01x06 - Fantasy Date

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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01x06 - Fantasy Date

Post by bunniefuu »

Brenda: l.a.p.d.

L.a.p.d. I'm looking for
congresswoman simmons, please.

And can you tell me what
table she's at, please?

Thank you.

A former district attorney,

The highest-ranking woman

On the house
judiciary committee.

And I can tell you from
personal experience,

The maker of one
mean margarita...


She has devoted
her entire career

To seeing to it that
the prerogatives

Envisioned by those
who founded this country

Are enforced by
our legal system,

That the promise
of life, liberty,

And the pursuit of happiness

Is passed on to each individual

And to each generation.

Ladies and gentlemen...

Excuse me,
congresswoman simmons...

Oh, thank you for coming.

Can I find you
after the reception?

Uh, deputy chief brenda leigh
johnson, priority homicide.

Ma'am, I need to talk to you
as soon as possible, please.

Is this about homeland security?

No, ma'am. It's about
your daughter.


5 Minutes, ok?


So this is about my daughter?

What happened?

Congresswoman simmons,

Is there somewhere I can
talk to you by yourself?

I prefer larry to stay.

All right, um...

Is this your daughter?

Yes, why?

Oh, now you're scaring me.

What happened? What's happened?

I'm sorry to inform you

That your daughter
was found m*rder*d

In her house this morning.

You're sure it was her?



At the moment, it looks like
she died from a blow to the head,

But, uh, there are indications
she may have been r*ped as well.


Wait a minute. Are you sure?

D-do you have
crime scene photos?

Ma'am, I don't think
you want to see this.

I have to know for sure!

Oh, dear god.

[Sobs] ohh...

I will take care
of the reception

And I'll have your car
brought around back.

Who found her?

When she didn't show
up for work this morning

And didn't phone in,

Her boss got a hold of
the guy she rents from,

And, um... Yeah.

Have you made an arrest?

Was your daughter dating anyone?

A boyfriend?

No. No one serious.

Do you have any leads?

Had she mentioned anyone
threatening her lately?

Did she say anything?

Now, look, I know you're trained
not to answer my questions,

But I'm not just a
mother, I'm a former d.a.

Do you have any leads?!

I'm sorry to try and talk to you

At such a terrible moment,
ma'am. We'll talk later.

No, no, please wait.

Carla is not the kind of
girl that people want to hurt.

She... She doesn't
have stalkers.

[Sobs] oh, god,
this is terrible!

Gabriel, priority homicide.

There were no signs
of forced entry,

So maybe he was
someone carla knew.

Mm-hmm, or just met.

Lieutenant tao, how did this go?

Judging from the blood

And general
disturbance in the room,

The attack started here...

Ended up over here,

And we think we
found some prints

That definitely
belong to the attacker.

And I've talked to
some of carla's friends.

She'd been seeing someone
the last few months.

Broke it off 2 weeks ago.


She hadn't introduced
him to anyone.

If you could get a name
to go with that boyfriend,

I'd like it.

Her mom says she
wasn't dating anyone.

Has your mother met

Everyone who's spent
the night at your house?

I hope not.

Brett harland, mid-level
marketing executive.

Carla shared an
account with his company,

So they worked
together some, I think.

That explains why
she kept it quiet.

What does he have?

No record.

A communications
degree is as bad as it gets.

Does he know why we
asked him to come down here?

No, I just called him at work,

Told him we need
to speak with him.

Where's the fingerprint
report on this guy?

This is taking too long.

Lieutenant tao is
working on the stuff

From the shoe boxes right now

Trying to see if it matches
up to our attacker.

Chief? Why do you
need an earpiece?

He's not a pro.

I don't want to scare him,

So I am trying to look
like your assistant.

How am I doin'?

Get me another coffee.

Nice try.

You stay here and listen,

And if I say follow up
on something in there,

That means I want
you to follow up,

And if that fingerprint
report comes in

While I'm gone,

I want to hear about it.

Yes, ma'am.

[Door shuts]



Do I need a lawyer?

No, no.

Oh, I'm not supposed
to say that.

Oh, I'm not supposed to say no.

Hi, I'm brenda.

Hi, I'm, uh, brett.

Nice to meet you. You, too.

Well, you could get a
lawyer if you wanted to,

But I don't think you need one

For the stuff that
they want me to ask you.

So I'm not, like, in
trouble or something?

Oh, nobody told you?

No, and I've been waiting
here a long time now.

Oh, no. They were supposed to...

The people who called you
were supposed to explain...

Um... Ohh... No, um,

Those detectives!

See, there's this list,

Um, that we have
of about 100 guys

Who we're supposed to
check out for this r*pe.

A r*pe?

What put me on this list?

I mean, what do I have
to do with anything?

Probably nothin'.

I... I was actually told that
we're eliminating suspects.

What r*pe? Who was r*ped?

We're not allowed to
identify r*pe victims.

Oh, this is so embarrassing.

Um, look, um, we'll go through

These questions really fast, ok?

I don't mean to hurry
you, but I am so behind.


Then what questions?

Very easy.

Where were you
between 9 p.m. And 12:00?

At a bar with a friend
of mine, uh, brad.

Ok. I just need to
get brad's number

In case we need to follow up.






Great. That's his cell.

Thank you, buzz.

Brenda: let's see, what else...

Oh! We have to swab your cheek.

Ohh, god...

Ohh, sh**t!

Oh! Here it is.

Look, why am I on this list?

You want to check?

Yeah. I... I mean, yeah.

Ok. Please.



Oh, um...

W-w-w-what is it?

Some of your stuff was
found at the victim's house:

An electric razor,
a baseball cap...

Oh, my god. Carla...

Oh, sir... Was r*ped?

Oh, we're not
supposed to... Oh, no.

Oh, my god.

Please, you're not
supposed to know that.

Oh, my god. Is she all right?


Look, carla and I
dated for 6 months.

We only just broke up.

I think I have a right

To know what's going on here.

I can't.

Did she say that I have
something to do with this?

Oh, no, sir,

No one is accusing
you of anything.

It's just that they
found your stuff

At the young lady's house, so...

Well, that's because
she was holding onto it

Until i... I gave
her her key back,

Th-that's all.

Our schedules just
haven't been able to...

Oh, my god.

Is she all right?

I can't...

You know, i... I warned her...

When we broke up, I told her

That if she wanted to
do this weird stuff...

Weird stuff?

Oh, maybe I should
write that down.

No, no, no, no, it's
ok. It's just routine.

Thank you for the
confirmation, brad.

Tao: the fingerprints
on this guy's razor

Don't match up
with the k*ller's.

Damn it.

I've heard a lot of weird
things around here.

You can tell me. I have
probably heard worse.


Brett's prints do
not match the r*pist.

It's just, uh, you know,



And, uh, role-playing.

She wanted to
experiment sexually.

Look, I think I should call her

To see if she's ok, you know?

She might need me or something.

So is there anything else
that you want from me?

I... I need you to
lift your shirt.

We've got some blood
that we can't identify.

Blood? Whose blood?

At the crime scene.

Please, sir, if you could just
lift up your shirt real quick,

It... It... It'll just
be a second.

Brett: whose blood?

Carla's blood?

Uh, sir, I am genuinely sorry

To tell you that, uh...

During the attack,
carla simmons was...

She died?

Someone k*lled her?

I'm sorry, sir.

Uh, chief,

Pope wants to see you.


My strongest lead is a dead end.

You cannot release
my crime scene.

S.i.d. Has already been
through everything twice.

It's all memorialized.

You have the dresser
and her computer.

Carla's mother wants the rest
of her daughter's things, ok?

She's an emotional wreck
right now and she's really...

And she's trying
to assert herself

Into this investigation.

simmons was one of us.

Would it k*ll you to
make a friend out of her

Instead of an enemy?

Look, you have until
tomorrow morning.

Send one of your guys over there

And have them get...

We're in the middle
of interviews!

Her friends, her
co-workers, we're...

I don't know how else to say it.

If you want something
from the house,

Go get it.

I could stay, if you want.

No, that's not
necessary. Thank you.

Well, actually, her key
is the only one we got

And it has "do not
duplicate" stamped on it...


And I'm responsible for it.


I'll keep it and just leave
the front door open for you

While you're here.

Ok. Have a good dinner.

Good night.


Feel that...

In your gut?

Is it loaded?

Get off me or you're
gonna find out!

Take your mask off.

Take your mask off now!

Do it!

Ok, ok, please!

Please, don't sh**t me.

You're under arrest
for breaking and entering,

Assaulting a police
officer... Wait, wait, wait!

Attempted r*pe...
This is entrapment!

If you so much as
move your little finger,

I'm gonna blow your head off!



[Dials telephone]


Did I wake you up?

Oh, no, I shouldn't have called.

Oh, no, no, no.

It's fine, really.
Go back to sleep.

No, no, no. It's no big deal.

It's just...

[Sobs] just kind of
a rough evening...

And I just, you know,

I just thought if
you were up and all...

[Knock on door]


Uh, we, uh, processed the guy

And he's in the interview room,

And the congresswoman's
in pope's office

Waiting to hear what we got.

Ok, ok.

No, no, you know what?

I... I'm gonna go
watch an interview.

No, no, no, no,
it's fine, really.

Um, go back to sleep.

No, really, now. Good
night. Ok. Good night.

Are you ok?

Yeah, no, I'm fine.

Uh, where is he?

Uh, interview room.

Sure you want me to do this?

Yes, yes, I don't think
I could be objective.

You'll do fine,
sergeant, I'm sure.

Volume here, up and down...

Camera 2, on and off.

I'll be right outside
if you need me.

Thank you, winston.

You didn't have to
clear the room, will.

Well, i... I feel differently.

Are you ok? Yeah.

Here, sit down, for god's sake.

Why don't you just go home?

Honestly, will,
I'd rather stand.

Please, don't... Don't...
Don't make such a fuss, ok?

Uh, it's not like I got
shot or anything.

Andrew lyle gage.

You're under arrest
for the attempted r*pe

And battery of a police officer.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you...

Whoa! Whoa, whoa,
whoa. No miranda, please!

You have the right
to an attorney...

This is the hugest mistake.

If you cannot
affordan attorney...

I don't need an attorney.

I'm not the one
breaking the law here.

Do you understand
your rights, mr. Gage?

I don't need an attorney!

I'm married. No one
can know about this.

I have children.

I understand. How
old are your kids, huh?

Think they're up for hearing

How daddy plays
when mommy's away?


Look, everything
here is legal, ok,

For consensual adults.

So your wife consents to
you raping other women, huh?

Wow, that's a new
one. That's a new one.

That's pretty tough stuff, man.

You play hard, huh?

I brought what I
thought she would like.

Look at me. She was
the tough one, ok?

And tell me this, if
you ask to be r*ped...

I could summarize this
for you in one sentence.

No, no, no, no. I
want to see his face.

What, by leaving the door open?!

And the girl from
the other night,

She was asking for it,
too! What girl last night?

The other girl
at the same house!

Don't play with me!

I don't know anything

About anyone last night,

And when say the woman who did
this to my face was asking for it,

I mean, she was
really asking for it.

Asking how? Online.

Look in my bag. You'll see it.

She had a personal
on the jones list,

Under women seeking men s&m.

It has directions,
her address book!

She wanted me
to do it! Look at it.

I was responding
to her, that's all.

She was literally asking for it.

Ok, all right,
stop the interview.

Will, please, tell
sergeant gabriel

To stop the interview, will.


Miss johnson, are you all right?

Better things have
happened to me.

simmons, I just want to say

I know that what
happened to you is awful,

But I really think
that you should let us

Finish our investigation

Before asking for
this progress report.

Do you have children?


Then I won't even
try and explain.

Please continue.

Tell her what we know.

Ok, all right, um...

First of all, the man
that we arrested tonight

Is not the man who
k*lled your daughter.

His prints don't match
any we found at the house.

All right. Anything else?

Are you aware that your
daughter used dr*gs?

I see we don't have to
wait for the defense

To demonize the victim.

Do you know that until recently

Carla had a boyfriend?

I heard about the boyfriends

When they became serious.

Did you know that your daughter

Put ads for sex on the internet?

I don't... I don't have
my reading glasses.

It's from the jones list.

It's a web site that posts

Lots of different material,

Including personals.

The heading is
"beauty needs beast,"

And there's a picture
of carla on the bottom.

You want me to read the text?


"I'm young and sexy

"And I've been very, very bad.

"If you're looking
for someone to punish,

"To dominate and
control, I need you.

"Come to 354 cedar.

"I'll leave a key under
a rock by the door.

"Enter quietly, undress,
take me by surprise,

"Tape my mouth shut
so I can't scream.

I don't want to
know your face..."

Excuse me! Excuse me.

Carla did not write that filth.

Excuse me.

How did you find that ad?

Through someone
who responded to it.

It's still posted.

I believe the congresswoman

Would consider
it a personal favor

If you could get
that thing down.

It'll be down in the
morning, trust me.

Well, excuse me.

We'll, um...

We'll be in touch.

[Door opens and closes]

Look, she had to
find out about it

Sooner or later.

At the end of the investigation,

Not in the middle.

The ad can't be changed.

It's the inciting incident.

'Cause she was asking
to be r*ped, will.

She wasn't asking
to be m*rder*d.

Hey, what happened?

I can't believe you got dressed

And came all the way down here.

Hey, are you all right?

Oh. Ow. Sorry, sorry.

It's ok.

That looks painful.

You should see the other guy.

Want to talk about it?


No, not really, no.


There ya go.

That should do it.

Thanks. Thanks.

So, um,

You've been here before.

It's, um, really

We've got a fridge.

I've got, um, milk and
apple juice and stuff

And the light
switch is over there.

I've got some cereal here,

And, uh, I've got
this cat that I feed.

She's not very
friendly, but, uh...

Where are you goin'?

Didn't you ask me to sleep over?

Not here.

I mean, um, I meant on the sofa.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


It's just that I've
been in a room

With, uh, 2 half-naked
men today already

And, uh, it's just
about all I can take.

I completely understand.

Do you?

Of course I do, of course.

Ok, so, um, the sofa bed,

Uh, you just take
off the cushions...

Yeah, I know how to work
a sofa bed, brenda. It's fine.

Go to sleep, get some rest.

I'll see you in the morning.

Ok. Ok?

Good night.

Good night.

Provenza: "women torturing men."

It's a category for guys
who haven't been married.

How many of those
things are you gonna read?

It's research, tao.

Got 'em from the personal
section of the jones list.

"Are you turned on by movies

"Where a hunky young
sailor is stripped to the waist,

Tied up, and flogged?"

What is with you
white people and whips?

"She recreates historically accurate
scene with replicas of whipped..."

Ok, lieutenant, that's enough.

Just because a handful
of people are interested...

Careful. Try million.

A million?

You're tellin' me
a million people

Log on to those
personals a year?

No, ma'am. A million a week.

L.a.p.d. We have a warrant
to search these premises.

Hey, hey, hey!

Don't think about touching
that, whatever it is.

What's that?

I'm guessing it's a degausser,

A magnet here wired
to erase information

On these servers here and here,

Kind of like an
electronic toilet.

Lieutenant provenza,
could you please make sure

We have all the employees
in this room, please?

We run a respectable business.

Mr. Jones, this is a
m*rder investigation.

This is paramilitary

In the exercise of free speech.

Honey, honey, honey...

No, no! It's the beginnings
of a police state!

Sir, all we're asking you to do

Is to take down one web page

And to give us the names
of everyone who's viewed it.

Our customers depend
on us for their privacy.

I will sue your asses
off and I'm not kiddin'!

If you don't provide us with
the information we'll need,

I'll arrest you,
and I'm not kiddin'.

We're a membership site,

So we contract people
after they've logged on.

Everyone who visited
this young lady's site

Will be in these stacks.

Names, addresses, credit cards.

At least we found our m*rder*r.

Now just so we're clear,

We're not here to
play hall monitor

To the world.

We don't control content.

You see nothing wrong
with facilitating r*pe

On your web site?

Look, stopping r*pe
and m*rder is your job...

Not ours... So if
you're done here,

Can we please get back
to what we were doing?

Sure, absolutely,
sir. Let me help.

Sue me.

Over 600 members
of the jones list

Reviewed carla's ad.

Dna from the r*pe
kit heavily implies

That our k*ller is
caucasian with red hair.

Since we can't
trust the pictures

That these guys
post on the web site,

We should go through
their credit cards and dmv

To verify hair color and race.

Gabriel: also, judging
from what the m.e. Found

Under carla's fingernails,

She got a good swipe at our guy.

So look for scratches on
the face, neck, and chest.

You got any grandkids?

Great grandkids?

[Loud music playing]

Do you know where I
might find corey horowitz?

Are you corey?

Yes, I am.

Your license says
you have red hair.

Yeah, well, I did at the time.

What's your natural color?

[Laughs] you, uh...

Want to find out?


Now why don't you
try showing the lady

A little respect, dude,

And answer the damn question.

It's brown. Brown hair.

It's all right,
sergeant gabriel.

Thank you for taking time
out of your busy schedule,

Mr. Horowitz.

Uh, could anyone other than you

Have used your credit card

And computer to access this ad?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm the pledge
master around here,

So I let a lot of guys log on.

Do any of those
pledges have red hair?

[Rings doorbell]

Deputy chief brenda
leigh johnson, l.a.p.d.

Oh, thank god. You
found the attacker.


You did, didn't you?

You found the person
who did this to my son?

Yes, ma'am, I believe we have.

Do you waive your right
to an attorney, jeffrey,

Or do you want your mother
in here to hire one for you?

No, no, I don't
want an attorney.

Your prints from
the crime scene.

Your blood type.

What do you want to bet

I get a dna match tomorrow

And I won't need you to tell
me your side of the story?

You'll be under arrest
for the r*pe and m*rder

Of carla simmons.

Now is your only chance
to tell me what happened.

Speak now or forever
hold your peace.

Ok, guess I'll go break
the news to your mother.

No, no, no, wait, wait, wait.

Oh, god.

I told them this
was gonna happen.

Told who?

Those fraternity boys?

I know you don't want
to tell on them, I do,

But this is serious.
Look where you are.

They gave me the ad.

But they said I didn't have
the balls to do it, you know?

And they were
taking bets, right?

So... I had to try.

When I got to her
house, I found the key,

And I snuck in the front door.

I took off all my clothes.

I had the tape ready. I just...

I just did what it
said to do in the ad.

Of course.

Of course.

And she was wrestling with me.

I had her...


Ms. Simmons.

I thought she was
into it, you know?

It was just supposed
to be wild. Just sex.

They said she was
probably a dog, anyway.

But she ended up dead.

It's not like I
meant to hurt her.

And, um, when I finished,

When I let her up, she
got, like, hysterical.

She tried to k*ll me...

And I'm not kidding.

She pulled a lamp
out of the wall

And she hit me in
the head with it

And she was just
screaming like she was crazy.



Then she broke this glass thing.

She... She gouged me

And she was slashing at my neck.

She was trying to k*ll me.

So I pushed her away.

And then she smashed
her head on the dresser.

And I tried to help her up.

But then her face just
went white, you know, and...

I didn't know what to do.

Then she was dead.

So i... I just... I left.

And I locked the door behind me

And i... I kept the key,

And I didn't want anyone
else to go in there.

But I didn't know
what else to do.

I didn't know what else to do.


Uh, this way.


At least we got him.

Got him for what?

Sergeant, we can't get him
for breaking and entering

Because carla left the key.

We can't arrest him for r*pe

Because he reasonably
thought he had consent,

And if we go after
him for m*rder,

He'll argue self-defense

Because carla fought back.

Well, that's for a
jury to decide, isn't it?

Because from
where I was sitting,

That was a confession.

Why do we not arrest him?

What's wrong?

What's wrong?

What's wrong is that
carla fought back.

Every time you go on-line, it's like
your computer's having unprotected sex.

And whatever it
collects stays with it.

Whatever carla simmons did

Is on her hard drive. Somewhere.

Can you show me how
she placed her ad?


See, she had auto-fill
for forms like this,

Including her credit card, see?

So she would type
in whatever copy.

She would attach a photo

From one of her albums.

She liked photos.

And... Boom.

Was she a regular on this site?

Jones list? No. Just this once.

What about other
dating services sites?

No, nothing like it.

Um, an auction account
at ebay. I mean, that's it.

Is there a date and time
stamp on this ad, by any chance?

Yes, indeed.

Can you print it out
again for me, please?


Thank you, lieutenant tao.


Boss, you have a confession.

What exactly are
you trying to prove?

Intent, lieutenant tao.

Because without intent,
we don't have a m*rder

And our r*pist goes free.

Hey. Fritz.

I was on my way home.
I thought I'd check in,

See how you were holding up.

Oh. I'm fine.

Sorry. I guess i...

Yeah, I guess...

I guess you should have called.

Well, I wanted to take
a look at you, anyway.

You seem better.

Well, we found the guy
we were hunting for.

Took all day, but...

That's great. That's good.

So, you ok being on your own?

Yeah. And thanks for last night.

I guess I sort of felt like
I needed someone there.

Being needed...

That's the next best thing
to being wanted, isn't it?


Listen, why don't you give me a
call when you have a free minute?

These things have a way
of sneaking back up on you.




Later. Bye now.

Yeah. Good night.

Lieutenant tao, I want pictures

Off these internet dating sites

Of every guy between
the ages of 20 and 35

In the los angeles county area.

Get everyone here to help you.

And, sergeant gabriel,

I want to bring someone in
to look at a picture of jeffrey,

Now that we have our k*ller.


You know, chief, these guys
hardly ever look like their picture.

As it so happens, I'm more interested
in how they describe themselves.


And I read playboy
for the articles.

Do you ever see
either of these guys?

Uh, just larry there.

I met him once.

Hi. Hi.

I heard brett was here.

But he can't
identify our suspect.

Oh, well, that's ok.

Our suspect confessed anyway.

We just have a few odds
and ends to clear up.

Just a few odds and ends.

Sergeant gabriel, did you ask
him if he wanted an attorney?

Oh, that's all right.
He doesn't have to.

No, no, no.

If you let these detectives
break the rules once,

They do it every time.

Do you wish to waive your right

To an attorney at this time?

Sure. Thanks.

Ok. I have to watch them
every second, honestly.

So, um, there are a few
things to straighten out

And I want to give
you back your stuff,

But first, since you were
so close to carla and all,

We wanted to tell you

That she was r*ped and m*rder*d

Because of this
ad on the internet.

Oh, my god.

I know.

I never thought
she'd take it this far.

Well, you know, that's
what a lot of people said.

So we looked into it, and
it turns out you're right.

This ad was placed
by somebody else

Using her computer.

There's a date and
time stamp on it, see?

And when this horrible
r*pe solicitation

Went up on the jones list,

We've confirmed that
carla was at work.

It was put on-line using
the auto-fill on her browser.


But there's another
reason we know

Carla didn't place this ad,

A much better
reason, in my opinion.

And what's that?

She fought back.

And why would she have done that

If r*pe was what she intended?

She didn't even know
about the jones list, no.

Someone else put up this ad.

Someone who had
access to her computer.

Someone who knew
her work schedule.

Someone who could get
in and out of her house.

And the landlord
only issued 2 keys,

And he's 71, doesn't know the
first thing about computers,

And the only other
key belonged to you.

What? Are you suggesting
that I put that ad up?

Oh, no, I'm not suggesting that.

I can prove it.

Here's another ad
you placed of yourself

On another web site.

Found it this evening.

And under turnoffs,
you put "control freak."

Kind of ironic, under
the circumstances.

And in this ad that
you placed for carla,

You misspelled "control"

The same way
both times with 2 ls.

You know what?

This is all bullshit,
man. I'm leaving.

Oh, I wouldn't do that
if I were you, brett,

For 2 reasons.

First, because we can't arrest
you for r*pe on this evidence,

Unless you really believed

Someone would act
on your phony ad,

And I don't know
how we'd prove that.

And second, because how you
react in the next few minutes

Is what the d.a. Will look at

When deciding whether
or not to press charges.

And you're being taped.

Walking out that door
makes you look guilty,

Like you wanted the
girl to get what she got.

And you didn't, did you, brett?

Please tell me you didn't
want her to be r*ped.

'Cause if that's not
what you intended,

A judge will throw any
charges that we're trying to file

Straight out of court.

You didn't physically
touch her yourself,

You didn't attack her,

But if you walk out right now,

That makes it look like
that's what you wanted.

Did you expect people
to read that ad, brett?

Act on it? m*rder carla?

No! No! No!

That's not what I wanted!

I loved her.

I loved her, ok?

I mean, this is...

This is all some
horrible mistake,

And I'm sorry.

I didn't want her to get hurt.

Listen, this is...

[Sighs] look...

This... This is what happened.

2 Weeks ago,

She was... She
was driving my car

And we were arguing,

And she gunned it in reverse

And I lost it for a second

And I punched her in the arm.

That's all I did.

I mean, she wasn't even bruised

And I apologized several times,

And she broke up with
me for that one thing.

And I begged her to forgive me.

I explained to
her over and over.

I called her a hundred times,

And she never once
responded to me.

So you were hurt
and you were angry.

Right, right.

I posted that ad.

That's the truth.

But I didn't want
anything to happen to her.

Well, thank you, brett.

It's not pretty, but at
least we know the truth.

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

I'm sorrier about this
than anything I've ever done

In my entire life.

I know.

Well... Ahem...

Here's the stuff carla
packed up for you.

I'll give you the stuff
and you give me the key.

The key?

Yeah. To carla's house.

That was the deal
you had with her.

She'd give you back your stuff,

And you'd give her back the key.

Oh, yeah. I must
have, uh, lost it.

Really? Well...

The landlord only issued 2 keys,

One she kept

And the other she gave to you.

Right. That's
mine. You found it.

No. I got it from the guy who
r*ped and m*rder*d carla.

He found it outside her house

Underneath the rock
where you said it would be...

In the ad.

So tell me, brett, if you didn't
mean for anyone to r*pe carla,

Why did you leave
the key for him?

Oh, sh**t.

Now we have a problem.

Oh, yes, we do,

Because if someone dies

As a direct result of the
commission of a felony,

Say like solicitation of r*pe,

And there was proven intent...

That's first degree m*rder.

I thought if she knew
what real v*olence was like,

Then she'd know that what
I did was really nothing...

And she would...
She would call me.

It was just supposed to be r*pe.



Chief, she's coming.

Hi. Hi.

I wanted to thank you in person.

Um, mr. Pope here let me read
the transcript of the interview

And I think that
will hold up in court.

That's brenda's specialty.

Thank you. Thanks.

Um, congresswoman
simmons, I'm sorry...

No, I made it worse for myself

By demanding to know

What was going on
every step of the way.

I think I could've spared
myself some doubts

About my daughter

If I had just let
you do your job.

I can't begin to thank you

For proving that she was
the girl I thought she was.

But I did know her.

So... Thank you.

You're welcome.

You ok?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Thanks.


Hey, fritz?

Yeah. Um... No, no,
no, I haven't slept yet.

Look, I was wondering
if you wanted to...

Have you had breakfast yet?

I want to have breakfast
with you this morning...

If you're available
and you don't...

Oh, I have no idea
where that is.

Ok. All right,

But you have to give me
really good directions.

Ok. Uh-huh.

So I take a right on figueroa,

Which is that...
Which way is it?

Are there 2 figueroas?
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