06x06 - Loyalty

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
Post Reply

06x06 - Loyalty

Post by bunniefuu »

Rain man, get out of the way.

J.j. Said no.

He's been in there long enough.

Amos... Amos, come on. Move, please.

J.j. Said no.

This is useless, come on.

Man: What the hell

is your problem?!

Please, j.J., I don't want to do this.

Can't we just dance?

I didn't bring you to this party

so we could dance, tawny.

Just relax!

J.j., no!

Just... relax.


Shut up and relax!

I'll make it good for you, too, you get it?


There you go.

Now you got it.

After this we'll dance the night away, huh?

I promise.



Hey, Amos...

Come here for a sec, buddy.

Hey, buddy, who's your best friend?


You got that right.

Listen, champ, I want you to come over here

sit down on the bed, wait
till tawny wakes up, okay?

You have to... you have
to take me home, j.J.

You don't want to be my friend anymore.

Okay, fine.

No, no, j.J., I want to be your friend.

I want to be your friend.

Okay, buddy.


You want to be my friend?

All you got to do

is come on over here...

Take a seat right on that there bed.

How's that for a deal?



I'll come back later, take you home, bud.

I want... I want to be your friend, j.J.

Oh, I know.

Hey, Amos...

If you want

you can try and, uh...

Wake her up.

Wake her up?

You got it, pal.

Wake up.

My name is... Amos.

I like to sleep in my own bed.



If it will save me from suffering

through one of your bad moods

you can borrow my mustang

till your v.W. Gets out of the shop.

Cassy, my problems with the v.W.

Are like our little
misjudgment... behind me.

Sounds suspiciously

like you've been up all night thinking.

Read all the brochures, did all the math...

I'm happy, I'm excited.

I talked to people.

I know you and money, Tom.

You can't afford it.

Leasing. Leasing, cass. Revolutionary.

Low monthly payments, zero down.

I keep the car for two years,
at the end I'm done with it.

It's revolutionary
financing, utterly perfect.

Running on a budget

has never been a track
you're comfortable on.

You're too impulsive.

But I suppose if you
pick something sensible

with a high resale value...

Z ... the ultimate driving machine.

I got a shirt in here somewhere.

A z ?

A BMW convertible?

That's your idea of a sensible choice?

I... let me guess.

They were all out of the Aston Martins?

Never thought of the Aston Martin.

In fact, I didn't even ask
about the Aston Martin.

Maybe I should have.

Billings must have a shirt.

So over the phone

they gave you this great quote

and your imagination

just went on the fantasy tour.

Look, cassy... I'm serious.

You are unbelievable.

Don't tell me you've
already signed the lease.



Oh, I love the color on you, Tom

but the fit'll be a bit off.

You're looking well.

What brings you to town?

I had no idea you were coming.

The worst of reasons...

Another friend has passed on.

The funeral's tomorrow.

I'm at this age where it happens

much too much.

Wish I could be like your lot

where it doesn't affect me

but I'm not.

Mom, whoever told you
that cops get used to it

watches too much television.

You said it, darling.

You said you have to remain

emotionally detached.

I've always envied how you can do that.

What I said is that you should
look at that person as a victim

and not as someone you knew.

Hello, Evelyn.

In town looking for dalmatian puppies?


I see your fondness for me has grown.

No, it hasn't.

May I see you for a moment, please?

What's she doing here?


I don't want to play daddy here, cassy.

Then don't.

Find Tom.

Got a strangulation, north mandalay drive.

Vic's a possible minor.

Mom, Tom and I have to
run over to north mandalay.

Well... can we have lunch?

Sure. Uh, meet me at
my house at around : .




Tom: So you got a lunch date

with Evelyn... interesting.

You and Harry are acting

like I made a date with Hannibal lector.

The only difference between
her and Hannibal lector

is that he's not real.

She's not that bad.

Cassy, she takes pleasure in mauling you.

I've seen it, Harry's seen it.

Do yourself a favor... avoid her.

I'll cover for you.

Who discovered the body?

I'll talk to him.

I'm sergeant Tom Ryan.

I understand you discovered the body.

Listen, the whole thing is my fault.

I never should have
let rain man be with her.

Rain man?

It's, uh, what we called Amos

after the accident.

Oh... I see.

You say it was your fault.

Amos is not exactly

what you'd call a babe magnet.

Tawny was up for it.

Thought it would be cool

for the rain man to crack his nut.

Left them alone for a few hours...

Came back, she's dead.

Amos brought tawny to the party?

No, no, she came with me.

We dated a couple of times...

Okay, let's start from the top.

Tell me what happened this evening.

Amos, what's your last name?

Man: Alexander.

Alexander, sergeant St. John.

He's my son.

I didn't know you had a son.

Well, I do.

Now I'd appreciate it
if you'd let us go home.

I can't do that.

Amos has to be questioned.

Is this payback for throwing
out the possamata case?

I have no grievance
with the district attorney.

Although I will tell you

I was baffled as to how you
could let a wife k*ller walk.

You gathered the contaminated evidence.

It was clean when we gave it to you.

Are you accusing my office
of tampering with evidence?

Since you're the district attorney

I guess I'm accusing you.

You just bought yourself a suntan.

I'm calling your captain.

Enjoy the beach.

Knock yourself out.

He's on extension .

I'll pay for the air time.

But until then

I'm questioning your son.

This is getting out of hand.

Let's take it outside.

Stay with him.

Alexander: The only pertinent fact

is that the evidence was tainted

and we had to throw the case out.

I don't want to get sideways with you.

Let's start over again.

Did you know this boy j.J. Pearson?

Yeah, he's Amos's best friend.

He found Amos at the m*rder site.

I don't know what happened in there.

But Amos had nothing to do with it.

All the evidence and circumstance

seem to indicate that he could.

Five years ago, Amos was
in a windsurfing accident.

The brain damage was extensive.

They wanted my consent
to give my son a lobotomy.

And I said, "yes."

He's still a man.

Yes, with the reasoning
capacity of a child.

I'm sorry, but... what is wrong with you?!

A lot of things

but doing my job is not one of them.

Now I'm going to question Amos.

The only way around this
is if my captain says no.

Would you like to call?

This is not over yet.

I'm going to be present
while you question my son.

That's fine.


Thompson, put the g*n down!

Put the g*n down!

Put the g*n away.

Amos! It's okay, it's okay.




Cassy, we need help here.

Tom, it's okay.

He's just

a little confused.

That's how you want to call it?

Yeah, I'm sure.


It's okay, daddy.

Okay, Amos.

It's okay.

Put your hands down.

I'm sorry, daddy.

You said you had to question him

so just do it.

Amos, will you sit with me?


Amos, did you go in the room with tawny?


Was she okay when you went in?

She... she was sleepy.

Did you touch her?


Amos, did you k*ll tawny?

You... you have pretty eyes.

I like pretty eyes.

Amos, I asked you if you k*lled tawny.

She was... sleeping.

I... I waited for her to wake up but...

She did not.

You... you have pretty hair.

Did you try and wake her up?

I, I shook her.

But she would not wake up.

I waited.

And, and then... and then j.J. Came in.

Was anyone in the room

with tawny

before she was sleeping?

She, she, she was playing with j.J.

He told me, he...

For me not to let anybody
inside while they are playing.

You wait for me here.

I have to talk to your father.


Mr. Alexander, I have no choice

but to take Amos in.

You're persecuting

a severely handicapped child.

Look at the facts.

He may not have meant to hurt her.

It just happened.

I've managed to keep this tragedy

personal and private.

I wish it to remain that way.

I will not tolerate you arresting my son.

Truth is, Amos is not a child.

He is a fully grown strong man.

You know very well I have no other choice.

You, on the other hand, do.


Will you file charges?

Don't try to make this political.

I won't allow it.

If this case supports a filing, I will.

Tom: Tawny's father gave me

a list of her friends.

Cassy: Let's check it out.

Cynthia strader?

Sergeants St. John and
Ryan from palm beach P.D.

Do you think you could
take your break early?

It's unbelievable.

Amos did it?

He's under suspicion.


Do her parents know?


Tawny ever mention

a guy named j.J. Pearson?


I introduced them to each other.

As a matter of fact

j.j. Dumped me for her.

It's cool, though.

He's still a...

He's still a great guy and a good friend.

How devoted was tawny to j.J.?

It was bordering on fatal attraction.

So if j.J. Asked tawny to sleep with Amos

she might have.

In a heartbeat.

Tawny was always up for sex.

I know that made her more
appealing to j.J. Than me.

Amos is sweet, you know?

But... broken.

Did you ever see Amos
become angry or violent?

Not really.

One time he accidentally broke my finger

when we were playing around.

It was no big deal.

I mean, he didn't even
know he did something wrong.

Look, if you guys don't
have any more questions

I ought to go over to tawny's parents.

This is yours?

Yeah, I just got it.

Do you like it?

Beyond love.

I don't mean to be rude

but you must be getting incredible tips

in order to afford this.

I lease it.

I have to cheat on my taxes

live like a homeless person
to make the payments...

Nobody knows that

when you're tooling down the road.

You got that right.


Cassy, you know what?

I think this is one of those

"what you see is what you get" deals.

Are you talking about the case

or the car?


You think by "homeless"
she meant, like, cardboard box

or just small apartment?


Oh, geez, mom, I'm sorry.

Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.

Okay, bye.

Oh, I promised to have lunch with her

and I'm hours late.

What are you doing?

Getting one last impression of you happy

before she changes you.

Not hardly.

Gravity is less reliable

than your mother clawing you to death.

You don't know everything.

Maybe not, but I know about this.


Oh, I was in the bathroom.

I didn't hear you come in.

Hey, it's my fault.

I should have said "howdy" louder.

Hmm... like I told you, my hearing's been

a bit muffled lately.

No, you didn't tell me that.

Have you had your ears checked?

Oh, I'm sure I told you.

Your sister Claudia is flying in next week

to take me to Dr. Durant.

Well, you could have asked me.

I would have been happy to do it.

I think I did.

You're too wrapped up
in your own life to hear.

Ooh, no pun intended.

So what are we doing for lunch?

Oh, I thought we'd go out.

There's this great place
called cracked wheat.

It's to die for.

Given the condition of your refrigerator

going out sounds like a wonderful notion.

And what is the condition
of my refrigerator?


No, believe me, I understand.

Too much work, too much fun.

Too few men to care for.

Who'd have the time or the desire

to go to the market?

Well, trust me, it's not the usual.

I think the difference
is your younger sisters

have that stability that marriage provides.

Mmm, mm-hmm.

Oh, yeah, and that's why
Claudia was separated twice.

And twice has shown the
courage to work it through.

I'm sorry to have to say this, dear

but I really find it beneath you

to denigrate your sister.

Hey, mom, I'm just pointing out the truth.

Your truth, cassy.

You know, it might not hurt

if you tried to understand
what other people go through.

I'm not judging Claudia.

Hell, I barely even have
a relationship with her.

Yes, that has not gone unnoticed by us.

Look, mom, I'm not the
one who broke up the family.

You know, it seems to
me that the older sister

should have the maturity,
not to mention the desire

to nurture the relationship.

I don't think I've ever taken you

to this restaurant, have I?

No, I don't think you have.

One hundred.

Two hundred.

Three hundred.

Three hundred.

Four hundred.







You know, you're still a piece of dirt.


But a rich one.

Man: Something in there

we didn't discuss, Tom?

No, it's not that, it's just...

You know, you probably
get this all the time

but you look a lot like that writer guy

on TV... the one who pulls the paper

out of the typewriter...

You're right, I do get that.

Hey, listen, um... is there, uh...

Some problem with this leasing contract?

No, uh... it's just not the
price that was advertised.

But it is one single payment.

Hey, look, Tom, I can give
you the price in the newspaper

but then you won't get

maintenance, insurance...

And I can't give you our special rate.

Yeah, I know you said that.

But it, it's still, still big.

Please excuse me for interrupting.

They told me I could get a set

of loaner keys from you?

Sure. Yeah. Excuse me.

So... are you leasing?

Uh, I'm thinking about it.

Wish I had.

Which model?

Uh, z .


Thank you.

You know, that's a nice image...

You in that z .

So... how about it, Tom, huh?

Ready to sign?

Yeah, come on.


If I could get a copy of that contract

I'll get back to you.


If it's not a problem.

You're not going to shop this around, okay?

Oh, no. No, no.

No, that's the car for me.

I wanted to do this
with all parties present.

I understand you want me to
file formal charges against my son.

Lipschitz: Craig, I am very,

very sorry

but with sexual
assaults being a priority...

Given the special condition of Amos

how would you feel about releasing him

to my custody prior to trial?

That answer depends
on the arresting officers.

Cassy, Tom?

I don't have a problem with it.

I'm aces.

Thank you.

On this next subject

I don't need your approval, Harry.

I'm removing sergeant
St. John from this case.

Oh, you've got some nerve.

You're blaming me?

Alexander: Would you like

to hear

my reasons for doing this?

Revenge is a motive
that I deal with all the time.

Any defense attorney

can and should argue bias and tampering

based on our history.

Now, by removing you

the D.A.'s office has erased that argument.

You trying to convict your son?

What I'm trying to do is be circumspect.

Just to get a fair trial for Amos?

A mistrial based on poor construction

not only reflects badly on me

but the district attorney's office.

That's something I'm
less than interested in.

Thank you very much for your time.

By accepting this, Harry

not only are you being a wimp

but you're condoning an impression of me

that sucks.

Maybe, what you should be examining is

your relationship with
the district attorney.

I'm out of line because that s.O.B.

Wants to prosecute his own son?

What department are you running, Harry?

No, your way is right, huh?

I fight with Alexander
to keep you on the case

booking that the case goes mistrial

booking on his undying hatred

for the future, huh?

All to save your reputation?

That is not what I'm saying!

Cool it!

If you feel there's any way

you can change Alexander's
mind, I'm with you.

No. Do you?

Go home.

Hey, mom.

Hello, darling.

I'm so glad you're home.

Did I leave my reading glasses here?

Yeah, you did.

Isn't it

an odd time of day

for you to be here?

Um, yeah...

I just got booted off this
homicide investigation.

What did you do wrong?

Nothing... it's just dead
fire from an old case.

There must be something

or they wouldn't have dismissed you.

I think I left your glasses
back in the bedroom.

You were never a good rule follower.

Let's hope you can do
something to make up for it.

Tell me something, mom.

What exactly did I do?

I don't know, what do you mean?

It must have been something colossal

for you to have to ship me off
, miles to del rio, Texas.

I wasn't aware that you regretted

living with your father's parents.

No, you're missing the point.

And I don't want you to.

Why did you ship me off?

Look, I've explained all this before.

No, you haven't.

You've told me.

There's a difference.

My life changed.

And I thought it best for all concerned...

Didn't your own selfish life change?

Wasn't it your new
husband that... he felt that

having my younger sisters
around, that was okay

but to have me, a -year-old

that would be an intolerable drag.

I really don't think that...

Damn right, you don't.

What do you do at night?

You stay awake trying to
figure out how to nail me?

What did I ever do to you

that makes you want to kick
the emotional crap out of me

every single time that you see me?


Please! Let me ask you a question


Was there ever anything
that you caught me doing right?


It's just every little thing I do wrong.

My job disgusts you.

That I'm not married revolts you.

And my damn refrigerator
is empty, that appalls you.

There's nothing that I could do

that could ever match the thrill

of what Claudia and Christine do.

And how selfish of me
not to have a marriage

with the excitement of rotting timbers

so the three of us could sit around

and knit one and purl two.

But that's me.

Just self-centered and selfish.

So, mom, I think you should just fly back

to my sniping sisters, okay?

And the three of you harpies
can just lunch on me till you burst.

You and Evelyn spend
some quality time together?


Cass, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Listen, I know you've
been taken off the case.

I need your help.

You need mine?

Tom: Okay, Naomi Caldwell.

That's the last name on the
list tawny's parents gave us.

Tawny's parents said

that her funeral was this Sunday?

Yeah, that's what we heard.

You think you can prove j.J. Did it?

J.j. Pearson's not the
guy we have under arrest.

Well, he should be.

We thought you were
friends with tawny, not j.J.

I went out with j.J before she did.

First date... j.J. Wants to have sex.

I tell him no, and he starts
beating the crap out of me.

Did you report this to the police?

My dad works at his dad's warehouse

and said that if I reported it

to the cops

he would have my dad fired.

Whoever's calling is
more important than me?

When it's my dad, yeah.

Hi, dad. You beep me?


Be right there.

What did he want?

Cops are at the warehouse,
they want to talk to me.

What are they doing at dad's warehouse?

Hey, dad.

Sergeants Ryan, St. John.

Dad said you wanted to talk to me.

You know a woman named Naomi Caldwell?

Hmm... Naomi Caldwell?

Think about it, son.

J.j., my partner's in no
mood for foggy memories.

He gets this way when guys beat up women.

Now you wait a minute.

Does my son need representation?

I don't need a lawyer,
dad, I didn't do anything.

I've got an emergency room
report for Naomi Caldwell.

You better think about it hard

because you're going to need an alibi.

Well, what's the date?

If it was in the last month

more than likely I was with Cynthia.

Have I met Cynthia, j.J.?

She's not the kind of girl
I'd want to bring home.

I see.

Well, fortunately, in
our country, even a girl

like this Cynthia, can bear witness

for a person's whereabouts.

You know, that's very
large of you, Mr. Pearson.

But before we can Grant
immunity to the silver spoon here

perhaps he can tell us why his fingerprints

were on the drawer pulls
at tawny's crime scene.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.

I told tawny more than likely

Amos wouldn't have a clue about being safe

so, I opened the drawer,
threw in a couple of condoms.

So if we sent a squad car to the house

they'd find these condoms?

Yeah, they should.

Thank you.

Oh, you'll check on the date

of the emergency room report?

Right away.

Cassy: It would have

been nice

if you would have shared

the new forensics report with me

before we questioned j.J.

There wasn't one.

Well, what about the fingerprints

on the drawer pulls?

It's a product of this
very fertile imagination

I'm gifted with.

You lied?

You betcha.

More importantly, why did j.J.?

Sergeant St. John, did I not

make myself % clear in my office?

Yeah, come on, whoa.

You two are amazing.

At first sight, you switch

from semi-to full a*t*matic.

Do you want a reason why she's here?

Fine, she's... she's my date.

And, my, doesn't she look enchanting.

There's something about
a woman packing heat

that's always excited me.

Be honest with me, Craig.

A woman with a
nine-millimeter Cannon give you

a chill or a pucker?

What do you need?

Cassy needs to speak to Amos.

And you can say I asked the questions.

I don't think so.

She's developed

a connection with Amos.

You got to let this slip through.


All these for Amos?


Amos was a truly gifted athlete.

He had... hand-eye
coordination, speed, size.

He was awesome.

The day of the accident,
I was watching him.

He was...

Surfing across the waves, somersaulting.

He was a breathing
picture of total freedom.

From the shore, the accident

didn't look that bad.

I... I thought he'd missed the rocks.

And when I didn't get a...

An "okay" sign from him

I knew he was hurt.

After the surgeries, I
understood how badly.

Forgive me for saying so

but you make it sound like he's dead.

In many ways, that's true.

It's like a death.

But Amos is alive.

I know.

I've been thinking that
maybe the best thing would be

to put him in a special care institution.

I don't know anything
about your life or your burden

but, uh, what I have seen...

Is Amos loves you without restriction.

I'm just going to say this flat out.

You're a horse's ass if
you don't share it with him.

Come on, I'll show you his room.


Son, do you remember
these two police officers?


She... she has pretty eyes.

Hi, Amos.

Are all those fish yours?

Mm-hmm, they're, they're all mine.

My, my daddy gave them to me.

Wow. You must have a zillion fish.

No. No, I have, I have .

Y-Yesterday, I had, I had , but...

One of them stopped swimming.

His name is ... I miss him.

Okay, Amos.

That's, that ...

That's okay, come on.

He'd name them all if you let him.

That's one of the quirks of the surgery

is that he has almost
perfect recall of sequence.

Sit down, Amos.

Amos, who did j.J. Go to the party with?

I have not seen...

J.j. In so long.

Have I, daddy?

No, it's been awhile.

Probably, probably he misses me.

Did j.J. Come to the party

with tawny?

Yes, she...

Sh-she is nice.

Did she talk to you much?

Hm-mmm, she, she was sleepy.

You said that she and j.J. Were playing?

Yes, they were...

They were loud.

J.j. Told me to not let anybody

come inside while they are playing.

Did you look inside?

No, no, j.J. Said for
no one to come inside.


Look at me.


I need for you

to answer this question truthfully.

Did you look inside that
room when you weren't

supposed to?

Go away!

J.j. Will be mad at me

and he will not be my friend no more.

No, no, he will.


Yeah, I promise.

My daddy, my daddy said that

"if you play too rough

y-you will break things."

I, I did not want j.J.
To... to get in trouble

so I, I opened the door and j.J.

Was playing too rough
with, with his friend.

She did not like it.

She went to sleep.



Thank you.

Good luck to you both.

Thanks, Craig.

Cynthia: What the hell are you

doing here? It's : a.M!

They know.

They know something happened.

What are you talking about?

I heard the cops come into my house

climbed out the back

and now my beeper's going crazy.

So what do you think I should do?


I should have known
it was only a fairy tale.

I mean, how desperate was I

to believe, even for a second

you could have convinced anyone

that Amos did it?!

You're not focusing, Cynthia.

I need your help.

You're not focusing, j.J.

It's midnight.

The clock has struck.

The pumpkin's returned.

Bye-bye, j.J.

Best of luck.

Hope they don't catch you.

I think you mean us.

J.j., your daddy's
money can save your butt.

But I doubt he's willing
to spend it on mine.


I don't need your crap

right now, Cynthia.

I may need you.

I definitely need some serious money.

Cassy, is the north end shut down?

No in, no out.

We've had an a.P.B. For six hours

and we can't find him?

He's still here.

Silver spoon couldn't make

a plane reservation without a travel agent.

Hey, maybe that's the answer.

What would be the first thing

silver spoon would want?

Money from daddy.

And where would the
robber baron keep his Booty?

The office.

Tom: Get out of the car!

Get out of the car!

He kidnapped me, I swear.

I don't prosecute, Cynthia, I arrest.

Let's go.

J.j. Pearson, Cynthia strader.

You're under arrest for
the m*rder of tawny Fallon.

You have the right to remain silent

and the right to an attorney.

If you don't appoint an attorney

the court will appoint
one for you. Let's go.

Let's go.

Lipschitz: Yes, sir.

Thank you. I sure will.

I'll tell them right now.



That was district attorney Alexander

expressing to you

sergeants St. John and Ryan

his sincere gratitude for clearing his son.

Well, if you want the humble truth, Harry

it's just a by-product of being the best.

You're developing an attitude

to go with that new car, hot shot?

You know, cassy

I know you think you know me

but I know that you don't know me

as well as you think you know me.

You know?

Can't afford it, huh?

Not currently.


Uh, Evelyn.

This is not the time
for one of your stunts.

Harry, I need to talk to my daughter.

May I?

Okay. Be brief.

If this is a lecture...


I resent you, cassy.

I resent your strength

your independence, your freedom

but mostly I resent your
not heeling to my wishes.

Because of that

I've treated you with contempt.

And I wonder now if I can
ever treat you otherwise.

But I do know that I still love you.

Maybe so much it frightens me.


No, no.

Hang on.

This is my speech.

I have a problem.

I've grown accustomed to
letting conversations fester

and become rancid.

I've grown to like it.

I rely on the pecking your sisters

and I do about you.

It defines us.

More importantly, as I age...

I fear being alone.

If I change my relationship

with your sisters

will I lose everyone?

Oh, I won't risk that.


Nothing can change the
fact that I'm your mother

and you're my daughter.

We have obligations to each other.


This is the truth today.

Not particularly fair...

But what is?

Got to hand it to her...
She's always interesting.

So is ebola and I
wouldn't want to handle it.

Ice cream.

Everybody needs ice cream

and, believe it or not

I am buying.

Forget it, Harry.

You always buy cheap drug store stuff.

I want something with an expiration date

prior to the year .

Lipschitz: That's very funny.

Inexpensive does not

necessarily mean cheap.

However, I'm feeling rather expansive

so I choose... the butter barrel.

Come on.

You guys go ahead.

I'll catch up.

You sure?


Come on, I'm not doing this by myself.
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