02x03 - Slippin'

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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02x03 - Slippin'

Post by bunniefuu »

Fritz: gordon
shaw, age 41, actor.

Found dead by the maid
at 2 a.m. In the pool house.

Cause of death?

Cause of death?

Doesn't say.

What do you mean it doesn't say?

Look at the size of
that driveway, my word.

What did he die of?

Doesn't say.

That's supposed to be the
most thorough book available.

Let me see that.

Fritz, how did gordon shaw die?

Autoerotic asphyxiation.

What in the world is that?

Doesn't say.

[Cell phone rings]

Willie ray: here we
go with the phone.


Brenda leigh, I thought you
said you were taking the day off.

I did.

Hi, sergeant gabriel.


Dispatcher: angel one clear.

A-14 clear.


[Indistinct chatter]

I can't believe I left my mother

Alone with fritz
for the whole day.

She'll be fine.

I'm not worried about my mother.

Hold on to your hats, chief.

We got a g*ng related sh**ting.

In this neighborhood?


And, uh, your
buddy's here again.

I'm used to commander taylor

Showing up at our crime scenes.

What are we doing
showing up at one of his?

3 Victims.
Automatically a priority.

2 Dead, 1 over at county,

And, uh, by the way, taylor
knows one of the victims.

Ok. Who wants to catch me up?

I ran the plates.

The suv is registered
to a ronald talmadge,

44, Of ladera heights.

Paramedics saved flynn here

The, uh, ids they got
off the occupants.

Driver was wesley talmadge.

Black, 19. Probably
the owner's son.

Passenger in the
front, myra singleton.

Also black, also 19.

Driver's license says
she's from san diego.

And our survivor?

Theresa hoover. White. 20.

She's in surgery right now.

So who reported this?

Some old lady.
Couple of blocks away.

Called in as sh*ts fired.

Casings are from a tech-9.

My guess...

They started sh**ting
from about here.


Then they drove off, or ran.

Deputy chief johnson.

Nice of you to cut
your vacation short.

It was only a day
off, commander.

I understand you
knew the victim.

Go ahead.

I know his father.

Only met wesley
a couple of times.

Good kid.

Sorry, commander.

I know what this
looks like, chief.

This kid's no gangster.

So I'd take it as
a personal favor

If you give this case
all the energy you give

To your high profile victims.

I give all my energy
to all my cases.

That's my job.

No need to consider it a favor.


I know his parents
will appreciate it.

Any weapons in the car?

Nothing visible.

We're waiting for s.i.d.
To give it the once over,

Then we'll bring
it down to the lab.


It's all yours. Thank you.

So what is a good
kid like wesley

Doing in a place like this?

He was in a g*ng neighborhood

Driving a car with "sh**t
me" written all over it.

Yeah, figueroa leads
right into the university.

The kid's from
ladera up the hill.

He's got to go through this
neighborhood to get to school.

Maybe he just got caught
up in a random drive by.

I'm not a big fan of random.

Got shot in the head.
Probably never saw it coming.

Anybody see anything?

Everyone saw everything
and no one saw nothing.

This is 5-3 territory
48th up to gage.

5-3 And 6-deuce
are in a g*ng w*r.

And this whole thing

Looks like a standard
issue g*ng hit.

Please get in touch
with g*ng intelligence

And have them round up
the most active 6-deuces.

And then pull all the
reports of g*ng sh**t

Over the past couple
of weeks. Lieutenant tao,

Please finish
processing the scene.

Find out what we can
about the weapons involved.

Lieutenant flynn, I'd like you
to head on over to county.

I want someone there when
theresa hoover gets out of surgery.

And lieutenant provenza, if
you could get in touch with...

San diego county
sheriff's department

For the notification of
myra singleton's parents.

We'll handle the talmadges.

Thank you, everyone.
Thank you very much.

Man, this notification
has got to be

One of the hardest
parts of your job, huh?

It is. But I'm not
doing my job today.

You are.

[Doorbell rings]

Brenda: we need
them to talk to us.

So don't say you're from
homicide. Just say l.a.p.d.

When people see
you at their door,

And you say homicide,
you lose them.

And any chance of
learning something useful.

Hello, mrs. Talmadge?

I'm detective gabriel. L.a.p.d.

Detective johnson.

Ask if anyone else is there.

Just in case they pass out
when they hear the news.

I had a single mother
once who fainted.

Slammed her head
on the coffee table,

And I was stuck waiting
for an ambulance

With a bleeding,
unconscious woman.

Is, uh, is there anyone
else at home, ma'am?

My husband is in the kitchen.

Why, is there something wrong?

What's going on?

Is there something wrong?

Is it wesley?

Answer any question they
have with another question.

You need to find out
if they saw their son.

Might even tell us something

About their
relationship with him.

Maybe even who
he hangs out with.

Sir, have you seen or
talked to your son today?

I haven't seen him.

He came by earlier
to borrow the car,

But we were out, why?

What's going on?

What is this?

Is he ok?

Please, tell me
that wesley is ok.

How you say it is up to you.

There was a sh**ting

[Gasp] this afternoon
off of figueroa,

And your son
wesley was involved.


And I'm very sorry to
say that he did not make it.

Once you tell
them, watch closely.

How they react.

What's the first
thing they think of.

You're lying.

No, you are lying!

No, but... He's lying!

This is all your
fault! No, baby, wait!

I told you this would happen!

Take it easy. Take it easy.

Get away from me!
It's all your fault!

Now, get ready.

You're about to become
the main character

In the story of
someone's worst day ever.

It's your fault!
It's your fault!

[Woman continues sobbing]

Take it easy.

[Woman continues
screaming and sobbing]

I ain't heard nothing
about no sh**ting.

You ain't heard about
a black escalade

Taking 40 rounds

10 Blocks from your building?

Nothing. It wasn't us, man.

We didn't do it.

And we ain't about to
lose no sleep over it either.

Ain't no shame in
poppin' no 5-trey.

[People all talking at once]

Hey! Where's my lawyer?

My ass hurts sittin' down here.

Hey, you my johnny or what?

Hey, where you going?

Do you know how to count?

What's with the upstanding
citizen convention in the hall?

I had the g*ng squad haul in

The most active 6-deuces.

We think this might have been

Some kind of tit for tat

In their w*r with the 5-3s.

Is that the official legal term

For revenge k*lling
now, "tit for tat?"

Trying to find
out the connection

Between wesley
talmadge and the 5-3s.

Commander taylor tells
me there is no connection.

Well, tell him to leave

The evidence proving
that on my desk.

Sanchez: take off your shoe.

Oh, I love when he does this.

You ain't got nothing on me.

I don't even have
to tell you nothin'.

Take off your shoe.

You kicked me.

You have the right to...

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, man, wait.

Ok, ok.


It's good to see you're having

A positive effect
on your people.

Is this talmadge boy a 5-3?

I don't know, man.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Is this talmadge kid a 5-3?

Look, man. I don't have nothing

'Cause it ain't nothing to give.

People brag about
this kind of thing.

Especially 187 on a 5-trey.

Ain't nobody sayin' nothin'.

I'll make it up to
you, fritz, I swear.

No. No, no. I'll
probably be late.

I'm sorry.


Ok, what do we
know about the boy?

Uh, teachers liked him.

Played high school soccer.

He, uh, got into u.s.c.
On grades and his sats.

Never been arrested.

Never had a traffic ticket.

Kid was clean as
a safeway chicken.

What about the m*rder w*apon?

Slugs and casings all came from

The same g*n. Tech-9.

What about wesley, any weapons?

No weapons in the
vehicle or on his person.

Also, nothing registered
to wesley or his parents.

What about the parents?

Well, it's just that when
we did the notification,

Mrs. Talmadge seemed to
put the blame on the father.

She kept saying, "this is
your fault. This is your fault."

Maybe someone thought they
were sh**ting at the father.

Or the girlfriend.

It's not just the boys get
caught up in these wars.

I don't know. This
is... This is a good kid.

Lots of friends.

Dean's list at u.s.c.

Now myra singleton's
the type of girl

That a guy takes home
to meet his mother.

Only one little problem.

Myra singleton
wasn't the girlfriend.

Theresa hoover was.

Theresa's still sedated,

But her roommate was there.

Wesley and theresa have
been dating for 5 months.

Everyone thinking
what I'm thinking?

Where did I put my glasses?

Thank you for
coming. Have a seat.

We're tired. We haven't slept.

We've got a funeral to plan.

Family in the house.

Do you have news about
who k*lled our son?

Uh, nothing I can
share just yet.

But, uh, it would
be very helpful

If you could just
clarify a few things.

Um, lynn, the other day,

You said that this
was ronald's fault.

What did you mean by that?

I didn't know what I was saying.

I don't remember

Anything after...

After he told me that...

My baby...

Was dead.

Lynn wanted wesley
to go to a small college

Away from l.a.

She wanted to protect him
from all the gangs and dr*gs.

I encouraged him to go to u.s.c.

It's where I went to school.

Does wesley know anyone

Who was involved with gangs?

Absolutely not.

Not all young black
men turn into gangsters.

We brought wesley up

To stay away from
those kind of people,

And he always has.

I'm not trying to make
him into something he's not.

I'm trying to find who
took your son from you.

And that's gonna
require me finding out

Everything I can
about your family.

You two had, uh,

2 Vehicles registered
in your name.

Ahem. The escalade
and the acura sedan.

Which... Which one
did you usually drive?

The acura's lynn's,
I drive the escal...

Wait a minute, you...

You think they were
trying to k*ll me?

We have to look at
all the possibilities.

Your company did a lot of good

In some very bad neighborhoods.

A lot of gangs have
a vested interest

In things staying bad.

How often did
wesley use your car?

Well, he has...

He had his own.

A camry.

But it's... It's getting old,

So he would borrow
our escalade sometimes

On the weekend

Or, you know, to
take his girlfriend out.

How well did you know
wesley's girlfriend?

You know boys.

Always embarrassed
by their parents.

So you never met theresa.


Theresa hoover.
Wesley's girlfriend.

Theresa and wesley
were just friends

From english class.

Who told you they were dating?

Her roommate.

Would wesley have
any reason to think

That you two wouldn't approve?

To be honest?

If I knew wesley was in an
interracial relationship,

I'd be more worried
for him than happy.

I mean, there are a
lot of people out there

Who still can't see
past black and white.

Is that what you think
might have happened here?

I don't know yet.

But i... I have to wonder
if he kept this a secret,

What else was he
keeping from you?

All right.

We'll be there in
about 20 minutes.


Theresa hoover is awake,

And the doctor said she's
getting her strength back.

Good. Listen, I'd
really appreciate it

If you didn't mention
anything about fritz.

You didn't tell your
mom about fritz?

Of course I told
my mom about fritz.

Just not some of the details.

And I don't have time
to tell you which one,

So let's just leave
them all out, ok?

Ok, is there anything
else I should avoid?

Uh, politics, religion.

The atlanta braves.

Just smile and wave, ok?


Hey, mama. [Toilet flushes]


Oh, mama. What have
you been doing in here?


I haven't had the courage

To tackle the bedroom yet.

You didn't need to do all this.

Well, somebody did.

And you've been working all day.

Where'd I put my glasses?

Besides, a person can't walk

Anywhere in this city.

That's why I rented you a car.

Well, I don't
trust l.a. Drivers.

Everybody's always talking
on their portable telephones.

Any mail?


We didn't meet individually

At the police station.

I'm willie rae johnson.

Brenda's mother, and you are?

Uh, sergeant,
uh... David gabriel.

Nice to meet you.

Mama, have you seen my glasses?

No, dear. Sorry. Try your room.



David gabriel.

Yes, ma'am.

I spent a lovely day yesterday

With brenda's friend fritz.

Do you know him?


[Cell phone rings]



So I checked into your m*rder

With some of my guys.

They know the 5-3,
6-deuces pretty well.

Consensus is this was a
clear case of retribution

In their w*r.

Well, so far, I can't
find any evidence

That wesley talmadge
was even in a g*ng.

[Scoffs] look, brenda,

I know taylor wants to believe

That talmadge was an altar boy,

But everything
about this sh**ting

Points to a not very
original conclusion.

The kid was a weekend gangster.

He got shot for it.

You're right.

That's not very original.

By the way, have
you seen my glasses?

Maybe you left 'em at my house.

Oh, no, wait. I
don't have a house.

I live out of a u-haul.


Honestly, mrs. Johnson,

Your, uh, your daughter and I

Don't discuss too
much personal stuff.

But surely you've met him.

I don't think so, no.

You've never met him?


That's funny because fritz said

That he's worked a couple
of cases with your squad.

Oh, agent howard.

Oh, his name is fritz? Uh-huh.

That's a great name, fritz.

Mama, I can't find my
glasses anywhere.


Here. Borrow
mine. Oh, thank you.


There's nothing to read
in this house anyway.

Hey... Ok.

[Clears throat]

[Machines beeping]

We, um, we met in
an english seminar.

Modern poetry.

He came up to me
after the first class.

He was really funny, and, uh...

He asked me to go to dinner

And to see a movie.

He was really into movies.

Dinner and a movie.

Is that where the two
of you were headed?


I read about this
new club downtown.

Wesley liked to
take his dad's car

To that kind of thing.

So we went over
to his parents' house

In the afternoon

To pick it up.

What was myra
singleton doing with you?


Well, we were just
kind of in the habit

Of bringing along a third.

Especially in certain


Well, because
people aren't exactly

Supportive of
interracial relationships.

You two ever had trouble
because of that before?


The way people looked at us.

The things they would say.

Is that why you didn't
tell wesley's parents

About the two of you?

I wanted to.

I mean, i... I met them,
and I liked them,

But... He was worried.

You know, he thought they
might not react that well.

Um, did wesley or
any of his friends

Ever mention
anything about gangs?

Wesley mostly stayed
away from people

That were into that.

Can you remember any details

About the sh**ting?


We were just driving along,

And I heard this guy
yelling from the next car.

He was swearing,

And, uh, wesley slowed
down to try to let him pass,

And then, I heard him scream,

"This is from everyone."

And then, I don't know,

I guess he just
started sh**ting.

It was so loud, and...

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. Oh, sweetie.

[Sobbing] oh, god.

Sweetie, oh, sweetie...

I'm so sorry.

The guy yelled, "this
is from everyone"?

I mean, you think
this whole thing

Is some sort of r*cist
political statement?

The official legal
term is "hate crime."

What if she heard him wrong?

What do you mean?

Maybe he didn't yell,
"from everyone."

There's over 200 gangs in l.a.

There's 35 in this area alone.

What if he yelled, from 4-1,

Or from 8-1.

You see, a gangster
will yell out his territory

Before he pulls the trigger,

So that you know who's
sending b*ll*ts your way.

And we're looking
at a feud between

The 6-deuces and the 5-treys,

Well, what if the sh**t
was from a different g*ng?

Any recent incidents

In these other g*ng territories?

[Turns pages]

Two weeks ago, we got a
sh*ts fired report on 2 kids,

14 Years old, a couple of 8-1s.

Someone shot at them
from a moving black suv.

Lieutenant tao, would
you please get me

A full incident report

Of that sh**ting
and anything else

About the 8-1s and then,

I'd like to take a look
around that neighborhood

And see if anyone
will talk to me.

6-Deuces, 8-1s, eleventy-4s.

How can they keep straight

Who's sh**ting at who?

Well, lieutenant provenza,

Maybe they can't.

At about 8:30 p.m. On the tenth,

2 14-Year-old boys were
leaving this apartment here

When a black suv screeches
around this corner

And opens fire.

Let's see. One kid got lucky,

The other one, not so much.

He's paralyzed
from the waist down.

Witnesses reported between
10 and 15 rounds were fired.

Brenda: what else did
the witnesses report?

One guy swore the
suv was dark blue,

But everybody else said black.

There was a girl who was
pretty sure it was a navigator.

One of the kid's cousins
gave chase for a few blocks,

But gave up when he realized

His little cousin
was on the ground.

Hey. Don't touch that.

The guy that gave chase,

Did the report
list his given name

Or a nickname?

Given. Lawrence oakley.

I got a feeling
wesley's sh**t

Are a couple of gangsters

Named pookie and little devil.

Why do you say that?

'Cause they signed their
confession right here on the wall.

187. That's m*rder.

B, crossed out. That
means dead bloods.

5-3 With a slash through it.

That indicates a
specific territory.

U.s.c., Slash through it.

That's our victim.

Names above it,
pookie, little devil,

Those are our sh**t.

They're telling the world
how they got revenge

On the 5-3 for sh**ting
at their 8-1 brothers.

Pookie has a pretty long record.

Selling dr*gs. as*ault.

A bunch of misdemeanors.

But he's pretty high up
in the 8-1 organization.

Is this in focus?

Oh, buzz, bless you.

Will pookie tell us anything?

We got a better
shot at little devil.

He'd be afraid to let
his brothers down.

But he's never done any time.

Anyone have a quarter?

Yeah, why?

Can I borrow it for
a minute, please?

Thank you.

Which one of you is lawrence?

Then, you must be michael.

Ok, boys. Here's the situation.

We know that the two of you

m*rder*d 2 people
and wounded a third

2 Days ago.

We know this because
you basically signed

Your confession on the wall

Of your cousin's apartment
building in spray paint.

Not smart, but
probably not enough

To get a conviction,

So I need one of you to talk.

One driver, one sh**t,

One deal.

All you have to do is
tell me you were driving.

Ok. I understand that it
could be a bit awkward

Selling out your
friend to his face, so...

Call it in the air.


It's tails.

Detective sanchez,
will you please escort

Lawrence here to
interview room two.

Thank you.

Let's go.

[Brenda sighs]

Well, michael.

Looks like pookie's gonna
get the first chance.

You better hope he's stubborn.

And stupid.

We've been in here half an hour.

Ain't you gonna ask me anything?

Well, you're not
gonna tell me anything,

Are you, pookie?


Okey dokey.

Well, michael,
should've called tails.

What did he say?

Oh, I can't tell you that.

But it looks like I'll
be getting off work

A little early today.

Come on, man.
Don't I get a chance?

No, michael. I'm sorry.

Because I know what
you're going to say.

You're gonna tell
me the same story

Pookie told me.

Only this time, you're gonna be

The one who's behind the wheel.

But that's what
happened! Informed twice!

What? What happened?

I was driving.

See, michael. This is
exactly what I'm saying.

But I was!

You never fired a
g*n into that suv?

No. Then who did?



I'll call the talmadges.

And why did pookie
fire 40 rounds

Into wesley talmadge's escalade?


That's the same escalade

That opened up on
pookie's cousin 2 weeks ago.

The sh**ting on 81st street?

An eyewitness reported
a black navigator.

Pookie shot the wrong car.

Nah. It wasn't no wrong car.

After them dudes
shot his cousin,

Pookie chased after 'em.

He knew what that
escalade looked like.

Do you know how
many black escalades

There are in l.a.?

I know cars.

I'm saying it was that escalade.

I know rims.

And the sticker on
the back. What sticker?

The u.s.c. Sticker
on the back window.

I realize the odds
are a little bit longer,

But this is l.a.

I mean, there could've
been another escalade

With an s.c. Sticker on it.

Lieutenant tao, how
thorough was the lab?

They were a little
backed up down here.

They haven't gotten to it yet.

Yeah, and I don't imagine

It's gonna be a top priority

Now that we found the sh**t.

Well, we may know
that pookie shot wesley,

But I'm still not
convinced we know why.

What are you looking for?

A casing.

Tao: the tech-9 casing
ejects sideways.

A couple inches forward at most.

Casing's not gonna
fly all the way

From the sh**t's
g*n into here.

I don't care about
b*ll*ts fired at this car.

I want to know
about b*ll*ts fired...

From this car.

And what reason
do we have to believe

You didn't plant this casing?

Excuse me?

Ron, that's not fair.

You people do it all the time.

You need to close your case.

Blame it on the black kid.

Come on. We're leaving.

Hey, hey. Settle down,
mr. Talmadge, ok?

I know this is
hard news to hear,

But it's hard news
to deliver, too,

So maybe we could all just...

Our son was m*rder*d,
and you're saying

This is hard for you?

Lynn, come on.

Ron, listen.

I'll make sure none of
these details get out.

None of this matters anyway.

What matters is we got
the punks who did this.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

What night did you say

The other sh**ting took place?

The tenth.

Wesley couldn't have done this.

We had the escalade that night.

We did!

I think we went out
to dinner that night.

Y-yeah. A-a restaurant
called shay.

On the tenth at 8:00.

How could wesley
have shot those kids

If we had the escalade
on the other side of town?

Don't bother. They
don't believe us.

They think we're lying
to protect our son.

I think that you've been through

A terrible experience.

And it's our word against yours.

It's your word against
physical evidence.

Come on. We're leaving.

Wait. Come on!

I will not have my son

Turned into some gangster punk.

I can't believe my
daughter's done with work

In time for dinner.

So is this place any good?

Supposed to be.

Talmadges came here
a couple weeks ago.

Willie ray: who are
the talmadges?

Oh, friends of a friend.

Oh, it really is nice of you

To pull away from
work for an evening.

[Ding ding]

I'm just gonna
check their story.

I'll do it when I go
to the bathroom.

It won't get in the
way of dinner. I promise.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Now don't put that in there,

You'll never find it again.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

"Liability is not
assumed by management

"For loss or damage
due to fire, theft,

Or any other cause."

Mama, can't we just
have a nice dinner?

Well, I just don't understand

Why people in los angeles

Don't want to
park their own car.

[Indistinct chatter]

Excuse me.

Excuse me, sir.

I need to ask you
a few questions.

Were you working
here 2 weeks ago?

No. I just started last tuesday.






Get off me, man.

Get off me, man.

Brenda: you gave us a run
for our money, marcus,

At the restaurant.

[Door closes]

You ever been in a g*ng?

No, ma'am.

That's pretty amazing.

Growing up where you did.

It's hard to steer
clear of that life.


My dad, he couldn't.

Got shot. Died.

My ma didn't want that for me.

She wanted me to
finish school, get a job.

So that's what I did.

Good for her.

Good for you.

She must be so proud of you.

Yes, ma'am.

You ever been arrested?


A few years ago.

Stupid stuff, though.

I mean, like breaking
the windows.

Shoplifting. I... I
paid for everything.

You ever stolen a car?

No, ma'am. Never.

Because there was a sh**ting.

A double homicide
involving a stolen car,

And we have reason to believe

You had something to do with it.

What are you talking about?

What sh**ting?

A couple of days ago.

A few kids.

Wesley talmadge
and myra singleton.

Shot dead.

I never seen these people.

I swear, I don't
know who they are.

Who they were, marcus.

Why did you run from
me at the restaurant?

I don't know. Where I'm
from, you see a badge,

You don't stick around.

You recognize these people?

No, ma'am.

They didn't eat at
your restaurant?

A couple weeks ago?

They were driving
a black escalade.

I don't know.

A lot of people...

A lot of people come
down to the restaurant.

Maybe they did.

You know they did.

You parked their car for them.

Or rather, you didn't.

Not right away anyway.

Now do you want to
tell me what happened,

Or do you want me to tell you?

You took the keys
from ronald talmadge

But instead of parking that car,

You drove down to 81st street

Looking to settle a score.

You saw two 8-1s,
and you shot at them,

Paralyzing one of the boys

From the waist down,

And then, you drove
back to the restaurant,

And you parked that escalade.

No, ma'am.

You figured they'd never
know their car was missing.

And the 8-1s
couldn't identify you

Since you were
driving a stolen car.

But something else happened

When you shot at those 8-1s.

Marcus, those
b*ll*ts kept on going.

They kept on going
until they k*lled

Wesley and myra.

What do these kids have to do

With the others you showed me?

After you shot
at those children,

The 8-1s retaliated.

Someone saw that
escalade you were driving.

An 8-1 named pookie.

Pookie hunted for that escalade.

And when he found
it, he shot at it.

40 Times.

Wesley talmadge was 19.

He was driving his parents' car.

He wasn't in a g*ng.

And neither was myra.

And now they're both dead.

I was there when
wesley's mother found out

That her son,

Who she loved
more than anything,

Was dead.

All because of what you
did on the tenth, marcus.

Those b*ll*ts kept on going.

No, ma'am.

No. I didn't do this thing.

I did not.

But you were there.

You were driving
the talmadge's car.

People saw that escalade.

Ma'am, it was those kids.

It was those 8-1 babies.

They pushed me at the
movies a couple weeks ago.

They pushed you?

I didn't want to
make nothing of it,

But... But my friend was there,

And he said they was dissin' me.

What friend, marcus?

Marcus! First you lie to me

About stealing a car,

And now you're covering up

For one of your
gangster friends.

How am I supposed to
believe you're not in a g*ng?

How's your mother
supposed to believe that?

Ma'am, you can say you
ain't gonna be in no g*ng,

But that don't make
the gangs go away.

You still got to walk to school.

You still got to
go to the store.

What was I supposed to do?

So you stayed friendly
with those g*ng members?

You got to!

Marcus, I don't want
anything bad to happen to you.

I think you're a good person.

But if you don't
tell me who did this...

All the evidence points to you.

I didn't... k*ll anybody.

I didn't even know
he was gonna do it.

He stopped by where I work,

And we was just
hangin' out, talkin'.

And when I go to
park that escalade,

He hops in and
tells me to drive.

I should've said no, I know,

But he was ridin' me,

Sayin' that me being
weak makes him look weak,

You know what I'm sayin'?

And he had a g*n,
and he was yellin'.

Turn here, turn there.

Next thing I know,
we're on 81st street.

He was only
supposed to scare 'em.

But then he pulls out his piece

And starts sh**ting.

And I just drove us out of there

Fast as I could.

I swear. That's the truth.

I was only driving.

I didn't k*ll nobody,

And I ain't in no g*ng.

Marcus, you drove a stolen car

To take a g*ng member

And his semi-a*t*matic w*apon

Into rival territory
to scare some kids?

Now if that ain't g*ng activity,

I don't know what is.

If you're in this g*ng, ok.

Maybe going to jail will
get you some respect,

But if you're not, don't ruin it

By covering up for this guy.

That's what g*ng
members do for each other.

Tell me his name!

I'm gonna die for this.

I'm gonna die now.

I won't let them k*ll you.

You can't stop it, ma'am.

But I'll give you the name.

'Cause of that other little
boy and that other girl.

His name is...

Big junior.

What's big junior's
real name, marcus?


Nate rollins.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I tried so hard to
make it through.

We have a name.

I tried so hard.


Tell my mom that.

You can tell her yourself.

Write it all down.

If I understand,
I know she will.

[Door opens]

He's all yours.


We need to find this big
junior guy... Nate rollins.

We might not be able
to get him for m*rder,

But we can probably get
him for attempted m*rder,

as*ault with a deadly w*apon,

sh**ting in an
inhabited building.

A guy like this
probably has a record.

Maybe we can give
him his third strike.

We're already on it.

And talk to the d.a.

I want to make sure that
marcus gets protection

In exchange for his testimony.

[Door opens]

That protection should
begin tonight, commander.

Yes, ma'am.

You know, a non-fatal
g*ng-related sh**ting

On 81st street isn't
usually considered

The jurisdiction
of priority homicide.

Seems less like
you're doing your job

And more like
you're doing a favor.

I'm not doing anyone any favors.


Can I just say thank you?

For what?

Wesley's still dead.

You saved his reputation.

A lot good that does him now.

Yeah. Maybe so.

But that's all his
parents have left.


Mama, I'm so sorry
about dinner and all.

Oh, honey, it's fine.

Besides, I'm getting up early.

I'm flying out in the morning.

What? Mm-hmm.

You moved your flight up. Why?

I thought you were
staying longer.

I promised to show you
stars that aren't dead.

Guests are like fish.

After 3 days, you
better throw them out.

You've been here a week.


Mrs. Johnson, really. Stay.

That's sweet.

But I best get on home.

Your daddy's probably
run out of fresh underwear.

Besides, this gives
fritz a chance

To move his stuff in
from that tacky u-haul.

In fact, why don't
you go out now

And get yourself a
clean pair of pants.

Thank you, willie ray.

I think I will.

How... How...

Half the medicine
cabinet was empty.

Half your closet.

His mail was arriving here.

I never could get
a straight answer

As to where he lived.

And that baseball
pyramid on your table.

Why did you think

You had to keep this
a secret from me?

I didn't want to disappoint you.

Brenda leigh, it's
much too late for that.

[Silverware clanking]

Are you gonna tell
daddy about this?

Oh, lord no.


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