

Did you know that she's
pregnant with his baby?

No, I didn't.

It's probably just a rumor.
You can't believe...

I saw the lab results myself.

Kelly ordered a pregnancy
test under a patient's name,

a patient who
never even existed.

A lab technician
checked and notified me.

The test was Kelly's,
and it was positive.

God, he used me.

And all this time
he was having it off

with some harebrained nurse.

God, I was such a fool.

That baby should have been mine.

I'm sorry.

I gave him everything,
everything I had to give it,

and he betrayed me.

Well, at least Kelly
has her bastard child.

I've got nothing
left except my work,

and I won't let anyone
take that from me.

Now I will do everything and
anything I need to protect

myself, do you understand that?


I hope you do.

Now don't betray my confidence.

I won't.

I swear.

I want to believe that, Martin.

Yes, sergeant Lance, please?

She's on the other line.

Can you hold?
- Yeah.

I'll hold.

Ok, let's hear it.

She got into the garage
with greenwald's car to make

it look like he came in.

She k*lled Thatcher and
stashed the evidence

in greenwald's office.

I understand the how, but
why did she k*ll Thatcher?

She was rejected.

I mean, you mix
rage with obsession,

and you get a crime
of passion, Donovan.

Works for me.

Am I dreaming here?

Yeah, I think so.

He's not arguing with us, Sam.

I noticed.

Look, I can't arrest
Dr. Randall for anything.

I have nothing to
build a case on.

You guys are cops,
and you're creative,

she has a weak
link in her chain.

If she suspects that
he's getting wobbly,

she may try to take him down.

We've got to do something.

You think he's in
danger too, huh, Sam?

I can't do anything.

Get my drift?

Hold it, Dr. Randall.

Sorry, Dr. Greenwald
couldn't make it.


Your sax is ready.


She's as good as new.

All right, how
much do I owe you?

Oh, it's on the house.

No, I want to pay you
something for your time.


Just write it off to old times.

Look, about the other day, I
don't want you to think that I

didn't want to because I did.


I know.

Another time, another place,
we could have been magic.

I wasn't really trying to
fall in love with you, Chris.

I was trying to forget I
was in love with Howie,

but I guess I can't.

I guess he's in
my blood for good.

He's a lucky man.



Hey, guys, you know that
guy from dead dog records?

He loves my songs.

Now they're nothing he's
looking for right now,

but he wants to see
everything I write.

All right.

Yeah, that's great, Howie.

You better write
that man a hit, Howie.

Hey, what's going on here, huh?

What are you hanging
around here, scamming

on my old lady or what?

You got it.

Just like old times.

Yeah, just like old times.

See ya.

See ya.

You make that sound so sad.

The sax was born
to be blue, Sammy.
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