02x21 - Look the Other Way

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x21 - Look the Other Way

Post by bunniefuu »

Ooh, Lucille.

Oh, it’s a fine scent.

♪ Good to go ♪

♪ going good. ♪

Where you going?!

I am really getting tired of you
and this whole situation!

You can just talk to her!

I’m sure she cares!


You are the biggest jerk

and the biggest mistake
of my life.

Get in the car.

Oh, you’re going
to push me?

Oh, why don’t
you hit me?

Good idea.

Maybe I should.

I’m not some doll
you can pick up...

Will you stop being
so unreasonable?

Hey, hold it.

Police officer.

You got a problem here?

No problem, officer.

Just a little disagreement.

I’d like to hear that

from the lady, if I could, sir.

No, really, it’s okay.

I mean, it’s not okay,
but there’s no trouble.


I’m sorry.

We can work this out,
I swear it.


You okay?

Thank you, officer.

Look, if you need to call
somebody-- a cab or a friend--

I’ve got a phone
in my car.

No, really, everything’s fine.

It will work out.

Well, if it doesn’t work out

you don’t need to take
the abuse, all right?

Just get on the phone.

See, sometimes there
is a cop around

when you need one.

You can call anytime,
home and office.

Thank you, Sergeant Lorenzo.

What’s your name?

It’s Karen Daniels...

And thank you.

( Car starts )

( Phone ringing )


Sergeant Lorenzo,
it’s Karen Daniels.

Karen, what’s up?

You said if I need help,
you said I could call you.

I have to tell someone.

Karen, where are you?



( Click; Dial tone )

( Phone ringing )


It’s Karen Daniels.

I couldn’t talk before.


I need to talk to you.


Look, why don’t you come
by the office tomorrow

say, around : a.m.?

No, no, it can’t wait.

Please, you’ve got to come now.

Okay, Karen, just calm down.

Tell me where you are.

The hotel excelsior

is what’s euphemistically
called a residence hotel.

It’s a good example
of the decay that takes over

when the money moves on

and a good argument
for urban renewal.

What it really is

is one step away
from sleeping in the street

and in the middle of the night

it can seem like
the end of the earth.


Sergeant Lorenzo!

Hold it!

Will somebody call
an ambulance?!



( Softly ):



How you feeling?

I’m fine. I’m cool.

You should see
the other guy.

I did.

So, how does it
look, Vicky?

It was through
and through.

The b*llet passed
under the muscle wall

but it didn’t hit
any bone.

If it had, we
could be looking

at a very different

You’re one
lucky cop, Lorenzo.

We’ll get to
the hospital

and draw you some
big-time pain-k*ller.

You may feel
all right now

but believe me, honey,
that’s going to be sore.

Thanks, Vick.

I’ll be right back.

What’s the
preliminary here?

Well, we got an I.D.
On the sh**t.

His name is Jack Moran.

He’s a local
hired g*n.

street-level talent

but his reputation says

that he is not a guy
that tends to miss.

He didn’t miss.

I just didn’t miss
a little better.

Have a history
with this guy?

No, never heard of him,

Then why is he trying to
turn out your lights?

I don’t know.

I wish I hadn’t shot him

so I could beat
the crap out of him

and find that out,


Just what were you doing here
in the middle of the night?

You had no backup,
no calls to anybody, Chris.

Look, I’m telling you
it was no big deal.

Well, I think
it’s a very big deal.

Look, early this morning

I’m driving home
on beach boulevard, okay?

I see a couple having a problem.

I stop,
we talk about it,
they calm down.

I gave the lady my card,
they drive away.

So did you get a description
of a car, a tag number?

It’s in my coat pocket.

These people have names?

Karen Daniels.

She calls me two
times this morning.

The first time,
she was too scared.

She hung up.

The second time, she calls,
she tells me to meet her here.

Come on, lieutenant,
it was just an address.

I didn’t know
it was such a fancy place.

She sounded like she was scared.

And that was it?

Yeah, that was it.

It seemed like nothing serious.

She just seemed like
a good-looking lady

that was afraid of her boyfriend

and the boyfriend,
he didn’t seem that dangerous.

So you have no idea
who might’ve hired Moran

or why the girl
set you up?

None. And believe me,
I wish I did.

Get yourself

sewed up.

We’ll pick this up later.


Here, let me help you.



Yeah, I like this.


Go on, tuck it in.

Don’t push your luck.

Where you going
to be, Lorenzo?

I guess you’ll be
taking some time.

Like you care,

You shot and k*lled
a citizen, cowboy

and I’m on the
sh**ting-review board.

Don’t you think internal affairs
can at least wait

until he gets stitched up, Rudy?

That would be nice.

Hate to break
this up.

Come on.

See you,

I’ll run the plates
for you, all right?

What plates?

I’ll meet you back
at your house?

No, I’m going to be in.

Vicky, would you at least try
to talk some sense into him?

Like he would listen.

What plates?

Oh, nothing, Rudy.

It’s just a little routine
traffic violation.

Nothing you’d care about.

Couldn’t be helped.

It’s just one of those
random things that happens.

Now we’re involved
with k*lling a cop.


I have to clean up
your mess.

I wanted to take care
of Karen earlier, remember?

A problem left unsolved turns
into an even bigger problem.

Here’s the balance
of Moran’s fee.

Can we trust him?

He’s worked
with us before.

He’s reliable,
and he’s good.


I’ll take it to him.

You have time for this?

Well, the room’s
already paid for.

No sense letting it
go to waste.

Oh, I’m not being harder
on Lorenzo

than I would on anyone else.

I just want the truth.

So talk to Chris,

I wasn’t there
when it happened.

Cop talks to his partner.

It’s important
that Lorenzo understand

that he should come forward.

It’s the best thing
he can do.

You should
talk to him.

You have
to believe that--
it’s better for him.

Well, I’m sure Chris
will help you all he can.

You should come forward,
too, Rita.

With what, Rudy?

You know of something illegal,
an illegal thing going on

and you don’t come forward

the prosecution
calls that a felony.

You should tell me
what you know.

What exactly would you like me
to tell you, detective?

Help me out a little bit here.

Moran was a known felon.

What did Lorenzo
have to do with him?

Why were the two of them
huddled up in that rat hole?

Or did someone pay Lorenzo
to whack the guy?

No, the guy tried to whack me.

What’s he talking about?

There is no way
that he can build
a case for that.

Just the idea is a crock.

Yeah, it could sh**t your
reputation right down the tubes.

Which means I’ve got to find out
why I was set up and who did it.

Chris, you’re staying home.

I’ve got some
industrial-strength pain-K*llers

from the hospital.

I’m not %, but I’m cool.

Yeah, you should still
be in the hospital.

Yeah, they wanted me
to spend the night

but I couldn’t do it.

I feel fine.

Look, you go on.

I’ve got to change.

I’ll be in soon.

Go on.

All right, I’ll see you later.

Good morning.


Lieutenant Lou Hudson,
Detective Sergeant Rita Lance

this is Jennifer Coulson
of WPKV television.


How’s Lorenzo doing?

He’s, uh... all right, George.

It could have been a lot worse.


Now, then

Jennifer wants to do
a piece on the department.

It would be good
for public image

and a morale boost
for the troops.

We ran it by
the deputy chief

and he agrees
it’s a good idea.

Oh, he does, huh?

And he left it

to you to tell me.

I had to take it to him.

He has the clout to say yes.

I could only have said no.

And would have.
And would have.

What does the department

have to do
with this?

Not the department, you.

What do I have to do with this?

You’re doing
what used to be

a man’s job, a dangerous job.

It’s a point-of-view piece.

All I need is
to tag along with you

for a few days.

I couldn’t
do my job

if I had a camera crew
hanging on my sleeve.

No camera crews. Just me.

I sh**t
all the pictures myself.

I know a dozen different ways
to do this.

It’s very unobtrusive

and I wouldn’t be
with you all the time.

Uh, I don’t think so,
Miss Coulson.

I really don’t have
time for you right now.

Plus my partner has been shot.

Oh, that’s the focus--

the sh**ting.

Over the next few days
you and I talk

about you
and your partner--

what happened

how it affects
you personally

and the way you both
do your jobs.

Nice to have met you,
Miss Coulson.

You can’t buck the deputy chief.

He’s already
approved the idea.

Lieutenant, maybe
we can work something out.

As long

as I get to call the sh*ts.

You do not show me or
my partner’s face on television.

You only

when and where
I tell you
you can

and as soon as we disagree

I get to pull
the plug.

You’ve got a deal.

Okay. That’s terrific.


Thank you, officer.

Hello, sergeant.


So, who’s your visitor?

Jennifer Coulson,
meet Detective Galbraith.

Oh, TV reporter.

I’ve heard
of you.

That right?

Two years ago, Chickie Fritz.

You did a job on him.

You cut him off

at the knees.

He’s a crooked cop.

He deserved it.

From what I understand
he gave you a present

that wasn’t

Maybe you were
getting even.

Looks like he got even with me.

He got me fired.

He’s still on the pad
in Dade county

and I’m stuck out here
in palm beach... with you.

Rudy, I need

the physical evidence

from the Jack Moran sh**ting.

Well, you know I can’t do that.

Not before
I make my recommendations

to the sh**ting-review board.

And while I wait for you,
everything gets cold.

You can wait.

Whatever is there
is whatever is there.

It won’t get cold

and with me holding on to it,
it won’t disappear.


Okay, I don’t have much

but what I do have is casings
from Lorenzo’s nine-millimeter

cigarette butts on the
windowsill, a roll of dough

and wallet and
Lorenzo’s card
in his pocket.


That’s it.

You keep quiet about
where you heard about this.

All right.

Thanks, Rudy.

What’s up?

Chris, what are
you doing here?

You’re supposed
to be resting.

I wanted to come in
and write down

everything I can remember
about last night

I forget it.

I’m Chris

Hi, Jennifer Coulson.

Nice to meet you.

The reporter?
Nice to meet you.

You get

Yeah, yeah. I ran
Karen Daniels.

She has no record,
no nothing.

Then I ran the tags
on the BMW

and the
registered owner

is former state senator
Fletcher Stanton.


( Whistles )

So, who’s who, sergeant?

I’m Detective Lance, sir.

It’s nice to meet you.

Detective Lorenzo, sir.

Nice to meet you.

Another detective?

No, she is... an observer.


Something like that.

Actually Miss Coulson
is a television reporter.

She’s going to be
on a ride-along with us

for a couple days, sir.

Well, glad to have you
with us, Miss Coulson.

I’ll watch
what I say.

You look
like a kid

in a candy store,
Sergeant Lorenzo.

I feel like a kid
in a candy store, sir.

You have beautiful

A cop with
a sense of humor.

We have a wedding here
next week.

Most of these ladies
are here for that.

A wedding, senator?

Oh, no, no, not me.

My youngest daughter,

She’s marrying
my good friend,
Judge Marcus Bollen.

Marcus Bollen...

I thought I knew
all the judges
in palm beach.

He’s on the bench
in Dade county

but he’s giving that up
and he’s moving up here

and opening
a law practice.

Good for him.

So, what can I
do for you?

Senator, do you own
a white BMW

the license plate

We’ve got a Beemer.

I’m not sure of the plate.

Was anyone driving it
around : this morning?

You overestimate me,
Sergeant Lorenzo.

I haven’t seen :
in the morning in years.

It could have
been anybody.

I don’t know.

It would be a man,
early s

about six foot
and medium build.

I don’t know

but I’ll be glad
to check into it.

That would be great.

Do you think we could look
the car over, sir?

Well, sure.

Wesley, could you
come here?

What happened
to your arm, sergeant?


The man driving
my car

have anything
to do with that?

No, sir.

Wesley, would you
take these folks

out to the garage?

They want to look
at one of the cars.

Officers Lance, Lorenzo,
Miss Coulson.

Senator, if
you don’t mind

I’ll just stay
and chat with you

for a few minutes.

I’ve seen a car before.

Thank you, sir.

You’re welcome.

( Sighs )

Here it is.

Was anyone driving
the car today?

Oh, yes, everyone
uses the Beemer.

Judge Bollen
has been using it
just this morning

to take stuff
to his new office.

Forget about the fingerprints.

The judge lives here?

The last few months,
and until the wedding.

He’s been like family for years.

What is it you’re
looking for?

There was an incident
last night.

This car
might have been involved.

I don’t think so.

Why not?

There was a party.

Our people were here.

This man was six foot,
medium build, about .

It was
a big party.

What happened
to your arm?

Got shot.

You think someone
in our car

had something
to do with it?

No, somebody else.

Oh. Did you catch him?


What happens to somebody
who sh**t a cop?

He’s dead.

Damn cops.

You always had it in for Jack.

I mean, he wasn’t no angel,
but he wasn’t so bad either.

Miss Lee, do you mind
if we look around a little bit?

No, I don’t care,
but if you find

some reason that you had
to sh**t Jack, I want to see it.

What kind of work

did Jack do, Dora?

He did night work.

Night work?


Look, he did whatever he could,
and a lot was at night.

I never did ask
a lot.

Was he here

last night?

Yeah. Till around :.


The phone rang,
he talked a while and left.

That was the last time
I saw him.

Did he say anything?

No, he just...

Made up some instant and...

He smoked a couple joints.

Do you mind if I
take this with us?

What for?

I’ll make sure
it gets back to you.

No, I don’t care.

What difference
does it make?

Thanks, Dora.

This is Jennifer Coulson
reporting for WPKV news.

What do former senator
Fletcher Stanton

a dead gangster named Jack Moran

and a palm beach homicide
detective have in common?

What was that?

That’s what we’ll be finding out
as police follow

a confusing trail of clues
while they try to unravel

the attempted m*rder last night
of Detective Chris Lorenzo.

Each night this week
on : news.

Oh, no.

Damn it, Marcus.

You’re not
listening to me.

Again, you’re not
listening to me.

You don’t seem to be able
to keep your fly

or your mouth shut.

you’re overreacting.

I told you to not get involved
with Karen Daniels

but you wouldn’t listen

and you’ve told her enough
about our business

to compromise us both,
and she tried to do that.

Karen’s gone.
She’s not a problem.

I took care of her.

You took care of her.

How many times
have I heard that, Marcus?


Too damn many.

If it weren’t for my daughter

I’d bring this partnership
to an end.

No, Fletcher,
it’s too ingrown for that.

If you try and cut me loose

you’ll bleed to death
in the process.

All right, so we’ve got Karen
in the senator’s car

and now we have Jack Moran
in the same car.

So unless the note
was from somebody else

Moran handed it off,
they dropped it in the car.

For now, let’s just say
he didn’t handle it.

That doesn’t sound too good
for Karen.

This looks like
part of a street address.

-- that could be
street numbers

but the word c-o-r-m...
Maybe short for a street name?

how about some dinner?

Why, hi, Jennifer,
our favorite reporter.

We got chewed out,
royally chewed out

because of your stunt
on the news.

Guys, you did not
get censorship.

No, but I did get
"pull the plug"

which is exactly
what I am doing.



Don’t be too quick.

Why not?

That’s him.


That’s the guy

that was in
the car with Karen.

Meet Judge Marcus Bollen

future son-in-law

and longtime
political protege

of Fletcher Stanton.

This was in Miami,
like, three years ago.

I was just cutting my teeth
in the news department.

Bollen’s first marriage
was coming unraveled.

At first,
rumors of another woman.

Was her name Karen?

Her name never
came out.

Fletcher Stanton’s people
dried up

every scrap of publicity
like it wasn’t happening.

When I heard bollen’s name
and your description-- magic.

What’s the connection
between Bollen and Stanton?

I asked my friend in Miami

the one who faxed me
bollen’s picture.

Nine or ten years ago,
Bollen was an assistant D.A.

In south Dade,
prosecuting a case

against one of
Stanton’s companies--

a toxic-waste thing.

A dead-bang conviction
was thrown out

for lack of evidence.

Sounds like the start
of a beautiful relationship.

You’ve got it.

Bollen was a sitting judge
in less than a year.

So when bollen scratches,
Stanton smiles and vice versa.

Politics as usual.

If bollen’s description
rang a bell for you

you know it had to ring a bell
for the senator as well.

I think it’s time
we talk with the judge.

Yeah, so do I, but let’s get
him away from Camelot south--

out from underneath

the senator’s wing.

New office?

I’ll see if I can get
the address.

It smells like
a Chinese restaurant in here.

Help yourself,

I dispatched units
to a at Jack Moran’s.

Caller said Dora Lee
is on the roof

threatening to jump.

Said she might be hopped up
or drunk, maybe both.

Thanks, lieutenant.

( Siren wailing )

( Horn honking )

Stay way back.

There’s no telling
what will make her jump.

I’m not a player, sergeant,
just a reporter.

Remember that when
we get upstairs.

Ma’am, you got
to step back from there.

Get away from me.

I’ll stay right here.

I’m afraid
of heights.

Can you
step back?

What’s your name?

All right, Chris,
you talk to her.

I’ll try
to get close.

you talk to her.

I’ll sneak
around back.

You’re hurt.

You won’t be able
to hold her.

You can probably keep
her attention longer

because she knows
that you shot Moran.

You go that way.

Don’t you move.

Yes, sir.

Take a step back.

( Dora sobbing )


Hey, you remember me?

Stay away from me.

No, leave me alone.

Okay. All right.

If we just take it easy,
everything will be okay.

You know, I bet Jack
wouldn’t want you

up here like this.

Did you think about that?

But I k*lled Jack.

No, you didn’t
k*ll Jack.

Dora, some...

Hey! Hey! Dora!

Look, somebody else is
responsible for that, not you.

God, I’m so sorry.

He lied
to me.

Everybody lied to me.

Dora! Dora!

( Dora sobbing )

You can’t blame yourself
for what happened to Jack.

It’s not your fault.

He lied to me.

He told me that it was
a surprise for a buddy of his.

I didn’t know.

He told me that that cop
was a friend of his.

I didn’t

Dora, you knew that
Jack was meeting a cop?


Jack could do crazy stuff
like that sometimes.

He woke me up.

It was the middle
of the night.

All I wanted to do was go back
to sleep, so I did what he said.

I said that my name
was Karen Daniels.

Hold on a second, Dora.

You made one call?


I thought it was a joke.

I didn’t know anyone
was going to get hurt.

I didn’t know Jack
was going to get k*lled.


Judge bollen wasn’t expected
at his new office

until mid-morning

so we went back
to the excelsior.

( Door creaking )

Rudy find anything
in here?


Just some cigarette butts
on the windowsill.

Cigarette butts.

Seven smokes.

If he smoked them
all in a row

we’re talking , minutes.


Window’s not busted.

Rudy find a room key?


Somebody let him in.

Maybe somebody
with a master key.

We should talk to the manager.

Man ( Inside ):
You want to fight?!

( Slap )

Open up!
Police officers!

Police officers!
Open the door!

Yeah, yeah!

What do you want?

What’s going on here?

Nothing. Collecting her rent.

He hitting you?

No, I hit him.

He likes it.

You all get
out of here.

You got a warrant?!


You don’t move!

You all right?

( Grunts )

I’m fine.

You got a name, pal?

Yeah. Eddie Dix.

All right, Mr. Dix,
you’re going to calm down

and answer
a couple of questions.

You got it?

Yeah, sure. Sorry.

Sit down on the bed.

You okay, baby?


Now, you know what happened here
yesterday morning?

Yeah, I heard.

You know
Jack Moran?

How did he get into room ?

I let him in.


He slipped me a ,
all right?

But I had no idea it was...

Was anybody with him?

I didn’t see but Moran.

Who owns this place?

I don’t know,
I don’t know.

Some company with
initials for a name.

S & B incorporated.

You got an address?

Nah. They pay
their bills

from someplace
south of here
in the islands.

"S & b" as in...

Stanton and bollen.

Karen and I had been involved
for some time

ever since
my first marriage.

When my engagement
to Alicia Stanton

was recently announced,
Karen became unreasonable.

She followed me here
to palm beach.

I was trying
to end it gently

but she just went off
and got out of hand.

That’s when you saw us.

Where is she, judge?

I haven’t seen her
since that night.

Karen called me
later that night.

She sounded

Well, you’ve got to realize
that Karen

is emotionally
and mentally unstable.

I got another call that night
that sent me

to a place
where a man shot

and tried
to k*ll me.

Now, I’d given
Karen a card

exactly like this.

We found a card exactly
like this on the dead guy.

I think it was
the same card.

What do you want from me?

I want to talk to Karen--
in person, not over the phone.

I want to make sure she’s okay

and I want to find out
who set me up.

I already told you
I don’t know where she is.

I don’t appreciate
having my name dragged...

( Slams book down )

All right, sergeant.

I suppose I could talk
to some mutual friends

and see what I can find out.

That would be good, judge.

The sooner, the better.

You let me know.

Mm-hmm-- well, it could be
wrapped into a holding company

you know, like an umbrella.

I’m pretty sure
it’s offshore company.

Yeah, yeah, well, the fictitious
name is s & b incorporated.

You’ll find Stanton and bollen
listed as officers, I’m sure.

Oh, yeah. Also,
I have a piece of a word.


I think that could be
another piece of the puzzle.


All right,
thanks a lot, Brad.

I thought that we were going
to be out on the streets

busting bad guys.


Don’t you hate doing this stuff?

No, Jennifer, I don’t.

Actually, it has
it’s brighter side.

I’m a lot less likely

to have a brick
heaved at me.

I won’t be a blip

in the ratings
with this.

So, what are you doing?

I am trying to follow a thread.

I’m trying to find
the owners of the hotel.

See, I don’t get
a listing for
s & b locally

so it’s probably
folded in

with other companies.

I am hoping that the state
commerce department computer

will spit out something
with a local address.

Which gives you...

Who knows?

But those same players
keep cropping up

so when that’s all you’ve got

you keep turning
over rocks.

It’s very exciting.

This cop’s not going away.

Maybe he takes getting shot
kind of personal.

He wants me to find Karen
and take her to him.

I think
you should do it.

You could still maybe
solve this little problem

before it gets
totally out of hand.

What do you think
Fletcher will say?

He’d say
it’s an opportunity.

Take care of business.

So, if you strip
everything else away

Moran was hired
to k*ll you

because you saw Karen
with the judge.

You can tie
the two of them together.

Which shouldn’t be difficult,
unless Karen turns up dead.

Which would mean a lot
of questions for the judge.

So we got Moran, bollen
and Karen all in the same car.

Right, but not necessarily
at the same time.

But we do know that Stanton
owned the car, right?

And he and bollen are
in business together.

Could be dirty.

So the one that it keeps
pivoting around

so far as you’re concerned is...

Is Karen.

( Phone rings )

Yeah. Lorenzo.

This is judge bollen.

I found Karen. She’s hiding.

What from?

I have no idea.

I told you she was unstable.

When can I see her?

I can take you to her
this afternoon.

Bring her here.

She won’t do that.


What time?

Worth and ocean boulevard,
say, um... minutes?

All right. minutes,
worth and ocean.

You got it.

It was the judge.

He wants to take me
to see Karen.

Testing, testing,
test, test, test.

Do you read me in Detective
Lance’s car, Cooperman?

Got it. Good. Perfect.


Uh, is this thing off?

Yeah, it’s off.

This cooperman
is such a chump.

His wife is sleeping
with the fire department again.


See you guys.

Your mother, Lorenzo.

See you, Wilcox.


Chris, I think we should
get backup on this one.

No, I don’t know which way
this thing is going to go

but I want to give it
a chance.

If it goes south,
call backup.

What if I lose you
after a couple of blocks?

You won’t lose me.

You’re the best
the department has.

Just remember

this is a one-way wire.

I hear anything weird,
I am coming in

even if I blow the setup.



All set?

Yeah, Jennifer,
but, uh...

You’re going to sit

this one out.

No way.

We got to keep this
low profile.

If the judge is
on the level

I can try
talking to Karen.

I brought some things
to this party, folks.

Yes, Jennifer,
you did.

But remember,
I call the sh*ts.

This could get
very intense.

I don’t want

I’ll stay out of the way.

I said no.

End of discussion.

Remember, I will be
in constant contact

with lieutenant Hudson.

All right, don’t let him send
any black and whites.

Give me a couple minutes
to get in position

before you show up.

You got it.

Oh, Rudy...

I don’t have time

for any more of your
crap this morning.

Make time, sergeant.

What is it, Rudy?

Bates and I put in our two cents

at the review board.

sh**ting Moran
was self-defense.

Personally, I would have liked
to have seen you busted

but bates wore me down.

What is it about me?

I love cops.

Worst job in the world

but guys stick their face
in there and do it

without much
coming back.

So I can’t stomach anyone

that makes their job
worse than it is.

That’s bad cops.

That’s sloppy cops.

Now, you...

You did what I told you
not to do.

You went to see
Moran’s old lady.

You rousted his pal
at the hotel.

They talked to you.

They figure they don’t
have to talk to me.

Makes my job harder.

But the big thing
is, Lorenzo

I know it rings your bell.

Moran’s jacket, the evidence
bag-- they’re on your desk.

Nothing in there
I didn’t already

tell you about.

I’m sure.


Yeah, I’d
like to...

All right, you
better get started.


See you.


Testing, testing.


Honk if you brake for dolphins.

( Honking horn )

We’re leaving now, lieutenant.

Okay, Rita.
You keep that mic in your hand.

I’ll be right there with you.

All other units

keep this channel clear.

Afternoon, judge.

Where we headed?

Just enjoy the ride,

It’s not very far.

One car.

Light blue.

A brunette stripe.

Okay. Okay.

What is this, judge?

This is three right turns
in a row.

We’re driving
in circles here?

Just being careful.

I promised Karen
I’d bring you alone.

Well, I got to tell you
this is starting
to feel hinky.

Maybe we ought to call
the whole thing off.

You say the word,
I’ll stop.

You can get out
any time you want.

He hasn’t made me yet,

but he’s being really cautious.

Rita, okay, if it looks
like he’s about to make you

you pull him over.

This is getting
real old, judge.

Not too much
further now.

Oh, great.

You know, I found a hooker
down here m*rder*d

a couple of years ago.

Catch the k*ller?

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

I’ve lost visual contact,

but I can still hear Chris.

Dawson. Code three.

this afternoon sun

is a k*ller, isn’t it?

They’re headed west, lieutenant

but I’m losing them.

You’ve got a description
on the car.

Put out an APB

Done. Pull it over.


Hmm... Flagler bridge.

Flagler bridge.

Damn it.

We’re taking the Flagler bridge.

I’m headed toward west palm.


Damn it.

Rita, no sight of bollen’s car.

Rita, you just had a call
from Brad about s & b, inc.

Yeah, yeah, did he find it?

In the west palm beach
warehouse district-- Gandy.

Company name is
cormorant enterprises.

. I got it, lieutenant.

I’m going to need backup.

You think that’s
where they’re headed?

It’s the best bet we’ve got.


Come on out!

( g*nsh*t )

( g*nsh*t )

( g*nsh*t )

What the hell...

What are you going to do

about her,

Come out, sergeant.

Let her go, judge!

It won’t happen, judge.

Give it up!

Put the g*n down


Put it down!

Over there.

sh**t the girl, Marcus.



Nobody has to die.

The deal was
to bring him here.

The senator was right.

You will be the next one
to cause us trouble.

( g*nsh*t )

Drop the g*n, Wesley.

Lose it!

( Bollen groaning )

Hurts, doesn’t it, judge?

You have the right
to remain silent...

So, you’ve got
the bad guys

and you’ve got
the victims

and you would think
that that would be it.

Black and white,
clear, straight lines.

But it’s not like that.

There is a lot of gray.

That is why
it’s important

to understand people

and why they do the
things that they do.

You can never let
your guard down.

A cop can become
a victim

just like anybody else.

Like your partner?

Yeah, like my partner.

So, what are your feelings now?

With a former judge
spilling his story

to the grand jury

and Fletcher Stanton
under criminal indictment

do you get personal satisfaction

from knowing
you brought that about?

Absolutely, yeah.

We caught the bad guys.

That’s what we do.

there are three people dead

that we know of:

Karen Daniels,
Jack Moran, Wesley parks.

My partner almost got k*lled.

Dora Lee tried to k*ll herself.

I mean,
that’s pretty depressing stuff.

I wish it didn’t
have to happen like that.

In a perfect world, maybe.

All we can do is try.

This is Jennifer Coulson...


I look so weird.

No, you look good.

( Clicks TV off )

Perfect world, huh?


It would be nice,
wouldn’t it?

Well, not much
job security in that.

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