06x18 - Pink Elephants

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x18 - Pink Elephants

Post by bunniefuu »

Am I supposed to drink alone?

Why are we here, marin?

Do you want me to show you?

Is this because you're mad at my brother?

Blake is an exotic wild animal, Bradley.

He has no charm

no grace.

I need something

more poetic in my life.

And I think it's you.

Please don't tell him.

Tell him what?

What, you think this is funny?

Well, little brother

to be honest

uh, yeah, I do.


Please, Bradley, it was just a joke.

Do you want to pick up where we left off?

Big brother can watch.

He likes to see me naked.

So this is it?

Are the two of you so damn bored

that all you can do is think up of ways

to humiliate me?

Ooh, is little brother mad?

Get off.


I said get off!

Oh, my god.





I see no alternative other
than dismissal for detmar.

Come on, Craig, we can't do this to Kelvin.

He's a good cop.

He was drunk

on duty, Harry.

Thank god I talked the
archdiocese out of suing.

All right, so he had

a little to drink that night.

You know he's had a rough shuffle

these last couple of years?

His wife and kids left him.

What if I got him into a program?

I'm not here to manage his personal life.

But when it starts affecting his work

and reflecting badly on this department

I can't have that, and
you shouldn't want that.

What about his pension?

I write him out on a d.O.D.

He might lose it.

What's the right thing to do, captain?

Cassy, Tom, I need you to check out

an apparent drowning.

I picked up the squawk on this morning.

How did frannie like her birthday present?

Not now, cassy. Kelvin.

Want to step inside my office, please?

Sure, Harry.

What do you think?

Not a chance Harry lets him walk.

A reprimand or a suspension, tops.

Probably recommends some kind

of a treatment center or something.

I spoke to the D.A., Kelvin.

You're the best at supporting the troops.

I'm recommending you resign.

What cause?

What cause?

You wrestled a nun to the ground

ripped away her crucifix

and handcuffed her to the church gates.

I thought she was carrying.

It was night, the crucifix

looked like a g*n.

You were drunk.

I had a couple of pops.

Nothing I couldn't handle.

Yes, you were.

The carpet's lumpy

from all the crap I have
swept under it for you.

It's time, kel.

Don't do this to me, captain, please.

Fine. I won't beg!

You want to know what I think?

I think you're a coward

and frankly, I expected more from you.

Not only as my boss

but as my friend.

If you want suggestions on...

Stuff it, Harry!

I don't have a problem.

It's the police.

Marin will let them in.

Hi, I'm marin Kennedy.

I'm sergeant Tom Ryan,
this is sergeant St. John.

Come on in.

Brad is with his mother in the study.

Right this way.

I'm Bradley Babcock.

This is my mother.

Her most recent stroke has damaged

her ability to speak.

I see you've met marin.

She was with me during the accident.

Have they found Blake?

The ocean's a little
cold this time of year.

It may take a few days.

You got a lot of closed-circuit
surveillance cameras

in this house.

It's for mother.

The security makes her feel safe.

You stated you had no idea

your brother was in the vicinity.

I thought I was to have a
quiet afternoon alone with marin.

It was just supposed to be a joke.

I never should have gone along with it.

Marin, I was the one who wanted to believe.

If it's anyone's fault, it's mine.

Tom: Well, what was the joke?

Blake wanted to pull a prank on Bradley.

We set up this thing

where he'd come out
of the woods like Freddy

and scare Bradley.

We thought it would be worth a few laughs.

Who pushed who first?


I guess I pushed him first, I think.

Marin: Blake actually

grabbed Bradley first.

And then it all came apart.

Blake fell backwards into the water.

How did you get the shoe?

It just hit my hand.

But then I ran out of breath

and I had to resurface.

And when I went back down again

there was nothing.

How long was he in the water
before the paramedics arrived?

At least half an hour.

Bradley, I am so deeply sorry.

Bradley: Well, I k*lled him,

not you.

I k*lled my own brother.

Well, if the accident
happened the way you said

I don't think there's any blame.

I doubt that mother will ever believe that.

Perhaps tomorrow after
the memorial service.

Are you not going to wait
for the recovery of the body?

No, mother wants to
think that Blake's at rest.

We're having it at the accident site.

: A.M.

Man: Blake was a joyful man,

always laughing

always elevating the moment

making us forget our troubles

if only for the length of the laugh.

And now, the length of his days with us

his physical self

has ended.

Let us pray.

As the father has committed the son

so he has committed the
soul of Blake Ernest Babcock

to heaven, and his memory to our hearts.

In Jesus' name I pray this.


Tom: The lab techs have

a security tape for us to see.

This perp either knew
exactly where to stand

or he was the luckiest k*ller

since Jack the ripper.

What was the estimate?

About a half million in jewelry

another $ , in negotiables.

Prints were everywhere.


My guess, too.

What do you want to bet

that the k*ller saw the
funeral announcement

and figured this place was vacant.

I suppose.

You know, this is a pretty
daunting place to whack

given the security.

Do you want to do the honors with Bradley?




Tom: Everybody's on the wall

except Kermit and miss piggy.


I was thinking

I've never had to live alone.

I've always had someone to share with.

Whether it be family or friends.

Now... and now in the
passage of less than a day

I'm a solitary being.

Mr. Babcock, did you straighten
the room after the break-in?

No, no.

It's as it was.


Nothing, just a cop question.

I'll leave my numbers
downstairs on the phone stand...

Home and office...

If there's anything you need

or want to talk about

you call me, okay?

That's very kind of you.

How do you read it?

Not much trashing

and what was the rush?

After k*lling Mrs. Babcock

shutting down the surveillance system

the thief had till the service ended.

The hairs on the back of my neck

are starting to do their thing again.

The yeg who hit this place

had to be prepared to disable

an incredibly complex security system.

Yep, and that category of crackers

aren't usually K*llers.

Exactly... and the thief knew precisely

where to hunt for the prizes.

Well, I'll work the security installers.

Why don't you take the insurance companies?

Yeah, okay, fine.

They're always such a fun group of people.

You ever k*ll anyone?

I have...


Never k*lled anyone I knew.

I think that would be hard, don't you?

Ain't nothing wrong with k*lling a guy

if he deserves it.

Used to happen all the time

in the old west

and history turned
out all right, didn't it?

Think you could k*ll a man?

It's almost over!

Hey, we did it.

Do you mind?

Do you know what always foils

the perfect crime?

Little brother.

When the criminals
start believing it's perfect.

What's the matter with you?

What did I do wrong?


Oh, I don't know.

Might have been that little
number about being so alone.

I have to give you points.

You did it in mother's room

but to tell you the truth, little brother

you're overdoing it.

Hey, it wasn't overdoing it; Ii was real.


Oh, well, now that you
got your grief out of the way

I feel so much better.

Time to shut down that surveillance camera

so I can get out of this dungeon

don't you think?

Aren't I doing exactly
what you want, Blake?

Of course you are, Bradley.

Look, I must have a touch of cabin fever.

That's all.

I know you're doing all you can do

and I appreciate it.

You do?

Hey, we're a team, aren't we?


I'll adjust the security system
first thing in the morning.

Fine, now adios me and get out of here.

Got a big day tomorrow.

Go on, scoot.

Get some rest.

Lipschitz: Come on, Kelvin.!

Come on, answer, answer!

What's wrong with you?

It's Kelvin.

He took it bad.

Cancer he'd take better.

I'm afraid he's going to
do something stupid, Tom.

You think he'll commit su1c1de?

I don't know what to think.

I tried calling all last night

this morning, nothing.

I know he went out on a drunk.

I know it.

You know, maybe he slipped

hit his head and bled to death?


What? It happened to William Holden

it could happen to him.

I'm going to go check his house.

Take my calls, all right?

Bradley, we have to address the matter

of the death certificate for your brother

but I can wait.

We can discuss this
another time if you like.

Thank you, um, Mr. Kleggit.

I appreciate your concern

but, no, I just want to get this over with.

Of course.

You are aware that your mother did

leave most of her estate to your brother?

He was her favorite

and he was mine, too.

Then all we need

is for you to contact Stefan gantz

and discern what Blake had
intended to be your inheritance.

Excuse me?

Stefan gantz?

You didn't know?

I don't know a Stefan gantz.

I thought I was the beneficiary.

Two months ago, Blake
had renamed his beneficiary...

A Stefan gantz of Zurich, Switzerland.

I don't know him.

I contacted Mr. Gantz.

That is, I've contacted his business agent

Zurich limmat trust bank.

But I don't know him!

Bradley, evidently, your brother did.

Gantz's papers were faxed to me last night.

It's all very proper.

Do you wish for me to
investigate Mr. Gantz further?

No, I'm certain that if
it's something Blake did

it must be okay.

Lipschitz: Kel, open the damn door!


My god, kel, you look like hell.


What the hell is the matter with you?

I've been calling you since yesterday.

I was, uh... I was out.

Let me guess, doing what?

Look, I know I have a problem.

It cost me a wife, a family

a career.

I know, Harry.


So what?

You drown your problem in your problem?

I was going to get help, Harry

but you fired me.

No, Kelvin.

I asked you to resign.

Oh, what's the difference?

One's a pill

one's a knife.

You still die.

Harry, I think I did something horrible.

I think I paid someone to k*ll you.

Listen, kel, you know,
sometimes when you're drunk...

No, no, no!

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

Harry, I... I went to this bar

and I was sitting there.

I was drinking and talking.

I met this guy

and he was drinking and listening to me.

I know, I... I mean, I...

I think I paid him
$ , to k*ll you, Harry.

To k*ll me?


And this is not a joke?

That's what I'm trying to tell you!

After I left your office

I stopped into a couple of bars.

I guess I didn't...

Never made it past the last one.

Which one?

I don't exactly remember

but I'll know it when I see it.

You're serious about this.

Let me find this guy.

I'll know him when I see him.

He'll know me.

hours, Harry.

I need this.

Let me redeem myself.

Harry, this is all I
got left to hold on to.

Kel, what you're asking me to...

Wait, wait! Take my wallet, Harry.

Here's my credit cards.

And my money.

You give me hours, Harry.

I'm begging you.

Give me hours to find him.

If I turn up empty...

I'll turn myself in.

I was never here.

As a matter of fact

I didn't see you until tomorrow.

You want to tell me about Stefan gantz?

So your meeting with
kleggit went well, huh?

I don't understand you, Blake.

I do everything for you.

You do everything?


No, I do everything.

I planned it.

I took the dive, I took care of mother.

Me. While you whimpered and whined.


Do you have any idea

how easy it is to recreate yourself

if you have the money?

All you do is fax those euro-banks

a doctored birth certificate

driver's license, bank statement

and they beg to handle your money.

That's what it's all about, little brother.

The money.

W-W-We had everything planned.

South America.

Y-Y-You said we were going to...

I left you the house. Sell it.

Go to South America.

Find another culture to bore.

You took it all?

I thought we were together.

Dear brother.

I've been completely unfair to you.

I never shared with you exactly how much

you really make me want to puke.

Did you know that I actually considered

k*lling you first

and waiting out dear, sweet mother?

Now get the hell out of my way.

I'm playing through.

No! It is not going to be this way.

Because I'll do...

You'll what, huh?

Shut up! I love you.

Shut up!

All this exercise made me kind of hungry.


Lipschitz: Did a cop come in

to your establishment last night?

About five-ten

pounds, light hair?

Okay. Thanks, anyway.

What are you doing?!

What the hell is wrong with you?

Hey, hey!

Somebody want to tell me

what the hell is going on here?!


It's a long story.

Tell me what is going on.

It's Kelvin.

I'm listening.

He thinks he paid some guy $ , to do me.

Who's the trigger?

He doesn't remember yet.

What are you going to do?

You're bringing him in, right?

He asked me for hours to find the guy.

You gave it to him?

Who in the hell gives you...

Stuff it, Craig!

You don't like the way I run

this department, then fire me, now!

He know what the guy looks like?

He thinks he knows

where the bar is.

What did you come in here

to tell me, what?

Well, we ran a check on
both the security company

and the insurers of the Babcock estate.


Forensics confirms

no foreign prints in the house

only residentials.

We haven't had any hits
on the missing jewelry.

What about the body?

The dive team's

doing everything they can

but right now the water's turbid.

It's like mud out there.

You're going in the wrong direction.

With rich people, it's
always about the money.

Who gets the money?

We don't know.

How's it going?

Oh, okay, I guess.

Yeah, it's okay.

What can I get you?


Tell you what, how
about a juice, pineapple?



Excuse me, uh...

Something else?

I look familiar to you?

From maybe a couple of days ago?


What about a guy

maybe a regular, uh

mousy-looking, about five-eight

looked like he hadn't shaved in a while?

That fits a lot of people.


You a cop?


Ex-drinker, too, huh?

Yeah, I know, I've been there.

Look... why don't you talk to Beverly?

She's working

the night shift now.

Maybe she can help you.


You still want that juice?

Yeah. Yeah, I do.

It's day one.

Bradley: Hello, is this

Zurich limmat trust bank?

Yeah, I need to speak to a manager

about account number - .

Yes, my name is Stefan gantz.

Yes, I'll hold.

Excuse me, I'm terribly sorry.

I must call you right back.


This is unexpected.


I didn't want to be alone.

Nor do I.

So how about a glass of port?

Is this just all for sympathy?



All right.


Well, thank you for your time.

That was the attorney
for the Babcock estate.

Met with Bradley Babcock
yesterday, informed him

that his brother was sole beneficiary.

Being cut out of a will?

There's a motive.

Yeah. Yeah, but in this case

the entire fortune

goes to one...

Stefan gantz in Switzerland.

Bradley's still out of the money.

Security system? Intact.

Every camera is wired-sealed.

Unless someone re-aimed it

it's impossible to not
have the k*ller on tape.

The one on the left is before the k*lling

the one on the right, during.

Same angle, no re-aiming.

Maybe the shadow of night did it.

The what?

The shadow of night.

One of the greatest comic
book heroes of all time.

This guy, he could transform himself...

A comic book?

Are you ever going to grow up?



I believe... that all men

should keep alive inside
themselves a little boy.

That's what makes us

creative, daring...

Stop it!


Read bly, read keen

that's what it's all about.

Shadow, please.




The length of the shadow

is the same in both photos.

But at different times of day

one shadow would be longer than the other.

Could they have been doctored?

St. John.

Okay, we're on our way.

That was gold.

Blake Babcock's body just floated.


To what do I owe this
unexpected depression?

Gold, you got a real attitude problem.

Well, why do you think
he's a morgue jockey?

No complaints from the customers?

How very droll.

I'll assume you're here for
the prelims on Blake Babcock.

The body was in excellent condition...

Are we ready now?


The body was in excellent condition

especially for a floater.

Integrity was high.

Lungs were aerated, clear.

Time of death...


He drowned four days ago.

How could the lungs be aerated and clear

if he drowned?

Simple. He didn't drown.

Lots of air in his lungs.

No hemorrhagic edema fluid in his windpipe

which is always present
in a drowning victim.

This Doe, when they brought him to me

had advanced rigor mortis.

Rigor never lasts more than hours.

My preliminary is, he's been dead...

No more than hours, maximum.

Not possible.

Fine. You examine the body.

Then what k*lled him?

Blunt-force trauma to the cranium

and a puncture wound to the back.

What was used in the b.F.T.?

Too early to tell...

Precisely, that is.

How about imprecisely?

An educated guess?

A k*ller whale.

Since when are k*ller whales

native to the waters of Florida?

Not an orca, cassy.

A golf club.

Judging by the indentation

and the imprinted club-face pattern

I think the m*rder instrument

was a nine-degree k*ller whale driver.

What was the puncture wound?

Derma and follicle fragments

under the deceased's
fingernails, fragments from a...

Dicerous bicornous.


I'm waiting.

African black rhinoceros.

So let me sum up your findings.

You believe that Blake Babcock

was hit in the head with a golf club

and then gored to death

by an African black rhinoceros?

I said the findings

were preliminary, didn't I?

Everybody down! Police!

Have you ever been in jail?

I don't think we should tell Harry

the rhino part.

Right, why don't we just tell him

the golf club part?


Oh, yeah, Kelvin.

Hey, thanks for calling me back.

Listen, Harry fil...

Just a sec, just a sec.


Yeah. Okay, got it.

Yeah, I'll see you in .

Kelvin thinks he just found the bar

where he might have
hired the contract on Harry.


Is this the guy?

That's the guy I gave the money to.

Ryan: You're under arrest.

You have the right to remain...

A rhinoceros?

Kelvin, take care of this for me.

I got to find cassy.

I'll call Harry.



I was in a bar with Kelvin.

I saw a rhinoceros head.

In a bar with Kelvin,
saw a rhinoceros head.

That makes sense.

It was a beer ad.

I looked up, there it was.

A rhino head.

Rhino head...

Trophy room, Babcock mansion.


Precisely. What did you think

I was talking about?

Let me smell your breath first.

If we get a search warrant from Alexander

I think we got probable cause.

With our D.A., who knows?

But it's late, so why don't
we wait until tomorrow?

So this came to you
while you were in a bar?

Yes, while staring at a... rhino head.

What do you think, sergeant St. John?

Well, I'm struck by two things.

Marnie thinks that the surveillance tapes

could have been doctored

by someone who knows the system.

And there's the puzzle of the left shoes.

Left shoes?


Bradley Babcock recovered

Blake's left shoe diving for him.

Lipschitz: But the coroner

found the body with the left shoe still on.

Two left shoes.


Based on you seeing animal
heads in a bar and a vague notion

the security tapes could
have been tampered with

and two left shoes

you want me to file charges
against Bradley Babcock?

Yes, sir.

Is that a no?

Well, I think that
little bit of police work

ought to pretty much lock up

our cop-of-the-year award.

Boy, that was scary watching
him laugh like that, wasn't it?

Do you want to go public with what we have?

Sure, we'll be the
laughingstock of palm beach

something I've never experienced.

What if we go to gold

and we ask him to release
his findings on Blake?

There's not a station manager in palm beach

that wouldn't pick up the story

of a man k*lled by a k*ller
whale and a rhinoceros.

And if you were Babcock

and you saw this report, what would you do?

Definitely clean house.

Cassy: You think he watches

the : news?

I do.

Yeah, and I know why.

You do, do you?


Conchita mcguire.


Come on, come on,
don't play stupid with me.

With those dresses that she wears

their slogan ought to be

"nudes, weather, sports at : ."

Well, well, looks like our little duffer

has given up the game.

We already sent the driver down to gold.

He ought to be able

to get blood and tissue samples from it

to match Blake Babcock.

Alexander will have to file on Bradley

if everything confirms.

Go pick up the search
warrant, I'll call the D.A.


No, not for the eyes of the innocent.

What is it?

It's a letter of release.

From what?


I think one of mother's old sherries

is very much in, in ord...


What are you doing in here?

Bradley, the next time you
try to convince the police

that a death was an accident

get the shoes right.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You have no right to be in here.

Yes, I do, I've got a warrant.

This is the shoe that
you found at the cliff.

This is the shoe that we
found on Blake's body.

Did I mention that we found

Blake's body yesterday?

Th... then he is dead.

Oh, Blake.

The one we found.

The one you found.

Both lefts.

While you were dressing the body

after you k*lled him

you should have put
a right shoe on his foot.

Very sloppy work.

Cassy: You know our guess.

You and your brother

stashed some scuba gear
underwater in the ocean.

Bradley, what are they talking about?

Shut up!

It was an accident, she saw it.

Having marin as an
eyewitness, that's pretty brilliant.

Whose idea was it to
loop the surveillance tape?

Blake k*lled mother, not me.

Bradley, that's sort of a confession.

Your mother was k*lled after
Blake supposedly was, so...

It was all Blake's idea, not mine.

Put the g*n down.

Gotcha, Bradley.

All that, just for a billion dollars.

Yeah, it's open.


I just wanted to say thanks.

I don't know what you're talking about.


I want you to have a good life.

Find some peace.

You promised you're going to get some help

'cause there's hundreds of
terrific programs out there.

Still got it, Harry.
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