02x19 - Giant Steps

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x19 - Giant Steps

Post by bunniefuu »


Good. You’re here.

I’m so glad.

So, where’s
prince charming?

I invited my partner.

He’s a no-show.


He’s the key witness
in a trial that starts tomorrow

so they are rehearsing today.

Well, that’s his loss.

You look beautiful.


How are you, Roxanne?

I’m doing... I'm doing fine.

You look...

Like I need a drink?

No, you do not look
like you need a drink.

You look really strong.


How are things with Alvin? Okay?

He’s trying really hard.

We both are.

You know, I got him
in the program


We’re avoiding the old crowd--

the drunks and the users.

Rita, I think
we’re going to make it.

I’m really happy for you.

Hey, come on, this is a party.

Let me introduce you
around-- come on.

Happy birthday, Alvin.

I’ve got something
for you.

I’ll even unwrap it for you.

You know, Roxanne
will sh**t us both

if she catches you here.

Who cares?

I miss my Alvin.

I want him back.

Give it a rest, Viv,
will you?

I’m trying to make
my marriage work.

You can give up your pills

and your booze, baby

but you don’t have
to give up me.

When I was using

I could have had
a good time

with a telephone pole.

Why don’t you
just spare me

the sobriety pitch?

You know, part
of my rehab program

is to make a list
of the people I hurt

because of my addictions,
and to make amends.

And you’re
on my list, Vivian.

Oops, here it comes.

It’s true.

My addictions fed yours
and I let it happen.

The only thing you fed me

was the same thing you fed
every other woman in palm beach.


What are you doing here?

Lighten up, Roxanne.

It’s Alvin’s birthday.

We brought a present.


Vivian’s here?

Where is she?

She was upstairs
with Alvin earlier.

Miserable bitch.

I will k*ll them both.


Oh, damn it, Alvin.

Oh, how could you?

There’s our boy.

I told you
what would happen, Alvin.

♪ For he’s
a jolly good fellow... ♪

That’s it.

You’re history.

♪ ...fellow... ♪


♪ ...which nobody can deny. ♪

( Cheering )

Happy birthday, Calvin.

Palm beach is a town
full of money.

Almost everybody here has it.

Most have a lot,
so what do they do with it?

They spend more than a little

on the pursuit
of fun and pleasure

and sometimes it’s more

than just high times
and misdemeanors.

I really appreciate it, Noriko.

I hate to ruin your day off.

Yeah, yeah.

When did it happen?

A little less than an hour ago.

I wanted you to see the body
as soon as possible.

Long way down, Mr. Drake.

Anyone see what happened?

Yeah, about people.

You think it’s homicide?

I don’t know

but I think dr*gs were
definitely involved.

It wouldn’t be the first time
a junkie fell

and broke his neck.

He wasn’t a junkie,

Then where do the dr*gs fit in?

I don’t know

but I know the drakes,
and dr*gs have not been

a part of their life
for a while.

Listen, my guys will
pick up Mr. Drake.

Talk to you
tomorrow morning,
first thing?

Great. Thanks a lot.


Well, listen, I'm going to go
talk to Roxanne.

Why don’t you salvage

the rest of your Sunday,

I can stay.

I’ll interview
some of the witnesses.

I saw the whole
thing happen.

Listen, you can talk
to me tomorrow

while Dr. Weinstein
is interviewing Alvin Drake.

I’ll see you then.

When I went downstairs,
he was still dressing.

He said he’d be right along.

And when I came back
I found him over there.

He had...

Taken a hit of something.

Where did you find this?

In his hand.

What kind of dr*gs
was he taking, Roxanne?

I... I don’t know.

It is very important for you
to tell me the truth

about this.

He wasn’t taking any dr*gs.

Not anymore.

He hadn’t... he hadn’t used
or had a drink

in over five months.

Was there a stash
laying around of yours

that maybe he
could’ve gotten into?

dr*gs aren’t my thing, Rita.

You know that.

It’s the bottle
for me.

What is this... this attitude?

You said that you found
the syringe in his hand

but you said
that he doesn’t use dr*gs.

It doesn’t make sense.

Look, I don’t know
why he did it, all right?

But I bet you I know
who slipped him the dr*gs.


Vivian Delong.

Who is that?

A shrink.

She wanted my husband

and she thought

if she could get him started
using again...

She’d have him.

Last year, during
the "fresh air for kids" fund

and I was at the health club
taking pledges.

Roxanne had never heard
of the camp

but she reached
into her purse

and she wrote
a check for $.

Pocket change
for somebody
with her money

but still a nice gesture.

At that time,
I never would have believed

that she had a drinking problem.

Come on, Rita, the drakes
were big-time partiers

always in the papers.

Social swingers,
booze and alcohol

goes with
the territory.

Yeah, well, she says
she’s clean now anyway.

You believe her?

I want to.

All right.

I got to get out of here.

I’m due at the courthouse.

You think it’s going to be
a long trial?

Today’s the first day

and already
it’s a long trial.

See you.

Have fun.

How’s the family,

They’re fine, Bert.

Thanks for asking.

One boy, right?

That’s right.

Nine years old.

Seems like just yesterday
he was five.

The day before that he was two.

It sure gets away from you.

Time passes.

I feel

like I'm missing out

that I'm not a part
of his life.

Most of my time is spent
at the office or in court.

Man’s got to have
his work, George.

It’s what defines us.

You can’t lose touch with that.

You either grow
in your job...

Or you dry up and die.

What’s going on
in the D.A.’s office,

That’s what I've
lost touch with.

Bert, I know you and Roy
are old friends.

Shouldn’t you be asking him?

He wouldn’t give me a straight
answer if I did ask him.

Roy Conroy’s out, George.


You mean out out?

There won’t be any judgeship
for Roy Conroy.

The man’s not smart.

He’s not a team player.

He wouldn’t listen to what
I said once too often.

He’s done good work.

He put a good team together.

The team made him look good,
but that’s not good enough.

The job needs foresight, vision.

Vision is
what I'm talking about.

I want you to run
for district attorney, George.

I can put you
in the job.

Look beyond this.

Judge Donovan.

Senator Donovan.

I’m not just spinning
rainbow dreams here.

It can happen.

I thought you
might like to see

this one for yourself.

I found bruises on his
right shoulder, right arm

some bruising on the knee.

Got a real crack
on the back of the head.


You saw those stairs.

It could happen.

But it wasn’t fatal.

No more than
a moderate concussion.

Then what k*lled him?

Your first impression
was right.

Opiate overdose

leading to a massive
respiratory collapse.

Well, it was a little more
than a first impression.

He was dead
before he hit the stairs.

Here’s the point
of injection.

That’s unusual.

It wasn’t street goods--
it was pure.

I’m guessing morphine.

We’ll run a gas chromatograph
on the syringe

so I’ll know for sure tomorrow.

That’s unusual again.

Yes, it is.

How much did he use?

Let’s just say if this state
ex*cuted by lethal injection

they couldn’t do it
any better than this.

So Alvin,
who knew his dr*gs

would do something
stupid like this.

This, uh...

This stuff was in his pockets?


That’s interesting.

The matches were used
left to right

which means...
He was probably left-handed.

He put the needle
in his left arm--

I guess he could have used
his off hand

or maybe somebody helped him.

Thanks, doctor.

There were hard feelings
on her part

although I never
really understood why.

But Roxanne’s thinking
seemed to go sideways

after she got
on her sobriety kick.

You mean
she was acting irrational?

I wouldn’t say "irrational."

See, the four of us
had been very close.

Alvin and I...
Roxanne and Everett.

I think I get the picture.

It’s palm beach,

We all enjoy
a little more freedom here.

Anyway, Roxanne decided
she didn’t want

to play
the game anymore.

Which is fine, but...

Then she just started acting
like I was trying to take Alvin.

I mean, we were good in bed
together, but that’s about it.

Let’s get back
to what happened yesterday.

Did you go see Alvin?

Mm-hmm. He was getting dressed

and I just wanted to say
"happy birthday"

but he was afraid
that Roxanne

would find us

and get mad, kick him out.

So we made other arrangements.

Alvin was still pursuing
a relationship with you?

We were both pursuing it.

Did the two of you
do dr*gs

when you were together?

Mm-mm, nope, Alvin was staying
straight for his party.

He always did when he was
going to be around Roxanne.

And I knew that me
even being there

might be touchy with her,
so I was on my best behavior.

Roxanne put so much
pressure on him to quit

but his heart just wasn’t in it.

He was terrified
that she would find out.

Did she?

I don’t know.

Although I did tell him
I thought he should do

whatever turned him on
for his birthday.

It’s his day.

a psychiatrist.

Why would you encourage
a man who’s struggling

with drug and alcohol dependency
to do whatever turns him on?

Alvin could handle his use.

He wasn’t a sl*ve to it.

It was purely recreational.

Roxanne couldn’t
understand that.

Her obsession with sobriety

was making his life
a living hell

and I don’t think

it should be
like that.

I could eat you with a spoon.

Well, I don’t have a spoon.

Couldn’t you just
use your fingers

like a piece of chicken?

Ha-ha, some piece of chicken.

( Moaning )

I’ve always thought

you were the sexiest woman
I've ever known.

I get so excited
knowing you want me.

Ooh... poor Alvin.


Even dead, he’s got
to be missing this.

( Chuckling )

You’re terrible.

I don’t want
to share you anymore.

Could be asking for more
than you can handle.

Lot of work for one man.

I’m up to it.

Let’s see if you are.

Artie Macker--

the sleazo
from the sentinel

the guy that leaves
a trail of slime

wherever he goes--

he’s on me
about the autopsy report.

"Is it true
you’re not going
to release the body

"until it’s

"What do you
expect it to show?

Is it going to be made public?"

The guy’s a shark.

So, what did you tell him?

No comment.

Oh, bet that slowed him down.

Macker says

"why we running a covert op
on a homicide?"

I say,
"who told you that?"

He says two homicide cops
and an M.E.

Showed up at the scene
minutes after it happened.

Is that true?

Yeah, I was an invited guest.

I called Dr. Weinstein
and lieutenant Hudson.

Do we have a homicide here?

We have
a suspicious death

that might involve dr*gs.

What I saw didn’t make sense,
so I called.

And you opened one big can
of worms in the process.

Drake was tight
with the people

who run this town.

His boss, my boss,
it’s a long list.

Now I am really sorry, George.

You should be.

If macker starts tagging this
as a homicide

those people in charge

are going to want you
to bust somebody

and they’re going to want me
to hang them.

And you don’t want to try
a high-profile case

that you might lose.

Absolutely-- if
I can’t make this stick

I wind up the sacrificial goat.

Macker and those bottom feeders
he works for would love that.

Cut the political crap.

Party line is accidental death

until we come up
with a slam-dunk suspect.

I don’t care
what we call
it, lieutenant

as long as we can continue
the investigation.

There is a good chance
that he did not inject himself

and if that is the case,
maybe it wasn’t an accident.

Any proof?

Then my quote
to the press:

"The cause
of Alvin drake’s death

"was an overdose
of painkilling medication.

"The investigation
is continuing.

No further comment
at this time."

End quote.

You have to know how to handle
guys like Artie macker.

You have to be firm.

You have to draw your line
in the sand.

What did Roxanne
say to you

before she went

I forget her exact words.

She wasn’t very friendly,

Kind of uptight.

I think she was surprised
Vivian and I were there

and, of course, enraged

that Vivian had gone upstairs
with Alvin.

I thought all of you

were good friends.

Roxanne didn’t really like Alvin
to be around Vivian.

They had had a... relationship.

How did you feel
about that?

It was over.

You didn’t have
hostile feelings
towards Drake?


What are you trying
to imply, detective?

That I disliked Alvin
because of Vivian?

Don’t make any more of that
than it deserves.

Do you have any idea where
Mr. Drake may have gotten

the dr*gs
that k*lled him?

Try any street corner.

It’s a growth industry.

So, what
did you think

about the wax job
on Roxanne?

He didn’t exactly accuse her,
but the finger was pointed.

And I don’t believe it.

Maybe you don’t
want to believe it.

You’re right, I don’t.

A lot of what
our job is about

is understanding
human nature.

We are dealing with
this group of people
here, though

that I don’t

They’ve got all
the money
in the world

they can go

So why do
the idle rich

lie, cheat, get drunk
and get high

as a way to have fun?

What’s there
to understand, Rita?

A person can be rich and still
have no sense of self-worth

at the same time.

Roxanne has tried so hard
to distance herself

from that lifestyle.

I just think
that she deserves a break.

We’re not in
the break-giving business.

The only prints
on the syringe

belong to Alvin
and Roxanne, right?


Okay, let’s talk motive then.

How was the marriage holding up?

They had pulled
everything together.

She was sober

he was clean

and everything
seemed all right.

Recovery is
a long road, Rita.

If he did slip

it might have been enough
to make her start calling

those divorce lawyers again.

In a divorce, she’d be lucky

to get half
of what he didn’t hide.

And her divorce lawyers
would take half of that.

With him dead,
she gets to keep it all

by the way, is...?

I have heard in the neighborhood
of $ million mentioned.

That’s a pretty pricy motive.


I just left a note
on your desk.

Alvin Drake--
definitely morphine.


The intramuscular injection
just diffused the drug.

Slower, but
just as lethal.

What would have happened

if he had injected it
right into his vein?

Dead a lot quicker.

His heart
would have burst.

But this way
could have given
the k*ller

time to get away.

How long to deliver the shot?

From that syringe you gave me,
maybe ten seconds.

That’s too long.

He could’ve fought it off

he could’ve pulled
the needle out, yelled for help.

Unless he was unconscious.

He had that blow

to the back of his head.

I figured the stairs,
you know, from the fall...

But he could have been sapped.

I think we go back
to the crime scene--

drake’s bedroom.

You think we’ll need
a warrant?

No. I don’t think
Roxanne will object.

Look for
something heavy

with a straight edge.

Maybe sharp, maybe rounded.

You let me know what you find.

Do you have any thoughts about
where the dr*gs came from?

This strength?
Probably a hospital.

Great, we’ve got a couple
of doctors in the mix here.

It’s one of those opioids
doctors sometimes abuse.

They have
any hospital privileges?

Maywood hospital.

If you go through administration

it’s going to take you six
weeks, a ton of warrants

while they play cover my buns.

Why don’t you talk
to my friend Lucy?

Save you a lot
of time and grief.

Isn’t this a little...

Perfectly legal.

Just not by the hospital book.

Thanks, doctor.

And why don’t
you go by
in the morning?

I mean, like anytime
after : a.m.

I’ll let her know
you’re coming.

: a.m.-- I’ll be glad when
Lorenzo’s back on the job.

I don’t need to be out here

beating the bushes
before daylight.


Hey, lieutenant...

Check this out.


They’re all dusty

except for this one.

It’s been wiped clean.


Looks like something
right there.

Yeah, you’re right.

We’ll take it
down to the lab

and see what
they can find.

Damn you, Vivian.

Damn you.

Damn you!

You can’t keep
your knees together

for a single day, can you?

You go straight to hell.

You, out of my house.

Take it easy, buddy.

The lady said
she felt neglected.

I was just trying
to help her out.

Just get out.

How dare you.

You bitch!

( Groaning )

Get up!

I’ll sh**t you, you miserable,
impotent excuse for a man.

You say one word, and watch me.



What are you doing here?

I... was taking
a deposition inside.

Thought I might catch you
on your way home.

Got a second?

Yeah, sure.

Why didn’t you stop by my desk?

Because this is
very confidential

and I need some advice--

advice I can trust.

I’ll do my best.

I’m thinking of running for D.A.

George, that’s terrific.

You think so?

Yes, I do.

Well, I've been finding
all kinds

of things
wrong with it.

Like what?

Rita, I don’t do

the political thing very well.

I feel inept at it

and the, uh, public exposure...

You get used to it, George.

That’s what I'm afraid of.

I love my little family--

the closeness--

it’s very private.

But you hold public office,
and that all gets opened up.

I mean, everybody
gets to look.

You’re exposed.

The privacy goes away.

I’m not sure I want
to put my family through that.

Plus the extra time
the job demands.

Time away from them.

I already feel
the job interferes.

George, I think your family
would be thrilled for you.

I understand your concern

but if you approach it

Maybe what you think is
fear is really excitement.

You should let them
in on it.

It’s such a big step.

I don’t think you
should be afraid

to take it.

If that’s what
you want to do

you should do it.


My name is Roxanne.

I’m an alcoholic.

Hi, Roxanne.

This is about my husband.

We were both addicts--

me to alcohol,
and him to... everything.

Um, I started coming
to the meetings first

and then, after a while,
he came along, too.

It was like we had, um,
just met.

The honesty was...
Was so incredible...

It was so...
So wonderful, you know

being... being so
completely open--

not... not hiding anything
or denying anything

even to yourself.

But, I mean, you...

You all know that.

He just had a birthday.

I threw him a big party
on Sunday.

I found him with a needle
in his hand.

He had taken a hit
of something--

a big hit.



I know

I'm ready to slip.

I’m feeling like
I'm wanting to slip...

But I don’t want to. I don’t.

I’ve never felt so alone.

I want a drink so bad.

I love you, Alvin.

Please help me
to have the strength

to keep coming back here.


I don’t know about you guys

but... I could go for
some cake and coffee.

Our, uh... our cake tonight
is a ten-year cake.

Ten years sober,
for Lou.

Lou, are you here?

Ten years and three days.

Way to go, Lou.

No, no.


Way to go, Roxanne.

Noriko’s friend, Lucy,
did it all on her computer

crossing doctors’ orders
against pharmacy inventory.

Are one of the Delongs
stealing morphine?

No shortages,
down to the last pill.

Great. Now we do it
the hard way--

a drugstore at a time.

We’re going to try
something else.

Lucy’s at lunch.


When you start work at : a.m.

You eat lunch at breakfast time.

Which reminds me,
I'm about to cave.

Come on.
Keep me company.

Lab boys get back to you
on the statue?

Yep. They found

human plasma
on the base.

It had been wiped down,
but not completely.

No prints?

No prints.

What about the syringe?

The maker I.D.’d it
as a sample lot

that went
to maywood hospital.

Where the Delongs
have privileges.

Uh-huh. They definitely
had access

and they were the only
people at the party who did.


Talking out of school here,
betraying a confidence...


I had a conversation
of sorts

with Mrs. Drake last night.

Is that right?

We’re... we have
mutual friends.

We’re in the same
recovery group.

I didn’t know.

That I'm an alcoholic?

That you knew Roxanne.

I don’t exactly
know her.

Recovering alcoholics tend
to protect their anonymity.

Yeah, well, I guess
their children do, too.

Your mom or your dad?

My dad.

The last couple years
of his life

were a living hell.

My mom died,
and my dad was broke.

He tried to hide it
in the bottle.

It didn’t work.

It never does.

Did he try
a recovery program?

For a day, for a week.

He was recovering all the time.

And then one day
he just gave up.


I’m sorry.

I know
how Roxanne

pulled her life together.

If it’s not too personal,
how did you quit?

I’m still quitting,
one day at a time.

Every day is just a step.

Giant steps.

I was to the point
your father was.

My life... was a shambles.

Each day almost,
I’ll think of something--

something that happened
during that time in my life--

something I probably
tried to forget.

And it’s the same
with your friend.

She’s still peeling away
the old, shriveled-up layers

of her life, trying to get
to the healthy ones.

So you think
she knows

more than she realizes about
why her husband was k*lled.

It’s a possibility.

Sounds like you’re
starting to agree

with my instincts about Roxanne.

A distinct possibility.

Excuse me,
I'm Artie macker.

Hey, Artie,
the newspaper guy.

Nice to meet you.

Yeah, right.

I’m looking
for George Donovan.

I haven’t seen George
all day long.

Artie! Hey,
good morning.


Hey, George.

Lorenzo. Homicide.

Are you working on that
Alvin Drake accidental homicide?

We can get
into that.

That’s a good example

of what I wanted
to talk to you about.

There are ways we can make
life easier for each other.

Lorenzo, aren’t
you supposed
to be in court?

Yes, I am, George, yes, I am

but you guys have had me sitting
on my thumb all day long.

You could be
just a bit

more organized, don’t you think?

Always a joker.

Come on, Artie, let’s
get a cup of coffee.

You know, I've
always admired
your work...

I would do anything
to please Alvin.

Oh, and he wanted
to try everything--

every new drug fad,
kinky tricks with me

other women...

I was drunk a lot,
all right?

I regret it.

But what’s done is done.

What can you tell me
about Everett Delong?

He’s a very decent man.

He’s always been crazy
about Vivian

which she in turn uses
to control him.

They’re both
doctors, right?

Which one did they
get the dr*gs from,
do you know?

No, I don’t know.

Roxanne, it was
going on in your house.

You know how it is
with a drinker?

He’ll ask you if you want
to sit down and talk

ask you if you want a taste

pour himself one
whether you have one or not

and then proceed
to knock it back

while you sit there
and chat

about the weather
or some damn thing.

Do you know anybody

who might have
wanted Alvin dead?

You really think
he was m*rder*d?

Yeah, I do, Roxanne.

I just can’t prove it.

Wait. Is that the reason
for all these questions?

You think I did it?

No, I don’t think
that you did it, Roxanne.

I just...
I’m trying

to come up with
some kind of motive.

Was Alvin afraid
of anybody?

Was there anything
that he was concerned about?

Money deals,
anything like that?


He was setting up a trust fund
for Walter fox’s children.

He called it his atonement.

Well, what did he do to them?

It happened at our house
at a party.

Walter died
of an overdose of something.

Alvin had given him
the dr*gs.

Scared the hell out of him.

That was, uh...

It was just before we split up.

Was there an inquest?


Because Alvin drove the body
back to Walter’s house

where it was found.

No one ever even knew
we were involved.

Nobody at all?

Everett and Vivian.

So then Alvin started
to feel guilty.

I tried to tell him
that it wasn’t his fault alone.

I mean, Walter certainly
wasn’t innocent

and it was probably
one of the Delongs

that gave him the dr*gs
in the first place.

Once Alvin got
clean and sober

it really started eating at him.

He really was a very...
Caring, decent man.

I really need your help
on this, Roxanne.

Anything that you can think of--
keep going over it--

give me a call, all right?

Is the grapevine right?

You’re running
for your boss’s job?

Whoa, whoa.
Where did you hear that?

Unimpeachable source

in city hall.

Who else has heard this?


From what I'm told.


He got very quiet.

Oh. Oh, no.

That’s bad.

Look, if I do this thing,
and it flops

I mean, good-bye, job,
good-bye, palm beach.

I’ll be fired
the day after election.

I’m not even sure
I want to do this.

But what if you win?

You have the right people
behind you, from what I'm told.

Why are you worried?

If the only way for you
to take a step up the ladder

is to knock the guy off

ahead of you

that’s politics.

Congratulations, Donovan.

I think.

( Laughing )

I’m bound.

I’m bound.

Did you cancel
your sessions

for today?


I said I'd been mugged.

Do I look mugged?

Vivian, I, uh...


Don’t ruin it by apologizing.

Ruin it?

A little excitement from you
for a change.

Would you have shot me?

Right between the eyes.

Can you really
be that cold?

Oh, anything but cold.

You know that.

Vivian, I'm going
to the office.

I didn’t get to finish
what I started last night.

Help me.


And at first

we didn’t have
a clue.

Every file had
doctor’s orders on it

and many a time

Dr. Delong had ordered
one drug or another

but there were never
any shortages.

Any morphine?

Oh, you bet.

There was morphine,
there was meperidine

there was a whole
lot of stuff.

His patients would’ve looked
like pincushions.

So you’re telling me

he let his patients suffer while
he walked off with the dr*gs?

No, it was just the opposite.

They never suffered.

Usually it was natural delivery
of a second or third child.

All’s they needed was
a local for an episiotomy.

He wrote up

kept the dr*gs himself

made fake entries
on patient charts.

And the insurance companies
paid for the fun.

And for Alvin drake’s m*rder.

It’s not the slam dunk
we were looking for

but it’s enough to bring his
butt in here and talk about it.

So? Ready to go
get him, partner?

Oh, man, I wish!

Judge called a two-hour recess
to look at some evidence

see if it was admissible
in court.

I got to get back.

Good luck.


Shall we?

After you.

All right.

My attorney is on his way.

Would you please tell me
what this is about?

Sure you don’t want to wait
for your lawyer?

Please, just answer me.

You are a suspect

in the theft of morphine
and other dr*gs

taken from
maywood hospital.

You should know we also
have under warrant

secured copies
of pertinent patient files.

You’re also a suspect
in the m*rder of Alvin Drake.


Not me.

Alvin wasn’t m*rder*d.

It was an accident.

You were there.

Mr. Drake died

of a lethal injection
of morphine, doctor.

It wasn’t instantaneous.

You could have
done it.


How much?

Enough to k*ll several people.

He was knocked unconscious
and then he was injected.

That was
really cold, doctor.

But I didn’t...

The man fell down the stairs.

He was a walking dead man
before he got to the stairs.

Dr. Delong, I know that you took
the morphine and the syringe

that k*lled Alvin Drake

from maywood hospital.

If you gave them to someone else
and you want to tell me about it

I'm all ears.

Do you have anything to say?

Leave me alone.

Please... just leave me alone.

I feel like
it is slipping away.

Spent an hour
with Donovan

trying to wring
this thing out.

Says in his opinion...

"We have
no smoking syringe."

Words to that effect.


If he didn’t do it--
if it was Vivian--

even if Everett knows,
and he wants to tell us

we are locked out.

You’re right--
husband-and-wife privilege.

He can’t testify
against her.

But that deals

with communications
between spouses.

So if he gave
the morphine to Vivian

he could testify to that,
couldn’t he?

I think he could.

And if we can put

what amounted to
the m*rder w*apon
in her hands

that would at least give
Donovan some leverage.

Mrs. Drake here yet?

Yeah, she’s here.

Let’s put them both together

and see how
the doctor reacts.




I don’t know
what to say.

I’m so sorry.

You’ve got
to believe me.

I didn’t know.

It’s hard to believe

someone could do that
to Alvin, isn’t it?

I can’t believe
Vivian could be that cold

but she always
surprises me.

Why are you here?

I came to see
Sergeant Lance.

She told me
you were in here

and I... thought
you’d be scared.

Did Vivian stick that needle
in my husband, Everett?

I don’t know that she did.


Did you give her the dr*gs?

I always kept her supplied.

She would pass
whatever she had

along to her friends.

I’ve been very stupid,
haven’t I?

Yeah, well, we’ve all been
pretty stupid from time to time.

Everett, you’ve just got
to get control of your life.

Ah, but first, I would have
to get it away from Vivian

and I don’t think I can do that.

I’m helpless
with her.

I know you’ll do what’s right.

George Donovan and I have both
talked to Judge Miller

and the judge says that
Dr. Delong is to be released

on his own recognizance

I know, Mr. Huber.

I already spoke
to Donovan.

Your man will be
right out.

As a matter of fact,
here he is now.

good to see you.

Thank you
for coming.

Everett, did you
keep your mouth shut?

Everything is fine, Vivian.

Good. Then let’s get you home.

And do what? Get high

so we can forget
the mess we’re in?

The grief
that we’ve caused?

Darling, you’ve been
through hell.


I’d advise you to keep quiet

until we’ve had
a chance to talk.

What for? What’s the point?

I’m sick of it all.

Our entire life is a waste.

Now, are you going
to talk to these men

and tell them what happened?

I’ve got nothing to say to them.

Take some responsibility,

Let’s go.

I used to think Vivian
was addicted to sex.

She’s not.

It’s control
she’s hooked on.

Have you seen this?

A shark like Artie macker
loves the taste of warm blood

and he doesn’t give a damn
whose veins it comes out of.

The early edition?

What’s in it, George?

Only the end of my career--

in this town, anyway.

"D.A.’s office
in gridlock."

"An unnamed source."

Wouldn’t be you, now,
would it, George?

Roy Conroy didn’t get
to be D.A. By being stupid.

He’s going to know it was me.

He’s got a g*n.

Who’s got a g*n?

Dr. Delong, in the parking lot.

He’s going to sh**t
his wife.

Stay here.

Drop the g*n
and release her.

Stay back.
I don’t want
to have to sh**t.

You’re too weak to do it.

You haven’t got the guts.

I will do it,

unless you go
back inside

and tell them
what you did to Alvin.

You are such a fool.

I did it as much for you
as for me.

If the truth comes out,
we’re both ruined.

Put the g*n down,
Dr. Delong.

Let her go

and drop the g*n.

Stay away.

Drop the g*n!

Listen to her.

She has something

she wants
to tell you.

I’ve got nothing to say.

Let’s talk about this
without the g*n.

Put the g*n down.

Tell them!


You don’t have the nerve
to do it.

You know damned well
I'd do it to you

but you can’t do it.

( g*nsh*t )

Lieutenant Hudson helped me
understand a few things.

About Roxanne?

And my dad.

Pride is what
kept him drunk.

He couldn’t admit that he
was powerless over alcohol.

He thought that he could
beat it on sheer willpower

but disease does not have
respect for willpower.

You’ve got to be willing
to surrender to it.

My dad would never
surrender to anything.

Well, maybe he couldn’t.

Nobody likes to admit

their mistakes

open up to strangers,
ask for help.

But those strangers were
people just like him.

They might have
had answers

and that is
what is so sad--

that things could
have turned out

differently for him.

Step number four:

Make a searching
and moral inventory

of ourselves.

Ouch! And it only gets
tougher from there.


Rita, Chris!

Hey, Roxanne.

they kick in at mile four.
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