06x01 - Runway Strip

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x01 - Runway Strip

Post by bunniefuu »

You like that, huh?

Right there, huh?

You like that?



I got to go.

You know what I was thinking?

This weekend you're going to move in.

You know, you are such
a thorough-going ass.

Sometimes when I leave this place

I stand under the shower for minutes

and I still can't get

the feeling of slime off me.

Compliment accepted.


You won't need to bring anything

because we won't be wearing anything.

And if you get chilly

then I got a whole
drawer full of... frilly stuff

left behind by your predecessors.

But we won't be getting
out of bed very much.

Good-bye, Randy.

That "good-bye" sounded kind of final.

Let's not forget about your trapeze act.

Oh, I'm not forgetting.

The mistake you always make

is you don't think

there's an end to this thing.

You just keep escalating the price

until it's higher than the problem.

Well, tomorrow, after the cycle

I'm going straight to the base commander.

After that, you got your own trapeze act

to worry about.

You're not going to do that, Lynnie.

Oh, yeah?

Watch me.

Do we have a full bag of gas?

, pounds.

We need to talk, Lynnie.

Let's just get through this cycle.

This is gunfighter-

your favorite pilot is up and ready

for some yankin' and bakin'.

Take off single for seawolf free departure.

Roger, lipstick.

Don't have too much fun.

I got new instructions

from the test center this morning.

They want us to redo the test series.

Stress high-g turns.

Gunfighter- , you're clear

for takeoff.

Runway - , seawolf.

Lynnie: Let's get it on.

Man: Gunfighter-

come to degrees,
climb and maintain , .

A.t.f.- out of , , .

You can start your high-g turns.

Roger that.

Man: Gunfighter-

you have commercial traffic at : .

Come to and climb to angels five.

What are you doing?!

Don't eject!

I got a situation here.

A.t.f.- is off the scope.

Last seen at feet descending.

Oh, come on.

Oh, no!

Hey, what's wrong, Tom?

She painted my car.

It looks... it looks worse

than smeared lipstick.

How could she do...?

Oh, god!

She's got all the stock
colors to choose from.

Desert tan, sun yellow

Capri red, midnight blue.

But candy-apple red!

I can't believe that she could do that.

Thomas, you, uh...

You got a minute?

What is this, skipper?

Lipschitz: Thomas...

My boy.

Come in all the way

and close the door.

What's going on?

Just close the door.

What we have here is a
sort of a unique situation.

You know, when you
two guys worked together?

My best homicide team.

You cleared % of your cases.

That was in the good old days

back when my car was still factory blue.

Now, Thomas, um...

Since your partner Roger

has, uh... ugh, lyme tick disease

and cassy...

Has got this little problem
with Steve burkow...

Ha! You call that a little problem?

She accused a guy of stealing $ ,

off a dead Chinese gentleman.

That's a class-a felony.

Burkow's looking at a five-year jolt.

Chill, Thomas.

Oh... you chill!

You have always been a fair guy, Thomas.

I always thought that was

your main character attribute.

Fairness and a good sense
of personal equilibrium.

I could always count on you

to be fair to a witness

to a suspect.

You've always been fair, Thomas.

That's with a capital "f," may I say?

I am not working with her again!

Did you see what she did to my mustang?

Fair, fair, Thomas.

And even more than that.

Captain, can I talk to you outside please?


I know him.

He'll fold.

Just put it on him, skipper.

You betcha!

Are you out of your mind?

What astrology manual

did you get this loopy idea out of?

It's only temporary.

Look, you're both in l.O. Cars.

I can't have unpaired homicide officers.

Besides, you guys
used to be great together.

Yeah, we were great together.

Back in the great before, Harry.

Before we got divorced.

Before she turned my
classic car into a rolling joke!

The velour seat-covers were bad enough.

We'll k*ll each other.

It'll be an easy homicide to solve.

I've already made the shift reassignments.

It's in stone.

How long... do I have to work with her?

Well... two weeks.

Just till the end of the month.

Then I'll put it up for review.

In the meantime

I've put your desk opposite cassy's.

Take a look at my car.

Deal with it.

I guess I can't count

on getting any of those
wonderfully drippy poems

for a while.

Lyrics, Cassandra.

I happen to write songs.

Oh, right. Since the
divorce I can't tell you

how much I miss the sound of dogs howling.

Okay, well, why don't we start by huddling

and let's combine this case load?

Do you think this has
any chance of working?

Maybe. It used to.

Maybe if we try and forget

about our seven months of matrimonial hell

and try and recapture

some of our old work habits from before.

You put the skipper up to this.

I've been getting enough
cold shoulders around here

to put on an ice show.

Not from me, because
I haven't talked to you

since the velour-seat-cover incident.

How could you put black velour

in a classic mustang?

You know, the skipper's right about you.


We may have our problems

but you are a fair guy.

You're the last true romantic.

And you never refuse a lady in distress.

And I could use a little help right now.

So, uh... you want to give me a hand?

Sure, come on, I'll buy you a candy bar.

You know, they say that chocolate

is an emotional substitute

for something

that's lacking in your life.

What's lacking in your life, Thomas?

The usual.

Peace, love... Serenity.

Cass, you know I hate red cars.

I know.

So what do you want to work on first?

Mine or yours?

I'm pretty clear right now.

I got a two-day-old skid row k*lling.

Can't I.D. the deceased.

I was planning my third trip

down to the cardboard jungle

see if I can put a name on my John Doe.


What have you got?

A double m*rder.

Lesbians, kitchen knives

leather bracelets... it was a mess.

I got two significant
others screaming at me.

I think one of them,
maybe both are the perps

but they're alibied.

They were moving in with each other.

I ask questions, they throw dishes.


Want to flip?


Homicide desk, ryan/st. John.

Sergeant Ryan speaking.

That Navy jet that went
down this morning at : ?

It wasn't an accident.

It was a m*rder.

He never loved her.

He lied.

Randy rawlings

was in that cockpit with her.

He did it.



Anonymous m*rder tip.

No body to go with it.

By the way, if you and I

are going to be working together again

I think that I should tell you

that I've always hated that
"gimme" thing that you do.

What... what the hell is that?

Like, can't you just say

"Tom, who's on the telephone?"

Just... "Gimme."

Like, like, I'm selling peanuts
or dealing cards or something.

Thomas, you handsome hormonal stud-muffin

it would please me to no end

to know who that was on our in-line.

Over the top.

But better.

It was just... somebody calling to say

that the Navy jet that
went down this morning

was no accident.

A guy by the name of Randy rawlings did it.

Oh... wh... when did you...

I thought you stopped watching the soaps.

I quit watching general hospital

I'm still doing guiding light.

TV announcer: At linhaven estates,

wreckage strewn for a mile

but, miraculously, no
injuries on the ground.

Navy investigators are on the scene.

Forget it. It's a Navy deal.

The radio information officer

a civilian test pilot from
Forbes & mcandrews aviation

survived the crash.

Forbes & mcandrews

is a major avionics contractor

for the a.T.F. Experimental jet.

The Navy had been
conducting extensive tests

on that fighter prior to purchase.

The pilot, Carolyn Mayfield,
perished in the crash.

We'll have updates as the
story continues to unfold.

The r.I.O.'S a civilian.

Plane crashed on civilian property.

If the r.I.O.'S a perp

then that should be our case.

Naval intelligence will be all over it.

Military gets real pissy
when you crowd them.

I'd rather work my plate-throwing lesbians.

Let's run by the linhaven estate.

I've always wanted to see
what a ramjet looked like

in the bottom of black-tile swimming pool.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

What are you doing here?

You're going to have to go around.

The whole area's blocked off.

Palm beach P.D.

Sergeant Ryan, this is sergeant St. John.

Hey, hey, you cannot go in there!

I've got two palm beach
police sergeants down here

and they're crossing the barricade.

You want to go get her?

If I was in charge of her

I'd be a hell of a lot better off, chief.

We call her Jane Wayne,
if that gives you any idea.

She kind of does what she wants.

If you decide to make something of it

make sure you stand sideways.

She's, uh... she's a soccer-style kicker.

You've got no jurisdiction.

Neither do you.

And it doesn't seem to stop you.

This is a Navy investigation.

No, it isn't.

This plane was owned

by a civilian aircraft manufacturer.

If there's a crime, then we have

an obligation to investigate.

What wedding cake did
these two climb off of?

I'm Ken baines, this is Barbara ferry.

We're with naval intelligence.

Ken and Barbie.

You can't be serious.

This is a naval investigation.

We have full jurisdiction.

We won't need your help.

We got a couple of tin fish here.

And you would be?

Palm beach P.D.

Nice to finally meet you.

Oh, I love your pink stingray, Barbie.

All you've got to nail your jurisdiction

is a Navy pilot... that's a little thin.

The deceased naval aviator.

Well, the gib, or g.I.B.,
or whatever you call him

was a civilian.


"Guy in back."

The r.I.O. Was a civilian

but he was assigned to the naval...


Sorry, you're right, Ken.

You'll have to leave.

And what if we don't?

Ken: You really

want this case?

We got enough pressure here.

We got a jet

back there in the shrubs

with a government
contractor and the Pentagon

who want answers.

We got a dead pilot.

We got hard copy up there in a helicopter.

You got hard copy?

Ah... is that why you
guys dressed up in whites?

Don't take this the wrong way

but I prefer you in your
dream-date powder-blue tuxedo.

We just came from an honor review.

Chief, get sergeants Ryan and St. John

a marine escort to take
them back to their car.

Chief: Peters, Henderson!

These two police officers

need to be escorted to their unit.

You really think it's
going to be this easy?

It is for now.

Take them back to the vultures.

They can stand back there if they want to.

Did you see the fruit salad

the two of them were wearing?

I was getting hungry just looking at it.

Yeah, real w*r heroes.

She kind of pissed me off.

I could tell that.

But I loved the way

he shut her up.


And she goes, "I'm sorry, Ken."

I could never get that to work with you.

Don't tell me you're going to
let this pepsodent commercial

throw us off our case?

Ask me nice.

Tom, let's get these two, please?

Because I hate being dissed.

How about it?

Let me put it to you this way.

"As the summer moon hits the azure sea

I'll be there, my love,
for both you and me."

Is that a yes?

That's a yes.

It's also from a new song I'm writing

called "summer sweetheart."


Now, let's go kick some butt.

Man: Let's get the beer

down there.

Tom: Randy rawlings does pretty well.

It's kind of soon after the crash

to be having a kegger, don't you think?

Randy rawlings?


You Randy rawlings?

Yeah. Who are you guys?

I'm sergeant Ryan,
this is sergeant St. John.

Palm beach P.D.

Figured you'd be by eventually.

Come on, why don't we go inside?

Tom: Looks like

you're having a party.

No, no... oh, make yourself

at home, please.

No, they are... I said
they could use the beach.

They're nice kids...
Wind surfers... you know.

Most people around here run them off.

But I let them have their
beer parties out front.

They don't hurt anybody.

So, how well did you know Carolyn Mayfield?

Relationship was professional.

I knew her, but it was "rio to pilot."

I had great respect for Lynnie.

She was tops.

I understand the Navy
is trying to put it on her

that we went down... pilot error.

They never blame the
equipment, always the dead pilot.

Takes the heat off the program.

It was equipment failure?

Flame-out of the port engine.

We were pulling gs; It got critical fast.

So who pulled the ejection
shield and blew the canopy?

Well, we had a red light on the port engine

so, um, she hit the
afterburner for a re-light

but all she got was pop and no burn

so, you know, we both knew we
were seconds from being dead.

Plane started to cartwheel,
so, to answer your question

we both ejected simultaneously.

The, um, seats eject out

at -degree angles, one on each side...

Are you looking for something?

No. Keep going, I'm listening.

Those are mementos.

You know, just different
planes that I flew.

None of Carolyn Mayfield.


Uh, that's...

That's funny.

Thought I had at least one or two.

Um, well, we'd only been working together

for two months on the a.T.F.- .

Can I use your rest room?

I'll show you.

She'll find it.

She's a great detective.

So anyway, the plane is up

on a wing or a...

Yeah, um, if you eject in that attitude

with the port side down at under feet

the rear seat gets shot right.

I got shot up, but she was
fired straight into the ground.

Her chute didn't have a chance to open.

Why would she eject at a
low altitude at that attitude if...

If she knew that that was going to happen?

I don't know.

I been trying to figure that out myself.

Reflex, I guess.

She blew the shield and
pulled the eject handles.

He says all the right things.

So how come I want to get a rabies shot?

While you were wandering

he got real goosy over by the bookshelf.

What was over there?

Nothing. Just some pictures missing...

Dust marks where they were.

Looks like they got moved recently.

Do you think maybe pictures

of him and Carolyn Mayfield

when they weren't
wearing just flight suits?

Anything else?


His toothbrush.

Somebody's toothbrush.

There were two... a pink one and this.

If we say he fired his
pilot into the ground

because they were having
relationship problems

and she shacked up there

then you should have got the pink one.

We need hers to do the DNA saliva tests.

Stop it. I got hers.

This was the guest toothbrush.

See, no wear. Guest brush.

Guy has the black brush,
girl has the pink brush.

Ken had the Chevy truck

Barbie has the pink convertible, remember?

Only you would select
your toothbrush by the color.

Everyone else goes in

grabs them off the racks by the handful.

You're standing in a store

with all these different
color toothbrushes...

Some for kids... and you won't take

a fraction of a second to
choose the color you want.

Not in my entire go-to-hell life
have I given a second's thought

to the color of my damn toothbrush.

Throttle back a bit, will you?

Where are we going?

You'll see when we get there.

No, no... no, I think you'll tell me now.

Don't you ever trust, have faith?

Yeah. Yeah, I trusted you with my car.

Look what happened there.

Tom Ryan.

Yeah, sk... oh, no, skipper...

Yeah, but... yeah, but how could they...


So? Gimme, gimme.

Thomas, don't get all petulant and geeky.

What's up?

Captain's pulled us off the case.

He wants us to return to the station.

For Ken and Barbie?

It ain't ren and stimpy.

Well, I think we should just ignore it.

The mayor ordered the
captain to take us off the case.

Now, if we ignore that order

that'll probably end up
worse than our divorce.

You know, I think our
anonymous tip is right.

Ken and Barbie have not
even been to see this guy yet

and he was in the cockpit when it happened.

I'll risk it if you will.

Well, you already ruined
my mustang with bad ideas.

Might as well ruin my career.

Buckle up.

What the hell are we doing here?

This is where the anonymous call

came from.

How do you know?

Because I have caller I.D.

On my phone.

You have caller I.D.?


I put in for that a month ago.

I'm still swapping
paper with the city over it.

You have caller I.D.?




You dying of starvation?


Haven't eaten a meal

since Jimmy Carter was president?


I mean, you're seconds

from complete renal failure?

Mm-hmm. Get to it, will you?

Never eat the peanuts in a strip joint.

God only knows where the hands have been

that have been in that bowl.

Oh! Ugh.

I've never thought about that.


They all look so good

I just can't decide between

the destruction eruption with vodka

or the pink flute float in a half coconut.


Is that who I think it is?

Well, this can't be

a Barbie dream date.

You should never find Ken and Barbie

at a stripper bar.

If she's going to act slutty

I'm sending back the play house.

Come on.


Cassy. Hey!

Remember the hand signals?

Yeah. But don't put them between your legs

because that's so silly.

If I don't put them down there

then they pick them up.

You said the girl

the caller, had a sexy voice.

I said breathy, like her vocal chords

were blown from screaming or something.

I can hardly wait for this year's

Barbie's strip date.

Velvet swing and pasties
not included, of course.

You could stow the Barbie-and-Ken jokes

we've heard them all.

That wasn't nice.

Having the marines throw us off

at the crime scene

then going to our boss about it.

I'm sorry about that.

We didn't go to your
boss, that was our x.O.

He got lathered when he found out

you were poking around.

You haven't even talked
to Randy rawlings yet.

I'm praying that you
two goofs don't do that.

Goofs? Is that, like,
some special Navy term?

We talked to him.

Got all hinky.

We're trying not to spook him.

We think there's a chance...


You got to show me how to do that.

If he k*lled her, if he waited
till the plane heeled over

at low altitude and
ejected her into the ground

he knows he did... he's spooked already.

If you two would just
get the hell out of here

we could handle it.

We're going to notify fleet

you're still poking around.

I-I see, so now it's a crime

to go to a strip joint?

Oh, hand signals!

You're wig-wagging them out

like Johnny bench.

We believe that Carolyn Mayfield

was having an affair with Randy rawlings.

Now if the affair went wrong,
that might be your motive.

You two better get the hell out of here.

I am seconds from calling shore patrol

and having you arrested.

Wh-where's she going?

She's getting a job app.

Once we're fired, she'd like to work here.

Around : in the morning

she's got a real blown-out voice.

Sounds like Dolly lovelace.

Real raspy, kinda?

Mm-hmm. She's one of

my day bunnies.

Little too old to work the night shift.

You got her address?


We found this toothbrush in his apartment.

You've already got

Carolyn Mayfield's body in the Navy morgue.

We suggest you do a print
check, run a DNA saliva test

to see if you get a match.

That might show something's
going on between them.

Beyond that I'll just tell you
you're really a couple of jerks.

We probably could've
worked together on this.

You know, cassy and I aren't too bad

once we get up a head of steam.

Have some peanuts on me.

Enjoy the show.

They've got something.

I know it.

Let's get the radio on the police frequency

and tail them.

Come on.

You don't suppose

she's part of the Buckingham Palace


Is she all right?

She's got a faint pulse.

Call it in!


Tom: Thanks, guys.

It's going to be a while
before we can talk to her...

If at all.

Oh... damn.

Come here, I want to show you something.

Look at this.

Cassy: Her hairstyles in these photos

are about ten years old.

Oh, look at this.

Looks like Carolyn Mayfield
danced at the runway strip.

You guys are on our crime scene.

I don't think so, Tom.

I think this is part of our case.

I think she was

your anonymous tip on the crash.

How'd you end up at the runway strip?

Sure-footed deductive police work.

These two are beginning to annoy me, Tom.

Let's kick them to the curb
and move on, shall we?

Can we get an officer in here, please?

These two need to be escorted

off the premises.

They can stand with the gawkers

down in the rubberneck
section if they like.

You were directly ordered off this case.

Hey, popeye, this is
our attempted homicide.

Except for you

I don't see any Navy personnel

or Navy property


Now, get the hell off my crime scene

or I'll send you for a semester

at the palm beach felony charm school.

You guys are going to
go down hard for this.

In your face, sweetheart.

After I personally said it

I cannot for the life of me believe you two

could be that stupid!

Both: Believe it.

That's it.

You're suspended.

I don't know what I'm
going to do with you yet

but get out of here

before I lose control
and start throwing things.

Get out!

If he's going to start throwing things

then maybe he should
work my lesbian homicide.

At least they'd get some return fire.

You know, cassy, I
don't usually get angry...

Anger's not my thing.

I know. You're a poet.

Yeah, I'm a poet, I'm a songwriter.

I write love songs.

Yeah, but you're pissed.

And right now, instead
of being rhyming Ryan

you'd rather we be out
there kicking a little butt

like John and Jane Wayne.

Those two pieces of
naval lint are making me

very, very angry.

And a poem right now won't do the trick.

You know what I want to do?

Mmm, I don't know.

Grab a night stick, go play catch-up?

I want to go home.

I want to listen to some music.

I want to have a drink.

I want to calm down.

See you in the morning.

See you.


Cassy: Hello?

Hey, it's me.

Thomas, it's five A.M.

Would you go back to sleep
or jam on another love song?

This thing's really
upset me. I can't sleep.

Jeez, what time is it?

Are you with somebody?

You with that volleyball player?

Come on, Thomas.

What do you want from me?

You're not still going out with
that Lacy garters guy, are you?

Lacy Weston.


Go back to sleep.

I'll be done in a minute.

I can't believe you're still
going out with that sand jockey.

Go back to sleep, Lacy.

Cherise, just a minute.

I'll be right there. Yeah...

hold that thought.


Who's cherise?

Wh-wha-what are you doing?

She's just a friend, okay?

It's no big deal.

We're playing scrabble.

Just a minute.


Look, this whole thing's
not sitting right with me.

I can't sleep.

Maybe if you kicked cherise out of bed

you'd have better luck.

That whole thing about Randy rawlings

not knowing anything about
Carolyn Mayfield is a lie.

He's known her for maybe ten years.

Since she worked at the runway strip

in north Miami.

And that bonfire felt
a little like b.S., too.

You know, he said he's
letting the surfers use it

ten hours after he's known
this girl for a decade or more

and she gets blown into the
ground at miles an hour.

I'm awake thinking there's
another reason for that bonfire.

Like destroying evidence.

Maybe our going over there this afternoon

caused him to pay a
little visit to Dolly lovelace.

Yeah, but we never saw his face.

We don't know it was him.

Oh, I know it was rawlings.

What's worse, those two ice cream enemas

we got following us around shutting us down

are making me hyperventilate.

Ken bates, he lives at
Carter boat row.

It was in the phone book.

It's a Marina, I called.

He's got a boat.

The ancient mariner... slip , d dock.


Do you like him, too?

Not as much as viral hepatitis.

I thought maybe tomorrow

we could go try and catch him off duty

maybe talk some sense into him.

What about Barbie?

That should be your department, lover.

Let's go now.

That is, if you can pull yourself away

from that washboard
stomach you got with you.


Yeah, we'll wake him up.

Catch him while he's groggy

talk some sense into him.

They got half our case.

We need to find out

the results of the DNA test

on the toothbrush

and what they found at the crash site.

Forensic evidence from the cockpit...

Who pushed the eject button.

Just a minute.

Oh, cherise, it's a lovely idea.

I just couldn't do it again.

Now, go to sleep. Sorry.

Okay, I'll meet you at
that address in an hour.

Kiss cherise for me.




Bull-riding used to be my best event.

But this is no way for a
police team to behave.

Don't be a hypocrite... we did.

And you lost your mustang over it.

Good point.



The pictures in Dolly's apartment

definitely make him a player

in commander Mayfield's homicide

and Dolly's as*ault.

But you can't prove it.

I think we can prove it, we just...

Well, we need you on our side first.

So you want what we have or what happens?

You tell our bosses we're having a thing...

Is that it?

Oh, uh, give us a little credit, Ken.

Oh, uh, Tom and I, we've,
uh, played that game ourselves.

He even wrote a song about it.

It wasn't much of a song.

It was more like musical hate mail.

What was the name of it?

"Looking to be free" or something?

Damn good song.

She really doesn't have
much of an ear for music.

You were lovers, too?

We have done that whole painful course.

Partners to lovers to husband and wife

to ex-husband and wife
and back to partners again.

You got to have good suspension

to get around that track.

He buried our engagement
ring in the sand on the beach.

Oh, that is so romantic.

He proposed and then he lost the ring.

Some bum with a metal detector has it now.

You're being a little hard on it, okay?

It was actually a beautiful idea.

Cassy: We did our own divorce

on a paper napkin.

Would you like to see
our property settlement?

I can't believe you carry that with you.

You gave her your ' mustang?

Tom, what are you, nuts?

Gave it to her?

Look... we're getting
a little off topic here.

What we need is the Navy lab tech's report

on what was in that airplane cockpit.

Look, let's work together

because we're not getting anywhere apart.

You had evidence pointing towards rawlings?

Well, we might have some burned evidence.

Some old pictures, love letters.

The guy had a little
bonfire in front of his house.

Let's do it.

Cassy: What do you know?

The photo from the bookshelf.

First floor window... he's got binoculars.

What's he doing?

Getting nervous.

Is he running?

Not yet.

Tom: Say when.


Call the shore patrol.

Give me the g*n. It's over.

Drop the g*n!

I'll k*ll him!

Not before I k*ll you.

Tell her to back off.

She doesn't listen to me!

She'll k*ll you just to brag.

You have three seconds. One...

Randy, it's over.

Your spiritual bank account's

already in the red.


Don't do this.

It's a lose-lose situation.


Randy, be big.

Stand down.

Shut up, Tom! Step aside

so I can put him on ice.

Tell her to back off!

Back off, cassy!

Give me the g*n.

Nobody has to die now.

I can't do that.

Cassy, you know the captain's right.

We really do work well together.

What we have is like...

It's like soul.

We're the same but we're different.

We're together but far apart.

Kind of like summer sweethearts, I bet.

I was thinking, as sort of a peace offering

maybe we should go for a drink.

Oh, Thomas...

Don't be playing with my girlish emotions.

I'm... I'm quite serious.

I just thought we'd go for a drink.

Anywhere you'd like to go, anywhere at all.

Okay. One scotch.

Billy club, down the street.

A cop bar. Really?


You don't want to go to hearts afire?

I like cop bars.


Well, we'll take my
refugee from the divorce.

Give you a chance
to ride in your old car...

That rusted-out, asthmatic Bumblebee.

Don't whine, Thomas...

It's not attractive.

Oh, Thomas...

Is that for me?

Yeah, just a little...

Peace offering.

There's a card.

"Roses are red, mustangs are, too.

It's okay, I guess, but it
was much better blue."

It's very sweet.

Thank you.

Now, stop screwing around

and let's go get that sh**t.
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