06x14 - The Babysitter

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x14 - The Babysitter

Post by bunniefuu »

- Greer snaps up.

His hands are like glue, tonight.

% outburst!

Whoa, an -yard touchdown.

Greer saves the day, again.

- Hi. - Hi, Dr. Klein, Mrs. Klein.

- Hi. - Hi.

- Look, you look beat.

Why don't you let me take Justin home?

- Deal.

I'll put Dakota to bed.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.

- Keys?


- Here you go.

So, do you want me to walk you to the door?

- You know what I want.

- Sorry we're keeping
you so busy, sgt. Ryan.

- Yeah, well, I'm in court this morning.

- Oh?

This is the courthouse?

Hm, I must be lost.

Borstein case, : A.M. - borstein.

Warehouse manager stabs supervisor

over poor productivity report.

Guy must have been making
paper airplanes at his desk.

It's this hold music.

Thank goodness it's not a cable emergency.

- So sorry to bother you both

in the middle of your hectic morning.

Here, a present.

- This is my expense report for last month.

- Mine, too.

- Notice the big red
letters across the top?

- Rejected, what, they rejected it?

- With prejudice and a few
juicier cuss words, I might add.

- What for?

I turn in a perfect expense report.

Every penny is accounted for.

- Meticulously, I might add.

- I take it that neither one of you

read department memo ?

- Procedures for
reporting lost farm animals?

- As of January , we
are on the voucher system.

- Which means?

- Which means all expenses
oughta be delineated

in advance of the expense being incurred.

And, if authorized,

the department will
issue a payment voucher.

- So, I have to pay snitches

with a voucher from the palm beach P.D.?

Come on, that's crazy, skipper.

- Crazy like a fox.

The department has already saved

$ , in lunch monies alone.

You know, these look amazingly

like estimated expenses for next month.

Try changing the dates
and resubmitting them.

Court time.

And, since they're not gonna send you out

on a case alone, you get the morning off.

What are you gonna do with your free time?

- I'm just gonna do something
madcap and indulgent,

like, go wait in line at the cable company.

- Cassandra, you're Cassandra St. John?


- You don't remember me.

Should I?

- Justin greer?

Del rio, Texas.

We were neighbors.

You used to baby sit for me.

- Oh, my gosh, little Justin.

- Oh, wow, I can't believe it.

Look at you.

You're all grown up.

What brings you to palm beach?

- Citrus coast j.C., gateway to fsu.

Escape hatch from Lester's body and Fender.

- How's your mom, Gloria.

She's a nurse, right?

- She died. - I'm sorry.

- Stuff happens.

It was a year ago.

So, when I got the chance to move east,

make some new memories.

- Yeah.

Well, this is amazing.

You were what, nine when I saw you last?

- You left for college.

Aeronautical engineering, right?

- Yeah.

- Did you ever get into the space program?

- Cassy the astronaut, uh, no.

I think that lasted 'til
my first physics midterm.

I'm a police officer.

- Your day off?

- Oh, plain-clothes detective,
sgt. Cassandra St. John.

- Hey, I'm an expert in intrigue.

Are you on a major stakeout?

- Oh, major.

I'm staking out the cable
company and I'm trying to

figure out why I'm seeing
so much snow in Florida.

Come on, keep me company

and fill me in on all the
good gossip back in del rio.

- Okay.

- It's always good to see you, man.

You know what?

Oh, Marv, hold that thought.

Hey, excuse me.

You were terrific on the stand today.

- Oh, thank you, officer...
- Sgt. Tom Ryan, Tom.

- Thank you, sgt. Ryan. - Tom.

- All I did was convince the jury

that a friend was late for work.

You convinced them that he was a k*ller.

- Well, I'm a highly trained professional.

I'm on the stand all the time.

- Really? - No, not really.

I could be.

Do you still feel broken
up about your boss?

- Truth?

It was a temp job and the boss was a jerk.

Not a s*ab me in the heart
k*ll me dead jerk, but a jerk.

- I guess a comforting cup
of tea is out of the question?

- Not really.

- Comforting beer?

- No, thanks.

- Okay.

- But, I never turn down a
double decaf cappuccino.

You're on.

- You take a nice nap, okay?

Mommy will listen to your dreams.

You drive me crazy when you do that.

- That's why I do that.

Is Dakota down?

- Visions of purple
dinosaurs dancing in his head.

What are we gonna do
when he starts high school?

- We'll be in Tahiti, lying on the beach,

making love all day long.

- Mm, that's a nice dream.

Even if the sand would give me a rash.

- It's not a dream.

I mean it.

Let's go away together.

Go away where, Justin,

to your off-campus student housing?

- We'll go to Miami.

I'll get a job.

- Oh, yeah, 'cause all the multi-nationals

are really looking for
junior college dropouts.

I'm not a food stamp kinda girl.

- I can't take the thought
of you doing it with Dr. Klein.

- Trust me, passion is not
one of Zach's strong suits.

- I love you.

- I adore you.

Your skin makes me hungry.

- I need you.

- I need you.

Right here, right now.

Like this.

- Thank you.

It's a good song.

- Hmm, do you suppose Billie Holiday knows

that every hour of the
day, every day of the week,

someone somewhere is
making love to one of her songs?

- You like Billie Holiday.

- Is there an alternative?

- Man, she's got style, she's got brains,

she's got legs that go
all the way to the ground.

I have carefully examined all the evidence

and my verdict stands.

You are truly amazing.

- Now, see, I always
think of myself as someone

who works more off of
hunches and intuition.

- Who is it? - It's Justin.

- This really isn't a good time, Justin.

It's o'clock.

He's always at the office by now.

- This really is not a good time.

- I'll k*ll him.

- Don't be so dramatic.

It was an accident.

- I don't believe you.

Why are you lying to protect him?

- Dammit, Justin, he's my husband.

- To hell with him.

He doesn't deserve you.

- Look, we have a child, we
have a home, we have a life.

Can't we just take a break, please?

- You wanna live without that, ever?

You sure?

- It's not about what I want.

- Don't do this, Mel.

- I'm sorry.

- Yeah, you'll be sorry.

- Justin, hi. - New Beau?

- This is Justin, the little
boy I was telling you about.

This is my partner, sgt. Ryan.

- Little boy, huh?

What are you doing here?

- Well, it's kind of a police matter

and you're the only police officer I know.

- It's the homicide division, kid.

If you lost your motor
scooter, you can, uh...

- How can I help?

- The lady I babysit
for, Mrs. Melody klein,

I think her husband is hitting her.

- She wanna make a
domestic v*olence report?

- No, she said it was an accident,

gave herself a black
eye but I know she's lying.

- How do you know?

- Because, she and I, we're
good friends, the two of us.

I could tell if she was gaming me.

- If she denies there's an incident,

I'm afraid there's really
not much we can do.

- But, I read in the
paper, like, if a neighbor

suspects abuse, y'all
have to full out a report.

- That's true, if the victim's a minor.

- Well, they have a three year old,

Dakota, that's who I babysit for.

- Is anyone hurting the baby?

- No, I wouldn't let
anything happen to the kid.

Thanks for wanting to help, cassy.

- Sure.

- It was nice to meet you, sgt. Ryan.

Poor Justin.

Guy's a sweetheart.

- Oh, he's a freelance boy scout, cass.

That guy gives me the creeps.

- You're kidding.

- Women, you're so easy.

A couple of dimples and a
smile and you're silly putty.

- Oh, yeah, just one quick shoulder rub

and we just roll right over.

Now, what was it you wanted?

- Oh, I was wondering if I could

borrow a couple of bucks 'til payday.

I'm thinking of taking Sarah out

tonight and I'm a little.

- Oh, no, say no more.

I can refuse you nothing.

I am silly putty in your hands.

- Palm beach police department voucher?

- Yeah, I'd take her to the cafeteria.

I hear the meatloaf is excellent.

- Thank you.

- Okay, you can be replaced
with aluminum piping.

Oh, oh, oh, I take it back, I take it back.

Hello, it's cassy.

- We pulled a floater out of the surf.

You'll probably wanna stop by, take a look.

- Capt. Lipschitz signed this off?

- No.

- Where's the rest of the homicide team?

- I don't think we're
looking at a homicide.

Death by misadventure.

Could be a su1c1de.

- Then, why'd you call me out?

- Because, he had your card in his pocket.


- Hey, cass, you okay?

What happened?

- He didn't go for a
midnight swim with his wallet

in his back pocket and
his Dr. Martens laced up.

Coroner said it was
either su1c1de or accident.

- He fell, jumped in.

Two out of a possible three.

Any witnesses? - Nothing.

- Note?

- No, they haven't found anything, yet.

- Any dr*gs?

- No paraphernalia.

Doc's ordered a tox scan.

- Cass, we don't have to
be here until they call us.

- I know.

Whatever you thought
of him, he was my friend.

- It doesn't matter what I thought.

We're in this together.

- So, what do you got?

- Your floater.

Water in the lungs, no blunt-force trauma.

Everything consistent
with your basic drowning.

- What's the verdict?

- Same as before, misadventure or su1c1de.

He either was too loaded
to stand up and fell in,

or he zoned himself real
good before he jumped.

- Loaded?

- Oh, sorry, toxicology report came back.

Hydromorphone hydrochloride.

- Synthetic morphine?

Kid was a junkie?

- I doubt it.

No track marks, no
underlying tissue breakdown.

I'm guessing he dropped a
couple of dilaudid and splash.

- I just don't buy Justin as a druggie.

- I told you, he's not the same
kid you knew back in Texas.

- I raised him better than that.

- You raised him?

- Well, yeah, in a sense.

His father walked out
on him when he was born.

Mother, Gloria, she was a nurse.

She worked nights, weekends.

There was just never
enough to make ends meet.

- So, you picked up the slack?

- At first, it was an afterschool job.

After a while, my sisters were gone, so,

you know, I needed a kid brother.

I helped him do his times tables.

I was the one who taught
him how to play football.

People don't change that much.

- Well, a good dilaudid-Jones
will change everything, cass.

- Cops, huh?

So, I guess he didn't just drown.

- What makes you say that?

- Super Tex could have
swam from here to Cuba

with one hand tied behind his back

and he's supposed to just
fall into a river and sink?

- It's easy to sink when
you're doing downers.

- What?

- You didn't know Justin
was popping dilaudid?

- Mister control freak doing downs?

As if.

He wasn't the get down and party kinda guy.

Plus, he was, like, some poverty-stricken

orphan, zero cash.

If he's spending my rent money

on dr*gs, I woulda k*lled him.

- Mind if we take a look at his stuff?

- Yeah.

- Class schedule, student health forms.

A- on his poli-sci midterm.

Not even a picture of a girl.

Generic student.

Was he seeing anyone?

- Yeah, he was seeing
someone, but he kept it kinda quiet,

like it was a secret, or something.

- What was her name? - I don't know.

He never said.

- So, you never heard him on the phone?

She didn't leave any messages?

- Nope.

I think they emailed each other.

- If teenage boys are
anything like teenage girls,

he saved his love letters.

- What are you looking for?

- Any file with a logged suffix

is probably downloaded email.

- I knew that.


- I miss you.

My body aches for you.

Your touch burns in my memory.

Whoa, whoa, I'd keep those letters, too.

- I can't find a signature.

- Keep scrolling.

Wait, wait, wait, what's that?

Melody, what's melody?

- Melody, why do I know that?

Melody, that's Mrs. Klein.

That's the lady Justin
came to see us about.

The woman he babysat for.

- Justin was a great kid.

Dakota adored him.

- You were lovers.

- Yes, we were.

- And, your husband found out?

- How did you...

No, I told Justin that I fell.

I said that I whacked myself

on the corner of the coffee table.

- But, your husband did know
you were having an affair?

- Yes, he overhead us. - And?

- And, he asked me to stop seeing Justin

and I said I would.

You have to understand,
sergeant, my husband

and I haven't been
physical in quite some time.

Justin was pure energy.

- But, you kissed him off anyway.

- What could I do?

Zach is up for head of the ethics committee

at the hospital.

It's very prestigious.

It's very sensitive.

If it got out that his wife

was having an affair with the babysitter.

I should have just never
let it go as far as it did.

- You probably should have never

let it start in the first place.

She smokes funny. - Who?

- Melody klein, did you notice?

She twist the filters off of her cigarettes

and she smokes 'em straight.

That reminds me off all of

the trailer park queens back in del rio.

- Why?

- Well, if you liked Luckys
but you couldn't afford 'em,

you'd buy the generic kind

and then you would twist the end off.

- Del rio, huh?

Maybe we should look into the

yearbooks of Dr. and Mrs. Klein.

A little judgmental today, aren't we?

- She used him, she tossed
him and now, he's dead.

I have a judgment about that.

- You think he k*lled
himself over a broken heart?

- You read much Shakespeare?

- How do you find anything
in this compost heap?

- Don't you have your own office?

- It's full of dead people.

They stare.

- What's up?

- You kept Hawking me on that floater.

So, I ran stomach content again
and rechecked the epidermis.

- And, he's a su1c1de, right?

- There were no pills
in the digestive tract.

One needle Mark.

Someone slipped him a hypodermic

full of dilaudid under
the left collar bone.

Mazel tov, you got yourself a m*rder.

- So, what do we got?

- Justin greer, age .

Dead mother, deadbeat
father, new kid in town.

Not so much as a jaywalking ticket.

Someone gave him a hot shot
and dumped him in the ocean.

- You're removing yourself from

the investigation, of course.

- No, why should I?

- Why? - Yeah.

- 'Cause, you're too close.

Because, you're too emotional.

Because, you're... - because, I'm a girl?

- Because, you're human, cassy.

- Come on, Harry, don't do this to me.

I'm a cop first.

I wanna close this case.

- Okay, then close it, already.


- A woman saw a sports utility vehicle

in the right area at the right time.

- Mm-hmm, suspects.

- The kid was having an
affair with a married woman.

- Her husband own a sport utility vehicle?

- Okay, I give up.

Why do women go for younger men?

- Well, why do men go for younger women?

- Men don't always go for younger women.

- Oh, no?

Check out the riviera country club.

You find me one ceo that hasn't

traded in a year old for two s.

It looks like a father/daughter
luncheon in there.

- It's called biological imperative.

Men are programed to plant
their seed in fertile ground.

- Is that it?

Because, I thought it was just that

they didn't want to make conversation.

Cassy, I'm serious.

We're talking about a
-something-year-old woman

and an -year-old boy.

What is it, a stamina thing, or what?

- Don't go there.

- Come on, what could she
possibly have to say to him?

Oo, baby, oo, baby, oo.

How long did Justin greer babysit for you?

- It was almost a year, I think.

He and Dakota just bonded.

- I understand he bonded
with your wife pretty well, too.

- So, you know about the two of them?

- More to the point, you know about them.

- Yes and I understood.

- You understood?

Was that before or after
you gave her a black eye?

You think I hit her?

No, I love my wife, sergeant.

I don't beat her.

- So, it was just fine with you

that she was swapping
sweat with this stud puppy?

- I wasn't overjoyed that my
wife was having an affair, no.

- You have much call
for injectable dilaudid?

- Dilaudid? - Hydromorphone hydrochloride.

Schedule ii controlled narcotic.

- Thank you, I know what it is.

Yes, I prescribe heavy pain
K*llers for some of my patients.

Where were you last night around : ?

- At home, resting, watching TV.

- Can anyone verify that?

- I can.

We watched the local
news and the first part

of letterman and then, we went to bed.

Dr. Klein, you have a

Pete carruthers on line one.

- I'll let you take that.

You can expect to see us again.

He catches her playing hide and go seek

with the babysitter and it's okay?

- I got a feeling she hides
a lot of things from him.

- Explains the call from Pete carruthers.

- It does? - Yeah, come on.

Keyhole carruthers, the p.I.

- Sneaky Pete carruthers.

Yeah, infidelity is my specialty.

- Which makes his, my wife can boff

who she pleases anytime sort of dubious.

Don't you think?

- Why did you do that?

Do what?

- Lie to the police.

You weren't home last night.

I was alone.

I'm your wife, Zach.

You needed an alibi and they can't make me

testify against you in a court of law.

Got a voucher for you
and a voucher for you.

Here a voucher.

There a voucher.

Everywhere a fakakta voucher.

Thought you were bringing
in the cuckold husband.

- Had an alibi.

- From the errant wife herself.

- Huh, how convenient.

We're running out of suspects here.

What's your next move?

- sh**t someone full of dope and drown him,

you must really got strong
feelings about the guy.

The only other person in
palm beach that would have got

close enough to Justin
to hate him would be...

- his roommate, Mark schroeder.

- So, let's go talk to him.

You looking for something?

- Yeah, two months rent.

It's not like pretty boy needs it anymore.

- You sure you're not
digging for his stash?

- What stash?

I told you, Justin wasn't in to dr*gs.

Yeah, but you are.

- Busted for possession two
weeks after your th birthday.

I don't even want to think about

what's in your juvie jacket.

- It was just pot.

I was a freshman.

Come on, cut me a break, will you?

Where were you last night at : ?

- I was at the research library
studying for my econ final.

- All right, anyone see ya there?

- Yeah, tons of people, the librarians.

I even checked out books and everything.

What's your problem?

- My problem is your dead roommate.

- Tom, come here.

- I think we've seen a whole
new side to Justin greer.

- What are you doing Saturday afternoon?

- Are you asking me out on a date?

Isn't that one of those
rules we talked about?

- It's not exactly a date.

It's just that there's this seminar,

buying foreclosure property and...

- two words, play offs.

I'm gonna spend Saturday slathered in

nacho cheese sauce and yell myself hoarse.

Sounds like heaven.

- Waiter, could we get a wine list, please?

You wanna help me k*ll a bottle of Merlot?

- Oh, no thanks.

- Oh, come on.

I'll get trashed if I go it alone.

Really, no.

- Oh, you don't drink.

- It's not so much that I don't drink,

it's more like I can't.

- I never even thought of that.


You're not in the -step program, are you?

If you're in a , I can respect that.

- It's not that.

I'm only .

- Cassy, what is wrong with me?

Is my picker broke, or something?

She seemed more mature than I am.

- Macaulay culkin is
more mature than you are.

- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You didn't tell anybody, did ya?

- Oh, of course not.

- Oh, this is lovely.

Am I missing the baby shower, or something?

- We thought you could get a head start

on Sarah's next birthday.

- That's very funny, g*ng.

At least she's not the babysitter.

- That's a low blow. - Oh, come on, cass.

You gotta get over
this country boy with the

straw in his teeth image
of Justin you've got.

Your baby blackmailer targeted the kleins

and now we know why.

- You couldn't be more wrong, Tom.

We haven't the faintest idea why.

What do you mean?

What do you got there?

- I called the courthouse in Austin.

This is Justin greer's birth certificate.

Look here under father.

- Name, Zachary klein.

Citizenship, U.S.

Occupation, medical student.

- Justin greer is Dr. Klein's son.

- Back up, back up, here.

You mean the victim was playing

hide the salami with his mother?

- Not his mother, his father's wife.

- Oh, please.

That is so s.

What happened to family values?

Okay, his father's wife.

Klein knew about this?

- He knew the boy was
slapping and tickling with Mrs.

Dr. Klein, but I sure don't
think he knew it was his kid.

- How do you not know something like that?

- Klein left before Justin was born.

His mother, Gloria, she was my neighbor,

she changed her name.

He probably never even knew it was his son.

- Okay, then, riddle me this.

If he wasn't being blackmailed yet

and he wasn't trying to catch
his wife in flagrante delicto,

why did Dr. Klein hire keyhole carruthers?

- I think that's a question

that only sneaky Pete can answer.

- So, go ask.

What are you standing?

Go, go, go.

- Okay, okay, I'm gone, I'm gone.

I was never here.

- His father's wife.

- Field trip, young Tom.

Got your permission slip signed?

- Yes, teacher.

Cass, I'll catch up with ya.

Sarah, sorry I missed your calls.

- Can we talk some place private?

- Before you say anything,
I want to apologize.

- Apologize for what?

- For avoiding you.

It was a tacky thing to do.

I didn't know how to handle this age thing.

- What age thing?

- You're .

- So, what's that got to do
with the price of tomatoes?

Truth, it's good that you
didn't take my calls because

it's natures way of telling
me I need to do this in person.

This, this what?

- I don't think we should
see each other again, Tom.

- Wait a second, you're dumping me?

- Don't be offended.

I think that you're an absolute delight.

It's just that... - what?

- I'm looking for someone
a little more mature.

- Oh, oh, I'm not mature enough for you.

- What would you rather read, rolling stone

or the wall street journal?

- The rolling stone.

- Which one's ren and which one's stimpy?

Stimpy's the cat.

You would rather I know
which one is macneil

and which one is lehrer, wouldn't you?

- Call me stuffy?

- You're stuffy.

And, you are a sweetheart.

Don't lose my number, okay?

You may develop an
interest in real estate one day.

- Pete carruthers, I
need to speak with you.


- Pete, why do you run?

- What'd you do that for?

I just want to talk to you.

- She didn't send you? - She who?

- The ex.

She filed a non-payment of support on me,

said the boys in blue would be changing

the locks on my office any minute.

- I'm a homicide cop.

What the hell do I want with your desk set?

- What do I want with homicide?

- Whoa, make nice to the cops, keyhole.

We got a good relationship
with the divorce court lawyers.

- Hey, my clients
confidences are sacrosanct.

- What are you, a priest?

Your case files have no
legal protection whatsoever.

- I can make you get a warrant.

- And, I can call the guy with the padlock.

- Okay, fine, what do you need?

- You're doing a job for Dr. Zachary klein.

- Oh, yeah, real cloak-and-dagger stuff.

- What's your brief?

- Oldest story in the world.

Guy sows a few wild oats.

Now, he's middle-aged,
wants to make amends.

- You want to be a little more specific?

- Klein had a son back in the s.

He hired me to look for him.

- I think you found him.

- You look like hell.

Come on, let's talk.

- Okay, I got it, thanks.

- What'd you get?

- Seems that you were right.

Melody klein, crabtree,
comes from the wrong

side of the alamo back in old San Anton'.

Here's the kicker.

Guess how she got herself up and out

of there by the bootstraps.

- Hmm? - Registered nurse.

- So, Dr. Klein runs to type.

- Seems Mrs. Dr. Klein knows her way

around a syringe full of dilaudid.

- Let's go.

- What do you want, now?

- I told you we'd be back.

- One of you is a m*rder*r

and the other one is lying to protect her.

- You're accusing my wife?

Of what?

- Not wanting to go back
to a San Antonio trailer park.

Of wanting to see you
on the ethics committee.

And, of sh**ting Justin
greer full of dilaudid,

driving him to the inner
coastal in your Ford explorer

and rolling his body into the water

and of k*lling a sweet, innocent boy.

- Sweet?

Yeah, sweet.

Do you know what that monster did to us?

Sweet, perfect Justin.

He's so affectionate, so tender.

I couldn't help falling into his arms.

That's exactly what he had planned.

- Planned?

- He had it all worked
out from the beginning.

He played me like a violin.

He took pictures, he saved
letters, the whole time.

All he ever wanted to do was ruin you.

- Ruin me?

What did I ever do to him?

- You left him.

- What?

- You walked out on him and his mother.

You didn't know that, did you?

Justin greer's your biological son.

- Honey, you k*lled me.

- What are you talking about?

- You think that I stopped making love

to you because I was bored?

The medication that made me impotent.

Melody, I have leukemia.

- No, no, that can't be true.

Tell me you're making this up.

- No, I should have
told you a long time ago.

I didn't wanna say anything

while the medication kept it in check.

Hope, denial, fear.

But, then, even the chemo stopped working.

- I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

- Bone marrow transplant.

- What?

- Dakota isn't a match.

- So, that's why you hired
sneaky Pete carruthers

to find the child that you had abandoned.

All is forgiven.

Can you please save my hide?

- Don't you make me out to be a villain.

I was in no position to
raise a child back then.

I had internship, residency.

She wanted that baby.

She changed her name and
she raised that child alone.

- Justin resented
you his whole life for it.

- Yeah, I guess he did.

And, I guess he got his revenge.

- Dr. Klein, I suggest you
speak to your family attorney.

And, you are under arrest
for the m*rder of Justin greer.

You have the right to remain silent.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can't afford an attorney,

the court will appoint one for you.

Ice cream therapy.

- The good stuff.

What'd you do, sell a
voucher on the black market?

- No, no more vouchers.

Lipschitz put his orthopedic shoe down.

- Well, score one for the skipper.


What ever happened
to the thrill of victory?

- We don't always get happy
endings in real life, cass.

That's why people go to the movies.

- That poor kid.

- Come on, you're kidding.

After all this, you still feel for Justin?

- No, Dakota.

His mother's going to
jail, his father's dying.

Who's gonna take care of him?

- I already talked to his aunt Mariam.

She's married to a soft-hearted
texan who adores kids.

I think they used a new
york/texas translator.

There's a pony with Dakota's name on it.

- So, I guess there is a functional family

left in america.


- There's lots of 'em, cass.

Melody klein and your mother
aren't the only archetypes.

- Hey, Tom, you think I'm
gonna make a good mom?

- I think you're gonna make a great mom.

You just have to find a good guy.

- It's nothing that a little

Clark gable and fudge ripple can't fix.

At least your cable works.
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