01x20 - Powder Burn

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x20 - Powder Burn

Post by bunniefuu »

Excuse me.

Jeremy wants to see you.

Is something wrong?

Everything's cool.

Order some more drinks.

I know how it looks, Jeremy, but
I just need a little more time.

I think it is just
the way it looks, Kevin.

The people I represent
have asked you product,

but you bring nothing in return.

Now you say you can't return
what you've been given.

I suppose you're in a bad place.

Think about it.

Would I hang around here
if I was stiffing you?

People I'm dealing with are
slow on their end, that's all.

I'm not interested
in your problems.

Just another week,
that's all I need.

And more than you'll get.

Kevin, I'm just the
broker, you understand.

I'm only talking to you now
because despite the fact

you're a complete flake,
I rather like you.

Get out of palm beach tonight.


What a waste, tasty
little piece like her.

When I stop, get right
up alongside and brake.

Why did you leave
the club so suddenly?

Would you just stop with that?

Would you just
tell me what's wrong?

We've got to go make a
few calls and that's it.

Everything's going to be great.

Would you just...

Hey, partner, what's up?

Hey, Sam.

Two kids got gunned down.

Looks like a drive by.

These casings appear
to be military issue.

I'm gonna have lev
check them out.

Who got tagged?

The male was -year-old
Kevin Sloan of bay gables.

And the female was
-year-old Kristen Clifford

of the west palm Cliffords.

Very powerful family.


Well, some dust is going to
be blowing up over this one.

You know, I hasten
to mention this,

but judging from
your attire, I doubt

that I pulled you away from
anything engaging this evening.

Don't rub it in, all right?

Jennifer flowers gets
out more than I do.

Well then, you'll be glad
know I received a phone call

from one of your old
flames this evening

before I left the precinct.


He wanted your phone
number, but I informed

him it was unlisted,
and I didn't

feel comfortable giving it out.

Who was it?

Well, he was tall, dark.

Wears an earring.

You know, I hate earrings.

It was Tyler.


Yeah well, I realize that.

Yes sir, mayor.

I will keep you updated, mayor.

Thank you.

Go ahead.

All right.

Now, the a*mo using the drive
by was military ordinance.

Matches stuff that was taken
from the national guard armory

about a year ago.

So if we find the
sh**t, then maybe

we can find that stash
of military hardware.

But there's no prior on
either one of the victims.

How do you figure a couple of
yuppies wire into this thing?

Too early to tell, but
my best guess is dr*gs.

a*t*matic weapons involved,
that's usually the gig.

The girl's daddy is
honking all over the mayor,

so the mayor is taking
a personal interest.

Give me some relief
on this, will you?

Much better
today, Mrs. Racator.

Just remember,
swing the club head.

See you next week.

Still on?

Yeah, I hope you want a lesson.

No, this is about our
business, not yours.

I'm sergeant Lorenzo, palm
beach police department.

My partner, sergeant Lance.

What's this about?

We understand that Kristen
Clifford was a member here.

That you were her pro.

It's terrible what
happened to her and Kevin.

So you knew Kevin, too?

Yeah, we were a thing until
Kristen moved in on him.

No big loss.

He was dealing coke.

Once I got straight,
I didn't dig it.

When was the last
time you saw Kristen?

The night she and Kevin were
k*lled, I saw them at society.

The dance club over on bayside?

You go there?

I used to.

What time was that event?

I left around :.

They were still there.

Did either of them have
enemies that you know of?

Besides me?

That was a joke.

My next lesson's here.

Was there something else?

No, that's it.

If you can think of
anything else, give us a call.

You play golf?

You've got a great body for it.

Ha, ha.

He's a regular
slammin' Sammy snea.

Come on, Sam.

We left our cart idle.

So skip, you going to authorize

us to go undercover at society?


Wait, why not?


Didn't you two work vice in this
club a couple of years back?



Well, the risk is too high.

They'll make you out as
cops, simple as that.

Look, come on, skip.

Look, this is the only
lead we've got, all right?

Now, if we don't track this
down, we're sucking wind.

We don't suck wind.

Listen, nobody in the
club knows me, right?


You don't think I can do this?

No, it's just that captains
don't ordinarily go undercover.

All right, it's
bending the rules.

Well, the mayor said get the job

done, no matter what it takes.

What it's going to take
is me going undercover.

Besides, I was doing
undercover work

before you two were even born.

The fact that I'm still alive
is a credit to my talent.

I'm easy to disguise.

Accents, that was my specialty.

Get out of here.

I'm not buying it.

Let me
tell you something, daughter.

You two ayer... they call me
Jimmy sticks from Jamaica,

the township of Kingston.

Of tropical breezes.

I come here with
fragrances and spices.

"Cool runnings," aye.

That's amazing.


Hey, Rita.


I'm all hot and sweaty.

You make that sound
like a bad thing.

Didn't Chris tell you I called?

Yeah, yeah, he did.

It's just, uh, I've
been really busy.

How long are you in town for?

A week, maybe longer.

I got us reservations
tonight at Damian's.

I don't... look, I don't
think that's going to work.

I've got some stuff I
got to take care of, so.

Oh, that's ok.

We can do it tomorrow night.

- I don't think so, Tyler.
- Oh, come on.

You've got to cancel your plans.

I mean, I haven't
seen you in months.

We've got a lot of stuff
we have to catch up on.

Look, Tyler, um...

Am I missing something here?

'Cause I thought we had
a great time together.

Yeah, we did.

We really did.

It's just that, um, you know,
maybe we're just better off

leaving it where we left it.

We can't go out to dinner
and just talk about it?

I don't think that's
a good idea this time.

Maybe next time you're
in town, we'll have

lunch or something, all right?


It's good seeing you.

Good seeing you.

Ok, kids, get your nap in,
because Jimmy sticks is going

to keep you out late tonight.

Good evening.

Oy, a vision of
beauty before my eyes,

like a soft, gentle
breeze of the sea.

I'm called Jimmy sticks.

You're Jamaican.

This is true.

I'm Chantel.

I'm with the club.

Can I buy you a
drink, Mr. Sticks?


Yes, I'd love a red stripe beer.

Oh, I'm afraid we don't
have any Jamaican beer.

However, how about
some champagne instead?

Whatever's the lady's pleasure.

So tell me, what
brings you to palm beach?

Business, pleasure.

Well, actually, people's
pleasure is my business.

Oh, and what kind of
business might that be?

Import and export.

I love this song.

Let's dance.

You're a silver, tiny
devil, Jimmy sticks.

Do you always make your
living charming woman

out of their fortunes?

No, no, no.

That's a sport.

This is just sport, not profit.

I deal with spices, spices
for the mind, for the spirit.

I love spices.

What kind to you sell,
nutmeg and cinnamon?

Oh, it would be a pleasure.

But we have many foreign
spices, exotic mixtures

from the islands to take
our mind far, far, far away.

They call me the spice man.

But come on, no
business talk tonight.

I come to relax.

Now let me relaxe.

I don't mean to
pry, but you know,

y I have some friends that might
be interested in your spices.

Would you like to meet them?

If it pleases you.

I want to be with
you tonight, Jimmy.

Oh, this pains me.

I don't mix business
and pleasure.

You see, you came to
me with a business

proposition on your lips.

But if you came with
a romantic thought,

things might have
been different.

Perhaps next time.


I had a good time.

I've got to learn that accent.

So, who's your new friend?

Somebody you should
definitely know.

Hey, I hope you two
puppies are taking notes.

Now, that's a lesson
in setting the hook.

What a night.

Speak to Jimmy.

Ah, Chantel.

The sun now rises, aye.

Would you like to meet
with my friends, Jimmy?

Yes, I'd love to
meet your friends.

- Shall I bring them to you?
- No, no.

I never do business
where I live.


At the club.



Until then, cool runnings.

Ciao, darling.

Better get some sleep.

The fish are jumping.

Jimmy stick will
meet with you tonight.


Is your work more
interesting than me, Jeremy?

Can it do this?

Or this?

Come play with me.

I'm lonely.

Your friend steiner
wouldn't approve.

Steiner's a fool, but
a very dangerous fool.

He k*lled those people.

He shot them in their car.


Be careful, Chantel.

Loose lips can get you k*lled.

Not loose, just hot.

Jimmy, my friends have
been waiting for hours.

You're making me look bad.

Such a big hurry.

Everybody wants my spices.

This is getting ridiculous.

They're having too
much fun in there.

I'm here to talk
with your friend now,

so put a smile
back on your face.

Jeremy, Jimmy stick.

Jimmy, Jeremy trenchard.


Pleasure's mine.

Welcome to palm beach.

Thank you.

Are you enjoying club?

The club?

Well, it's exquisite.

So Chantel tells me you are
interested in my spices.


Good, good.

First, allow me.

I don't do business where
there isn't trust, man.

You'll forgive me.

We live in uncertain times.

The people I represent
have strict rules,

and they include checking
for listening devices.

This won't hurt a bit, Jimmy.

And if you're a good little
boy, I'll give you a sucker.

Such an offer.

I can't refuse.

I appreciate your indulgence.

Sit, please?

After you.

I assume we're
talking about cocaine?

If you wish.

The price on the street
in Miami is $, a kilo.

I don't seek money.

Everyone got money.

I represent the
people in conflict.

An armed struggle
for their Liberty.

They don't need money, man.

They need g*ns.

Well, I can't help you.

I don't have access to firearms.

Pity, because my spices
go to those who do.

Enough talking, eh?

Until the next time.

What kind of g*ns
are you interested in?

a*t*matic weapons.


This country is very bloody.

Now, I have keys to trade,
to those who are interested.



Bring a sample of your spices.

And you do the same.

Chris, thanks
for seeing me, man.

Hey, you put on a free
lunch, I'll show up.

Now, since Rita's the only
thing we have in common,

I assume this has
to do with her.


She's turned me down stone
cold, and I don't know why.

Has she talked to you?


Yeah, and what did you say?

You know what, Tom?

Doesn't this make you
feel kind of stupid?

I mean, I feel like
I'm in high school.

Does she like you?

Does she like you?

Oh yeah, she likes you.
What did she say?

What did she say?

Come on, I feel like
I'm years old.

All right.
All right.

It's a little weird, I admit.

It's because I'm really
attracted to her, all right?

I mean, the time we spent
together was incredible.

She made me feel something
no other woman ever...

Hey, Tyler, I don't
to hear that, all right.

Rita's my partner.

She's my best friend and I don't
want to hear trash about her.

You misunderstand me, man.

I'm not talking about that.

I'm talking emotionally.

I mean, yeah, it
started off physically,

but over time, it evolved into
something a whole lot deeper.


You guys were together
for two weeks.

All right, I know
it sounds crazy.

Well, it is crazy.

Look, you had what you had.

It's over.

She's moving on and she left
you waving goodbye in the dust.

You've got to deal with that.

I could if I knew why.

Come on.

It was fast, it was furious,
and I think she regrets it.

That doesn't make
any sense, man.

We were both adults.

We're both attracted
to each other.

Attracted to each other?

Tyler, you two blistered paint.

Look, Rita is not
that kind of girl.

You were the exception,
not the rule.

Rita is old-fashioned
in a lot of ways.

Hey, I'm telling
you, she doesn't

do what she did with you.

Well, what am I
supposed to do with that?

I mean, I can't take
back what we did,

and I can't walk away that easy.

Tyler, look.

If you want more information,
next time take her

to a nicer place, all right?

Aw, come on, man.

Come on.

All right, I'm going to
tell it to you straight.

You can't take
back what happened.

So start over with her.

She won't even take my calls.

Do it the old-fashioned way.

Court her, romance
her, wine her...

Be captain romance
instead of Stanley stud.

I'm a little old to be
playing these kind of games,

don't you think?

I guess the game between
you and Rita is over.

All right, thanks a lot.

Hey, Sam.

Want your rolls?


How was your chili?

Oh, dammit.

Look at that action.

So what did he say?


Come on, I know you
had lunch with Tyler.

You know, that's it.

I'm officially dealing myself
out of your personal life.

Hey, I never asked
you to deal yourself in.

Are you going to tell me or not?


Come on, people,
let's get it in gear.

We've got to get a key of
coke out of the evidence room,

and get busy.

Why don't you wear
a bib next time?

This... this is abusive.

Sam, you better
tell me what he said.


Ok, it's going down.

Nobody makes a move
until I say so.

Park yourself, my friend.

I don't like
not being able to see him.

We've got no control.

Yeah, I know.

It's his call.

He doesn't want
us to be too close

and take a chance of
blowing it, but still.

Well, I still don't like it.

Steiner, this is Jimmy stick.

Jimmy, this...

What the hell is
this, trenchard?


Jimmy stick has cocaine.

The price has been agreed to.

A deal can be made.


Now yours.


Right there.

Richard will test
your goods for purity.

Curious snoop.


Maybe higher.

Jimmy sticks deals in nothing
but the finest on the island.

So, are we going to do business?

I don't think so, boy!


Man, what's going on?

Put that thing away!

This was stupid, trenchard.

You think I'm going to
give away all my g*ns,

and put them in the hands
of these bloody mud people?

Now, now.

We can all make money if we
just put our prejudices aside.

Too bad there's an empty
clip in here, eh, boy?

Could've had ourselves
a little g*nf*re.

You see, I
don't deal with kaffirs!

Come on!

Let's go!

You ok?

Just get me up.

Get me up.


You had us going
there for a minute.


I'll never bad-mouth
these vests again.

Easy, easy.

Oh, easy, easy, Rita.


Boy, I really got the
wind knocked out of me.

Reminds me of my
old football days.

Yeah, with three niners
to the chest point blank,

I'm not surprised.

I bet you've bruised a
couple of ribs there.

I feel like a cop again.


Hey, you got all that, right?

You got all that down, right?

We'll have to check the
batteries on this thing, skip.

You were breaking
up pretty badly.

Yeah, we got the highlights.

So mud people, boy, kaffir.

What a jerk.

Trenchard, he's is just the...

The broker.

Steiner... the prime mover.

No, you know what?

That's it, all right.

It's handoff time.

We're taking over.

Like hell.

You don't think I'm going to sit
the rest of this out, do you?

Steiner is mine, you got that?

Let's get out of here.


I... it's just that I've
never seen someone...

You can't even say it.

k*lled, smoked,
dusted, blown away.


But then, you're not the type
that likes to dirty his hands,

are you, trenchard?

But you sure as hell like to
count your money, don't you?

You got a good reason why I
shouldn't k*ll you, and leave

you lying here for dog meat?



I'm just winding you up.

Still need you to make
this deal happen, don't I?

Did I miss something?

You just k*lled a buyer.

Don't you breathe on me.

You smell of puke.

Dope's no problem
to get down here.

You just find me
somebody else who

wants to trade powder for g*ns.

Yeah, that's why I came
to palm beach, trenchard.

Market is not as
crowded as Miami.

It's going to take time.

Yeah, well, I
ain't got much time.

Cops will be sniffing
around, won't they?

I've got to move these
weapons and get out of here.

Take me loaded coat back.

Well, get on the horn
and find me some action

before I start to wonder
if I need you at all.

Come on.

Hurry up in there.

Hey, we're trying, steiner!

This little girl had to go and
blow his lunch all in the Van.

And now, steiner, we're
going to be mopping up.

How's that?

I don't think I heard you right.

How would you like it?

I almost gagged in there.

Oh, you're breaking my heart.

Hello, detective.

Is he in?

This department, and this office

will not be a part of it.

Who's he fighting with?

He's in with captain hutchinson.

Oh, the swearing stopped.

They must be done.

All right, thanks.

The whole thing stinks, and
I won't be any part of it,

and neither will
this department.

I mean, this is
the most outrageous

thing I've ever heard.

It's beyond entrapment.

It's damn near criminal.

Bottom line here is
I think it'll work.

- You think?
- Yeah.

So what?

You already lost
a kilo of cocaine.

Now, who's going to take
the heat on that, huh?

Now you're talking
about kidnapping?

It's... it's crazy.

It's insane.

Work with me on
this one, Donovan.

Let's get on the same page.

The only way we're going to get
steiner is through trenchard,

and the only way we're
going to get trenchard

is by making him more afraid
of us than he is of steiner.

Nothing you get on him
is worth a damn in court.

Don't you get that?

Trenchard is just the rope
we need to hang steiner.

Now, once this is
over, he walks.

Trenchard never goes to court.

No, no.

No way, jos.

No, we can tag steiner
right now for attempted

m*rder of a police officer.

That buys him a
jolt in a state pen.

Now, I think we break out
the hats and horns just

for getting him off the street.

He k*lled two people.

We drop him on a
death sentence, and we

recover the military hardware
before he has a chance to...

Deal it to the highest bidder.

I'm talking about saving
innocent lives here.

If something goes wrong,
the potential liability

is staggering.

Nothing will go wrong.

You see, steiner bought himself
a whole box of jumbo ass

kick when he shot me.

Now, I didn't mind
him sh**ting me,

but nobody calls me a kaffir.

That I take personal.

I never heard a word of this.

This conversation
never happened.

I was never here.

What the hell is this?

This is beautiful.
This is...


Captain romance.

Beautiful lady,
could I interest you

in a little dinner?

I have a limo waiting
outside, and the chef is

standing by on a -foot catch.

I thought we'd dine at sea.

We can go talk outside.


Hell of a job.

Hell of a job.

Could you play something for me?

What are you trying
to do in there?

I was just trying to do
something nice for you,

brighten your day.

Look, you can't just fly
in here every two months

and expect me just to drop my...

I have a life here, Tyler.

I'm sorry, I
thought you'd like it.

I do.

It's very sweet.

It's just that you can't come
in here and do stuff like this.

I'm working on a very
serious case right now

and, uh, I just can't
be distracted by you.

Coal-poached salmon
with dill sauce.

I mean, it's your favorite.

You are impossible.

No I'm not.

You are.

Please, tuna sandwich,
a picnic on a blanket.


It's low profile.


Ok, we've got trenchard.

Evening, sir.

Is there a problem, officer?

License and
registration, please.

Of course.

Have you been drinking this
evening, Mr. Trenchard?

No, nothing.

Step out of the vehicle, sir.

This is ridiculous.

Touch your nose
with your finger.

Close your eyes.

Sir, you're under
arrest for driving

under the influence of alcohol.

This is outrageous.

I want a blood test.

Get him in the car.

- Get out of the car.
- What?

Get out of the car!

Get in the back.

Get in the back.

This is one niner X-ray.

Show is , this location.

You just k*lled police officers.

You just shot them down!


No, you're... you're...

I am very much alive, and
still wanting to do business.

Steiner will k*ll me.

Don't you understand that?

Well, at least with
him, it'll be quick.

You know, business.

But with my friends, pleasure.

They take a long while.

Crazy, unpredictable.

Come on, quit it!

I said back up and stay
out of my face, all right?

I have no control.

How long are we going
to wait, Jimmy, huh?

The last guy croaked
before I got my turn.


He's beautiful.

Yeah, man.

Want to go first this time?

So what's it going
to be, trenchard?

No more time for
talking, time for doing,

one way or the other, man.

All right, just keep
them away from me.



Ok, go back to your cages now.

Go, go.

You promised me, Jimmy.

I want his ear.

I'll get you an ear next time.

Now go, child.

Let me do business
with this man.

Steiner must think
everything ayrie.

No alarm in your voice.

Might feed your ear to her.

Jeremy trenchard here.

I've got good news.

All right, thanks, guys.

Never seen so much cocaine.

I didn't realize
we seized all this.

We didn't.

Actually, Chris and I
called up some old markers

from lauderdale, Miami.

You know, if anything goes
wrong, and you lose this load,

we're all going to be
looking for new jobs.

Relax, George.

We had planned the whole
thing very carefully.

Now, why doesn't that
make me feel any better?

Because you are a maniac.

Thank you.

Mike, want to go
through the numbers again?

The charger's on a timer.

Push in the cigarette
lighter and the clock starts.

So two minutes, right?

You got it.


All right, let's do this.

Let's get going.

Hey, good luck, and
you guys be careful, huh?

You'll mess up my calendar
if you get yourself k*lled.

Well, you dance on a minefield,

you dance on your
toes, right, George?

Just be careful.

We will.

I'll see you.


Such a foul habit.

You should give it up.

Before it kills me, if
I should live so long.

As soon as steiner sees
you, we're all dead.

Steiner no see me, if
everything goes as planned.

And if it doesn't?

Little buddy got to
die sometime, you know?

But you will die first.



You even so much as
look at the n*zi sideways,

and you're history.


Trenchard here.

Everything's in order.

Let's make this happen.

Anytime you're ready.

These are the people
I told you about.

Good boy.

I like this better already.

At least these folks are
the right shade, eh, pike?


I want to see the g*ns.

Do you now?

Now show me yours, darling.


Come on.

Now let me see the rest.

Right in there, spot.

But the deal was keys.

Back of my Van.

If you don't mind, I'd like
my man to check a key at random.

No, no, it's all right.

My lady sees the g*ns first.

No problem.

Go on in.

They're as pretty as you are.


Back up, pretty boy.

Pike, pike.


Check the dope.

All right.

Everybody just settle down.

Just playing it safe.

I don't want to get burned here.

Yeah, it's all here.

All right, well,
bring it over here.

We'll let Richard test it.

Hey, we've got a problem.

Oh, man.

Man, you look so
surprised to see I.

I'll k*ll her.

Time's wasting.

I swear, they
forced me into this.

They would have k*lled me.

Looks like we got
ourselves a stand off, eh?

I think not.

You see, uh... we're
police officers, Adolf.

And you're under
arrest, sweetheart.

Well, she's dead if you
don't drop that piece, boy.

Drop it!


Time's running out.

Well, I guess
you're the only kaffir

I ever had to k*ll twice.

Freeze, or I'll
blow your ass away!

You're going to learn to
give up that word, kaffir,

'cause where I'm sending
you, the brothers

ain't going to like it.

Hutch, you all right?

Everything ayrie, daughter.

Sarge, do you have
any paper clips?

Um, I don't know.

Uh... uh, I'm out of here.

All right, I'll see you later.



So what did you bring
this time, a brass band?


No brass bands this time.

Actually, the reason I came is I
have to fly to New York tonight

and I wanted to give
it one more shot.

Rita, I care about you.

I care about you a lot.

If I came on too strong or I
embarrassed you, I'm sorry.

I uh...
- No, you...

Maybe I'm no good
at this romance thing.

Well, the violins
was a nice touch.



Then the next time I'm in town,

you'll have lunch
with me, right?


But today, sir, I
am buying you lunch.



You don't have to pitch me
a three ring circus, Tyler.

You just got to be yourself.


I want you in my life.

I can't be any
straighter than that.

Why don't we just,
uh, try to get to know

each other at a slower pace?

It was pretty intense, huh?

Maybe, um, it was
a little too intense.

Maybe we should just
give it some time.

And maybe we've got a chance
together, maybe we don't.

I don't know.

Oh, I think we do.

Oh, you do?

Oh, definitely.



Of course, this probably
means that you're

going to want me to
cancel that hot air

balloon brunch and that long
romantic weekend sailboat.

Oh, let's not be so hasty.

I kind of like hot air balloons.

- Oh, you do?
- Yeah.

Oh, I thought you would
think they're too intense.
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