06x04 - When She Was Bad

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x04 - When She Was Bad

Post by bunniefuu »

- How much did we say?


- You said .

- Aww.

Come on.

I've been drinking boilermakers.

I'm gonna last what, maybe two minutes?

Oh, split the difference.


- Good try.

I bet you earned that promotion,

Mr. Regional sales manager.

- Bargain at twice the price.

They don't usually look like you.


- Yeah, you know.

Working girls.

Come here.

What did I do to deserve you?

- Sold all those cornflakes
back in battle creek.

Silly, I sell farm equipment.

- And you're so good at it.

Like I say, to the winner go the spoils.

- Are you the spoils?

- I'm spoiled.

- No.

You smell fresh to me.

Naughty girl.

Are you a naughty girl?

There was a little girl
who had a little curl

right in the middle of her forehead.

And when she was good,
she was very, very good.

- And I am, very, very good.

- And when she was good,
she was very, very good.

And when she was bad, she was better.

- Have I mentioned how
ripped you're looking?

What are you lifting now?

- Oh, not much, about , .

- You remember those
slate tiles in the yard?

See, the gardener's coming and I thought

you could swing by on Friday night.

- I'm busy Friday night.

- Oh, hot date?

- No, actually, a buddy
of mine from college

is getting married on Saturday

and I gotta go to his bachelor party.

- You're going to a bachelor party?

- Well, I have to, I'm the
entertainment committee.

- Oh, I don't believe it.

You're much too evolved
for anything so barbaric.

- Cassy, bachelor parties are not barbaric.

They're tradition.

They're a time-honored rite of passage

where men send one of their
own out into the stormy seas

of matrimony fortied by strong ale

against the Gale that will buffet them.

- And men wonder why
women don't understand them.

- Did the lieutenant
sign off the crime scene?

- No, but I brought a note
from my mommy, an hour ago.

Doesn't this place have a chamber maid?

It looks like it hasn't been
cleaned since the cubs

last won the world series.

- This must've cost extra.

- I'm estimating the time of death

at approximately three A.M., plus or minus.

- Where'd you get your degree, Dr. Ryan?

- The night manager said
that the deceased and his date

got here around , and
one of them, I'm guessing her,

left in a hurry at four A.M.,
like her hair was on fire.

Call it intuition.

- Call it cheating.

But I see nothing here
to dispute that time frame.

- Cause of death?

- Don't you have an intuition on that too?

- Well, unless his
contacts didn't fit correctly,

I'd say he was strangled.

- Hey, you sure you don't
have a medical degree?

- Well, she was prepared.

- Maybe it was his.

- Hypoallergenic, hers.

Men always go for super sensitive.

I read a survey.

- Here's your m*rder w*apon.

Black silk stocking.

- Wow, looks like real silk, too.

It's monogrammed, I love it.

"Bgc," Barbara, Betty, berndette?

Why didn't you just sign our corpse?

- Maybe she did.

You run the print through ncic,

hang a name on Bambi, Bonnie, belinda,

and take the rest of the day off.

- Bambi?

. million prints an hour.

Why does that computer always seem so slow?

Who's your bachelor party for?

- Tad goward.

He was my roommate at Florida state.

- The entertainment committee.

Hmm, I love the smell of
testosterone in the morning.

- You see, I knew you wouldn't understand.

There is not a guy in the world

that can tell his wife, or
ex-wife, about a bachelor party.

I mean, what do you say?

"Oh, like the girls that
took their clothes off?"

You lose.

"I didn't like the girls that
were naked dancing there,"

you lose.

I mean, it's a lose-lose situation.

I'm just trying to make sure
that this guy's bachelor party

was better than mine.

- You had a bachelor party?

- I had, well, I had...

- what else didn't you tell me?

- What'd you do now?

- Why does it have to be me?

- Because it's always you.

So what do we got?

- We got lucky is what we got.

d*ck Whitney from Michigan wasn't so lucky,

got an incentive trip to Florida

and a toe tag as a souvenir.

- It's a slam dunk, Harry.

We got witnesses, we
got a beautiful set of prints,

and we've got the m*rder w*apon.

At the rate this is going, our perp will be

wearing its mate when we find her.

Go for Saint John.

No, of course.

Okay, got it.

- What?

- Dmv fingerprinted Betty Bambi

when she showed for the lacrosse team

at Saint Benedict's school for boys.

- Oh, she worked for Saint big bucks, huh?

- No, she was a parent.

You know the prints we found?

They belong to Maryann sterling.

As in married to Roger sterling,

ceo of sterling consolidated,
commodore of the yacht club,

and honorary chairman
of four, no, five charities?

Wow, I guess he didn't
give all his money to charity.

- I thought conspicuous consumption went

out with the ' s.

- On south county
road, it's always the ' s.

- Thank you.

Sergeants, thank you for coming.

Now, explain this mix-up to me personally.

- Well, there's no mix-up, Mr. Sterling,

the fingerprints found at the m*rder scene

are a -point match with your wife.

- Well, the next time
the commissioner and I

push around rubber chicken on our plates,

I'm sure we'll laugh about this.

By that time, I will have
recovered from my outrage.

- If you'll just let us
speak to Mrs. Sterling.

- What?

So you can insult her to her face?

I mean, what's next?

My name on the six o'clock news?

- Evidence doesn't lie, Mr. Sterling.

- Oh, where have you been?

Evidence lies all the time.

Videos are doctored, blood is planted.

- Not on my watch they haven't.

- Roger, may I speak to you, privately?

- Sure.

- These are my dear, dear friends,

Jill sheckley, Ashley dodd.

I was there.

- Maybe you wanna call your attorney.

- No, nothing happened.

Ugh, so embarrassing.

It was utter foolishness.

I never meant it to go that far.

- Slow down, start at the beginning.

- Did you ever just not
wanna be you, just for a day?

Roger was working late.

Kirk, that's my stepson,
he was at his friend's.

I put on my wig from the
Halloween gala at the club.

I'd never even been to
that part of town before.

That man came up, we started talking.

He was nice, he was
from battle creek, Michigan.

Is anyone really from
battle creek, Michigan?

He bought me drinks, I hadn't eaten.

The next thing I knew, we
were checking in to a motel.

- And what time was that?

- Around .

As soon as I walked in
the room, it started spinning.

I ran to the bathroom.

Oh, I haven't thrown up like
that since I was in college.

And when I came out, he
had taken his clothes off.

I panicked, ran out.

I was home before midnight.

- Can your husband verify that?

- I can.

She called me right away.

She was mortified.

Poor lamb.

- We came right over, didn't we, love?

- And we stayed all night with her.

- Mm-hmm.

- What was your maiden name, Mrs. Sterling?

- Weston, why?

- Do you know anyone with the initials bgc?

- I don't think so.

Do I?

- Bgc?

No, sorry.

Not a soul.

- Sergeant Saint John,
please, let me tell my husband

in my own way.

- Nothing on bgc, sterling says the only bc

he knows personally is Bill Clinton.

His middle initial is j.

- I'll take name dropping for , Alex.

What's your read on him?

- Real class control freak.


- She's hiding something.

And she's scared, but not of us.

Anyway, muffy and Buffy
alibied her, our hands are tied.

- These things are nice.


What time do you think they deliver

the morning paper around here?

- Don't know.

But I bet the keys to the mustang it's

not before midnight.

Nah, I don't think so.

- We're not vice, this is
a homicide investigation.

- Well, she does look kinda familiar.

What bat her?

- She was in here last night.

Left early with a tourist.

- Was she drunk?

On water, not likely.

- She wasn't drinking?

- Nah, I remember,
'cause she asked cornflakes

to buy her a drink.

- Cornflakes?

- Yeah, she started calling him that

'cause he was from that
town they make cereal in.

So cornflakes says, "Brandy
Alexander for the lady,"

and she says, "are you sure I'm a lady?"

Changes it to a club soda.

- Back up.

She asked him to buy her a drink.

- Made a beeline for him.

He was good pickings, though.

Wore a real nice submariner watch.

- There was no expensive
watch in the property report.

- I'll call burglary.

- Listen, one last thing.

I don't suppose any of your
girls here take work outside.

I mean I'm looking for an exotic dancer.

I'm on a tight budget.

- "We're not vice?"


Pull the other one.

- What about renting the place out?

- Deputy district attorney Sherwood,

sergeants Ryan and Saint John.

- Sergeants.

Which one of you was out interviewing the

pawn shop owners?

Your property report addendum?

A b and e results in a homicide
and you're not out looking

for the victim's $ , watch?

- We ran the pawn
shops, nothing's shown up.

Besides, this doesn't smell like a b and e.

- I see.

And what matters is your delicate nose.

- There's still cash in
a case under the bed.

Besides, I don't see a burglar using

an unreliable m*rder
w*apon like a silk stocking.

- Well, maybe he was in a hurry.

Maybe he was stupid.

I just pleaded out a bank
robber who wrote the holdup note

on a deposit slip from his own account.

- We're pursuing this from
another angle, miss Sherwood.

Right now we have a
possible involved witness.

- Yes, Mrs. Roger sterling, one of the most

socially prominent women
in palm beach, I know.

See, her husband plays
golf with my boss's boss,

and his boss, and you know what?

They've all called.

- So?

- So, the word from mount Olympus is this.

Look elsewhere.

Maryann sterling is not
a suspect in this case.

- I know about cirus from mount Olympus,

and you have my sympathy.

But that doesn't mean you can waltz in here

and tell my officers how
to run their investigation.

- Well, I can't wait to tell my superiors

about all the support they're getting

at the grassroots level.

- Already I got an ulcer from you two,

and it's not even lunch yet!

But Harry...

- no whining.


But just for today, do it like
there is no Maryann sterling.

- But Harry...

- just for today.

What, what?!

- Now women wear lingerie
to have power over men,

don't they?

- Don't go there.

- Remember that red Teddy I bought you?

- Yeah, we're partners, okay?

We agreed not to...

- I'm just picturing the
expression on your face.

It wasn't so much pleasure
as it was satisfaction.

- I'm getting none right now.

Give me that.

d*ck Whitney makes a lousy victim.

He sells heavy equipment,

dull as a dishwater, divorced years ago.

- Well, I'm guessing that
Maryann wasn't the first hooker

that he cozied up to in a
motel room on the road.

- Oh, Maryann, do I know a Maryann?

No fiduciary hanky-panky at the office,

no vulture eying his job, doesn't know a

soul in palm beach.

- So it's back to a crime of convenience.

- Awfully damn convenient.

And what did the k*ller do?

Wait for Maryann to go to the head?

- Wait for who?

- Wait for a hypotethical
witness to go to the head

and rush in and do the poor s.O.B.?


- unless he was watching.

- Yeah.

I'll have forensics dust the outer windows.

Check the neighborhood.

Maybe a dumpster diver saw something odd.

Oh, and Tom?

- I know, there is no Maryann.
- There is no Maryann.

- Hi mom.

Where were you last night?

I waited up for you.

- Kirk, I can't just leave
Roger's bed for yours

any time I want.

- I miss you.

- I told you it would have to end.

- Is that what you really want?

- Kirk, can I ask you something?

Have you been following me?

- Hey doc. - Hmm?

- Did you get those tox report on Whitney?

- I emailed them to your office.

- Well, it's lost in cyberspace.

Do you need a napkin or something?

- No, I'll just do what I usually do.

Oh, . blood alcohol.

- That's it? - Hmm.

- No Pentothal, no rohypnol?

- No nothing. - Huh.

Well if he wasn't drugged,
could you stop doing that?

Thank you.

So how did she overpower him?

- The man's hyoid bone was splintered

like a popsicle stick,

so unless your call girl is
xena the warrior Princess,

she's off the hook.

Now, if you don't mind,
this is my personal time.

Gie me another slice
of pepperoni and olive.

- Out.


- Are you a member here?

- No.

No, I came to talk to you.

- Yeah, well, make an appointment,

I have a reputation to protect.

- I came to tell you
your wife's not a suspect,

the autopsy report confirmed
that she couldn't have done it.

She didn't have the strength.

- Well thank you for letting me know.

- She's still obstructing an investigation.

Maybe she saw who did it.

I think it's in your
interest to call off the dogs.

- Call off the dogs?

I didn't have you taken off this case.

- Pressure came down from
the silk suits, we assume...

- well it didn't come from me.

Now, if that's all, i...

- Mr. Sterling.

You might want to try
rotating your hand degrees,

loosening your grip.

Good shot.

Make an appointment.

- Here's my appointment.

- Oh, snow angels?

- Palm prints.

From the motel window.

Unidentifiable because
the peeper wore latex.

- So?

- So, I'm trying to
picture a follow home thief

who goes out wearing surgical gloves

and then watches his Mark for three hours.

- $ , watch is worth three hours' work.

- This wasn't about money,
it's personal and you know it.

- Don't second guess me, sergeant.

I do my job in the manner
I deem appropriate.

- You're doing someone's
job, that's for sure.

- Well how much would it
be without the Wesson oil?

Oh, I see.

Well, what about something with tassels?



Twins with tassels?

That sounds entertaining, how much is that?

You're kidding me.

I didn't pay that much for my Volkswagen.

I'll get back to you.

I'm dumbfounded.

I'm dumbfounded that you can't find a woman

to take her clothes off for
less than $ in this town.

- Gee, Tom, have you talked to vice lately?

Hey, how much do you
think a second string da

makes these days?

- I don't know, , ?

- Yeah, probably.

So how the hell does Gloria Sherwood

pull off an Armani jacket
and a Tiffany brooch, anyway?

- Well, ask around.

Is fiber lab done with this?

- Yeah.

We'll know its true mate
the minute we find it,

unlike real life, whatever
the personals say.

- Well, I know and you know
who's got the other stocking.

- Yeah, same woman whose
story has more holes in it

than your fsu sweater.

- Oh, please, leave the team
sweater out of this, okay?

- Oh, come on, Tom, that thing is a rag.

I mean, when clothes get that old,

people Polish things with them.

- You know what your problem is?

You got no sentiment.

- We gotta talk to Maryann.

I can show mugshots of
Jewel thieves to the hotel staff

until they draw them from memory.

But Maryann sterling has all the answers

and she's stonewalling us.

- Doc says an aerobocise
trophy wife who weighs tops

couldn't strangle the guy.

- Well what about three
aerobocise trophy wives

working as a team?

- I'm gonna talk to muffy and Buffy.

This is a search warrant request, skipper,

not a declaration of w*r.

- Says who?

It'll also be my resignation
and your transfer

if you submit this.

- But Harry... - da, da!

- It's a legitimate lead, captain.

What makes Maryann sterling so untouchable?

If she was a $ hooker,
she'd be doing time

in county right now, wearing a smock.

- But she's not a $
hooker, she's a millionaire

society wife, and millionaire society wives

don't off traveling salesmen.

- Right, and millionaire football players

don't off waiters either, right?

- Look Tom, I'm on your side.

But the district attorney
will not file against her.

You're wasting your time, kid.

- Careful, you'll trip over your tongue.

- If only.

- Miss arnaud?

- I am mademoiselle arnaud.

- Sergeant Cassandra
Saint John, palm beach pd.

I called earlier?

- Yes.

The hose you describe is a custom order.

The marietta with hand-sewn monogram.

$ a pair.

- Women pay $ for stockings

that basically snag in a sneeze?

No, their husbands pay.

- The monogram bgc, what
can you tell me about it?

- The biscayne garden club, very exclusive.

Bgc has been a standing order at bon temps

for more than years.

- Maryann sterling hasn't been

wearing stockings for years.

May I see the order list?

- I'm sorry, that is impossible.

Our customers are very private.

- Well then, they would probably hate it

if the store were surrounded
by cops and lights and sirens.

- You will please be discrete.

- Discrete is her middle name.

- Maryann sterling, Jill
sheckley, Ashley dodd.

- Muffy and Buffy, how
does your garden grow?

Don't you guys got no one else to pick on?

- If I were vice, you'd be closed by now.

- She won amateur night
about three months ago.

Amateur what?

- Split without picking up her bucks.

And this one I 'd for soliciting.

Hit on the health inspector.

- This special meeting of
the biscayne garden club

is hereby called to order.

Ashley, since you called this meeting,

present your business.

I move that we disband,
effective immediately.

- Ah.

- Oh, pish-tosh, Ashley.

Maryann's your friend, so
you're concerned about her.

So am I.

But let's not overreact.

Now who won last month's challenge?

I brought videotape.

- Dammit, Margaret, my last
challenge is in the morgue.

What if I'm a target too?

- At least let's call a hiatus.

I mean, the police have questioned me.

That was not a part of my luncheon plans.

- I hereby resign my membership.

- You can't resign.

Maryann, you know perfectly
well that membership in the bgc

is dissolved only by divorce, or death.

- What's the boy done now?

- Your grandson's okay, Mrs. Morton.

Still in the recovery house.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

- Oh, not at all.

You were a godsend.

- I need your help.

- Nathan, bring my checkbook.

- Oh, I'm not collecting, I'm canvasing.

You know everything
about palm beach society.

- I should hope so.

Till the second Mrs. Morton came along,

I was palm beach society.

- Can you tell me anything
about monogrammed

black silk stockings and
the biscayne garden club?

- The bad girls club.

- Bgc, biscayne garden, bad girls club, oh.

- The men had their smoking societies

and their athletics club, and we wanted

something of our own.

- And you started the secret society.

- Very select, very exclusive.

Our mission statement was, "be naughty,

"be daring, and don't get caught."

We set challenges,
skinny dipping, shoplifting.

- Stripping, hooking?

- Not in my day, but you know how it is.

Kicks just keep getting harder to find.

- Is that why you quit?

- Quit?

I didn't quit.

I had to leave when Cedric divorced me

for something younger and blonder.

Oh, I lie, she's a brunette.

Honestly, though, I miss the rush.

- Day shift double-checked
the motel's dumpster.

Plus I called in some markers and I had 'em

check through sterling's trash,

some of his ritzy friends' trash too.

Who throws out Gucci shoes?

No stocking.

- No stocking, we're at square one.

- Look.

There's your entertainment.

- Oh, I'm serious, cassy.

Hey, if I don't find somebody soon,

I'm gonna be jumping out
of that cake in my skivvies.

Mr. Jordan.

That's is I.

- Yes, you were on duty the night

that d*ck Whitney checked in.

Also the night he checked out!

I've already spoke most
openly with your colleagues.

- Did anyone ask you about parked cars?

- Oh dear, am I violating opposite side

of the street parking?

- No, no, I mean parked cars that night.

Someone may have been
watching the m*rder*d man,

they could've parked nearby.

- Oh, but there were so many
cars parked, even so late.

Mr. Bahamad's El dorado Cadillac,

which cannot be moved at all.

One Honda accord, colored silver,

maybe primer paint I'm thinking.

Beautiful range rover, black racing green.

- Wait, range rover, in this neighborhood?

- Oh, positively absolutely, I
know my British motor cars.

model, . , list price
$ , , tax and delivery extra.

- Does one of our new
friends drive a range rover?

- Oh, they all drive range rovers,

it's the Ford Taurus
of the social register.

- Fine, start with the a's.

- Look, Ashley.

- Don't browbeat me, detective.

- Sergeant.

- Look, my husband is
on the mayor's task force

for urban affairs. - Peachy.

I know a ' El dorado that's blotting

the west palm beach historical district.

- Perjured yourself,
provided a false alibi,

and charged with accessory after the fact.

- Accessory after what fact?

Maryann didn't do anything illegal.

She didn't k*ll that man.

She didn't even take his money.

- Maybe she saw who did.

Withholding information is a felony.

- I'm not withholding anything.

- Well what about the biscayne garden club?

We know all about your high-class friends

and your low-rent games.

You picked up any nice
health inspectors lately?

- That?

A lark.


- Last time I checked, prostitution

was a misdemeanor piffle
worth days in county.

- Fine, then charge me.

What did I do?

Strip without a license?

You'll look like an idiot when my lawyers

are through with you.

- And how are you gonna
look when it hits the papers?

- What's that rule?

Your name should be in the newspaper

when you're born, when
you marry, and when you die?

This will be the exception
that proves that rule.

- Why should Maryann
go to the police, Ashley?

She didn't do anything.

Maryann says she didn't see who did it,

we have to believe her.

No, of course you're not in danger, Ashley.

The John left his watch
on the nightstand like a jerk,

someone k*lled him for it, that's all.

And as soon as the police find a junkie

wearing a submariner, this case is closed.

- Any luck?

- Nothing.

The evidence is like
a worm eating its tail,

everything contradicts everything else.

- I meant in your quest for flesh.

- No, I'm not having luck there either.

There's nothing going on.

- So how's the case coming?

- Not well.

- Maybe this'll help.

- Property report from dade county.

- Over here.

- $ . , one bundle of
white powder, unknown origin,

one diabetic syringe,
one very expensive watch.

- Huh.

Earthly effects of Emmanuel
Gonzales, b and e, adw, now doa.

Ah, nice watch for a hype.

- I don't buy it.

- I don't care what you
buy, there's your perp,

this case is closed.

- It's too convenient.

It's a plant.

- Read the autopsy report again.

Maryann sterling didn't do it.

- Well neither did Emmanuel Gonzales.

The answer's not in dade, Harry,

it's on south county road and you know it.

- Look...

- give us the rest of the day, okay?

We'll make a few calls,
we'll check out the watch.

- You want dade to get all the glory?

- All right.

You got eight hours.

Try not to offend any royalty.

- I wish you would stop slamming my door.

- You tamper with my case some more

and it'll be the sound of bars slamming.

- Do you have any idea
who you're talking to?

- As a matter of fact we
do, Mrs. Cedric Morton.

- I was wondering how you
got a town and country wardrobe

on city employee money.

I think I liked the first
Mrs. Morton better.

- Well you know what?

The first Mrs. Morton
found flower arranging

too intellectually challenging.


What does my marital status have to do

with your ridiculous accusation?

- Makes you and Maryann sterling

fourth Avenue shopping
buddies, silver spoon sisters.

It gives you a motive to
screw with the evidence.

- That is an extremely serious charge,

it'll have equally serious
repercussions for you.

- We checked the serial numbers.

Oh, the guy from Van cleef and arpels

didn't give you a pitch on that watch?

It's a very unique time piece.

It seems that each one of them

has a different serial number.

The watch that d*ck Whitney
purchased in downtown Detroit,

from Wilshire George, is not
the same watch that we found

on the arm of that convenient junkie.

No, that watch was purchased
right here in palm beach

by none other than Mrs. Cedric Morton.

- You say I protected
her because she's rich.

I say you hounded her for the same reason.

- We hounded her because
she was a m*rder suspect.

She's still a m*rder suspect.

- She didn't do it.

The guy was asleep.

She went into the bathroom,
she came out, he was dead.

- So why didn't she say so?

Why didn't she just come clean?

- Yeah, "Mrs. Roger
sterling in motel love nest

"with salesman," it's a catchy headline.

- You thought you'd protect the reputation

of an innocent woman. - Exactly.

- By interfering with
a police investigation

and aiding and abetting a real perpetrator.

- What else don't we know?

- You were right.

Someone was watching the room.

Someone who was following her,

someone who was obsessed with her.

- Her husband.

- Please, Roger sterling
traded his hormones in

for Microsoft stock in ' .

No, talk to the boy, kirk.

He worships her.

- Kirk.

Go away!

- We need to talk to you, kirk.

- I don't understand women.

- What don't you understand?

- She said she loved me!

She said she wanted me!

I loved her so much!

I loved her, and she used me!

Sleep with the teenager, they dared her.

I was a prize!

I was a prize in a damn scavenger hunt!

- Kirk sterling, you're under arrest

for the m*rder of d*ck Whitney.

- Sergeant Saint John,
I just want to apologize

for what I said.

I don't know what came over me.

- Same thing that came over you

when you followed Maryann that night.

I never followed Maryann.

- Sure you did, kirk, to the
motel, when you saw that man.

- No, I promise!

- You were jealous, you were angry,

you waited till your
stepmother left the room

and then you strangled him.

- No!

It's not true.

- Then where'd you get the stocking, kirk?

- I've never seen that
stocking before in my life.

So, did little lord fauntleroy confess?

- I'm not convinced he did it.

- Oh, come on, cassy.

The answer's on south county road.

You said it yourself, the
guy's got all the ingredients.

Privilege, entitlement, obsession.

- Hurt, sadness, disappointment.

- The kid is Lyle menendez's soul brother.

- No, not Lyle, the other
one, the soft one, Erik.

- They're both K*llers.

- Why the hell has my son been arrested?

Do you have any idea...

- who you're dealing with?

I'll have your badge for this.

Am I leaving anything out?

- I'll have you pounding
a beat in west palm

so fast it'll make your head spin.

- Yeah, da Sherwood, I'm sorry,

former da Sherwood loved that one.

- If you really believe that
you can prosecute a sterling

for the k*lling of a nobody,
a cornflake salesman?

My attorneys are on the way.

I suggest that you have
your transfer papers

completed by the time they arrive.

You have no future in palm beach.

Maryann, get down here!

We have to talk.

- Look, cassy, I don't
mind telling you this.

This thing's got me beat.

- Well you can't stop now, we're too close.

- It isn't looking good, all right?

I don't want you to
take this the wrong way,

and you could, I could see how you might,

but you don't happen to
own any tassels, do ya?

I'm desperate, all right?

I admit it.

- No, you're pathetic.

- If I take care of this stripper thing,

would you promise to shut up?

- Yes.

Yeah, and I can tell you
that you're gonna make

guys very happy. - Done.

Now, can we get back to this case?



Why did he say "cornflake salesman?"

- What do you mean?

- Well, Whitney sold heavy machinery.

Maryann called him
cornflakes because he was

from battle creek, but
that wasn't in the papers,

and Roger wasn't there
when you interviewed her.

So how would he know
about the cornflakes thing?

- Maybe he was listening in
on the original conversation

at the motel.

- Maybe he was.

South county road.

- You drive.

- Where's kirk?

- Oh, I wouldn't worry
about kirk so much, Maryann.

I'd worry about you.

- Are you drunk?

- I am never less than in
full control of my faculties.

- Why isn't kirk with you?

- Because they have not, as yet,

analyzed the stocking
they found in his room.

As soon as they do, he'll be released.

- How don't you know that?

I mean, what if kirk is a m*rder*r?

- That boy doesn't have
the spine to k*ll a rodent.

No no, the stocking will exonerate him.

- How do you know that?

- I know because I put it there.

- You framed your own son?

How could you?

- How could I?

You slept with him, for god's sake!


Pay attention.

This is a test.

Question number one, which stocking k*lled

Mr. Battle creek.

You see, one of these stockings

is covered with his skin cells,

and his hair follicles, and his saliva.

Is it this stocking?

Or this stocking?

Don't whimper.

It's unseemly.

- Are you gonna k*ll me?

- k*ll you?

What's the fun in that?

You're the perfect wife, you're young,

you're beautiful, you're well-bred.

You're so good, you are good, aren't you?

You're not like Jill or Ashley.

You would never misbehave,
because if you did misbehave,

that nasty stocking could
show up anywhere, huh?

And what about that lovely watch, hmm?

Wouldn't the police love to
know what became of that?

- We certainly would, sterling.

You can let your wife go.

- Are you telling me how to manage my wife?

- You're making things worse for yourself.

- I have been humiliated
in front of my peers.

What could be worse than that?

- Dead could be worse.

- Ah.

You have no breeding whatsoever.

- Cassy, you said you had it taken care of.

- I did and I do.

Yeah, well, the natives
are getting restless.

- Well, throw 'em some raw meat.


I told you I would
organize the entertainment.

Now it'll be very traditional
and just a little naughty.

- I miss the rush.

- I thought about doing it myself.
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